
Olympus de Kal, Ivan

de Kal, Ivan - Género: English
libro gratis Olympus


The year is 2081.
Earth is recovering from a devastating nuclear war.
An age of technological advancement.
A find at the bottom of the Ocean.
A man driven by a dream.
The time for humanity to reach to the stars is now.

A find provides Tomas Klein with the tools to speed up his timetable and execute his plans.
He will reach for the stars, the only question is will humanity follow?
Adrian Farkas an orphan boy, is given opportunity to change his bleak future.
To go to space, and shape the future of all mankind.
Will he rise up to the challenge?

Olympus is 73,000 word novel and the first book in the "Rise of the Empire" series, it sets the stage and introduces the characters for the books to come, the series will follow humanity as it takes its first steps into the Solar system and beyond, becoming a true galaxy spanning empire.

Rise of the Empire Book 2 - Rebellion coming November 2014

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Grammar Nazis Beware

This book was very enjoyable in concept and content, but not in execution. It was rife with grammatical, punctuation, and word-choice mistakes. In some places, one part in particular, the density and type of mistakes seemed to be indicative of only an unpolished first draft. I'm generally lenient with self-published authors for small, infrequent mistakes, but this book goes well beyond that limit. I'm still giving the book four stars because the story was solid and enjoyable, and deviated in interesting ways from much of the military science fiction/"human empire" science fiction I have read. It is definitely a series I will continue to read. This book could be cured of most or all of its aforementioned issues with a single VoiceOver(text-to-speech)-enabled read-through and/or an attentive volunteer editor. I'm not sure if that makes the presence of these errors more or less annoying. I expect this author to produce an updated/revised version of this novel, which is possible with digital publications such as this, in case the author is unaware. People annoyed by such mistakes as I have mentioned will ly find this book unreadable without a revision. Check in or near the book description to see if one has occurred.5 s Sarah Faulkner773 1 follower

Not my typical book—read at my husband’s suggestion. No offense to him, but this is pretty poorly written; reads a high schooler wrote it—a bright, creative science-nerd high schooler, but still. Author is clearly an Orson Scott Card fan—whole second half felt an Ender’s Game homage. But the wooden dialog, continual huge leaps in time, and boring descriptions don’t do it any favors.

To be fair, this was apparently written as the set-up book, the origin story for the rest of series so maybe it gets better and he was just trying to cram too much into this one. But I have my doubts. 3 s Ben20 1 follower

Great world, concept and story (if some what a stretch at times but nothing too bad for sci-fi).

That said, a little to brief in parts. could have expanded on things and built out the story at times and not impacted the pace negatively.top-shelf3 s David O. Gordon135 2

Very nice

A great beginning to A series.. I d the character developments and look forward to the rest. Thank you very much.3 s Liam Bracy1 review1 follower


I think this is the best science fiction novel that I have ever read. Also this book has a good plot with engaging characters. 3 s Per Gunnar1,165 69

This is really a short review of the series (books 1 to 9 published at the time of writing this).

I stumbled over the first book in this series pretty much by accident. Well I guess it was not much accident but rather part of Amazon's diabolical plan to sell more books that it showed up in my recommendations but for me it was a bit out of the blue.

However, once I read the first one I binge-read all nine books currently published in the series. I'm not going to say that the books were wow-great or that they did not have issues but the story was my kind of story and overall the books where fun to read.

The start of the story is about one mans dream of reaching the stars. One that he, to no ones surprise, achieves. What I is that he, at the some time, gives a big fat finger to all the useless politicians, bureaucrats and such oxygen wasters and leaves them to stew stranded on Earth. Unfortunately the author's new world building is at times overly simplistic with somewhat utopian social ideas.

Actually this is my main issue with this series. It is at times bordering on young adult with quite a lot of handwavium in it both in terms of  the actual science and in terms of social matters. The author also sometimes wanders into mysterious religious ponderings and do not get me started about the awkward episode of intimate moments between two individuals of hugely different lengths. I did not need to have a description of how to solve physical issues related to this.

This is however offset by a overall story that is right up my alley. Lots of hero stuff, adventure, twists and cool story elements. I quite the majority of the characters in the book. The ones on the good side at least. Dialogues are adequate and although the author stumbles with the writing at times it is never bad enough for me to really dis it.

The first book starts off with humble beginnings not even leaving Earth. In the ninth one the story has transformed into real space opera spanning multiple star systems and nations.

Despite it's faults this was one book series I couldn't stop reading until I reached the end or rather when I reached the last book published so far.2 s Travis2,359 32

I was very hesitant to read this book at first, because I thought, oh, great, another aliens invade, humans run away, then come back and kick out the aliens story. Well, it's sorta kinda that, but not really. I mean, the aliens don't enter the picture until the end of the book, and the humans running away part is there, but it's not because of the invasion. I know the blurb doesn't say anything about aliens, but it's almost required for books of this caliber, so ...
But, I find that I d this story, and I'm now interested in reading more in the series.
If you're a scifi fan, this book should appeal to you, since it starts pretty reasonably. Similar to the delphi in space series, and even a bit the April series by Mackey Chandler. If you either of those two, you are ly to this one as well.
I have to say, I'm looking forward to when the humans do come back and kick out the aliens, because it sounds it will be one heck of a dust up when it happens.amazon free kindle-unlimited1 GrievingAthena6

Having read most of the series i can firmly say i have a love\hate relationship with this series on the one hand the world building is good and their technological progress is pretty well thought out if a little lacking in creativity if my dumb ass can think of forward facing gravity based deflectors so can you the bad is everything else mostly stupid people that don't learn anything despite the story having shown them learning and then making the same mistake over and over they seem to make one big mistakes every time no preparation for anything they are pretty much always caught with there pants down the writer seem to have decided that they must be the eternal under dog and so the world bends to accommodate this 1 Dave Griffin47 3

Excellent beginning. Great storyline.

Olympus is a company no other. It is run by one incredible man. Not stronger, not faster, but, a normal man who could see what consequences would come from certain actions. A man who treated everyone with the respect and courtesy they earned.
This is the story of a man who dreamed far ahead of his time, and built the path to achieve those dreams.

An excellent read. Well written, and peopled with characters of great variety, that kept the story very interesting. It is a well contained story, and a good start to an interesting series.1 Peter194 1 follower

A reclusive entrepreneur endeavors to guide humanity to its destiny. The grammar let the book down a little but since I'm not a school ma'am that can slide. Overall, a solid military Sci-fi which sets up nicely for the next book in the series.1 John E.Tyson1 review


An unusual tale that spreads far and wide. Hope you technical details because this has plenty. Many characters and hard to pinpoint a true main character unless you opt for Tomas.1 Lee Melia23 1 follower

Great book.

Great book from start to finish. Transition between book one is in a great place. Not good at writing , all I will say is buy this book and read it you will love it.1 Michael Lynn242 1 follower

What can I save I loved it and intend to finish the whole series now. Mr. Kal is my new favorite author and love the way he has several series of books now that have relevant tie ins to a greater story. First author to really get me excited in Ages.1 Angela Hammock1 review1 follower

Excellent start for a new series

Thought this was one of the best books I have read recently. I am wondering how I missed this book previously. Well worth reading. 2 s Cathy Dahl8


Enjoyed very much. Book was a page turner for me. Going to move on to next book in series. Definitely recommend.1 Volpot1,493 12

2.5 stars. Bland book that covers 100+ years through the eyes of a disparate "group" of mundane characters involved in trivial actions designed to describe/portray/highlight the underlying plot which surrounds a super-duperly wise and visionary mega-gazillionaire leading a subset of humanity to the stars. Since I plan on reading the next book in the series, I hope this book was intended to be just setup (a better author could have provided this same setup in the first few chapters of the first real book of the series) and the subsequent books contain real/developed characters involved in meaningful things leading to consequential outcomes. If not, then I will be done. William Howe1,508 58


There’s a lot of info-dumping going on in the early chapters. Some of it is irrelevant to the ongoing plot.

For instance, a thorough description of the air transport is given, including its differentiation from airplanes. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to be different enough or necessary to the plot.

There was also an insistence that the MC (Tomas) was pure of heart, leading a utopic ideal with maybe a demanding or intimidating demeanor, but to good cause.

Maybe it gets better; I choose not to find out. Murphies_law543 3

I rather d the first book as it had a different frustratingly realistic approach to - by now -a rather common plot line. The technologically advanced super power consisting of Indonesia and Australia was a bit hillarious though for my taste..

In the first book i was okay with the strange love story line but in the following books it got more and more awkward.. The technological progress and pacing of conflicts throughout the series seems very contrived - most ly to keep modern time-pressed readers invested.. I would have prefered a slower pace actually with more exploration.. Mike Goodman1,243 8

Awesome Science in The Fiction Opera

Every time I read one of these books, I want to know why we don’t have these toys and progress...? This book kinda answer that question (government bs) people out for themselves. If a ship this book lands, the military would just hoard the technology. Great Book David Laughlin266 1 follower

Great read really enjoyed this is unique in many aspects

This was really a good science fiction. Read empire building ancient technology action character development characters that you could really connect with a really easy and fun. Read enough drama. Intermixed about to purchase the next one and crack the cover Rickie Brown53 1 follower


Picked this up on the recommendation of other readers after finishing the authors Tower of Power series. It’s a different genre, and was a bit slow to start, but had an amazing finish. Can’t wait to read the rest. Justin28

A good start

This book set a nice foundation. It set the tone and pace that I think the story will take and it looks good. I noticed bits and pieces, or at least some of the influence from other books. But it was well placed and added we'll to the story. Jorge63

Very enjoyable story

This well written novel was a fast read that I couldn't put down. I d it so much that I bought the next two novels as soon as I finished the first one. I finished the book at almost 2am. I bought the books before going to sleep. I'm starting Sanctuary now. Matthew6

Excellent start

This was an excellent start to a series and a quick read. The characters evolved slightly as the narrative unfolded. Ben Mailey193

An interesting start

It was not the best first book in a series but it wasn’t the worst. Hopefully we get a more dynamic read on book two but who knows, I’ve read through worse. Richard Joseph14 1 follower

Logical fantasy

Great character development and fantastic tech. The characters and plot focus you on what is possible without the stain of Cain on humanity. Awsome Shane3

Great Story

Have read some great space opera but this here takes it up a notch from most others well worth the read. Ryan McCoin177 8

An ok start

The first 40% of the book is more of a prologue than anything else and it takes a really long time for anything that feels plot to happen. No real sense of conflict here; just a series of events creating a utopia in space. David P. Duffy458 22

Fourth Reich Parallels Camouflaged As SciFi Space Opus

"Olympus," has a "cultist," preachy, dry, and disturbing feel to it, as well as being poorly structured and written. Editing and proofreading, though listed on the copyright page, are nonexistent. It is a SciFi socialist procedural, extolling the "strong man leader" as humanity's savior, written as if by a German EU technocrat, hoping for a "Fourth Reich," via space.

Following nuclear warfare in the mid to late 21st century, an Teutonic oligarch, a totalitarian, who solely controls most of Earth's industry and technology, benevolently doles it out to the fractured governments and people. His global conglomerate discovers an ancient, alien scout ship, beneath the ocean, and begins to obtain data from its AI and records. He and his people race ahead, build secret installations throughout the inner Solar System, incurring the greedy wrath of the "don't haves," conflict ensues, people die, Earth left to its own devices, and the "Olympus" nation, head out into the stellar blue, to colonize their own planet.

It's pretty much a mess writing-wise, but there is a very narrow glimpse of a storyline that "might-have-been." "Olympus," was fully read via Kindle Unlimited and has a neutral recommendation.

John T. Dueker112

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