
Battle Between The Fallen de Kacey Lee

de Kacey Lee - Género: English
libro gratis Battle Between The Fallen


Kacey Lee Series: The Demon Pact 03 Year: 2024

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Although I finished this in one day it wasn't that great, it was just short. The writing however was keeping it somewhat interesting enough.

I barely even remember what happened in book one and two, therefore found it hard to get into this third installment of the series.

The characters are likable and things keep happening. I feel though there's some depth missing. This is the last book in the series but there are still too many loose ends in this.1 Beba Andric1,045 52

How to start a book 101, is what this author has got done pat! A truly fine art! It's one of those that immediately sucks you in, your eyes getting bigger and bigger and the compulsion to find out more, to find out how the characters are going to solve?get out? of WHAT is happening, is all encompassing. Both these characters are near and dear to me, so to have them experiencing THIS , geez, my heart felt it was squished! Trapped, that's what both of them are, and no, I ain't telling you more... to get the full picture, yeah, you know what you need to do... read it! And boy did the author keep the tension right up there, just as I was ready to exhale my breath in relief, it hitched once more, my emotions were being tossed about a puppy playing with his favourite toy.

The two very powerful MC's, powerful in every aspect of the word, physical, emotional, righteous, committed to doing whatever needs doing to bring peace, an accord, of all who call earth their home. Serena has grown in leaps and bounds from being fearful of discovery, from not knowing WHAT she was, who she was, to the most fierce protector she ultimately becomes. As all the pieces fall into place, so too does her love for Laz. But he's the antithesis of her, he's her sworn enemy and has a monsterous demon within him that he fights hard to contain. Oh my word did I LOVE the vulnerability of the monster! Who's not really a monster, who's been hiding his pain deep deep within Lazarus. I mean, I FELT for him, he, who by all accounts is a ruthless, emotionless k*lling machine, evokes strong protective vibes from me, yep, weird right? Actually, no...the author DOES that constantly, that which we should fear, that we should find repugnant, she turns it, giving a new spin, a fresh take on a 'baddie'. But let me backtrack a bit, Serena and Laz are in hell, yes, THE hell, the domain of the Demon king, where the dangers to Serena are immense, huge! Why her in particular! Heck, she's an ANGEL in hell, doesn't take much to figure the why out! Oh and that tiny little revelation had Laz flip his lid! The truths were exposed, one by one, not only the secrets buried deep within but also the truths of who they are, as individuals. But first they have to find a way back to earth, quickly, to try stop a war that has been raging above them. A war which could decimate sups, demons, humans, heck, everyone!

I fell good and hard for Laz the moment I met him, he's just fabulous! So complex and so remorseful of the prior deeds he had been forced into, the heart that beats in his chest is one of giving, of caring, of fighting for a better world. And oh my, is he the ultimate book boyfriend!!! He's hot and sexy and charming and so so loving! The sensual scenes were so tenderly hot, I swear I had steam erupting from me! It's a love that transcends worlds, a love so rich, so utterly warming and all encompassing, not only to Serena and Laz but to me too. I just sighed at the magnitude of their But the action, OMG, the action is off the charts! I sobbed, no, honestly, I SOBBED when....at...when.... OMG I can't even THINK it! It's too traumatic for me, I wanted to curl up into a tight ball and scream and scream and scream. It felt as though a train had run me over, pummeling into me at 1000km an hour. I was broken, completely broken. But picking myself up, I braced my shoulders and overcame my utter despair, only for my jaw to unhinge at the subsequent events!

What this author has so succinctly achieved, is a book and series that will literary blow your mind, a book and series that will have you on the edge of your seat, rooting for and cheering on all these spectacular characters! The way the author pushes the plot forward, controlling every aspect I see and feel, I was at her mercy from book one. This author builds a story so tantalising, a world so captivating, so full, so rich, it's no wonder I will read EVERYTHING she writes!1 Sara Irons130 2

This book made me laugh and cry. So many emotions within the twists and turns that will keep you on the edge all the way to the end.
Serena finally found what she considered home. What she had searched for her whole life. When her life was upended yet again.
Lazarus struggled with the demon within himself. Struggled with the man within his mind that cursed his existence, his father, Lucifer. Will he be able to win the eternal fight within himself to finally have the freedom to live?
Serena and Lazarus find themselves on a journey that could end either good or bad. But, can they survive the journey?
Read this beautiful story with stunning characters and find these answers and so much more.
I highly recommend this entire series!
I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily. Amy Coleman24 1 follower

Great series

I thought this series flowed well from each book all the way to the end. It was a fated mates but not an instalove which was kinda nice since the characters got to know each other flaws and all. I d how they never gave up on each other and how their characters grew. The spice was good, the side characters added depth to the story, and I'm glad "the bad guy" saw the errors of his ways. The only thing I didn't agree with really was them jumping the gun at the end with the war. I understood the MMC's thought process but didn't think it would escalate that much. The epilogue was nice in that it wrapped up other questions in which the author states there will be other books pertaining to those storylines. All in all I thought this series was very good and would recommend it. Debbie Eyre4,897 98

It’s been one hell of a journey for our couple Serena and Laz and the author does an incredible job pulling on all the strings and bringing it to this incredible conclusion. An emotional read with many twists and turns as we follow them on this journey one last time. We laughed, we cried a baby and we felt the steam and we wouldn’t have had it any other way. They have come so far and grown so much as they have faced the struggles and battled through and the question is, will they find their way back to each other. Questions are answered and truths bought to light as they find their way back to earth to stop the war that could end everything and everybody. A fantastic ending to a fantastic series that I have thoroughly enjoyed and will probably read again. Angela261 4

3.8…very fun, especially at the beginning of the book. I d the dynamic of Laz playing power games with his inner demon. Some parts dragged a bit. Lax and Serena both made some serious impulsive mistakes in this book that get swept under the rug with very little accountability. It does need to tread cautiously to avoid cliches, so much of the mythology in the series is borrowed from ancient tales that have been redone a million times.. That being said, it was satisfying and everything was tied up in a nice bow. Miranda Walker32 1 follower

fantastic conclusion to a solid series

We start right where book 2 left off, and journey with Serena and Laz as they work their way back to Earth, discovering more about themselves as individuals and as a couple. We walk alongside of Serena as she finds her past and Laz as he makes peace with his. A book full of discovery, loyalty and love (not to mention some steam), you won’t want to miss the conclusion of Serena and Laz’s story. Becky JamesAuthor 13 books201

Another fantastic installment!

Loved loved loved it! Serena and Laz are my absolute favourite demon and angel couple and this scorching third volume turns up the heat in all the ways. I love Laz's poetic soul and Serena's fight, and we get to see characters old and new all culminating in the battle to end all battles. And that scene!!!!! My word, read this series, you won't regret it! Erin Figueiredo3,111 67

This was a fantastic and heartfelt conclusion to this amazing fantasy series. It had my heart in a chokehold the whole way through and I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry throughout.

Fantastic writing, amazing characters, creative and vivid imagery and a storyline that was filled with action, suspense, danger, violence, magic, passion and twists and turns you don’t see coming.

Absolutely amazing!

Donna604 10

Battle Between The Fallen(Demon Pact #3) by Kacey Lee is the well written conclusion to the series. I definitely recommend. There is a battle brewing between the Supernatural races for territory. Who will win? Is peace possible? Kassy Labo47

Beautiful writing

I love love love this series. I can’t wait to see what happens in this universe next. Laz and Serena’s story was chefs kiss.
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