
Heart of the Highlander: The Highland Chiefs: #5 de Kate Robbins

de Kate Robbins - Género: English
libro gratis Heart of the Highlander: The Highland Chiefs: #5


Kate Robbins Publisher: Kate Robbins, Year: 2022 ISBN: 9781990739088

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The story is so engaging and well-written that readers will feel as if they are in it.

Read full review in the 2018 March issue of InD'tale Magazine.2018-march genre-historical rating-4-star ...more1 Sharon1,267 23

Another good entry in this series. Thwarted love, an evil villain, an unreasonable and suddenly cruel brother, these are the basis of the story. It twists and turns and you never quite see the whys and wherefores until the end. 1 Maria 2,282 22

Muren Grey and Rorie MacKenzie's story made ne feel differently this time around. I truly loved Rory MacKenzie what a wonderful and passionate Highlander, but Muren (half-sister to Ronan Sutherland from Enemy of the Highlander) did not endear herself to me at all.

Rorie is livid because Ronan Sutherland has broken an agreement between them, for he was betrothed to Ronan's sister. Muren, does not understand why her brother is doing all of this and why he demanding she marry the Black Douglas.

I have really enjoyed all of the books in this series because I love this author, but this one was not my favorite. I wanted it to be, but this one also left my heart broken. I will not give away spoilers. I still gave it a four-star review because the hero grab me during the whole story and did not let go. I do look forward to the next book in the series and I'm hoping it's going to be great and that both the hero and the heroine will grab me and not want to let go.1 Sherry346 8

I just love a good romance, mystery, and awesome characters. I cried, laughed, fought for their love and wondered how it would all end.
I was not disappointed.
It has all the elements of a wonderful story.
Do you Highland men with their brawn physique, the way they speak to their women?? Well you will love this one as well.
Ah Rorie has been spurned for the last time, and Muren, has had enough of the control from her family. But will they be able to come together put aside their differences??

Read it and find out. You will not be disappointed.

Lots of mystery, suspense, action, romance, and of course magic.

Thank you Kate Robbins for allowing me the privileged of reading and reviewing your book.1 Ann L4,055 26

She's done it again, book 5 in the Highland Chiefs series and the stories get better and better. You'll be turning the pages faster and faster, just remember to come up for air.

Murin and Rory have been betrothed since forever, but now the king has decided that Murin must marry William Douglas, an evil, mean man and has told her brother to cancel the contract between her and Rory, but Rory is a true Highlander and as we know, they have honour and they fight for those they love, but can he fight the King?

Prepare yourself for the twists and turn and the ups and downs in this wonderfully written, magical love story and look out for some familiar faces.

I received an advanced copy and voluntarily leave my own honest opinionreviewed1 Deborah Denis14 1 follower

The constant struggle for staying together, visions that leave Muriel sickened and frightened. Rorie battling to keep her safe, while she goes against his wishes, over and over. At times, I felt the coming together and next they are apart. It was a sad, sweet story, I enjoyed and cried a few times. 1 Tina322 14

Rorie and Muren

Oh, there is heartbreak in this one! So sad! I kept hoping that Muren was dreaming and would wake up.
Very good story. Well written. Love the secondary characters as well. I can’t wait for more!!
1 Gina Ann543 1 follower

Great read

The 5th book in this series is one of the best by far. It has some characters from the earlier storyline's that made me finish this read in a few hours. Get the tissues out and get ready for those steamy hot sex scenes.1 Idy Mary48

One thing. I mostly regret ..why should the hero from previous book have to sadly died? I dont get what is the value added to that.... And what is the value added of muren to have a vission ... Im so sorry but for me..it stained the whole series ..1 Shirley kendall276 1 follower


I am really enjoying the highland Chiefs series. I look forward to book 5. I have an idea there was a teaser in this book.1 Angela520


I just didn't how Muren squabble with Rorie about dictation. She sld just leave him! And then Rorie would realized and beg for her forgiveness. But of course Muren love for Rorie overtake and help and saved him instead.

This story did not resolved about Rorie acceptance of Muren's seer. ((Thumb down.))

How sad to see Ronan died! How does Freya and their children fare??

WTH, There is no happy in every story, except for the endings. So, of course there would be bad news in between. I just wish all the characters that were introduced that I d didn't died! I bawled my eyes out, my heart went out to Freya. Of course he was an ass but I still d him.

RIP Ronan Sutherland.This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review Karen88 2

d the previous books but this one felt filler. the solution to the main issue made the story feel flat and pointless and the end was sudden and unsatisfying. It felt it's only purpose was to set up the next book.romance-medieval romance-scottish valerie baez18

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