
Magic, Madness, and Mischief de Kelly McCullough

de Kelly McCullough - Género: English
libro gratis Magic, Madness, and Mischief


From the author of School for Sidekicks comes a witty and thoughtful middle-grade fantasy about the bonds of family and the strength of true friendship.
Kalvan Monroe is worried. Either he's going mad or he really did wake up with uncontrollable fire magic and accidentally summon a snarky talking fire hare. (Yes, that's right, a hare. Made of fire. That talks.) He's got to be going crazy, right?
But if he's not, then magic actually is real, and he's got even more problems to worry about. Because Kalvan isn't the only one with powers. The same fire magic that allows him to talk his way into and out of trouble burned too brightly in his mother, damaging her mind and leaving her vulnerable to the cold, manipulative spells of the Winter King.
Can Kalvan gain control of his power in time to save his mother, or will their fires be snuffed out forever?
Kelly McCullough combines Magic, Madness, and Mischief—as well as danger—in a...

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What a fun middle grade read! I was lucky enough to hear the author read an excerpt of this at GenCon, and I knew I had to get it for my son as soon as it came out. This is a middle grade book crossed with urban fantasy--with a note of Charles de Lint--featuring Kalvan, a creative kid with a mentally ill mom. When he first encounters a talking fire hare, he thinks it's his turn to go crazy, but his adventure is only just beginning. The book delves into an aspect of mythology I didn't know about since I'm not from Minnesota: the winter festival, the Winter King, and vulcans (and not the Live Long and Prosper kind).

Also, I loved how sensitively the book portrays mental illness--and that despite the magic in the book, there are no easy cures and answers.2018 fantasy middle4 s April1,190 35

This is good stuff right here. From my limited point of view, I feel that this book portrays what living with mental illness and living with a person who has a mental illness would feel without making it into a joke or belittling the people dealing with it. It also has great friendships and shows how they can grow and make the people in them better for the friendship. fantasy young-adult1 Vernon Area Public Library KIDS931 42

When Kalvan accidentally summons a fire hare as his familiar, his life suddenly becomes a lot more complicated. Between taking care of his mom, going to school, and learning how to control his powers, Kalvan has his hands full, not to mention that the Winter King is getting ready to tip the seasonal balance of power in his favor. As Kalvan battles his way to prevent the Winter King’s return, he doesn’t realize that the situation hits closer to home than he realizes. A fantasy realism (oxymoron?) story full of friendship, wit, humor, and something more.

Recommended for grades 4th - 6th grade. Lexile Level: NA
Reviewed by Christine Hwang, Youth and School Services, Vernon Area Public Library
Read: 12/21/17 - 12/28/17
adventure-fiction animals bullying ...more1 Sherri1,987 37

Twelve-year-old Kalvan has often dreamed of flames, but is surprised the morning he wakes up to find soot on his feet. His mother doesn’t seem surprised, but then again his mom isn’t always quite there mentally.

Even though Kalvan doesn’t his step-father Oscar, he knows that Oscar helps ground his mother financially and emotionally. Kalvan and Oscar generally avoid each other.

Then Kalvan accidentally electrocutes himself and unknowingly summons a talking rabbit made of fire. This fire hare refers to Kalvan as a “child of fire” and says that those with the magic element of fire either have it illuminate them it’s done for Kalvan or it consumes them it’s done for his mother.

Magic is brand-new for Kalvan and he is shocked by his new powers. Kalvan’s fire hare, Sparx, becomes his snarky, reluctant teacher in the ways of magic. Kalvan needs a lot of instruction as his first attempt at using his fire power resulted in a conflagration behind his school.

Magic is all around them, but few people can see it. As Kalvan learns more about the magic world, he finds out that evil Darkness exists and is closer to him than he realizes. Mysterious creatures exist, such as selkies and delvers. And now the Darkness is after Kalvan because he’s perceived as a threat.

Kalvan learns the hard way that the school bully is a child of water and serves the nefarious Water Queen who vows to kill Kalvan one day. However, they have a common enemy in the Winter King who is ruled by Darkness but has a human form.

The Winter King wants to keep the Corona Borealis crown instead of passing it off at the end of his season. This would create chaos in the real world as it’s the changing human holder of the crown that allows for peace and the changing seasons.

Can Kalvan find a way to defeat the Winter King before it costs Kalvan his life or worse?

This fantasy tale has enough humor (thanks to the sarcastic Sparx) and action to keep it zipping along. As an adult reader, I could easily see who the Winter King was long before Kalvan became aware, but it didn’t slow my desire to keep reading until the riveting conclusion. First in a new series. Fans of Riordan will enjoy it.
fantasy middle-school Mark Buxton1,289 20

My name is Kalvan, and I don’t suppose you’ve ever met a talking red hare. Sparx is teaching me about my life as a child of fire, which I knew nothing about until he showed up. I can control the element, although I almost burned down some woods by blowing fire out of my mouth. I told Sparx about a strange feeling I had down in my stepfather Oscar’s basement that really shook me up. With my friend Dave’s help, we explored the room and found something hidden in a model of the city. Sparx says it’s ancient, deadly, and a powerful enemy to people us. We also discovered a terrifying secret about Oscar... the Winter King is living in my house and has a plan to rule forever!

This book was okay but didn't knock my socks off. I most enjoyed Sparx's character as the sarcastic sidekick. He had been alive for a very long time and showed little patience for Kalvan's lack of knowledge regarding the power of fire. He was an impatient mentor who didn't have answers for all of Kalvan's questions. As in many middle grade novels, Kalvan was just discovering his powers but was forced to face overwhelming odds. Using Kalvan's stepfather as the main antagonist was a nice twist and complicated life at home. The story was set during the approaching winter season which provided Oscar with even more strength. Kalvan had a strong affection for his mother and was very protective of her. Despite her emotional issues, the mother's fond words for Kalvan were key motivators for her son. Again, I enjoyed the book but imagine some other readers might enjoy it more. It's a matter of taste, and I just felt a little something was missing. Jonna GjevreAuthor 2 books29

Author Kelly McCullough’s new middle-grade fantasy “Magic, Madness and Mischief” takes the reader on a rollicking journey through the frozen streets (and tunnels) of St. Paul, Minnesota, where ancient magic is deeply out of balance. Thirteen-year-old Kalvan Monroe studies at an alternative school, majoring in theatre and getting into trouble. But his primary objective has always been to protect his fragile mother, a brilliant woman who’s “not always . . . very attached to the here and now.” The novel carries us along on a magical madcap adventure, introducing us to a majestically terrifying river spirit, a sarcastic talking hare, and more. For adult readers, McCullough’s enchanted version of the Twin Cities will bring to mind Emma Bull’s ground-breaking fantasy “War for the Oaks,” while younger readers will particularly enjoy Kalvan’s struggle to master his powerful fire magic. Yet the most affecting passages are undoubtedly the ones exploring Kalvan’s experiences with his mother’s mental illness. Kalvan is a profoundly resilient young protagonist, forced to grow up too soon, and unbending in his determination to do what’s right.fantasy middle-grade Genny614 13

I’m not truly the target audience for this book as it is more of a pre-young adult book. But I enjoy this author so, why not?
Over all a very enjoyable story that has a bit of Harry Potter mixed with Percy Jackson mixed with a mid-west hippie vibe.
Kalvan is 13 and in the midst of typical teenage angst when his life changes because he unknowingly summons a fire hare. This act opens up magical abilities and starts him down a path to safe the world, or at least St Paul MN.
It is so difficult to find good middle grade stories that are well written and have a male lead character that actually has depth and isn’t too formulaic.
Mr McCullough does a nice job creating a vibrant world of magic, set with a “present day” feel. He is able to write the character of Kalvan to be true and real.
The story kept me in engaged with the characters and their journey. I wanted to see Kalvan save the day, or at least his own behind. For a younger reader who wants a world of magic, this is a great way to jump in. 2019-books fantasy magical ...more Rachel E. Meyer911

This book mostly felt a not as good version of Percy Jackson to me. You have your average middle schooler with his not so great home situation, then a magical creature shows up and tells him he's something special. Follow that by learning about new powers, finding out your in danger, and have to run around finding clues on how to stop the bad guy.

Only it really wasn't as good as Percy Jackson. Kalvin was okay, but the fire hare I went back and forth on. The whole story felt it could have been developed more and I felt we were sped through some of the important stuff. But maybe that's just because I'm not the right age demographic.2019-reads childrens-books fantasy ...more Lynn464 6

Clever and very well written, with a sensitive and surprisingly mature focus on how mental health issues can affect family relationships.

Thankfully the author does not wander into the realm of maudlin, self-righteous and exaggerated feelings, which would have totally ruined the narrative. Instead, he emphasises loyalty and strength of character under the most harrowing of circumstances.

This is a marvellous, magic-filled adventure series for younger readers, filled with all the right life lessons. It's a bit creep in some places and may require a bit of parental guidance for slightly more sensitive readers, but on the whole a very worthwhile read.adventure childrens-fantasy magic ...more Serenity1,087 11

*I received a free review copy of this book from the publisher through my district library services*

I read this book in one sitting while on a long drive. I was very engaged in the magic and the relationships between characters. Kalvan's familiar, Sparx, is an entertaining character while not totally over the top. Kalvan's best friend is steady and reliable while still being human. Kalvan himself is imperfect but likable and readers will root for him. There is some pretty honest discussion of mental illness and a little language, so be prepared for some questions. Probably recommended for fifth grade and up. publisher-review-book read-2018 Strangeattractor22 1 follower

This was a fun novel.

I thought the epilogue skipped too much and glossed over too many details. I still have questions about what happened after the main climax of the book. Other than that, it kept me entertained, and was more thought provoking than the usual middle grade novel.

I d the local details about St. Paul, Minnesota. The sarcastic talking hare was as memorable as the main character. Bethany1,200 25

So, Kelly's my friend and I'm going to love all his books, right? Well generally I admit his books are more my husband's thing than mine, but this one had both Beatrix and myself entranced from page one right through the end. A must-read. Ruth 453 5

It is trying to be Rick Riordan's The Lightening Thief. Not originalchildren-s-books fantasy Jessica194

Funny middle grade fiction. Checked out for the 3rd grader. I finished it before she did, but she d it too. Lemon Loaf33

The story of progressed too slowly for me, and I was honestly just confused about everything, the lore, the plot, etc. Or I’m just dumb, which is definitely a possibility. Lea157

I need the next book... laura c62 2

The topic of this book was very generic. The chosen kid who has special powers and has to be taught how to control them. Honestly, it was a bit Percy Jackson-ish writing, but not as good.

I d the cover, since the contrast of the two colors of water and fire caught my eye. The title was also interesting, since it told me there would be magis, madness, and mischief in the book!

The book in general was an okay read, and it wasn't really worth all the hours that I put into trying to read it. If you d Percy Jackson, you probably would this one.the-reviewers The Keepers of the Books507 4

Kalvan is not your typical thirteen-year-old. His school is unconventional, his mother is struggling with mental inllness, and he doesn’t get along with his stepmother. While messing around, Kalvan Monroe accidentally discovers fire magic. He also summons a sarcastic hare made of fire named Sparx. Through Sparx’s training, he starts to learn how to control his power. He also learns of the dark center at the Corona Borealis. This crown holds the power of the world. In order to keep the balance, it is handed off each season. Enter the Winter King. Tired of only have a season of power, the Winter King longs to control the world permanently. Will Kalvan be able to stop him in time? Will Kalvan learn to control his powers? Kalvan’s struggles in every
day life are relatable to. The humorous plot is slight predictable in places, but the mix of realism and magic blends well together without feeling forced. Fans of fantasy, magic, adventure novels will enjoy reading this book.

Please Note: A copy of this book was given in exchange for an honest review. No other compensation was given. All opinions expressed are our own.

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Great Books3,034 59

Kalvan has a problem. Actually he's got quite a few. His mother suffers from mental illness, his stepfather is mean and may be planning something dangerous. Kalvan is coming into his superpower with the help of a fire hare - not to be confused with a rabbit. And everything comes together at the height of the St. Paul Winter Carnival.

Reviewer 25ages-12-13 Landon1 review1 follower

Amazing book. I love this. Thanks Kelly. NancyAuthor 9 books46

Thirteen-year-old Kalvan Monroe’s ordinary life flips upside down when he discovers that he has fire magic with the gift of persuasion, that he has bound Sparx (a snarky, ageless, talking fire hare) to him, and that his evil, controlling stepfather is the true Winter King. If that isn’t enough, his emotionally fragile mother may have some magic of her own, but her ability to function in the real world is dissipating quickly. Kalvan, Thomas (his best friend), and Sparx must solve three clues to recapture the hidden Corona Borealis before the culmination of the Saint Paul Winter Carnival—and bring down the Winter King—or the crown will not be passed on to Summer, resulting in a dangerous consequences for earth’s climate and seasons. This imaginative middle-grade fantasy will engage readers with its non-stop action and healthy dose of humor.adolescent-lit fantasy-sci-fi magic ...more T.J. BurnsAuthor 83 books45 Want to read

What a fun, exciting, entertaining read! I will wait for my daughter to finish before we write our comprehensive review, but I can't wait to read Spirits, Spells, and Snark next!

I received a copy of this book from McMillan Children's Books via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.2018 fantasy-sci-fi macmillan-childrens ...more Giedre5 Read

Honestly, this was one one of the best YA novels I have read in a while. I LOVED the chemistry/relationship between the main character and his familiar, Sparx- the snarky, sarcastic, deeply caring kind that can only exist between close friends. Though a youngster discovering his magic has been a theme for a very long time now, this novel made it feel new again for me.

The narrator's sense of humor and frank dialogue was refreshing and kept me turning the pages, despite my college exams. All of the characters here were very well developed, even the ones who barely showed up, I think.

This was a VERY worthwhile read- that's all I can tell you without spoiling anything. If you want to learn more, read it yourself! I would recommend this not only for children, but also for young adults myself. I eagerly await the sequel, of there is one! MaryLibrarianOH1,965 22

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