
Skin and Bone de Kathryn Fox

de Kathryn Fox - Género: English
libro gratis Skin and Bone


Homicide detective Kate Farrer took a four-month leave from the force when the stress of the job threatened to crush her. Now she's back, at a crime scene as brutal as any she's ever witnessed. The charred corpse of a young woman, burned beyond recognition, smolders on a bed near a bag full of baby items. An autopsy reveals that the victim had recently given birth. Yet no child has been found.
Teaming up with a new partner, Oliver Parke, Kate struggles to hold her own demons at bay—while also pursuing leads in the seemingly unrelated affair of a missing teenager who was keeping secrets that may have cost her her life. But as disturbing clues begin linking their two investigations—and another unspeakably cruel murder secures the knot—Kate and Oliver realize with horror that a desperate killer's next victim might be the most innocent one of all...M.F

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Number 3 in the Dr. Anya Crichton series.
Bit of a misnomer this one as Anya Crichton is completely AWOL here.
But that apart, it's a terrific read.
Feisty, neurotic D.S. Kate Farrer takes the lead in this one.
With new partner, D.C. Oliver Parke, Kate is given the lead on a case that involves the dead body of a female that appears to have been burnt to death. Just as Kate and Oliver are getting their teeth into this one they are told to drop it and take over a new case. Safe to say, Kate is no well pleased at the sudden change and has no problems letting everyone know how she feelings.
As the story evolves it becomes apparent that the two cases are not separate but are, in fact, the same case.
All the while Kate has her suspicions that her new partner, Oliver, is on the take. On the whole he seems to be a competent officer but Kate knows in her gut that there is something no quite right about DC Oliver Parke.

This is a good entertaining read with enough twists and turns to keep you turning pages. The end was a real " what the " moment.

A 4 star recommended read.aussie-authors serial-thrillers19 s Jülie ?? ?512 22

Skin and Bone by Kathryn Fox
#3 in the Anya Crichton series.
Read from July 13 to 15, 2014

I was wondering if this book had been erroneously recorded as being a part of the Anya Crichton series, because she is not in it at all and isn't even referred to except for a bit at the start noting her connection to Kate Farrer. Although it does go into Kate's abduction and her being held captive in the previous [Anya Crichton] novel, and also mentions her relationship to Anya and her young son, so... After reading some of the , I now understand that K. Fox appears to be switching between the two main characters which allows her to give us a fuller insight into their distinctive roles and personality traits, which turned out to work quite well as it introduces the different and unique fields of expertise of each character without complicating or cluttering every story.
In this way, as we progress through the series we should have a better understanding of each characters' individual role and input, without the need to clutter the stories with in depth explanations each time....at least that is how I understand it, and that works well for me.

I thoroughly enjoyed reading this one and was held in suspense until the end.
The beauty of reading these so long after the first publication is that I can see how K. Fox has improved in her story telling since her first and second books in this series and look forward to continuing with the rest of the series and then others.
4?s3rd-in-series buddy-read own-book8 s Carolyn2,402 672

Kate Farrar is back at work as a detective in the police force following her harrowing experience in the first book in this series, Malicious Intent. Her first case involves a house fire where the body of an unknown woman is found. A bag containing baby paraphernalia suggests that the woman may have had a baby but there is no sign of one at the house.

The novel contains several parallel investigations with Kate and her new partner Oliver also looking for a missing girl and investigating a personal trainer who is selling drugs as a sideline. Oliver is also not all he seems to be and Kate wonders if she can trust him. There are many twists and turns in the novel but all the story lines eventually resolve in a satisfactory manner.

Although this is the third novel in the Anya Crichton series, Anya is away on leave for the duration of the novel and the focus is instead on her friend Kate. This is a much more assured novel than the earlier two by the author Kathryn Fox who seems to have found her stride.australian-author crime4 s Steve1,149

3.5 stars. I felt a little jilted that a book in the Anya Crichton series didn't contain any Anya, but once I managed to page back in the main character's involvement in a previous book, I felt better about it. The story started very slowly, and seemed to almost drag, until the action exploded with a bang. I was so sure I had worked out the mastermind behind everything, that I got a shock at the final reveal. Now that I think about it, one small storyline remained unresolved, and there wasn't so much an ending as the book stopped.anya-crichton fiction2 s Julie559 22

Another gripping tale from the remarkable Kathryn Fox. This one focuses on Detective Kate Farrer who was abducted in the previous book. It concentrates on her return to work after a leave of absence to recover from her ordeal. A burned body, a missing baby and corruption in the force makes for an edge of your seat story.2 s Kathleen Dixon3,992 64

The protagonist of this 3rd novel by Kathryn Fox was one of the characters in the first novel. As the first and second were about Anya Crichton, I expected her to reappear in the 2nd or 3rd chapter of this, but finally realised that Fox had switched. I quite that. Kate Farrar (this novel's protagonist) was mentioned in the second novel (Without Consent), and Anya was mentioned in this - both very plausibly. And as they were friends in the first (Malicious Intent: A Novel), it seems ly that they'll join together again in the future. Or perhaps there'll be 2 series going on, as it were, with each playing a bit-part in the other's.

I thought this one particularly well done. Kate has returned after some months' sick leave (read Malicious Intent for the reason), and is stsill suffering flashbacks and panic attacks. However, both the police need her back working, and she herself needs to be back trying to make a difference to the owrld - or at least, her little part of it.

Kate has a new partner - an interesting guy, with hidden depths - and there are the usual personalities to deal with at work. The first job they are on is a suspicious fire and a dead body, but then they're taken off it to serach for a missing girl. What seems initially to be quite a straightforward, though nuisance, case, becomes a lot more complicated.

Lots of goings-on to keep the reader involved. Excellent.crime-mystery-spy-thriller2 s Jennifer Jowsey91 12

yawn. this was pretty dull, no suspense, kind of muddled writing ( it tried to point you one way, then another, but in a clumsy way and trying too hard). dull characters (did i miss a book before this? there were references to the main character's prior trauma, but nothing in detail), run of the mill mystery, tried for a twist at the end but was just kind of 'huh.' wouldn't seek out another book by this author. would have given it 1.5 if i could give half stars; i've read worse, so it was a little better than one.2 s Kathryn849

I forgot to post this review at the time I wrote it...

This was a different Kathryn Fox as it didn’t involve Anya Crichton apart from a brief reference. I missed Anya. I really enjoyed this book (although I did keep mixing Detective Kate Farrer up with Detective Ella Marconi from Katherine Howell’s series), but I did miss Anya.
4-stars added-because-part-of-series australian-authors ...more3 s GinaAuthor 11 books94

This book is as good as the second one. I didn’t or relate to Kate’s character at first, but eventually, it was through her new partner, Oliver, that I began to okay Kate, considering she’s the main character. Good web of a criminal plot! Makes a good crime read. 1 William Freeman488 5

Quite an enjoyable read though the whodunnit was fairly easy to work out as was the internal investigation subplot but it's well written good characters and not too taxing1 Colette Lamberth526 14

This is a bit of a spin off as Dr. Anya Crichton is mentioned but doesn’t appear in this book. The main character is Detective Kate Farrer who was in book 1 of the series. This had a different feel to the previous books with the focus on the police officers. The plot was fairly complex and I came nowhere close to working it all out and had to wait for the reveal.1 Paula209 1 follower

I was a little disappointed at the beginning to find that Anya wasn't the main character focus of this book. As the story progressed I found I was enjoying getting behind the character of Kate more and more and it was great to see her character elaborated on, and followed-up from the previous books in the series.

An enjoyable mystery/crime read, although I found quite a few things predictable, others had a few twists and turns. I didn't pick the final twist myself until shortly before it was revealed.20131 inkandteacups116 5

Maybe I’ve seen too many crime shows, and written a bit myself, but this book wasn’t as amazing as I wanted it to be.

The detailing of some of the scientific procedures and storyline were good, if predictable. But the ending was too neatly tied up with a bow to be realistic.

As for the wording, some of the phrases were very awkward. It was someone with an American English writing experience was trying to fit some British English words for added effect. Also, some of the dialogue was too awkward to begin with. No one says “as such” when they’re talking about something.

All in all, I feel a bit angry that I wasted my time reading this. Lydia.29073

1.5 ??

Quite a boring read.

It did get more fast paced about 3/4 into the plot for a good few chapters which granted it an extra star and I did the detective Oliver’s character.

The plot involved an unidentified burnt body in a house fire that had previously been frozen and a missing baby. There were limited suspects that could have done this and they all seemed one dimensional and lacking in personality/ details apart from Oliver.

Silly ending.

The step dad character in this story cringed me out and one of the male characters answering the door naked being a misogynistic twit was also cringey. Plum-crazy2,324 41

A really good read!! The only fault I have with it is that it was obvious to me from the start who the dead girl was but Kate couldn't seem to see it! That aside it was a gripping read that kept me thoroughly engrossed & entertained up to the end - will be on the lookout for more in this series or indeed anything else by this author.

misc-crime-mystery-thriller Bernie Gale158 1 follower

A good Australian police procedural. A storyline that works if a little straight forward. A substantial amount of forensic evidence which works well and has obviously been well researched.
As is common with all books in a series it would be good if the author provided a simple summary as an appendix so a new reader can catch up on characters and their background. Lut Lahousse192 15

Dit boek kon mij in het begin niet erg boeien, de vertaling is ook nogal stroef. Na de eerste 100 pagina’s komt het verhaal pas goed op gang en komt er wat vaart in. Door de verwijzingen naar Kate’s verleden had ik ook het gevoel dat ik eerst een eerder boek had moeten lezen. Tegen het einde volgen de ontwikkelingen zich snel op tot een onverwachte finale. mystery-crime Olivia Patterson4

First book of the series I’ve read and it drew me in from the first chapter. The books are so well written to give just enough information to keep you guessing about the killer and nature of the crimes committed throughout, without giving it away.
I fell so effortlessly into the world of Detective Kate Farrer and will definitely be investing in more work from the awesome Kathryn Fox! Hager Moharram830 48

The book is well written and the plot made sense and the events were in logical order however when all the clues were tying together I thought it will be much more than that.. I thought it will More intense and more grand
Anyways a good novelbooks-owned Ejlkasl65 1 follower

This is my first Kathryn Fox book and I thoroughly enjoyed it! Although at times it was a little predictable, there were also some good twists and turns at the end. I enjoyed it and look forward to reading more from this author and series. Angela VerdeniusAuthor 72 books668

I did NOT see that ending coming! Completely knocked my socks off (if I was wearing socks...which I wasn't...but whatever). I did suspect Oliver of being someone he wasn't, and I was right there, but the rest of it? Complete surprise. Top mystery! R.J. SpruceAuthor 1 book10

In the first novel we met Anya and her detective friend Kate. Kate was on sabbatical during the second novel and during this one, the third in the series, we are focussed entirely on Kate and her return to her role. This novel has left me saddened by the dark nature of humanity. Helen O'Toole664

Very readable crime novel, my first by this author. Confused that it is called 3rd in a series as it seems very stand alone. Definitely in the Patricia Cornwall style of book. Will be seeking out others by this Australian author. Kayleigh Knights101 3

Lots of twists and turns. Fiona519 2

Enjoyed and d the summary format at the end2017-reads total-reads Nancy400 30

I think it is ly that this story is not quite as good as her previous stories 'Malicious Intent' and 'Without Consent' but, on the basis of this, I would to look those out. Anna Colb29 4

I d it but in the end i was somewhat frustrated with Kate because she couldn't see the obvious Jesus connection and Oliver's Fraud connectionsThis entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review2017 thriller-mystery Michael396

great story but where's Anya?audiobook Sarah Faichney812 28

An Anya Crichton book with no Anya in it was a wee bit disappointing, still it was good to learn more about Kate Farrer. Abby Nancarrow grimshaw294 1 follower

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