
Curiosity Thrilled the Cat de Kelly, Sofie

de Kelly, Sofie - Género: English
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When librarian Kathleen Paulson moved to Mayville Heights, Minnesota, she had no idea that two strays would nuzzle their way into her life. Owen is a tabby with a catnip addiction and Hercules is a stocky tuxedo cat who shares Kathleen's fondness for Barry Manilow. But beyond all the fur and purrs, there's something more to these felines.

When murder interrupts Mayville's Music Festival, Kathleen finds herself the prime suspect. More stunning is her realization that Owen and Hercules are magical-and she's relying on their skills to solve a purr-fect murder.

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Curiosity Thrilled the Cat: A Magical Cats Mystery by Sofie Kelly is a 2011 NAL publication.

Cats, libraries and books are a winning trifecta, and they tend to complement each other, especially well when these three elements apply to mystery novels. So, it’s no surprise that there is no shortage of mystery series, especially in the cozy genre, featuring cats, books, and libraries, in one combination or another.

I wasn’t sure about this series when it was recommended to me, because, although I love it when pets and animals have a role in a story, I’m not especially fond of the magical or paranormal elements, since, well, it’s just too silly for me. But, in this case, I found the entire story very charming. The mystery is solid, well plotted, with quick pacing, strong dialogue, with a little humor sprinkled in along the way.

Hercules and Owen, Kathleen Paulson’s adopted cats, are ‘special’, and they do help Kathleen find clues, in small ways, but I found myself caught up in the spirt of the book, and enjoyed the pure whimsy of it. In fact, the cats are what made the book so utterly charming.

Kathleen is a able character who is licking her wounds after a bad break up, and adjusting to small town life, as well as her decision to try a super short hairdo, which is driving her nuts. (I can relate!) Her new job as the town’s librarian is fraught with a plethora of issues due to a major renovation, which is not going so well.

But, when Kathleen finds the body of a famous, and difficult, musical conductor, things get a whole lot worse when she discovers she is suspect number one.

Things get dicey from there as she copes with Marcus, the detective working the case, and a string of ‘accidents’, as well as feeling as though someone doesn’t want the library renovated, for some reason.

This first book in a series, sets the stage for future installments, giving it a nice foundation to build on. So, overall, this one turned out to be an unexpected pleasure, so I’ll be adding yet another series to my enormous TBR pile.

3.5 stars

2017 amateur-sleuth animals-and-pets ...more58 s ? Gramy ? 1,382

Curiosity Thrilled the Cat is the introductory installment for the A Magical Cats Mystery Series by Sofie Kelly.

Meet small town librarian Kathleen Paulson and her fantastical felines, Hercules and Owen, in the first novel in the New York Times bestselling Magical Cats Mystery series.

Although it contains aspects of a paranormal phenomenon which normally piques my interest, some parts of it were boring, and other parts were just okay. The abilities the casts possessed was only introduced subtly. I never could identify with the humor the author obviously tried to include either

Inside you will find:
. . . New librarian in town in charge of renovating the library
. . . Lots of accidents on the job
. . . Magical cats or wild imagination
. . . Murdered stranger (or was he?)
. . . Attentive and cute police detective
. . . Genuine clues and red herrings
. . . Signature object left behind

There were a few twists and turns that baffle the reader into a stunned confusion.

When librarian Kathleen Paulson moved to Mayville Heights, Minnesota, she had no idea that two strays would nuzzle their way into her life. Owen is a tabby with a catnip addiction and Hercules is a stocky tuxedo cat who shares Kathleen's fondness for Barry Manilow. But beyond all the fur and purrs, there's something more to these kitties.

It appears the heroine had as much to learn about her new town and two new cats she adopted, as the new reader to the series does. With such a promising plotline, Maybe it was because there was so much focus on the mundane and less focus on the mystery and the paranormal aspects that allure so many. I wish I had been more mesmerized. Alas, I was not.

When murder interrupts Mayville’s Wild Rose Summer Music Festival, Kathleen finds herself the prime suspect. More stunning is her realization that Owen and Hercules are truly special—perhaps even magical. Now, with a little legwork from her four-legged friends, Kathleen may be able to solve this purr-fect murder...

This is a clean and wholesome book, is able to stand on its own, and delivers a distinct H.E.A. I would recommend it to those that enjoy the cozy mystery genre.
..c-clean-and-wholesome c-mystery-cozy four-shelf-i-really-d-it21 s ?Susan?987 219

This was a fun, cozy, murder mystery that had a good story. I thought it might be silly because of the special kitty's but it had just enough magic to keep it funny but not over the top ridiculous.

Two cats adopt and make themselves comfortable in the home of a young woman who is new to a small town, where she has been hired to be the new librarian. She's not sure why or where they came from but they are sweet, ornery, and funny. She s having them around to keep her company and they seem to love her.

While her library is undergoing a renovation, she arrives one morning to find a semi famous conductor, who is not d by many, dead on the floor with no visible cause of death. When the elusive, local detective starts his investigation, this small town's unexpected secrets start to surface and the long time citizens start to suspect eachother. Charming, likable characters kept the story interesting and Cassandra Cambell's narration was perfect for this lively, light cozy. This was a great Daily Deal and hope there is more to come. audible cozy-mystery fun ...more20 s HeyT980

This book had the potential to be okay but there were two main problems with it for me. The first is that as a ~magical~ cats mystery I expected less derision towards "crazy cat ladies" because who else buys books about ~magical~ cats? Way to alienate your target audience. The second has to do with the pacing. It felt we were wandering around town endlessly with Kathleen and her library renovations just wondering about who done it rather than her and her cats actively seeking out information. The story seems to just stall out until the last little bit when BOOM plot activities happen so fast your head reels.17 s Leila442 233

I read this book quite quickly. It is a pleasant but very light, gentle and easy read...with mainly five star . I think it will appeal on the whole to cat lovers. Without adding spoilers all I will say is that the cats apparently have magical powers! Not to be taken too seriously I would think. Some of the 'dialogue' between Kathleen (the main character) and her two cats is quite humorous. but a lot of the dialogue and the events happening between Kathleen and her little collection of female friends is a little boring. Perhaps a book to pick up and read if not too well or in between or after completing something needing much more concentration and thoughtfulness. It is also super easy to work out who the killer is, with so few twists that when "all is revealed" at the end of the book it feels an anticlimax. The premise seems to be that without the help of the cats the murder would not have been solved. There is a gradual love interest in a vague sort of way but not the most exciting development...Hmmm... A book then to take away and read on the plane or beside the pool when on holiday but on the whole not for the more serious reader.animal-stories fantasy humour ...more16 s Jacob Proffitt3,125 1,813

I got bored. The cats are cute. I d seeing them hijink around. But Kathleen is a bit too credulous for someone in a mystery story and some of the clues were practically smacking her in the head. That her cats are the ones who have to point them out took her from credulous to just plain dumb.16 s Beth1,179 145

So this is cute, but it's also sort of - bland. It's not the magic cats, though I think I'd that aspect better if it was simply played as "cats are smarter than all of us." It's that this book hits my first-in-a-series, lack-of-complete-background bias, wherein some information is doled out that is central to the characterization of the protagonist, but more is clearly withheld. And it's that the mystery is fairly weak (red herrings practically wear big "Red Herring Alert!" signs) - and that everyone in a tiny town knows the guy is kind of overplayed. Also, why is it that only Kathleen was able to do this super basic digging-into-the-dead-guy stuff? So many people thought he was stealing music and didn't say anything for the past four decades?! She's the only one who walked in on Oren playing the piano in a public theater?

So yeah, I thought aspects of the worldbuilding were very weak. I'll probably pick up the next book, though. Because I do want to know who on earth Andrew married after TWO WEEKS.reviewed13 s1 comment Zyra 203 83

dnf at 24%cozy-mystery dnf11 s Tari2,679 83

After having won and read book 10 of this series, I just had to go back to the beginning and see how this all got started. It was so much fun reading about Kathleen's reactions to the first times she witnessed Owen appearing or disappearing and Hercules walking through a door or a wall. And the handsome detective Gordon wasn't nearly as grouchy or impatient with her as I was worried he'd be, lol.

Someone killed the guest conductor for the annual music festival's final performance, possibly in Kathleen's library room, so of course she was a person of interest in the murder investigation. There were also a couple of incidents where Kathleen could have been badly hurt--could someone have been trying to scare her off the case?

I had kind of guessed who the killer was but not for the right reasons. I was honestly just trying to think of who wasn't in book 10...I guess that was cheating a bit right? I still had a lot of fun reading to see what drove this person to what they ended up doing. The man killed wasn't a saint and many would have agreed that he had it coming. Everything was neatly wrapped up and in the end, Kathleen's mom came through with a conductor for the final concert. Maggie, Kathleen's good friend, had a trick up her sleeve as well, which as I know from book 10, turned out to be a very good thing!

Finding out the backstory of Kathleen's good friend Rebecca was interesting. She was such a good friend to Kathleen and almost a mom to her since Kath's parents were both back in Boston. I really d the characters of Roma, the veterinarian and Maggie, Kathleen's artist friend. Roma was such a good sport to go sleuthing with Kathleen and Maggie. I loved her sense of humor since she had treated Kathleen on several occasions when she was hurt: "That's why I my four-legged patients, they don't talk back or complain." Maggie was a good and loyal friend to Kathleen, just what she needed since her own BFF from college was back in Boston--although Kathleen did have to call on her for some help with the investigation.

I really want to keep reading in this series, I'm loving these cats so much! 10 s Kevin1,600 34

Two cats in a small town “400 miles north of everywhere” with a literary protagonist, no it’s not the newspaper reporter Qwill from the Cat Who series, this is Kathleen the head librarian and her two magical cats.
The two series are really very much a, with this series being given an edge for a decent mystery, The Cat Who series being better for the number of likable and quirky characters. But a cat fancier who enjoys a cozy mystery should enjoy this novel.

1st read 2012, re-read 11/2016
biblio-mystery mystery8 s Lisa750 151

This was an excellent choice for a kitty-themed mystery in my Women of Mystery group! The mystery was solid and the characters were well crafted. Is it okay that my favorites were the kitties? My birthday is coming up, and guess what I'm asking for. No, not a kitty. Two kitties :)cozy mysteries-and-thrillers9 s Cathy973 69

I finally read a cozy mystery! I d it! (Of course I d it, because cats.) I don't know why I never picked one up before to be honest.

I can definitely see the appeal of the genre, it's such low-stakes reading. There is hardly any action and sometimes that's exactly what I need/crave. I already the town an awful lot and I am of course here for the slow burn romance.

Also, reading about a tuxedo cat who can magically walk through walls and doors while my own tuxedo cat (who demands an open door policy in this house or else) was constantly napping in my lap was fun.2022 cozy-mystery7 s terpkristin625 59

Audiobook from Random House Audio
Narrated by Cassandra Campbell
Length: 10.5 hours

I enjoyed this book. It was a book almost written for me and my silly cat, Oz. It was exactly the type of book I needed after reading a lot of dark and sort of heavy fantasy and science fiction lately, to say nothing of real life. Curiosity Thrilled the Cat was a light murder mystery type book, the type of book I devour popcorn. The book was fairly mainstream, though did have a fantastical element... The cats in the story have magical powers. The magical powers seem to be related to where the cats are from and possibly the family who used to live there...but a lot of that is only alluded to in this book.

The story is a fairly straight-forward murder mystery. Kathleen, a relative newcomer to a small town in Minnesota, is a librarian at a local library. The library is going through some major renovations, which serves as a secondary and tertiary plot device, though the main thrust is of course the murder. The murder victim is a visiting Composer and Conductor, a man named Easton who was in town to run the annual music festival in the town. Finding herself one of the prime suspects, Kathleen ends up doing some sleuthing on her own, though she is aided by her cats.

Kathleen's cats are Owen and Hercules. Owen seems to have some powers of invisibility, while Hercules can literally walk through walls. Both also seem to understand humans and have a nose (an ear?) for what's going on and finding clues related to the mystery. The cats were necessary helpers for Kathleen solving the mystery, though the sub-plot of where they came from was also developed pretty carefully in this first-in-a-series of books set in the same town with the same people and cats. Kelly leaves some openings for the reader to make assumptions not only about Owen and Hercules but also about the other cats from the same place. Her text also suggests that the storied history of the home (now abandoned) that they were from may hold some magic, too.

All in all, the mystery in the book was fairly predictable. I think I figured out "whodunnit" when Kelly dropped the first major clue--a clue found by Hercules. But even with that, the story was light and fun to read, the story-telling and world-building felt natural, and I looked forward to hearing how Kathleen finally put all the pieces together. Slightly less elegant was one of the secondary story lines, a sub-plot where the contractor working on the renovations at the library wanted to chase Kathleen away so that his girlfriend(?), the former head librarian, could resume the post that she'd quit. The secondary story didn't make much sense in the context of this book, but may play a role in the larger plot of the series.

Cassandra Campbell's narration was fantastic. She's done the narration for many books with female leads, and it's no wonder why. Being a woman, her voice is a natural fit for the narration, un when some men do narration for mainly female roles and it feels forced or that they're trying to use a different tone for a "woman's voice." She didn't try to use a different tone for the male voices, which was a good thing. It felt she was reading the story to me and made it easy to listen to. I'm looking forward to listening to the next book in the series, which Campbell also narrates. What can I say? I'm kind of a crazy cat lady myself (with only one feral cat, thank you very much), and I'm a sucker for a fun murder mystery...2014 audiobook beach-books ...more7 s bella277 29

CURIOSITY THRILLED THE CAT was one of those books that you hear about before release day, you get excited about it, buy it on release day and then it sits in your TBR pile. I was so excited when I heard about CURIOSITY THRILLED THE CAT that I raced to the bookstore and bought it. Of course it then spent quite a few months in the ever-growing reading well. Well lately I've had a bit of a reading slump and I was eyeing my shelves and saw it sitting there. I thought I would give it a go. I thought maybe those magical cats might get me out of my reading slump. And, guess what? THEY DID!

CURIOSITY THRILLED THE CAT is the first book in the Magical Cats Mystery series and tells the story of a librarian, Kathleen, who has been adopted by two cats, Hercules and Owen (of course its cats that adopt us, not the other way around). Kathleen is working hard at the Mayville Heights Public Library, getting it restored, when suddenly she finds herself in the middle of a murder.

Okay so I'm not going to be subtle. I adored every single page of this book. I LOVED Hercules and Owen, and yes by the way Hercules is named after Kevin Sorbo (and if you don't understand this reference you are far too young!). They are full of so much mischief, and remind me of my own cats. I loved their magical, supernatural powers (which I won't spill - you have to read the book to find out!).

Adorable cats aside, I fell completely smitten for Mayville Heights. Being the first book in the series, Sofie Kelly, introduces us to a lot of fun, quirky characters in the town. Each time I met a new character I kept thinking "oh don't be the murderer" because I want to read more about these delightful people again and again.

As to the murder mystery itself, it was very enjoyable, and nope I didn't guess who did it, although towards the end I did get very close. It wasn't too predictable at all, and I had fun finding out who did it right alongside Kathleen.

I've already picked up SLEIGHT OF PAW from the library, and intend to start it very soon. 7 s Karen B.457 9

This is the first book I have read in the series and I can tell I will be back for more. Kathleen Paulson has left her life in Boston, wanting to escape from a heartbreak when her boyfriend ends up marrying someone else. She comes to Mayville Heights Minnesota to be the new head librarian overseeing the restoration of the original library. When she first arrived she encountered a very old house which is apparently home to a colony of feral cats. Two of the kittens come out to see her and "adopt" Kathleen by following her home from the house which is odd because they are feral cats. It seems that the cats, Owen and Hercules, have the ability to understand what Kathleen says. When a murder occurs in Mayville Heights and Kathleen is the one to discover the body, the cats seem to want to help save their "mom" from being a suspect. They do things sneak into her bag and go with her to the library and find little clues they present to her. (they do much more as well but ... spoilers...) . Kathleen makes friends in Mayville and I love her friends and their loyalty to her.
I d this book because of these friendships and Kathleen's being accepted and loved by these new neighbors. But mostly I enjoyed the cats because they are magical. Yes, you have to air of suspension of disbelief to accept their magical ability. But it is not too overdone. (In other words, it's not a fairytale.) I am looking forward to reading more books where Kathleen solves mysteries with the help of her unusual catsanimal-cozy audible-books cozy ...more7 s JanetAuthor 1 book15

Curiosity Thrilled the Cat can be best described as a murder mystery that feels light reading. The series title (Magical Cats) warned me in advance to suspend disbelief while the two feline heroes of the book demonstrated their amazing abilities.

I did, however, think the author should have given more thought to the naming of her characters. Owen is one of the protagonist's cats and Oren is one of the suspects. This reader had to concentrate too hard to keep the Owen/Oren duo straight. Then there was the trio of Harry, Harry and Larry - a father and two sons - who also figured into the intrigue. I was probably halfway through the book before I was able to keep straight that Roma was the vet and Rebecca was the neighbor. The book hosts an ample cast of characters and the author would have done a service to her readers by making them more readily distiguishable from each other.

I read this book primarily because it was the selection for a reading group to which I belong. In discussing the book, I learned that the other members also found the similar names and the sometimes lacking character development distracted from the readability of the book.

I did enjoy the read and may read the subsequent books in the series, but the book was just good - not great.7 s Kat, lover of bears...610 20

Completely enjoyable cozy mystery that includes two "more than they seem" cats. The mystery was easy enough to figure out but not completely. It was a little difficult to keep track of some of the characters; Oren and Owen, Rebecca, Ruby and Roma, Gregor and Gordon.

The writing style combined with Hercules and Oren have me ready to start book 2. 2019-reads clean-read cozy ...more4 s ? Irena ?1,652 222

Curiosity Thrilled the Cat is a neat little murder mystery set in a small town where everybody knows everybody else's business, family and past. I didn't read the book summary before this and I can't be sure whether that made me it more or not. I need to be in the right mood for this genre and this one hit that spot.

Our heroine is hired to oversee the restoration of the library and all kinds of weird things happen around her. The two cats living with her, Owen and Hercules, followed her home and adopted her. They bring the paranormal element into the story. It is the only thing that is paranormal and it is never in your face. The cats get just enough page time to make the story more colourful. I enjoyed that a lot. I am not a cat parson, but these two made this story even better.

So, someone is murdered in the book and the pattern is the same as in all stories in the genre. The heroine thinks a lot about it. Tries to solve it, gets help from unexpected corners and so on. As I said, I quite enjoyed it even though you won't find anything special or surprising here.
Next, I d the potential love interest and I loved the idea of that just being hinted at.

What I wasn't a fan of were the women in the book. Before the pitchforks come out, let me just say there is no way everyone being this nice and pleasant. Slut shaming is on one side of that line and this is its opposite. At times, every woman was so sweet my teeth hurt.

Overall, if you're in the mood for a small town murder mystery, this might be the thing for you.amateur-sleuth cozy-mystery mystery6 s Katie2,774 149

This is going to be one of those where it sounds I didn't the book as well as I did.

A lot of the clues were waaaay too obvious. Which isn't something I thought I cared about in mysteries! I don't care that much about being surprised by the outcome of the case (I the ride and the characters), but these were giant red flags. They weren't even red herrings! (That said, I didn't figure out the whole of the case.)

The cats were, um, cute and wonderful, but I thought it was a bit, "Ho hum. My cats are magical." But then I know the premise going in, so I could roll with it.

I thought the writing was a little awkward at times.

All of that said, I made sure to check out the rest of the books after only reading a few chapters, because this is fun! And I don't think I've read a book about a librarian since I actually started working at the library!

And the romance looks to be a slow burn, yay! I've needed one of those.books-read-in-2015 books-read-in-2015-new format-ebook ...more6 s Betsy524 90

Curiosity Thrilled the Cat is the first book I have read written by Sofie Kelly. Right off the bat, you are laughing because the main character's cats are causing trouble (at least one of them is). This book is definitely for anyone who loves cats. She is masterful at describing their funny tendencies that make them cats. I just wanted to take Owen and Hercules home with me. This mystery actually has more substance than most cozies as well. I have already ordered more of this series. 4 starsz-2014-aug6 s Glen5,305 61

First entry in a really good cozy. A librarian leaves Boston, her crazy family, and her unfaithful fiancee behind for the small town life in Minnesota. She takes in two rescue cats, who turn out to have magical powers.

Eventually, an unpleasant person is killed, and the usual super cop suspects one of the librarian's best friends. Sparks fly.

A very well done cozy, but I'm not sure I could go through life knowing my cats are smarter than I am.animals cozies mystery6 s Anne (Booklady) Molinarolo620 183

What a delightful first in a series. I truly am a sucker for kitty cats in a novel, especially those in a cozy mystery who help their "person" ferret out clues to solve the murder. I said their person for a reason: a cat or kitten usually chooses his or her person. All of my cats have done so.

Meet Owen. He's a grey tabby who is addicted to Catnip. He has a knack of suddenly disappearing/reappearing. Meet Hercules. He's a stocky Tuxedo cat who loves Barry Manilow and dances with his owner to his tunes. He has no interest in catnip his brother, but he does get into or out of places not the way any old cat can.

Both cats have special powers and reveal them slowly to their person, Kathleen Paulson. She is Mayville Heights, MN newest Head Librarian and in charge of the 100 year old Carnegie library as well as its renovation. But construction is way behind schedule and strange accidents in the library always seem to find Kathleen as their victim.

The murder of the guest conductor for the Mayville Music Festival has everyone talking. He wasn't a nice man. And Kathleen had words with him in the library the night he died. She'd ordered breakfast for him too. And she was the one to find his body. If those facts don't make her the Number One Suspect, the note found in the dead man's pocket certainly will.

Kathleen will need help proving her innocence. Owen and Hercules are ready.

Sofie Kelly interjects bone-dry humor all through the novel. And the magical powers of Owen and Hercules aren't far-fetched. When they reveal what they can do to Kathleen, I chuckled. And I laughed at the Funky Fred the Chicken scenes until I cried. My own Bonnie and Clyde would be catnip junkies too given their choice.

For a cozy-mystery, the pace of the story was fast. There are the red herrings, but the "whodunnit" really surprised me.

The characters are great. So well developed that I really wish there was a Mayville Heights, Kathleen, Maggie, Roma, Rebecca, Ami, Marcus, Susan, Everett...you get the picture. I'd them and I think I'd to live next door to Kathleen.cozy-mystery fall-2017 permanent-library5 s Andree1,472 26

I haven't been reading much lately, but I needed something light tonight. Grabbed this from the library.

It amuses me that "Young woman (past heartbreak recommended but not required) who lives in a small town and has a fondness for cats, gets drawn into local murder, and develops a flirtation with the local detective," is becoming a mystery sub-genre. Because seriously.

(Vague hand-wavey magic, and the woman actually being the librarian, also optional. Kooky family required.)

Although, in this one, having the cats look vaguely ghost- on the cover would have been justified. Becauset they do have magic powers. But only the cats.

Anyway, I called 75% of the plot (minimum) early on, and there's the odd clunky sentence, but it was entertaining.20155 s Sarah638 17

Being a Library Assistant, I initially picked up Curiosity Thrilled the Cat because the main character, Kathleen, is a Librarian that moves to a small Minnesotan town after her life in Boston throws her a curve ball. Add in two adorable cats that remind me of my own, and I was hooked. This cozy mystery is packed with characters you instantly love, including Kathleen and her newfound friends in town who all scramble to solve a sudden murder, and her quirky cats who have a mystery of their own. I'll definitely be picking up the other books in this series. 5 s Sarah Booth395 40

It wasn’t bad but it needed a little editing help. We get it, kitty has a cat nip problem. But only tell us a couple of times, not 10. Otherwise it was a cute story with enough twists and red herrings to keep things interesting. 4 s Lori1,164 42

Escaping a failed relationship, Kathleen Paulson takes a job as library director at a small town in Minnesota. A couple of cats adopt her, but they have some uncanny abilities. They possibly came from an abandoned home where feral cats live. Both cats (Owen and Hercules) can turn up in places impossible for them to do so, and she finally catches Hercules walking right through the door as if it wasn't there. Kathleen's first task as director is to supervise a library renovation but the contractor is slow and appears to be botching the job and avoiding Kathleen. The local music festival's guest conductor turns up dead, and Kathleen finds him. While she becomes a suspect, it's clear the detective in charge of the case doesn't regard her as a serious suspect for long. This book is fun because of the cats! It's a perfect book for a cat-lover to listen to on a long drive. (3.5 stars)4 s William Richardson686 7

I started to read this book because 1. it's a mystery 2. I have cats and I wanted to find out how the author describes her cats. for one thing her cats are magical and having cats I now how my cats talk to me and the expressions they make. She does a tope notch job with doing that. So I'm hooked on another series and I think I'm going to love it. Oh and another thing her lead person is named Ms. Paulson which happened to be the name of my 5th grade teacher who I had a crush on.3 s Sally9061,395 3

Great story - loved the cats with magical (?) powers - but the whole story was very believable - even with the catsmystery-cosy paranormal4 s Pamela Shropshire1,344 62

I’ve been reading some very heavy books throughout the month of July, both literary-wise and literally. So a light-hearted, cozy mystery is just what I needed.

Kathleen Paulson, librarian, has moved from Boston to a small town in Minnesota. She recently went through a tough breakup: her fiancé went on a two-week vacation and came back married — to someone else. This left her feeling a drastic change was in order, so Kathleen took a job as the head librarian in Mayville Heights, overseeing the renovations to a Carnegie library built in 1912. Unfortunately, the renovations aren’t going well; then to make matters worse, she finds the dead body of a conductor who is in town for a music festival.

Soon after she moved to Mayville Heights, she was adopted by two young cats whom she named Owen and Hercules. Owen, because she was reading A Prayer for Owen Meany; Hercules, because she has a crush on Kevin Sorbo and his Hercules character. When she has a series of accidents in mysterious circumstances, she starts nosing around. And it seems Owen and Hercules are super smart kitties who can solve mysteries and act as guard cats. Plus, they have magical powers: Owen can disappear while Hercules can walk through walls.

Finally, there is a hint at a future romance with a local detective.

The August challenge for the British Book Club is to read a classic. This series definitely does not qualify as a classic, but August is a long month and I’m going to enjoy it. Cozy mysteries and magical kitties are just what I need.cats cozy-mystery fantasy ...more4 s Dixie ConleyAuthor 1 book9

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