
Behind the Veil de Kathryn Nolan

de Kathryn Nolan - Género: English
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Kathryn Nolan Publisher: That's What She Said Publishing, Inc., Year: 2019 ISBN: 9781945631450,9781945631467

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I it very much. Kathryn Nolan is a new author to me. I am so impress with Behind the Veil. This book is sexy and suspenseful. With some Indiana Jones adventure on it. The romance is slow burn. Henry and Delila fits together a glove even though they came from different background.

And it is refreshing for me to put the Hero as a brain and the heroine as the kick ass action figure. It is sweet to see how Henry finally fall for Delila. Their banter is refreshing and smart. Not too sassy and OTT either. The sexual tension is simmering but enough to make the story hot.

Overall a good book.

4 stars29 s Jacob Proffitt3,160 1,875

So Henry should totally be my jam. He's smart and into books and we find out that he's my physical type as well. Plus, he's capable and doing his best in a hard situation. Unfortunately, I just cannot get past the setup.

I always try to give a book its premise, but for that to work, the author needs to leave it alone and stop explaining things. Or the explanation needs to hold together. It totally does not hold together, here. I mean, I thought it was a joke when Henry's old-dude mentor explained how he'd pin the book thefts on Henry with forged documents that would show that it was Henry stealing things. And I'm all, "uh, wouldn't that mean he'd have money? Or at least not still have his student loans? And the geezer is the one throwing around fellowships and taking expensive vacations all over the world." I mean, his plan was ludicrous on its face. And having the Codex recruiter say "we have guys who can prove they're a forgery" almost made me laugh. , why would they need to do that when it's impossible that Henry was the thief because he doesn't have any motive and he's the one who precipitated the investigation!?!

And then we get to the setup for Codex—a company specializing in recovering stolen texts. Not art. Books only. that's a huge market for a company to support four highly-specialized full-time agents. And it goes on and on about how they fill the gap where law enforcement leaves off and I'm all, "you mean how insurance companies are highly incented to recover artifacts from the museums they cover?!? Why aren't the insurance companies eating your lunch? Wouldn't they be your actual competition?!?"

So it's all really silly, is what I'm saying. And that's before you get to the hints about whatever happened with Delilah so she's not a cop any more. That has silly written all over it, even before we get the details. And frankly, she's doing a weird back and forth about training the new guy (Henry) and I'm getting whiplash from her being all angry about it and then being nice only to catch herself and be angry again.

So my investment is zero, and the real problem is that the plot is moving too freaking slowly. If the plot was moving I wouldn't have time to pick all these nits. But I'm at 25% in and they haven't really got a plan and are still futzing around about their backstory as newlyweds and grousing about how he's new and she s her friend better and, just, ugh.29 s Malene1,264 711

Behind the Veil is an exciting romance with the element of suspense. The characters are freaking awesome and really what made me enjoy this book so much. Not only the kickass heroine Delilah, a former cop now detective, and the sexy as sin hero Henry, a librarian who joins the same detective agency as Delilah. Their colleagues Abe and Freya make this quartet a fierce team to be reckoned with.

Delilah and Henry has some serious chemistry going on. Sizzling beneath the surface whenever they are around each other. Which is a lot since they are now colleagues and working undercover as a married couple. Oh my lord did I enjoy them being on stake outs or at galas cause they had no problems being in character. Yummy as fuck. At first they have to build their trust as colleagues and it was exciting watching them do that. As they got to know each other more on a deeper level the more they started falling. Let me tell you all that when they finally couldn’t hold back. Wowza. That closet scene. That’s all I’m saying. Hot and delicious.

Kathryn Nolan has created a clever and sexy romance. I had such a wonderful time being in the company of these four amazing characters. That’s all thanks to her writing. She combines the genres suspense and romantic comedy flawlessly. That results in never a dull moment from start to finish.
While I was reading I hoped the fabulous Freya would get a book cause the author excels in writing kickass females and to my excitement she will. I couldn’t ask for more. Well that’s incorrect. I want her book now. #GetTheDamnBookBack

4 Undercover Stars
arc friends-to-lovers romantic-suspense20 s Hannah616 1,152

Super charming. But I was always going to love a book featuring fake dating, a hot (male) librarian who speaks four languages, and a kickass private detective going undercover in the world of illegal book trade.romance15 s Lana Reads494 212 Shelved as 'dnf'

50% and I'm out.

It pains me, because I adore this author, her writing and her humour but I could barely see anything of her in this book. The setting and the characters' backgrounds felt kinda silly and improbable. The plot barely moved, there was no chemistry between the characters... so after almost 200 pages I gave up.

I'm still hopeful for the rest of the series though.2021-read14 s Jodi225 6

Kathryn Nolan once again proves that no matter WHAT trope/genre she tackles, she is an unbelievably gifted and deeply talented author. Behind the Veil is her first foray into the romantic suspense genre, but you would never know it if you were new to her books.

The chemistry between Henry and Delilah pulses and crackles. The plot running behind their "office" romance is fascinating. A mystery that will have you on the edge of your seat. Twists and turns through the dark underbelly of the world of antiquity theft. Subterfuge, intrigue and magnetism abound in this delicious story.

12 s Jules753 4

Behind the Veil is the perfect combination of romance and mystery.
Did you ever want to see a mix of a highly intelligent spy and a librarian? No? It will change after reading this book! Undercover work in high danger environment meets detailed work around priceless artefacts of historical importance. Don't think it works? Read this and be convinced differently!

Ms. Nolan manages to tell the story so visually, it's akin to a movie playing in front of your eyes. The characters are so multi-faceted and deep, you wouldn't believe. Secondaries are intriguing and make you want to stay in the world and find out all the future things coming up. And boy, this world! Detailed, full of fun, no flat characters, but full of twists and turns. This couple leads you through it all being strong and vulnerable, funny and bantering, and standing out among a story entirely its own. beta-alpha6 s Andrea237 11

Wholly engaging, deliciously suspenseful, wildly ambitious, ingeniously exhilarating, dangerously seductive and so much more! This book is filled to the brim with mystery and danger, attraction and desire, and positively brilliant imagery. Kathryn Nolan has outdone herself. My fingers literally hurt typing this review because I chewed my nails off while reading!!!! Seriously this book is utterly riveting! I absolutely loved everything about this book. There is a perfect combination of sexy and danger. This book is unputdownable! I was completely engrossed in the mystery of who had the book, of how a thief could so easily exist in both worlds, and of how Henry and Deliah could completely captivate me with their fascinating undercover work and attraction. All the stars and ESPECIALLY THE SUN go to this book!5 s nitya430 332

RTC when finals are done killing me

Content warning: explicit sex scenes, past abuse/coercion5 s Paulette667 19

If you’re looking for a book with intrigue, suspense,and mystery combined with slow burn sexiness than look no further because all of that is encapsulated in to this book.
This author continues to amaze us with with her writing. She continues to expand on her writing style in the area of romance and can’t be boxed into one type of trope. This has been proven by her time and again. This time Kathryn Nolan has upped her game with suspense and romance. The funny thing is she did it with a subject I never thought about before and made it interesting, clever and kept me on the edge of my seat. Ms. Nolan has the ability too always make us think socially, and question our beliefs. Within her writing the author brings unusual questions to the table about ourselves and human nature and weaves them into a complex interesting story filled with passion, knowledge, beautiful details and leaves you wanting more. She not only tells a story, she paints a vivid picture before your eyes and educates you along the way with interesting facts and fine point details. You find that there is so much to be uncovered and even more to be digested. Long after you’re finished reading you’re still thinking about this book for days. I know I did.

Henry is a handsome, quiet librarian, who has a love of books and what they bring to mankind.
Delilah is a beautiful, butt kicking detective who believes in righting the wrongs in society.
Both start out with clear definitions of who they are but life has a way of proving time and again maybe our preconceived ideas about ourselves as well as others aren’t always what we think they are. Maybe, instead of two sides to every coin there’s another layer in between that we weren’t thinking about or even looking for.
I assure you you the secondary characters in this story are as interesting and layered as the main characters.
Don’t worry this book brings all the feels I assure you. You will be swept into the whirlwind, holding your breath while trying to exhale and that’s not just from the suspense. The adrenaline is up as well as the heat.

I read this book in one sitting and have the dark circles to prove it. I could not put it down. My mind wouldn’t turn off long after I finished. Kathryn made me think, enjoy, love and wonder. I now wonder what will come next from this amazing author. Kudos to the author on a book that deserves to be read.4 s Missie M93 3

Five dramatically suspenseful extra hot stars!

No surprise here that Kathryn Nolan wrote the perfect romantic suspense! I have been waiting for the story of Henry and Delilah since Kathryn’sSexy Shorts. The tension between these two was so hot and the suspense and mystery was so well written.

The mystery, suspense and chemistry kept me at the edge of my seat and made it impossible to put this book down!

Delilah is so independent and fierce. Henry is reserved and intelligent. Their chemistry is off the charts and they really compliment each other’s personalities in every way.

I absolutely loved this book! Highly recommended ??4 s Leisa Ann649 9

Romantic suspense... I haven’t read many but after reading this one I’m hooked although not sure others will measure up. I love a slow burn and this one was perfect. The chemistry between Henry and Delilah was palpable. Don’t miss out on this awesome book...1 click today!4 s Joyce900 27

**The narration by Mia Madison and Leon Nixon really amps up this story, it’s superbly done!

Rarified air
Dark and twisted passageways. Ancient libraries filled with light spangled dust motes. A verdant rooftop garden. Glittering ballrooms. Museums holding the world’s most precious works of art. This is the world of Henry Finch and Delilah Barrett. Working for Codex, the mysterious company that discretely recovers stolen rare books for a price. A world filled with gray areas and questionable characters masquerading as philanthropists.
I loved the way Henry and Delilah were equally matched in their respective fields, at the same time feeling out of depth in each other’s worlds. Delilah teaching Henry about crime, trust and detective work, while he teaches her about the rare books they are tasked with recovering.
Once again, Kathryn Nolan immerses her readers in a world filled with texture and depth, longing looks and lingering touches, dazzling prose and characters we helplessly fall in love with. Even the characters we shouldn’t. And once again, leaving me breathless with the beauty of a perfectly crafted love story, this time wrapped in suspense!4 s RedEnigma94771 17

What a divine romantic suspense that Ms. Nolan has graced us with!  When I was reading Behind the Veil, all I could think was damn! This woman really has amazing talent! Seriously, I already knew that she was a special and gifted writer, but I was absolutely blown away by the fact that this is her first romantic suspense. I mean, if there was a standard to go by, I would have to say it was Nora Roberts calibur. Don't argue with me on that because I have read a LOT of Nora Roberts' books in my time, seen them turned into TV movies and what not, and on my shelf I would put Kathryn Nolan's newest release right beside hers.  Yes! I said what I said! LOL!
Behind the Veil is sexy and super smart, and best of all, I got to live out all my nerdish romantic book fantasies with this fantastic story. I mean, hello?! What young girl hadn't dreamed of being an adventurous lady detective with mad deductive skills and could kick ass no other?! No one else?! Just me?! LOL! Anyway, Delilah is the perfect heroine, and I could not help but to be drawn to her strength, her heart, her intelligence, her beauty and her vulnerability.  And it did not hurt that she was super kick ass! At least Henry, our hero recognized that in her too:


"In the lingering moonlight, she looked gorgeous but fatal, a Bond girl with a weapon." 
And speaking of Henry--my, my, my! I have never in my life heard the discussion and history of books, art, and science in detail sound so intense and so sexy!  Double swoon!  

Again, Kathryn Nolan's character/story building skills are top notch and so on point, I watched this entire book play out in my head so vividly.  The mystery was fascinating, and the chemistry and romance was sexy and beautiful. This story had so much substance, so much depth, and kept me intrigued . . . every  . . . single  . . . moment.

If I've said it once, twice, or a thousand times--Kathryn Nolan never disappoints!3 s Stephanie RoseAuthor 29 books2,886

Fan freaking tastic.

I was on the edge of my seat the entire time from the suspense and the white-hot attraction between Henry and Delilah. I had to force myself to read slow because I didn't want to miss any details but the tension was palpable. This is a brilliantly written story you won't be able to put down once you begin.

Kathryn Nolan outdid herself with this amazing book. Henry Finch, a sexy nerd who is both secretly dirty and wears his heart on his sleeve, belongs in book boyfriend hall of fame.
3 s Vanessa (nessreads)878

5 “I need a Henry Finch” Stars!!!

I don’t know why or who or what or when, but why haven’t I read this author before? This was my first full-length Kathryn Nolan book and OH-MY-GAWD it was so damn good! It goes without saying that yes, there were snippets here and there about Henry and Delilah that Kathryn gave us in her sexy shorts, and quite honestly those teases had me yearning for Henry and Delilah’s full story. And oh boy, I was not disappointed at all.

I couldn’t put this book down. The intrigue, suspense, mystery and chemistry kept me hooked and on the edge of my seat. Twists and turns here and there that kept the action on full display. Honestly it felt I was watching a movie that’s how vividly visual the words on the pages had me feeling.

Delilah and Henry are simply phenomenal. Delilah is fierce and independent and just one hell of a badass. Henry is so intelligent and quite frankly a sexy as hell nerd. The chemistry between these two is fire, they’re scorching hot. They compliment each other in every way. They make the perfect team and together, they’re unstoppable.

Behind the Veil is the perfect combination of mystery and romance. It’s super smart and all kinds of sexy. It’s filled with suspense and action. This world that Ms. Nolan has vividly created is addicting and fun and it’ll have you wanting more.

Highly recommend!

*I voluntarily read and reviewed an ARC of this book*4 s Carissa3,062 83

This one was just okay. The narrators weren't really working for me. I know the next two books have different characters and narrators and I might re-visit at another time.
audiobook contemporary-romance hoopla ...more3 s CzekMart268 19

I absolutely adored Henry and Delilah!
This phenomenal book has is all - captivating story line, thrilling mystery component, incredibly well developed beautiful characters and romance with a bit of steam - it’s simply the dream come true for all romantic suspense readers/lovers.
Behind the Veil introduces us to high society with heiresses, benefit dinners, galas, intrigues and high stake heists of priceless historic literary treasures.
Henry and Delilah enter this world as undercover agents, their cover - a high powered husband and wife team. As they earn respect and trust of their nemesis, they have to face demons from their past and work against punishing deadline to recover an iconic masterpiece and the lines between the fake cover and real feelings become blurry...
An absolute must read!2 s L.J. EvansAuthor 27 books1,236

This book is addicting and sexy. The book lover and romantic in me was rooting for the swoony librarian gone PI and the slightly broken but beautiful Codex agent.

Fake marriage has never been more alluring than in this book!

MUST READ!2 s Jacquelyn Poarch12

Undercover characters are my favorite.

This book was so much fun. The way Kathryn Nolan creates these characters with so many sides is so entertaining. There’s a darkness to Henry that is unexpected and so hot. Delilah is strong and enticing. Can’t wait for Freya’s story. 2 s Elizabeth2,598 197 Shelved as 'did-not-finish'

I have to agree with the that say this initial setup is dumb. The dude has no money and he’s going to take the fall for his boss who has lots of money!? Doesn’t make sense. I might try the 2nd before I throw the entire series. Can you tell I’m desperate for an audiobook!?2 s Nikita Navalkar765 91

Keeping up with the Thornhills

Theoretically, this book has a great premise. Fake marriage, rare book theft intrigue, bougie Philly high society shenanigans, it’s all very Keeping up with the Joneses. But something felt off for me, it never feels high stakes as it should, and the suspense is nonexistent. In fact most of the book drags, and dare I say, is boring; even the romance, which is supposed to be slow burn (which this author usually does extremely well) but Henry and Delilah completely lacked the chemistry I’d want.

Maybe it was just me, but I couldn’t connect, with the characters or the story. It was all the emotion in the book was muffled or something. Maybe I picked it up at a wrong time. The most interesting part of the book to me was the thief, go figure. That said, I do the author’s writing a lot. And Abe and Freya intrigued me enough that I want their stories. Though I was really hoping they would be together.contemporary fake-fiance-relationship romantic-suspense2 s Cece248 13

Enter a world of intrigue and intelligence! This books takes you on a journey of discovery. Both Delilah and Henry are in search of their true vocations, Codex is out to find the book, historians are pursuing the precious past. With the many twists and turns in this story one aspect remains steady, the chemistry between our sexy librarian and warrior goddess burns bright. The writing and research for this book is phenomenal. Romantic suspense sometimes lacks either the heat or the hunt, this story has both in spades. The author's ability to write any genre/trope is being revealed in spectacular fashion with each book she pens. Take this journey and enjoy!2 s Christine1,458 19

Behind the Veil is an incredible fake marriage, slow burn, sexy romance filled with mystery, drama and intrigue that will draw you in from the first page. I just loved the sexy librarian Henry and the sassy and fierce detective Delilah......and when they came together as the Thornhills, ooh, yes!! The chemistry just sizzled between them. I couldn't get enough of them and I loved every minute of the story. It truly was wonderful......and the little tidbit at the very end made me one happy reader!!! I need more of these wonderful and incredible characters.....and I'm so anxious to see what Ms. Nolan has in store next!!!2 s Jessica Rackley119

Mystery+heat=fun to read.
I found out about this book from Kathryn Nolan's Wild Open Hearts book. I loved watching everyone grow as people and them seeing the other side of things. I loved the descriptions of Delilah and Henry's homes, so similar and so different.
The mystery involved stolen rare books.
The heat was of course Henry, a librarian, and Delilah, a seasoned detective, new coworkers searching for a rare copy of book over 500 years old.
The book was setup nicely as the beginning of a new series and I can't wait for the other books.2 s BookishStacy766 53

Kathryn Nolan is one of my favorites. Her writing is phenomenal and she is great at dialing up he heat. Having said that, this was not my favorite. I don't know exactly why, but I just had a really hard time connecting with the characters and really getting into the story. It just didn't work for me. Clearly, I am in the minority, so I would tell anyone who loves romantic suspense to give it a go. I still love Kathryn and can't wait to see what she does next!arc suspense2 s Aaly1,357 56

*** ARC kindly provided in exchange for an honest review. ***
What a captivating, sensual and so exciting story! Following a group of agents hired to find stolen art items. This mission focused on Delilah and Henry who had to learn how to trust and read the other in this dangerous game when any mistake could ruin the mission.

As the new one on the team, Henry wanted to find a way to bring justice when he couldn’t. Codex, a detective agency was the right solution. Betrayed by his mentor and so oblivious of the issue, this man had to do something. Quitting his job as a librarian, trained to become an agent. A man of forthright character, passionate about his job and so sinfully charming, the kind of man who could make his partner Delilah falling for him, devastatingly handsome. Sharing his passion for art and the history behind it.

Delilah was a bit thrown off her game when the new detective, Henry joined the team. Trying to train and to adjust to this new partner. A woman who could be lethal when needed, sharp and precise on a mission. I appreciated to see the other side of this strong woman, this part of vulnerability and less contained when she was with Henry.

Their mission: under a fake marriage, they had to recover a rare stolen book, bringing these two in this game of pretending, when the false might be crossing the line, when every touch and moment intensified their intense desire for each other. Flirting with danger has never felt so good, sensual and emotional.

I’ve been hooked from the beginning, Delilah and Henry won me over. Two people who learned to trust each other, working as a team to get the stolen book back. Facing the danger and being a bit too invested in their role as a married couple, knowing what could be at stake and the consequences if they didn’t succeed in their mission.

I adored the balance between mystery and romance. The author managed to give life to the characters, so beautifully. It's so visual, vibrant and the descriptions about their feelings were pretty intense and passionate.

Enthralling, suspenseful, sexy and so smoking hot, with a strong hint of naughtiness. And this slow-burn sexual tension... my kind of favorite!

arc1 Bex_Book_Revieux741 55

Behind The Veil is an excellent fast-paced, suspense filled romance.

As much as I read, I admit I never thought about rare books and the lengths someone would go to obtain a living piece of history.

Delilah, even as sexy as she is, gives off the air of a disgruntled, disappointed member of law enforcement. And when Abe partners her with Henry Finch, a newbie at Codex, her world-weary air is off the charts. Delilah seems to have very little faith in the former rare books librarian.

Henry Finch, a painfully overworked rare books librarian at the McMasters Library in Oxford, England believes he's caught his mentor stealing rare books. most painfully innocent people, Henry fully believes that if he simply confronts Bernard, the man will surely realize how far he's fallen and turn over the stolen artifacts.

What ensues is a treasure hunt, where Henry and Delilah are forced into field work together while Delilah remains uncertain as to whether Henry can even be adequately trained to respond correctly, until he saves her from what could have been a very bad situation.

This book was a caper complete with code words, grand enemies, little old ladies that appear completely incapable of being the bad guy, and security guards that give us that bumbling moment of humor needed in every book. The slow burn romance between Henry and Delilah had me burning up by the time they finally got down to it!!

A perfect, sexy, suspenseful romp through Philly giving the reader the ability to feel their heart race, and experience the drop once the adrenaline leaves. Kathryn Nolan makes me want to study rare books in my free time, but only if I get a sexy librarian of my own!

1 Kim May287 10

There is nothing that this author can’t write! This is the first foray for Kathryn Nolan into the romantic suspense genre and she blows you away! Frequently when a book claims to be a romantic suspense, it is weak in one of the two areas. A good romance author can’t always write suspense, and a good suspense author can’t always write romance. Not this book!!! I. COULD. NOT. PUT. IT. DOWN. The mystery is intriguing and captivating. It will have you on the edge of your seat and holding your breath for the next chapter...even the next paragraph. As for the “romance” part of this book…in true Kathryn Nolan form, it is sexy, sensual, and steamy! The chemistry between the characters is off the chart hot.

This book is so beautifully written. It is smart and seductive. As with all of her books, you don’t just read this book…you experience it. The images and feelings she evokes will have you submerged in the story. Both Delilah and Henry are flawed and show a vulnerability in a very believable way. I can’t say enough about the chemistry between these two. There is both a sexual and sensual tension between them that envelopes you. I was invested in these characters, their relationship, and the story from the very beginning. Do yourself a favor and get this book…get it NOW. Don’t put it in your TBR pile…make this the very next book you read!
1 Jennifer164 2

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