
One Night Scandal de Kelley, Christie

de Kelley, Christie - Género: English
libro gratis One Night Scandal


A Night with a Marquess

Born on the wrong side of the blanket, matchmaker Sophie Reynard understands the consequences of unbridled desire all too well. Despite the many highborn friends she has matched, falling in love with an aristocrat without a pedigree of her own would be an act of futility. But that doesn??™t stop her from succumbing to one evening of anonymous passion??¦

A Lifetime of Desire

Nicholas Tenbury, Marquess of Ancroft, knows nothing of Sophie??™s lineage. He knows only that the enchanting beauty captured his heart in one night and then fled, leaving no trace of her identity. But when he seeks answers from London??™s finest matchmaker, he finds none other than the woman herself??”stubbornly refusing to acknowledge the attraction they share! Now the enamored Marquess has no choice but to sway Sophie with seduction??¦

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Ok, I’m a teeny tiny perturbed!!! There is no indication that this is #5 in a series. Yes, this book can be read alone, but there are four books before this one that includes all the couples you read about in “One Night Scandal”. In fact, this book could very well be the last of the stories of the couples. Here is the list of other books:
Something Scandalous
Every Night I’m Yours
Every Time We Kiss
Scandal of the Season

That being said…I really d this book. It kept me up all night long, well I did finally go to bed at 4:30am, but I could not put it down. I will ly read the other books by this author. This was a one sitting book.

If you are a stickler about history, language, customs and all that stuff you may not this book. I don’t read historical romances for that. Yes, I do enjoy those types of books, by my focus is usually on the characters and storyline.

Sophie Reynard is a bastard, plain and simple. While she does not hide the fact, she does honor that stigma within society. She knows her place and she doesn’t push the situation. She is lonely though and wants to find her true love. She is a matchmaker that has helped all her friends find love and now she wants what they have found.

Nicholas Tenbury is the Marquess of Ancroft. He is a man above most men in society. He is a future duke who knows that his station in life requires him to find a wife and start a family. He will do his duty, but only on his terms. He wants love in his life, home and heart.

Sophie is a medium and sees her future husband and sees Nicholas. They share a steamy night of passion, but then Sophie loses her future visions when it comes to Nicholas. She runs away from him, leaving him to find a better future then a bastard for a wife. Nicholas can’t get Sophie out of his mind. She is all he ever thinks about and is determined to find her.

This story is about them finding each other and the obstacles they must hurdle to come together. The characters are fun to read about, the scenes are sexy and the story is well paced. This is a pleasant story to read, with no confusing mystery or suspense. It would be a lovely poolside/backyard read. Easy to put down and come back to, but you won’t want to. It grabbed a hold of me and wouldn’t let go. kensington-arcs2 s Romancing the Book4,420 220

Review by Valerie
Book provided by publisher for review

If you’re a lover of romance novels that are more serious than silly, this one is for you. The main character, Sophie, is a medium. She uses her ability to help out her friends and others with their love lives and her gift is a source of enjoyment as well as income for her. She’s part of a mixed up family, really mixed up. She has brothers and sisters she can’t claim and who can’t claim her. She has a father who won’t claim her and will deny their relation if pushed. Family relations and societal status are a really, really big deal in London in 1818 and she knows it. Nicholas also knows a lot about family relationships. He’s also in a situation that if he does the wrong thing, his father won’t have anything to do with him. There are family problems everywhere these two turn.

How and when they meet was one of the lighter moments of this story and quite enjoyable. Sophie takes on the attitude that “What happens in Venice, stays in Venice.” Nicholas takes on the attitude “I have an earring and I want to know who it belongs to.” What neither one realizes is that they both live in London, not Venice. Yes, they do meet up in London and have ties to the same friends that they didn’t know about. Their friends all raise their eyebrows whenever they are in the same room together, wondering...hmmm, could it be?

Sophie and Nicholas clash constantly and have several verbal exchanges about why they shouldn’t be together, yet Nicholas really wants her to be his wife. Their families try to keep them apart and separate them using other people, money, threats, and Sophie isn’t about to marry a man who might one day become a duke – it wouldn’t be proper!!! How these two meet, fall in love, and finally solve all the problems they faced was an enjoyable read! historical romance2 s Jo511 2

Everything about this book is weak. Weak plot. Weak reason. Weak characters. I didn't read the previous books and most of the time, I was confused when old characters from previous books were mentioned. Ms Kelley wrote as if the readers should know who is whom. This book should not be read as a standalone but I don't think I would want to read the rest of them now.1 ies1,480 24

Bagaimana rasanya, ketika kau merasa bisa melihat masa depan, orang yg diciptakan untukmu, jodohmu dan setelah kau memberikan segalanya padanya tiba2 kau mengetahui bahwa laki-laki tersebut jatuh cinta pada sahabatmu sendiri?
Yeah.. Sophie, si cenayang yg sudah berhasil menjodohkan teman-temannya merasa hidupnya kosong dan tiba2 mendapat visi bahwa dia harus pergi ke Venezia karena kebahagiannya ada di sana.
Setelah berminggu2, tetap tidak ada tanda2 dia akan menemukan jodohnya, atau sesuatu yg bisa membuatnya bahagia, dia melihat ke dalam air sungai dan melihat sosok itu, laki2 kekar dgn tampang rupawan dan "bruk" die jatuh ke sungai..

Begitu tersadar, dia ada disebuah ranjang bersama laki-laki yang dia lihat dalam penglihatannya, beranggapan bahwa dialah kunci kebahagiaannya Sophie yg mengaku bernama Sophia menyerahkan kehormatannya pada laki2 yg mengaku bernama Nico
Kenapa tidak? pikir sophie toh laki-laki ini yg akan menjadi jodohnya, dan begitu pagi tiba, dan ketika sophie ingin menuliskan semua yg dia rasakan, die menemukan sebuah surat dari Jennette yg tak lain dan tak bukan adalah sahabatnya sendiri
Dan dia menyadari bahwa Nico / Nicholast adalah seorang Marquess berkebangsaan Inggris (yg pasti tdak mau menerima dia yg anak haram bahkan tdk diakui ayahnya sendiri), sepupu sahabatnya dan mencintai sahabatnya yang lain.. patah hati, Sophie meninggalkan Nicholas tanpa sepatah katapun.

Nicholas, si hero tiba-tiba memutuskan untuk pergi ke Venezia dan ketika sedang asik bergondola tiba-tiba seorang wanita jatuh dari jembatan dan jatuh persis di sebelah gondolanya
yah.. Nicholas kan orang baek, di tolong deh tu perempuan yg kemudian ngaku namanya Sophia dan saat itu juga Nicholas merasakan hal2 yg tidak dia rasakan pada sembarang orang, ketertarikan tanpa kata-kata, dan ketidak kuasaan untuk menolak gairah terhadap Sophia **ealah bahasa gw**
Sayangnya begitu dia terbangun, dia mendapati Sophia tidak ada di sisinya,pontang-panting nyari sana-sini tidak juga ada tanda-tanda keberadaan wanita misterius itu, Nicholas memutuskan untuk kembali ke Inggris.

Nicholas meminta bantuan sahabatnya, Antony untuk mencari keberadaan Sophia dengan menunjukkan salah satu anting Sophia yg tertinggal di kamarnya. dan apa jawaban Antony? datanglah kerumah Ms.Reynald karena dia cenayang yg pasti bisa membantumu mencari Sophia yg misterius
yg baca buku sebelumnya pasti ngeh, Antony ini kakaknya Sophie se ayah, dan Antony pula yg memberikan hadiah anting itu ke Sophie pas die ultah.

Trus? apa Nicholas dan Sophie bisa bahagia begitu kembali ke London?
Masalah pertama, Sophie itu anak haram dan bpknya ga mau namanya di sangkut pautkan sama Sophie, trus ada bapaknya Nicholas si Duke tua yg maksa Nicholas merit sama cew laen yg sederajat dng berbagai cara sampai menjebak, memaksa, mengintimidasi dan terakhis pakai jurus mau menyebarkan gosip bahwa Emma bkn anak Nicholas tp adeknya
trus, ada Jennette yg hamil dan ketakutan suaminya akan tau, dan Sophie ga sengaja denger obrolan Nicholas - Jennette, apakah mereka berselingkuh?

eng ing eng... bener2 seru deh ni novel XD
ya ampun.. gw rada seteres baca ni novel, untuk gw ude tau endingnya pasti hepi eper apter..
kalo ini novelnya mba Daniel Steel di jamin Nicholas merit sama cewe lain, Sophie di usir dr London dan membesarkan anaknya sendiri kwkwkwkw romance1 Tonileg2,243 23

I totally understand peer pressure. It is normal that people want to fit in with friends and family people want to be loved and love others. What does a girl do when all her friends are paired off and having children, but you are still single with no one in sight as a possible future husband.
I really wanted to give Sophie a hug and multiple tender pats on the back. I've been in her lonely shoes, probably most of us (unless you are a child-bride) have had similar moments of being a little lost about your future and where you are in the present. Sophie is at a crossroad in her life. She is the last in the Spinster club, so does she stay in or does she move on her girlfriends?
I really d that Sophie makes the decision to become lover and not a mistress so that she can control the blossoming relationship but just before chapter 20 I was ready to throw the book away and kick Sophie in the butt.
Seriously, when a hot kind rich man (that is friends with all your friends) asks you to marry him (and you happen to be in love with the fellow) then you say YES as quickly as you can. But that would make the story end too quickly, but damn, I started to hate Sophie and her pregnant hormones (which made her stupid?). There was interesting theme through out the story about titled father's and their bastards. This was interesting how much difference it makes when the father declares and accepts the child and the child's acceptance in 'ton' society. I seriously doubt that a bastard daughter of an Earl would be married to a future Duke, but this is fantasy and romance fiction and not historical nonfiction.
This is the fifth book in the Spinster club series by Ms. Christie Kelley. I d it the least, but that may be because I had high hopes for Sophie's love story. She is (was) my favorite in the Spinster club and I loved when she gave the other Spinster's sex advice and contraception ideas (revolutionary for their social class where all titled married woman were little more then brood mares).
2 starshistorical romance series1 Cocktails and Books4,102 322

So when I pre-ordered this book, I did so based on the blurb shown above. Thought it sounded pretty good so I decided to get it. Let me say this....the blub does not do this story justice!

I loved both of these characters. There was such depth to both these flawed characters. You had to wonder if they were ever going to find their way to a HEA or if they were going to deal with the hands they were dealt and move on...whether it killed them or not.

Sophie Reynard uses her abilities as a medium to find matches for members of the ton. After matching her half-brother and her remaining single friend, Sophie decides to visit Venice with her mother to gain some perspective. What she didn't plan was for the perspective to happen while she was falling from a bridge and crashing into a gondola of the man she just saw in her vision.

Nicholas Tenbury jumps and rescues the woman who just plunged into the water. He takes her home with the intention of getting her dry, but fate happens to have other plans.

See, Sophie saw Nicholas in her vision and thinks they are meant to spend the night together. So she throws caution to the wind and does the one thing that will ruin her reputation. Before Nicholas can wake the next morning, she sneaks out.

Neither one of them ever thought they would run into each other back in London (since both of them pretended to be Italian when they met). Since Sophie's friends are married to Nicholas' friends (and a relative), they keep running into each other. What they don't know is their friends are trying to set them up, while Nicholas' father is trying to marry him off to a girl he thinks is appropriate.

You'll be flipping the pages almost to the very end holding your breathe about what's going to happen next. I truly enjoyed it and will have to go back to read the other books for the circle of friends.

4 Cocktails

1 Jessica9 1 follower

One Night Scandal by Christie Kelley

This is an historical (1818) adult romance book.

The main characters are illegitimate matchmaker Sophie Reynard and Marquess of Ancroft Nicholas Tenbury. Sophie has matched all of her friends to there loves but is now wondering if she will ever find her match. While on vacation, in Venice, a man saves her from drowning when she fell into the canal. After a night of passion she find out that he isn't an Italian she first assumed but an Englishman who doesn't only live in London ( her) but also turns out to be her best friend's cousin and in love with another woman!

Nicholas wakes up from a night of passion to find the woman missing but a earring left in the bed. After returning home he soon finds out who the mystery woman was. After another romantic encounter, he's convinced that he wants to have a relationship with Sophie but finds his hands full with trying to convince her. Sophie thinks he isn't her match because of their statuses. How could he be her match when she's nothing in the eyes of society? Throw in Nicholas' no good conniving seriously ill father who wants Nicholas to marry someone with a good line before he dies or Nicholas wont be in his will, some friends who think that they make a good match, the fact that Sophie can't tell her own or Nicholas' match, a surprise, a mystery and determined Nicholas, and you have a great story.

I really enjoyed reading this book. The writing was a little different and Sophie's stubbornness in how she isn't right for Nicholas is a little tiresome as it seems to come back to that over and over again. But overall it was a great story and I would recommend it to people who are into the one night stand type stories and/or historical romances. The steamy parts were very well written. Over all I'd give it a 4 out of 5 .
1 Leanne175 9


The characters in this book are wonderful! Since this is the 5th instalment in The Spinsters Club Series all the characters from the other books are brought together for a wonderful finally.

Sophie Reynard is a medium who matches people and happened to match all the couples in the other books and she got her own story. She's a caring woman who just wants to find a true love of her own. She also has a strong sense of family and it makes things difficult for her.
Nicholas Ancroft is a great hero who has a lot of charisma but is haunted by a past where his heart got broken a few too many times. I had no problem seeing why a woman would fall in love with such a man.


I really enjoyed this book. The characters were witty and fun and the circumstances in which they found themselves were believable. I also found the love scenes not only hot but sensual. You all know I don't to give anything away in a book because it ruins all the great surprises. But, I will tell you that this book managed to suck me in and kept me guessing.
If your looking for a sweet, sensual, conundrum of a historical romance then this is just the story for you!1 Mary39 26

"The only opinion you should care about is what your family thinks."

A woman born a bastard, that is the stigma attached to Sophie's name. But she never allowed society's cold treatment to diminish her value as a gifted medium who helps people find their perfect partner in life.

The biggest irony with her ability is that it only works for other people but not for herself. So when her own true love comes, Sophie was confused and doubtful. It was such a fun, intriguing, and sometimes irritating experience to see her deal with her conflicting feelings for Nicholas. They are dynamic characters who are not afraid to fight for their hearts.

"I think it's your head that can't quite accept him as your match."
Sometimes, we already know that the person is the one for us but we are reluctant to fight for that person. Sophie and Nicholas, showed in their relationship that love is made not to be UNDERSTOOD but to be FELT. 1 Natha780 74



Aku baca buku ini pinjaman, dan walau belum baca buku-buku sebelumnya dari seri yang sama, aku suka banget dengan buku ini. Kalau memang buku terakhirnya saja kece begini, mungkin aku akan mencari buku-buku lain dari penulis yang sama.

Sebagai pembaca, aku tahu kalau endingnya mereka berdua akan bahagia, tapi tetap saja, pas baca ntu nagih banget! Ngga bisa dilepas sampai bukunya selesai. Mana kedua tokoh utamanya menggemaskan dan sering salah paham pula. Jadi pingin nyubit-nyubit. :Phistorical-romance reference translation1 Margaret Hren39 2

Another great historical romance by Christie Kelly, and a great ending to her Spinster Club series. Kelley had a way with words and emotions that draw you into her stories and keeps you there. I love books that make you loosing track of time, and One Night Scandal along with this entire series does this. Bravo Christie, and I can't wait util your next release!1 Helen2,441 11

This book was fantastic I soo loved it a great finish to a wonderful series.
I have been waiting for Sophie to find her hero and she found the best in Nicholas. The story takes us on a passionate journey to Venice to London and back to Venice so many hurdles to get over before a great HEA.
Thank you Christie for hours of reading pleasure1 Laine171

from beginning to end i can't seem to stop myself from reading or even taking my ebook reader down. there was never a dull moment while reading it and i seem to get a bit giddy as i read it. i simply love how sophie and nico found each other at an unexpected event which turned out to be a happy ending.1 Ms M152

Nice ending of the series

the first 4 books this also was well written and full of surprises. The only thing that bug me is knowing Nicholas, the H been declaring his love to 2 other ladies and I don't see why this one is deeper and different than the others other than she is "his current lover".1 Beate771 108

The drama in this book was a bit over-done. It was fine up until the heroine runs away, screaming.

That's my one issue with this book. Other than that, I loved both the main characters, and think this book rounds off the series pretty well.historical romance1 Kristin1,217

Loved it! But then I loved the whole series. If you want something simple and wonderful, this is the series.regency-romance1 Danielle165

I usually do not look for books in this era, but I really loved the characters and the writing style so I will be looking into buying the earlier installments in this line.1 Latte446 4

I've really enjoyed this entire series and had been anxiously awaiting Sophie's story. It didn't disappoint.1 Beichy Pawlak (Lopez)6 2

Great ending to the series. Loved it1 Barbara1,306

Final book of series; very good, always wanted Sophie's story. A little too much angst and "I'm not good enough" but otherwise a good read. Loved Nicolas and Venice!books-2011 romance-regency1 Milena407 3

An excellent read all others in the series.... I recommend them all.1 Elora47 1 follower

I love all series of this book! No comment again :)1 Victoria1,861 16

4 Starshistorical1 Anna82 5

Sofie and Nicholas.

Great story with lots of angst, other parts I wanted to yell "COME ON! REALLY?" Overall I will reread this book in the future, and I hate to see the series end.2014-books ebook romance ...more1 Maxi Bolongaita350 5

At this point, I was already begging for the heroine to die and that I was an idiot for wasting my brain cells reading this and a bunch of other romance novels. Christ on a stick, what a mess. 1 Ana88

Amazing book, loved it!!!!1 Michelle °O°245 8

I just loved the last two books and this series and this one did not disappoint.1 Christy618

As usual my are only for my reading records.
I couldn't wait for this to freaking end!
Ok okay so the basic bottom line for why this is two stars is probably the same reason why I give almost every book two stars inconsistent characters! Sophie is literally all over the place she makes decisions based on the most modern day irrational not future looking self-centered without trying to be self-centered reasoning it's she goes through the process of 2 + 2 and yet comes up with 7.259 every single dang time and I just can't follow it. And she has the added benefit of being a Mind Reading Matchmaker!!! Add seeing her mistress mother's life, being illegitimate herself, traveling the world and BEING A Mind-reader and PREGNANT still she can't come up with the fact that marrying the hero is a good idea and best for her child which is who she should be considering rather than thinking of her romantic love life and whether she's the love of her husband's life . women especially in past days but even in modern days not as much anymore but 25-30 years ago people married for things security, family continuity, protecting their children ,giving their children to name ,reputation ,pressure from family, youth and irrational decisions, pregnancy. She is pregnant unmarried and an illegitimate child of an Earl and yet she is going to stay single because he doesn't love me more than my friend is going to make that child live with the same thing that she's complained about ruin your life this entire book it makes it so miserable I just wanted to be over by chapter 17 because she doesn't learn and it doesn't matter how many dramatic things happen how many threats are made how many weird experiences she has she can't adjust or change and she changes from all the advice she gives her friends in the previous books. And that is the part that makes it to Stars that and when I can't wait for a book to be over that is a problem. Now there are going to be people if you happen to read this review which I hope you don't because it's all done on voice text but if you do if you angsty back and forth high emotion stories you probably will give this a four star maybe even a 5 but for my personal records so that I know why I gave this to Stars why I don't really need to read this again it is because of not being excited for it to end and not wanting to read it ever again and I bought it on audible. brightside is that it is good for sleeping because Ashford McNabb is the narrator and so I will be able to sleep and listen to it.anachronistic audible audiobook ...more pidaalandrian364 5

Ada banyak kepedihan dan penolakan dalam kisah ONE NIGHT SCANDAL - Skandal Satu Malam . Anak-anak yang ditolak mendominasi melalui Sophie dan Emma. Tapi siapa pun layak untuk dicintai, apa pun statusnya, karena semua anak harusnya mendapat limpahan kasih sayang dan rasa cinta dari keluarga terutama. Dan saya juga suka dengan pengakuan yang dilakukan Somerton, ini membuat rasa cinta saya pada karakter satu ini bertambah makin besar.

*pss. hanya untuk kakak-kakak yang sudah dewasa yaa yang boleh baca ;)bukuperpus2017 Kurnia169 9

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