
The Shadow Isle de Katharine Kerr

de Katharine Kerr - Género: English
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The penultimate novel in Katharine Kerr's highly acclaimed epic fantasy series, the interweaving tale of human and elvish history of several hundred years, and many reincarnated lives comes full circle. As the tale of Deverry and her people draws near to its close, questions will be answered and mysteries uncovered... The wild Northlands hold many secrets, among them the mysterious dweomer island of Haen Marn, the mountain settlements of Dwarvholt, and the fortified city of Cerr Cawnen, built long ago by escaping bondmen from Deverry itself. And just who or what are the mysterious Dwgi folk? Thanks to the Horsekin, who continue to push their religious crusade south toward the borders of the kingdom, the human beings of Deverry and their elven allies realize that the fate of the Northlands lies tangled with their own. Although the dwarven race holds strong, the island of Haen Marn has fled and Cerr Cawnen seems doomed. Only the magic of Dallandra and Valandario and the might of the...

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It has been 16 years since I first picked up the first Deverry novel, DaggerSpell, and here in am, 16 years later, about to finish the fifteenth and final one.

Has the journey been worth it? Yes. Was the wait too long? Yes.

I would not recommend anyone starts reading the Deverry cycle unless they intend to read them all, as the macroscopic story is at least as important as the microscopic ones, and as such I am reviewing the books as a set.

I almost give them 4 stars (excellent) but in the end I am not enjoying them quite as much as I did in my early 20's and so I settled on 3 stars (good). As fantasy novels go the concepts and the writing are really excellent but for me the last couple of books haven't been as enjoyable as the early ones and it's a lot to expect people to read fifteen novels. That said I don't regret a single minute of the time I spent in Deverry. I even used to own a 'deverry' domain and use the handle of 'Rhodry' when t'internet was young.

Highly recommended IF you have the stomach for a lot of reading.3 s Amanda707 98

We're finally reaching the end of the Deverry saga with this penultimate book in the series (the last is due to be published in October 2009). There is a sense of Katharine Kerr pulling together all those strands to finish off the series effectively, but some mysteries are still to be resolved. One thing I am glad of is that I don't actually know what Kerr will do to finish the story - although the Horsekin are currently 'evil', there has been enough switching sides and distinctions made between Horsekin and Gel da Thae for us to realise that no one is outright evil and everybody can be redeemed. In fact, this has been a theme running through the whole Deverry sequence - the idea that all beings (whether human, dwarf, Elcyion Lacar, Horsekin) have the ability to turn to good.

This book picks up where the previous left off - this is another feature of this last 'Act'. Each of the books drives forwards the plot and we rarely have any sequences now that take place in the past. We see Branna and Neb as part of the plot showing the Deverrians gear up for war and discover that the Horsekin are once again on the move. As part of this section, there is a subplot that deals with Neb and his fierce desire to become Nevyn once more. At times I felt shaking Neb for his stupidity, but I found the resolution to be both sound and moving - the idea that Salamander has finally grown into a true dweomermaster and Wise One is very touching.

The main bulk of the book deals with the return of Haen Marn, and the introduction to the story of Rhodry's daughters Marnmara and Berwynna. Neither of these characters starts out as being someone I want to read more of - Marnmara is spoilt and Berwynna is envious and headstrong. As is usual, I do find myself warming to them over time though! This is one of Kerr's greatest strengths - she shows no fear in giving her characters real motivations and reactions, knowing that this may cause them to read in an unpleasant manner.

The last thread of the plot is concerning Rori and his mixed thoughts on whether he wants to remain a dragon. The book that may or may not hold the key to turning him back is currently lost, just one of the many plot points that Kerr will have to resolve in the final book. The others would include solving who or what Avain truly is, and uncovering the mystery of the otter shapeshifters that have stolen Kov.

Once again, a solid addition to the overall series. In my opinion Kerr has never reached the heights of her first quartet (starting with Daggerspell). The characters and events of those four books seemed to complete the series very effectively, and everything that has come after is just adding for the sake of it. Having said that, all the books are very readable. Still filled with details of medieval life, still characters that bring the events to life, still epic events. I look forward impatiently to the release of the final book. bought-copy fantasy series2 s Heather63 23

There's just something lacking in these last few books. I'm reading because I'm invested in the series, but the quality of writing and storytelling is just not up to par with the first... six or seven books, which I couldn't put down.sci-fi-fantasy2 s Kes2,064 48

We're coming to the end of the series! It's all set in present-day. Basically: Deverrey (and the West Folk and Mountain People) arm against the Horsekin.

- Neb finds his true calling. I admit to being a little impatient with reading him as a young person - it feels he's got the same superiority complex as he did as Galrion. I went back and forth on what I felt about the fact that it was Salamander rather than any of Neb's female teachers that talked him around, but I felt that was in line with the patriarchy of the society.

- It's cool that the medicine appears to remain era-appropriate. I'm not familiar with the medical standards, but it "fits" with what I think their medical knowledge would be, and so I buy it. It's nice to go experience Neb's frustrations with how much he doesn't know about medicine.

- Haen Marn returns and Rhodry's daughter sets out after him. There's the usual family strife around Wynni, but I loved the scene where Richt finds out that yes, really, the dragon is her father.

- I love that Loddlaen came back, and I d that he came back as a different gender. It goes to show the gender mutability of souls (briefly explored when Jill came back as a guy that one time).

- I d Gerran's battle - I noticed that no one started laughing through it, so I gave that scene a mental thumbs up. I wonder who Nicedd is.

- It's nice to see Pir happy. He's a good guy here. Even Laz (the old Alastyr/Lord Tren) has redeemed himself.

- Cerr Cawnen has quietly dropped out of the picture, except for having trading caravans. They sound extremely useless as allies.

- I feel the narrative is also building up to a People of Air (West Folk) / Earth (Mountain People) / Aethyr (humans) / Fire / Water narrative. I'm fairly sure Kov's turned up the People of Water. Are the People of Fire dragons? Or maybe Horsekin/Gel da'Thae?

- I guess the next book will resolve the mystery of the books. I suspect Rhodry will turn back to human and Avain will take his place as a dragon.

- I wonder if Evander will ever come back again.

I realise I'm rating this series a consistent 3 stars, but honestly it feels more a 2.5 stars which I keep rounding up to 3 (because it is far better than 2 stars).fiction read-20171 Megan423 56

This one ended a bit more abruptly than I remembered, and it felt a little more choppy than others have. But still, I love it just the same.

Waiting for new Deverry is hard!fantastic-fantasy favorites highly-recommended1 Kai Kos31 1 follower

Probably the weakest off all the books in this series. Not much happened, though we had a few mysteries solved.1 Penny327 68

A continuation of the long-running series. I have questions - have I known about Rhodry and Angmar? The relationship came as a surprise to me reading this book, but it is possible that I've just forgotten because let's face it, I'll always remember Rhodry and Jill (I was never happy when they split, even though her and Nevyn were the soulmates), but I don't always remember Rhodry's other partners. Also, even though I've read 'Daggerspell' twice (once for pleasure, second for a book report on Reincarnation), I read the last of the first nine books years before I took up the series again, so a lot of the relationships had been forgotten. Was the story of Rhodry and Angmar somewhere amongst there?
The copies of the books I've been reading lately and the one I'm about to read are yellowing with age. Why does this mean anything? Well, I bought the books brand new years ago, and I'm only just reading them. So they're both pristine and aged at the same time. Seems fitting hehe.

On to the next, and supposedly last book in the series, though I know there is another related and should be more to come??? Benjamin Thomas1,979 349

Another solid entry in the Deverry Cycle. This is the third book in “The Silver Wyrm” quartet and the 14th and penultimate book in the overall Deverry series. There is a definite feeling when reading this one that things are coming to a head. As the author herself puts it in a short note at the front of the book, it is “the beginning of the end.”

Quite a few plot lines make significant progress throughout this book. In particular, I enjoyed Neb’s (Nevyn’s) evolving story as he comes to terms with his new identity and discovers his purpose. I also d the introduction of Rori’s (Rhodry's) daughters Marnmara and Berwynna as well as Rori’s struggling with the huge decision on whether or not to give up his dragon form and pursue being turned back to human once more. Other major plot strings include an intriguing look at the return of the mysterious island of Haen Marn that moves in an out of our plane of existence, the mountain settlement of Dwarveholt, and, of course, the ongoing fight against the Horsekin.

Lots happening here and a nice set-up to what will no doubt be a bitter-sweet finale in The Silver Mage.fantasy-epic Kate590 7

I'm so sad that I'm close to being done with the series. And this was such a good installment. I breezed through it. I loved Berwynna and never more than when she avenged Dougie. I also love Laz I'm heartbroken that Sidro rejects him, But also, you go, Sidro! Break his hold over you! Neb! OMG glad he has someone there to help him get over himself. I am really enjoying Neb's journey; I love seeing this new incarnation of Nevyn, but it was very painful to see Neb going off track. I'm so glad Salamander was there to put him back on track, and that Neb was receptive to the direction. I can't wait to read the last book though I also just want to leave it on the shelf and savor the last of the anticipation.fantasy fiction Neil261

Read and Enjoy

This series continues to get better with each new book, though trying to remember past events and the many incarnations of the various characters can be more than a little difficult at time. This however, was not the case with this particular book as all the events take place in what would be the present.
If you’re read the other books in the series you will enjoy this, if you haven’t read them, then I suggest you do before reading this or you will be totally confused by all the references to past events, incarnations and the Wryd that binds them all together.fantasy the-deverry-series Gordon315

A 15 book epic well worth reading and making your way through. The timespan and scale of this book is simply stunning and I'm not sure how the author manages to make it all work and hang together. That in itself is a work of art. I've loved Rori's story from the beginning but this is so much more than the story of a single person. The celtic myth and past lived makes this as much as the stories of the central characters.

Rereading the books I had read before and then finishing this pretty much back was well worth it and I am sure I will return to Deverry again!

And now onto something new2019-re-read on-my-kindle Lucy Takeda1,723 3

I try to not start series in the middle, but I ended up somewhere and realizing I’d already read the book I brought. So, I picked this up. I enjoy fantasy, dragons, and Celtic lore.
Nope. It could be because I entered late to the series. I didn’t care for characters who are souls being reborn. I wasn’t crazy about the guy turns into a dragon, and can’t turn back. The normal folks can’t live on the magic isle—annoying. Bickering sisters——trite.
Guess I’ll skip the rest of the series, unless the library has the first book. Alicia3,245 34


I will hand it to this author that a throwaway scene from several books ago suddenly matters as we get some interesting new characters who are determined to find their dragon daddies (ok, that’s just one character, but I love her enough for more). A few plot points are resolved, and a lot more are thrown into the mix. I’m just super invested in all of it! Not sure how Kerr is going to wrap up five hundred years' worth of stuff in the next volume, but I have great faith that she will do so!

Angela2,574 70

The saga continues. The magical island appears again, along with its inhabitants. The dweomer masters are looking into a way to change Rori back to human form. And the horse kin are still a threat. I doubt you would enjoy this if you hadn't read the others in the series. It is a page-turner, and it's nice to see characters from a few books ago reappear. This is a more character based story this time, looking at the impact past lives have had on people. A very good read.fantasy Gary Parker129 8

This is turning out to be one of the best high fantasy series ever written, second only to the genre-defining obvious series that needs no mention. Katherine Kerr has created a true masterpiece. Hers is one of the few fantasy series that truly feels it's set in a genuine place in the history of a real world. If you love high fantasy, The Deverry Cycle (this being the 14th book in the 15 book series) should be high on your reading list. Dion Cassidy395 2

The shadow isle is the focus of this book.

Neb finally finds his calling and the guys are in the midst of skirmishes with the horsekin.

Plenty of dweommer is around and is causing trouble.

Enjoy the book but you get the feeling we are heading towards something. Ben544 11

A whole book without cutting the pace with a flashback, instead we are treated to a range of characters all in the present doing their things as events come together build steadily towards conclusion. Exciting, well paced and fun to read for any fan of Deverry.epic-fantasy Laurie Flood Nuzzolilo49 2

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