
Demons Live Here de Karen Ann Hopkins

de Karen Ann Hopkins - Género: English
libro gratis Demons Live Here


Karen Ann Hopkins Year: 2024 ISBN: 9798882975950

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Sheriff Sadie Mills of Possum Gap is back with a slightly different murder mystery, which involves a haunting old Plantation property, Helena House, that fascinated Sadie and her friend Tanya when they were young.

In a neighbouring county 3 people have been murdered,and there is a suspicion that the investigation may lead to Sadie’s jurisdiction.

Add to that, Sadie’s tangled love life, or lack of it, with both Russo and John Dover making it clear they want to get closer to her, while being very conscious they are rivals .

This series is getting better as it goes on. I love the way this book developed, with the investigation almost taking second place to the story of Helena House and its history. This covers the slavery era, the Underground Railway, and the possibility of ghosts, if you believe in them. Even if you don’t, this story line really grabs you. Add to that the ongoing problems with the Dover Clan, and Lucy, it’s new matriarch, it almost feels as there is too much going on, but the author weaves the storylines so skilfully that it keeps you reading to the last page. Can’t wait to see where Sadie and her friends go next.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarilyread-for-booksirens Terri140 2

I loved absolutely everything about this book. Now most of thes books I've read by this author the "crime" is pretty much the central focus, not so much so for this one. You still have bad stuff happening and then need to resolve it all but you get a lot more about the characters and history of Possum Gap. I flew through this book. I really can't wait for the next one in this series, I'm only 4 books in to the Serenity Adams series hope to get caught up on it before the next book in that one comes out, it has some crossover with this series.

Check this whole Possum Gap series out you won't be sorry.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily Margaret Yelton1,923 36

Demons Live Here is a book in Possum Gap series, and in it we learn more about Sadie and her best friend Tanya when they were younger. This was a very good addition to the series, and one that I could not put down. I read it in one setting. I would definitely recommend this book to others.

I received an ARC from BookSirens for free, and I am leaving my review voluntarily.1 Bev3,102 90

I really enjoyed this story! The way it is told is really interesting to the reader, and how the 'problems' are intertwined with Sadie's work and personal life is great. I can't wait to see what happens next! I voluntarily reviewed a copy of this book.have-read Barbra Reeder62

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