
Loki de Katherine Locke

de Katherine Locke - Género: English
libro gratis Loki


This truly epic adaptation of Kieron Gillen’s Loki series spans the nine realms as the reborn trickster struggles to walk the hero’s path and save the universe from an epidemic of fear.
The god of lies has been reborn, but will young Loki be Asgard's savior? 
When Earth is plagued by an epidemic of fear, ancient prophecy says only Thor can stop the monstrous threat of the Serpent, but without help from Loki, Thor is certain to fail. Aided by a handmaiden from Hel and a demon puppy, Loki must risk everything to find redemption—or doom himself for eternity. Either way, a Nightmare lies in wait hoping to rule the world and Loki will have to risk everything on his craziest scheme of all! 
Meanwhile, new gods threaten to disrupt the status quo, throwing everything out of balance. Loki must act as a responsible ambassador, but will the nine worlds end in Surtur's fire?
In this brand-new prose novel inspired by the epic comic series...

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I was SO BORED. Loki is such a dynamic character, especially when played by Tom Hiddleston. But this book had none of that spunk or intricacy to him, or any of these characters. 6 s Jillian Jones (Miss Willa Colyns Diary)135 19

This was a fantastic quick read for a big Loki fan myself. First and foremost I have to say the narrator was spot on! They were so close to sounding Tom Hiddelston that it was very easy to immerse myself in the story. The story itself is rich, well paced,full of intrigue and a deeper look into Loki himself. I d peeling back the curtain and hearing him think critically while still being our beloved mischief maker. I also really enjoyed his dynamic with Thor and the very richly developed side characters as well. I think this book gets it so right with the well developed characters, and how integral their development is to the story’s arc.

This was especially fun to read after finishing the tv series as it felt a branch of one of his timelines and a very unique one at that! I had worried the story might lack the bread and butter it needed at its length for such a large story and I couldn’t have been more wrong! This was a fully fleshed out super novel that any Loki fan would enjoy, especially with the writing style. It was endearingly witty, thought provoking and all around fun! It will be on my list for gift giving this Christmas for my fellow Marvel lovers for sure!

Thank you Dreamscape Media, Marvel & NetGalley for the audiobook ARC, my thoughts are my own.2 s Alanna-Jane309 34

5 stars!

So much incredible FUN!

Caveat: I adore LOKI (in all their wild iterations).

This is the second graphic novel-to-(audio)book I have listened to, and this one worked out so much better. This might be because it is so character driven? Better written? Regardless, I had so much fun following this swirling story arc through several grand exploits.

Here, we can (somewhat) indulge our misplaced hope that LOKI will use his penchant for chaos and mischief, in the name of overall wellbeing. Alongside his new BFF and “pets”, LOKI plows through adventure after undertaking, trying to stay ahead of his own consequences and unknowable fallout. And through all, we see both nail-biting action, as well as personal development and some striking realizations. I cheered, I cried and I laughed out loud.

Huge gratitude to NetGalley and the publishers, Dreamscape Media and Marvel, for an AUDIO ARC version of this book, in exchange for my honest review.2 s Lexi462 17

This was amazing. When I grow up, can I write official novel adaptations this one? I even shipped Loki/Leah. I know. Le gasp.february20242 s Nadine ?78 5

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing an arc in exchange for an honest review!

I absolutely loved this! The story was great, the audiobook was so well done, the voice actors was perfect for the role.

I did know I needed a story of young Loki until I had it, and yeah, he was everything I would have imagined and more. It was witty and chaotic, exactly what you would expect from Loki.

There seemed to be three seperate stories at first that then all lined back together in the end for a well rounded off finish.

5/5 easy stars, and an audiobook I would highly reccomend!2 s1 comment Ali's In Literature 700 21

When Earth is plagued by an epidemic of fear, ancient prophecy says only Thor can stop the monstrous threat of the Serpent, but without help from Loki, Thor is certain to fail.
I love Loki in every one of their guises (both Norse and comic). The epic Journey Into Mystery comic run, spanning 2011-2013 and written by the talented Kieron Gillon, remains one of my favourite iterations, which meant this had huge boots to fill. And fill them it did. Mostly.
Loki has been reborn as a child and must overcome everyone's (less than positive) perception of him. After all, his predecessor caused Ragnarok (in this version Asgard crash-landed in Broxton, Oklahoma). But, while this young Loki is different from the one most will know, he still possesses the trademark Loki wit, cunning, and mischief that we have grown to love. In that regard, I think Locke was able to faithfully translate the dialogue and overall story arc. The audiobook only adds to the humour, with a stellar performance by Elliot Fitzpatrick as Loki (Loki and his opinions on social media made me cackle), but he also infused Loki's story with pathos and poignancy. It was also a wonderful idea for the narrator to play the Teller, and those parts worked extremely well. Where it worked less well for me was in the action sequences. There's something about the artwork in graphic novels that adds a visceral edge that felt lacking at times here. That said, I was able to easily follow the storyline and enjoyed this adaptation.
I am pleased to say both the novel and audiobook were a lot of fun, and I hope they encourage anyone who reads this story to seek out more of Loki's stories in other formats.

Overall Rating: ????????

*Thanks to NetGalley for the opportunity to leave an honest review. Loki: Journey into Mystery is published on 19th December in the UK*netgalley-arcs2 s1 comment Martin Maenza765 12

Loki: Journey Into Mystery, a novelization by Katherine Locke of Kieron Gillen's graphic novel, will be released December 19, 2023. Titan Books provided an early galley for review.

As noted on the cover, this an adaption of a Marvel comic book run that started in 2011. I did a quick comparison of the first issue of the tale after reading the first four chapters of this book; Locke is very faithful to Gillen's tale though she does excise some of the side-plots to make the novel flow a bit better.

I had not read the comics from whence this came, so I was not sure why there is a young Loki at this time. Apparently a 2010 event was when Loki "died" - only to be reborn as a youthful kid version we see here. I grew up on the seasoned, bitter adult god who was always looking to best his brother Thor and make trouble on Midgard (Earth). This is a very different kind of vibe. That being said, Gillen's arc is an epic story of deception and battles.

I am not sure, though, whether this collection of story arcs benefits from the prose treatment. Locke seems a good choice given her young-adult novel experience. Her treatment of the source material works well enough in most parts, but in other places it does not. Characters are often introduced to the story with very little visual description or detail. The comic version would not need to describe these folks; it benefitted having an artist to include the visual aspect. Background details are not often given here; the original source material would expect the reader to know a lot of that (having been targeted for comic readers, after all). So, unless this novelization's reader is steeped in Marvel lore, they might find themselves a tad lost.

In the end, I have to wonder for who this would be targeted. Comic fans would have ly read the original. Marvel Cinematic Universe fans may find themselves a bit lost.fantasy fiction marvel ...more1 Papieren droom216 30

Thank you NetGalley and Dreamscape Media for providing me with this audiobook arc in exchange for my honest review.

Great narrator, entertaining read but not the most coherent.

I love reading about Loki and watching series/movies involving Loki. He’s so clever and funny and impulsive. So it was great reading about him again! I laughed a lot with certain things he said or did.

The story starts in a bit of a strange/confusing way, with some mysterious birds. But soon we read about young Loki and it’s immediately really funny. I loved how the humans of the internet got involved haha. I think that was my favorite part of the book.

Loki is reborn after former Loki destroyed Asgard but then sacrificed himself to save it. This old Loki is the reason why people around him think young Loki is a betrayer, someone not to be trusted, the downfall of Asgard. So you can imagine how people treat young Loki. I’m glad he had his half-brother thor who doesn’t think that way about him and defends him. But Loki does make Thor look he wanted to laugh or cry or walk into the sea at one point haha. This book is full of great quotes that! Another favorite of mine, said by Loki: “Let’s not count our disastrous chickens before they hatch”. Or by Odin: “The god who took it will have to master the art of living without a skin”.

A bird explodes in Loki’s room and that’s the start of a a mystery with one clue leading to another. Unfortunately not many details about this mystery are shared with us and we soon just end up at a rendezvous with old Loki. And I just realized that what follows might have been too incoherent and chaotic for me but Loki is the God of Chaos so maybe it’s fitting for a story about Loki to be this way.

It was entertaining but I prefer a less chaotic story.1 Sarah-Grace (Azrael865)245 73

This is a fun story for anyone who loves adventure, quests, mischief or LOKI.
After Ragnorok, Thor brings Loki back, as an adolescent. Young Loki is not past Loki, but everyone around him doesn't seem to realize that. He is gossipped about, glared at and targeted by those who feel he should pay for what the previous Loki has done. Absolutely no one trusts him. He is determined to use his naturally cunning and mischievous nature for only good purpose. How to convince others that his motivation is only for their safety, though?
Then an opportunity comes. The serpent wants to destroy the Nine Realms and Odin is willing to sacrifice Misgard to save the rest. Thor is opposed to that much death, even to save Asgard. This is Loki's chance. Can he come up with a scheme to stop the serpent without all the death Odin's plan will cause?
Each scheme of young Loki seems to create more trouble and new dangers.
This story is a novel with four distinctly different adventures that Loki has to navigate to eventual bring the safety and peace he desires for the nine realms.

Thank you to Titan books and Netgalley for the opportunity to enjoy this exciting e-ARC.netgalley1 JayAuthor 10 books36

Loki: Journey Into Mystery follows a Loki who has recently died and been reborn as a young man. Throw some well-known characters such as Thor, Hela, and Surtur in with some not as well-known ones Leah and Nightmare and you have one story that goes, well, all over the place. Apparently this is adapted from a graphic novel of which I am not familiar, so I don't have that frame of reference. All I have is the MCU's Loki (who I love) and well, this ain't him.

While the story has some funny moments (glorious one-liners from Loki) and some ridiculous moments, I didn't really love this. In fact, I thought this story had way too much going on, and I'm not sure who its target market is. I don't think it's fans of MCU's Loki. It might be graphic novel or comic fans, but sometimes this story reads really young ( middle grade young), so maybe it's for people who need an introduction to Loki.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for this ALC. Elliot Fitzpatrick was an awesome narrator. Love how much he sounded Hiddleston.ya-books1 Charlotte Annie17

[ARC recieved from Netgalley]

As someone who has struggled to get into comics, this adaptation was really great. I think Katherine Locke has managed to caputre the soul of the comics, and repacked it into a format that is more available for certain readers.

The story itself is fun, and it had good pacing that works very well. Because this is a comic book adaptation I wouldn't necessarily recommend it to MCU fans as the characters are quite different, but it could be a great gateway into the comic side of Marvel.

Audiobook: the narration holds a good pace, is clear when he speaks, and does great at separating the different characters and moods.1 Jaime AndrewsAuthor 2 books13

Good not great.
T the point and humorous but without much character development.
Had a hard time staying interested in it but I think my kids would enjoy it.1 Violet Springs159 4 Read

Earth faces an imminent threat—the Serpent, an insidious force that only Thor can thwart according to an ancient prophecy. However, Thor's success hinges on the aid of his reluctant brother, Loki. Bound by necessity, Loki embarks on a dangerous quest, accompanied by a handmaiden from Hel and a demon puppy, to redeem himself or face eternal damnation. But lurking in the shadows is Nightmare, eager to seize dominion over the world, compelling Loki to stake everything on an audacious plan.

Amidst this chaos, new gods emerge, disrupting the established order and plunging the nine realms into turmoil. Tasked with diplomatic responsibilities, Loki navigates a delicate balance, endeavouring to prevent the worlds from succumbing to the flames of Surtur's destructive fire. In this fresh prose novel, drawing inspiration from Kieron Gillen's iconic comic series, young Loki must traverse the realms to reclaim control of his narrative. Along the way, he must outsmart ancient adversaries, grapple with the complexities of morality, and face the challenge of resisting an unexpected emotional entanglement.

Loki intricately weaves a fantastical narrative inspired by the celebrated Marvel comics, offering a riveting adventure centred around the complex character of Loki. The novel presents a spellbinding blend of mythology, fantasy, and young adult themes, inviting readers into a world of intrigue and peril. The story unfolds with a captivating premise, propelling Loki into a high-stakes mission to aid his brother, Thor, against an ominous threat. Locke crafts a compelling narrative filled with vivid imagery and imaginative realms, immersing readers in a multifaceted universe populated by gods, demons, and ancient adversaries.

The portrayal of Loki as a multifaceted character grappling with redemption, moral dilemmas, and the desire to forge his destiny lends depth and nuance to the narrative. The supporting cast, including the handmaiden from Hel and the demon puppy, adds charm and complexity to Loki's journey, elevating the storytelling. The novel's strength lies in exploring Loki's inner turmoil, his quest for agency, and the challenges he faces while manoeuvring through a world rife with chaos and upheaval. Locke adeptly captures the essence of Loki's cunning nature and intricate schemes while balancing the character's vulnerabilities and internal conflicts.

It is a captivating read that seamlessly blends elements of fantasy and mythology, offering an engaging narrative that will appeal to both Marvel enthusiasts and fans of thrilling, otherworldly adventures. Katherine Locke delivers a tale brimming with intrigue, emotional depth, and the timeless struggle between fate and free will, leaving readers eagerly anticipating Loki's next escapade. Elena277 17

Novela obtenida a través de NetGalley, lo que no afecta a la reseña.

"Loki: Journey into Mystery" es la novelización de una historia de cómic. Aunque no recuerdo todos los detalles de los cómics, considero que esta novela refleja bien la idea y los acontecimientos clave del material original.

El autor plasma de forma acertada los elementos visuales del cómic en prosa, lo que permite a los lectores visualizar las escenas como si estuvieran leyendo los cómics. Por desgracia, esto también significa que las páginas más lentas son igual de lentas en la novelización. Los personajes principales son menos planos, ya que se explicitan elementos implícitos en el formato de cómic. Los cómics de superhéroes siempre se basan en el conocimiento previo de los personajes. El contexto también se describe de forma más detallada, aunque hay escenas que se beneficiarían de una explicación breve de hechos anteriores. Por eso, los nuevos lectores no necesitan estar familiarizados con el material original para disfrutar de esta novela.

En conclusión, esta es una adaptación muy buena de una historia ya increíble. Es genial para los nuevos lectores y les proporciona un punto de entrada accesible a las aventuras de Loki niño, pero añade muy poco en términos de trama para quienes conozcan la historia.

I got this novel through NetGalley, which doesn't affect the review.

"Loki: Journey into Mystery" is the novelisation of a comic book story. Although I don't recall all the details of the comics, I found this novel to closely mirror the idea and key events of the source material.

The author skillfully translates the visual elements of the comic book into prose, allowing readers to envision the scenes with as if they were reading the comics. Unfortunately, this also means that the slower pages are just as slow in the novelisation. The main characters are rounder, since certain elements, implicit in comic book format, become expicit. Superhero comic books always rely on previous knowledge of the characters. Context is also described in a much more detailed way, although there are still some scenes that would benefit from a brief explanation of previous events. Thus, new readers don't need to be familiar with the source material to enjoy this novel.

In conclusion, this is a very good adaptation of an already amazing story. It's great for new readers and it provides them with an accessible entry point to the adventures of Kid Loki, but it adds very little in terms of plot for those already familiar with the story.marvel reviewed science-fiction Jenna285 1 follower

**I was provided an ALC from the publisher through NetGalley.**

Katherine Locke presents the newest of Marvel's young adult novels, Loki Journey into Mystery. The novel follows Loki as our perspective character and is effectively a novelization of Kieron Gillen's comic ARC of the same name. Loki is reborn as a teen with a unique opportunity to become Asgard's savior rather than its villain. This is a redemption story that features the expected schemes and obstacles to Loki's success.

Loki is, admittedly, one of my favorite characters from Marvel and in Norse mythology, so I tend to have a lot of expectations from any depiction of him. Unfortunately for this novel, Locke was tasked with converting to prose a comic ARC that is heavily action-oriented. There is very little time for character development or nuance which is a majority of what tends to make Loki so compelling. An attempt at this was made via a romantic subplot that seemed utterly unnecessary and impractical given everything else going on combined with Loki's overall characterization. Honestly, the romance could have been skipped entirely and the novel would have been better for it. Given the rapid fire pacing that was utterly plot driven, a reader is left with only a surface level connection to the story and a general feeling of the story being "cool" rather than any long-lasting impact.

Narrator Elliot Fitzpatrick has a very smooth tone that lends itself well for jovialty and the youth of this Loki. wise, Fitzpatrick's performance is reminiscent of some of the intonation and cadence of phrasing used by Tom Hiddleston in his portrayal of Loki, making this choice a seamless transition between movies and book. Fitzpatrick did well with what he had been given and provided a pleasant listening experience.

I would say this novel is certainly just fine. I would recommend it to young adult readers looking for more Loki content without hesitation, but would caution readers who have an already established strong attachment to Loki as a character to take this as the fun adventure type book that it is rather than hoping for more. Justin Soderberg119 2

For those of us who have grown up on a steady diet of Marvel Comics, the character of Loki needs no introduction. In the hands of Kieron Gillen, the character took on a whole new dimension that has now been brought to life once again in Katherine Locke's adaptation, Loki: Journey Into Mystery.

First things first, this book is not for the uninitiated. If you're not already familiar with the Marvel universe and its characters, you may find yourself struggling to keep up with the multiple plot threads and references. However, that is the status quo for most comic book stories coming from the big two.

Locke has done an admirable job of staying true to Gillen's original vision of Loki, while at the same time adding her own touches to the story. Loki is a complex character with a unique moral code that often puts him at odds with the other gods. And it is this conflict that forms the backbone of the story.

The supporting cast is equally impressive, adding much-needed depth to the narrative. The humor that is a hallmark of Loki's character is also present, and some of the one-liners in the book are laugh-out-loud funny.

But perhaps the most impressive aspect of this book is the way it weaves together various plot threads from across the Marvel universe. Locke manages to tie everything together in a way that is both satisfying and meaningful.

In terms of pacing, the book starts off slow but picks up steam as it progresses. The action scenes are well-choreographed and the quieter moments are given ample room to breathe.

Loki: Journey Into Mystery is great for fans of Marvel Comics looking for something outside the pages of a floppy comic. While it may be daunting for newcomers, for those who are already invested in the world of Asgard, this book offers a fresh and exciting take on a beloved character. With a talented author Katherine Locke at the helm, we can only hope that we will see more adaptations of our favorite Marvel stories in the future.

Special thanks to Libro.fm for the advance audiobook.

Originally published: http://capestights.com/4i4 VivienneAuthor 2 books110

“All stories have beginnings. The good ones don’t have endings. In every world, stories are told. By gods or mortals, it doesn’t matter. Stories are currency. Stories are power. ... Many millennia ago, I read a fairytale that began this: Once there was where there was not. This isn’t a fairytale. Not strictly speaking.”

My thanks to Titan Books for an eARC and to Dreamscape Media Marvel for a review copy of the unabridged audiobook edition, both via NetGalley, of ‘Loki - Journey into Mystery’ by Katherine Locke. The audiobook is narrated by Elliot Fitzpatrick.

This prose novel is adapted from the graphic novel of the same name by Kieron Gillen and tells the story of the reborn trickster god’s journey to find redemption as he tackles new adventures.

The novel and graphic novel are both linked to the Marvel Comics SF-themed depiction of the Norse gods and Asgard. While I have a passing familiarity with the comics and their cinematic adaptations, I am not that knowledgeable. However, despite this I found this quite an enjoyable story.

It is divided into four parts, each covering a corresponding collection of the graphic novel. I would have appreciated a short introduction that linked the novel to the source material.

My favourite of the parts was ‘The Manchester Gods’ in which Loki and companions are sent by the All-Mother to give assistance to King Arthur in the British Otherworld.

With respect to the accompanying audiobook, Elliot Fitzpatrick trained in theatre and in 2019 began to focus on working as a voice actor. He has served as narrator on a number of audiobook titles, including a few that I have enjoyed. He managed to voice the playful young Loki with ease along with its other characters.

Overall, I found ‘Loki - Journey into Mystery’ an entertaining tale despite my lack of knowledge about the Marvel version of the characters. It also inspired me to look at the graphic novels and I might well read these at some point.

3.5 stars rounded up to 4.

action adventure audiobook-via-netgalley ...more M. K. French732 29

The God of Lies has been reborn. Now, Loki must cross the realms to help Thor avoid Ragnarok. As he does so, Loki must outwit enemies, struggle to be heroic, and avoid falling in love. This is the prose novel adaptation of the "Journey Into Mystery" series of comics by Kieron Gillen.

Katherine Locke adapted the graphic novel to prose, exploring the messy emotions and choices of all the well-known characters. Loki has been labeled by so many as the God of Lies or the God of Mischief, and often he had lived up to others' expectations of him. Reborn, this Loki isn't sure if he wants to follow in those footsteps. At the same time, there are dangers heading to Asgard and the rest of the Nine Realms in the form of the Serpent. In order to stop him, Loki had to fall back on the reputation of his former self to put pieces into place, dodging the debts that his former self owed. This Loki isn't the callous man the others think of him, and pulling on those debts hurt him.

Young Loki's journey isn't over when he thinks it is. Yes, we know it's about a third of the way through the novel, but he has a lot more growing up to do. This version of him is young and doesn't want to hurt anyone, tells more truths than lies, and wants to be a separate person from the reputation he carries from his past life. That's an entire journey in itself and is where the real fun begins.

As with any prose novel adaptation of the comics, anyone who read the original book knows what's coming. Each comic arc is a section in the novel, but we have far more insight into other characters' motivations and thoughts. The primary POV is Young Loki, so we see how he feels about everything going on, as well as how he feels others perceive him. It's a journey to being himself and using his trickery to benefit others, to be more than who he used to be or what others think of him. It's a journey that most of us can relate to, even if we're not fighting otherworldly beings for the fate of the universe. This was a fun book that kept my attention in the midst of a very busy weekend! Romanced By17

Post Date Recap: This book date was a setup. Translation: This is an ARC of Loki that I received from NetGalley to provide an unbiased review. Thank you to the team for allowing me this opportunity.

I am, admittedly, a total geek. I am the girl that celebrates May the Fourth Be With You. I have a TARDIS pen holder. And I ugly cried at End Game.

What I’m saying is I was well acquainted with the Marvel version of Loki (which, yes, does differ from the mythological god Loki) so I went into this book with some excitement, but it was, sadly, short lived.

I’ll admit that a large part of my displeasure with this story was my own fault. I did not realize (until after completing the book and reading some other ) that this had been the author’s retelling of a comic series. With that knowledge, I had a very different view of the story and wish I could relisten in that light.

I think the author did an excellent job of wrangling a comic story into only written word. That is a huge undertaking that I can’t imagine doing myself and should be applauded.

That said, throughout my initial listen, I wasn’t thrilled with the content of the story. Loki was very young in this story, but he came across as whiny and annoying a lot of the time. Most of the time I found myself frustrated with him and missing the little bite that grown up Loki has in the Marvel world.

The narrator was appropriate for adult Loki and sounded a decent bit Tom Hiddleston, however because Loki is very young through the bulk of the book, perhaps a younger sounding narrator would have been a better choice. Not a ding to the narrator at all, just possibly not the perfect choice for this story.

Siobhain (whatyoutolkienabout)605 31

I personally love novelisations and I adore that lately we’ve been getting more and more prose novels for graphic novels. Katherine Locke has done a masterful job at turning Kieron Gillen’s graphic novel into a prose one. Locke has kept the characters, storyline and added in a little more life to the characters along the way. Now I will say that while novelisations and prose novels are usually a good starting point due to the storyline of Journey Into Mystery a little bit of base knowledge of the canon and sources will help a lot. As with most things in the Marvel Universe there are multiple plot lines, timelines and sometimes universe to contend with so if you are going completely knew or coming from the cinematic universe it may be worth reading the graphic novel first or at least going in understanding at the start you might not know all the characters mentioned etc. If you don’t mind that or are happy to do research as you go this is still perfectly accessible to a new fan.

Now that is out of the way lets go into the novel itself. As I already said Locke is amazing at bringing the characters to life. I personally loved their tone and style of writing and found it really did bring the graphic novel to life. This I wouldn’t imagine is an easy task when you consider that a graphic novel has limited text and graphics to show and tell the story but for me Locke nails it! You could really see yourself in the lands and places Loki visits as well as get an understanding of the inhabitants and characters.

If you are already a fan of the graphic novel you really do need to add this to your collection. It is also perfect for Loki fans in general. Emma45 3

Thank you to NetGalley and Dreamscape Media for the digital ARC!

This book was a really fun read. It's an adaptation of a Loki comic series by Kieron Gillen, so keep that in mind if you only follow the Marvel Cinematic Universe. I myself haven't read the series, but I still enjoyed this book despite that.

The story is told mostly from the point of view of Loki, who has been reborn as a child following the adult Loki's death in events that happened prior to the start of this book. I really enjoyed this version of Loki, who is trying very hard to be good and do the right thing while still having the mischievous chaotic nature that Loki is known for. The author was also very good at showing Loki's inner turmoil when he has to make difficult decisions that could potentially hurt people that he cares about, which he ends up having to do a lot.

The story was very fast-paced and entertaining. It did feel there were multiple points where the book could have ended, which made the whole book feel a series of stories strung together as one. But again, this was adapted from a comic series so I think that's why the book was structured this way. I didn't have much trouble following along, as most past events, such as the adult Loki's death, and unfamiliar characters were explained enough for me to understand their context within this story.

Overall, I found this to be a fun read with Loki being as charming and chaotic as ever, even in child form. I think a lot of Marvel fans will enjoy this, especially if they are also Loki fans. TeresaAuthor 4 books85

Thank you to NetGalley, Dreamscape Media, Marvel, Titan Books, Katherine Locke, and Elliot Fitzpatrick (audio narrator) for the opportunity to read and listen to the audiobook of Loki: Journey Into Mystery in exchange for an honest review.

Loki: Journey Into Mystery is the novelized adaptation of the comic book series of the same name written by Kieron Gillen.

The story features a young Loki, reborn after  being the God of Mischief, now to find a new story to weave himself. In his quest to help save Earth with his brother, Thor, Loki finds the aid of a handmaid and servant to Hela, Leah, and a demon puppy of which he names after his brother, Thori. Seeking redemption for his past life and wanting to carve a good path for his new one, Loki  aims to save not only Earth, but Asgard as well, as a prophecy predicts the worlds to fall into Surtur's flames. 

Powering across various story arcs to make one fulfilling journey, Locke does an excellent job of encompassing Loki's story into eloquent prose. For the audiobook, Fitzpatrick does an excellent job of voicing Loki, making it feel a nice mix of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and the traditional Norse god. There's a nice blend of friendship and almost-romance that give the novel a fulfilling feel.

A great read or listen for any Loki fan, though MCU fans might have to risk a hit-or-miss.audiobook netgalley Janalyn Prude3,315 93

Has Loki had a change of heart is he going to change his ways as he travels the different realms to try and stop the serpent beast from destroying life as he and his brothers know it we get to meet a more honest Loki and after everyone he meets from lord hyphal bird to the big tongue to mini mini more after they get over the initial shock at how much smaller Loki is as a post to his legend then how Loki isn’t there to trick them but is on a much more nobler quest he tries to gain support but threw it all Loki will learn his bad ax in dubious and egregious acts may have just caught up with him because someone is following Loki but why? Throughout the journey he has many different sidekicks can they help him finish the task he is on it is a journey of all journeys I listen to the audiobook and thought the narrator was top-notch it was so good not to mention this book is hilarious it made me laugh multiple times if you love Norse mythology especially Loki he will definitely love this audiobook by Catherine Locke she did a phenomenal job what a great book! this is a whole new side to Loki an OMG I loved it! I want to thank Dreamscape media and Net galley for my free Ark copy please forgive any mistakes as I am blind and dictate my review.i-cannot-wait-to-start-this-book net-gally Cristina Elena | LaaA221

"Loki: Journey Into Mystery" delves into the rebirth of the trickster Loki, who is tasked with aiding Thor, to combat a formidable threat. In this adaptation of Kieron Gillen's series traverses realms, Loki has the role of a main character navigating the path to redemption while confronting ancient prophecies and new gods.

While Katherine Locke adeptly captures Loki's trademark wit and mischief, maintaining the essence of the beloved character, Elliot Fitzpatrick's stellar performance in the audiobook adds depth and humor, though action sequences lacked the visual impact inherent in graphic novels. While Locke's prose successfully encapsulates much of the original's essence, this adaptation might pose a challenge for those not versed in Marvel lore. Then again, with all of the MCU’s variations on the big screen, Loki’s fans might welcome what the God of Mischief has to offer.

Special thanks to NetGalley, Dreamscape Media, Marvel, and the editorial team for giving me the opportunity to review the ARC in audiobook format and to you, my reader, for taking the time to read this honest personal book review.

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