
Cappuccino Mugs and Fire Fighter Hugs (The Coffee Loft Series) de Katie O'Connor

de Katie O'Connor - Género: English
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Katie O'Connor Publisher: Snarky Heart Press, Year: 2024 ISBN: 9781989816769,9781989816776

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What kinda author would I be if I didn't love my own books, huh? Can't wait to share Abby and Jake's story with you in January!!

289 s Jessy407

One word: Cheesy.

I really wanted to this book. Needless to say, I was disappointed. I had a handful of issues with the story, but the most glaring travesty took place with Abby's character:

1. The giggling. Abby is always giggling. Besides being repetitive and annoying, it lowered my esteem for Abby's character. I couldn't take her seriously.

2. She faints. Within the first few minutes of being introduced to her character, Abby faints. Yes, it is supposedly due to hypoglycemia; however, it's never really mentioned again. Her hypoglycemia plays no further role in the story.

3. Her personality. I couldn't reconcile the different aspects of her personality. Is she a deliberate temptress with a "potty-mouth"; or, is she the wholesome goody-two-shoes whose daddy is a minister? The book tries to make her both, but...honey, it don't work.

Other issues:

1. Bree's attack on Abby. Seriously?

2. The members of Runaway Train (except Brayden) are supposed to be womanizers. Don't see it. Throughout the whole book, they're portrayed as the golden boys. Too pure.

3. Jacob's Ladder. I wasn't really exposed to Abby's family that much. Sad. Definitely a missed opportunity. Another opportunity was wasted with Garret's character and his attraction to Abby.

4. Jake Slater. The resident male protagonist. Too mushy. Didn't appreciate the story arc with his mother, either. When he wasn't crying or spouting inane "lovisms," he was a general d-bag. Could not get behind him. He wasn't a strong character. A failed depiction of the naughty-boy/good-man theme.

5. The fast track. Abby and Jake fall in love (and admit it) in under a week. I hate it when authors try to pull this off. It is extremely difficult to attain credibility with this sort of love-connection. Also, if the male protagonist is supposed to be a womanizer or a lady's man, it just doesn't work. The transition from equal-opportunity lover to monogamist is too abrupt. To be fair, Jake is depicted with a couple extra women--i.e. the waitress and Bree. The encounter with the waitress was a token one. Jake's sexploit with Bree was silly and mostly surface due to her character's lack of development.

My other complaints revolve around the split first-person POV style and the juvenile dialogue. Another issue, the incorporation of God. I'm not religious, so I couldn't really connect to this aspect of the story. Also, it seemed unnecessary. In the end, it's not a story about Jake's redemption or the glory of God. If it was, I wouldn't have bought it. Therefore, it didn't seem relevant to the story. It only annoyed me. As it is, I stopped reading and started skimming about 60% into the book.

I will say, I quite enjoyed the fountain scene between Abby and Jake. However, this scene failed to redeem the rest of the book, in my eyes.This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full reviewerotica-adult-contemporary101 s Kristen842 4,971

2 Stars

I'll admit, I have a huge weakness for rock star romances and I'm always on the lookout for good one to read, but I didn't find it with this book. From the , it's obvious many loved this story but for me, it fell short. I had a difficult time staying interested in the plot and the prose lacked intrigue and depth. The characters were somewhat clichéd and unsubstantial. There was a splash of steam but even those few scenes lacked a curtain amount substance. Simply put, I was BORED more often than not. That said, I still finished Music of the Heart, so that must say something!!!

Overall, if you can't get enough of the rock star romances and are willing to read just about anything in this sub-genre to quench that thirst ( me), you'll more than ly enjoy this book.
2-star bland-and-passionless book-everyone-loved-but-me ...more65 s Georgia ? 420 1,171

3.5 Musical Stars

"Music can inspire and give hope. It can show adulation and worship and praise love and people.”

A feel-good kinda book, a sweet story about two young, musically talented people, beautiful inside and out. A story about the melodies we play and how our hearts respond to them. About the actions that don't have to define us and redemption. In the eyes of the person that means the most.

Abby Renard grew up as the baby girl to a family of missionaries.

Innocent, funny, adorable and sassy, she goes on tour to make some appearances with her brothers' band, Jacob's Ladder. A mistake lands her in bed with the infamous Jake Slater, bad boy extraordinaire and lead singer of the famous rock band, Runaway Train.

Jake is the classic rockstar persona.

“I’m Jake Fucking Slater, and I can do whatever the hell I want.”

Tattoos, groupies and an ego to fill a whole stadium. But, he is just a tortured soul in hiding and a romantic in the making. He just needs the right nudge... in the nuts...

“Most of all, it’s that I want someone you to want me—just for me, not for Jake Slater the singer of Runaway Train.” I smacked my hand hard against my chest. “For what’s really inside me.”

These two will fight, fall, hurt and need each other. They will come to realise that love can overcome any obstacle and flourish into the most beautiful of HEAs.

"I see every single imperfection you have, and I still love you. There’s no one else in the world for me but you. And when you’re hurting, I want to be with you. When you’re broken and shattered you are right now, I’m going to help you pick up the pieces. That’s what love is, baby.”

Overall, I can assure you, that I enjoyed this story. It's easy and Katie Ashley's style is effortless..

The problem is with the characters themselves...
At first, let me tell you that it is unusual for me to really admire a female lead. But in that case, I did. A girl unafraid to speak her mind, with an actual, working backbone. And finally, a woman that doesn't bolt at any given chance! YAAAY!

But Jake is a whole other story. He makes it a little too difficult to even him.

I mean, his actions are really indicative of a well-known medical condition...

All the Jake mess aside, the book also had what I'm starting to call the expected Katie-Ashley-moment. When everything falls apart, relationships are tested and people break down. She always manages to pick up the right pieces of her heroes and glue them back together, stronger than ever.

Good, expected, no-WOW-factor story, with a music background and funny banter.

Keep an eye out for Katie Ashley!

*Buddy Read, this weekend, with my horror soul-mate (we kinda run out of Karina Halle books to read... LOL!) Fathima!!!*

I think that we enjoyed complaining about Jake a little too much... LOL!!!
You can read her review here:

?Fathima's Review

2013 buddy-read celebrity-star-famous-people ...more61 s Christy4,135 34.7k

“Just remember that forgiveness is so much easier than regret.”
Abby Renard is ready to start a new chapter in her life.

She is joining her brother’s christian rock group ‘Jacob’s Ladder’. She gets on what she thinks is their tour bus. But its not Jacob’s Ladder’s bus, it’s Jake Slater’s (lead singer of Runaway Train) bus.

Jake and Abby get off to a rocky start. Abby literally falls into Jakes bed. Jake is fine with this, Abby, however, is not. Jake’s not used to being turned down. Jake is a rock star and known womanizer, but this band isn’t a typical rock group. I loved the band- they were all really funny and sweet guys. After meeting Abby, Jake gives her the name ‘Angel’.

Jake bets Abby that she couldn’t make it a week on the bus. Abby is not one to back down from a challenge. Her family is not happy, but she decides to stay on the bus for a week with the band.

The band see’s how talented Abby is, for the first time, Jake makes music with someone.

He and Abby grow close in a short period of time. Jake is going through a lot in his life. And he screws up... a lot. Over and over again. I really d Jake, but I think Abby let him off the hook way to fast for some of the things he pulled in the beginning. After the week is up, Abby and Jake make the decision to give their relationship a go. She has feelings for Jake she has never had before, and he is breaking all of his rules about not dating for her. They have a connection and chemistry. I loved the two of them together. Jake constantly feels he isn’t good enough for Abby, which is part of the reason he acts out so much. Abby is always telling him how much he means to her.

“You’re not able to see yourself I do. You’re deserving of my love, and I want to give it to you in all ways.”

Towards the end, I got a little heartbroken. This story isn’t all happy- there will be tears.
“When you’re broken and shattered you are right now, I’m going to help you pick up the pieces. That’s what love is baby.”??

“I barley know how to be with someone when I’m whole. How the hell am I supposed to be with you when I’m so fucking broken?”

Jake’s first instinct when tragedy strikes is to push Abby away, but will he finally let her be there for him? And will she be able to convince him that he is worthy of her love?

I love Katie Ashley’s writing! Even though Jake aggravated me at times(pulling all his shenanigans) as did Abby(always letting him off the hook easily) I d them both. A sweet and emotional read with an ending that left a huge smile on my face!!! I want more from this book, I loved a lot of the secondary characters... maybe a AJ book, or Rhys, or one of Abby’s brothers? hint hint lol! A good solid 4 star read for me.

Reminded me of Jake <3
41 s Kim Person530 180

When I received an ARC of Music of the Heart from Katie I was .........

I had be waiting what felt FOREVER to read this one! I knew we had the hot rock star Jake in it and the good girl Abby and well when I read the first part of the book where dear Abby finds herself on Jake's bus ~ well I it was enough to make me........................

Abby is going to be joining her brothers out on tour but a little detour onto the wrong bus turns into an adventure of a lifetime. The wicked bad boy Jake slater took one look at that Angel and fought to feel what he never felt before. I loved what Abby did to Jake. I loved the guys first thoughts of Abby ~ AJ with his sexy latino self cracked me up but nope he's not what sets Abby's heart to blazing.

Abby & Jake time together was as sweet as it was tumultuous and there were parts where they were together that I........................

and some parts I

but I swear there were parts where I wanted to do this to Jake

even though if that man were standing in front of me I'd probably do this...........................................................

Jake's love for his mother was so pure and sweet. I loved watching them together but I think Abby was supposed to be with him because she was going to be there for him more than he ever realized he needed even though there was a point where I was.........................

Oh don't think this was an easy ride for the two of them. Misunderstandings have a way of literally tearing a good thing a part. Determination had a way of making things come back together and the ultimate sadness has a way of making us realize how precious the ones we love are.

When these two came together...................................

It will make you giddy too! Jake may not take the easy road but for a guy that's never experienced love of a woman besides his mother he gets it together and by the end you will be doing this me......

SQUEEEEEE! I really loved this book and the beautiful message that was delivered yes ladies between the "good" parts there really is a beautiful message that the awesome Katie delivered!!

This is a 5+++++++++++ book for me! I loved every single second of it. I loved the laughs it brought me, I love the tears it brought me along with the gasps and the 'what were you thinking' moments. I freaking adored every part of this book. EXCELLENT!! The writing is brilliant and as I said the ultimate message is BEAUTIFUL and I can't wait for more from the talented Katie Ashley.arc rock-roll38 s Wendys Wycked Words1,581 3,901

After spending quite some time on my TBR shelve, I figured this one deserved to be read...finally.

Now even though this wasn't a bad story and I did enjoy reading it...it felt as if there was something missing for me. Things moved at such a fast pace... One second Abby was entering the wrong bus and the next they were all acting they had known each other for years, instead of 24 hours.

How can you be disappointed in someone's behavior when you barely know them a day ??!! Abby kept feeling hurt and disappointed by Jake's behavior when she had no claim on him whatsoever. She didn't even know him and they weren't even friends at that point... I said...24 freaking hours !! He is a rockstar in a famous rock band, the manwhoring was probably mandatory :P

This book tried to be deep, without actually going deep. It felt a bit superficial to me. I didn't feel I really got to know the characters. Just a hint of who they were and what they were about. Throw in the insta-love and the whole virgin deal and I was kind of done...

That is not the books fault ...it's mine. I have read too many books about too many virgins !!

I am still gonna read the rest of the books in this series though because I have high hopes that the heroines are not all the same. I also enjoyed this author's writing style so I figure I should give the books a fair try ;)

drama-llama emotional famous ...more38 s Micah 182 23

It KILLS me not to rate this higher... I LOVE this author and I LOVE the idea (bad boy reformed whore rock star with tattoos). I just felt this book was...shallow. I can't really put into words why. I didn't that Abby is willing to try to be in a relationship literally hours after he has had sex with Bree. I didn't understand his emotional freak outs. I feel they were not fully developed or explained (apart from the first one). I HATE it when everyone is immediately enamored of the female character (friends, strangers...everyone). That happened here and it just doesn't happen in real life.

Also, it seemed that the characters were really flat. Especially the band characters.

The ending was supremely rushed and I'm sorry, but if all he did was push Bree off of her, there is NO POLICE OFFICE IN THE WORLD WHO WOULD CHARGE HIM WITH ASSAULT AFTER SHE ALMOST KILLS ABBY. This is left completely hanging. Abby doesn't even ask..oh hey, is Bree going to jail?

I wanted to love it...I really did. But I just didn't. Their love was kind of cheesy, shallow and unbelievable. 36 s Jodie223 26

"We'd barely known each other twenty-four hours, so he didn't owe me anything. But, deep down, his behavior pierced through my heart to sting my soul."

I am still wiping away my tears from this book, ABSOLUTELY BREATHTAKINGLY BEAUTIFUL!!! I don't know how Katie Ashley does it but she has once again rocked my world and left me saying OMG, I LOVE IT, Perfection, My heart hurts, and I now have a permenant smile on my face and yes its all because of this book!!!!!

This book starts because of an "accidential" meeting when Abby is suppose to be getting on her brothers tour bus so she can begin touring with them and seeing if being a Rockstar is what she wants to do with her life. How does the "Accidential" meeting happen? A Roadie directs Abby to the wrong bus and before she has a chance to realize she is on the road with the Mega superstars - Runaway Train.

"You're on Runaway Train's bus?!!!!" "Yes," she replied. At his next statement, she snorted. "Well, I've only managed to do the drummer and the bassist so far, bu tI'm thinking I could get a threesome going and knock out the others. Maybe I'll gang-bang with the roadies when we stop for dinner."

This is what this book is full of, comedy, it literally had me laughing and crying to laughing over and over again.

"I'll get to you sometime, Angel. I'll break down all those goody girl walls you have built around you."

Abby aka Angel, is beyond a great character I loved her!! She is confident, pure, witty and exactly what Jake needs but thinks he doesn't deserve. Together they are AMAZING.

"Yes, Daddy. I really Jake Slater from Runaway Train. Yes, I've only known him a week. yes, he's a bad boy with tattoos and piercings, and yes, he's your worst nightmare when it comes to the guy dating your little girl." I leaned closer to him. "No, he's not taken advantage of me, and no, he's not going to turn me into a pierced bad girl with tattoos." With a tentative smile, I added, "We're both going to bring out the best of each other as we see where this takes us. Okay?"

Oh Jake, Mr. Manwhore,Bad boy who stole my heart and drew out emotions
that I live for when reading.

"Handsome? That doesn't sound the way you would describe yourself." With a grin, he asked, "and how would I describe myself?" "hmmm, sexy, hot as hell, and panty melting?" I challenged as I handed him a Coke. "Yeah, you're right. Those really describe me better."

And yes, that is exactly how I would describe him!!!
I beyond loved this book, I felt I lived in this book for the short time it let me. Katie Ashley made me a fan when she wrote The Proposition and The Proposal but she claimed me with the words she wrote in this book. As a mom, this book tugged and pushed all the right buttons. As a bad boy rockstar book whore this book was beyond what I look for.

"I'll be your holy water -- I'll purify you and wash away the past. Just don't deny me this."

Don't deny yourself this book, ABSOLUTELY WORTH EVERY STAR IT IS GIVEN!!!!
34 s JoJo - JJJ (Jo Anna) Janesko341 193

I had such high hopes for this book. I had been waiting for it to be released and was excited to read it when it came out. I am so sad to say that it wasn't what I was hoping for. I never really d Jake and I felt Abby was just way to forgiving. I wanted to love it I honestly did because I have loved Katie Ashley's other books but this one just didn't work for me. Although I wasn't a huge fan of this book I will still read anything written by this author. On to the next good book.awwww-romance-is-bliss buddy-read kindle ...more33 s Rejane1,348 63

A childish, doormat heroine.
Slut shame, manwhore, sex and.... religion?? Not a good combination.
A virgin sexy vixen heroine. So ot!!
And to make it short: hero gotta a blow job from a random waitress after heroine made him hard and heroine saw them leaving the back room at restaurant.
Then next day she saw him going to the bus bedroom with his frequently hook up and heard them have sex. After the heroine comforted him the day before and slept (just sleeping) with him so he wouldn't be alone.
And then by night she all and forgave him and made excuses for his behavior and agreed to kind of dating him. Do I have to say more about such "zeroine"?
and all of this took half of the book and the only action was between hero and other women.
The MCs didn't even kiss because of heroine virgin state.
Give me a break. This is most pathetic plot I've read. disgusting heroine-so-stupid i-calll-it-cheating ...more28 s Kim2,646 165

So I knew I was probably going to this book because 1. It is written by one of my fave authors Katie Ashley and 2. Rock Stars. Do you really need more than that? Well, she provided so much more. This book is such a fantastic read. It has everything: It is funny, emotional, romantic, heartbreaking, angsty, and uplifting. I felt every emotion. I cried numerous times, sometimes because I was happy, sometimes I was a little sad, and one time I even did the big ugly cry.

Music of the Heart is the story of a 21 year old singer on her way to meet her 3 brothers on tour with their Christian rock band, when she inadvertently gets on the wrong bus and ends up with the tattooed, pierced, rock band Runaway Train.

Abby is smart, spunky, sarcastic, and very strong. She grew up all over the world in a very upbringing with 3 protective older brothers. She has a big heart and is a caring, nurturing person.

Jake is...sigh...swoon...so hot! He is the lead singer of the band. He is sarcastic, egotistical, arrogant, and has a bad rep and a string of women. He doesn't do relationships or open up to women. But he is a Mama's boy and would do anything for her.

Abby and Jake spark off each other immediately and are both sarcastic and stubborn. Before they know it, they are making a bet that she cannot make it on the tour bus for a week. Challenge accepted! I loved seeing them play off each other. She pushes Jake and he pushes her right back. Together they are fun, flirty, and hilarious. Jake has been broken in the past and he is having a rough time dealing with some situations in his present. He is terrified at the thought of letting his guard down, but Abby Keeps breaking down his walls brick by brick. And she is such a caring person that she is there when Jake really needs her. Even if he does not want to need anyone.

"I just meant that you're a musician's dream girl--a complete and total package. You understand what it's to deal with the industry and what a gift and a curse the Muse can be. Plus you know all about music and singing. To top it all off you're someone a guy could just hang out with and watch stupid comedies. Do you know what it's to have a beautiful girl in front of you that totally gets you?"

"You blow so hot and cold with me that I'm not sure which way is up. It's a wonder I don't need a chiropractor from your emotional whiplash....You're really good at charming the panties off girls at ten paces, but you can't even tell a girl how you really feel when she is up close and personal."

But Jake is no angel and does not always make the best decisions. I wanted throttle him multiple times for being an ignorant ass and doing some pretty crappy things. But sweet Abby has such a generous heart and a forgiving nature. And Jake is not stupid, he sees how great Abby is. But that is a problem in itself because he feels unworthy. Abby is one of my favorite female characters I have read in awhile. She is young, but knows what is really important and is not afraid to face challenges and go after what she wants. She has the perfect balance of having strength but also being forgiving.

"But don't you see, I've never met a girl who really cared about me and not because I'm Jake Slater from Runaway Train."

"Then that's sad because in spite of some of your faults, you really are worth knowing and caring about."

Their time together is intense and as they get closer they face more challenges. There were many things that stood in their way and made a relationship difficult. But through it all, I totally loved this couple. They balanced each other out in a good way. As Jake, opened up you could see his vulnerable, insecure side and it just made you want to hug him(at least when you were not wanting to whack him for doing something stupid). And despite Abby's inexperience, they had serious chemistry together and she was not always so pure and innocent.

“And I swear to God that I do love you—I’ve never loved any girl I have loved you. You are the most amazing thing that’s ever happened to me in my life. It’s just…I don’t know what to do with all this...I barely know how to be with someone when I’m whole. How the hell am I supposed to be with you when I’m so fucking broken?”

"...I may be fifty percent angel, but I'm fifty percent hellcat too...I'll be your holy water--I'll purify you and wash away the past..."

The secondary characters were also very well developed and I cannot wait to see more of some of them in future books. AJ and Rhys from the band need to find good women for themselves. They were so much a part of the story of the bus and provided a lot of comic entertainment. I would to get to know more about her brothers too especially the twins Gabe and Eli. And the married band member Brayden and his wife Lily were so sweet and supportive of Jake and Abby and I really d them. Jake's mother was a beautiful character. I loved her relationship and support of Jake. Their bond was very tender and heartfelt.

This book made me laugh, made me swoon, and made me cry both happy and sad tears. I felt I had been on a ride that had it's ups and downs. But I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Thanks to Katie Ashley for providing me with an ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Blog Tour on April 3, 2013 at Reviews by Tammy and Kim5-stars faves faves-of-201327 s Coda14

Even after thinking on this for about 3 days, I feel just as strongly. Was Jake schizophrenic or something? I mean one minute he's saying some pretty mean things driving home how much of an a-hole he is, then the next minute he's spewing how different this girl is and how much he needs a girl in his life. The whole time i'm shouting make up you mind already!!!! I mean Katy Perry's "Hot n Cold" was written just for this guy!!!!
And the heroine, can you say doormat?? I mean, they write saying how she is this tough girl that doesn't take crap from anyone, yet still after Jake says and does some really hurtful things, she forgives him just that. I mean, grow a back bone already!!!! Any self respecting girl would have ended things before it even started, right after the bathroom scene with the waitress.
I love reading rock n roll stories, not just for the romance but also for the music. I love discovering new music this way...but this didn't even satisfy that. Was really disappointed. 26 s Maria...427 161

This was a nice reading!

I d Jake&Abby, they were good together and really funny!Abby was very smart and she didn't get shy and fall in bed with Jake.She d him but that doesn't meant that she would follow him around a love-sick puppy!Jake on the other hand was what a rock star should be a womanizer with a great look and an even better voice!They were good together...first friends creating music...and knowing each other... then lovers...
I d the whole band but I think my favorite was AJ, he was really funny!And he was great with Abby teasing and flirting with her!
dual-pov hot-sweet-guys -a-virgin26 s Ava Black10 19 Want to read

Another amazing-ballz rock romance!!!! SQUEEEE!!!! Can't come soon enough!!!

24 s Laura1,446 240

Whistle. Hum. *tap your foot* and sing along to the music.

Music of the Heart by Katie Ashley is a sweet, sexy treat that will have you smiling and turning up the radio!

We jump right into the fun when our heroine, Abby, ends up on the wrong bus of rockers. Add in a knee to the nuts, instant chemistry, and a dare---sparks start flying! These pages are filled with hot tattooed rockers, music, sex, banter, and blow jobs! All the right ingredients to sweep me off my feet. :) Hell this story even had one of my all-time favorite scenes.... the “crying in the rain-please forgive me” scene :D But it all felt a little too perfect. *shrugs* Not sure how else to describe it. It almost felt every romantic, sexy, or sleazy moment ever conceived and packaged was thrown in and arranged on the page. I just didn’t feel or see anything new to rock my world.

Jake and Abby’s story did make me giggle and smile though, but it never got much deeper than that—just pure fun. The angst and drama level is low and over in a *snap*, so my heart was relaxed, giggley, and happy. :) I hope that doesn’t sound awful, because for me there is something special about a light, sexy read. That’s one of the reasons why I read—-to have fun--and I certainly had a blast here with the band.

A quick, light dose of hot rocker fun!

p.s. I will always remember this book for introducing me to my new favorite word twatwaffle. Hehe….

Anna, Bethany, and Rachel---Thank you for sharing the ride! You Ladies always make me smile.

21 s Jacqueline's Reads2,939 1,514

2 Stars


I really really really wanted to Music of the Heart. It had a lot of elements in a novel I enjoy, such as bad-boy rocker with tats, sweet naïve virgin Heroine and crazy love tension, HOWEVER


I see the and I just don’t get it. I am highly disappointed since I Katie Ashley and The Proposition was fantastic! So…What went wrong?

So you have sweet virginal Abby, who is tagging along her brother’s band tour, but doesn’t know if she wants to be a singer? Really? Then you have Jake who is the lead singer of another band and of course he is a man-whore. Don’t get me wrong, I love me my man-whores, but Jake, oh I had so many issues with him.

Abby and Jake strike up a ridiculous bet, Jake doesn’t think Abby could stay on the same bus as him, but Abby disagrees and joins Jake on the bus for a week. Does this sound familiar to you? It’s silly, but I move forward. First off, Jake is just awful. Who could be attracted to that? He keeps on screwing women! Let me give you my version of the story…

Abby and Jake fight

Jake flirts with Abby

Abby says no way you can’t get past first base

Jake screws a girl because he’s horny

Jake says sorry

Abby forgives but still won’t let Jake get past first base

Jake screws a girl because he’s horny

Rinse and repeat…

The story was told in alternating POV’s and honestly I couldn’t tell a difference between Jake and Abby’s voice. I mean, can Jake cry anymore? I think when the Hero cries in the book, it has to be a very important part of the story (a shifting point), but to me, Jake just cried because he was upset or the sake of crying? Jake did a lot of horrible things while he was upset. Oh I really wanted to him, especially when he was trying to redeem himself, BUT he kept on messing up!

Abby is twenty-one, but she acts a seventeen year old. Her inner dialogue was very immature and she was just too forgiving. I mean how many times can you forgive a guy? I’ll admit she kind of got more confident towards the middle-end, but then she reverted back to her old self soon afterwards. I did not Abby.

Music of the Heart was too long and had unable characters. The plot was subpar and unoriginal. I felt I was reading a combination of many other great reads but was getting a very bad knock-off. It PAINS me to write a negative review, because I am a fan of Katie Ashley. I just don’t understand what went wrong.

I’m will not move forward with this series BUT I will give Katie Ashley’s Net and Lies a go because I truly believe this was just a one-time mess up.
17 s Mari?ina623 197

3,5 Stars.
Well i'm not gonna lie! It was good and i loved all the secondary characters, but i had a huge problem with Abby's naivety and Jake's assholish ways.

Thankfully though that changed later on when we were lucky enough to be adorned with crazily sexy or cute scenes, entertaining dialogues and laughable situations as much as deeply sentimental develpoments and bittersweet plot twists.

However not everything was fine, my main problem never stopped bothering even when it seemed irrelevant, yes, you guessed it, it was the insta-love. And not just an insta-love, no, not even close, here we are talking about the mother of them all. There was absolutely no built-up or at least a semblance of chemistry. Just a corny, overused super-nova of hearts and flowers that smacks you right in the face when you open the book.

But Jake being jealous and unable to express himself was funny and almost adorable.. So it's partly forgiven. That and of course what a manwhore he was at the beginning.

All in all, even if i had my share of problems initially, that started to fade away, mostly at the last part which is exceptionally written with dramatic and sentimental innuendos. It was really good, and made me feel i was reading a whole new story. Very heartwarming and interesting, exceedingly so i might add!


- I d how much Jake loved his mama..
- Abby showed a great deal of character towards the end.
- The writing is good.
- I d how Abby stayed a rock on Jake's side and at the same time, true to herself.
- Jake's vulnerability was so important to the story's progression.
- I loved the sleeping arrangements. Hehe!
- At many points the predictability drove me crazy.
- AJ was awesome.. That boy has a good story to share with us. I can't wait.16 s Amy | Foxy Blogs1,621 1,032

4.5 stars! I love Katie Ashley writing style.

Abby, a Christian good girl, ends up on the wrong tour bus on her way to meet her brothers' Christian rock band. She ends up making a bet with the notorious womanizer, Jake. To win the bet she must stay on the tour bus with him and the band for a week.

This story dealt with wrong doings and forgiveness. Jake's mom, Susan, summed it up best, "Just remember that forgiveness is so much easier than regret."

I still want to know what happened to Abby getting a tattoo.


No cliffhangers. Each book is a different band member's story.


(#2.5)2013-books16 s Shurrn560 894

It was a charming read, I enjoyed it.

This was a solid 3.5 stars.

There were a few moments of head shaking regarding the whiplash speed of mood swings between the two main characters, but quite honestly, it must be a challenge for an author to wrap up a love story in 600ish pages rather than a three or four book series. Other reviewers were unhappy with the speedy pace of their relationship, mostly claiming that it was unrealistic... Are we really reading this genre for the realism and probability of the pure young woman seduced by the rock star? I'm not. I was looking for a cute little love story to get lost in for an evening, and I think this qualifies. There are plenty of other options for erotic romance where the main female's personality is absorbed and forgotten in the wake of the male lead, this book wasn't one of those, and didn't try to be.c-bad-boys c-rockstars-and-musicians erotica ...more16 s Fatima709 343

Buddy read with my sistah from another mother , Georgia !!! Coz we are cool that .....

15 s Jx PinkLady Reviews ?736 1,064

3.5 Stars for this Sweet, 'Music of the Heart,' read.

"I had made a bet with the notorious womanizing lead singer of Runaway Train to stay on their bus for an entire week. What the hell had I been thinking?"

"My experience with guys was pretty much non-existent."

Our leading lady is Abby, she's 21 and innocent; a singer, guitarist, and training to be a nurse. A hard working sweet, beautiful girl who’s sassy and feisty.....

"You're a guy's wet dream." ~ Jake

Our hunk of a man is Jake, '...sexy as hell,' and a complete, 'manwhore.' He uses women for sex and sex only but is this what he really wants????

There are times in the book where Jake shows his vulnerability, his caring side; he's afraid he's not good enough for Abby..... and this is when you fall in love with him and swoon!!!

So we've established this story is about your innocent girl meets bad boy rock star, the leading characters have interesting back stories and a fabulous supporting cast......Music of the Heart has all the elements for an enjoyable sexy read and that's what it was for me, light, sweet, nice and enjoyable.

**To make it epic and amazingly fabulous it needed more, for me personally......Why????

*At times the conversations between characters were a little unbelievable and even unnecessary, in my opinion. Sometimes you don't need a big signpost to know something…..us savvy readers can deduce the obvious.

*I found it difficult to truly believe parts of the story how much she still wants and desires Jake 2 minutes after hearing him have sex with another girl??? Also the 'drama' at the end, where he rejects her, was again not really plausible for the character or situation, imo

...all that said I still enjoyed it and even loved it in places, I found myself smiling through most of it, apart from when it made me cry.....'feeling' is good....I just needed something more...more angst.....more truth in the writing.....more showing and less telling.

Sometimes it warmed my heart, made it swell and was 4 star worthy and then at the other end of the spectrum I found I was cringing at the cheesiness......I guess it comes down to~

Do I think the character would actually say that and in a lot of cases, in this book the answer was no....sorry

There were some truly beautiful lines and sentiments.......

"...she taught me about the gift of giving your heart to someone." Jake about his Angel

"He has a tender heart and a giving soul."

"...forgiveness is so much easier than regret." Jake's Mum

There were some delicious sexy times.....

"....my body hummed in response to his closeness."

"Mmm, you have magic fingers." Jake chuckled. "You have no idea, babe."

In the end of course they lived happily-ever-after, which was lovely......

"As a self-respecting dude, I'd never believed in fairy tales, but in that moment, I did. I'd found my angel to live happily-ever-after with.

I don't think it's a bad read, just not my perfect book in this space in time. I d it I just wasn't in love with it, maybe another day and my thoughts may have been different. I know many others have loved it more, so if you Rock Stars, a sweet love story and fancy a nice light read then pick up this book, I think you'll enjoy it!!! ?

15 s ?Rachel?2,021 884

3.5 Stars

I have been waiting in eager anticipation for Music of the Heart ever since I laid eyes on that delicious cover (just look at it!! *drools*) and read the description. This was such a fun and intense read, full of emotion and ups and downs.

Abby is about to join up with her brothers’ rock band on their tour as their new lead singer. When a miscommunication lands her on the wrong tour bus and in the bed of Jake Slater, the lead singer of the famous band Runaway Train, Abby is shocked out her mind. This leads to a fun bet in which Abby stays on the bus for one week. I know, convenient, right? But suspend reality for a bit and have some fun.

Jake is so full of passion but I would expect nothing less of a great performer. I think it takes someone full of intense emotion to be really good at entertaining, and it just pours out of Jake. While he did a few things at first that I thought we’re brushed aside too easily, I was able to forgive him and move on. I couldn’t help but fall for Jake even though he had some real highs and lows. That boy was all over the place!!:

“Angel, you’re going to have to get used to me wanting my hands and lips on you. It’s hard for me to hold back, and frankly, I don’t give a shit who sees or what they think.”


“When you showed up, I thought I would die, and I couldn’t think of anything but driving you away. So I said and did all that shit just to hurt you, so you’d run away. You’re right when you called me an unimaginable asshole.” When I gasped, he stared up at me, tears shimmering in his eyes. “But the moment you slapped me, it was I saw everything so clearly again. I couldn’t imagine not having you in my life, and I hated myself for doing that to you.”

Yes, that boy gave me some whiplash!

It took me a little bit to warm to Abby. I felt she was a little too self-righteous and naïve, and a little unbelievably so, but I ended up liking her as well. That’s not to say I didn’t roll my eyes more than a few times and the corny and unrealistic things that came out of her mouth at times, but I’m going to chalk that up to inexperience. The fact that she didn’t hold grudges, and tried to see the big picture made me the girl. She was all about trying to see the good in people and forgiveness, very admirable IMO.

This was a whirlwind romance with strong feelings on both sides right from the beginning:

I’d always scoffed at the notion of love at first sight. Stuff that didn’t happen. Sure lust at first sight, but love? Never. But now as Jake stood before me, I wondered if it could be true.

I think this was more of a wild ride than a study in real life here, and usually stories that revolve around rockers are, but who can resist? I know I certainly can’t, lol! Usually, I my romance to be a slow build, but this seemed to work here. Plus, their feelings came first before anything on the physical side happened. On that front let me just tell you, Katie Ashley knows how to write some scorching scenes! Whoa!

This was my first Katie Ashley but it won’t be my last. She had a talent for writing chemistry filled scenes and wicked and flirty banter! I’m excited for the next book in the series, Ensnare My Heart, which will give us AJ’s story. He’s the band’s Latin Romeo and I fell hard for that boy! Gotta love a man who can dance!

This was made more fun by my lovely read along partners in crime: Laura, Bethany and Anna! Thanks ladies!15 s Catarina 241 2 Want to read

Want to read this so freaking bad it hurts ...

15 s Becca2,005 26

O.M.G. Katie has hit another home run! This story wasn't good. It was amesomely fantastic! Oh where to even begin with this book!

Abby is all set to meet up with her brothers (The Christian Crossover Group - Jacob's Ladder) to start her life as part of the band. She flies out to meet up with her family at a Mega Concert, much Woodstock, and finds herself rushing to catch their bus before they take off for the next town. Weaving her way through hundreds of buses that all look a, she asks a Roadie who was a little "busy" with a groupie trying to find her way into a bus, that she asks for directions and swiftly gets put onto the bus before it pulls out. The only problem is, she finds outs later that it's not her family's bus, but the bus of superstars - Runaway Train.

The comedy insues from there and this book had me laughing and crying from laughing over and over again. The boys of the band sweet and protective of Abby, especially against their own lead singer Jake Slater. Slater the known womanizer of the band, has thoughts and plans going through his head about Abby. But he has met his match in the southern spitfire. You don't mess with a girl who grew up with 4 older brothers.

If you love The Propostion and The Proposal - you will love this book. Not only is Jake funny and swoon worthy - so is the entire band - Brayden, AJ and Rhys. Abby is a spunky, spitfire who stands up for herself and doesn't back down. LOVE THAT!!

Katie Ashley pulls me in more and more with each book that she writes and I cannot wait for more books coming our way from her!

*I was given an ARC of Music of the Heart in exchange for a honest reveiw*14 s Henz233 78

The beginning was great when it got to the middle I wasn't feeling it no more ... *sigh* sorry book ...11 s Vikki ~ *squee* lite ~497 185

I’ve gone back and forth with my rating for this one (hence the funky rating). There was a lot to about this book. It was very much what I would describe as a “rock star fairytale” a la beauty and the beast. You have Jake the bad boy rock star (although, to be honest, while he was no choir boy, he was pretty darn mild for a rock star), who gets the sweet innocent girl, Abby, to stay with him. She ends up seeing the good man behind the façade, falls in love, and changes the “beast” into a prince.

I really enjoyed the banter that Jake and Abby had going on in the beginning of the book. I loved all the band members, (though none of them struck me as “bad boys” either). Abby for the most part stayed on the good side of being “too good”, but there were occasions where she came off as almost too naïve. There were times when I just couldn’t imagine a 21 year old, no matter what their background, being quite that innocent. I had to roll my eyes when she thought that seeing Jake soap up in the shower would be “something out of a bad porno” really? Or when she was constantly calling him a horndog – it just seemed silly

I d Jake most of the time too. He was charming and sexy, and it was easy to see the soft heart beneath the rough exterior. I do have to admit to being blown away at some of his more douche moves though. When he went for it, he could certainly bring out his inner asshole. I was really frustrated with his last outburst when his mom was dying because, honestly, at that point he should have figured out a better way to deal with his issues then doing whatever he could to push Abby away.

I also thought that Abby was perhaps a bit too forgiving. Jake would be a jerk (a BIG jerk), and then, 10 minutes later, apologize, and that was it – it was all ok again. I’m just not sure that’s realistic especially that crap he pulled sleeping with Bree etc I’m not saying she shouldn’t have ever forgiven him, but he seemed to get off really lightly.

Overall it was an entertaining, if not always realistic book. I’m looking forward AJ’s story whenever that comes out.
11 s Aimee Pachorek Blogging as Enchanting Ella111 29


In one day.

Didn't even that I had to put it down to eat.

For those of you that might actually see my , you should know that character development is HUGE with me. I also need to be able to visualize. I'm sure I'm not the only one and that's not why I'm saying this. I'm saying this because this book right here - Music of the Heart - I was right there. I WAS Abby. Jake was wooing me. Every emotion, every second of angst - every second of pleasure, they were MINE.

Within the first chapter of the book, I was hooked. Abby and Jake's "accidental" meeting was cute and funny and I knew from that point on that I'd love their banter.

The descriptiveness in Katie Ashley's writing doesn't falter in this book. I love how she keeps me visualizing every aspect on the page.

"His dark hair was buzzed short, and he had several piercings in his ears. Blue eyes, hazy with a mixture of sleep deprivation and desire, stared down at me." GAH!!! I can already picture how HOT this man is in my head. At this very moment, I wanted to get to know Jake a little bit better. And I did get the chance. Abby was also amazing and I loved the references to True Blood and Sookie Stackhouse.

Lots of great supporting cast in this one too - I fell in love with AJ and all his Latin Lover glory. Rhys and Brayden along with Lily were all fantastic too and lend lots of great storyline to these two fantastic main characters.

I can't wait to meet more of Runaway Train in future books. This story is a keeper. <3 11 s Arshiya Ali19 66

2 Stars
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