
The Far Second of Eternity de Keana Doyle

de Keana Doyle - Género: English
libro gratis The Far Second of Eternity


Keana Doyle Publisher: Pepperback Press, Inc., Year: 2023

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So first of all, I just to say that the reincarnation thing is a little bit messed up. She gets a new soul with the same body? That's not really how rebirth works. It's usually the same soul with a new body. That's why it's reincarnation, defined literally as "the rebirth of a soul in a new body". And I get what she's going for, not wanting to swear and having family friendly words of distress but some of them are absolutely ridiculous. I can't take the character or the author seriously. 

Second, just read this passage from the prologue and we'll break it down together

"He walked into the village tavern’s common room, wearing muted, worn clothes everyone else.  

No one paid him any attention, despite his being a stranger.  

Of course they wouldn’t. That was how he wanted it.  

But I’d felt his presence before he’d even entered. No point in running since he only would’ve found me again… and probably would have been less happy about it.  

I sat in a corner, continuing to drink. 

 The villagers no longer had any interest in me either, not with a knife stuck in the table, dripping blood from the last idiot who’d tried to press his intentions."

If he's a stranger, people will pay attention in a small town no matter what you're wearing. Plus there are better ways to explain that he's unnoticable than than by stating he obvious. Why else would he dress that way and strive to be everyone else?

MC is trying to stay inconspicuous but apparently assaulted a man that went to talk to him

The phrasing and writing seems off and that's just the first couple paragraphs. 

"he commented drily in Greek, “I would ask to join you, but I do not think that wise. In truth, I think we should step outside.”  

“I think I am fine where I am,” I responded in the local Gaelic dialect. No sense in letting them know I, a strange surly female, was more educated than their druid. 

 A wry half smile filled his face. I’d just outed myself by answering him"

*Sighs* our MC is stupid apparently. If she understood that it was a different language from the beginning why respond at all other than with a "what did you say?". She should have either not responded or responded in Greek. If the author wanted to make it accidental why not have it so the stranger spoke, she replied and then realized her mistake and that he actually spoke a different language. Or have him switch mid convo so he wasn't expecting it and slips up. There are so many better ways to write it! 

The rest of the book doesn't get much better. I'd say that I really tried to stay engaged with the book but I just couldn't. After about 40% I just skimmed through it to be done. I could go into detail about the lack of character development or the huge gaps in the story but I'll just say that the 4-5 stars are clearly paid to read this book. I'll give the author some credit. It's a great premise for a story with an intriguing world and some decent humor so, do with that what you will. 

Patty1,825 10

I really d the overarching angelic concept for this story. Humans, archangels, and Nephilim mixed up with covert military style operations made for so many interesting things to address. I found Nemo a particularly fun multifaceted character with unique ways of expressing herself. I did have some trouble keeping track of all of the different characters and their special abilities. Although I know some of Nemo’s background, all of the other characters felt they were just inserted into the story. I did the several different levels of interpersonal connection and conflict, it was hard times to know who was doing what and why. Watching the situation play out, It was somewhat satisfying to see how things finally concluded. With some team/situation details yet unresolved, I also sense some unrest and challenges for the future-particularly for Nemo and Henry.

I received an ARC and am voluntarily sharing my honest review. TaniaRina1,589 99

If I were to live almost forever, I know I wouldn’t want to do the same thing every single century. I’d wanna mix it up and live a little, then rest. Repeat. Travel, read, take classes, read, travel, read, learn to dance, read, travel, read, etc. I might get a little bored, but at least I’d still be alive rather than having supernatural criminals chasing after me.

I d how this was written in a very colloquial style:
‘The porcelain throne and I hung out for some long amount of time.’
‘It was a hard fight not to go all Cookie Monster on the delicious foods.’

The book description ends with the below question:
“Why does doing the right thing have to be such a hard choice?”

This author is very new-to-me (less than a week) and I look forward to more of her works.1-add2-bookbub 1-amazon-problem zz-crimefic-read ...more Keana Doyle2

This is an endearing, comedic speculative fiction adventure. I love the main character's voice and her quirky sense of humor. It's going onto the keep for rereading shelf, and I can't wait for book 2. Virginia11.1k 16

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