
The Final Act of Living: Reflections of a Longtime Hospice Nurse de Karnes RN, Barbara

de Karnes RN, Barbara - Género: English
libro gratis The Final Act of Living: Reflections of a Longtime Hospice Nurse


Karnes RN, Barbara Publisher: Unknown, Year: 2012

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This is possibly the best book I have read on living with chronic illness. Yes, it is also about death and the dying process, but as the author puts it- there is only life and death- everything until you're dead is just "living". That being said, this book is about living life to the fullest while dealing with a life-threatening disease. The author gives us rare gems of insight, wrapped in compassion- a unique view from being both on the "inside" of a chronic illness (acting as caregiver for two parents) and the "outside" as a medical professional. I wish every sick person and each of their family members and medical professionals would utilize the information in this book. We are all so busy living our lives, just trying to get through each day on and denying that there will ever come a time when our lives will end that we neglect the importance of the opportunity of life that can be found within even the most challenging of situations a terminal disease process. The author does a GREAT job of outlining what to expect physically, emotionally and spiritually from a terminal disease process and offers advice for, not just "getting through" it, but for finding peace and moments of joy and fulfillment even in sickness and death. If we were all a little more aware of what an "expected" death looks and feels - not the kind we see on TV - I think we would be more willing to accept death as a natural part of life and less fearful when the time comes for ourselves or someone we love. I CANNOT SAY ENOUGH GOOD THINGS ABOUT THIS BOOK! It's an easy read - I breezed through it probably 5 hrs or less. She uses simple language, stays away from getting overly philosophical or using too much medical terminology and helps dispel many of the myths and fears we have about dying by stating honestly and plainly what actually happens. In her own words: "Imagination is far worse than reality. We need to be open, direct yet gentle....in preparing for death and the rituals that follow death".
end-of-life-counseling3 s Joshua MacDonald1 review

My grandfather is currently in hospice care and I was given Barbara’s book Gone from my Sight. I really d it and decided to look into her other books. I’m glad I did. As his primary advocate I found this book immensely helpful navigating the end of life process. I don’t agree with everything she wrote especially her advice against having small children attend funerals. I think that is a family judgement call. However, there is a lot of great information in this book. I enjoyed her stories since she has so much experience and has helped so many people move on from this world.2 s Sharon Swayze garcia32

Easy to read and understand. Everyone needs knowledge about the dying process.1 Jeff Bobin824 14

Written by someone that spends her time with people that are dying and their families along with being a trained registered nurse this brings valuable insight into the process of dying.

Way to often we avoid the topics of dying and death. But, this is something we are all going to experience in life, ourselves and those we care about.

This is one of the most helpful and informative books I have read on the journey of dying. For most people it is not a sudden occurrence but a process that we can realize is a normal part of life. The process varies with individuals but there are many things about it that are common to the path.

Probably the most valuable part of this book is her willingness to delve into topics that are uncomfortable but important and by knowing them they lessen our anxiety during the process.

The human mind and body are amazing creations that work together to help us transition from life to death and she touches on many of those topics, most of them you probably haven't given much thought to.

I would suggest this is a book that would be valuable to read at any point in life but especially relevant to those who are traveling the journey toward death with someone they care about. death-dying1 Diana L. Wells375

Caring, Informative and Insightful

We are all born dying, not one of us leaves Mother Earth alive. I was given a booklet written by Barbara Karnes because my mom has been released to Hospice care. After reading it I knew I needed more information and the information Barbara shares in this book is timeless, her experiences in helping souls with their final journey helps those of us that stand by helplessly as our loved ones fade away one breath at a time. I was able to see the different stages and understand the science of our bodies as it closes down, rolling up the sidewalks until finally they are released from their pain and suffering. 1 Naazneen Deboo2

Simply wonder ful!

The book is from the heart and reflects the story of 30 years of experience and expertise. I wish I could meet her once- hug her tight and thank her for this wonderfully insightful book. It is a must read because, as she says, "everyone dies.". And everyone would be much better prepared --both, the patient and the caregiver-- with this knowledge shared by Barbara. Thank you, Barbara. 1 Ellen13

A favorite!! I loved this book because of its perspective on living!! Spoke to my heart. I highlighted so many important words because this book carried so many important thoughts. Loved it. Will be rereading this!1 La Haynes124 2

I have no affiliation with Ms Karnes, her hospice materials, or any hospice.
I do have a family member with cancer that has been under five seasons of treatment to reduce the cancer and prolong quality and life. I am the caregiver at home; and I also live in the hospital room advocating the entire time. I affirm Ms. Karnes’ statement that “Knowledge Reduces Fear”.
When my loved one was first diagnosed, 14 years ago, I divinely came across Ms Karnes’ “Gone From My Sight”, aka “The Little Blue Booklet”. As soon as I finished that, I ordered a set of her booklets and book “The Final Act of Living”. I devoured them, marking them all up. I ordered additional sets, and in other languages for friends.
There is such a fear about the unknowns of dying! Why let that control you, when you can be knowledgable, forewarned, forearmed, and peaceful for this natural exit from life?
By twenty-five years of observation, I ‘ve noticed that physicians who are trying to fix patients, generally have no knowledge of the natural steps a body goes through to leave this earth. So, when THEY finally realize they can’t fix someone, and give a prognosis of so many months, weeks, or days, they are always off, by a long-shot. In our area, with MANY specialists and teaching hospitals, the timeline is way overestimated. In actuality, almost without exception, the people have passed at only one-third the time estimated. This really angers me. The dying person, and their family members, no one was prepared for the moment of death to happen “that early”. Important conversations never happened because people were waiting until later, which never came.
These materials lay it out in simple, logical & biological order of progression. There is no need to be caught off guard by the timing of the passing of a person with disease, or old age. One can make the effort to get important business taken care of.
“The Final Act of Living” is helpful, in contrast, to acknowledge the eventual death, then encourage everyone to LIVE OUT YOUR DAYS. To LIVE right up to the last breath! To “take care of business” so that there’s NO regrets. A friend will pick up a set from me, this week, to work on just that.
I cannot recommend these materials highly enough. Just behind the Bible in importance, I’d rate these materials as a “10”. Lisa J ShultzAuthor 15 books91

An absolutely incredible book! Even though the book is about dying, it was so inspirational for living. I plan to re-read it again many times. I highlighted it so much that most of it is now yellow. I plan to let it soak in and read again in a few weeks. This book will be one of my top 3 favorite books of the year! The book is best suited for those caregiving someone at the end of their life but it has wisdom for anyone who is willing to look at death to find meaning in life.end-of-life Nancy BanduskyAuthor 4 books10

This is an excellent read for anyone dealing with the approaching death of a loved one. It is also beneficial to be read by anyone as death touches us all in one way or another. The author brings up the difficult topics, shares how personality types typically react, the "dying process", and what "good" hospice can provide - all from the perspective of a hospice professional as well as the perspective of a daughter.
Lucy McCoskey384 1 follower

Barbara Karnes is a hospice nurse and educator. she writes readable, reasonable, extremely helpful books and pamphlets on the dying process. down-to-earth, compassionate, practical, knowledgable...she manages helpful and insightful guidance brought by decades of experience. Madison73

As a hospice nurse, it is a great perspective and some of her comments related to the dying process were thought provoking and i found myself nodding in agreement. With that said, a little preachy for someone who is not spiritual. Hannah Bergstrom de Leon511 4

A quick and easy read that helped clarify the process and expectations associated with hospice and those final acts of living. Karnes is concise, clear and writes for a broad audience. Roseann Volpe19 1 follower

This book was so helpful in understanding my loved ones passing. Henry Olders33

Marvellous book! The author is straightforward and open in her writing. She communicates with conviction and passion, and the message could not be more important! Alicia261

Reflections of a long time hospice nurse. Quite good. Quick to read. Interesting.
Makes you realize how short life is.
Inspirational and practical.
Hospice care, living well, DNR, etc. joann L. Hawk5

Good information

Honest and heartfelt advice for families with a loved one at the end of life on how to find purpose and meaning in the situation. Teresa ChristensenAuthor 14 books12

4.5 Joy Fucella56 1 follower

I wish I had read this when my grandmother first got sick. I’m glad I’ve read it now at least Jess B121 1 follower

Amazing book, I think everybody could do themselves & the people in their lives some good by reading this book. Describes what is normal when a patient is at the end of their life, has suggestions on ways to help, discusses grieving, funerals & children, etc. The title comes because she believes you are alive until you are dead, and that we are all dying on some level or another, so she refers to the end of life as "the final act of living".death-and-dying family Drew McCaffery7 7

this is a good book to read if you are wondering on the connection of life and death. I read this as part of being a chaplain for my seminary education and felt it was very insightful since the aspect of death is something I am fearful of dealing with. Joanne2

As the primary caregiver for my mother in hospice care, this book was very insightful of the dying process and things to consider in her final months. The steps make sense, help to know how much time is left and things are a little less scary. Marcia Miller693 12

Very helpful insights into end-of-life issues, written by a nurse who has been a long-time caregiver to patients (and families) in hospice care. Jordan163 22

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