
Buried in Books de Kate Carlisle

de Kate Carlisle - Género: English
libro gratis Buried in Books


In the latest in this New York Times bestselling series, matrimony and murder collide as San Francisco book-restoration expert Brooklyn Wainwright walks down the aisle...
Brooklyn has it all covered. She's triple-checked her wedding to-do list, and everything is on track for the upcoming ceremony with the love of her life, security expert Derek Stone.
Not everyone has been as lucky in love as Brooklyn. Her old library college roommates Heather and Sara lost touch twelve years ago when Sara stole Heather's boyfriend. Brooklyn was caught in the middle and hasn't seen her former besties since their falling-out. When they both arrive in town for the annual librarians' convention and then show up at her surprise bridal shower, Brooklyn is sure drama will ensue. But she's touched when the women seem willing to sort out their differences and gift her rare copies of The Three Musketeers and The Blue Fairy Book.

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It's Brooklyn's wedding! But two former friends have crashed her wedding week to attend a librarian's conference. One of them ends up dead, and the feud from over a decade ago has escalated. That's the plot of Buried in Books, the 12th installment in Kate Carlisle's Bibliophile Mysteries. As expected of this San Francisco-based treat, Brooklyn also teaches us how she mends books and describes all the amazing food and wine in her city. It's just that pesky dead body that's causing us more grief again!

I enjoyed the book, albeit it over-the-top where her wedding is basically ruined for the final scene. Plus, every man in these books is ALWAYS gorgeous and the perfect thing a woman needs. Wow... for all the things some folks complain about when it comes to the way men talk, yikes! If I wasn't offended before, I am now. Pretty much, you have to be a hunk to be worthy of being in this series. LOL I laugh at it, to be honest... but when it's so apparent I can call it out each time, maybe the author should step it down a little? Normally these things can be glossed over, but this one had too much of it.

All that said, the mystery also ended weakly compared to the rest. I did enjoy the book despite my complaining here. :) Mostly, I know the author is better than this, and I felt it was below her normal bar. I will still read the rest, and I really do enjoy the characters and the setting, so it's always worth it! But I'm praying for a much stronger installment next time.1-fiction 3-multi-book-series33 s Sherri Thacker1,446 314

Buried in Books is my first book by this author. It’s a mystery and the mystery didn’t really begin until around 40% of my kindle. I thought it started off a little slow but we learned all about the friend’s past when they were in college. I just d this book ok. Maybe if I had read all the others prior to this I would’ve enjoyed this one more? Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for a complimentary ARC. All opinions expressed are my own. 11 s Karen503 60

What a good book, what a good book! I very much enjoyed Kate Carlisle's upcoming book Buried in Books. Wow, I seriously could not put it down and was in awe of how Kate captured the feelings of wedding jitters and threw in a great murder mystery. The setting and theme of the book was beautifully balanced and perfectly laid out. I loved the conflict between the characters and the way Kate makes the world of Librarians and Booksellers feel an exciting James Bond Mystery. This was a great read and I am excited for you all to read it. Though not out until the end of June this is a must read for 2018!10 s Carol1,628 59

Brooklyn Wainwright is ready to marry Derek Stone.
She even has her bags packed to go on their
She is going to attend the National Librarians
Association Conference. She will be presenting a
workshop on rare book restoration, giving a talk
then doing a Book Lovers Tour of San Francisco.
At the conference, Brooklyn runs into her roommates
from grad school, Heather and Sara. They had been
the “ Three Musketeers” until Sara won the heat of
Heather’s love and ended up marrying him. They
have been enemies for 12 years now.
Sara and Heather surprise Brooklyn by attending
Brooklyn’s wedding shower invited by her mother.
They make peace at Brooklyn’s shower. Heather
gifts her with a rare copy of The Red Fairy Book.
Sara gifts her with a rare copy of the The
Three Musketeers.
Everything is progressing along smoothly for the
The girls have a night out. Brooklyn invites her
former roommates but they no show. Next day, Sara
is missing. She was last seen in the hotel basement.
Going down to the basement Brooklyn and Derek
find Sara dead.....Buried in Books that fell on her.
Accident or foul play?
Brooklyn sets out to investigate.
Murder, forgery, Derek’s relatives staying with
Brooklyn’s in Dharma, the library restoring workshop,
the Book Lover’s bus tour, the wedding shower,
shenanigans happening through out the book will
entertain the reader.
All the characters are artfully created, vivid, some zany,
some sinister, all interesting.
The book restoration workshop was ver informative as to
all the different techniques one is able to use to restore
various books.
A Highly Recommended Read!!
I volunteered to read Buried in Books. Thanks to the
Penguin’s First-to-Read Program for the opportunity.
My opinion is my own.
cozy-a-maze-of-mystery cozy-cover-scavenger-hunt penquins-first-to-read ...more9 s Annie 2,475 944

I always get excited for a new Kate Carlisle book and this one was so exception. As book twelve in the Bibliophile Mystery series, Brooklyn finds herself in some trouble again when some past friends come back into her life, carrying their extra baggage along with them. With her wedding on the way, this is not the kind of thing that Brooklyn wants to deal with, but she is forced into the foray when one of her friends is found murdered.

I really the premise of this book. Having Heather and Sara really made things interesting and I could really feel for Brooklyn in this book. I loved how the author was able to bring so much detail to Heather and Sara, almost making them a main character of the book before the chaos starts. It’s these deep characterizations from the author that makes me come back to these books again and again. I can come into this series, not knowing anything at all about the book, but nonetheless, feeling a strong connection to the characters whether or not they end up alive or dead by the end of the book. This is hard to do, especially with already twelve books in the series, but Carlisle manages to do this well time and time again. I’m impressed.

The romance between Derek and Brooklyn is at an all-time high and I really loved getting the opportunity to see this romance grow. So in addition to the great mysteries in this series, I think Carlisle can make a wicked love story too.arc author-kate-carlisle ebooks ...more8 s Betty2,006 59

Plans for Brooklyn Wainwright to Derek Stone are completed and her bags are packed for the honeymoon. Derek's family has arrived for the affair and are staying in Dharm with Brooklyn's family. She decided to attend a library conference. Yes, meets college roommates she hasn't seen or about twelve years. Sara and Heather became enemies. At a bridal shower Heather gave Brooklyn a first edition book, Sara not to be in down gave Brooklyn a first edition book that didn't belong to Sara. The book was worth mega bucks. The attempts of Sara's husband employee to recover the book make an amusing tale and the book turns out to be a forgery. Sara is missing and Brooklyn and Derek discovered her body beneath a mountain of books. Inspector Lee has the case. Derek it's is team watching their home during the rehearsal dinner. There is a mix-up that delays the wedding. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND this book and series. Tasty recipes are included.

Disclosure: Many thanks to Berkley for a review copy. The opinions expressed are my own.arc cozy e-books7 s Peggy1,012 65

A Wedding To Remember

I loved reading this installment since it was centered around Derrek and Brooklyn's wedding. The two families mesh perfectly and the two moms are hilarious together. This was certainly a wedding to remember. I thought the mystery was well done and guessed one of the culprits. Of course Derrick and Brooklyn would solve a murder the same day as their wedding, but it was a fun read.2020-goodreads-challenge book-related-themed borrowed-library ...more5 s Jackie793 37

Bad guy is to easy to figure out. No major mystery more of a drama read5 s Barbara Rogers1,642 184

Series: Bibliophile Mystery #12
Publication Date: 6/26/18

Each book in this wonderful series is better than the last! The series is populated with so many wonderful, funny and quirky characters that you just want to plan a huge dinner and invite them all over! The books are filled with humor and such wonderful descriptions of San Francisco that you feel as if you live there yourself. Great writing, great humor, great mystery and a lovely romance the series, and this book has them all!

Brooklyn and Derek’s wedding is just days away. All of the arrangements are made and she even has her bags packed for their honeymoon in Paris. So, what is she to do to fill the few days until the big event? Well, she’s going to attend and do a workshop, a talk and a Book Lovers Tour of San Francisco for twenty contest winners at the National Librarians Association conference held just a few blocks from her home. That should surely keep the wedding jitters away. NOT.

While on the convention floor, she is greeted by an old graduate school friend, Heather, that she hasn’t spoken to in over twelve years. Brooklyn is not sure how she feels about seeing Heather because their friendship didn’t end well. Once, Brooklyn, Heather, and Sara we the best of friends and were known as The Three Musketeers. Then, Sara stole Heather’s boyfriend and the friendship was fractured beyond repair.

Leave it to Brooklyn to end up trying to help solve a murder before she says her wedding vows when one of her friends ends up dead and another is a suspect. Can Brooklyn and Derek solve the murder and still make it to the altar on time? You’ll just have to read this delightful book to find out.

One of the things I loved about the book was how absolutely joyous Brooklyn was as she looked forward to her marriage. There is no second-guessing in that relationship. If you add Derek’s delightful family to Brooklyn’s sweet, quirky one – you have a marriage and family made in heaven.

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"I requested and received this e-book at no cost to me and volunteered to read it; my review is my honest opinion and given without any influence by the author or publisher."iblog mystery netgalley4 s Under the Covers Book Blog2,841 1,352

I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

I always get excited for a new Kate Carlisle book and this one was so exception. As book twelve in the Bibliophile Mystery series, Brooklyn finds herself in some trouble again when some past friends come back into her life, carrying their extra baggage along with them. With her wedding on the way, this is not the kind of thing that Brooklyn wants to deal with, but she is forced into the foray when one of her friends is found murdered.

I really the premise of this book. Having Heather and Sara really made things interesting and I could really feel for Brooklyn in this book. I loved how the author was able to bring so much detail to  Heather and Sara, almost making them a main character of the book before the chaos starts. It’s these deep characterizations from the author that makes me come back to these books again and again. I can come into this series, not knowing anything at all about the book, but nonetheless, feeling a strong connection to the characters whether or not they end up alive or dead by the end of the book. This is hard to do, especially with already twelve books in the series, but Carlisle manages to do this well time and time again. I’m impressed.

The romance between Derek and Brooklyn is at an all-time high and I really loved getting the opportunity to see this romance grow. So in addition to the great mysteries in this series, I think Carlisle can make a wicked love story too.

*ARC provided by publisher
Reviewed by Ann? ? Don't want to miss any of our posts? Subscribe to our blog by email! ? ?4 s Jenna1,909 23

3.5 stars

this was the funniest one yet. i really d Brooklyn & Derek's mom friendship. very cute!!
it's also something my family would do. (the adopting of each other's accents/vocab)
and while her parents are different, it works for me. i don't mind the eccentricities at all.
after so many books, it's sweet now.

While I'm not a librarian, my inner nerd did envy some of the tour stuff mentioned. It made me want to hop on a plane & take one of Brooklyn's book tours.

and what a wedding. definitely memorable!
4 s Nancy HaddockAuthor 8 books412

I love Kat Carlisle and I LOVE this series! Brooklyn and Derek are wonderful, and their families are equally so! The two mothers crack me up! Great writing, great characters, great mystery! If you haven't read these books yet, treat yourself! 4 s Kevin1,600 34

Funniest wedding ever, I was laughing so hard when Thuggy and Leon attacked the women as they helped London get dressed for the wedding. Only to be topped by the scene following when Rod held a knife to London's throat, and nobody freaked out they knew London would figure her way out of danger while solving the murder case. books-about-books cozy-mystery4 s Dr. Andy2,529 244

RTCqueer-side-character read-20223 s Lollyletsgo375 10

I've got to say that I love getting invites to fictional people's weddings and while I want to write about it, it's probably best if you read about it.. but congrats- yes, I know I'm congratulating fictional people but I these fictional people.. ;]3 s Amy492 4

This is the twelfth book in the Bibliophile series. I've read all the prior books and was so excited to finally witness the long-awaited marriage of Brooklyn and Derek. Immediately prior to their big day, Brooklyn unexpectedly runs into her old graduate school roommates at the library conference in San Francisco. Sara and Heather had been locked in a bitter feud for the past twelve years because Sara had stolen Heather's boyfriend and was now married to him. Sara and Rod now ran an antiquarian book business with a booth at the conference. However, both women decide to try to make peace and each gift Brooklyn a special book for her wedding shower. But one of their gifts may not what it appears to be and may have led to her murder.

While the murder itself took a bit too long to develop in the story for my taste and the plot wasn't terribly complex, I enjoyed the interaction between Brooklyn and Derek's families. They get along they have known each other for years and join forces to help them catch the killer before anything else comes between the wedding ceremony.

*** Thanks to NetGalley for an ARC of this book. My review is voluntary. 7 s Wendy767 9

2.5* Brooklyn and Derek are getting married! So of course, they find one of Brooklyn's old college friends murdered during a librarian convention. Oh and also a forged book is in the mix too. These books have always been enjoyable and easy to read. I find that the conclusion is quite convenient though. I still am not very clear why the murder took place. However, having read some of the books early in the series, I'm happy Brooklyn and Derek are finally getting hitched.3 s OpenBookSociety.com 3,939 125


Buried in Books
Bibliophile Mystery, Book #12
By Kate Carlisle
ISBN: 9780451477743
Author Website: katecarlisle(.)com
Brought to you by OBS Reviewer Jeanie


In the latest in this New York Times bestselling series, matrimony and murder collide as San Francisco book-restoration expert Brooklyn Wainwright walks down the aisle. . .

Brooklyn has done everything she can to prepare for her nuptials with Derek and simply can’t wait to start her new life with him. But things don’t go as planned when Brooklyn’s college frenemies, Heather and Sara, surprise her with a last-minute bridal shower. However, Brooklyn is touched when the women gift her rare copies of The Three Musketeers and The Red Fairy Book.

When one frenemy is found murdered and one of the rare books is deemed a forgery, Brooklyn can’t help but wonder if the victim played a part in this fraud or if a murderer is still out there scamming and killing. Wedding jitters, counterfeit books, and a killer on the loose could ruin Brooklyn and Derek’s big day. Can they make it down the aisle before more bodies start stacking up? (Goodreads)


This fabulous, fresh mystery reminds me of everything I have d about this series over the years. It was so good to “visit” Brooklyn and Derek again, especially as their big day nears. Seeing her future mother-in-law, Meg get along so well with her mother is heartwarming. Vivid descriptions of the city Brooklyn loves, and the location chosen for their wedding, make me want to go there. Most of the characters are so familiar, it is being amongst old friends. Eerie plot twists have frightening results, including on “their” day … if they make it through the ceremony.

Every last thing on Brooklyn’s wedding list has been taken care of, some designated to family and friends. She sees no problem attending and taking part in the annual National Librarians Association conference just before the wedding. She is leading a workshop in book binding and repairs, and she is also leading twenty raffle winners on a 3-hour tour of library and book hot spots in San Francisco. After all, why should she sit around fretting the last couple days before the wedding when she can be part of this conference for the 5th year? Famous last words.

Brooklyn’s mother and Meg jump into the bus tour, entertaining the winners with stories about how Brooklyn has come across a few bodies in various locations and helped solve the murders. They have another surprise, a shower for Brooklyn. Her mom invited her best friends in college, not realizing there was a reason she had not been in contact with them since. Things begin to get ugly when Heather and Sara see each other for the first time since college. Brooklyn tries to settle the waters. Each of the two former best friends brought her a rare book, one that would remind her of their time together. One is outrageously valuable…but giving away that book might be the reason why that friend was later found dead – by Brooklyn – in the basement of the hotel garage, buried under crates of books. There are two primary suspects, but the reason for her death has far more sinister aspects. Brooklyn races against the clock to find her friend’s killer before she and Derek take their vows, then her life is suddenly at risk, also. A couple unsavory-looking gents are following her around at the conference, and her murdered friend’s husband is suddenly trying to be her friend, as well as spend time with the surviving best friend.

Brooklyn and Derek are the most adorable, well-matched couple! They and their closest relatives and friends are defined primarily through rich, realistic dialog and determined actions. I am looking forward to learning more in upcoming mysteries about Derek’s parents, their siblings and their families. It sounds the family who fights crime together, laughs together! Dharma sounds a respite from the city, and is demonstrated by how family members love it there.

There are fun times ahead for this family! I really enjoyed seeing Brooklyn and Derek’s moms on the bus tour and how they entertained some of the librarians on board with some of Brooklyn’s past escapades. Learning more about her college days and friends was also interesting, and seeing who Heather and Sara had become over the years. The murder and race to solve it keep the pages turning; I was drawn in from the first page and thoroughly enjoyed the novel. While I had my suspicions of who the bad guy(s) might really be, I still was surprised and at moments entertained with some of the outcome. I highly recommend this delightful and spine-tingling story to those who enjoy well-written cozy mysteries that include the fascinating world of bookbinding and repair, books, and libraries. It can be read as a standalone, and I think that new readers will want to go back and read earlier mysteries afterwards. This is a not-to-be-missed offering in this exciting series!

*OBS would to thank the publisher for supplying a free copy of this title in exchange for an honest review


Buried in Books
Bibliophile Mystery, Book #2
By Kate Carlisle
ISBN: 9780451477743
Author’s Website: katecarlisle(.)com
Brought to you by OBS reviewer Andra
5 Stars


In the latest in this New York Times bestselling series, matrimony and murder collide as San Francisco book-restoration expert Brooklyn Wainwright walks down the aisle. . .

Brooklyn has done everything she can to prepare for her nuptials with Derek and simply can’t wait to start her new life with him. But things don’t go as planned when Brooklyn’s college frenemies, Heather and Sara, surprise her with a last-minute bridal shower. However, Brooklyn is touched when the women gift her rare copies of The Three Musketeers and The Red Fairy Book.

When one frenemy is found murdered and one of the rare books is deemed a forgery, Brooklyn can’t help but wonder if the victim played a part in this fraud or if a murderer is still out there scamming and killing. Wedding jitters, counterfeit books, and a killer on the loose could ruin Brooklyn and Derek’s big day. Can they make it down the aisle before more bodies start stacking up? (Goodreads)


Buried in Books is the twelfth book in the Bibliophile Mystery series by Kate Carlisle. After having read this book, my biggest regret is having entered this series at book 12! Where have I been? Rest assured that I will most definitely go back to book 1 and read the entire series!

The story begins during the final week before Brooklyn Wainwright’s wedding to mega hunk Derek Stone. Concurrently, Brooklyn is also presenting a workshop on bookbinding at the annual National Librarians Association conference being held in her hometown of San Francisco.

The book provides sufficient background on all the key players in the novel so, while not ideal, starting the series at this book was not difficult at all.

The death (murder) did not take place immediately, which was refreshing. The reader got a well rounded story and the necessary background to appreciate Brooklyn’s role as amateur sleuth. In this case, probably more so since the victim is one of her university bestie’s whom she had not seen in close to a dozen years. Additionally, one of the suspects was her other bestie from university. We learn that all three had a falling out due to a man! Rest assured, the man (Leon) is also a suspect as well as being the husband of the murdered woman.

The following provides such a deep insight into Brooklyn’s devotion to her calling as a bookbinder:

“Talk to me,” I murmured. It wasn’t my imagination; books really did talk to me. Not the words on the paper, but the paper itself. The cracked leather, the fractured spine, the torn pages, I head them calling my name. The severed hinge, the shredded headband, the faded gilding. They whispered, Help us, Brooklyn Wainwright, you’re our only hope.”

I empathized with Brooklyn over the loss of her friend Sara and felt her reasoning for keeping The Three Musketeers was valid (a wedding present from Sara – a rare and valuable book). The following excerpt just spoke to me… made me really bond with Brooklyn and her perspective on friendship:

“ As I scrutinized every inch of the rich leather and thick, soft vellum, I had to admit that I was starting to feel guilty for keeping the book when I knew that Rod wanted it back so badly, Clearly, Sara had had no business giving it to me, but she had, and now that she was gone, I was determined to keep the book as her last treasured gift to me.

Was that wrong? Was I just getting back at Rod for screwing up our lives all those years ago? Probably. But I wasn’t about to tell him that, no matter how guilt-ridden I might get about keeping it. Because frankly, the book didn’t mean anything to him-except a hefty amount of cash. But to me The Three Musketeers was a symbol of a happy time in my life when Sara and Heather and I were the best of friends and inseparable.”

Let’s not forget, there is certainly humour in the book as well! One interaction near the end of the book when one of Brooklyn’s sister was talking with the murderer:

“You must be the brains of the outfit,” Savannah said, her voice dripping with scorn. “Yeah, I’m bald, but I can grow my hair back and you’ll still be stuck in Stupidville.”

Needless to say, there was lots going on in this story: romance, murder (of course), some philosophical machinations and let’s not forget…a wedding – jitters and all! The cast of characters are many, but given the wedding scenario, it was easy to keep everyone straight. I found the main story engaging and well told.

There is also romance with this cozy mystery. I love the interactions between Brooklyn and her fiancée Derek. They seem so grounded and a normal couple, except they are not. Brooklyn is a bookbinder and Derek is in security. From descriptions, Brooklyn is one luck girl because Derek (and ALL his brothers as a matter of fact) are hunks! Now this definitely amped up my enjoyment of the book.

The mothers were a hoot! They got along famously, were sneaky yet loving to their kids. The close knit families were a nice addition to the story line.

I am left without words, I was taken away into a lovely, solitary reading bubble when I read this book. I cannot wait to begin this series from the beginning so that I may understand where the characters came from to get to this point in Buried in Books, book 12 of the Bibliophile Mystery series by Kate Carlisle.

*OBS would to thank the publisher for supplying a free copy of this title in exchange for an honest review*

jeanie2 s Kristina3,681 68

Buried in Books by Kate Carlisle is the twelfth A Bibliophile Mystery. Brooklyn Wainwright is marrying Derek Stone in just a few days. With the wedding plans completed, Brooklyn is off to attend the annual National Librarians Association conference. She is surprised when she runs into Heather Babcock. Brooklyn, Heather and Sara Martin were roommates and best friends in graduate school until Roderick came along. Brooklyn has not heard from Heather or Sara in twelve years. The next day after Brooklyn’s Book Lovers Tour of San Francisco, Brooklyn is surprised with a bridal shower. She is shocked when she discovers her mother invited Heather and Sara (oh dear). Heather gives Brooklyn a first edition of The Blue Fairy Book by Andrew Lang. Not to be one upped, Sara unexpectedly presents Brooklyn with a beautiful (and valuable) first edition of The Three Musketeers. Later Sara turns up dead which causes Brooklyn to take a closer look at her gift from Sara. When she discovers it is a forgery, Brooklyn wonders if Sara knew about it or was she innocent victim. With her wedding quickly approaching, Brooklyn finds herself once again embroiled in a mystery. Can Brooklyn wrap up the case before she dons her wedding gown or will she end up being fitted for a coffin?

Buried in Books is a well-written and engaging book. The authors conversational writing style combined with the steady pacing makes Buried in Books easy to read. I started reading Buried in Books and did not put it down until I finished. There are many delightful humorous moments in Buried in Books. Brooklyn and Derek’s mothers are quite a pair. They are two peas in a pod and their families had better be prepared for more of their antics in the future. I love reading about the beautiful books Brooklyn encounters (the authors descriptions allowed me to visualize the wondrous tomes. It is also interesting to learn more about bookbinding (which makes A Bibliophile Mystery series unique) and creating one-of-a-kind handmade books. There are beautiful descriptions of San Francisco and various book lover attractions. I enjoyed how the victim was killed. It is unique and fits with the book. The murder does not occur until page 110. The author took the time to set the stage (give us background) for the crime. I was disappointed that the mystery was uncomplicated and easily solved. Brooklyn is a great character. She is intelligent, spunky and has a nose for murder. Brooklyn has grown over the course of the series, and I think that Derek is the perfect partner for her. He supports Brooklyn in her investigations and assists her while keeping her safe. There are many wonderful cozy moments in the book. We get to see the Wainwright and Stone families mingle, the wedding, lots of food, Brooklyn spending time with her friends, the sights of San Francisco, descriptions of old books, the convention, the rehearsal dinner, and special moments between Derek and Brooklyn. There are recipes for a couple of the dishes served at Derek and Brooklyn’s wedding at the end of the book. My rating for Buried in Books is 4 out of 5 stars. Fans of A Bibliophile Mystery series (and cozy mysteries) will be thoroughly delighted with Buried in Books.
2018 cozy-mysteries netgalley3 s Jeanie1,264 1 follower

What a great read! Kate Carlisle's writing simply continues to improve with each book in the series, and there is never a dull moment. This mystery is as unique as the first eleven, always with something new and fascinating about bookbinding or rare books.

What makes this novel better than those preceding it? First, Brooklyn and her sweetheart are finally to be married at the perfect place for this couple. Her in-laws have arrived from England and are enjoying their time with Brooklyn's parents, sisters, and their families while she goes to - a librarian's conference days before the wedding? Being a detail person, everything has been double checked, and she would be more calm going to the conference than triple-checking her list. She is offering something new this time to those 20 people who win a raffle. She is giving a 3-hour tour of the best booksellers, book binding, and library in San Francisco, the city she loves.

After the tour, her mother and future mother-in-law Meg have planned a surprise shower for Brooklyn. And what a surprise to find her mother has invited her two best friends from college. Or they were all best friends until something happened between Sarah and Heather. This is the first time they have seen each other in several years, and it didn't start off pretty.

In the end, they came to a tenuous peace. Sara and Heather each brought a rare first edition of a book that would mean something to Brooklyn. She loved the books, just as she still loves and misses the girls. Later she learns that one of them is worth at least tens of thousands of dollars, and wonders if her friend knew the real value.

The next day, one of the ladies is in the hotel basement unloading crates of books for where she works. That night, she didn't go to her hotel room, and Brooklyn was unable to find her for a meeting they had planned. When she asked enough questions, she and fiance Derek went to the basement to see if she was there. She was. Literally buried to death under books and broken crates.

With each novel we learn more about the primary characters, especially Brooklyn. Even though they are already very well defined, there is always something new to learn. Getting to know the British family is a delight; Derek's family is as unique as Brooklyn's is eccentric. In a good way. We learn much less about the best friends, only what the reader needs to consider. Brooklyn and Derek are trying to find who the real bad guy/ gal was so they could have a peaceful wedding and enjoyable honeymoon, but bad guys never work on the schedule of the good guys. It was a surprise to see the depth of deception involved, and even harder to predict just what would occur and how the novel would end. I loved it! Mother-in-law Meg is going to be one of Brooklyn's best friends from the looks of it! I highly recommend this mystery of surprises and joy.

From a grateful heart: I received a copy of this novel from the publisher and this is my honest review.obs2 s Micky Cox2,144 28

I absolutely love this series and this book definitely did not disappoint! Brooklyn is about to finally get married, but there is a book convention, a forgery, a murder and more going on that may prevent Brooklyn from finally getting her happily ever after if she doesn't figure out what is going on and do so fast! Fantastic character development with a funny and interesting plot to keep you intrigued as you flip the pages! The "moms" (Brooklyn's mother and her future mother-in-law) alone will have you giggling, but the book is just packed with great characters and interactions! The only caution I'll add is, just don't go to fast or you'll end up being sad me as you sit waiting for the next book to be written!2 s Laura Steinert1,054 72

Another great story by Kate Carlisle. She has toned down her tendency to drool over every male character and finally made Brooklyn slightly less than perfect. If you love weddings, this is a nice change from the bridezilla genre. Overall, a good mystery but still the "super sweet" tone and sarcastic/snarky/funny dialogue.2 s Christine520 31

This is the twelfth book in the bibliophile series. Brooklyn and Derek are finally getting married. Old friends are in town fora book convention. When one of her old friends is murdered, Brooklyn investigates. The mystery was well done, and I was shocked at the killer. I loved Brooklyn's confrontation with the killer. I am so happy that Brooklyn and Derek are finally married. I love them as characters, and they are better together. cozies2 s Joy Gerbode1,800 14


I thoroughly enjoyed this book! Love the characters and the wedding planning is great. I especially enjoyed the bookish aspect of this story and would love to attend a convention that! 2 s Deanie Nelder1,131 19

Book restorer Brooklyn Wainwright is taking a day off from her wedding preparations to attend the librarian convention in her hometown of San Francisco. While there, she runs into two old friends from college (now each other's worst enemy) who both show up at her surprise wedding shower -- before one of them is killed. Does this have anything to do with the rare books each gifted her at her shower?

I really the Bibliophile Mystery series. The characters are interesting, the plots are unique, and the author really makes Brooklyn's investigation seem natural, and not she's interfering in a police investigation. I really Brooklyn, and her friends and family... and the big action scene at the end is a hoot! Great novel, and I'm going to buy the rest in the series.2 s Mayda3,327 57

This book seemed to be more romance than mystery, but since Brooklyn is marrying Derek, I guess that is excusable. Brooklyn meets up unexpectedly with her two old college roommates at a library convention. Unfortunately, those two roommates parted as enemies twelve years ago when one stole the boyfriend away from the other one. It’s a bit of a far-fetched tale. Brooklyn is working at the conference the week before her wedding, and yet she becomes involved in solving the forgery and theft of a book as well as a murder, all while waiting to be wed. Though the writing is good, there is too little mystery and too much romance. This is the first book I have read in the series, and perhaps if I knew the back-stories of the characters, it would have been more enjoyable.cozy mystery romance2 s Merry Chapman1,815 16

A fantastic addition to a fantastic series, one of the best and a must read!

Once again,Kate Carlisle has scored a winner! The Bibliophile is a fun series and the main characters, Brooklyn and Derek are so much fun. Derek is so in love with Brooklyn, he is almost too good to be true. Brooklyn is a bookbinder extraordinaire and although her wedding is the next week, she decides to present at the librarian convention since it is in San Francisco, just blocks from her home and her wedding plans are right on track so she has the time for a diversion. She not only agreed to be a presenter, but she agreed to do a tour of some of the library and author sites for the winners of a fund-raiser lottery. Trying to keep the fact that she keeps stumbling on bodies a secret, her mother and mother-in-law show up on the tour and conspire to spill the beans to liven up the tour. And they also conspired to throw a surprise wedding shower that threw Brooklyn for a loop - especially when her mother invited her two college roommates who had been feuding, with Brooklyn as referee, they stopped their sniping and each gave her a very special book for a wedding gift. So many things happening at once that when Brooklyn and Derek find a body, find out one of the gift books is a forgery and they are in the middle of this problem. Will they be able to solve the murder, the forgery and still have their wedding in time? The author keeps you guessing throughout with many twists, turns and red-herrings. A Great addition to this series which I highly recommend! Also, the Fixer-upper series by this author is a must read! I received a copy of the book from the author but the opinions expressed here are strictly my own.1 Hilary (A Wytch's Book Review)876

Pretty much everything is going well in Brooklyn and Derek's world they are getting married in a week, his family is staying out in Dharma, they are packed (apart from toiletries) for Paris, so Derek is able to finish off a few bits at work and Brooklyn is able to take part in the librarian conference which is being held in San Francisco.  Whilst there she runs across her old room mates, that she hasn't seen since they had a major break up near the end of their final year, she finds out later that her Mum has invited them to her surprise Wedding Shower, luckily the two of them are able to bury the hatchet for the evening (staying at different ends of the room helps!) and they both give Brooklyn a first edition of a book, Heather The Blue Fairy Book and Sara The Three Musketeers.

It is after this that the problems start! First off Sara is killed (and yes Brooklyn found her!), then one of the books is found to be a fake, oh and someone tries to break in to their apartment during the wedding rehearsal dinner! Now they need to sort all this out so they can get married and head off for their new life!cozy-book cozy-series-challenge1 Billie930 93

This book reminded me why I don't care for most cozy mysteries. First, it was wall-to-wall Mary Sues and Marty Stus, and there is no reason whatsoever for this to be the case. Secondly, the mystery was very slight. But, the thing that would have made me give up on the book entirely if I hadn't been driving and unable to muck about with my phone was the wedding stuff. The action started off at a librarians' conference, but about three-quarters of the way through, it's the heroine's wedding day and the author went on and on and on about every tiny detail of the wedding. It ground the action to a complete halt just as things were approaching their climax. Why not just stick to the conference and save the wedding for the next book? It was too much crammed into too few "pages" for no reason and it felt the actual mystery bits could have used some of those pages to be developed a bit more.

Fans of cozy mysteries probably won't have the issues with it that I did and devotees of the series will probably be interested in all the wedding stuff. I was just very much not the audience for this book.1 Kim720 24

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