
The 7-10 Split de Karmen Lee

de Karmen Lee - Género: English
libro gratis The 7-10 Split


Karmen Lee Series: Peach Blossom 01 Publisher: Harlequin Enterprises ULC, Year: 2024 ISBN: 9780008938376

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I appreciate NetGalley and Karmen Lee for providing me with the opportunity to read this book. We meet Ava, an English teacher, in the midst of a conversation lamenting the rejection of her proposal to start a bowling team by the principal. As her colleague mentions the arrival of a new AP teacher, Grace, next door. Ava is excited about the news.

Grace's introduction unravels a shared history with Ava; they were once college friends, but their friendship dissolved, leaving questions lingering.

As for my thoughts, I found the book enjoyable, although I anticipated a more substantial reason for their college friendship's demise. The reveal didn't quite meet my expectation of a grand mystery, but perhaps that's a reflection of being young. The slow burn of their eventual reunion tested my patience; I was rooting for them to just kiss already.

Overall, this was a good read, and I'm grateful for the opportunity to experience it. Thank you for allowing me to read this book!4 s Sammie V352 157

This sapphic bowling second chance romance was adorable. Grace and Ava’s friendship turned rivalry with a slow burn romance is perfect to watch. The tension was on point and I enjoyed the side characters as well. 4 s The Lesbian Library (Maddy)105 61

Full review & rating coming soon ??2024-sapphic-releases april-24 arcs ...more3 s Tya C.301 94 Read

This was one of my most anticipated releases of 2024, but sadly, I’m disappointed. I stopped reading at 54%.

First, let’s start with what I enjoyed. I really enjoyed the characters! Both Ava and Grace are characters that I care about and want the best for! The rivals to lovers trope can be hit or miss for me, but I enjoyed it in this novel!

But, I feel this novel just isn’t for me. It has such a slow pace. Nothing is happening in the story. All the characters do is trade longing glances and think about each other from afar. I’m a person who needs action in my romance. I need a central plot & subplots. I need cute dates and adorable moments. I need them to have interesting conversations. And none of that was given in this novel. I also feel the characters didn’t have chemistry. They’re having thoughts they each other, but I can’t FEEL it. Chemistry between characters in a romance novel is something that I take for granted until it’s not there, and it wasn’t there. And the last problem I had was a character saying that they “didn’t have the spoons for this”. That term is specifically used for the disabled community when pain/illness/fatigue keeps us from being able to do activities we need to do. This term isn’t synonymous with the word “tired”.

I think this book will be better for someone who enjoys slow burn romances with more pining than action. It just wasn’t for me.

TW: cancer, drunk driving, death of a parent2024-most-anticipated-releases black-love lgbtqia-books ...more2 s Jennifer Newman72 2

I would first to thank Karmen Lee and Harlequin books for the gifted arc I received of this one! The 7-10 Split is a lovely sapphic romance novel that tells the story of Grace and Ava finding home in each other. It features tropes such as rivals to lovers, second chance, small town, and workplace romance. Although I don’t think second-chance stories are necessarily my cup of tea, I did really enjoy their story! Both Ava and Grace were wonderful characters and I really d the dual POV. My only complaint was the ending felt a bit rushed. I would have d to have their story a little more fleshed out but there are going to be others so I understand that the author ly wanted some room for growth. Overall this was a quick, light, cozy romance! advanced-reader-copies physical-tbr2 s lil🍉120 2

*Netgalley Arc Review*

The 7-10 split is a cute and sweet sapphic romance between two teachers, who used to be best friends. Tropes include rivals to lovers, workplace romance, and second chance romance. Ava and Grace are so cute together and the chemistry they have is undeniable. Overall this book was cute, fast, and fun. 2 s Julia174 9

When I was in college, I took a bowling class. I thought this will fulfill my physical education requirement and be an easy A; I was wrong. The cover of The 7-10 Split by Karmen Lee transported me back to Crenshaw Lanes. The friendship between Grace and Ava is a complicated one that can simple be solved with a conversation. At times, it seems that Ava is hellbent on being mad at Grace for things beyond her control. That is annoying and very unattractive. Grace spends more time than I think is necessary apologizing and Ava doesn't apologize...enough. For an English teacher, she is horrible with words.
This was an okay story, I honestly was more interested in the drama of the bowling team than the romance between Grace and Ava. I do feel there were a lot of additional characters added for dramatic effect that were not needed because when wrapping them up it felt rushed. Yes, all these characters centered around the bowling. I would certainly read more from Karmen Lee because this story at least made me pull out my old bowling shoes. 2 s Emma27

I received an uncorrected proof via Goodreads giveaway.

I wish I could have d this book, but there were critical issues that nearly prevented me from finishing it:

(1) The way romance and attraction are described feels oddly juvenile. It reminded me of how a preteen would write attraction in a fanfiction.

(2) The characters are very one note. This goes especially for the side characters (e.g., the principal) but even our main characters. It makes them feel simple plot devices since they certainly don’t feel real people.

(3) Both of our protagonists, but Ava especially, do not make logical connections. They leap to extreme conclusions and get angry at each other without providing much insight into how a person could possibly arrive to such a conclusion. Here’s a spoilery example

Ava not only assumes that Grace, as a TEENAGER, had a choice in uprooting her life and moving, but also that she kissed Ava to prove her superiority? It makes no sense and we never find out why on earth Ava made these assumptions, leaving me to assume that she fundamentally lacks critical thinking skills.

(4) These characters have nothing else going on in their lives except for the romance. They just bowl and talk and think about each other and talk to others about their relationship. Do they have any other things going on in their lives except bowling and each other? As for the side characters, almost every one observes that they each other and then asks them about it. , do these people also have nothing better to do than to obsessively monitor every glance between Ava and Grace? I wanted to know more about things each of them having lost a parent and the effects on their families, but these things are rarely touched on.

Anyways, I do not recommend.
giveaway1 Maddie545

The 7-10 Split follows teachers Ava and Grace who grew up together but has a falling out. Ava has been trying to start a bowling team at the school but keeps getting rejected. Grace is a new teacher at the school and it’s bowling pro. Grace convinces the school to have a bowling team and they agree. Ava is made the co coach of the team with Grace. Will they be able to put there differences aside and have a successful team? Or will things crash and burn.

I am a big fan of enemies to lovers so of course I knew I was going to this. I thought this was such a good story. I did feel this story was rushed in some parts. But overall a really cute story. I did feel it was a pretty basic romance book but not bad at all. If you want a lighthearted, easy, romance book, I suggest this one.
arcs1 Sue Plant1,828 19

would to thank netgalley and the publisher for letting me read this lovely book

when ava knocked on the door of the classroom opposite her to say hello to the new teacher she wasnt expecting to come face to face with grace. ava walked off in a daze....

ava and grace had been friends at school themselves and bowling buddies but things went astray and now they were nothing to each other apart from rivals who didnt each other...

grace had been hoping for a better start with ava.... and when she heard that ava had been trying to start a bowling club in school she went right to the head and hoped he would agree.. though she hadnt quite realised he would announce it at the teachers meeting and that it was grace idea when she had tried to make it work with ava as the lead...

but as time went on and the bowling team started to come together grace could only hope that the spark she thought she saw with ava would land... only time would tell

a lovely story with hints of betrayal and rivalry cant wait to read more from this series1 Robyn Fletcher209 2

Overall 3.5
Spice: 2

This was the first book I've read by this author and it was just okay. I did seeing the FMC in positions in education that aren't the norm for women especially bipoc woman. I did enjoy the diversity of the teach staff, but it was very surface level and as if it was just checking a book. It wasn't your typical sports romance. I still don't understand why they hadn't talked in years, and it was once they had talked they were automatically a couple. It felt rushed and nothing developed enough. 1 Emma62 1 follower

Super cute and funny contemporary sapphic romance. Karmen does a great job creating characters you want to root for while still acknowledging their flaws and hangups. Great backdrop for a reunion romance.romance sapphic workplace1 J R1,032 11

ccute but definitively not gonna be a fav cause some of the chars really didnt quite work. thanks so much for the arc.1 Harlequin Books17.2k 2,762 Want to read

African American & Black Romance, Sports Romance, Small Town & Rural Fiction, Lesbian
Peach Blossom (Book #1)2024 afterglow june1 vio11 1 follower

This book is absolutely fantastic. It's a beautifully written romance that captivates from the first page to the last. The author has a unique ability to weave a tale of love that feels so real, so raw, and so genuine that it's impossible not to be drawn in.

The pacing of the story is one of its strongest aspects. It unfolds in a way that feels incredibly natural, allowing the reader to fully immerse themselves in the world the author has created. The progression of the relationship between the main characters doesn't feel rushed or forced, but rather it develops organically, making it all the more believable.

What's truly remarkable about this book is that it proves that romance novels don't need to be lengthy to be effective. Despite not being a 400-page tome, it manages to develop a deep and meaningful relationship between the characters, as well as strong, well-rounded individuals. This is a testament to the author's skill in character development and storytelling.

The side characters are another highlight of the book. They're not just there for the sake of filling up space; they have their own personalities, their own stories, and they contribute significantly to the overall narrative. They're so well-written and relatable that they remind me of my own family and friends. They bring a sense of familiarity and warmth to the story, making it even more engaging.

thank you to net galley and harlequin books!!!!1 Kay34 5

This review is based on an eARC recieved through Netgalley.

I’m not much of a romance reader (in fact, this book is one of the titles I read in my attempt to find out if I it or not), so take this review with a grain of salt. People who do contemporary romance will ly have different feelings about this book than I do.

Overall, the only thing I can really say about this book is that it was… fine. And that’s about it.

The two main characters, Ava and Grace, both seemed to be perfectly nice. As people, they’d probably be favorite coworkers or folks I’d to be friends with. As characters, they’re able, but not terribly interesting. It’s split POV, but I would often lose track of whose turn with the narrative it was because their voices were indistinguishable.

The prose, too, was fine, but nothing to write home about. There were some interesting turns of phrase here and there. My main complaint is that there were only a few bowling puns (I think about... three?)

The plot’s pacing is a mess. It takes 30% of the book for bowling to even start happening and the two main characters only actually bowl once, at 70%. The bowling also isn't really front and center.

The one interesting plot thread, revealed at the VERY end that there was possibly some kind of coverup involved with the death of Grace’s father, as well as the fight that happens between Grace, Ava, and Grace’s mother when that information is revealed isn’t really. Resolved? Or even discussed on page, beyond a throwaway line where Grace’s mother attends a bowling match.

The “main” plot (quotations because it really doesn’t matter at all) is that the shitty principal will dissolve the bowling team if Ava and Grace don’t get a win. However, this plot barely matters, there’s no real tension or stakes built up about it, and the girls on the team were barely characterized beyond being nosy about their coach’s love lives, so I just wasn’t invested at all.

There were other plot threads that got dropped too, such as Grace’s old coach. He shows up twice to talk to Grace and, from Ava’s point of view, comes off as creepy, and after the second or third time he shows up, Grace’s car breaks. I thought this was going to lead to some kind of reveal that he’s a creep or was trying to sabotage the team or something, but nothing’s done with him. I really don’t know what the point of that character was, besides to maybe give Ava a chance to get a little jealous?

The one thing I did really appreciate about this book was that while miscommunications did happen and the characters would get upset with one another, they did actually have conversations about these problems. It was nice to see characters actually talk about things that bothered them instead of just angsting over it for no real reason.

There wasn’t anything about this book that is extremely objectionable, but if this wasn’t a Netgalley read, I probably would have DNF’d around 70% because I just realized how bored I was. I forced myself to bulldoze through the rest of it today so I could read something else. (How’s that for a 7/10 split?)

As for whether I’d recommend it: shrug? I’ll probably forget everything about it in a few months so take that for what you will.

Thank you to the publisher, Afterglow Books by Harlequin, for providing an ARC via Netgalley. If you’re interested in The 7/10 Split, the book releases 21 May 2024.arc-read-and-reviewed rach67

In the small town of Peach Blossom, GA, high school best friends turned rivals Ava and Grace meet again as teachers for the first time in years after not speaking and are quickly thrown back to where their friendship ended: the bowling alley.

Self-assured and stubborn Ava has been working to bring back her beloved bowling team at her old high school for years, only to be rejected every time. Hometown hero Grace is anxious for fresh start as a science teacher at her former high school, as well as with her old best friend and teammate Ava. After a rocky start with Grace getting the bowling team revived and not telling Ava, the two are thrown together as coaches and are forced to work through why their friendship ended, new (and old) feelings for each other, and how to coach their team to victory under their principals strict deadline for success.

I thought this book was good! I enjoyed the relationship between Ava and Grace, as well as the relationships shown with their friends and family. I enjoyed the banter and the level of communication between the two leads, as well as the fact that the two was present as a queernormative place, with no one questioning Ava and Grace, as well as other queer couples being shown such as Brad and Thomas. I feel Grace’s story arc and development particularly resonated with me, as someone who sometimes feels a bit lost and anxious about what they want to do with their life. As a sports romance fan, I also enjoyed the fact that we got information about a more unconventional sport! Overall, it was a fun, light-hearted time.

My main issue with the book is the pacing. The book is primarily a slow burn, with moments here and there beforehand and then they finally get together 80% of the way through. I love a good slow burn, but there were a lot of other plot lines built up throughout the beginning and middle that are suddenly all being rushed to a close in the last few pages of the book. The fight between Ava and Grace’s mom felt it was out of nowhere and Grace and Ava never talked about it on page, despite the level of communication that had been shown throughout the book prior. It felt there were three villains in Grace’s mom, the principal, and Grace’s former coach, and none of them had a real conclusion other than one sentence. Ava quitting also felt abrupt. I feel there was no discussion around her wanting to leave the school or get her Ph.D other than her annoyances with the principal. 2024-reads arcs Lauren (lololovesthings)361 36

3 stars.

"The 7-10 Split" by Karmen Lee is a sapphic romance story featuring black love, second chances, and bowling. I have never read a romance novel that revolved around bowling, and since my husband was an avid bowler in his youth, and since I love LGBTQIA2S+ romances featuring BIPOC characters, I was quite excited to read this. Unfortunately, it was a mixed bag for me. I d Ava and Grace on an individual level. They are both very solidly written characters with baggage and traumas. We come to understand them as people and figure out what drives and motivates them. The lackluster part is their love story. While Ava and Grace's reconnection becomes sweet over time, and while I grew to their relationship, the reason for their friendship break-up had me pulling out my hair! It is truly one of the worst excuses for a relationship breakdown I have heard in all my time reading romance books. It was so silly, a giant miscommunication that could have been solved without drama or fanfare! I so very much appreciate that Ava and Grace's love story does not involve/revolve around homophobia or racism. That's a huge plus, but it does feel there are large portions of the story that feel stagnant and a little repetitive. The beginning of the story, say, about the first 50%, drags on very, *very* slowly, but the last 15-20% of the book is totally rushed. It's just not very well-paced overall. There is not a lot of bowling action in this book. They play it once or twice together, and they coach other girls from their school while they are bowling, but these people and the bowling itself only exist to have Ava and Grace work together to drive the plot forward. It's much more focused on the fact that Grace and Ava are both teachers than it is that they were/are bowlers. Many readers will love this book, and while there are some aspects I appreciate, it wasn't my favorite book of all time.

Thank you to NetGalley, Karmen Lee, Harlequin - Romance, and Afterglow Books by Harlequin for the complimentary ARC of this book. All opinions are my own. I was not compensated for this review.2 s Bethie34

I am definitely in the crew of readers that desires more Black sapphic fiction in traditional publishing. Having read some of Karmen Lee's indie work, I was excited to see she got a publishing deal. The concept and cover art are fun and I was ready to dig into this small town romance. There was one big problem; that's all it dug into.

This is one of those low/no plot romances where it focuses almost primarily on the two characters and their relationship at the expense of everything else. There are other characters coworkers and siblings, even the group of girls they are mentoring in bowling, but almost everyone is only there to serve the main plot which is to get Ava and Grace to fall in love. While I don’t hate it, I didn’t love it either. I needed more to buffer the story because to be honest, their romance was a super slow burn and I really hated the reason they had a falling out (it made no sense to me). Hate the miscommunication trope but I especially have a hard time when the reason doesn’t even fully make sense (I won’t spoil that).

I also can’t say I completely felt the chemistry between them. This might be because they had crushes on each other as teens and we are supposed to believe that continued ten years later but I never felt that supposed passion. Perhaps if we had more time of them getting to know each other as adults instead of Ava holding a grudge, it would have made sense. There were also some actions by other characters that felt as if they came out of left field towards the end of the book and I feel this was just thrown in for drama. Felt very tacked on.

Overall, I d the characters and the premise, plus it was well written, but the story never quite took off for me. I do think that there are readers that would appreciate a low angst sapphic read so for them, I think this would work. Sarah1,558 43

TL;DR:This was just fun. Don't get in expecting a super deep or involved novel, but it was fun and unique with a focus on bowling.
Source: NetGalley, thank you to Harlequin for the eARC!
Plot: Old high school rivals become co-coaches for the teams bowling team and the lanes get hot!
Characters: I d them, though I wish we'd gotten clearly motivations on a lot of what happens to them and their families.
Setting: A small town, with small town vibes. It was integrated well but not explained in depth.
Romance: I did really the relationship between the two even if I feel we didn't get all the details on what happened to them before? I was happy with where they ended up.


The 7-10 Split is what I would call a super fun and light romance. It follows two women, one who has recently moved back home to become a teacher as they come together to co-coach a bowling team. The two once had an intense rivalry/friendship that ended poorly before high school graduation and bad feelings still linger. So they have to figure that out in order to save the team and of course they catch feelings in the process.

Overall my only big complaint about this story is that I felt it was maybe too light on it’s touch? It was fun, and engaging and the chemistry was there on page! But any time we started to get just a hint of something deeper or more involved we were swiftly shown a different part of the story and the conflict/feelings where shared and solved off page with a little bit of throwaway mention.

So if you’re wanting something super easy and light - this is going to be the book. If you want something with a bit more meat, maybe not? I will definitely be continuing to read Karmen Lee in the future.

4 out of 5 bowling balls2024-challenge-books kindle-reads netgalley-arcs ...more Diane Nicole79 7

?A special thank you to @harlequin @harlequinpublicity for the free early copy of this charming book.

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