
The Lawgivers: Gabriel de Kaitlyn O'Connor

de Kaitlyn O'Connor - Género: English
libro gratis The Lawgivers: Gabriel


The lucky ones never knew what hit them....Lexa wasn’t one of them, and she was as scarred as the earth in the aftermath, although hers were wounds of the soul.

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I was in the mood for pulp fiction romance b-movie style. This looked exactly what I needed, some Hulksmash romance. It started out perfect with the heroine kidnapped from her car and kept as a slave by strange spider aliens. Then it turned out they stole the human women to breed with the Hirachi - Hulk men, although without the temper - and I was rubbing my hands together with glee.

However, turned out the heroine was actually quite smart, not the brainy kind of smart, but just simply resourceful and actually thinking things trough before she acted. It was refreshing how she kept evaluating everything in her situation. At first she was quite frightened by the Hirachi, but she quickly realized they were in the same boat, and realized that their behavior when it was strange to her, was simply natural for them.

They asked each other questions about each others culture. No huge insulted misunderstandings. It was a miracle. So yeah the first half was really great, with the whole living as a slave thing and alien culture thing, and then came the Hulksmash sex and it was hot without being porny.

(Although Moss' comment on my status update came very close to the intercourse here.
"Hulkhero not sure if heroine is fragile virgin or fragile non-virgin so Hulkhero goes for middle ground and gives her ten million orgasms so her passage is well lubricated for Hulkhero's ten-foot penis! "
None of that virgin stuff though.)

I really d the portrayal of the other women as well. Some were jealous, some were bigoted, some just wanted to make the best of it, but they were all afraid. Very realistic.

However, somewhere about the middle the constant inner monologues about the being a slave situation started to drag the story down. It got better when they finally arrived on the planet, but for a story about slavery with hot Hulksmash heroes, the middle section was kinda boring. And since I had jumped down of my B-movie state of mind to higher expectations I was disappointed by that.

I d the development of the relationship between Bri and Kole, and loved the short insights in his way of thinking. The relationship with Dansk seemed a bit underdeveloped though, and I would have been equally satisfied if it had just been Kole and Bri. (To be clear, this isn't a ménage story, but a polyamorous one. Bri has two alien lovers, but there's no scenes with the 3 of them together.)

The ending was quite exciting though and made up for the dragging middle part. All in all, I'm happy I read this, and I'm going to try one of this authors Cyborg books soon.


Edit: I forgot, this book has one of the most hilarious metaphors in a sex scene ever. Definitely the pulpiest moment of the book.

He withdrew and pushed again, fighting his way inside of her a salmon trying to swim upstream.romance science-fiction-romance speculative51 s Sophia Triad2,240 3,618

I think Kaitlyn O'Connor is one of the first authors that introduced in romance novels the concept: “Human girls are abducted by evil aliens for slavery and experimentation and then they are saved by the good aliens and they will eventually breed with them and they will never go back to Earth.”

Bri is one of these girls in this novel that was initially published in 2006. And no matter that almost 15 years have passed, the ideas are so fresh and imaginative and they outstrip many new scifi romance novels.

So Bri is abducted by evil aliens and she is thrown in a fake environment a zoo where she is expected to breed with a number of huge alien males.

Hirachi males are also enslaved. Their females will be killed and they are expected to breed these tiny human girls. Hirachi alien race are warriors and very proud. They hate that they are enslaved. So far they have been killing their offspring, so that they will not be slaves too. The human girls will change their mentality. The children need to live. And Hirachi and humans need to escape.

I loved how the relationship between Bri and the two Hirachi (Kole and Dansk) develops. Also the relationship between Bri and the rest human girls will not be smooth all the time. Her sensitivity and love for the Hirachi babies is the most important part of the book for me.
3sciencefiction-lovestories space-aliens18 s Sans858 121

I'm going to get this down while it's still fresh in my head. Because I honestly don't know if I'll remember much of it in a day or two.

So. Earth girl is kidnapped off the road, in her car, in the middle of night in the middle of nowhere by aliens called Sheloni. She wakes up in a "hotel" room where nothing is really quite right. After a few days, she's forced outside to discover she's been put in a habitat with another human woman and a bunch of alien guys called Hirachi. They're all slaves. And the gals are part of a new breeding experiment to make the next generation of slaves more docile. Is it a good thing that she's got two of the most virile aliens panting after her?

Interesting idea. Very interesting. And if I was to judge just by the synopsis I read on Amazon, I could almost expect a light-hearted romp similar to several others I've read. But something seemed darker about this one. Less focused on smut, even though she's a breeder for these alien slavers. And the first half of the book had me riveted. I was intrigued, frightened and drawing comparisons to the underground and world wide sex slave trade we hear about on the news. I was thinking I had picked up a full-length psychological sci-fi thriller. I was totally impressed.

Now, maybe I was just too tired last night (I stayed up until 3am reading) that I didn't notice how goddamed annoying Bri really was. Or how much fucking navel gazing this chick indulged in. And how many goddamn fucking questions she asked herself purely to move the plot along. I understand that she's being held in a pen with nothing to do all day, but seriously. Enough was enough. Here's an example, just one of many:

Did that mean it was possible assuming they could find a way out of the habitats to reconnoiter? Gather materials they could put together to make weapons? Plant traps?

Could they afford to wait to arrive at their destination and see if conditions were better? Or would they find when they arrived that the Sheloni outnumbered them even more?

And yes, those paragraphs are connected. I didn't want to search for the three in a row I encountered earlier.

Worse still was the Hirachi dudes. For some random reason that was never fully explained, the human women were suddenly able to understand the alien guys. Some translator was implanted in their brains. (Why just the women? Why didn't the dudes get translators implanted? Or even a Babel fish for fucks sake??) Then! The two dudes who want our heroine launch into several page monologues out loud and in front of the chick in their native language, apparently feeling safe to do so since they thought she couldn't understand them. And what do ramblings out loud accomplish? Nothing other than info dumps and an attempt to establish that these guys aren't just hot for some human pussy. No, these two have found themselves arse over tits in their version of love for her and want to protect her, even above their own safety and that of their fellow Hirachi captives. Riiiight. Just because she's so damned beautiful.

And the story just went from good to WTF? from there and stalled out. Never got the momentum back. Nothing really even happened until the last 10 pages of the book! And that last chapter? Made me want to gag. Seriously? SERIOUSLY??

There are at least two other books dealing with the Hirachi, but I feel no urge to buy them. Meh.scifi-futuristic wtfery17 s Nenia ? I yeet my books back and forth ? CampbellAuthor 56 books19.9k Shelved as 'fantasy-wishlist'

Can someone PLEASE make me a meme of that hero's face on the cover where you just gradually zoom in on the face until all you can see is the eyes?

Thanks.16 s Daisiemae425 159

Kaitlyn O'Connor is one of my favorite authors. (thanks Julie... I needed ANOTHER one!) Honestly, I am not a HUGE fan of Sci-Fi books in general. Y'all know that I am a contemporary/paranormal fan, but I have to admit, Kaitlyn's books are my dirty little secret. Why do I them so much? Because in my opinion, her plot and the world she creates are very thought out. I can literally see the new surroundings she puts her characters in. I can see their fear and feel their happiness. Her characters are people (or aliens) I would to be friends with. They are everyday people thrown into extraordinary circumstances that somehow survive when others may have given up. Her main characters seem to find a connection, not only as friends but then as lovers that is always a delight to read.

I won't get into the plot because I don't want to give it away, but if you want to read something different than the ordinary, give Kaitlyn's books a try.

books-to-i-will-never-part-with erotica fantasy8 s Madison420 39

1st reread: 13/8/18
New rating- 4
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