
Flame Chasers de Julie Pike

de Julie Pike - Género: English
libro gratis Flame Chasers


Julie Pike Publisher: Firefly Press, Year: 2024 ISBN: 9781915444561,9781915444554

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We join the story as the excitement builds towards the Flamebird Festival. Ember has always dreamed of joining her father (Pa) on board his ship, the Happy Heart, for a flame chase: a quest to follow the flamebirds to their legendary home to find a wish-granting feather. When Ember is left on dry land again by her father, her disappointment is huge but it is soon eclipsed by his mysterious disappearance.

With the arrival of Stanley and his mother, Aggie, on board Sea Quest, the timing seems impeccable. But it seems they have not come to flame chase after all & instead Stanley is to be enrolled in school against his wishes. Just as all hope begins to fade, ‘Hope’ arrives in an unexpected package and the chase is on!

An eclectic cast of characters bolster the entertainment. Ember, our lead, is as fiery as her name suggests but also steely and loyal. Captain Aggie and Stanley are navigating stormy waters in more than one sense. There is a brilliant turn by a villainous rogue to offset all the healing and hope and to well and truly throw the cat among the …flamebirds.

A pacy, fun adventure. Just as you think you have its measure, there are twists and turns in its tailfeathers, which bring more meaning and depth to the story.

Thanks to the author, publisher & @netgalley for an eARC of this novel in exchange for my views. Ella-Mae Campling117 50

A beautiful Middle Grade story about the meaning behind believing in yourself, the importance of family and friendship. Just gorgeous, this story is filled with love and adventure and amazing creatures! A real meaningful read that is written brilliantly I think is perfect for fans of Katya Balen's work or Zohra Nabi! Andrea Barlien265 11

A brilliant middle grade quest novel. Fabulous characters and a wonderfully engaging narrative.
Loved it! 2024-reading-challenge netgalley Camilla ChesterAuthor 4 books10

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