
Forged in Peril (Forge Brothers Security Book 1) de Kendra Warden

de Kendra Warden - Género: English
libro gratis Forged in Peril (Forge Brothers Security Book 1)


Kendra Warden Publisher: Fearless Faith Press, Year: 2024

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This book ticked all the boxes for me:

??fantastic Christian romantic suspense
??Canadian author
??clean read
??second chances
??workplace romance
??family first

Allow Kendra Warden to show you why we should never underestimate someone from humble beginnings!

When Bristol Chaplin discovers that none of her hard work will ever get recognized as a paralegal at Droling & Porter, Attorneys at Law she begins to look elsewhere for validation and advancing her career. Bristol’s departure is anything but a smooth transition; she’s traumatized and victimized. Putting her heart on high alert, she resolves to take a position at her former boyfriend’s firm, Forge Brother’s Security. It’s been seven years since she broke up with Cameron. Can they set aside their differences to work together?

Cameron is a cinnamon roll with a flicker of hope still hidden away in his heart. He firmly believes that “even the most broken things could be mended” and that “real love is worth all the suffering and sacrifice it demands.” He still loves Bristol.

Unfortunately, there are sinister forces at work and everyone needs to value the opportunity to work together and trust so that they can move ahead.

This book may mainly be focussed on trust and second chances, but it’s also about:

??keeping family together
??learning to be the people God intended us to be
??Being the bigger person

“Have you ever considered that sometimes our goals change as we figure out God’s plan for our lives?”

“All we can do is decide if we are going to try and choose our own crosses, or let God choose them for us.”

I loved Boris The Taurus, had my spidey senses on alert with the sociopathic behaviour, and loved the reminders about letting go and letting God. I enjoyed my time in Silver Grove and loved Warden’s story about never underestimating a paralegal from humble beginnings as well as her message about God’s protection and love.

I truly can’t wait for Ben and Grace’s story in Forged in Secrets Spring 2024!2024-reads author-gifted christian-fiction ...more25 s5 comments Hannah423 34

2.5 stars.

The vibes:
- dual pov
- Christian romance suspense
- second chance
- Closed door
- workplace
- Brothers
- Themes of faith & forgiveness
- Stalker

My thoughts:
I enjoyed this one in the beginning and was interested in where the story would take me. We follow Bristol and Cameron as they reconnect after years of being apart. There’s so much that we the reader are clueless on as the story unfolds. We know something split them up years ago- but don’t know what. We know Bristol is being haunted by something in her past- but don’t know what. So following the story as it unfolds initially kept me interested in what happened in all the main plot points. But also I just really wanted to know what the heck was going on and felt majorly in the dark.

I felt the goal was for the characters to grow- specifically Bristol- but the change of heart came so suddenly for me that I wish we had seen more of what she was thinking and feeling throughout the story. I felt similarly about the romance aspect also. It seemed Bristol and Cameron had a history together and loved eachother in the past- but I don’t see any of that connection in the current timeline other than the physical attraction that they have towards eachother. We’re told that they have this care for eachother and we see it a lot in Cameron’s protectiveness of Bristol, but I don’t really know these characters well or know why they care about eachother romantically.

Cameron and Bristol just didn’t make a lot of sense as a couple for me. The way he would tell her “don’t be this” when she gets emotional or defensive. I’m not sure. It just bothered me a little bit. The way they fought the entire book and didn’t see eye to eye for some major things made me feel they weren’t super compatible and I didn’t feel on board with them as a couple.

It’s a heavy story. The plot. The backstory. It’s so sad. So you’ll want to check TW on this one. Concerning the plot- the themes of faith and Christianity are very heavy. I’m not increasing or decreasing my rating for this - but there’s Bible verses mentioned, prayers, mentions of God’s plans/will, etc… I enjoyed some of it, but it felt a little bit inorganic or forced for me at moments.

The focus of the book is definitely more on the plot of danger than the romance. Also faith and Christianity plays a big role in the story and characters. It’s advertised as a Christian romance suspense, and I do think it’s labeled appropriately. If you’re looking for a Christian fiction book with an element of danger, you might enjoy this one. 1 Charity Henico392 44

This was the second time I've read this book, and it was just as good this time around as the first! This book will keep you on the edge of your seat, wondering all the "w" questions: who, what, when, where, and why.

I loved the growth that happened in Bristol. She was initially so [understandably] prickly and stand-offish and only SELF-reliant until she let God do a work in her. Which is another great thing about this suspense book: it is unashamedly Christian.

This book is great, and I definitely recommend it. I also recommend the prequel, Forged in Darkness, that you can get when you sign up for Kendra Warden's newsletter.

~I received a complimentary copy of this book. No positive review was required, and all opinions are my own.~1 2 comments Delphia Von Heeder 1,162 22

Forged in Peril is Book 1 in the Forge Brothers Security, a Christian Suspense Thriller by Kendra Warden. I could not put this book down. Bristol and Cameron have a history and now he is Bristol's boss. I believe the characters are outstanding. The story unfolds perfectly allowing me to understand the story slowly and I was always trying to figure everything out. The ending was a surprise and I can't wait to read book 2. I believe that this thriller should be on everyone's TBR list. I received an arc for free and am leaving my review voluntarily.1 Rachel Luke Parker215 190

I enjoyed this debut novel from Kendra! It was written well and definitely held my attention.

I loved that it dealt with heavier topics with such a delicate hand. I loved that we were able to see Bristol let down her walls and allow others to help her through her trauma.

I love that Cameron was so patient with her and that he wanted to do all he could to protect and cherish her.

I love that this book brought in the Christian aspects and shows that we all need to rely on God to help us find our way in this life and that we are never alone.

Physical Intimacy Lvl 1 (Sweet Kisses)
Mild Swearing (One use of bast*** - correctly used to describe someone's lineage though)
Dual 3rd person POV1 Emma Walz20

I enjoyed this suspenseful romance between a paralegal and her highschool sweetheart turned Security Firm Owner. It’s been 7 years since Bristol declined Cameron’s proposal and moved across the country, but now she’s back, and working for him. Containing plenty of heart pounding suspense scenes, a plot twist or two, and intentional Biblical redirection during conflict, this read was hard to put down and I breezed right through it!

Content warning: rape (past and no explicit details described) and kidnapping

This book has:
- dual POV
- second chance lovers
- heavy themes surrounding SA
- workplace romance
- found family
- plenty of faith themes

*I received a free ARC of this book in exchange for my honest opinions. A positive review was not required!*

Special thanks to Kendra Warden for letting me get my hands on his beautiful story early! 1 Chandra Laidlaw3 2

When I first read the description for Forged in Peril, I was excited! A Christian romantic suspense novel. I really enjoyed this debut novel by Kendra Warden! Bristol and Cameron have a history and now Bristol ends up working for Cameron’s security company. Some recent trauma in Bristol’s life has left her vulnerable and a target. Cameron works to break down the walls that Bristol has put up, while protecting her. The story comes to a dramatic climax when Bristol and Cameron find out who is behind the attacks on Bristol, and why.

I can’t wait for the next book of the series to read about Ben and Grace’s adventures.

*I received an ARC copy for my honest review*1 Kristen940

Forged in Peril is a debut romantic suspense by Kendra Warden. The series is off to a great start, if this book is typical of what we can expect! I loved the characters and found the story to be fast-paced, intriguing, and turning pages! I will anxiously await the next book!1 Stuart Pringle1 review

Full disclosure: I received an ARC (Advanced Reader Copy) of Forged in Peril for free in exchange for an honest review.

Forged in Peril is the first book of the Christian romantic suspense series Forge Brothers Security by Kendra Warden (after a novella called Forged in Darkness). Typically I read high fantasy and science fiction, so this was a bit of a genre hop for me, but it was a genre hop I enjoyed. I found the story compelling, and appreciated the way Warden tackles some difficult topics in the book: she doesn’t gloss over them by any means, but neither does she dwell on them too long or even revel in them, as some authors are wont to do. It was also good to read a Christian romance book in which God is not an afterthought or included just to get the word ‘Christian’ in the genre. While not the main focus of this book, the characters’ faith is a large part of who they are and is a major theme woven throughout it.

I’ll try to break down specific things I did or did not below. Be aware there will be spoilers ahead. I’ll try to keep them minor, but still: you have been warned. As a literary pirate might say: ‘here be spoilers!’

What I d:
- Warden has a strong writing style that keeps the book moving forward. I’ve read several of the Storm and Spire series Warden wrote under a different name, and found the writing lacking, especially in the early books in the series. Here, I did not find the writing lacking at all; it served its purpose well and really kept the book fast-paced and engaging.

- I felt the portrayal of the emotional trauma and guilt experienced (and driving) Bristol throughout the book was well done. Bristol felt a well fleshed-out character, relatable in many ways, who has very real flaws. She’s not a Mary Sue and she’s not a Strong Independent Female Character in the modern sense of the term (which is a good thing, in case you couldn’t tell by this being included in the positives section), but she’s not a demure push-over, either. It was a nice balance. The one small down-side to this (which isn’t really a down-side, but does include a spoiler) is that at the end of the book I wasn’t actually sure if I should be celebrating her new relationship or not because she’d (realistically) gone back and forth so frequently before in the book. I know, I know, she’s had resolution now and so things are better, but she still has a decent chunk of healing to do!

- As touched on above, God is an ever-present theme in the book. He’s not simply a backdrop; He’s a major part of the characters’ lives. At one point Bristol is even thinking about how, without His will, everything would fall apart instantly. Since this is true, it means that God is the primary plot and actually the main character in the book, if you think about it. I come from a slightly different Christian background from the author, but very much enjoyed her portrayal of Christian values and practical religion in this book.

What I didn’t :
- Cameron felt less well-rounded as a character than Bristol. The struggles he experiences in the book (avast! Spoilers do lie ahead!) are all about her: how she made him feel when she broke up with him; how he wishes he hadn’t argued with her; how he wants to keep her safe when she’s in danger. While Bristol feels well-rounded and realistic in her portrayal in the book, Cameron is more of a one-dimensional hanger-on. I would have enjoyed a little more of a dive into who he is and what’s important to him (other than Bristol).

- The use of the word ‘bro’. To be fair, this is really a personal quibble and has nothing to do with how good the story (or book) is, but every time I read “hey bro” in the book, I shook my head slightly. I shook my head more than once due to this, so I decided it merited a place in my review. There certainly are men who refer to each other as ‘bro’, but in my experience they tend to be few and far between, and not always the sort of men I enjoy hanging out with.

- The action sequences felt slightly underwhelming. They’re by no means the focal point of the book, so this is more a minor issue, but it felt a little frustrating reading about a professional security firm run by men who are constantly working out and well-built, but who can’t ever seem to catch a bad guy in a foot race.

- Finally, another small quibble I had was that the theme of (ahar, another small spoiler ahead) Bristol being poor is mentioned throughout the book, and several times there’s phrasing such as ‘she really needed that paycheck to come in’ (not a direct quotation), but there’s no sense that she ever actually does get paid. Maybe the timeline is just extremely short so she never gets a paycheck, but to my mind it would have been nice to have some sort of acknowledgement that the work she’s doing (which she puts in crazy hours for) is actually paying off. It doesn’t have to be much; just a mention how she was able to afford a better outfit, or maybe she treats someone else to lunch or something. The premise of the book in the beginning is that she desperately wants to make money to get out of her current circumstances, so it would have been nice to have a bit of a follow-through on that. Again, it’s not a big problem with the book and (again spoilers I guess? Err, I mean… Spoilers, matey!) she probably won’t have to worry about money ever again after the book ends, but it was something I thought about throughout my reading of the novel.

So that’s my (somewhat lengthy) review! To be clear, the ‘bad’ things I noted above weren’t deal-breakers for me, and some of them are ly the result of different genre expectations. I found the book engaging, fun, and a quick read (which is a testament to good and fast-paced story and writing rather than a short page count). I’m now looking forward to reading the next book in this series! funkelbunt.liest66

Since I rushed through the prequel novella ‘Forged in Darkness’ I was really looking forward to the first ‘real’ book of the series and if anything it only got better.

The book starts with a scene that has you hooked immediately and it takes some time until we figure out what this was all about.
I love that the twists and turns aren’t predictable and you keep questioning yourself how new clues fit in everything you already figured out.

So we’re not completely blindsided by the revelations in the last chapters but we also didn’t see it coming all along. At least it was that for me. I had some inklings and suspicions but there were still open questions and I think this is not an easy task to do with suspense novels (and movies too). I get easily bored when it’s too obvious but I also don’t it when the revelation comes out of nowhere because I had zero chance as a reader to figure it out.

So for me Kendra did a great job keeping up the suspense, giving us hints here and there but always leaving some questions open until the end.

I loved the characters, especially Cameron. He was so genuinely caring, understanding and thoughtful. Very rarely personally offended and always tried to see his own mistakes in situations that caused some kind of harm even though he was the one who could have been resentful toward Bristol.

Bristol was a bit harder to or harder to understand. You can see she is struggling to trust, to be open, to overcome her trauma and to not let it define her and she really really tries and I admire that about her. She questions her faith, her life decisions and what she really wants but in relation to Cameron she is very stubborn and doesn’t doubt her decision from years back to not only leave her hometown but also her boyfriend who just proposed behind.

“Bristol, have you ever considered that sometimes our goals change as we figure out God’s plan for our lives?”

But when she starts opening up to him again she seems to behave erratically. she reacts this way one second and the next Cameron has to be so careful how to phrase things. On the one hand she is a very rational character, on the other it’s walking on eggshells with her. She is so adamant about being this independent career woman that she is blind to what could be and makes stupid mistakes (in regard to her relationship with Cameron but also to the whole danger she was in). First it annoyed me but the more I thought about it the more I could relate to her. People aren’t only rational or only emotional or whatever and usually it’s the people closest to us who can trigger irrational responses. So I think Bristol is a bit exhausting to be around but a very authentic character who tries very hard and that is actually what matters.

Cameron emphasizes this at least two times and it’s such a refreshing view of things when it’s such a mainstream thing to say “you’re perfect as you are, just love yourself” and so on, when simultaneously a lot of people are struggling with not being perfect. So I love the approach of always trying to improve but not despairing if we’re not perfect.

“You don’t have to be perfect,” Cam said, shaking his head. “You just need to try. That’s all I could hope to ask of you.”

“... but I know I still have a long way to go. I’m trying. I just need you to let me.”

in the prequel novella I loved how important faith and God were to the characters and to the story and that Bristol decided to trust in God again as she opened up to Cameron as well.

“Once I lost the habit of talking to God, it just got easier and easier to forget about Him completely.”
“Do you ever think about coming back?” he asked. “To the Lord, I mean?”
Her voice was a whisper. “All the time.”

Cameron doesn’t shy away from speaking the truth and talking openly about his faith. I especially love the prayer he speaks over Bristol. Not because of the prayer itself but because he was so nervous and didn’t feel too comfortable praying aloud but he does it anyway because of what this means to Bristol and her relationship to God.

He had never d praying in front of other people, and no matter how much he always tried to speak from the heart, his brain had a way of second-guessing his words the second it was too late to take them back.

If you haven’t already guessed - I really loved this book and can’t wait for Grace’s and Ben’s story to come out!

* I received an advanced copy of the book and am leaving this review voluntarily.
Thank you Kendra for letting me read your amazing debut suspense novel!
reflectingonthepages468 2

Author ARC Team Review
Disclaimer: I was given a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All of the opinions are my own.

Bristol Chaplin is an ambitious paralegal with dreams of becoming a lawyer. A dark secret threatens to destroy her career and she seeks help from the one man she thought was firmly in her past. Cameron Forge is a private security operative. He’s content protecting people and serving God. The woman who broke his heart years ago shows up bringing danger with her. Keeping Bristol safe might be his toughest mission yet. Hidden threats and dark secrets are in the shadows of the FBS office and they have no choice but to find who is hunting Bristol before it’s too late.
I read the free prequel book and loved it. You can get a copy of the book if you’d to have a little background before starting this book but this could be read as standalone. The Forge brothers run a security company. They’re a fun and interesting mix of men. I love Grace, the receptionist. Years ago Cameron got his heart broken by Bristol who wanted more in life than wedding bells and children, she wanted independence and a career. Her freedom cost her more than just Cameron and now she’s back but she needs help. A series of unwelcome events show Bristol as the target of an unknown person. As Bristol reveals her story the suspense ramps up and so do the attacks. Cameron and Bristol dive into investigating who may be after her and the tension rises between them. The author delivers a surprise twist to the mystery and unveils a deadly scheme. Faith plays a big part especially for Cameron. I am absolutely loving this series! The romance, the suspense, the mystery, the characters, and the well written storyline is addictive once you get started. I don’t want to give too much away but I highly recommend the series for Christian romantic suspense and mystery readers. I can’t wait to read Ben’s story in the next book!arc-books Kiana165 2

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