
Out of the Shadows de K.C. Wells

de K.C. Wells - Género: English
libro gratis Out of the Shadows


Can he step out of the shadows and into love’s light?
Eight years ago, Christian Hernandez moved to Jamaica Plain in southern Boston, took refuge in his apartment, and cut himself off from the outside world. And that’s how he’d like it to stay.
Josh Wendell has heard his coworkers gossip about the occupant of apartment #1. No one sees the mystery man, and Josh loves a mystery. So when he is hired to refurbish the apartment’s kitchen and bathrooms, Josh is eager to discover the truth behind the rumors.
When he comes face-to-face with Christian, Josh understands why Christian hides from prying eyes. As the two men bond, Josh sees past his exterior to the man within, and he likes what he sees. But can Christian find the courage to emerge from the darkness of his lonely existence for the man who has claimed his heart?

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Just kind of meh for me. I d the premise, but these just wasn't enough to get a connection to the characters. It could have been funny, but there wasn't enough balance to have Lionel come across as likable and snarky instead of just whiny and bitchy.families holiday-reads shorts2 s Shelba2,418 72

This has great potential, but in the end, Lionel’s main goal seemed to be to find someone…. anyone… so that he wasn’t single for the holidays. And when he meets Kyle we get one brief conversation, with no exchange of anything personal… and then another brief exchange a month or so down the road. And we never were told what exactly the purple tailed costume was.2022 mm1 Serena YatesAuthor 97 books770

This was a short, fun read. Plenty of humor to keep me interested.gay1 Emily610 12

I don't really need to rehash the plot of the story as the blurb gives you all you need to know. It's pretty simple ~ gay guy gets trapped into taking his niece trick-or-treating in a big purple costume, with a tail, and ends up literally falling for a hunk in all black. Though it sounds simple enough, Munder does a wonderful job with this little Halloween story. It's quite brief but it's a fun tale and Lionel is a well written character. I was laughing throughout the story and I loved the style of humor that Munder employed. Lionel's costume couldn't be more preposterous and it makes for several hilarious moments, especially when the wind picks up his tail and sends him to the ground, taking his new friend with him. I enjoyed this story quite a bit and can't wait to read more of Munder's short stories.

http://emily83176.livejournal.com/857...ebook gay short-stories blub2,040

A very short read. There's not a lot of character building since it's too short. Readers are just given an snippet of a guys night out with his niece, what the guys sister and brother-in-law think of him, and a scenario of what can happen with the wrong type of costume.mm L-D1,478 65

I thought this was a fun, quick halloween short but overall it wasn't very developed.m-m novella Deeze1,628 288

Nothing really worth mentioning with this one. Short and sweet but not one that worked for me. Kira479 11

Tag team review with Sara

--After reading however many Dreamspun Desires, I've found the cracky fluff can fall into certain categories. Some could be action fluff, slightly angsty fluff, very fluffed out fluff and sweet fluff.

Out of the Shadows by K.C. Wells falls into the latter.

It's so sweet I got a cavity after reading the beauty and the beast themed slow burn romance.

Christian Hernandez (32) has been a self imposed recluse for the last eight years due to extensive burn scars he received on the right side of his face and torso. He lives in his Jamaica Plain apartment, working from home as his main source of social interaction. His highlight of the day is when he sees a young, trim handyman working in the communal garden outside his patio doors. A mandatory refurbishment to his apartment via his building association forces Christian to let someone into his home... his hot handyman.

Through many interactions via text and closed doors, the two men develop a friendship. Josh (25), the handyman is so full of life and sweetness, even Christian can't resist his pull. Christian slowly opens up to Josh, shares his self and expects ridicule. Instead, what he gets is something much more valuable: that he is more than just his scars.

Josh is dreamy. He sings, loves Harry Potter, has an awesome support system in his 3 best friends, and can fix things. Plus, he sees that Christian just has scars, that Christian isn't just his scars. He is very persistent and flexible into slowly re-introducing Christian to their town. This I think was my most favorite thing about this novel, time was given to Christian to say yes or no. And Josh never gave up nor did he pressure him.

Plus, the quiet slow burn was fitting for the characters. Everything within their relationship from strangers to friends to something more read natural and not forced. And when they finally enter the HEA and smexy times come into play, it was pretty sexy. (Yes, smutsters this one definitely fills the sex scenes limit of the house line with some hotness)

I'm not a fan of Josh's friends. Not because they weren't nice young gentlemen, because they are. They were very accepting of Christian into their fold. My issue with them is a majority of the time when they were on page, they spoke middle aged women. I kept getting flashbacks of my older aunt and her friends cackling and gossiping. Not something I mind if I'm forced in their company, but it pulled me from the story. These guys were supposed to be in their mid-twenties and I wasn't buying it.

Also, the story is set in Massachusetts. And there is obvious research of Boston that shows in the novel. Josh sounded a Bostonian tour guide he showed so much of the city. However, there were moments where a British turn of phrase popped up and threw off the American vibe it was going for.

I'm unsure what K.C. Wells writing style is. So I'd try another book by her again to see if I'm a fan or not.

If you're a reader who s sweet slow burn in their cracky fluff, then I think Out of the Shadows is worth a try. It reads very quick and low angst, perfect addition to the Dreamspun line!

A copy provided for an honest review.age-difference blue-collar contemporary ...more34 s ~?~D?ni(ela) ? ?? love & semi-colons~?~3,137 710


Out of the Shadows is a quiet romance about a handyman named Josh and an insurance investigator named Christian. That sounds ordinary, and it is.

What sets the story apart is that Christian is badly scarred on the right side of his face and right arm. He suffered a serious burn injury eight years ago and is now a recluse who leaves his flat only at night.

The best word to describe the MCs, as well as the secondary characters, is NICE. Everyone in this story is nice.

Once Christian shows himself to Josh by accident, the men become friends. But Josh wants more. He thinks Christian is beautiful.

I wanted more tension (and more steam!). I don't super angsty stories, but this one is almost too easy.

Potential side plots are mentioned but completely dismissed: Christian's mom/stepdad situation, Josh's relationship with his brother, the potential chemistry between Josh's friends Nate and Dylan.

That's not to say I didn't enjoy the story, because I did. It's a heartwarming read with a comfort/healing theme and sweet HEA. comfort-healing feel-good-low-angst m-m ...more24 s Sheri1,414 182

I’m not entirely sure what made me come back to this one, but I’m glad I did. I originally dismissed it, looking at the cover and deciding to skip it. But then I kept thinking about it. The blurb stuck with me and I became more and more curious. The following day I revisited the offer and gave it a go. This was my first time with K.C. Wells and I found her voice soft but intriguing. I was only a few chapters in when I realized it was going to be a one sitting read, I just didn’t want to put it down. I enjoyed both Christian and Josh from the get go and was entirely vested in their story. I’m so thankful their story snagged me and insisted I discover them and I believe you will feel the same.

What's to : Initially, a mysterious vibe draws you into this tale. Who is this isolated man? Why does he hide from the world? What happened to him that cost him his freedom? And when you discover the reasons behind Christian’s reclusiveness, your heart will ache. A single moment in time changed his life forever. He survived a tragic accident but the life he knew was stolen. Rather than face pity or worse, repulsiveness, Christian embraces the life of a hermit. His self-confidence is shattered, he’s afraid and most of all, he’s lonely. In reality, he isn’t living but merely existing.
Then without his consent, his apartment complex begins a remodel, which includes his apartment. His safe haven is no longer private. A stranger must come into his home and his anxiety soars. To his utter shock, the stranger is sweet, gentle and…familiar. Before he knows it, his carefully constructed walls are crumbling. Maybe he was wrong and there’s hope for his happiness after the accident after all?

What's to love: The characters make this story so powerful. I quickly fell for both of them. Josh is everything Christian needs and didn’t know he needed. I was captivated during their slow dance. This was a beautiful slow burn. Josh doesn’t see a monster when he looks at Christian, he sees beauty. He yearns to help Christian see past the images that haunt him. When Josh looks at Christian he sees a brave, strong man who survived something horrific. He sees his kindness and fun sense of humor, and most of all he sees his heart. Before long, he sees his soul mate as well. Wells delivers a beautiful love story while simultaneously demonstrating the power love holds in overcoming severe obstacles. Love gave Christian the boost he needed to spread his wings and fly again. It was stunning to witness. I hope you have the chance to see it too.

Beware of: Slow-burn romance. Hurt-comfort romance. Surviving life-altering accidents and the mental anguish that accompanies such trauma.

This book is for: If you’re me and browsed past this story at first, take a step backward and reconsider…trust me, it’s worth it.

Book UNfunkluv-2-reread still-smiling19 s * A Reader Obsessed *2,353 488

3 Hearts

I’m going to make this brief because there are plenty of great out there already.

This for me embodied the no fuss, no muss, light on the angst romance that Dreamspun Desires excels at.

As per the blurb, Christian has been hiding from the world, afraid of ridicule and rejection. When fortuitous circumstance allows him the opportunity to get to know the handyman he’s been crushing on from afar, he never dreamed or hoped that he would ever get Josh to call his own. In turn, Josh sees beyond Christian’s physical flaws, as these two slowly get to know one another. With Josh’s easy going manner and quirky sense of humor, he draws Christian out of his self imposed isolation and discovers a person he wants in his life permanently.

This isn’t overly complicated, the relationship progression quite turmoil free. What it excels at is the slow build between these two that was simply sweet with good dashes of hurt comfort and sexy.

However, for me, the audio was a complete and utter fail. I don't know what Finn Sterling or the director or whoever produced this narration was thinking, but having him voice one of the main characters a few octaves higher than normal was absolutely baffling. So, everytime wonderful, gorgeous (inside and out) Josh spoke, he sounded a woman (as much as a male narrator can), and it was so incongruous to what I was trying to picture in my poor brain, that it repeatedly threw me out of the story and ruined my overall enjoyment. As always, I know everything is subjective, so please sample this hard before buying. I can’t in good conscience recommend the audio and simply implore you to read the book instead.

Thank you to the author/publisher for the audio in exchange for a honest review

2017 arcs-bmbr audio ...more17 s BWT2,199 236

I'm actually really bummed.

I usually enjoy Finn Sterling's narration and this, for the most part, was no exception. Sterling uses distinctive character voices for every character, he has good pacing, he has good timing, he adds just enough emotion to his performance...this was shaping up to be a 5-star narration for me.

And then one of the main character's voices changed.

The character voice for Josh literally changed throughout the production. Josh's voice started out normal, and the change was subtle at first. But then it got progressively higher in pitch until, by the end, the character sounded what I would imagine it would sound if Mike Tyson and Mickey Mouse had a love child.

I honestly do not understand how it is possible that Sterling didn't notice, or how this got through proofing without someone acknowledging, "Dude, you changed Josh's voice. What's up with that?"

Talk about disappointing. If it weren't for that I would be raving about this - the story is sweet, low angst, nice characters, a little heat...too bad Josh's voice became my main focus taking away from the rest of what would have and could have been an awesome audio.

Audio copy of Out of the Shadows provided by Dreamspinner Press in exchange of an honest review.

This review has been cross-posted at Gay Book Reviews.
2017 audiobook gay-book- ...more15 s Ann1,452 130

4.5 Stars

I fell for this story and these characters pretty hard. I was supposed to be buddy reading with a couple of fellow unicorns then RL got in the way before I could put a coherent review together . . . BUT, I was totally with Sara on this one, so I am glomming on to her awesome review and saying "Ditto, Red!". SRAL was not quite as an enamored but is spot on as always.

blue-collar-boys broken-boys dsp ...more13 s Susan2,254 429 Shelved as 'dnf'

DNF at 50%

I’ve read some K.C. Wells books I really d, but for some reason her newer books are not for me. So, sorry for the rant, it's not the author, it's me.

I was so incredibly bored with this one. All the conversations these guys had were awkward and just didn’t flow right. And what also really bothered me was how oblivious (stupid) these characters seemed to be.

They both wonder if the other one is gay. They are attracted to each other and are thinking they want to know if the other one is gay too. There were so many times were the opportunity presented itself to be open about their sexuality, but they let it all pass.

You talked about spending time with your friends, but you didn’t mention a girlfriend or partner. I take it you’re single?”
Christian looked away to spoon coffee into a mug. “Or am I being presumptive?”
“You’re okay, and yes, I’m single.”

It was so obvious Christian was fishing, but Josh said nothing about being gay, even though he wanted to know badly if Christian was.

“Anyway, you were telling me about your stepdad.”
“Not much to tell,” Josh said shortly. “He’s an asshole.” When Christian didn’t respond, he glanced across at him. “What?”
“He must really be an asshole, because I haven’t heard you badmouth anyone since we started having conversations. Granted, that’s only been a week, but still….” He cocked his head to one side. “I had the impression that you got along with everybody.”
“Sure. I get on with everyone who’s not a homophobic asshole.”

Josh snorted. “Ha. The ones about Harry and Draco are more to my taste.”
Christian stilled, uncertain of how to react. “Harry… and Draco?” When Josh nodded, his expression suddenly watchful, the hairs on the back of Christian’s neck stood on end. He swallowed. “Me too.”
Okay, it doesn’t mean anything. Just because he’s reading them doesn’t mean he’s gay. Except some of the Harry/Draco fanfiction Christian had come across had been extremely erotic.

And then they find out they’re both gay. But come on, how stupid are these people?!? They have been talking for days, have complimented each other’s body, have awkwardly flirted, and Josh even tells Christian he doesn’t get along with his stepdad because he is a homophobic asshole. And still it is a major surprise to Christian that Josh is gay????

And the things these guys talk about were just so uninteresting to me, I almost fell asleep several times.

Yeah, not the book for me.12 s CrabbyPatty1,652 179

Eight years ago, Christian Hernandez suffered a horrendous injury and moved to Boston, working out of his apartment, cutting himself off from the world, ordering everything he needs online and only occasionally going outside, but only after dark. Josh is the good-natured gorgeous gardener and handyman in Christian's apartment complex who is tasked with modernizing Christian's kitchen and bathrooms.

Out of the Shadows has only a few sex scenes and is basically a sweet, low-key story of these two men slowly becoming friends and developing an accepting, loving relationship. Josh helps Christian learn to deal with his crippling social anxiety and accept himself.

So why do I feel so .... uninspired? At only 250 pages, this book feels much longer, perhaps because there is no other focus than these two men who are nice, but fairly boring. I didn't get any chemistry or sizzle between the two or even a sense of their interests and aptitudes. Along the way, we meet Josh's friends who are similarly nice but they all seemed interchangeable with no distinct personalities.

I think this quiet steady story may appeal to other readers, but Out of the Shadows is a miss for me - 2.5 stars.

I received an ARC from Dreamspinner Press in exchange for an honest review.

Visit my blog, Sinfully Good Gay Book Reviews 2017-reads arcs-received bad-things-happened ...more11 s Ami5,982 491

3.5 stars

Some parts might be a little too mundane for me -- the fixer-upper activity was nice but after a while my eyes seemed to glaze over, plus I've never been into the power level of enthusiasm over everything Harry Potter --

but overall I thought Out of the Shadows to be very tender and sweet. I loved how Josh finally take Christian out of his dark shadow, and I LOVED Josh's friends.

This is definitely good for the soul :)dsp-dreamspun mm-contemporary mm-romance-or-erotica12 s Sara 1,510 154 Read

5 Hearts

Tag Team Review with SRAL!

Wow. This book blew me away and it blew me away because it was such a quiet romance. I know in this line, the books can be predictable but this really wasn’t. It was a super sweet delicious slow burn with the most respectful hurt/comfort romance… just, le sigh. Okay. Le sigh.

I loved how the book opens with Christian’s POV, our self-made recluse who s watching the handyman/gardener of his apartment complex work in the communal garden. It’s something Christian gives himself when he needs a break and at that moment, after reading that there will be renovations made to his property and someone invading his private space. Christian doesn’t do people, though we don’t know the why immediately but having a nice long look at a handsome man doing physical labor seems to settle him and I was happy to ogle with him.

Josh Wendell is the go to man that the Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation has come to adding on the new kitchen and bathroom renovations to his list of duties. Josh is fine with that as he has always loved working with is hands but when a few co-workers suggest he might see the mysterious guy in #197, apartment #1, who is rumored to never leave his place. Josh is more interested in the why of it than the way people talk and decides if he gets to work on that apartment, he’ll have a chance to find out.

Told in the dual POV’s of Christian and Josh, we get to know the men on a day to day basis as Josh does the needed renovations. On his first day, he is greeted by a thoughtful gesture of coffee/tea and a note that if he is needed, he can contact Christian at the provided number. When Josh blows a fuse in the apartment and needs to contact Christian, he gets a sense that the resident in Apartment #1 isn’t out of the house and instead, locked behind closed doors.

The first conversations between the door with Josh and Christian were so sweet. They seemed to click right away and were comfortable with one another. The offerings of food and drink between them was adorable but when Josh shows up early one day and Christian is in need of help, Josh sees the real Christian and the story get deeper. With Josh seeing Christian’s scars, we get to learn what happened to him that has made him live his life alone and hidden for the last 8 years. It was pretty heartbreaking that forgetting one thing could leave a man riddled with scars and shame about his looks. But Josh isn’t what Christian was expecting and Josh sees beyond the scars to the man beneath.

When Christian realizes that Josh, the guy he’s come to chat with on a daily basis while he works in his apartment is the same guy he’s been drooling over as his handyman, Christian lets his attraction unfold though only to himself as he thinks Josh is straight and Josh thinks Christian is straight. Thank goodness a love for Harry Potter and fan fiction lead them to a list of favorite movies so that their sexuality can be straight, or not so straight.

Goodness, but I loved this book. It’s so very much relationship centered on how the men meet, become friends through their daily chats as Josh works and then more. Josh is enamored of Christian from their first chat but when he sees him, his scars and learns how Christian has survived he knows that beauty comes from the inside out. Not that Josh doesn’t think Christian is sexy AF because he does and so want to get lost in Christian’s eyes. But as Josh gets to know Christian, he knows he needs to be patient with him and knows he has to make Christian understand it’s the man, the whole man he wants and sees beyond the scars.

Josh truly is an amazing character. He is so patient, understanding and thoughtful when it comes to Christian. His friends are great side characters as well with how much they want Josh to be happy and they can see how being around Christian is changing him because of how much he s him. A movie night of Dune allows the men to move forward in oh so many ways.

Christian is such and strong man. I can’t imagine being where he was in life to go through what he did and make the decision to walk away from everyone and everything he knew to live life truly in the shadows. Only through the inclusion of Josh into his life who makes him want more than he thought possible does Christian ache to feel the light on his face, the smile on Josh’s and their hands entwined as they walk down a public street together.

Wow. I am rambling aren’t I? I have learned to take that as a sign that the book was good and this was really good. It was super fluffy but always with an underlying heat between Josh and Christian that aided to the delicious slow burn romance. Both men were stunning in their fondness for one another while being fierce in determination to get what they want.

Out of Shadows is an extremely sweet and fluffy slow burn romance with the best sort of hurt comfort that won over this hopeless romantic. I adored the story of Josh and Christian and can only hope the author is considering giving us the true story of Nate and Dylan because I agree with Christian, there is a little bromance brewing there.

boys-who-love-boys goo-is-good hurt-comfort ...more11 s Leaundra1,184 50

This was the sweetest book. I loved how Josh and Christian met. How they slowly became friends and then how it went from friendship to love. Josh was so patient and just such a sweet guy. And Christian didn't realize how lonely he truly was until he got to know Josh. I also loved Josh's friends they were too cool.9 s Sandra 1,834 336

4.5 stars!

I adored this so much! What a sweet romance between one hunky gardener/handyman and one damaged, hiding young man who thinks an accident 8 years ago that left him severely scarred turned him into a monster not fit for society.

Josh is a gardener/handyman for an apartment complex and has been tasked with modernizing some of the apartments by upgrading the kitchens and bathrooms. The first apartment is the home of a mysterious resident, whom nobody has apparently ever seen. Josh is a really nice guy, easy-going and kind, and he has no preconceived notions about the man who lives in the apartment. Josh feels he's there to do a job, and he plans on doing a good one. He also has a nice group of friends, including two (Nate and Dylan) who may be given the "oblivious men of the year" award. I sure hope the author has a book planned for them as well.

Christian made a horrific mistake 8 years ago while helping a stranded motorist to jump-start his car and hooked up the wrong side first, resulting in severe acid burns to his face, arms and chest. He moved to Boston to start a new life - if you can call it a life - and cut himself off from friends, family, and everyone. He orders what he needs online, groceries are delivered to his front door, and he only rarely goes outside, and when he does, it's at night, cloaked in darkness. He's afraid of people's reactions to his scars and would rather be alone than see them pity him or recoil from him.

Unbeknownst to Josh, Christian has been watching him work in the flower beds and such, admiring and lusting after him. Of course, Christian has no illusions of getting any closer to Josh than through the window, but ogling is enough. Or so he tells himself.

On the first day of the renovation job, Josh believes that Christian isn't home, but the truth comes out, and Christian has a difficult time believing that Josh's reaction to the scars (and the monster he sees in the mirror) is so calm and accepting.

A mutual love for Harry Potter brings them closer, they share lunch every day while Josh is working on the apartment, and even after he's done and has moved on to the next place, and it was so lovely to watch Christian begin to trust Josh, who starts to draw the slightly older man out of his shell. Shared lunches turn into watching a movie at the theater (late at night, of course), and meeting Josh's friends.

Christian blossoms under Josh's unfailing support, and their mutual attraction fairly quickly turns into real emotions and a desire to be together. Josh helps Christian realize that what he sees in the mirror is not a monster after all, and that while some people may react in a way Christian expects them to (recoiling in horror), the majority of folks do not.

I would have d Christian to consider therapy to deal with his self-hatred, because Josh is not a therapist, and while he provided steady support, love, and understanding, I wasn't sure that Christian's rather rapid progression to being comfortable in public spaces (after hiding for so long) was completely realistic. However, considering that this is a Dreamspun Desires title, this did not influence my rating or enjoyment of this book.

The author did a great job with the characters, and their romance was believable within the parameters of this series. Their story is, while definitely on the fluffy side, super romantic and hopeful, and their HEA was well deserved. A quiet, low-key romance, very little angst, and so very sweet - I had a fabulous time reading it.

And I'm serious about Nate and Dylan needing their own book. Please get right on that, Ms. Wells.

** I received a free copy of this book from its publisher. A positive review was not promised in return. **2017-book-challenge angst-and-drama arc-publisher-direct ...more9 s Debra2,126 257

Review originally posted at Sinfully.

Christian has spent most of the last eight years hiding in his apartment. He works online, has his groceries delivered and only occasionally goes out when it’s dark. At least he has a hot handyman to watch in the garden to break up the days. When his apartment complex advises him that they will be renovating his apartment, it leaves him with no choice but to resign himself to spending the days working from his bedroom for the duration.

Josh is thrilled to be working on a new project. He’s even more interested when the first apartment he’s to work on is that of the mysterious tenant his co-workers talk about. He’s disappointed when he gets there to find a normal apartment with nobody home, until later that day when he realizes he’d been wrong about being alone.

After the first strange contact the two men make through a locked door, there are a series of exchanges that eventually lead to an unexpected face-to-face meeting under less than perfect circumstances. It’s then that Josh understands why nobody has ever seen Christian leave his apartment. But Josh isn’t shallow and isn’t going to be deterred from getting to know the sweet and sexy Christian better… it’s just going to take some creativity and some time.

This is a very low angst, character driven story. Christian’s exile is self-imposed, it’s a bit of fear and he feels it’s just easier for him not to deal with other people and their reactions when they unexpectedly see him. Josh has no trouble seeing all Christian ha to offer, but he understands and empathizes with Christian’s feelings. Josh clearly lays out how he sees Christian, why he wants to spend time with him, and what he finds appealing, but Christian has a hard time believing it. They build a bond by sharing meals, discussing books and movies and eventually take the next steps of dating. Josh has a tight group of friends who also get in on the act helping Josh to gain the trust of the man he is so clearly smitten with.

Since this is a Dreamspun Desires story, it’s high on the sugar scale and there isn’t going to be a lot of sexual content, so that leaves room for a delicious slow build as Josh slowly entices Christian to open up not just to him, but to confront his fears and begin to reclaim the life he hid away from for the past eight years. Christian has admired Josh from afar and now that he knows what’s inside is just as good as the sexy packaging, he wants to be able to enjoy their time together.

Both Josh and Christian’s characters are fun and smart. They have plenty of time to talk and tease and really get to know each other. Josh’s creativity and thoughtfulness at planning dates and making sure Christian is comfortable with each step just endeared him to me even more. Each of their firsts was made even sweeter as they were also sharing Christian’s coming back out into the light. When the two finally do get more physical it’s quite steamy – after all K.C. Wells writes some of the hottest sex I’ve read.

I’ve been picky about which of the Dreamspun Desires series I will read since they can be a bit fluffy for my taste, but if you’re one who enjoys the sweet, fairy tale feel of the series, a K.C. Wells fan, or just looking for a good old-fashioned love story, I can easily recommend Out of the Shadows.

arcs-and-for-review beta-read hurt-comfort ...more7 s Amanda1,391 327

This is a pretty sweet and low angst book and infuse with some humorous moments. Christian, 32, live as a recluse for eight long years due to an accident that scarred his face. Josh, 25 is the local handyman that was assigned to fix up Christian's apartment.

Most of their day to day interaction revolves around Josh fixing certain things in the apartment and Christian's slowly trying to come out of hiding in his bedroom and learning to enjoy human interaction again. A note I wish to point out, I'm amazed with Josh's capability on home improvements.

Despite being a recluse, Christian isn't all depressed or suicidal, which I think make the tone of the story more upbeat. Josh is such an easy going guy and he had a bunch of crazy friends. Christian and Josh are both totally Harry Potter geek, which might make me them immensely. Only a total hardcore reader would boost about owning both paperback and hardcover!

I enjoyed reading the little progression that Christian's make to join back the human race, it feels natural and believable without rushing it, but when they decided to become an official couple and declare their undying love to each other, that was a bit too rush. Anyway, I'm not going to begrudge them of being all happy and sappy. Looking forward to read about the other guys, Logan, Nate and Dylan.arc-netgalley funny-hero handicap-scarred-hero ...more6 s Cadiva3,681 371

KC does sexy and downright dirty so well but she also has a real deft hand with the lighter touch and this latest addition to the Dreamspun Desires is on form.

Low on angst, low steam, high emotional connections, good romance and a supportive bunch of secondary characters make Out of the Shadows a really sweet read.

I felt for Christian but Josh proved to be the perfect foil to draw him back into the land of the living eight years after a horrific accident had left him isolated.

It's perhaps a little bit long and didn't need quite as much relationship build up before they got together, but I'm glad there was some good development as they moved from acquaintances to friends to lovers.

Most of the steamy stuff happens towards the end and is well done, with a lot of care given to show how Josh had helped Christian to see himself again.

#ARC received from the author in return for an honest and unbiased review.7 s Clari334 26

This is my first ever review, but here goes...

I actually quite d the beginning say, 40% of this book. It had an interesting and relatively believable concept and held enough mystery with what happened with Christian to keep me going.

The writing itself was quite fluid and nice, and I don't think it was in need of any extra editing-unless I happened to miss something. But what really started grating on me was Josh.

I didn't really notice it at first, or maybe it was my subconscious telling me to ignore it, but Josh was a little too perfect. He (quite conveniently) had come across someone with a similar disfigurement over his face before, and him being the perfect being he was, went and made friends with that character. But still, at this point, I was determined to ignore it and keep reading, although Josh's perfect-ness made him seem a little 2D to me.

Throughout the story though, everyone was perfect to Christian-he didn't experience anything even slightly negative-and the only tiiiny bit of trouble was from an unsuspecting kid. It was almost too smooth and convenient. Although I would have felt instant anger at any asshole who would outright offend Christian, it made it seem every side character was made from the same cardboard cutout with their mannerisms and reactions. Now, maybe that's me being a little too cynical, but that seemed a little bit of a stretch for me. There are definitely wonderful, wonderful people out there, who are able to look past outer appearances, but I felt K. C. Wells could have created some complications with one or two characters expressing negative reactions to make the world seem a little more 3D.

Another little tidbit that made me feel cynical was how they conveniently had the same intense passions for the same books and movies. Of course, that's possible, but out of all those people and out of all possible things they both are diehard fans? It was cute, I admit, but to me it seemed a little forced.

But then nearing the middle of the story, I started to get bored. Personally, I usually prefer slow-burn type romances because I it when the MCs don't know if the other person reciprocates their feelings. Since they established their feelings, I felt the plot really started to slow. I understand, due to the nature of Christian's trauma it was important to take baby steps, but nevertheless it started to drag.

The sex scenes weren't anything too special and a little too cheesy, "My god, your mouth is addicting. I can't stop kissing you," or something along those lines, must have been used at least three times. I started skimming over them because I was determined to see how Christian manages to get over it at the end.

Maybe since my mindset was to just finish the book, the ending was a little underwhelming. It doesn't really have impact on how Christian had overcome his trauma and was just a little cute scene for an epilogue.

Overall, the concept was great, but I feel the delivery could have been improved. I feel a little bad since this is my first review, but maybe everything I've said is just my unpopular opinion. This is a great story for just a heartwarming read without too much angst, but for me it just didn't work out.age-gap disability-illness-addiction-etc mm6 s Will ParkinsonAuthor 3 books99

I got to read this book as a beta, and I fell in love with two characters. Well, four actually.

And now I'm going to go into WHY.

Christian: Poor, scarred Christian. I can understand wanting to hide away from the world when every time you look in the mirror, you see the monster you're sure you've become. It's hard to expect people to see you any other way than how you see yourself.

Josh: Patient, sweet Josh. He doesn't sugarcoat how he sees Christian. Josh knows Christian has been hurt, the evidence is as plain as the nose on his face (yeah, I went there). But he also knows that Christian has depths to him that have nothing to do with how he looks.

They form a tentative bond, which becomes more for each of them. Their love of Harry Potter cements that and shows each of them that what they have in common is far more important than what separates them.

Now for the other two I fell for... Yeah, they were secondary characters, but I really want more of them. a sequel (hint, hint) where we can see how Christian and Josh have grown after Out of the Shadows.

Nate and Dylan, two best friends who are very...comfortable with one another. I swear, reading this, I felt there was a story there that needed to be sussed out. I even mentioned it to Elizabeth North from Dreamspinner.

Out of the Shadows is part of the Dreamspun Desires line. It's not filled with angst or heartache, but a sweet story filled with hope that love will eventually conquer all. If you're averse to such a story, then this one probably isn't for you. If you stories that are sweet as (Dream)spun sugar? Grab this one.6 s Rachel Emily4,218 346

This was sugrary, syrupy sweet, and I just loved it. Great hurt/comfort, a slow burn, lovely characters (Josh was just the perfect man for Christian) and I d all of Josh's friends, too! This was a very sweet story, guaranteed to leave a smile and happy sigh on your face!contemporary-m-m romance-m-m6 s Barb ~rede-2-read~3,402 105

ARC provided by the publisher through Scattered Thoughts and Rogue Words in exchange for an impartial review.

This story was exactly what I look for in a romance novel. Exactly. And, oh, how rare it is to find such a story! Two men who get to know one another do little things to make each other happy, date, build a friendship, avoid sex as a lubricant to romance, a little wining and dining, spending time with others, and finally a declaration of love—all before getting to the bedroom. It’s so very rare. And this story was so very good, I can’t express how much I appreciated the opportunity to spend time with Josh and Christian.

Josh is a gardener and handyman in a housing complex where a mystery man resides in the first floor corner apartment. Well, he’s a mystery because no one ever sees him, and they’ve noticed he gets everything delivered—from food to other necessities. When Josh is promoted to the role of remodeling the apartments, his first assignment is that one, and when he arrives to the quiet of an empty apartment, he’s a little disappointed not to have met the mystery man. It doesn’t take him long, however, to figure out that the man is there—he’s just hiding behind the locked bedroom door.

Over time, the two converse through the crack of the door, but when Josh arrives early one day and hears a crash in the bathroom, he rushes in to find Christian on the floor with the shower curtain covering his groin and blood flowing from his forehead. But it’s the scars covering half his face, his right arm, and hand that immediately grabs his attention and he instinctively knows he needs to maintain a neutral expression and look at Christian, not his scars. It’s this instinctive reaction that sets the pace for a friendship to grow between the two.

Ultimately, trust grows as well, and then affection. And then Josh goes out of his way to find a restaurant where he can take Christian to help him make baby steps back into the world. Christian finds the courage to accept this first date, and then the courage to meet Josh’s best buddies, and to go bowling, and finally, to tell Josh he loves him.

I can hardly begin to describe how well the author built these characters, infusing them with life and warmth, sweet personalities, and an obvious need for each other. Christian’s injury and resulting scars was gently handled and clearly portrayed. Josh’s personality, his humor, his circle of friends, and his slowly developing love for Christian were all so very well done. This just hit all my buttons and I devoured it a starving woman. I’m left with a case of “feel goods” that I hope will last me a while because stories this don’t come along every day. Don’t miss out on this one!
angst-a-lot favorite-couples favorites ...more5 s Christy3,914 117

It's a shame, really, that our society, our world, is so hung up on the outside package of a person. Looks are revered and studies have been done that prove, scientifically, that the beautiful people, on average, have an easier time going through life. School is easier, getting the better paying jobs is easier, and, of course, interpersonal relationships are far easier. So I'm always thrilled when an author writes a story where one, or even both, main characters have a disability or a flaw that somehow makes people view them as ugly, or unappealing. In Christian's case, his physical deformities are purely from an accident - it could have happened to anyone - but the stares and the whispers got to be so much that he has hidden himself away from people. Luckily for him, Josh has a heart and a soul that matches his outside good looks, and Josh thinks Christian is pretty amazing just as he is.

“I’ve slipped and fallen, I’ve cut my head, and I talked about what was the worst moment in my life, and in spite of all that, this is the most optimistic I’ve felt in a long, long time.”

It was inevitable, I believe, that Josh and Christian would become friends during the time that Josh is doing the renovations to Christian’s apartment. Well, once they get past the talking to each other through a door, anyway. They're both kind, considerate men, with gentle natures and compassionate souls. When they both discover that the other is gay, they each have remarkably similar reactions. Initially Christian is thrilled, until he sees his own reflection and realizes Josh would never be interested in him. Josh is ecstatic realizing how much they have in common and how much he already s Christian, until he realizes that doesn't mean Christian s him or that he'd even welcome any advances.

Josh is dead-on when he tells Christian he is strong and a survivor. I can't begin to imagine the courage it took for Christian to take those baby steps into the world. He had Josh beside him, but, in the end, Christian is still the one who made the decision to stop existing and to begin living. Much Josh was, I was very proud of Christian. These two men were fabulous main characters, but I'd be lying if I didn't say that Josh’s friends - Nate, Dylan, and Logan - gave me the warm fuzzies as well.

Another lovely, sweet story from Dreamspun Desires. It wasn't difficult to fall for Josh or Christian. As always, the beautiful K.C. Wells penned a delightful book filled with hope, laughter, desire, and love. The most important, of course, being love.

NOTE: This book was provided by Dreamspinner Press for the purpose of a review on Rainbow Book Reviewsarc calibre-library m-m5 s Chris2,070

That was sweet, cute and warm. Christian was terribly burnt in an accident and became a hermit for the following 8 years. He avoided people and stayed indoors closing himself off from the world. Along comes Josh the gardener/ maintenance guy / plumber to update Josh's rented apartment. What began as an accidental meeting became a friendship and then romance. I enjoyed the building romance but sheesh once they got serious, it was pretty full on with " I love you's" " my one & only" etc etc ... that felt too quick for me. This was certainly a nice easy, low angst read. mm-contemporary5 s Karen1,860 87

This was surprising little gem...

I have to admit I wasn't sure what to expect with this one but it's K. C. Wells so I felt fairly certain that at the worst I was going to at least this one. Well I did and I was even more pleasantly surprised to realize that I more than d it.

'Out of the Shadows' turned out to be a sweet story about a Christian Hernandez, a man who is left severely scared on the right side of his body...specifically his face and arm and how he comes to see that while the scars he was left with are a part of him they don't have to define him and Josh the sweet man who enters his life due to renovations that are being made in the apartment complex where he lives who sees beyond how Christian looks to the man he is. One of my favorite things about this story is the banter between Josh and Christian. From their first conversation I found them to be totally charming and adorable.

While there's not really any angst in this one neither does Josh's entrance into Christian's life magically fix things. This is a slow burn as Josh and Christian go from strangers to a very tenuous relationship as acquaintances and with time and patience they become friends as Josh slowly and persistently strives to bring Christian out of his shell and help him accept to reclaim his life...a life that can exist outside of the walls of his apartment.

I think for me this was a case of right story right time. I loved the simplicity of this story that was quite honestly filled with a whole lot of people who seemed really nice and had the ability to see beyond the surface and appreciate the person inside. I also d that this was not a story filled with insta-love, insta-fix...insta-anything nor was it a story of overly complicated and convoluted solutions. Sometimes the solutions in life are straightforward solutions that just need time and effort which is how things felt in this story.

'Out of the Shadows' was narrated by a new to me narrator named Finn Sterling and I have to admit that not all of the voices he created for these characters matched what my mind conjured but I was ok with this because while they didn't match my imaginings they were unique and expressive to each character.

This book #40 in Dreamspinner's Dreamspun Desires series and can easily be read or listened to on audio as a standalone story.

An audio book of 'Out of the Shadows' was graciously provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.2017-books-read5 s Didi1,535 86

3.5 stars

This is the kind of everything bright and good in the world if you wish for it so hard kind of things. Oh, there was a horrible accident befallen the character off page, of course. Thus, his need to stay in the shadow and doesn't want to show his face to anybody. So the time for all the goodness has come for Christian Hernandez at last, with the help of one gorgeous Josh Wendell.

If you wish for a feel good story, this might be a good for you. Past story aside, this is a pretty angst-free and straightforward romance; a nod to The Phantom of the Opera in contemporary setting. The characters are engaging enough, one would feel for Christian and charmed by Josh with his sunny personalities. There's also Josh's friends, men with similar goodness that symphatize with Christian's plight and supporting the pair's budding romance.

In a perfect world, this what we hope to happen amidst the ugliness of the world. A glimpse of kindness and compassion. Christian's POV could get a bit moody considering his disposition, but gradually turn to hopeful if not quite sunny (That, you can count on Josh's POV. I ended up playing some Barney and Friends music videos while reading because Josh gives that effect for me).

This is one of K.C. Wells' mild romance book. There's a couple of love scenes in it, but nothing too heavy. The positive vibe is tall with this one. Almost too blindingly so. I'd recommend this for those tired to read/see horrible things around and wanting a glimpse of hope. It's cute, sweet, funny and heartwarming. It put a smile on my face.

Advanced copy of this book is kindly provided by the author/publisher in exchange for an honest review.arc-netgalley-edelweiss contemporary lqbtqia ...more4 s Ivy423 11

This book was AWESOME.
Christian is a survivor, I have no other words, he's a survivor. After a horrible accident eight years ago he lives as a reclused in his appartment, until Josh comes.
Josh is a handyman and has to work in appartement 1 with his weird mysterious occupant.
I loved this book.
Josh is adorable, kind, with a big beautiful heart.
Christian is hurt, affraid and forget to live.
I loved how the two of them start their journey, it was sweet, beautiful. Step by Step they work together, helping Christian get a life back, a social life. Josh is perfect, the best treatment for Christian.
The author wrote a very good story well built.
So I have just one question Miss K.C Wells, what about Nate and Dylan ?? I sooo want to know
Anyway, I highly recommend this book, it's a beautiful ointment for the heartabuse beautiful favorite ...more4 s Nicole1,727 37

This is my first K.C. Wells book and I really enjoyed this story! A slight twist on the Beauty and the Beast story that kept me interested in finding out how things would play out for Christian and Josh. I enjoyed how both men were portrayed in the story, and we didn't have to wait for long to discover what happened to Christian that's forced him to retreat from society for so long. It wasn't hard to have empathy for Christian and what his life has been for the last eight years. Luckily for him, his saving grace is Josh, who has such a affable and likable personality that you can't help but to be drawn to him. Their first face-to-face meeting could have gone horrendously wrong, but I loved how Josh treated the situation, and the reason he gave for his non-reaction to seeing Christian for the first time made sense.

There's not a lot of secondary characters in the story, just three of Josh's closest friends, and once again I appreciated that they too accepted Christian into their group, that they weren't put off by Christian's appearance. Their only concern was making sure Josh finds someone worthy to be with (although I'm hoping we get a story about Dylan and Nate sometime in the near future). Each of the guys did provide some sound advice to Josh when it came to being there for Christian in the ways that would help him the best, and I gotta say the advice was pretty spot-on.

Josh is perfect for Christian: patient and loving, and while he acknowledges the exterior, he does reassure Christian more than once that it's what's on the inside that has him interested in Christian. The fact that he would think about how the outside world could perceive Christian and what steps he takes to help Christian get used to leaving his apartment to interact with society shows how much Josh has come to care about Christian.

While there is some sexy times in the book, they don't happen until late in the story, and that's okay because I loved getting to see Christian come out of hiding and reintegrate back into society. The sexy times are hot, I will say that, and the epilogue at the end? Those were the perfect costumes for both Josh and Christian!2017-17k-challenge arc book-tour-book ...more4 s Antisocial Recluse2,713

3.5 stars rounded up because it's K.C. Wells.

K.C. Wells certainly knows how to write a tender, heartwarming hurt/comfort story. The setting intrigued me as well, since I lived in the Boston area for many years. Both men are good characters, built up well with strong dialogue and communication. Josh’s property maintenance job puts him in Christian’s apartment, where Christian has hidden himself away for years. Once Josh actually meets him, he sets out to upgrade Christian’s life too, building trust and friendship and coaxing Christian to face some of his fears. It’s not agoraphobia, as the blurb makes it clear it’s an appearance issue for Christian. Josh’s friends are great secondary characters, exhibiting much of the same kind, gentle traits as Josh, and extending their circle to include Christian. The relationship is a slow build and slow burn, with Josh’s patient understanding of Christian’s one-small-step-at-a-time efforts.

I wasn’t taken by the pace of the story. Less detail in the first half might have allowed more development for Christian’s turnaround. After 8 years of near-isolation, it seemed too quick and smacked of a love cures all scenario. I’d also have preferred to see Josh supporting Christian along with some kind of professional help. There was a nice amount of sweetness and romance, without getting overly sappy, but I couldn’t sense any kind of tue sexual tension or strong spark between the two men. I was expecting the lower heat level with the Dreamspun Desires label.

The way two of Josh’s “straight” friends were depicted, perhaps there will be a sequel for this one. If you enjoy others in the Dreamspun Desires series or the lighter, low angst stories that K.C. Wells does so well, you’re certain to enjoy this one.

*ARC was provided to me by the publisher via Jessie G Books review blog for the purpose of an impartial review*arc-read m-m4 s Helena StoneAuthor 31 books126

For the sake of this review I’m going to assume you’re familiar with K.C. Wells’ books and the way she writes wonderful, imaginative and very hot romances. Well, Out of the Shadows is certainly wonderful as well as imaginative. This however is a title in Dreamspinner’s Dreamspun Desires series and as such there isn’t a whole lot of on page sex. However, when these two men do show us what they get up to in the bedroom they are most definitely very hot together.

But, sex is not what this story is about. This is the touching tale of a man in his early thirties who’s lived as a recluse for the past eight years, hiding from the world and rarely interacting with anyone unless it is via email or telephone. Christian has been doing this for so long and has organised his life so well that he’s half convinced himself that life as he lives it is enough. And he needs to believe that because he can’t imagine living his life any other way.

Enter Josh. He’s been curious about the man living in apartment #1, the man nobody has ever seen; the man all sorts of weird theories are spun around. So when his employer sends him to do work inside that apartment, Josh is excited that finally the mystery will be resolved. Except that there is no sign of the inhabitant when he lets himself into the apartment.

Slowly contact is made, be it through a closed and locked door at first, but it isn’t long before Josh sees Christian face to face and realises why the man has been hiding (no I’m not going to reveal the reason). Now his mission changes from finding out who the mystery man is to helping Christian come out of his self-imposed isolation.

Josh’s arrival makes Christian resent his solitary existence. He’d convinced himself he could live his life more or less as a recluse, but having Josh in his apartment, interacting with him, forces him to take a closer look at his non-life and realise that he does want to do more than just survive. He wants to live again and maybe even love while he’s at it.

And so Christian, encouraged and supported by Josh, starts on a slow but unstoppable journey back into the world. It’s a beautiful process of small steps and huge courage. Josh was a marvel; I adored him. The way he very slowly coaxes Christian out of his self-imposed isolation was an utter delight to witness. As for Christian, it is impossible not to feel for him, just as I couldn’t stop myself from cheering every time he took another step outside his comfort zone.

Now, before you think this is an angst-filled and heavy story, allow me to reassure you. While Out of the Shadows certainly has a storyline that will touch you deeply, it is also a fun and at times laugh-out-loud funny story. What’s not to enjoy about two men who are huge Harry Potter fans (or should I say nerds). Throw in Joss’s friends and you have more than enough lighthearted moments to balance out Christian’s issues. I can honestly say I enjoyed every single sentence in this book.

In short, Out of the Shadows is a sweet, heartwarming, and uplifting story that will leave you with a huge smile on your face. It is exactly the sort of read I find myself in need of these days.
dreamspun-desires m-m romance ...more3 s Tracy~Bayou Book Junkie1,534 45

4 Stars

A terrible accident 8 years ago left Christian physically scarred and a shell of the person he once was. He hides from everyone and has essentially become a recluse who never leaves his apartment. When the owners of his complex decide to refurbish the apartments, Christian is faced with having to let someone into his space.

Handyman Josh, is assigned the task of refurbishing the kitchen and bathrooms in Christian's apartment. His co-workers are all razzing him about having to work in the mystery man's apartment, but it doesn't take long for Josh to get Christian to let his guard down a bit and start talking to him, even if it is only through a bedroom door. An accident eventually brings the two men face to face, and although Josh is initially shocked, he's far from disgusted by Christian's appearance, as Christian assumed he would be. As the days and weeks go by the two men bond and Christian slowly begins to let Josh in.

This was a sweet story and I loved the message attached to it. I loved the patience and acceptance Josh exhibited. He let Christian go at his own pace, yet also encouraged him to push the boundaries of his comfort zone. He helped pull him out of his shell, face his fears and take his life back.

This was a well-written story, it's a slow-burn, but with Christian's disposition and fears that was to be expected and it made the story that much more realistic. I loved the slow and natural progression of Josh earning Christian's trust and eventually becoming friends and later, lovers. The connection and chemistry between them was amazing and they were very sweet together.

I absolutely adored Josh's friends. They all had an amazing camaraderie and the back and forth banter was hilarious. I adored how easily they accepted Christian into their fold and how welcoming they were. They were an amazing support system for Josh and Christian. I also think that maybe there is another story there to tell, Ms. Wells! *hint hint nudge nudge*

This was a great read, very recommendable!

*copy provided by author/publisher in exchange for an honest review*2017-reads arcs hea-hfn ...more3 s Carra1,722 30

So sweet, a bit heartbreaking, and by the end a bit hot too…that’s how this story went for me. Usually when I pick up a KC Wells book, I expect something steamy from cover to cover, but these Dreamspun Desires books are not quite the same—but believe me, that’s not a bad thing at all. I loved the mix of sweet and emotion in Out of the Shadows, and even with those hot and steamy scenes kept to a minimum this is still a wonderful story…it actually helps up the tension (both relationship and sexual) and made those scenes when they came have a whole lot more meaning.

You can’t help but feel your heart go out to Christian for what he has gone through, and the way he lives his life basically as a hermit now because of it. He is an intelligent man who has survived a horrible accident, and he captured my heart from the very beginning. Josh is so sweet and accepting, and is an all-around good guy. How he is with Christian made me smile, and the two of them are the proverbial puzzle pieces that fit together just right. I love how Josh was so aware of Christian’s feelings and how he slowly eased Christian into things as their friendship progressed.

And that’s another thing I loved about this story—how their relationship advanced slowly, going from client/worker to acquaintances, to friends, then closer, and finally to being a couple. Nothing ever feels rushed between them, and Josh never pushes Christian further than he thinks he can go at each step. While this makes the story a bit lower in angst, there’s still emotional tension on Christian’s part as he starts to come out into the world again.

I loved this story, and it was a 4.5-star read for me. I highly recommend it to every M/M romance fan—I can’t imagine anyone not liking Josh and Christian together. This story is definitely in the “feel-good romance” category, and is one I’ll be re-reading in the future. Though the steamy scenes are few (and mostly near the end of the story), this book is still meant for readers 18+ for adult language and sexual content.3 s JenCW679 7

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