
[Philip & Gilbert 03] My Lucky Star de Keenan, Joe

de Keenan, Joe - Género: English
libro gratis [Philip & Gilbert 03] My Lucky Star


Working on an ill-gotten screenwriting assignment with his partner Claire Simmons, gay writer Philip Cavanaugh offers to ghostwrite a memoir that threatens to expose a handsome actor's latent homosexuality, an endeavor that is also challenged by the arrival of an old nemesis.

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Dragonlance was the first fantasy novel series I ever read so it holds a special place in my heart. The Chronicles Trilogy was the first in a series of 10 core books. There are probably well over a 100 books set in the Dragonlance world but these are the ones you need to read.

Chroncicles Trilogy:
Dragons of Autumn Twilight
Dragons of Winter Night
Dragons of Spring Dawning
Legends Trilogy:
Time of the Twins
War of the Twins
Test of the Twins
Transitions to next generation:
Dragons of Summer Flame

The War of Souls:
Dragons of a Fallen Sun
Dragons of a Lost Star
Dragons of a Vanished Moon

I especially recommend the Legends trilogy, they are the only books I know to mix time travel and fantasy. Also, they are about Rastlin and Caramon, by far the most compelling characters.fantasy224 s CJ58 50

Someone played a dungeons and dragons game (which is based heavily on Tolkien's books) and then decided to write down what their characters did and publish it. And while dungeons and dragons is great fun for those playing it, everyone has had to suffer through players who labor under the mistaken impression that their adventures are just as interesting to everyone else as they are to the player...

"So then, , you know, this Orc came out of the weapons room but I rolled a 20 and I threw my +5 sword and it went right through his shield and practically killed him. And so then, , Arabella threw a level 23 fireball spell at him while Tantros cast an ice spell at the Orc's feet, and so he was, you know, frozen to the floor, , when the fireball hit him...."fantasy147 s2 comments Markus478 1,846

Hear the sage as his song descends
heaven's rain or tears,
and washes the years, the dust of the many stories
from the High Tale of the Dragonlance.

Three centuries have passed since the Cataclysm, where burning mountains fell from the sky and the gods of old abandoned their mortal worshippers. When a group of adventurers come together at the Inn of the Last Home after five long years on their own, they endeavour to begin a search for what has been lost. But darkness awaits them on their journey, and lightning from a cloudless sky, the horrors of war return to the magical world of Krynn.

It's a wonderful feeling when you're able to get immersed in a fantasy story and after a while realise that you started reading the exact right book at the exact right time. Dragons of Autumn Twilight was such a book for me. After reading several huge bricks containing complex tales, all the while also reading tons of historical texts, I needed something light and easy. I picked this book, after having considered it for more than a year, and I couldn't have been happier with that choice.

The Dragonlance series is one of the pillars of modern fantasy, and even though it contains any number of overused tropes, it also produces new ones; tropes that have been used by numerous newer fantasy series since the publication of this book back in 1984.

There are, of course, quite a few downsides to the book. Most of them are in some way connected to the fact that it is really simple. The story is very straightforward, the world is not as developed as most other fantasy worlds, and the writing is not impressive in any way. This could in many ways be considered a YA fantasy, but even so, it was a whole lot better than every single YA book I've ever read before.

I also should mention that I found the book to be a lot funnier than even what seemed to be the authors' intention. Some characters, Fizban the senile mage, were obviously just introduced as comic relief (and it worked perfectly), whereas others had hilarious sides to them, the dwarf Flint Fireforge and his extreme aquaphobia. Perhaps it went a bit too far with the immeasureable stupidity of gully dwarves and the evil goblins' utter uselessness in combat, but hey, it made me smile, so I'm not complaining!

One aspect of the book I enjoyed quite a bit more than I had expected, was characterisation. According to most of the I read before starting this, the characters were generic, shallow and one-dimensional. I could agree with the first of those to some extent, but certainly not with the latter two. Some of these characters, Tanis Half-Elven and Raistlin Majere, were really interesting (though not on the level of my favourite Fizban). They were not among the best fantasy characters I've ever encountered, but I d them, and that's all that matters. The only complaint I can come up with is that the book is too short for the reader to really get to know them, but with so many other books to read from this world, I suspect that won't be a problem for very long.

This was not a brilliant book and it had lots of flaws. But what matters to me is that I really enjoyed reading it. To be honest, this rating would be way too high if I was considering the objective quality of the book. But who cares about objectivity?2015 dragonlance dungeons-and-dragons ...more98 s JonathanAuthor 5 books91

Wow (not a good wow). I just read some of these and ratings. I have to raise my hand and be the voice of reason. The public deserves this.

Let's get something straight here: these books are unreadable for anyone older than 15. I love fantasy and I don't have an issue with the world building or the story here. In my , I sometimes excuse poor writing, characterization and other literary elements when the author does other things extremely well. Most novels have multiple flaws and their relative importance to each reader will dictate how much enjoyment is sucked out of the read.

I could not excuse the literary flaws in this book. They were repetitive, sharp and massive.

The characters are as flat as pancakes. At least pancakes have two sides. These guys are so utterly simple. I realize that this book was a relative trailblazer in the early 1980s, so it's hard to say that they are stereotypes. But they are stereotypes. The first 200 pages basically consists of gathering members of the Quest. They are picked up gum stuck to your shoe; there's no subtlety. As every typical fantasy element was gathered for the Quest, I wondered how this was different than LOTR, other than being crappy.

I thought it would be interesting to read the annotated version of this book so I could see what the authors were thinking. Normally this gives you insight into their thought process, how this plot line impacts the overall story or some background information for characters that might be interesting. Somehow the notations made it worse. My eyes almost rolled straight out of my skull several times as the authors' simple thought process was revealed to me the opening of a pack of Kraft cheese singles.

The writing is simplistic to the Nth degree. I've never encountered so many adverbs in a single tome.

I only got to page 350 or so, with my effort set to maximum. Perhaps pages 351 and beyond are genius but I'll never know. I'll live.

(As a gigantor caveat, I'll add that I would not discourage kids from reading this - it would be accessible and fun for them.)fantasy fiction95 s Mayim de Vries578 932

Disclaimer: My rating is purely sentimental. Dragons of Autumn Twilight is a read down the memory lane. If I were to rate it on the basis of my current standards and preferences, it would score 3 stars the most. As it is, it has been one of the earliest fantasy books I have ever read and it still engulfs me in the fuzzy warmth of initial wonder that there are other fantasy books beside the Lord of the Rings and that I can read them and love them as much as I . It’s also one of the three books sporting dragons that I truly , which I consider a feat in itself.

This book has one saving grace that simultaneously constitutes its greatest pitfall: it’s as classic as classics go. You will find here every existing trope and the novel doesn’t even pretend to deviate off the beaten tracks of the usual fantasy figures and cliches. In 1984 that was quite alright, over 30 years later, while the book passes the test of time, it loses some of its shine and allure. If you are a young reader and relatively new to fantasy, there is a huge chance you will it, otherwise, it can drive you crazy with predictability and a narrative bordering on a draft movie script.

Amid the rising tide of evil, dragons return to the world of Krynn led by the powerful Queen of Darkness, Takhisis. The humankind is lost, the gods of light have apparently abandoned men, the wisdom of the old ages is lost and there are no heroes to lead them into the battle. Luckily, in the Inn of the Last Home, a group of people is forced to form a party of unwilling and mistrustful allies forced by the circumstances. Their first quest is to save a powerful artifact from the power of darkness: goblins, draconians and other sycophants of the Lord Verminaard, one of the generals of the evil Queen.

Anybody who ever played the Baldur’s Gate will immediately recognise the standard composition of an adventuring party. You will have Tanis, the half-elf, torn between the two races of his heritage, Flint, the dwarf, Raistlin the frail mage and his twin-brother Caramon, your typical hack-and-slash warrior, the heroic paladin Sturm, Goldmoon and Riverwind, two barbarians, Tika, a buxom tavern girl and Laurana, a beautiful elven maiden.

The most innovative the book has to offer are two characters: Fizban, the wizard and Tasslehoff Bourrfoot, the kender. The first one, while being a derivative of your generic Gandalf- all-wise and mighty figure, has its own quirks that make him quite unique. Fizban disguises himself as a senile and not quite up-to-date with reality. Plainly speaking, quite crazy. Nobody knows how powerful he is, nobody suspects how vital a character for the forces of Light and nobody takes him seriously. His frequent discussions with trees and heated debates with other inanimate objects might have something to do with it.

Tasllehoff, on the other hand, is your generic derivative of a hobbit. Kenders are, small and annoying children. This race knows no fear and their definition of property is a little bit skewed. Tas is the main source of humour and comic relief in the book (even though his reflections on how small things make the difference is one of the wisest passages in the book).

The story is undoubtedly character driven. Indeed, forming the adventuring party takes most of the time and individual members need to reconcile with each other or find their way and place in the group. As the plot unfolds, the companions discover their true goals in the coming war and need to come to terms with their personal burdens, backstories, and destinies. Mind you, the story is naive (I have read more mature YA by contemporary authors) and presents an idealised vision of the world, but is fast paced and still able to grasp reader’s attention. You might give it a try.

Also in the series:

2. Dragons of Winter Night
3. Dragons of Spring Dawning 73 s Curtis Westman20 13

When I was nine years old, I wrote a short story about an elf and a mage traversing an imaginary world and banishing evil back to the depths from whence it came. I was proud of the story. I showed it to my family and they read it, and pretended it was great. They put it on the fridge.

I reread the story years later and it was a difficult decision whether I should laugh or whether the embarrassment was too much even for hysterics. I thought fantasy fiction had a formula that alternated between a short climax and a short resolution the regular, predictable oscillations of a wave pattern. that wave pattern, it seemed to go on and on so that a 20-paged story seemed to take forever to read. At nine years old, I thought this was an exciting, scintillating narrative. I thought it should be published. But it shouldn't have, I know that now.

It's a shame that the whole thing may as well have been plagiarized from this novel. They share the same structure, the same generic character models and the same laughably simplistic moralities that I could have been summarizing a 400-paged novel. And yet, my version didn't take five hours of your life. My version didn't make you sigh and look wistfully out the window as if to say, "since reading this book, time has passed inexorably onward, I have aged terribly, and yet I have learned nothing." The clouds float by and the traffic continues on the street, but a part of you has died. Un the novel, however, when pieces of your soul die, they stay dead. The same cannot be said for the major characters in Dragons of Autumn Twilight.

The plot reads as if played through a Dungeons and Dragons campaign. Not simply in the sense that it's disorganized and illogical, but also because the reader actually gets the sense that someone is rolling dice to determine the outcome. At various parts of the book that are meant to be exciting, the narrative devolves into explanations of the mechanics of the game. Raistlin is a mage, and thus must memorize his spells every morning if he is to use them throughout the day. Everyone is suddenly struck by fear and must roll 1d20 for a fear check (except the Kender, because he's immune). Tanis, as an elf, is able to see the aura of all living things, except past chapter 5 because it's too hard to keep talking about that ability for too long.

It's an ordeal to read. But I loved it when I was nine. I also had no idea what true hardship was.

I do now. It gives me a basis of comparison. There are many hardships I'd rather face than reading this novel again.read-in-201159 s Graeme6 8

I first read this book about the time it came out, when I was about 10 or 11... and recently found an identical, battered paperback copy at a thrift store. Dipping back into it twenty-odd years later, it has many shortcomings. However, it still takes me back to that time when I'd read under the covers at night with a dying flashlight, and fell asleep dreaming of wizards, warriors and strange, forgotten lands. 45 s Sade319 42

1.5 stars
I honestly believe that if I had read this book when i was way younger, I would have absolutely loved it.
Now though, PHEW!!!! It's kinda hard to overlook the toxic fragile masculinity, the idiocy, pointless pride and female idiot quota that makes up the companions who are to save the world. Quite frankly the only person who had a lick of sense in this book was Raistlin.

Riverwind aka Masculinity so fragile: How on earth did such a toxic character get written? This guy was supposed to be Goldmoon's le boo but apparently he couldn't handle her being his leader. How the heck do you fall in love with someone you clearly know will lead your people, essentially be your boss and start forming omg i fell in love with Goldmoon and not the chieftain's daughter? is this not madness???
...still you are now their ruler- bitterness had crept into his voice - and I will be husband of Chieftain
Goldmoon does the classic spineless female (I feel this is something authors in this genre loved to do) and tries to comfort him dude goes
"I was thinking about it last night. I've been gone so many years. My thoughts were of you as a woman. I did not realize- he swallowed and then drew a deep breath. I left Goldmoon. I returned to find Chieftain's Daughter"
Goldmoon tries to reason with him, telling him she had no choice as her father had fallen ill and couldn't lead and if she hadn't stepped up to the plate so to speak someone else would have taken over.
Know what masculinity so fragile did after this impassioned plea?
"Riverwind listened his face stern and unmoving. He stared at a point above her head. We should get started he said coldly. It's nearly dawn".
Dude kept disrespecting her at every turn until she finally asks for forgiveness for being Chieftain's daughter.
"Oh my beloved. I am sorrier than i can say that you came home to chieftain's daughter and not Goldmoon"
He also apologises but excuses his behaviour on the fact that she didn't tell him all that she had been through.. I'm just here TF??
At which point she agrees to rescind her title as Chieftain's daughter when their journey comes to an end. Of course he doesn't argue.
At every point when Goldmoon had an opinion that didn't go with his, this.. this... little turd would shoot her down in the rudest way. WTF???!!!
I really do not understand how this utterly, despicable chauvinist got hailed as one of the heroes.

Tanis: This was supposedly the leader of the group. I guess they chose him because he was a sturdy fellow but hot damn if there ever was a bland character this would be it. He was just bleh. Take a fucking decision be bloody decisive for crying out loud but nope. Dude couldn't even make up his mind about his love life Ugh!!! I don't know about you guys but when shit happens and the author keeps telling you, your heroes is scared and hands are shaking and they're ready to piss their pants (okay probably overboard there) but yeah, you start looking at them okayyyyyyyyyyyyyy, can i get another hero please?

Sturm: Another despicable human being who couldn't think for himself. Absolutely did not this character simply because he was close minded little shit!! I absolutely could not understand why he hated Raistlin (maybe there's history there) and why at every turn he kept shouting that Raistlin had betrayed them.. Dude was dim honestly. Let's not forget the other times he would have gladly put the others in death's way just because his bloody knight oath or some shit that said don't retreat.. Dude if you want to commit suicide, please go ahead, but don't drag the others into it.

Tasslehoff Burrfoot: Fucking idiot character.

Flint: Now that i think about it. Flint was just there can't say his character got fleshed out so much. Reminded me of the dwarf character in Lord of the Rings though. So maybe you can substitute the two. Apparently dwarves have the same personality across books.

Goldmoon, Laurana and Tika: These were basically the 3 main female characters in the novel, with Laurana and Tika joining the group much later in the adventure. Goldmoon we already know, Tika is presented as a strong opinionated female character so i guess there's hope for her. Laurana is presented as the female who wants to prove to the guy she loves that she's all grown up and can fight. Miss me with that bull shit. but there you have it, the glorious female characters of Dragons of Autumn twilight.

All in all it wasn't a very enjoyable book. I did not the female characters were presented and there were instances were the continuation of scenes were off. That aside if you can stand the narration coming off you're watching a kid's program, chauvinistic characters, dim witted knights, bleh leaders, you may enjoy the book.
40 s Krell75338 53

La trilogia delle "Cronache di Dragonlance"
e' il racconto di un'avventura epica.

Siamo negli anni ottanta, i giochi di ruolo come Dungeons & Dragons hanno riscosso un enorme successo a livello mondiale e molti scrittori utilizzano le loro avventure al tavolo per poi riportarle in romanzi.

Le basi dell'ambientazione prendono spunto dal fantasy Tolkieniano e dalle caratteristiche di D&D, con nani ed elfi, cavalieri e chierici, draghi e magia, ma ogni elemento, anche se pieno di cliché viene ripresentato a corredo di una storia che raggiunge delle vette eroiche ed epiche.

I personaggi sono iconici, abbastanza stereotipati, seguono le classi e i ruoli del gioco ma come lettura, anche se semplice, risulta tuttavia piacevole. Una grande avventura dove l'amicizia e il sacrificio sono i temi preponderanti.

Anche se lo stile non è eccezionale e il lavoro di introspezione non troppo sviluppato, la vera forza della saga è la storia che viene narrata e i rapporti tra i protagonisti. Tiene incollati e procede spedita, catapultandoci in un mondo incredibile di avventure e gesta eroiche. Il risultato è una tra le avventure più iconiche del fantasy e ideale porta di entrata al genere.

Come si può dimenticare uno dei personaggi piu' affascinanti e famosi di tutta la letteratura fantasy: il tenebroso mago Raistlin, unico ed irripetibile?

The "Chronicles of Dragonlance" trilogy
It's the story of an epic adventure.

We are in the eighties, role-playing games Dungeons & Dragons have enjoyed enormous success worldwide and many writers use their adventures at the table to then turn them into novels.

The basis of the setting is inspired by Tolkien fantasy and the characteristics of D&D, with dwarves and elves, knights and clerics, dragons and magic, but every element, even if full of clichés, is re-presented to accompany a story that reaches heroic heights and epic.

The characters are iconic, quite stereotyped, they follow the classes and roles of the game but as a read, even if simple, it is nevertheless pleasant. A great adventure where friendship and sacrifice are the predominant themes.

Even if the style is not exceptional and the work of introspection is not too developed, the real strength of the saga is the story that is told and the relationships between the protagonists. It keeps us hooked and proceeds quickly, catapulting us into an incredible world of adventures and heroic deeds. The result is one of the most iconic fantasy adventures and an ideal gateway to the genre.

How can we forget one of the most fascinating and famous characters in all of fantasy literature: the dark wizard Raistlin, unique and unrepeatable?fantasy saga-dragonlance weis39 s Melissa ? Dog/Wolf Lover ? Martin3,599 10.7k

Loved it

Autor del comentario:

This book is something that would be handy for a bus trip or to read at work. There are hundreds of individual cases averaging about a page and a half in length. In that short span we are told who was killed, how they were killed, who killed them, how the killer was caught, and what became of the killer. When you consider that entire books are routinely written to tell the tale of a single homicide, you can see that each entry will be the barest of outlines of the crime in question. The book takes on a very ambitious task, covering homicides from the 17th century until about a decade ago.

This book would be an acceptable choice if you want to read something that won't break your brain or take up too much of your time. A warning, though: there's nothing in here that will increase your faith in your fellow man. There are a lot of crazy people out there.craziness non-fiction true-crime9 s1 comment Indie20

I initially gave this book three stars but felt I was being unduly generous. It's probably meant to be read as a "guide" to give you an insight into crimes deemed bizarre but I've read similiar style books in the true crime genre that were a lot more comprehensive.

'Bizarre Crimes' almost exclusively concentrated on murder and seemed to be focussing on cases that were high profile or well known as opposed to those that were particularly strange. I understand that when less than two pages is dedicated to each crime it won't always be detailed but sometimes the retelling of the crimes wasn't even accurate, not only is that a sloppy move but I feel that failing to verify whether details of the crimes are correct shows a lack of consideration towards the reader. So that pissed me off.

An inoffensive book to read when you are "between books" but if you know this genre quite well you may not learn anything new.5 s Koren 965 37

This book gives short ( one to two pages) synopses of crimes. There are at least 200 cases cited in this book. I didn't find many of them bizarre to tell the truth. There were some cannibalism stories, which are always bizarre, but that's about it. Some of these are familiar. I didn't find the shortness of the stories enabled me to really get into the stories. I would have d less stories and more depth. No pictures. true-crime2 s Jenny16 5

Not as detailed as I hoped it would be and missed out on fascinating details of the more well known crimes. Certainly focused on quantity rather than quality but was still a really good read, one of those hard to put down books. 2 s Joanne Tinkler (Mamajomakes)226 7

I enjoyed this audiobook, the narrator and the subject matter was good. Whilst there were some rather well known murders included, there were a few obscure and long forgotten ones too which kept the book fresh and interesting. That said, I wouldn’t recommend listening to it all in one go as it would sound repetitive. audiobooks1 Lucii Dixon1,103 46

This book was amazing! Some very bizarre crimes. Seriously interesting and descriptive. Fabulous for fans of true crime who want to learn about crimes that were not necessarily sensationalised in the media etc.

Informative and descriptive, this book will give you chills and goosebumps, but it's definitely worth the read.1 June570 10

Thought it could be an escape from panicdemic, and wished to counter by another disturbing sensation. To one who favor the genre, the rating may be higher.mystery1 Kate2,165 77

Finally finished this last night. It's full of hundreds of crimes, some of which were quite interesting especially since the focus was not on America (the authors are British). Obviously there wasn't a lot of detail since most crimes were summed up in under a page or two, but it gives enough information. read-in-20111 Victoria Zieger1,648 9

Pass. So boring. It's a topic that should have been entertaining and it just wasn't at all. audiobooks nonfiction own1 Carly184 51 Read

This book is the same format as the other bizarre crimes book I read but not many of the crimes, murders mentioned were actually "bizarre" in nature/theme etc..
I am surprised that particular !urderers were not mentioned such as: Amelia Dyer (she susposely looked after children/babies but killed them instead to gain money from the children's parents)
The casanova killer (an American serial killer) Belle Gunness, the monster of Florence, the beasts of satan (Satanists in a metal band, from Italy)
I reading about historical crime, modern crimes that are either solved, a miscarriage of justice with a wrongful conviction bevause a confessioj was obtained while the person was pressured/manipulated to confessed to something they didn't do.
I'm angered, frustrated by the fact that trained professionals, still don't properly seal off a crime scene where a murder(s) have occurred, so then the crime svene is contaminated, and any useable forensic evidence is rendered useless, due to multiple people touching it, or walking all over the crime scene. It also really pisses me off when the police don't take a woman/man seriously when they have a abusive relationship with their boyfriend/girlfriend and tje person is stalking them, threatening to harm them or themselves to be emotionally manipulative.
The same indifference & "victim shaming" can apply to the police when a woman has been molested, raped, beaten up and the police don't believe the victim, they shame the victim for their behaviour and try to find a reason to say thos is what caused it to happen. Why is necessary for the police to look at the phone of a rape victim, other than to "victim shame " them.
It's disgusting that any police officer would ever have the audacity to feel they are justified in "victim shaming" any man or woman ever, especially when they didn't care enough about the victim of any type of crime to at least treat them with respect. They act indifferent, and with supperiority they have a point to proof, but the way they investigated the crime(s) is lazy, incompetent, especially when fake evidence is planted at a crime scene to frame someone for a crime they didn't commit. So people have "confirmation bias" so the most logical person that could of committed a crime, did commit a crime without fotensic evidence to back up their reason for arresting the person responsible for the crime. I don't particularly trust the police, due to them being corrupt, a rapist, or more recently a British police officer murdered a woman in England that is the same age as myself, it's disturbing & disgusting.
It is frustrating that even when there is forensic evidence, it still isn't enough evidence to prove the right person was at the scene of a crime/or to prove in court that they are the correct person that committed a crime and would be convicted, and sentenced to time in prison.
I enjoyed reading this book, but I wish it included more crimes that are actually "bizarre" otherwise the book title is misleading.
Information about the Zodiac serial killer is inaccurate, he never made a phone call and said about having headaches, it was a hoax and had nothing to do withe real Zodisc serial killer that was never caught or identified. T1,069

I ‘read’ the Audible version, read by David Shaw Parker.

Audible review: Probably not the best book for audible as each crime reference is very short with little detail. The reader’s voice is mostly fine, but occasionally annoying due to three things: he sometimes put a strangely happy emphasis on sentences describing gruesome details, which was weird; he uses some strange pronunciations for place names; and most irritatingly, he insists on doing “accents” (usually badly) when saying anything that is a direct quote.

Book review: The crimes are rarely, if ever, “bizzare”. Every crime is murder (or rape & murder/robbery & murder etc). I found that really frustrating because I wanted to hear about bizarre crimes not just generic murders. The author tries to cover by saying that all murders are bizarre, which while true in the sense he means, is a bit of a cheeky reasoning to sell a book on - because I am sure me, most people bought the book on the strength of the title.

Furthermore, most of the cases are pretty famous and so there is little new for anyone with even basic interest in true crime, with a number of them even the subject of recent documentaries/tv shows/podcasts. I ended up listening to it as background for tasks, which meant I zoned out a little (audible reader had quite a soothing voice), and it was more a “reminder” about cases I already know.

Even for novices, the descriptions are very short with barely any detail, so it’s more a reference book in which you then need to go look up the details.

Bit of a waste of money really. Aubrey413 1 follower

I really enjoyed this anthology! Each crime was given the appropriate detail, while not being over dry with the nitty gritty. They're bite-sized snippets of some of the most bizarre crimes around the world.

These crimes ran the gambit - from downright absurd to absolutely rotten and cruel.

I learned a little bit about a lot of crimes, and I really d that. This book gives me a place to start if I decide to venture further in finding sources or other books about the crimes described.

All that said, this book is most definitely not for the faint of heart. There are very graphic images that are spelled out in very gruesome detail. If that's not your thing, this book is most ly not for you.

Overall I enjoyed this book, even though it took me a while to read through the entire thing. Even as a lover of true crime, sometimes some things are best in small doses. Bob Cantrell850 3

Murders can be twisted

The scope of this book is murders and murderers. If you are looking for all the gruesome action with all the details, well it isn't here. This is a vast amount of people, who what they felt were good reasons took the lives of their victims without a card in most cases. Now most of these stories deal with crimes in the United Kingdom and Europe with a soupcon of America thrown. To say this book was enjoyable is not accurate it is just bizarre what people will do I a lot of cases to solve their problems. Enya594 44

Since there were so many cases in this book there were quite a few that even a true crime aficionado me didn't know. Even though each case is only quite short, I d this because it introduced me to some compelling cases which I can go on to read about (or watch YouTube videos about) in more detailnon-fiction Lieselot Mauroo281 19

I wouldn't say all the crimes in this book were bizarre, most actually weren't, but it was still an interesting read. There were crimes in the book I'd known of, but many more I'd never heard of. Each crime depiction was usually no longer than two pages, so this book did introduce me to a lot of crimes, which I d as I am a crime buff, so this was interesting to read. Mary431 7

This is not an in-depth book, but it's short, interesting chapters of true-crime from around the world throughout time. I wouldn't necessarily use it as a reference for anything, but it was entertaining and relaxing. Rosemary Krystofolski135

Great book that includes chapters on a lot of murder cases

Great true crime book that covers hundreds of murder cases with chapters of several to a half dozen pages about each murder case. A book that anyone interested in true crime will definitely enjoy reading. Adri G.M.Author 12 books270

Some good, some bad, so eerie! Interesting, all in all. Lucy Harris1 review

Noticed a lot of errors made with certain details - felt poorly researched as well as there being several typos. Have read much better real crime books. Varpu Reiniaho222 2

I mean, there's a lot of content, but I enjoy my true crime detailed to the bone.
It's okay, I guess, but not something I'd recommend specifically. Kristina SanchezAuthor 5 books239

A taste of hundreds of crimes. Interesting. Ana Valadas23 2

Very interesting2021 inglês Drew 23

This is funny for no reason. Matthew Harwood734 3

A chilling collection of dark tales that leave the reader wondering. Caitlin62

Varied cases, some very interesting and others not so much! But a good book to listen to to pass the time.audiobook Nichola718 3

This is the definition of an info dump. That was quite intense. I learnt a few things. But I also totally blanked out in sections.

This should not be read in one go. Lesson learnt. Sehar191

a list of murders.
A few cases stand out but overall literally tge format of the 300 or so chapters was x killed y and was sentenced to _. Over and over and over again. Melanie38

(Questions from Audible's form)

If you could sum up The Mammoth Book of Bizarre Crimes in three words, what would they be?
Fun, fast-paced, informative.

What was the most compelling aspect of this narrative?
The narrator does a great job telling the gruesome stories in the most light-hearted way that he can. I wasn't sure I d him at the start of the book, but I grew quite fond of him quickly. He's also one of the best I've heard at doing accents, he was pretty amazing!

Have you listened to any of David Shaw-Parker’s other performances before? How does this one compare?
Nope, this was the first one. And will probably be the only one, unless he adds more books to his resumé. Of the 14 or so books he's got on Audible, this is the only one that interested me.

If you could give The Mammoth Book of Bizarre Crimes a new subtitle, what would it be?
Or, The Depravity of Human Beings

Any additional comments?
I wish we could give half stars. 4 stars isn't enough, and 5 stars is too much. I'd have given it a full 5 stars, but I skipped a whole section on contract killings, mafia hits and assassins. That kind of stuff has never really interested me. But everything else was a wonderful, albeit sometimes gruesome, read.own Kath Lambert144 5

This one took me quite a while to read (or rather to listen to) as I started it back in July but as it is a rather hefty 301 chapters of various short stories, I found myself wanting to mix up the listening of this book with several novels and podcasts, as listening to a somewhat endless list of 300+ stories was starting to grate on me a bit after I got done with the first 60 or so. I d the book, and I d hearing about the various bizarre crimes, but it just got a little monotonous after a while.

However, by breaking up the chapters and listening to them here and there over the space of four months, it did mean that I enjoyed the book overall, and would recommend it to those who are interested in true crime, but you might also want to give yourselves time and space between chapters when you read it.

If you pick up a physical copy of the book I'd imagine it would work in much the same way, one you pick up here and there but not one you read in a continuous chunk. But certainly one with interesting true cases and one that will have you gasping here and there with the crimes being discussed. Trixie Jack9 1 follower

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