
Yes, He's My Ex [ed.: 1] de Julie Lynn Hayes

de Julie Lynn Hayes - Género: English
libro gratis Yes, He's My Ex [ed.: 1]


Tim is the only one who can save his ex, Sonny, from a fate worse than death. The two wind up on a merry chase full of laughs and quirks.

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This book was so frustrating to me! I would read a sentence, and have to re-read the paragraph over again tring to figure out what was going on. I know that since it is 3 books-in-one that the author probably had to leave stuff out, but goodness not to the point where the reader has to repeatedly re-read. I Gwynne Forster's books, maybe she should stick to one story per book!1 KAREN MCCRAW883 1 follower

Perfect and stubborn

August and Susan had very different opinions on the way to get what they needed and wanted . They both found what they needed in each other.. Priscilla154

Yes, I Do is a collection of three short stories by Gwynne Forster. Now and Forever is the story of interior designer, Deanna Lawford, looking for new and unique items to display. Justin McCall was the very handsome, sexy, salesman that helped her with her purchase. She never dreamed the he was actually the store owner. Justin set his sights on making Deanna not only his business partner but also his wife.

Love For A Lifetime tells of two strangers who meet on vacation and have a wild and exotic romance. Known only by their first names, Ginger and Jason knew that they would see each other again. However, they never dreamed that they would be at each others throats in a court of law as opposing counsel.

In A Perfect Match, Susan Andrews was very superstitious. After spending another New Year’s alone, she was set to start the New Year the same as the old – until her Aunt Grace’s prediction. Grace was a New York City taxi driver who loved to read her customer’s horoscope. August Jackson was one of her regular customers. August looked forward to Grace’s daily horoscope predictions – until he met Susan.

All three stories by Forster were very cute but they lacked that romance magic that makes this genre so satisfying. It was very difficult for me to read each story. There was little passion and way too much conflict for romance stories. The best story for me was Love For A Lifetime because it started hot; yet, it fizzled toward the middle and end.

The book was provided by the publisher for review.

Priscilla C. Johnson
APOOO BookClub
Ashley Teagle253 13

This book consists of three short stories. This book is an ideal read for romance readers. The writing is no great literary feat, but serves its purpose of building a story about 2 people who meet, overcome an obstacle or two, and end up married.

The stories are relatively tame, so this book is a good suggestion for romance readers who aren't on the BDSM bandwagon. It's romance as usual: alpha male meets meek woman and they live happily ever after. Crystal367 2

Fell in love with each story. I often live vicariously through the heroine in the novels I read and think of how I would react in the similar situation. It makes me appreciate the book more. Great book from a great author. Mzpastrychef163 3

A Good Book. I am glad I purchased it.. all of her novels this books goes into the characters live and story! It was a great read and I will read again.. Plus U Gotta Love the Romance! Brandi619 31

Very good stories. Monica McCray-Wilson19

No thanks, for part of why read Heather C's review. This book sounds messed up and I don't want to read about someone taking advantage of someone with stunted mental development. (According to author on FB bitching about me he isn't slow, he's just written that way). Another review to substantiate this by Nancy

Apparently the author has a problem with my review. Oh well. I heard from someone else trying to read this they though Sonny had a mental disability also. And it was backed up by several quotes they shared or his response to scenes. So if the character comes off that, yes dear author that is your fault for writing him a six year old. And his crying at a drop of a hat, him not understanding social situations, or dangerous situations, or from blurb not comprehending when someone has broken up with them (of course guy continues to fuck him so he could be confused).

Deciding to not use a condom with your cheating ex and not caring how many guys he's done safe or not just cause "you're in the moment all that matters is now" is just dumb. Sorry but I don't have to read your book to know it sucks. I can just look at the one star ratings piling in. You don't my no condom shelf? Well I don't books with slutty MC's too stupid to be safe and I don't buy the "all that matters is now" excuse. Not convinced. Don't want to be on that shelf then your characters should wear raincoats. My shelf isn't gross these characters are gross

Oh and it's obvious the one five star rating is a sock puppet. So go ahead and use my review to try and get sympathy and some publicity. And talk shit behind my back I don't care but I did change my review from pc to this so have a nice day.

I downloaded the sample just to try a little bit. The voice is annoying and it's all talking to the reader instead of getting to a story. Sonny to stupid to get they broken up and "too thick" to understand what Tim's name is. This is all in first few pages. Also it uses phrases that seem odd to me "as animals and people are wont to do."

It's so repetitive. Holy shit. I lost count of how many times I've read that sonny is his ex. Everyone but sonny gets it by now. Let's move on. Sonny is also babied by his mom. He's 28 but still lives with her and she tells Tim to be patient with sonny and he'll eventually understand they're broken up.

Chapter two even called "slow learner" ... Yes seems very very slow so far

He even says Sonny is incapable of having a conversation. That's not just ditzy.

Sonny doesn't understand locked doors and walks in to them. Tim thinks of him as "idiota" because it's funny he walks into doors. -I haven't laughed once that's for sure. After sonny rubs his head and just stands there looking confused wondering why the door didn't open and how he could have walked into it. Then he offers to draw sonny a map to the couch. A joke I assume but it didn't land.

Sonny doesn't understand that a dumpy motel should be shut down for health reasons. I don't want to quote the whole thing but you'd have to be really slow to not understand what he said.

Sample ends in chapter four, which is also called slow learner. Yes the book is exceptionally repetitive and the narrator takes forever to get to a point. There's no way I'd buy this I didn't either character and couldn't care less about them. There's no reason for me to want to buy this and waste more time on it. That's why I marked it as not for me based on reviewer's I trust . I read the sample to see if they were right, they were and so the author can stop saying I didn't even read it. I tried to read it and now it's a dnf
cheaters crazy-mofo creeper ...more31 s Jenn423 226

I requested this book because it sounded a fun, little caper book and when it initially started, I thought everything might be OK. One of my initial thoughts, though, was that the tense was throwing me and that the humor and narrator felt a little forced.

Tim is a likable character, in that sometimes his frustration amused me, and I could see how much he cared for Sonny. But he was written in such a way that he seemed frenetic. Only 15% in to the book, and he completely exhausted me.

The tense also added to my exhaustion. On one hand, the present tense kept the pace of the story up, but that and Tim’s one-liners proved to be too much for me to handle.

I don’t honestly know what the plot entailed as I was so disturbed by the characters (more on that in a bit), that I think there were FBI agents kissing wailing grown men, there were spiders and screams, taquitos at gas stations, interrupted sex acts, a Bates motel, and two estranged lovers on the run. It was never boring, I’ll give the author that much.

I can overlook all of that, though. Really. What I couldn’t get past is the depiction of Sonny, and in some ways Dale. It was clear to me that Sonny was mentally handicapped in some way, but the book never addresses it at all. So the whole time I was reading, I kept thinking am I some giant asshole who is thinking this? This is not a man with an adult brain and adult actions. I conferred briefly with another reviewer who also read this, and she thought the exact same thing. Listen, I’ve worked for many years in special education and speech pathology either in schooling, or volunteer work. That’s not an issue, but because it wasn’t addressed, I didn’t know what I was supposed to think of Sonny. He honestly appeared he had the mind of a 6 year old. The idea of a 6 year old having sex with a grown man and licking his dick child- disturbed me. Screaming and having tantrums and giving Tim little boy smiles while calling him “Tim-tim” also creeped me out. Even Dale seemed to have some mental deficiencies and I just never got what the author was going for in this book.

Because of all of these factors, this book was really just not for me.

This review can be found at Love Bytes.
i-own m-m review-blog ...more24 s Heather C1,480 217

I picked this book for review because I was hoping for something fun and light to read, but I soon realized that this book WAS NOT FOR ME…AT ALL!! I would have DNF it early on, but since I requested a copy for an honest review, I had to continue and give it a fair chance. So I did.

What almost worked for me:

? The present tense took a bit to get accustomed to, but I think it helped keep the pace of the story moving along.

? Tim’s “flighty” way of delivering the story was humorous, but eventually became exhausting to follow.

? Sonny’s nickname for Tim, “Tim-tim”, was cute in the beginning, but then it became very annoying the more it was repeated. Then I just started thinking about Tim-Tams and wanted to go get myself a cookie.

? They ended up at the Bates Motel, which had me cracking up.

? The overall plot was kinda outrageous and funny and waaaaay over the top, which would have been okay without THE ONE BIG THING that did not work for me.

What did not work for me:

? I was very uncomfortable with Tim and Sonny’s relationship. I’m not sure what mental handicap Sonny had, but he was definitely “simple” or “special” or whatever the politically correct term is these days. He’s described as “thick-headed” in the blurb, and thats the only description I ever got. To me, he had the mentality of a small child, and Tim was more adult and held a decent job as a book keeper. Sonny did soooooo many child- things…so that was how I saw him. And when Tim and Sonny would start making out or having sex, it really squicked me out! I’m sure that makes me sound I’m a mean and horrible person, but no, everyone deserves to be loved and to be happy. I just saw Sonny as a better fit for Dale…the guy that asked his kidnapper for chicken nuggets. Where Sonny is the guy who started dancing to the bad guy’s Lady Gaga ringtone…the one holding a gun to his head.

? The ending was sweet…but I’m still uncomfortable with it!

Reviewed for The Blogger Girlscloud contemporary-romance ebook ...more24 s Amy1,030 102

Okay, so I’m not even sure what to say about this one. But since I only gave it 2 stars, I feel compelled to write something to explain my rating.

Let’s start out with what I d. The writing style was good and it was well edited. I love books written in first person. I enjoy being inside someone’s head. And Tim’s head was an amusing place to be. He was funny and I d him.

I enjoyed the beginning of the story. Things started out light and fluffy and I d that. I was even willing to go along with the kidnapping, but at some point things kind of jumped the shark for me.

At first, I thought it was kinda cute the way Sonny was portrayed as kind of ditzy. How he didn’t seem to realize that his relationship with Tim was over. How he acted a little kid. But as the story wore on, I began to question whether he was mentally challenged. Seriously, someone can’t be *that* clueless ALL the time.

And then you throw simpleton Dale into the mix. And the cross-dressing kidnappers. And the bumbling FBI agents. Basically Tim (aka Tim-tim, don’t get me started on the nickname!) was the only person with a brain in his head. It just got to be too much. Too unrealistic. Too over the top.

I feel bad giving 2 stars because it doesn’t seem much, but really 2 stars means it was “okay” according to Goodreads rating system. And it was okay. Not great; not horrible. Not something I plan to re-read, but I will definitely give this author another chance in the future.6 s NancyM147

When writing there is a line between the charcter coming across as flighty/clueless and being mentally handicapped. Sadly the latter applies to this story - even though Sonny is not supposed to be handicapped.

Sonny was supposed to come across as being clueless and cute but instead I got angrier as the story continued because that was just not happening. The fact that the author put not one but two, count 'em, two charcters with the same selfish, childish personality was mind blowing. That Tim just kind of went with the flow was aggravating. IMO all the characters really were; TSTLm-m6 s Duck360 51

I saw the other reviewer said she thought one of the MC's is developmentally challenged. I didn't get that vibe when reading. It seemed a story that was ridiculously over the top with drama queen, "too precious" spoof- characters. Geez this was eye-rollingly painful.cheeseball cops just-say-no ...more6 s justanya399

I'm being very blunt and candid... the title completely sucked me in and I'm kicking myself for going against my instincts and buying this book. What a waste of time and money! Don't make the same mistake I did.
This is my first read by this author and I will buy another book of hers in the future if a friend within my "circle of trust" recommends it.

i-want-my-money-back5 s Sandi ?'s way too many M/M books689 3 Read

DNF Not going to rate or review as Im stopping at 30% just really out there and I dont want to waste my time when I have so many great books to get to. mm-br-with-my-besties4 s Gigi2,155 1,040 Shelved as 'dnr-dnf-not-4-me'

Several GR friends and folks with ARCs have been warning readers of this just-not-quite-right-in-the-head M/M romance in their . I am heeding their warnings and skipping this one. 4 s Emma Sea2,198 1,118 Shelved as 'probably-not'

I find that cover somewhat disturbing. It's taken me all day to work out why. There's too much moist tongue showing inside his mouth.

Why does that bother me?4 s Mrsgeo476

Dire. The two MCs are so irritating in their stupidity that I can't read any more.mm-romance purchase-dsp2 s Rosa14 4

I can't think of anything particularly good to say about this book. It wasn't very funny, which is a pretty big fail in a book that was obviously intended to be comedic, and it wasn't romantic either. Tim (who narrates the story) doesn't even seem to Sonny very much, let alone love him, and he's constantly mentally putting him down. Poor guy! Tim is, in fact, generally very self-centered and looks down his nose at everyone in this book. The "action" wasn't gripping and most of what happened made no sense whatsoever. It was boring and Tim's head was a nasty place to be. Wouldn't recommend it.1 Marsha Spence1,281 17

I thought this was cute and funny. I have no idea what's up with Sonny; I'm going with extreme airhead :)
Funny side note: I've been rereading the Fall Chance Ranch books and kept thinking that Tim really needed to turn Sonny over his knee and Dale (so very opposite of Dale from FCR) needs to be under the thumb of a very strict Top! :)contemporary Sylvie254

A funny book. If you need a good laugh, go for it.1 Wende1,142 11

I gave it an extra star because it was edited. The book was not funny. I could see where the author was going for that but missed the mark. Sunny and Tim did not work as a couple.000-sh-recommendation1 FlibBityFLooB924 152

Sounded intriguing based on the title and the cover, but I was very disappointed. Didn't the ex character. Didn't the main hero for liking the ex character. Just not my cuppa.contemporary lgbt-characters read-in-20151 blub2,040

I felt it was a bit of a mess. There was a lot going on. Main gest of the story was that Tim wanted to wash his hands of his ex but was still hung up on him and got strung along. Sonny came off as a simpleton and I wasn't completely sure if he was slow or just an air head. Everything that was happening due to Sonny seemed a bit farfetched. I felt a little sorry for Tim and everything Sonny was putting him through and all the crap that was happening. I was feeling highly annoyed with the story and frankly Sonny acting a child. The only person I kind of d was Tim, he seemed the only one with any kind of common sense.

There were a lot of moments when reading this story that I wanted to bang my head against the wall. I was seriously aggravated at the criminals, the FBI guys, Sonny, Tim and Sonny's moms.

It gets two stars because I didn't completely give up on the story and it was well written.cops-pi-special-agents-military criminal-organization m-m-family ...more Thomaidha Papa706 39

2~2.5 Hearts
Review written for MM Good Book Reviews

I really, really wanted this book to work for me. And it was so promising, the beginning so much fun. I actually had to grab my sides at times to keep for falling apart with laughter. That only lasted until chapter six, aka 1/3 of the book. It was there after chapter seven that things started going downhill for me and I really began to feel I fell in that damn rabbit-hole, a hole I never managed to quite get out off...
Read the entire review here:http://mmgoodbook.wordpress.co...

Thommieagents comedy contemporary ...more Buda320 41

Can Keystone Cops-type comedy translate well to the printed page? Not here, unfortunately. I understood that was the intent, but the execution was lacking. Also, there was way too much page time devoted to explaining/showing how "simple" Sonny and Dale were. Tim sort of redeemed himself from the asshat calling Sonny an "idiota" at the beginning, but not enough to make him very able. Shannon2,163 40

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