
Curvy Girls Can't Date Point Guards de Kelsie Stelting

de Kelsie Stelting - Género: English
libro gratis Curvy Girls Can't Date Point Guards


Brand new in the Curvy Girl Club!

There are two kinds of people in the world: Those who live in the limelight, and those allergic to attention. And somehow, they always find each other.


Terrell had his last basketball season at Emerson Academy all planned out. Step one, win the state championship. Step two, get recruited by the best colleges in the nation. Step three, play in college and then go pro.

But life had other plans.

When all the other starters on the team are kicked off for being caught at a party, he's left playing with freshmen who've never seen varsity playing time.

If he wants a to get attention from recruiters now, he has to buckle down. That means focusing on the team and the team alone.


Sadie would be the picture next to "introvert" in the dictionary. And Sadie was fine with that... until the college counselor says her being a loner is keeping her from the sterling recommendation letter she needs to...

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4 Stars

So… this is a book I wish I had been able to read when I was an impressionable, self-effacing, body-conscious teenager. Hell, it’s a book I needed to read NOW, as a slightly wiser, definitely better at self-talk/self-love, but still super body conscious a-lot-of-the-time adult.

The message is simple:

“Our curves are just that—curves. They don’t define us or our worth.”

This YA romance follows plus-sized Rory, as she discovers new friends, first love, and, most importantly, a new level of body positivity and self-respect, after she gets embroiled in a brash bet with the school mean girl, to win the heart of quarterback hunk Beckett.

The romance is super-sweet and bordered on sappy at times, but I couldn’t help melting into a warm puddle of gooey feelings over Rory and Beckett’s blossoming relationship. Beckett was a bit of a dreamboat, I gotta say, with his sweet-gestures and humble nature, always seeing Rory’s true beauty, inside and out, regardless of her size or the peer pressure going on around him to conform.

I could have done without another high school rivals-place-a-bet trope, because you always just know the drama is just around the corner due to the deceptions afoot, but without it the plot wouldn’t have had a leg to stand on, so I'll concede. Thankfully, “the bet” scenario was handled really well here, and I ended up appreciating the way in which the truth of Rory’s motives unveiled themselves, and how it brought her closer to her family and friends because of it.

What I loved most, though, was Rory’s journey to being a more confident and self-accepting young woman, which was helped along with the making of some new friends—the self-proclaimed Curvy Girls Club—one of whom (Zara) gave one hell of a pep-talk whenever Rory started questioning her worth or her beauty.

“Just because the rest of the school acts there’s a weight limit on hotness doesn’t mean they’re right. Or that you need to buy into it.”
The supportive, newly-formed, close-knit friendship group is the heart of the series, for sure, and is, undoubtedly, what will keep me coming back for the sequels, with each curvy friend having a personality, a backstory, and a potential love interest that makes me crave more, more, more of these characters and their stories.disability-illness-mentalhealth high-school mf ...more71 s4 comments NAT.orious reads ?879 387

4 STARS ?????
This book is for you if…

? ... a little bit of stereotypes never killed nobody, if made use of tastefully
? ... you need a sweet little intermezzo in your usual reading
? ... do not require your romance novels to involve more than light petting (yes, I know. I wanted more, too)
? ... you your romantic relationships to be non-toxic and non-fatphobic
? Additionally.
Although Kelsie uses all the stereotypes I hate eye-roll at, this book was incredibly cute. Read it in 3 sittings only interrupted by getting off the train and into my flat, and cooking dinner. It was incredibly sweet and empowering.

It also made me hyperaware of my own internalised fatphobia (thanks, family and friends, for making me feel being chubby makes you undeserving of love) which came at a good time because one of these days I'd definitely to start dating again.

? What’s happening.
‘Just because the rest of the school acts there’s a weight limit on hotness doesn’t mean they’re right. Or that you need to buy into it.’
spoiler alert : Honestly, sometimes you are your own biggest enemy.
4 STARS. Would stay up beyond my typical hours to finish it. I found some minor details I didn't , agree with or lacked in some kind but overall, this was enjoyable and extraordinary. 38 s Syndi3,174 923

Curvy Girls Can't Date Quaterbacks is OK read. Maybe because it is YA romance, so I got bored a bit in the middle. Miss Stelting putting good moral messages but lack of drama to keep the story interesting.

What I do not is how immature the characters were. The secondary characters do not support the plot significantly.
Overall this is OK read. Not too exciting nor too bad either.

3 stars35 s5 comments ??? ??????Author 3 books634

Buckle up my friends, it's going to be a wild ride ..
So let's begin with me during the book..
*MY EYEEESSSS* I rolled them so much I can't see straight anymore
ehm, now to the review,
The story is about Rory, who is fat and she feels it's dictating her entire life specially with her "over bearing" mother who pushes her to eat healthy and take care of herself after she was diagnosed with PCOS, but she gets into a dare with one of the cheerleaders in her school, if she get to date the famous QB Beckett she will prove that fat girls can have a happily ever after too .. can she do it?

Now, as a former fat person who was diagnosed with Endometriosis ( which is basically PCOS times 4, literally ) I can honestly say this book is trying to push really rotten ideas.
first, the mother has every right to worry about her 16\17 years old daughter who didn't have her period for the past THREE MONTHS !! AND she was diagnosed with PCOS and that shit is serious and can cause all sorts of problem ( I spent 10 years of my life trying to sort it out and it wasn't easy ), I'm sorry, what did you want her mother to do ? clap her hands and laugh about it ? of course she will want to fix it, and as corny as it will sound, yes healthy eating and losing weight is a main factor to reverse any hormonal issue, including PCOS, so, I am team mom on this one and I wish my mom had this knowledge when I was treating my Endometriosis, it would've saved me 10 years of my life and 5 major operations one of them is hysterectomy.
Second, Rory was in a very bad place both physically and mentally yet she was expecting perfection from Beckett, she was so lost in her head that I can't be convinced that she d him other than his "hot pants", and there was a scene where she literally tells him she was attracted to him because he has a nice body ..
So, dear Rory, it's ok for you to have a fat body and a serious condition ( which you fail to see how serious it is ) but he can't ? is that what you are trying to tell me ?
Third, those "friends" .. god, they were the worst part of the story, if you happen to stumble upon a this kind of people run away in the other direction because these people want you to stay put and never try to better your life, case on point, the moment Rory dated Beckett they left her because they felt intimidated by her, I think Rory could have more chemistry with a wall more than she had with those girls .. the author literally said there wasn't anything in common between them except they are all fat !!, imagine what will happen if one of them tried to better her life by losing weight ?
god damn this fat acceptance movement
I'm not saying you are worthless if you are fat, everybody should be treated with compassion and love no matter what size they wear .. but if you have excess fat cells in your body it can cause serious things to your body because it is not meant to carry this extra weight, and please guys don't give me that crap about ( I can't lose weight because of my hormones)
GIRL .. you can't lose weight because you are eating too much calories, read that again please
that doesn't mean you shouldn't eat .. look up the term Calorie Density and it will explain a lot for you
man I think this is one of the longest I've done so fat because the book really touched a nerve in me .. because all my life people were trying to shame me or tell me I can't strive for better because "This is who I am"
well, I lost 30 KG ( 66 lbs), reversed my condition and I am in the best health of my life, while I am in menopause, so there is no excuse .. if you are lazy to do anything and just want some hot guy to love the way you are mistreating your body, please don't push this idea to other girls who can seriously get harmed by this
thank you
It seems that after two years of posting this review I'm still triggering people with what I said, and I feel that it's time to clear the air because it was never my intention to trigger anyone with my words, but I'm also glad to each and everyone who read my review and were amazing enough to talk to me in person and in the comments, so thank you for that, this update might be longer than the original review but I feel it's necessary to explain my point and I hope that anybody who reads this keep an open mind .. here goes ..
First, The most common criticism I got is ( why did you read a book about a curvy girl if you are "fatphobic" ? )
I really wish that anybody who asked this question took the time read my review carefully, because I said it so many times .. I AM a curvy girl and I've been curvy my whole life and I enjoy reading books about curvy girls and there are so many great examples for books about curvy girls that I really enjoyed and recommend them all the time .. (Cupcake by Cookie O'Gorman) is one such example
I never said curvy girls shouldn't have a happy ending, that's stupid and nobody worth his brain would ever say that .. but promoting a serious illness ( PCOS) as something your annoying mother is simply bothering you about is irresponsible, I am an Endometriosis survivor and it's the advanced form of PCOS and this is a serious subject and should never be treated lightly it was done in the book

Second, about the idea that I am promoting not eating to lose weight .. that is the most absurd idea I've ever come cross, I've been dieting since I was 10 years old, not eating is the worst thing you can do for your body to lose weight, don't do it please ..
everybody is free to do whatever they wish, but there are so many people who are struggling to lose weight, and after YEARS of dieting the term (calorie density) is what helped me to lose my weight, since nobody looked it up I will briefly explain it so we get clear, it's basically increasing the amount of healthy low calorie food over your regular food so you can create a calorie deficit in order for you to lose weight, nothing magical there, no starvation and no hunger .. just offsetting calories because the only way to lose weight is to create a calorie deficit ( that's common science )

Third, My opinion was based on me reading the book until the very last word, and we live in a free age where everyone have the right to express their opinion, and my review is my honest opinion, I appreciate anybody who read my review and I'm more than happy to have a CIVIL conversation about it .. no need to be rude about it

and finally, I am against the fat acceptance movement because I don't it when somebody call themselves fat, that's not anybody's identity, we might have extra fat cells in our bodies but that doesn't define me or anybody .. we are beautiful no matter what .. what we need is self acceptance movement that teaches us how to love ourselves and treat us with the love and compassion we deserve, body shape has nothing to with it

I hope that explained my review and cleared up some misunderstandings, because this is one of my most popular and I still don't know why ..
Thank you once againaudio-book e-book hate-it24 s3 comments Darcey1,159 245

buddy read with the wonderful Buddy Reads group and my dearest Karen!

ahh i've finished! i read this all in one night, it was so addictive and such fun!!

i really enjoyed this, it was super cute and i loved the messages about fatphobia and accepting yourself. i did think that Beckett and Rory's relationship was a bit rushed at the start, but i loved the way it developed and progressed later on, and i loved the way they both developed as people!
and the friends... the curvy girls club or whatever they called themselves... so cute!! i loved their relationship and their bond, and they were all such sweethearts.
i also really d how Rory's relationship with her mum developed over time, i found that really realistic and touching. and her brother was simply the best! i loved him.

all in all, i really enjoyed this, so thank you, Karen dearest, for making me read it!4-stars buddy-reads realistic-fic24 s Energy Rae1,587 52

I borrowed this on KU but DNF'd on the first page. Why does her mother, who is a health teacher, not know that teenagers don't get regular periods? Why would she automatically assume because her daughter didn't want BC and didn't have a regular period it was because of pregnancy? Especially when you're kid is saying "I haven't even had sex" ffs.

Sorry, but I have no need for someone so absolutely idiotic that she clearly doesn't understand teenage, female biology. And who would allow her in a school to teach their kids? Not to mention that makes her a pretty horrible mother for not believing her kid and not rushing her to an actual expert to have it looked at before assuming pregnancy. FYI: it's clear it's either endometriosis or PCOS, but sure, let's go with idiotic, "health teacher" mother for $500 Alex.21 s6 comments Becky752 42

16-year-old me could've used a book Curvy Girls Can't Date Quarterbacks. It's not squeaky clean (there are a few mild curse words and a makeout session that gets pretty heated), but the message is one that curvy girls need to hear: your worth is not defined by your size.

Rory is a plus size senior who has been bullied because of her weight. She finally snaps and makes a bet with the resident "mean girl": she can get Beckett, the quarterback and most attractive guy in school, to fall for her and take her to Homecoming.

The progression of the story is fairly predictable, but I enjoyed it because I d both Rory and Beckett so much. Also, I appreciated the focus on PCOS, the medical culprit behind Rory's weight. As a PCOS-er myself, I know how it can wreak havoc on your body!

I really enjoyed reading this book, and I look forward to more in the series! read-in-202016 s Tayo476 22

This book was so of a time, and not necessarily a good time, which makes it wild that it was written in 2020 and not in 2005.

Me describing the plot will tell you all you need to know.
Rory, is plus-size. She's not comfortable with this because her helicopter mother (who is also a health teacher at her high school no less) is constantly on her to lose weight for her health. Icing on the cake is finding out she has PCOS. Needless to say that Rory feels diminished in life.

Everything comes to a head, when Rory is facing some classic bullying. She tries something new and sticks up for herself. Things escalates and Rory's solution to being criticised for her weight (her outward appearance) is to agree to a bet. That she can get the quarterback to ask her to the homecoming dance. For freedom! Let that awful irony sink in. Rory, feeling awful for being valued based on her outward appearance, decides to drag an innocent party into a bet, based on his outward appearance. Mmhmm. And she doesn't even realise this is a big no go zone until (full spoilers) she's in a relationship with him down the home stretch of the book.

She's supported in her quest by other curvy girls who feel that this is an important goal to go after. That for all curvy girls out there, they have to stalk, violate privacy laws, and manipulate this innocent (I'll keep saying it) party. Because. This is where I was immediately off side. Because your issues are not more important than other people. And going through things does not give you the right to do whatever you want to other people.

Beckett (the said innocent party) falls for Rory, Rory falls in love with him (I haven't even mentioned how cringey this book was) and realises she's messed up. It all comes to a light and things work out (I guess). And even though lessons were learned, I still couldn't get over the core premise of this book.

Cringeyness aside, the irony of making a bet around someone else's life based on purely superficial reasons as a response to someone judging you on appearances only is just an extra level of absurdness. While there were some strong and powerful notes on friendship and self esteem and parenting, the tone always skewed on jusst the wrong side of immature for me to be a big fan. I did finish it though, and I will try more in the series (hopefully we have some different notes) so it wasn't bad bad just not my preference.This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review202112 s1 comment Sabrina3,663 2,302

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If you know me then you know that I do not read YA romances. I'll do a mature YA and fantasy but an actual, pure YA romance? Not for me. So no one was more surprised than I was when I saw some for this book and they had me interested enough to give it a try. And I'm really happy I did because this story was so cute and I actually really enjoyed it. Did it have a lot of the things about YA romances that I normally don't ? Yes. But it was also a story that kept me intrigued enough to keep reading and I even went on to the next in the series right after this one. So I'm glad that I stepped out of my comfort zone and gave this a try. Will definitely be on the look out for all the Curvy Girls stories. sports-jocks-fighters11 s Tiffany (Bluestocking)448 18

First off, Rory’s mom was horrible. She constantly nagged Rory about losing weight and though she had good intentions, she only made Rory feel worse. Not cool! Also,as a health teacher, she clearly did not understand the concept of PCOS or how the human body actually works.

Second, Rory and Beck didn’t have that much chemistry and honestly their whole relationship was boring. And while I can understand her initial lack of self esteem, for the majority of the book she exuded this “woe is me” aura even after seeing proof that she was loved despite her own insecurities. That was really annoying. Plus she literally used PCOS & her insecurities as an excuse to make poor decisions.

Third, the blurb is what got me excited but the execution was downright cringey. Not only did the curvy girls stalk Beckett to find out the best plan of attack but they went as far as putting cameras in Carson’s (Callie’s friend) room so they can spy on their conversations. They completely manipulated the situation and Beckett. There’s nothing romantic about that. If anything, Beck should stay as far away from Rory as possible.

While I did enjoy the overall message of body positivity and friendship, the end did not justify the means. Too cringey, ridiculous and immature for me.

Content: Clean, kissing, mild innuendo.This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review8 s Secretly Adorkable Readers1,413 26

This book truly hit home for me because I was overweight, had PCOS and endometriosis. My mom was always on me about my eating habits. She made me eat grape fruit, salad, and lots of cabbage soup when I was preteen and up. My mother knew best and was just trying to help even though it was hurting me more. This book is all about self esteem, weight and friendship. I fell in love with all the characters and cannot wait more of the Curvy girl club.

Read this story today and fall in love with Rory and Beckett. alternate-pov-s clean-romance family-drama ...more8 s Anya37 8

A few things to note:
1) Is there anything more right than a middle-aged woman reading a clean high school romance intended for a much younger audience? I felt a creepy voyeur reading about these adorable kids, but this book does a truly amazing job of being funny, sweet, and accessible for all ages (or at least a good spread of age 14 through delusional middle-aged women)

2) BBW romance within a HS setting

3) This adorable book should be made into a movie

As to the plot, a curvy, witty, book-smart heroine falls for the school’s hot, sweet QB hero. Anyone that reads my knows my angst-addiction to OW trope, and this one has the blonde head cheerleader mean girl (ex gf of H). OW bets h that she can’t land a good-looking man since h is overweight, so h enlists a crew of curvy classmates to secure her man, the H that she has had a crush on for years. Mm, mmm – delish!

It is a shame that the author couldn’t write an R-rated version of this book, would have loved to read beyond some hot make-out scenes. Nevertheless, I don’t normally read squeaky clean books, but this one was a joy to read – funny, sweet, and entertaining. Are there one too many diatribes about loving yourself despite the numbers on the scale? Sure. But considering the target audience of this book, that didn’t bother me at all. And the tension between the h and her mom, a health teacher who lives as she preaches, felt very authentic. The H may have been a bit too perfect, would have loved a bit more character development on him (eg how does such a nice, kind, artsy football player date such a witch of the OW to begin with?) but again, not missing enough to detract from the fun of this book. And H is very devoted to the h, so for those who shy away from OW drama it is a safe read! The equivalent of a box of PG-13 chocolates with no calorie cost!

7 s Natalie109 3

This is a shallower, less realistic version of Dumplin' which every fat kid should read. I've been part of fat liberation groups for +20 years now (thanks Marilyn Wann's groundbreaking and accessible Fat!So?) so I know mom's this exist. I also have personally witnessed fat bias and shaming by medical professionals. But the idea that an employed health teacher doesn't understand that emotionally abusing her child is worse than being fat is fucked. Also, I get that calling oneself curvy is a choice and often a first step on accepting one's fat body, but also just call it what it is. I also disd how incredibly rich and privileged these kids were with almost no internal interrogation. There were no POC, just a girl from another culture and even that felt a bit shallow.audiobook library7 s Amy ClipstonAuthor 118 books1,937

I was hooked at the very first sentence! I positively loved this book! It was so inspirational, and I wish I had read it when I was in middle school or high school. The book has such a positive message for young people who feel as if they aren't good enough or don't fit in. I loved the characters and I can't wait to read the rest of the series. I'm recommending it to everyone I know! 6 s *? K???? ?*414 89

Re-read (March 2021) in the Buddy Reads Group with my lovely Darcey, thanks Girl!

We. Are. Priceless.

This was a beautiful story that I didn’t know I needed. By the time I finished the story, read the bonus short story of Beckett’s POV, and then read the author’s note and acknowledgment at the end of the story, I had a few tears.

This story spoke loud and clear to my lonely heart, coming from a girl who also feels subconscious about her body, about what other people, friends and strangers (especially guys) think of her, I knew exactly the thoughts that Rory felt every time she was thrown into an awkward situation.

But to see a 17 year old girl with such passion and determination, makes me wish I had read this book back when I was in high school. But Rory, we can’t change the mistakes, especially the mistakes we make, but what matters is how we mix these mistakes and look at the future ahead of us, and I am so glad I got to see this journey with Rory and her Curvy Girls Club.

You can bet all your money that I will be reading this whole series and watching how the whole gang falls in love with the man of their dreams and watch how they overcome the problems and obstacles that will be thrown their way.

If you are a curvy girl the gang, me, we are worth it, we are worth fighting for because God created us beautiful and strong. We were made to be cherished and loved.

We. Are. Priceless.2021 all-time-favourites book-series ...more6 s Bailey H257 1 follower

(2.5/5 stars)

The intention of this book is important and sweet, but the execution of that intention….failed.
All bodies are deserving of love and happiness, but there comes a point when one’s ego, excuses, and stubbornness comes in the way of living life to the fullest.
Our MC complains that she doesn’t deserve friends or a boyfriend because of her size, but when she has the opportunity to have both, she makes excuses and doesn’t appreciate the people in her life.
Our MC had a negative view of her body and self-worth throughout the majority of the book, but also doesn’t work on how to improve that situation. She claims eating healthy won’t help her lose weight or get in shape, but also….refuses to eat healthy foods?
Not impressed with this portrayal of body standards, body image, or obesity.

Additionally, our MC is constantly berating her family, school bullies, and society for judging people’s worth and value as a person based solely on their looks. Yet, her entire relationship with the main interest starts off as a “bet” with another girl to see if conventionally attractive guys could a “fat girl”. Our MC then spends half of the book thinking about how badly she feels for the bet because they develop real feelings for each other and feels as if she just “used” him for his popularity and “hot factor”. Well, you did, Rory. You’re not getting any pity from this reader. audio-books6 s Alison1,328 96

Stars: 3.5 (rounded up)
Length: Full Length
POV: Single (Heroine)
Series: The Curvy Girl Club Book 1 (stand alone but connected)
Ending: HFN
Re-read? No

I had a genuinely hard time rating this book. I think that it was written really well and was cute but it wasn't for me. I don't want to hold that against it so I rounded up my rating to four stars. I went into this book knowing that I might not enjoy it because it was a YA romance but I d the idea so I decided to give it a read.

If you sweet, YA romance then you will probably love this. Again, it just wasn't for me. They did waaay too much inner dialogue about her body issues that just felt reputative but maybe younger girls need that. Also, in the beginning, the guy she wants to date is just so flat. The single POV and the fact that she just wanted to date him because he was cute really didn't give any chance to show off his personality. That does change later in the book but I almost gave up at 25% because I just didn't care about him at all.

Bottom line, not great if you're not a huge fan of YA but I can see that if you enjoy it, you will probably this book. The friendships she develops are absolutely my favorite part.romance6 s Jessica1,018 2

I wanted to go out in public and not feel people were judging me for my size, but seeing me as a whole person.

“I creating something that lasts.”

Now on the screen, Carson shook his head. “What’s with you girls and feeling you have to be perfect to go out in public?” he asked. “It’s not it’s a sale barn and they weigh you before you can go in! Just because the rest of the school acts there's a weight limit on hotness doesn’t mean they’re right. Or that you need to buy into it.”

“Some moments are too perfect for photos. They have to be lived.”

This book was amazing. Most of the books that I read have the female main characters being skinning and thin. It was really refreshing to read about a curvy female main character since I’m a curvy girl and I have always dealt with weight issues. I thought that Kelsie Stelting did an incredible job describing the struggle of being a young and overweight woman, and covering the topic of PCOS. I love Zara, Callie, Ginger, and Jordan, however I felt they dissed Rory when things started to hit the fan. They didn’t give Rory a chance at all. I love Beckett. He was caring, smart, and kind. I also love Carter. I’m hoping that he will be Callie’s (mostly ) story. I can’t wait to read about Zara, Callie, Ginger, and Jordan’s stories. 4.75 stars!kindle4 s daria ?325 2,585

this was cute and i appreciated the discussions about pcos. however, it was super frustrating that all the issues the protagonist was struggling with wrapped up way too quickly, with much of the resolution taking place off the page.contemporary romance young-adult4 s Hannah:)455 15

arghh i had a huge internal debate on what to rate this.

The message behind the story? I loved. Almost cried reading the author's note. But the plot? don't get me started. I hated how a person - yeah a popular kid but still a PERSON - was made a bet and a prize. disd how she felt she wasnt worthy of said prize. that a person was a prize. that a person would be unworthy of talking to someone because of their popularity (which got clarified later on so that wasnt a huge issue but still). really hated how she didnt tell him the truth even after they started dating. coz there were PLENTY of opportunities. the amount of dread i had when hoco came up was sky high. plus the second hand embarrassment w that forgiveness scene. and also can we talk about how it's pretty much impossible to fall in love w a person after a few weeks of properly talking to them? or how about never talking to them at all but already having decided? really? Another thing i loved tho was how her relationship w her mum was played out + anna. still... really hated how beckett was played out tho i loved his character. rory was plain stupid. but i did how she fixed her mistakes at the speech and didnt make it abt beckett.

4 s lk714109 3

DNF at 31% and honestly I'm surprised I made it that far.
What is with all the good ?!? this is a 13yrold girl watched the kissing booth and the netflix version of she's all that and asked herself how she could make them seem Pulitzer prize winners. sooo cringey. cliche in all the worst ways. there's even a line about not trusting the guy because rom-coms say not to...but he's different. it is clearly YA/middle grade but I wouldn't DARE let my daughters read this because it perpetuates the worst kind of stereotypes. is this book even for real? i seriously cannot get over how awful it is. the guy "rescues" her, holds her hand, treats her to sweets, then dances with her after not really even knowing who she is but she suspects his previous looks lingered and her sudden new friends are all convinced he's into to her? what?!? i'm embarrassed for myself having read as much as i did. don't do it. if you want meaningful YA, try Shannon Hale's Princess Academy or middle grade, MT Anderson's Feed. 4 s Pam Nelson3,504 108

I don’t even know how I found this book but I am glad I did. I just finished a seriously heavy fantasy book and needed something a little lighter to listen to.

Now though I enjoyed this book and felt a lot of the same things Rory felt being as I too was a curvy girl in high school. This book does hit close to home and brings up emotions I didn’t think still bothered me but they do.

The mother in this book wasn’t my favorite she was very all about health of the body but not of the mind and as she is a health teacher I thought she would have had a mind to that.
The brother was amazing I loved him!

Overall I enjoyed the book and wish there were more in the series on Audible I would snag them right up. As it is I have book 2 read to go.

I also very much d the narrator.
2024_aa-challenge done-20214 s Meels1,040 33

Okay, so I d it…pretty much. But, the mom character was too over the top, and it was very predictable. It was so obviously going to come out about the bet that it was really too painful for me to enjoy the good parts. Empowering the chubby girls is awesome, but the trope the author chose is just so over done, you know?

I’ll try one more in the series before I decide.

Plus, it should be legal for chubby girls to hit guys that moo at them with something large and heavy. In my own personal utopia (in my head), I will make it so. Ooohhh, or find a witch to make them turn into an actual cow for 24 hrs whenever they do it!! That would be AWESOME!4 s Nancy Lovallo650 2

Hard Read

I saw so much of myself in Rory. You don’t want your picture taken unless You feel you look good in it. And when you can’t lose weight when trying everything. Exercise and eating right and you don’t lose a pound, you just feel giving up.
Rory got the friends and got them guy just being herself in the end. Maybe this book will help other girls and women. You don’t have to look prefect to find some happy. IMO
3 s Nella ? of Bookland913 106

2.5 stars

This is probably the corniest, cheesiest thing I've ever read, but I still kinda d it.contemporary romance young-adult4 s Mikalah2 2

Honestly loved this, there were a few ‘seriously was that needed’ moments but loved it all the same.
The writer definitely wants to make a point that people should never be ashamed at the way they look and be proud of themselves. And sometimes you can’t change the way you look due to medical conditions and as someone with PCOS it made me connect with Rory so much more. 3 s Alliea Moore30

3.9/5 TBH I felt a little silly reading a high school book but I just absolutely adored these characters!! It’s definitely a book I needed and wished I would’ve had back in my high school days.
Beckett is the sweetest. Such a unicorn. My inner teenage heart swooned.

“When you’re with me, it’s …. The golden hour.” 3 s SoSo E.358 54

I loved it! It has everything I hoped for a book with a Curvy Heroine in it.3 s Kristin 88 16

This was the corniest, cringiest book I've ever read. I had 2nd hand embarrassment almost the whole book. I'd rather have a conversation with a wall.3 s Chalice3,077 97

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