
Calhoun Men Boxed Set de Kathi S. Barton

de Kathi S. Barton - Género: English
libro gratis Calhoun Men Boxed Set


Boxed Set.


Trent - When the gorgeous woman stumbled into his hospital room, Trent thought his dad was up to his old tricks again?that was until he caught her scent…. Now, because of his wolf, he’s face to face with an angry vampire….


Elijah - Noelle’s stepfather wasn’t their only problem. Elijah’s brother Sterling’s nightmares had gotten worse and somehow the creature that had marked him was controlling his actions as well…no one was safe….


Scott - But when Chloe and Scott come together, they both find more than they expected…Scott has finally met his match. Now, if everyone would stop trying to kill them, they might live long enough to enjoy each other.


Sterling - Marty knew a few shifters, so she knew what it meant when Sterling told her she was his mate. Oh, hell no, this guy had to be nuts, the “mates” she knew were a strange lot, and she didn’t want any part of it….


Randal - Randal knew Laney was his mate, and he couldn’t stop her from leaving, but he was going with her if she left. He wouldn’t force her to claim him, but he had a solution to her problem if she’d agree to it.


Tanner - Trust didn’t come easy for Giyanna, so Tanner had a long way to go to earn her heart. But when bodies started coming out of the woodwork, Giyanna was riddled with guilt for not acting on her instincts years ago. Now it’s up to Tanner to see her through it.

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If you haven't read the series yet, this is one you've been waiting for ... even if you didn't know it. If you have, then this is a great way to have the entire series in one spot to add to your collection.

What an exciting first book 'Trent' from Kathi S. Baton's "Calhoun Men" has turned out to be. The Calhoun family are wolves and as you can probably guess, Trent is the oldest son. When the story starts off we learn that Trent is a quite successful financial planner. He and his brother Elijah have gone into business together. Well, financially they have … for all practical purposes, Trent hates to delegate and micro-manages most everything, which in turn has kept him fairly stressed. I'm telling you, I laughed myself silly when TJ Calhoun, the father, came into the office apologizing over and over to Trent for something he'd done and brought a dozen homemade biscuits as a peace offering. What'd he do? Oh, he set him up on a blind date that turned out to be a prostitute, and then she was going to call the police on Trent when he not only did not want anything to do with her but refused to pay her. You can imagine TJ lamenting his ignorance about her trade. And the biscuits? Oh, they have their regular cook's niece helping out for a bit. Her name is Johanna but she goes by Joe. She had just arrived at the office to see if Mr. Calhoun could give her a ride back when Trent wound up on the floor with a heart attack and everyone was just standing around not doing anything. She couldn't just stand there and do nothing to help so she shoved all and sundry out of the way and gave him CPR until the ambulance could get there. Come to find out, Joe is a daywalker for an extremely old and powerful vampire by the name of Noah. Once she lets Noah know she's at the hospital with the family she's helping out he has her let the Calhoun family know he's coming and then appears to introduce himself. Once Trent is stabilized and in his room, Joe is sent in to see him since she's the one that saved his life. Trent wakes up, and his wolf recognizes her as his mate and immediately scares her so bad she hollers for Noah through their connection which brings him immediately. There are exciting twists and turns within the family and the bonds between wolf and vampire are built, not just with this couple, but with the entire family. I'm really excited to start this new series and if the rest of the book moves along so quickly with so much action, adventure, drama, emotion, and chemistry, then I can hardly wait to start Elijah's story next.

Sweet bejeebers, I think Kathi S. Barton's "Calhoun Men" series is one of the best ones I've read so far, and I've read quite a few. 'Elijah' is the second book in the series and it's spellbinding and quick-paced as Trent's story was. The story opens up by introducing us to a she-demon named Helenia. She is going to be the bane of Sterling's existence. But if you know anything about Ms. Barton's family, you know that if something affects one, it affects them all. If you've read the first book, then you'll remember that Trent sold his share of the partnership to Elijah. He still keeps an office there and helps out occasionally but for all intent purposes, Elijah runs the show now. On the morning of Noelle's appointment, Elijah was running late and luckily Trent was there to make the appointment for him. Several things come to light during this meeting. 1) Noelle won a multi-million dollar lottery almost six months ago and she needs to claim it before the ticket becomes null and void 2) She cannot have her name associated with the winnings because of her abusive family and 3) When Elijah arrives and meets Noelle he realizes she's his mate. Wolves, Vampires, Witches, and Demons abound in this storyline and it just gets more intense as we go along. Of course, it still has all the drama, crazy family members, and angst that comes with Ms. Barton's stories but it also has an abundance of love, family, and chemistry that ties it all together. Scott's story is next and I can't wait.

Holy Moley!! 'Scott' is the third book in Kathi S. Barton's "Calhoun Men" series and they just keep getting better. The story opens up with Chloe training someone to work at the computer store she works at. She's given her two weeks' notice but George Flynn, the owner's son, wouldn't accept it. He'd beg and plead he needed more time to fill her position which had Chloe staying a total of eight weeks. She has no intentions of staying any longer. The only reason she came to work for this company in the first place was so she could follow the trail and find out who murdered her father and she hasn't been able to find concrete proof that William, the business owner, nor his son George were involved. When she reminds George she won't be back on Monday it winds up being a physical altercation. So much so that security has followed her out of the building and is threatening to arrest her. TJ Calhoun just happens to be going into the store when he sees what's going on and helps her. The problems, which are many and often deadly, with the Flynn family thread their way throughout the storyline. They're hiding a few secrets of their own in this town as well. Because things got so out of hand, TJ takes Chloe to the hospital so there's some kind of record of the abuse she's suffered. Scott is sent to get the car and after loading TJ and Chloe in the car, Scott realizes Chloe is his mate and he's not happy about it. He has particular tastes when it comes to intimate activities and he really doesn't want to be rejected by his mate. Action, murder, and mayhem abound in this storyline that will involve not only our wolf family, the Vampire, and now we're introduced to a Fae who is not only an FBI agent but sister to the Queen of Fae. The story is intense and the chemistry between Scott and Chloe is even more so. There's no way to put these books down once I start the story. I become so enthralled, I just have to find out what happens next.

'Sterling' is book four in Kathi S. Barton's "Calhoun Men" and if you've been following this series, then you know of all of the sons to date, Sterling has had the hardest time of things. Having a she-demon drugged him and his friends, killing all but him, and taking over his mind and wolf, intended to use him for breeding her monsters. It took a demon, her creator, taking her back for all eternity and marking them and all future generations protected for that ordeal to be over. The reality itself ended but Sterling still carries the memories daily and the only way he's found solace is in his painting. His grandma convinces him to talk to the son of one of her dearest friends who owns an art gallery. That adventure took me down a rabbit hole that I didn't see coming. Trent and Joe went into a diner for lunch and had an encounter with the trainee of their waitress. That was a snafu in the making that wound up getting the waitress, not the trainee, fired. Come to find out, Marty is Sterling's mate and Fate couldn't have found someone more perfect for him. There are several OMG moments with varying family members and their ventures along with children coming into play. This storyline was just as entertaining as all the previous stories in the series. There were a few spots that hit my heart and you'll recognize them when you get there. In the end, we're introduced to Randal's mate. The poor man is going to be chasing his tail for a while from the looks of things. I can't wait.

'Randal' is the fourth book in Kathi S. Barton's "Calhoun Men" series and it appears we have been introduced to the kindest, most trusting member of the Calhoun family. Randal is a kindergarten teacher who absolutely loves his job. He's one of those that always seem to take the extra step and put a bit of himself into everything he does. putting together food packages in his classroom for those children who don't have them at home. The best part? He saves their pride and gives them a sense of accomplishment by having them earn their little rewards, passing a test or helping to clean the supplies. If you've followed the series so far, then you'll remember the town has been in bad shape as far as employment opportunities are concerned until the new business came so this Randall thought this was a win-win for not only his students but their families as well, especially at Christmas time. Unfortunately, not everyone seemed to find the benefit of his actions and took offense. Then there is the student who seemed to have gone through some kind of transformation within the last couple of weeks. She'd always carried bruises and her clothes never looked as fresh as they could have until recently. Now it appeared she'd put on some weight, there were no physical bruises, and she always wore clean clothing. When delivering the Christmas packages they found a horrible situation that left Heather taking care of herself. Finding out her 'Aunt Laney' lived in Las Vegas they had to find a way to let her know about her sister and come to Ohio for her niece. This storyline has a whole lot of heart, not that they all don't, but as I stated earlier in this review, Randal is the one who is the most trusting. There are trials and tribulations throughout the entire storyline and yet the message of family, loyalty, betrayal, kidnapping, forgiveness, and love are very prominent. I can't wait to see what Fate and Ms. Barton have in store for Tanner and yet I know I'll be a little slow at starting it because I don't think I'm ready for the series to end yet.

Well, we've reached the sixth, and final book in Kathi S. Barton's "Calhoun Men" series. If you'll remember from the end of 'Randal' we were witness to Chris Bentley and Myra being involved in Tanner's fate. Not a lot, but tweaked around just enough to try and accomplish getting Giyanna to Ohio. I don't think I've ever seen Myra impersonate another person in order to manipulate events before so she certainly surprised me this time. And when there was, what I thought was a vampire, involved with seemingly helping Rogan my eyes got huge! In case you had forgotten, Tanner was in an accident when he was younger and the repercussions were he left not being able to sire children. For that reason alone he convinced himself he didn't want a mate since he wouldn't be able to give her what she wanted. He's also an attorney but had quit his job with a large firm and went to work exclusively for Noah. Giyanna and Tyrell were twins and were siblings to Rogan. Even as a child Rogan was a narcissistic and sadistic individual who doled out physical pain on a regular basis. It happened one too many times and Giyanna left for Ireland at seventeen to live with a relative while Tyrell stayed in the States to finish his degree. Now Rogan is in jail on charges that fill the folder making it look a novel. The Calhoun family got involved when Rogan was having a physical altercation with his wife and they came to help her, her brother Phillip who was also hurt, and Rogan's four children escape. Now it's up to the twins to help Rogan get a lesser sentence and still be able to keep him in prison for as long as possible. Oh, and Giyanna is Tanner's mate but she's learned the hard way not to trust men, especially large men and the Calhoun men have the large part covered in spades. Things come to light about Rogan, proving him to be the poster child for the word monster. This one has more than a few gruesome elements but in Ms. Barton's fashion, her writing is equivalent to a pendulum's swing. As gruesome as one aspect is there is always something of equal or greater goodness that shines through. Good vs. Evil and as always, Good prevails. This is a wonderful storyline and a great ending to an even greater series.1 Rhonda Hicks4,199 74

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