
The Iron Prince Special Edition de Julie Kagawa

de Julie Kagawa - Género: English
libro gratis The Iron Prince Special Edition


The Iron Fey Saga continuesÂ…
Don't look at Them. Never let Them know you can see Them.

That is Ethan Chase's unbreakable rule. Until the fey he avoids at all costs begin to disappear, and Ethan is attacked. Now he must change the rules to protect his family. To save a girl he never thought he'd dare to fall for.

Ethan thought he had protected himself from his older sister's world—the land of Faery. His previous time in the Iron Realm left him with nothing but fear and disgust for the world Meghan Chase has made her home, a land of myth and talking cats, of magic and seductive enemies. But when destiny comes for Ethan, there is no escape from a danger long, long forgotten.

My name is Ethan Chase. And I may not live to see my eighteenth birthday.

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OMG! a spinoff of Ethan! I though its Puck. Oh well I know he will be there to guide Ethan plus we see more of Megan and Ash. super excited!
I miss you Puck!
2012-reads arc-galley fantasy ...more182 s Melissa ? Dog/Wolf Lover ? Martin3,589 10.8k

This book is all about Meghan's little brother, Ethan. Of course, Ethan is a teenager now and he's really cool. =)

I loved that he took Kali in the book because I used to take that before I got sick! I loved it so much and I love that the author added it into the book =)

Ethan can see the Fey, he always could since he was a young boy. He tries his best to ignore them so they won't catch on, but it doesn't work out too good.

He has changed schools several times because of what people think is bad behavior. In reality it's Ethan fighting off the fey or running from them.

In his new school, Ethan ends up becoming friends with Todd, who is a half fey. Ethan doesn't want to be friends with anyone but it happens. He also takes up with Kenzie who is on the school newspaper and is relentless in getting a story out of him. We all know she ends up a love interest, right?

At one point Todd goes missing and the Ethan has to search for him. Of course, Kenzie brings herself along. It turns out there are these bad fey out there kidnapping half-fey. What are they doing to them? I'm not telling you, but it's narly.

Ethan ends up back in Nevernever when he calls in his favor to his sister, Meghan, the Iron Queen. We do get to have some cameo's from Grim, Meghan, Ash and Puck. I miss them all!

Keirran who is Ethan's nephew decides he's going to help them out. He's part fey as well and he lives in Nevernever.

They end up going on a little cray adventure with the help of Leanansidhe, she's in it again too and she makes it to where Kenzie can see the fey. Kenzie is just human and can't see them but now she can.

Anyway, I thought it was good and I hope the next two books are good as well! =)

MY BLOG: Melissa Martin's Reading Listfantasy-all own young-adult96 s Ahmad Sharabiani9,564 160

The Lost Prince (The Iron Fey: Call of the Forgotten #1), Julie Kagawa

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YES! This is perfecto! I am as excited as this dog right now. See, I don't want Kagawa to drag things out between Meghan and Ash, I just want them to be happy and that be the end of it. But little Ethan all grown up? Hell yes! I love male POVs!

*excitement*74 s SoumiAuthor 1 book381

“I can’t stop it. I can’t stop Them from following me. If it was just me that the fey picked on, I’d be okay with that. But someone else always pays for my Sight. Someone else always gets hurt instead of me.” Tearing my gaze from hers, I looked out over the fields. “I’d rather be alone,” I muttered, “then to have to watch that again.”

Do you remember the little boy who was kidnapped by a vicious fey, and his big sister set out a journey to find that kind to a strange and magical place called NeverNever. Well, guess what, after a time leap of twelve years, that little boy has grown into a handsome hunk. Yes, that boy is Ethan Chase and he is back with a bang.

The Iron Fey is my all-time favorite YA novel series. When I mourning over why the series came to an end, then Julie Kagawa announced there is going to be a spin off and my heart stared hammering against my ribs. And when I finally managed to get my claws on a pretty ARC and I finished the story, nausea gripped my mind in excitement and I took an entire week to collect words and wrap my thoughts around it.

A Prince on A Mission

Ethan always wanted to stay from anything relates to the magical fey realm or fairies. The nightmarish memories from his childhood of being a prisoner in enormous iron castle is still haunting his so badly that his heart is nothing but full of hatred against entire fey kind. He even blames them for the distance that has formed between him and his older sister Megan, who fell in love with one of them and left their family. Hence Ethan wouldn't dare to think or look at the fey kind; neither could he let them know about his existence or his power to see through the glamour of fairies. Hence when his half breed friend got kidnapped by a new and vicious race of forgotten fairies, and they stared chasing Ethan too, he was forced to enter in the world of NeverNever he despair most, and along with the girl he would never dare to fall for. Of on his mission we see a not so happy family reunion; we again met the icy prince and the great prankster, the dark muse and our beloved fur-ball.

Ethan, Kenzie and Keirran

Ethan was kind of brooding and smoking hot, also occasional jerk-ass. I could help but mentioning how Ethan somehow reminded me of Ash. Ethan has always kept a bad boy image to build a barrier around hi true self, kind of the icy walls Ash used to shield his soft interior. But as the book progressed, we saw who Ethan Chase is actually deep down. The façade of rudeness and a tough guy image is just a cover for his rebellious spirit, his true feelings for the girl he is afraid to fall in love with and the pain and the anger he is carrying with him.
He has no fey magic to fight of the evils; he is just a human teenage boy who is extraordinarily skilled in martial arts. When I first read about Ethan, he was a toddler, now itÂ’s strange to read about him that he has grown into a hot-ass hero.

However IÂ’m more impressed by the female protagonist Mackenzie St. James or Kenzie, as we call her. She was just kick-ass as any boys of her age, and also the girl who secretly melted EthanÂ’s heart. She much more than what is seems to be, I just canÂ’t stop appalling for her. She made me smile, and brought tears in my eyes as the same time. She didnÂ’t flinch to make deals with fairies; she didnÂ’t back away from Ethan, even if she was gravely unwell to go on with him. She was fearless of any incoming danger, audacious explorer who wants to see everything and experience them. You rock girl.

Now talking about Keirran, I just donÂ’t believe Ash is his father, I mean what the freaking hell, Ash became a father? Really?
However half-fey and half human Keirran was shadow of Meghan, rather than Ash, and he got same features as her, and skills as Ash, swift and deadly. Keirran is master extraordinary power; he can exert three kinds of magic, summer, winter and Iron. He played a major role in The Lost Prince, he accompanied Ethan and Kenzie into their quest (imagine Ethan has a nephew of same age) and fought battles beside them. I wonder why Puck mentioned Ethan and Keirran reminded him about a certain pair (Rings a bell? Yeah, he was talking about him and Ash, and their golden old days)

The Old Legends

Well, when we are talking about the spin off of The iron Fey, how can we possibly forget to mention our Iron Legends, Meghan, Ash, Puck (ohhh Baby!!!) and Grimalkin. Meghan is no longer that teenager girl we knew; she is now ruler of Iron realm, more powerful and responsible. Still handsome as ever, Ash is MeghanÂ’s iron Knight, and father of her son (sigh!).
Well, good news is my Puck, the prankster is single (and ready to be mingled with me). He appeared only twice in the book, and both time he kicked some ass (Yo love, you rock).
My cutie Grimalkin was with the trio for all the time, and who could be the best guide to NeverNever other than him.

Overall Thoughts

As a fan of The Iron Fey series, I had very high expectation for The Lost Prince, and I was breathlessly waiting for the book to come out quickly. And, I was again spellbound by my favorite storyteller, author Julie Kagawa. Her gorgeous prose and amazing story weaving kept me hooked on the book until late night. Any Iron Fey fan in any corner of the world wouldn't dare to miss the book, and I bet my money on that.

Update 15-10-2012 : just finished with The Lost prince, and fainted each time Puck appeared. Also, Kenzie, you girl rocks and you made me cry. I so want to be you best friend now .

Update 17/08/2012 I just got my copy, not a digital one, a 100% read print ARC. My god. It looks so yummy. *faints*

Goodness, .. Ethan is so damn fucking hot, I need oxygen and the first chapter behind The Immortal Rules ARC made me hungry for this book so so so much
Holy freak, Hell yeah

69 s Kat Kennedy475 16.2k

Look, last time I knew Ethan he was a five years old. Please tell me I'm not the only one conflicted about the boy on the cover! I almost didn't want to read this book because I kept expecting Chris Hansen to come in and tell me to take a seat.

Then I'd be , "I swear! He's sixteen! I just READ about him when he was five! He's totally of age now!"

Then I'd cry dramatically JUST this.

But, facts are facts, folks. Ethan's aged a fine brandy if brandy had washboard abs and a butt built for spanking. AAAAAAaaaaaannndd, I just reach my creepy quota for the review. Wow. That didn't take long.

So Ethan meets up with Love-Interest while trying to avoid the Fae working their darndest to ruin his life. To save his and the Love-Interest's life they escape into Fairyland to track down his sister and solve the mystery and try to save the world.

More Facts: you don't need to have read the Iron Fey series to read this book. There's enough back history and explanatory exposition to make it through. I certainly haven't read The Iron Fey series and I managed to enjoy this one as a standalone.

angst? Ethan's your main dude. Seriously. Kid could bottle that stuff. I'm sure there's a roaring trade in teenage self-pity tears. But he's balanced out so nicely with Kenzie who would, by herself, be kind of a meh character. I might have found them both insufferably frustrating except they seemed to bring out the best in each other. So if teenage hot boy angst is your thing - hit this one up! It has it in spades.

Other than that you have all your old friends back. Meghan, Ash, Grimalkin, Puck et all and then you have some newer ones and then you have a pretty decent and solid mystery/action story going on.

Julie Kagawa's come along way since the first novel of hers that I read, The Iron King. I didn't get bored, kept eye rolling to a minimum and largely enjoyed the narrative.

There's one young man in the book though, I won't mention who he is. But I will say this: Son. SON! Don't go breaking our hearts, m'kay? You've reduced me to quoting Elton John here. It doesn't get more serious than this.

So, over all summation is that I want to hunt down the Iron Fey series and read that. Then I want to hunt down the novellas and read them. Then I want to start badgering the Harlequin Teen's publicist to put me on the list for the next one. I'd say that's a ringing endorsement. Wouldn't you?fun-fantasy kat-s-book- to-ya-or-not-to-ya ...more68 s Booknut 101849 1,002

Pre-read review:


Wow...*blinks* I guess for some people puberty, umm, brings out the Ash in them! Ethan is quite the specimen of male supremacy there, so I'm pleasantly surprised!

This book is probably going to be brilliant - since it's Julie's :D. I'm looking forward to a little more Puck (and his humour) and maybe even a glimpse or two of Ash *coughs guiltily*. Ok, ok - I get the series is now about Ethan. But a girl can dream, right?!!

fae good-hearted-bad-boys64 s Dorreh67 191

The words mildly entertaining come to mind. This is a fun and quick read, but I think I d Meghan's original story way more. 60 s Steph Sinclair461 11.3k

Actual rating: 4.5 stars.

Show of hands. How many of you were worried about Kagawa returning to the Nevernever with a spin-off of an already successful series? *raises hand* I mean, let's think about this for a minute. The Iron Knight concluded and it seemed everything was "happy happy, joy joy," right? But then there were whisperings in the wind of a spin-off and I found myself saying, "What?! NOOO! NO, Julie! I forbid it! Ya hear?!" At the time the saying "Don't beat a dead horse" was running through my head and I was so nervous about this new endeavor. If I'm being honest here, spin-offs usually suck big time. But just in the case of The Immortal Rules, Julie Kagawa has put me in my place saying, "I got this, YO." And boy, did she ever! The Lost Prince is everything I could want and more. With fresh new characters, cameo appearances and a new evil threatening the Nevernever, how could anyone resist?

Before I begin, I need to get something out of my system.


*clears throat*

What? Don't judge me!

Remember the little boy from The Iron King? Meghan's little brother? Did you ever wonder what happened to him and his family once Meghan had gone off for good with her Ice Prince to rule in the Nevernever as a Queen of Faery? That's just what The Lost Prince does. And let me tell you, Ethan Chase is not what I expected. The years of being tormented by the fey and losing his sister to their world has made him a very bitter and angry person. Honestly, I don't blame the guy. He has to constantly look over his shoulder, attempt to pretend They don't exist so as not to draw attention to himself, push people away so they don't catch the eyes of The Good Neighbors. It's a lot of responsibilities for anyone, let alone a teen boy (and yes, he actually sounds a teen boy). But this is what he has had to endure all his life hopping from school to school due to "bad behavior." Unfortunately for Ethan, the fey just can't seem to stay away from him and he ends up on a quest to save the Nevernever.

The plot was brilliantly done. The characters were brilliant. This book was >insert any positive adjective hereThe Iron Knight correctly. But even as someone who has followed this series very closely, I have to admit, I have no idea what direction it could possibly go.

The one thing I was worried about most with this spin-off would be comparing the old characters to the new characters. I LOVED the trio in the original series. Meghan, Ash and Puck were the perfect blend of romantic tension, banter and comic relief. And they all do make cameo appearances (Did I mention how much I love Puck?), but this isn't their story. It's Ethan, Kenzie and Kierran's. I really think fans will really enjoy the new trio and it seems Kagawa has us in for a world of hurt with them too. I mean, I bawled by eyes out so hard with The Iron Queen. Whenever I go back to read that last scene I fall to pieces.  But it feels that could come a lot sooner with The Call of the Forgotten. MY EMOTIONS! Kagawa, stop being so awesome all. the. time! Wait...


And you know what? Even if you haven't read The Iron Fey - which you'd better go do if you haven't *gives dagger eyes* - you could still follow along easily to this story. For those who have been waiting for a certain Cait Sith (no relation to the cat pictured above, of course) to guide you back through the Nevernever, this will merely feel a continuation from the original series. And you noobs? There are a few rules you must familiarize yourself with: Never make a contract with Them. Show no fear when dealing with the Fair Folk. Don't draw attention to yourself. And as Grim would say, "Do try and keep up." Welcome to Faery.

ARC was provided by the publisher via NetGalley. Thank you!

Want to win an ARC of The Lost Prince? Head on over to Cuddlebuggery Book Blog for a giveaway and other fantastical things.


OMG, guys! This is on NetGalley!!

http://netgalley.com/PopupHandler.php...2-am-or-later 2012-favs 2012-reads ...more52 s Rimsha Salam106 55

Check out my blogs for more and book stuff: http://ramblingsofabookworm3.blogspot...


Can't wait !!!

Omg Omg the title is Iron prince meaning little Ethan is going to be an Iron prince! soooo cute <3

Edit: Name changed from Iron Prince to Lost prince ....
Omg is that Ethan on the cover!!! how did he get so big ....... dreamy !!!

Edit: just finished it and OMG ! what a book i don't think i will survive another book Ash, Puck,Ethan and Keirran sooo much hottnes in one book i think i will melt!
bestest-books-ever fantasy fey ...more52 s ? Sylvia ?175 18

I have just finished reading Ash and Meghan's story and fell deeply in love with these characters, all of them! The Iron Knight had me in tears, especially the last paragraph, I don't know if it was because it was goodbye, knowing I won't be captured anymore by these characters and their quests, but it left me with a hole in my heart, a void that needs to be filled, but when I saw she was coming out with a spin off my heart beat a million times faster! can not wait for this series to come out!

Hello all, I have finally read this and it did not disappoint at all!
I loved hear from Ethan, though his story was sad, dark and very depressing, but hey I guess that's the other half. The story after someone is taken, how their lives change so dramatically and how they have to pick up the pieces. Now keep a very open mind, this is nothing the other books, this is Ethan's story, you will see some very familiar characters here and there, but this book offers new ones in the place of old. I was happy to see those oh so familiar names jump out in my page, but I felt there place was in the shadows, where it should be, and hopefully they will remain. I don't mind if they make guest appearances here and there, but I want the focus to be mainly on these new ones. The last books gave me the feeling of being pulled into som place magical and wonderful! Where as this book, I see it for what it is to be a human, scary, uninviting and real! Julie kagawa did a wonderful job and I can't wait for this new series to take shapecan-t-wait-to-get-my-hands-on fae favorites ...more41 s Sandee is Reading681 1,273


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Yep! I have fallen crazy in love with this book. I mean I already know Julie Kagawa has a wicked imagination and writing skills but this book exceeded my expectations. Although the The Iron Fey: Call of the Forgotten share the same world as the Iron Fey series this has an entirely new flavor and excitement to it.

Want to know why?

Read on!


Ethan Chase always had the Sight. Even as a little kid he always had the ability to see the invisible world of the Fey.

Ethan had an unpleasant experience with the Fey when he was younger and not only that but he also lost someone important to him, his half-sister Meghan. For more info regarding this story, you guys should read the Iron Fey series starting with the Iron King.

As Ethan grew up, he learned that the while he has the Sight he could never be close to anyone. It made him elusive and distant. He thought that he was better off alone. He didn't want to let anybody in because he was afraid that when he did they'll only get hurt what happened to a friend of his, Sam. He's never been the same since.

Starting over at a new school, he had planned everything. Just try to blend in, don't talk to anyone. But it seems that destiny has different plans for Ethan because the more he turns away from the Fey, the more they run after him.

Something was brewing. Something was out there. And Ethan was gonna find out what it is.


To tell you honestly, I already knew this book was gonna be awesome even before I read the summary from GR. I already knew that I was going to love it the other books of Julie Kagawa.

And I was so right!

I got a extremely sad when the Iron Fey series ended. The world that Ms. Kagawa made on that series was surreal and enthralling and I was really hoping for more. It seems that she heard my prayers.

When I heard about the spin-off, i was enthusiastic that it was going to be another great series. When I read the summary, I was delirious with joy because it sounds awesome already. When I saw the cover, I was fervent. I needed that book!

I would to thank NetGalley and Harlequin Teen for allowing me to review this book. It is an honor.


Ethan Chase

Ethan Chase, I didn't expect you to grow up to be this rebelious! You are so kick-ass! I couldn't believe it! You were so different from the kid I loved from the Iron Fey series. You are all grown up now and so... effin HOT!

I had a bit of an issue with Ethan at first being rude and distant and all the emo stuff. It was in my nerves a bit but then when you read more about what he had went through growing up you'll understand why he has been that.

I love reading Ethan's POV as much as I did Meghan's. But this time it was more masculine and more darker than Meghan's.

Ethan did remind me of a certain Final Fantasy character who I also love but will reveal later.

PS: Reading about Ethan now makes me feel I'm old enough to be his aunt or something. Hahaha. This is crazy! I can't seem to forget that the first time I read him he was so young and now he's all grown up now and so freakin' rebellious, it brings tears to my eyes. Tears of joy to be exact. It felt I raised a kid! Hahah. What the heck?!

Mackenzie St. James

Oh I got to hand it to this girl, she is awesome. I just love her. I d everything about her.

There is a lot going on with this girl than meets the eye. She was more than just the dauntless girl who wants to get Ethan's interview. She was more than just the girl who was willing to stay with Ethan despite everything. She wasn't whiny which I totally adored. She wasn't one who makes stupid decisions based on impulse, all her decisions meant something. What that decision is you'll just have to read through the book to find out. :)

What I learned about her near the end of the book was just a surprise. I loved her even more after that.

Prince Keirran

What can I say? I love Keirran because he was the son of the forever love of my life Ash. I have to love him! Just kidding!

He was half-fey, half-human but according to him he was 3/4 human. Which means she takes more from her mother but I very much doubt that. He was an equal of both Ash and Meghan.

Keirran along with Ethan would play a big role on the new developments that has being going around in NeverNever. There was something people around them aren't telling them and they knew it.

Keirran has powers that no one else had. He could weild Summer, Winter and Iron's magic. He was really something. But as they always say, "Great power comes great responsibility". I really wish he won't make some stupid decision because his father he would do anything for love. I hope he doesn't in loads of trouble because of that.


As usual, this cat still as apathetic as ever. I still loved him though. I missed reading about this vanishing cat!

Meghan, Ash and Puck

I missed these guys. They're still the same guys I've come to love from the original series although a bit more mature at that. I hope we get to see more of them here though. I Ash being a dad. Seriously, cute. I wouldn't mind him fathering my kid! :)


Ethan and Kenzie's relationship very much reminded me of Final Fantasy's Squall and Rinoa.


Ethan was Squall because he was all passive and distant while Kenzie was all bubbly and positive. Kenzie touched Ethan in a way that Rinoa touched Squall.

There is a lot of similarities between them but I am not complaining. I loved Final Fantasy 8. Too bad they didn't make a movie out of it because that would have been great!

Ethan and Kenzie's relationship wasn't insta-love! *thank goodness!* It gradually unfolded. At first Ethan, may have thought Kenzie was pretty but he didn't feel attracted to her that much until she got to know her better, wise with Kenzie.


We all know that Ash and Meghan were from different courts right? And being involved from someone from a different court was forbidden. Well their son sort of fallen in love with someone forbidden too.

Annywl was a Summer Fey who got exiled by Queen Titania because of some stupid reason. Keirran well fell in love. We all know how his father fell in love, this boy Keirran takes that from his father.

I just wish there something good is going to happen to these two.


- Ethan's way of fighting was not Keirran's. He uses a Filipino Martial Arts technique called Kali that I didn't know existed until now. I am a Filipino and I didn't know the use of Arnis (rattan sticks) was called Kali. This was seriously awesome!

- Ethan was also a highlight. He was a great but slightly annoying character.

- The antagonist for this series was definitely unexpected. I was kind of worried if they were gonna make the Iron Fey bad again but good thing Ms. Kagawa thought of something new and sinister.

- The plot development was awesome. It wasn't too fast, it wasn't too slow. It allows you take in all the details and enjoy the new ones as well.

- The fact that there was no lovetriangle was a big highlight for me. The love triangle in YA books is getting old for me. Good thing that Keirran has his own love story to tell. I mean from what I see on this book. I am not sure what Ms. Kagawa has up her sleeve but I am sure its good no matter what.

- NeverNever was still as spellbinding as ever.

- It was a balance of action and the now and then talks about what is happening around NeverNever.

- I d that it didn't focus much about the romance aspect. I just wish it stays that way.

- Character development was awesome. Ethan developed gradually which I think was only right because you don't get a change of heart so quickly. Kenzie, on the other hand, was just so perfect for me. The unvealing of the secret was just a surprise for me. With Keirran, I am not really sure. There was something about his character that is still hidden and I want to find out about it now! :p

- The cover was just gorgeous. (don't you agree?)

- The ending was good. I don't it when books end in a very abrupt cliffhanger. This book didn't. It ended in a way that there is closure for the intial book but still gives way to questions as to how the next book will start and end.


This book is no Iron Fey series but for me it entirely lived up to my expectation and more. There was no place for disappointments for me as I was reading this book. I was just as enthralled as I was when I first read the Iron King. I wouldn't say that this book was better because its not. I'm not saying that its inferior because its not either. Let's just say that they both have a league of their own and I am totally in love with them both.

When I heard of the spin-off I knew that it was going to be amazing and after I read the book I knew I was right. Julie Kagawa was a story teller. It even made me think that maybe Julie has the Sight and she could see them just Shakespeare that's why she was able to create the very vivid world of NeverNever and its inbelievably real characters.

I have to say though that no matter what happens, Ash would still be the only Fey in my heart. I mean I love Ethan and Keirran but I feel an cougar falling for these two kids. (seriously, that was how it made me feel. I'm an old woman crushing on these youngs kids. they could send me to jail for being a pedophile. hahaha) But yeah, I them and everything but still it will always be Prince Ash for me.

This book filled the void in my heart when I read the last book of the Iron Fey series. I seriously thought I wouldn't be reading anything about the Feys that I come to love but Julie caught me off guard with another one of her masterpiece.

I want more. I am already addicted. I need more of this. It is a drug to me already. I can't wait for the second book. I want to know who the Traitor Son is. But I think we already have a clue on who it is.


40 s Kristalia 394 643

Final rating: 4.5/5 stars
Final rating - for the whole series: 4~4.25/5 stars

First things first. THIS BOOK WAS THE BEST IRON FEY BOOK EVER (well, depends xD it rivals with the Iron Queen)!!!!! Why is that? Because I couldn’t stop reading, I loved all of the characters, the story and most of all – there was no love triangle – VICTORY!!!

And look at this beautiful cover ?

I have one thing to say to the future readers: if you have read IronÂ’s prophecy then you have probably spoiled yourself in a way for this book. If not, I suggest you read it after you read Lost prince. It will clear some things and it will be make you scream for the next one (not guaranteed, but high probability).

Also, this series can be read as standalone, for everything is explained, but you probably should read Iron Fey series first.

I was so happy to read about the old characters Meghan, Puck, Grimalkin, AshÂ…..and Leanansidhe, but I loved the new set of characters as well!

P.s. those who plan to watch the TV show Firefly may be utterly and completely destroyed by spoilers xD


Short description of what happened in the Iron Fey world, but be warned, SPOILERs for those who haven't read it :D

There is an unknown world to the mortal race called Nevernever, home to all Fey. There were two courts once – the Winter court, ruled by Queen Mab, and Summer court, ruled by Lord Oberon and Queen Titania. But, when the new kingdom and race showed up, the fey of Iron and Technology – it led to war. (continues in the spoiler)The war stopped when the Iron Queen, Meghan Chase, a half breed daughter of Oberon took the throne of the Iron Kingdom. Many years have passed in the human world since Meghan Chase became the Iron Queen.

This time, the story follows Meghan's (heroine from the Iron Fey series) stepbrother Ethan who has the gift of the Sight since he was born.

Life wasn’t easy for Ethan – having the sight goes both ways: he can see them, but they notice him too. And when they do, they torment that person for the rest of his/her life. Being able to see them made him seem a troublemaker in the eyes of other people, which often lead to him being expelled from schools or having to go to another.

When he transfers in the new school, on the first day he meets Kenzie, a reporter who is quite interested in him. But he also saved half breed Todd who got into trouble with bullies. But when Todd accidentally finds out that Ethan is able to see them, he asks for help. Something dark is lurking in the shadows around his home and he needs protection. But Ethan, being distrustful of all fey, helps him because he thought that Todd wonÂ’t bother him anymore. But when Todd mysteriously disappears and when a creepy fey attacks Ethan in front of Kenzie, they are forced to flee into the Nevernever, to seek help from the Iron Queen.

Those who have read the Iron Knight, can remember the fey called the Forgotten. Well, it is pretty much obvious which Fey we are reading about this time. Anyway, i think they were nice (and scary) addition to the series and i enjoyed it. I cannot wait to see what will happen in the next books ( and i am beginning to dread the outcome of it)


? Ethan :

Ethan has hated the Fey his whole life. After the trauma he suffered as a four year old kid, he learned that the fey are never to be trusted, bargained with or thanked.

He found out as much as he could about them so he could defend himself, even practicing Kali, a Filipino martial art, which taught defense with sticks, knives and swords.

He never lets anyone get close to him, because of fear that fey may hurt them; he acts as a “Bad Boy”. This earned him a serious troublemaker reputation. So when he transfers to new school, one persistent girl, Kenzie, wants to interview him. He couldn’t even begin to imagine how persistent she would turn out to be.

Ethan is one of the characters I actually d (even when he was acting douchebag xD). He may be jackass sometimes, but I understood him, it was not his fault - BUT, be warned, he is quite angsty - woe is me type of character, brooding and so on...(that seriously irritated me sometimes, but i dont blame him).

“Well, well,” answered a cool, amused voice from somewhere above us. “And here you are again. Ethan Chase, your family does have a knack for getting into trouble.”

He is angry at fey for everything they did to him, but he is also paranoid and conserved. But then Kenzie made him open up slowlyÂ….and eventually, he fell in love (Classic isn't it, for some reason YA heroines fall for YA bad boys... when will it stop?).

He may have had irritated me for few moments, with constant pushing of everyone away and for being angry at Meghan for having no other choice ( she tried to protect them the best she could), but I d him anyway. I was angry at some points at him because of his quick judgment and condemning. But overall, he was interesting human.

His relationship with Kenzie was so fun to read about. Kenzie balanced his grim moods and she always looked for a bright side when Ethan thought there was no other way. They are the perfect match for each other ?.

“A pretty handsome jerk, I might add, but a huge, colossal megajerk nonetheless." Kenzie gave me a quick glance to see how I was taking this. I shrugged.
Not going to argue with that.
And then a second later:
She thought I was handsome?”

Serious spoilers:
I kind of hated when he thought about Meghan she was at fault for having to go away to protect her family. Also, I love how he hates Ash (good boy *pets*). Anyway, his relationship with Keirran was quite amusing, especially when he found out that he was his uncleÂ…. Hahahhaha I laughed so much at that revelation. Anyway, I dread to think what will happen if that ironÂ’s prophecy comes true.

? Kenzie :

The off-limits girl, the one who is untouchable, rich and famous is a school reporter. And she has the urge to know everything that is going on, including interviewing the new student Ethan ( of course... curiosity killed the cat). Being persistent she haunts Ethan whenever she has the chance (stalker much?). But when she is drawn in the world of fey, she shows her that she is in fact brave, curious, impulsive, reckless, smart and very funny. She accepts the situation she was in because she wants to learn as much as she can about everything she can.

“The Nevernever," she murmured, almost to herself, "I'm in the Nevernever. I'm in freaking faeryland.”

I love how awesome she was, brave and always being positive. After learning her secret I was devastated because it hurts me to know what will happen.

Serious – really - spoilers:
I was so sad when I found out that she has leukemia and that she would die soon. But I can understand her making a choice for trading month of her life for Sight, because it made her see and feel something that she would never have. And she did it for Ethan too, so he wouldn’t be alone – to show him that it’s possible to have normal life with someone else.

? Keirran & Annwyl :

Since they are the characters that don't appear until a certain point, i will put them in the spoilers :D

I don't know what to think about Keirran...i just met him and he didn't leave big impression on me. He just seemed...ok. I d him but that would be it.

He has no interest in Kenzie (thank god! ) cause he is already in love with a exile summer faerie Annwyl. And he would do anything for her. Annwyl was ok character, not bad, but she needs more deepness in her character.

Anyway, he is the mysterious faery who appeared and offered the two of them(Kenzie and Ethan) to leave the Nevernever. Being shady and secretive, Ethan has no idea who he is. ( while those readers who have read Iron's Prophecy certainly know, because it's true and he is Ash's and Meghan's son .

Serious – really - spoilers:
I was disappointed when K didn't do anything while the guards almost chopped Ethan, he just sat there and waited...... idiot. Does he have a brain in that scene?????? Oh, Ash must spank his ass or something and then i will be satisfied.

? The old quartet: Meghan, Ash and Puck & Grimalkin :

I was so happy to see them back ?. Meghan has become such a kickass and great character ? Ash was still brooding and dark and gloomy as ever, but i kind of d how "daddy" he was, lol. And Puck ??? even though he wasn't that much present,i still swooned when he appeared ?

“Care to join me, Goodfellow?”
“Oh, ice-boy. A moonlight stroll with you? Do you even have to ask?”

And lol Puck, LOL!

“Huh, another queen,” Puck mused, an evil grin crossing his face. “Maybe we should drop in and introduce ourselves, ice-boy. Do the whole, hey, we were just in the neighborhood, and we were just wondering if you had any plans to take over the Nevernever. Have a fruit basket.”

And Grimalkin.......you better start giving some answers instead of "i am a cat" answers...

? Everyone else: :
? Todd was cute, interesting and i loved how he pestered Ethan, mwahahahahah! And i just d him :D ( sad over what happened to him in the end of the book T_T, that he lost his memory and feyness
? Leanan who is still crazy and scary and awesome as ever :D
? Did i miss anyone? O_o


Other than that, i loved it, enjoyed it, was sucked in it, because Kagawa is awesome writer and she always puts enough details so you can imagine it always... And also, i cannot wait to see what sequel will have for me in store next, i just can't wait to read it. That is all. And if the worst thing happens, i'll just... go into a corner and cry.

I want the next book noooooooooooooooooooooooooow T____________________T


? The Iron King (The Iron Fey, #1)
? Winter's Passage (The Iron Fey #1.5)
? The Iron Daughter (The Iron Fey, #2)
? The Iron Queen (The Iron Fey, #3)
? Summer's Crossing (Iron Fey, #3.5)
? The Iron Knight (Iron Fey, #4)
? Iron's Prophecy (The Iron Fey, #4.5)
? The Lost Prince (The Iron Fey: Call of the Forgotten, #1)
? The Iron Traitor (The Iron Fey: Call of the Forgotten, #2)
? The Iron Warrior (The Iron Fey: Call of the Forgotten, #3)

This review can be found on my blog: infinity-of-time.blogspot.com also known as...
4-to-5-stars age-mature-young-adult favorites ...more38 s Whitney96 48

You can see this review on my blog here. c:

First off, spoilers ahead! If you haven't read The Iron Fey series, I suggest you just step away from the review. ._.

The Lost Prince is about Meghan Chase's little brother--whom we all know him from TIF series as the one who got kidnapped and brought to the Nevernever in The Iron King--and he's changed. A. Lot. Then when his half-breed Phouka friend goes missing, and sightings of mysterious creepy Fey suddenly spring up, Ethan has to get involved in something he's been avoiding ever since Meghan left him.

I have to say that this was a hella awesome read, but it had some disappointments in here and there. But to begin the actual review, the plot was super cool. The main problem in the Nevernever is everything dying off--if you've read TIF series, you'll already know this. And then there are faeries that spring up out of no where when Ethan's friend goes missing. They're the faeries that children forgot about, their Glamour ran on the children's imagination, if I'm not mistaken. (It's been a almost a whole bloody year since I've read about TIF. ;-;) That's all I'll say about that because I already feel I'm spoiling everything. ;P But I thought the plot was awesomely neat and a clever point to be made since it's been stated in TIF. That means old characters show up. <333

As for characters, Ethan to me, he's kind of a bastard. He's rude to everyone he encounters, though I understand why he does it. He doesn't want to get involved with anyone, and especially nobody with him. But there's not really much to say about him since he's nothing Meghan--well he's stubborn, but other than that, nothing. To me at least. And what's up with the tattoos on the cover model's body? There's absolutely no mention of him having tattoos in the book. *drools confusingly though*

The love interest. I felt my head was about to explode every time Kenzie opened her mouth. I seriously wanted to wrestle a rabid bear than walk through the Nevernever with her stubborn-ass Ethan did. I could endure Ethan, but she was just getting on my nerves really bad lol. By the end of the book, I understand her a little better. Do I feel sorry for her? Yes. Do I her because of it? No. Call me shallow or whatever, but when I start disliking a character as much as I did Kenzie in the beginning, it's hard for me to them. Granted, I dis her less now. xD But I was surprised when she came out about her "secret." I'm just wondering how that will effect her and Ethan's relationship.

And I'd to say that there wasn't enough Puck in this. But I get it that this is in a whole new perspective and holy shit I'm missing them...BUT DAMMIT I LOVE PUCK. :'c And the cameos Ash and Meg made just made me fangirl all over the place. as soon as Ash was mentioned but not really...as soon as he was described, I was , "Omfg, I just wet my pants a little. MY FEELS CANNOT CONTAIN THIS ABOUT OF EMOTIONS." But then it just all died down when Keirran came into the picture. He wasn't anything I expected him to be. Ash's son... He's...he's...no. I just can't. I AM DISAPPOINTED. I knew it was him when Ethan saw him outside of Meg's home. I. Knew. It. And you can tell Puck didn't want to be in Keirran's presence. I felt SO sorry for him I JUST WANTED TO SHRINK HIM DOWN AND PUT HIM IN MY CLEAVAGE FOREVER. I mean... ._. Cuddle him. Wait. Nevermind. But there was Grimalkin in here too. <3 Who doesn't love Grim after reading these books?!

I'm glad the ending wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, because it's not really a cliffhanger. And the title of the next books is obvious going to circle around one character in particular. But it ended off in me disliking Keirran even more.

I'm so glad I got sucked back into this world; I was missing it terribly after I finished The Iron Knight almost one year ago. *nostalgic sigh* Julie creates such mind-bending books, it's so unreal. I loved it. <3 Other than the minor flaws, I loved this book, but just couldn't give it five stars. And I'm mad at myself for doing such a horrific act for one of Julie Kagawa's books. I MEAN SHE JUST FOLLOWED ME ON TWITTER AND NOW I WROTE THIS REVIEW. I'M GONNA CRY MYSELF TO SLEEP FOR FOREVER IS SHE UNFOLLOWS MEEEEE.

But this cover.... Ethan has forever changed from a little boy to just a pile of steaming hotness.
2012-favorites blown-away ebooks ...more32 s Ava96 499

ARC supplied by NetGalley and Harlequin Teen in exchange for an honest review.



What can I say about this book? When I was approved for the ARC, I nearly passed out. I kid you not; I chucked my iTouch across the room where it hit the wall and fell on Kipper, who was luckily so focused on my excitement he completely ignored it.

I grabbed my Nook, plugged it into my laptop, and had a teenage angst attack for about fifteen minutes when I couldn't remember how to drag the file to my Nook folder. Really, Zuko would have been proud.

After I finally figured out how to do it, I curled up on the couch and read half the book in one sitting, though by no means in one position.

I was so excited to see Ash, Meghan, and Puck, I rushed through the book until I reached them. Then I re-read it. After fangirling for quite a bit, I went to bed, and as soon as I awoke, continued my journey and finally finished the book. My face after I finally snapped shut the cover on my e-book?


I adore Julie Kagawa books, and I don't think I've ever given one lower than four stars. But THE LOST PRINCE was a little different, and i'm about to explain why.


"Call of the Forgotten", the series name, gives you more than you might realize. Half-bloods, dryads - mostly creatures of the fey have been disappearing. The cause? Misty, horrifying fey, much those seen in the Forgotten village of THE IRON KNIGHT. They are the Forgotten - fey that no one remembers anymore. Sucking the glamour out of remembered fey sick faery vampires makes them more real. Afraid for his life, Todd, a half-phouka, turns to Ethan for protection, only for him to also disappear. After that, trying to silence Ethan, The Forgotten attempt to kill Ethan and Kenzie, his ‘friend’ from school. Realizing (with help) he must inform The Iron Queen, he ventures into the Neverever and from there, Ethan, Kenzie, and a special ‘guest’ embark on a little journey.

It truly was a fantastic plot, strengthened by the mystery behind the ruler of the Forgotten, and the tiny amount of sympathy behind their reasoning.


Ethan Chase. Remember the adorable little boy with his curly brown hair and bright eyes and- ahhhh! *pinches cheeks* He's was so cuuuute!

This boy does not remain. He's a delinquent, your YA bad-boy. It's mostly their fault, as he refers to the Fey, however. He's also an absolute douche. Ethan, of course, has his reasons for being this way, but if you're the unforgiving type, you won't Ethan in the first few chapters. Books from male's point of views are a little tricky to navigate through, and Julie did it flawlessly in THE IRON KNIGHT with Ash, one of my forever loves. However, I couldn't connect to Ethan in this book. I didn't him most of the time. I mean, sure, he's unbelievable sexy, but I felt a cougar. I mean, this is Meghan's little brother. The last time I saw him he was four.

Kenzie St. James. This girl. I mean really. She's a brave little thing, but she's also nosy. The pretty, popular girl who works as an editor on the school newspaper. Kenzie lives in a home where her rich-ass father mostly ignores her after her mother's death. Kenzie gets dragged into this mess after - you guessed it - prying and being a stubborn little mule. After that, Julie decides to shock us - It's The Fault in Our Stars: Paranormal Edition. Kind of. Kenize has cancer....

Keirran. Yes, Ash's visions came true. I shrieked when he was first seen; I knew it was him, the son of Ash and Meghan. The beautiful silver-haired, blue-eyed not-quite-fey, the Prince of the thrown and the nephew of Ethan. But as I dove further through THE IRON PRINCE, I found myself disliking him, more and more. By the end I hated him. He is nothing his father, or his mother. The things he did were stupid; his soft heart won over his head in important situations. Keirran's summer fey love, Anwyln, had no personality. She was equally naive as Keirran (except this time, it was 24/7), and her character was plain as a sheet. I have no idea what he saw in her.

The Original Trio. Their appearance saves this book nearly a whole half-star, even if was brief. Meghan, Puck, and Ash will always be first in my hearts, just the original team Avatar will always be better (to me) than the second one. Yet...they've changed. Meghan isn't as light-hearted; Ash is solemn as well, even after he gained a soul. Fatherhood has changed them both - or perhaps it's because we don't have a scene with them alone. Puck seems the only one who's still himself, and I was thrilled for that. I just hope he finds some amazing badass lover, though, and soon.

*drumroll, please* And, of course, you canÂ’t forget ... Grimalkin!

Once again, Julie demonstrates her exquisite writing ability. It is fluent and lyrical, easy to read but not overly- flowery or formal, which I enjoy. Rambling, confusing writing is not good writing. There is barely any humor in THE LOST PRINCE, however. We are suffering from the absence of Puck.

Perhaps I will grow into this series as the rest of the book is released, but for now I am content re-reading the brilliant original series by the talented Julie Kagawa.arcs cover-lust e-books ...more33 s Maria V. SnyderAuthor 69 books17.2k

I really enjoyed being back in the Iron Fey world! Ethan is a complex character that has a lot of emotional stuff going on - I d being in his POV - although at times it was too much angst and I wanted to shake him - but those were few and far between. I'll definitely read the next book!27 s Irena BookDustMagic677 771

In my life, I didn't read significant number of spin-off series. I read only a few and I watched some spin-off TV shows.
According to my experience with spin-offs, I got an impression spin-offs are always less better then series they spin of.
This book made me see it is not the truth.

The Lost Prince is a spin-off of the Iron Fey series, and boy, it is so much better then it's predecessor!

Kagawa got so much better in writing. You can tell why so many people read her books.
She was always good but now, her words have a power. They suck you into the story, you lose the touch with the world around you. You just care about those strange faeries and Keirran, about Ethan and wonder what the hack is happening with half bloods. You want to know!
At least that is the way Kagawa's writing style effected me.

She did a great job creating new characters.
I dare to say she did a better job creating characters in this book then she did in Iron Fey series.
There, I d some characters but no one actually got under my skin. In this one I cared about every single one of them.
I love Ethan Chase! He is my new book boyfriend (and I don't have that many book boyfriends).
Kenzie is great. She is not typical Mary Sue pretty girl who needs to be protected. She has her own problems but she still is a stubborn (but not in a bad way), knows what she wants and has a good sense of humour.
Razor is so adorable I love him to bits.
Keirran is mysterious and I still don't know how to feel about him. I do know I care about him though.
I even care about the villain (I know, that shouldn't be that much of a surprise when it comes to me).

The end was satisfied. It had no big cliffhanger but was still open for sequel.

I own the second book in the series but I am not sure should I read it now or should I wait until the third book's release day comes closer since I've heard the second book in the series ends with a mayor cliffhanger. I simply can't decide...

Anyway, this book made my day yesterday when I finished it.
I am so happy the series I d got a spin-off that I loved!favorite21 s Phrynne3,543 2,398

It has taken me a while to get around to reading this Iron Fey spin off series but I am glad I did. I enjoyed reading about the grown up Ethan and his troubles and also meeting Ash, Puck and Meghan again. The author has conveniently arranged that all of her fey characters reach a certain age and then cease getting older so our heroes from the previous series are still teenagers. A clever move! I look forward to finding out how she organises for Ethan to not become as old as his own sister's grandfather. This is not confusing at all - really!
Anyway it was a good story, well told. There was plenty of action, in between passages of Ethan bemoaning his fate, and there were many interesting and fun characters. Razor was especially good entertainment. I am now compelled to move on to the next book to find out what happens.23 s Riv257 65

(My thoughts as the book was coming out are below.)
(I will hopefully be writing a real review at some point.)

I was actually pretty disappointed. I'm sure it was more enjoyable for new readers but, as an avid fan, a lot was predictable. No, correction: Not even as an avid fan. Just by reading The Iron Knight, I was able to guess at a bunch of the spoilers early on.
Also, Ethan was a bit too broody for me. And some of the other characters were a bit annoying, Todd, or flat, Kenzie. There are plot devices that try to make her more interesting were just eye-roll-worthy. Annwyl was really annoying too; she's a several hundred year old summer fairie, but she's such a weakling throughout the entire book, and needs little Kieran, who is only 1/4 fey (not a spoiler, it's revealed pretty early on) to protect her.
There was a really obvious info-dump as well.
I also noticed that the formula was very similar to The Iron King. It paralleled a lot with the first book, but not in a good way. It just felt a bunch of recycled plot devices.
My second favorite part was the various nods to the original series, and the parallels of certain parallels and relationships.
My favorite part was Puck and Ash's cameo appearances. And their DYNAMIC. Ugh. It's just so perfect.
Anyone who says Ash and Meghan have the best chemistry in these books is lying. It's Puck and Ice-boy.

Just the title is making my insides melt! I can't wait!
And it's 2012! HarlequinTeen is so good to me.

I'm not usually such a huge fan of .gifs, but seeing as this is Julie Kagawa, and The Hunger Games just hit theaters (amazing, by the way):

ETA 4/25: OMG DAGADGAERdsfastjaweorgnvjkfda THAT COVER TOTALLY JUST EXPLODED MY BRAIN. I stared at it for a few minutes, trying to figure out what was going on with Ethan's chest but I DON'T CARE. When this book comes out I'll have a solid copy in my hands to stare at FOREVER AND EVER.
Or not.

I figured I have a MARVELous gif up here already, so I should probably use another gif to express my excitement. Text-only comments are BORING (though Julie totes makes up for it.) (Yup, I just said "totes." I'm THAT giddy.) (Also NOTICE the caps.) (YAAAAAY!!!!!)

Without too much further ado, I think this cover is...
[pause for further ado]

ETA 5/31: The summary sounds a little shallow, kind of...typical. But still. YES.
And, as promised, Hunger Games .gif number 3. (If the book lives up to the epicosity of all its predecessors, I'll need to go .gif hunting again)

The Iron KnightThe Iron KnightThe Iron Knight1st-of-series wishlist19 s Mary13

Really..?! Julie Kagawa..?! OMG..!

Hahaha, now it's Ethan's turn.. *so excited
Can't hardly wait..No that's wrong..I can't wait any longer..8 months of torture waiting..WHY?! WHY?! WHY?! Hope to see Ash, Megan and Puck. PUCK..! I hope in this book together with Ethan he will find a girl that will love him unconditionally and he also loves her *praying for it to happen.

But then again this is perfect, I really really want to read more stories with a guy's POV. And Ethan all grown up..this is really great..

Me: scrolling down my book page..*hmmm..still the same..passed by the lost prince
[image error]

...scrolls back again..*wait a minute is that Ethan? *holy mother of weasel..!

Ethan is so freakin' hot..! This only makes me want to have it now. This is pure torture. 5 more months of agony to go..
19 s Saniya360 859

The cat. The God-damn cat. ?
Official book trailer!^

Ohkay thats it! I feel an old grandma here. I am saving Ethan and Prince Keirran for my children to fan-girl over about now.
Since I have already given my heart and soul to Ash and Puck.

*Out of the fan-club of Team Ethan or Keirran.*

And did I mention that they both have their own girlfriends to actually care about us dying to be their imaginary girlfriend? Nope. They didn't even think about that. How cruel.

At-least Prince Ash and Puck were single and ready to mingle in the Iron Fey series. Now I am completely alone... but wait... Puck is still available! Oh the joy! :D *Happy Dance*

There are some books in this universe that captivates you in such a way that you feel you are already a part of their world. And when you discover that you can't read any more of the books since the series ended, you feel totally miserable and devastated. Thats what happened to me when I read 'The Iron Fey' series by Julie Kagawa. But when I came to know that there is a spin off, 'The Lost Prince' releasing this year, I was so delighted and my hopes for experiencing the world of Neverever and the Faery world yet once again, were enhanced. So you guys can imagine my happiness, when I got an ARC from Harlequin and I was nearly gonna cry from the excitement of reading it. (Thank-you so much!)

Now that you guys know, how much I loved 'The Iron Fey' series, lets talk about this book.
The writing, the plot and the story was fantastic. And the thing is, I was totally expecting this from Julie Kawaga. She is such a marvelous author that I wouldn't even blink before buying any random book of her's.
The way the story flowed, the setting, the pace, everything was perfect and its you are just reading another book of the same series. nothing ever changed. And thats the best part about this book. Though I must say, the sarcasm and humor that the Iron Fey series had, was missing, because of our beloved Puck not being there.
The only thing that made me a-bit uneasy were the CHARACTERS.

Ethan, my bad boy here, who was also the main character of this book, was all strong, arrogant, angry, don't-talk-to-me-again type of guy from the outside but all sweet, caring and a scared guy from the inside. Even though it was kind of hard for me to blend in with him, especially in the beginning of the book, I found Ethan quite -able though-out the whole book. I totally understood why he didn't want anybody to be close to him and why he kept a distance from everyone and If I were him, I would have totally done the same.
One thing about Ethan was that I didn't fell in love with him. , I didn't feel the sparks I did when I read about Ash or Puck. Yes he was a nice, new, interesting character to read but thanks but no thanks. I am gonna stay with my mans, Ash and Puck.
But wait girls.
Ethan is hot, sexy, knows Kali and can fight a ninja.

Now, Kenzie here, made me want to beat someone very badly. I don't know why, but I just hated her so damn freaking much! Shes so nosy and annoying, I just don't know how Ethan survived with her through-out the whole journey. I would have already shot her, when he meet her the second time. I guess being beautiful does make men do stupid things. Even though she gets more bearable in the end, I still hated her with a particular passion.
And yes, I won't even feel sorry for that weirdo even after all I have read about her. Die and the world will be more peaceful.

Keirran, Keirran, Keirran. Do you know how much disappointed I am in you? Not only was he what I imagined Ash and Meghan's son to be , he was also weird, stupid and yup, a bad decision maker.
I approve of his looks and stuff but no. Just no. I was so sad.
And especially his love interest Anwyln, made me dis him more. Anwyln can so be the next Mary-sue and please leave her alone while she plays with flowers and butterrflies and pretend that nothing is wrong with the world and Keirran loves her.
Bitch isn't even a good fighter.

There were only these particular scenes which made me so very happy.

1) Grimalkin. A cat. This cat has the ability to make everything fun and awesome. Not only was I delighted to meet him again, I was also entertained by his usual lines and actions that makes people annoyed around him.
+5 points to Grimalkin for the talk between him and Kenzie.

2) Prince Keirran having all Summer, Winter and Iron courts magic. I was so happpyyy! :D And I was "OMFG!" when he did the ice throwing thingy Ash. it reminded me of this:

[image error]
*A still of Ash from 'The Iron Knight's' epic book trailer.*

3) And of-course the appearance of Meghan, Ash and Puck. Meghan was , not herself. She was more serious and more mother-, which made me gag because as I said, I feel an old grandma. Ash was a father I would giggle on because not only a few months ago, I was reading about his love life. And Puck, oh Lord, Puck. He is just so, awesome. I wish he was real and I was his girlfriend. *Sigh* And Puck and Ash's coming together scene was amazing.

Is it bad of me to not actually care about any new characters but still daydream about the old ones?
Hmmpphhh, I guess not. When they both are this:

I really d this book. The story was overall amazing. I want to tell you guys but trust me, there is nothing much to tell because every thing is so interconnected that I cannot say anything without giving you guys a spoiler.
So, 4/5 stars, again, a good book by this author and do own this book if you are an Iron Fey fan. :D I am pretty much interested to know what happens next but I am still not over The Iron Fey series and I will be comparing everything to this series.
So comparably, I am a bit disappointed with this book. Thats why the 1 stars fades away.
CANT WAIT TO READ THE NEXT BOOK! WOHOO! xD <33favorites18 s Mizuki3,120 1,301

1.5 stars. Disappointing.

(1) Most of the characters are acting immature and impulsive.

(2) A teen who is supposedly wary of feys and wanting to avoid them all his life, suddenly cares about the fate of a half-fey who he barely knows, and suddenly comes to trust a fey (who is a complete stranger to him) to guide him back to the human world!?

(3) Hand down, I'd read better and more romantic love stories in fanfics than in this YA novels.

(4) To be fair, I skimmed to the ending so I might miss some details, but I really couldn't get myself to care.

(5) To be fair, Meghan and Ash are in fact acting mature and decent when the MC Ethan is being a brat.

(6) Talking about Ethan, he is a freaking whinnie, who bitches about his sister abandoning him all the times!

(7) Then there is Kenzie, who follows Ethan around even when he did his worst to be rude to her. *sighs* Something just never changes in Julie Kagawa's fictional world.

(8) Well, I admit the whole novel is completely readable and the reading experience is smooth, but as a whole it's rather forgettable. bad-bad-bad-romance disappointment fairies-related ...more18 s Roobie688 90

??4 stars??

I would not worry about that, mortal.

No one ever leaves the Nevernever completely sane.

I missed this world!
Ash is still a babe. Puck is still adorkable. And grumpy Ethan and awesome Kenzie make it easy to love them.
Can't wait for more.
2019 fantasy first-in-series ...more18 s Maja (The Nocturnal Library)1,016 1,903

When the release of The Lost Prince was announced, I didnÂ’t quite know what to think about it. In ninety percent of the cases, a spin-off isnÂ’t the best idea an author can have and it ends up disappointing the fans. While I wasnÂ’t the biggest fan of The Iron Fey in the world, I still enjoyed the series and I didnÂ’t want it ruined in some sad attempt to milk the cash cow. Now, after reading the first book, IÂ’m very excited that EthanÂ’s (and I suppose KeirranÂ’s) story is being told.

As usual, what bothered most reviewers is actually what I enjoyed the most. Ethan is very angry; at himself, at his life, his parents, but above all at Meghan for abandoning him and deciding to cut all ties to her human family. The way he sees it, she is the Iron Queen now and she doesnÂ’t need Ethan or the problems he inevitably brings. Being inside his head was interesting to say the least, and I thought it was done really well. I suspect thatÂ’s exactly how IÂ’d feel and behave in EthanÂ’s shoes.

I honestly didnÂ’t thing Kagawa was capable of writing a book without a love triangle, but even though I expected it, there wasnÂ’t one in The Lost Prince, which is probably part of the reason I d the book as much as I did. I loved Kenzie and EthanÂ’s relationship, they are definitely a couple I can get behind. Even with all their problems, they are both better people around each other and thereÂ’s this wonderful chemistry between them that makes my heart flutter every time. Unfortunately, I canÂ’t say the same about Keirran and Annwyl, I just didnÂ’t feel any sparks there. Since I know Kagawa is excellent at writing swoony romances, I can only assume this was done on purpose.

Keirran is the primary source of suspense, at least once you try to look at the big picture, and through him, Kagawa manipulates her readers splendidly. As much as I wanted to him, I was never quite sure where he stood, and as sincere as he seemed, there were always doubts at the back of my mind. I donÂ’t want him to turn bad, mostly because of who he is, but I fear that itÂ’s inevitable.

Once again, Julie Kagawa simply excels at worldbuilding. Nevernever is just as rich and imaginative as before, if not more. She always paid attention to detail and this time is no different. IÂ’m not usually one for long descriptions, but Kagawa has a talent for creating vivid images with no more than a few carefully chosen words.

It was old, even from a distance, I could see that. Stone walls and mossy roofs, vines coiled around everything. Trees pushing up through rock, roots draped and curled around stone. Some of the buildings were huge – massively huge. Not sprawling so much as they looked as if they were built by a race of giants.

Here comes the real shocker: I ended up liking The Lost Prince even more than I d the original series. Lack of a dreaded love triangle probably contributed to that fact. If Kagawa continues following her usual pattern, this series will only get better. Considering how much I already Kenzie and Keirran, and how much IÂ’ve warmed up to Ethan, it seems I really have something to look forward to. More, please!

favorites mira-ink own-a-dtb ...more16 s Taschima905 458

Does anybody else feel a little weird/perverted to have the hots for Ethan? I remember reading The Iron King and imagining a little cute boy, and now he is the boy in the cover, and he is hot, but I still can remember that little boy... confusing, a little bit perverted, but oh so good. He has grown up into a fine frame of a man.17 s ~Tina~1,092 158

"This is the Iron Realm," I told her. "It's still Faery, just a different flavor of crazy."

Ethan Chase isn't new when it comes to the whole faery existence. His sister is the Iron Queen after all and he's been able to see them since he was a child which has been nothing but trouble.
Making sure to use every trick in the book so not to attract their attention and play the part of a rebellious troublemaker to ensure that people don't get to close to him, Ethan is so sick of this tiresome scene. Closing your eyes to the world of the Fey will only get you so far before you don't have a choice but to acknowledge them. Especially now that he's in a new school and befriended a stubborn girl named Kenzie and a half-phouka fairy named Todd, that has gotten him mixed up in his mess.
There is a new evil lurking in the mortal world. A new kind of Fey that no one seems to know anything about and it's after Todd. It's up to Ethan to try to find his friend and protect Kenzie. Ethan has to do something he swore he wouldn't ever do. He would have to venture back to a place he promised he'd never step foot into again and ask for help from the one person who let him down the most.
Nevernever. The Iron Queen. His sister. Meghan Chase.

Ahhh! I've missed this world!! I've always been a little fearful when reading a spin-off to one of my all time favorite series. I tend to overly miss the characters from the first series so much that it takes away anything the next books has to offer. But it wasn't the case for this book. Julie Kagawa did such a terrific job finishing off The Iron Fey series that there wasn't any real room to miss them. Ash and Meghan's story is over, but Ethan's is just beginning. It felt so great to be able to fully emerge myself in yet another epic adventure with characters I was eager to get to know better.

Reading Ethan's story felt very natural. When dealing with a spin-off series any new story-line are usually eased into a whole new set of characters which could be daunting since apart of us tends to compare new with the old and already loved. But it didn't feel that with this book. We already meet Ethan when he was just a young boy and remember his terrifying experience in Nevernever. But I always wondered what happened to him afterwards. It was easy to connect and sympathize with Ethan and even understand and agree with the measurements in which he lives his life. He craves isolation and avoids making friends. He's strong and smart but he's also very bitter and resentful. He blames Meghan and even Ash for leaving him to endure this nightmare all alone and really who could blame him.
Kenzie is the perfect match to challenge Ethan. She's a pushy and stubborn little thing and her unwavering and fearless persistence was both amusing and infuriating. She takes things much more calmly then one would imagine and soon we understand why Kenzie is the way she is. Together it was a wonder to see how these two complete each other, making them stronger when united.
Fans of The Iron Fey books will be pleased to see some of their favorite faces again (I was bouncing) and meet new characters that add excitement and thrill to the plot line. Keirran is a character I'm most interested in and I can't wait to see what it's store for him next. Razor is laugh-out-loud awesome!

Going back to Nevernever is revisiting one of my favorite dreams. It's still just as colorful and animated as it's always been but just as dangerous and consuming. I adore the vivid and rich life that Kagawa always seem to give this universe. It's a magically imaginative world that is brilliantly portrayed.
I have to hand it to Kagawa for this outstanding plot line. I was in awe when she first introduced a new fey into this paranormal genre. The Iron Fey are such a wicked and unique concept, I just didn't expect her to do it again! I don't want to spoil it since I want readers to experience this awesome new evil on their own. So all I'm gonna say is that I loved it and I can't wait to see this story-line thicken.

Bottom line, I had such a blast with this book. I sound a broken record when it comes to Julie Kagawa's books but I just absolutely adore everything she puts to pen. Her idea's are so flippin' creative. There is just nothing sinking into one of her worlds.
It's addicting, exciting and completely fantastic!
The Lost Prince is my new favorite world!

(Arc provided by Netgalley and Harlequin Teen)
arc cover-crazz favorites ...more15 s Roohdaar165 1,917

Beware of spoilers!

This is a 2.5, to be precise.

So as I sat down, ready to start this book, I thought to myself, Dayum. Look at Ethan on the cover! He was a baby when I first started this series. Look at that kid! But may I add that the UK's cover is ten times better! I mean, check this out!

Yes, I admit that Ethan grew up to be a fine guy. But is he going to be Meghan? Is he going to be just as annoying, stupid, and ridiculously laughable how Meghan was in the first two books? Well, I hope not! Let's see what you have with Ethan, Kagawa!

There is a new type of fey called "The Forgotten" because no one knows about them. They are fading away. However, they suck the glamour of half breeds to keep their kingdom alive. They've captured many half breeds, including half-Phouka Todd, Ethan's friend from school. Now the folks in the Nevernever have no clue what's going on in the human world because they probably couldn't care less. However, Ethan does. So he's got some things to straighten out.

The first part of the book was very... irritating because of the narrator. Ethan was a pain in the buttocks, I tell you. Frankly, I was getting tired of Kagawa starting her books "My name is Blah Blah and I don't think I'll live very long." Sure, it might grab someone's attention, but it's very cliche and just a sad way to start a book. I mean, enough is enough. Anyway, back to Ethan. Ethan Chase's sister left him when he was young and he grew up to be a complete jerk because of it. Well, that's part of it. There are also fey that chase him and toy with his emotions. It's happened since he was a kid. Now he is seventeen. Cue the brooding, hostility, rudeness, and quietness. Remind you of another character in this series? *cough Ash cough* I still don't think that's an excuse to treat everyone crap, Ethan. What did they do to deserve your slimy attitude? Sorry, but no sympathy from me. Another cliche aspect to this story that Kagawa writes. *sighs* So that's two already. Ethan was just complaining about almost everything. And the whole "I won't let people get close to because then I'll lose them because of the fey" concept is simply tiresome. I've had enough of that from Ash, for fudge's sake!

Then enters Mackenzie St. James, Ethan's potential love interest. She's human as well. You know the whole "girl is funny and outgoing and makes the brooding, serious, tough guy fall for her" thing? Yeah, that's what happens here. So that's three from me. At first, I thought Kenzie was a Mary Sue. She was cute, funny, outgoing, smart, hardworking, and ambitious. Does this girl have a flaw? Because I'm ready to hear some! , man this girl is persistent. She says yes to practically everything Ethan throws at her. You sure you want to fight some faeries and face the chance that you probably will die a horrific death? Sure, I'm up for it! And sometimes it was just so awkward when she tried to make him laugh and he just sat there and continued to brood.

This is how a typical conversation would go between them:

Kenzie: So, tough guy. We're going to Fairyland! This would be amazing for my article, you think?
Ethan: *mentally curses himself*
Kenzie: So what's next, fighting dragons?
Ethan: *turns to her with an icy glare* What happens next is that we'll go home and you can just forget everything that happened.
Kenzie: Well, I kinda can't, considering I'm writing an article on all this. Gotta take notes and interviews.
Ethan: [image error]

And the freaking interview! Geez, Kagawa. Just drop it! Ethan doesn't interviews! You should have made them actually kiss instead of having Kenzie ask annoying questions about the interview. It was hilarious because no one was c***-blocking them... except them! they were about to kiss but then she asks a bunch of silly questions or he turns away and holds her hand instead. Gosh, those two.

Furthermore, I was really getting annoyed of both Ethan and Kenzie. I needed a certain pussycat to make me feel better. Then Grimalkin comes around and astounds me once again with his awesomeness. Sarcastic cat is sarcastic, indeed. Love him! That finally adds some humor and entertainment to this somewhat dull story.

Speaking of humor and entertainment...

Oh, motherPucker. Where have you been? I know this story is about Ethan and Kenzie, but I've missed you and your buffoonery! Grimalkin came and left! Oh, yeah. So did Queen Meghan and Ash. I forgot about them... Whatevs. So Puck comes for, , four pages.

"Puck," she finished for me in a whisper. She was staring at him now, awe and amazement written across her face. "Puck, from A Midsummer Night's Dream? Love potions and Nick Bottom and donkey heads? That Puck?"
"The one and only." Puck grinned.

And only Puck gets a grand entrance and introduction that. He should! Hmph!

I am telling you guys. Puck and Grimalkin are the only two remarkable characters in this series so far. They should just stick together twinsies. Together, with Grimalkin's dark, sarcastic humor and Puck's mischievous, swoon-worthy attitude, they might just make me cry of happiness.

But! The second half of the book cleared things up for me. Kagawa worked on character development on both Ethan and Kenzie, so that made them less annoying and more tolerable. However, she sprinkled in more cliches! With the whole, "You made me change. I wasn't this before but you opened my eyes" crap. Oh, yes. And there was a bit of A Walk to Remember in there as well. But un the unfair amount of feels I had to overcome for that movie, I got nothing for Ethan and Kenzie. Nada. Really, Kagawa? This is getting old. This is just Meghan and Ash's story. Spare me the cheesiness.

There were also other new characters Keirran and Annwyl. I would to talk about them but not as much as I'd not to.

Overall, I was pretty disappointed with this book. No remarkable quotes. No LOLs from me. I only received cliches and cheese. The only things that made me give this one a 2.5 were:

1. The Forgotten plot
2. Grimalkin, Puck, and Razor
3. The fabulous writingcheese great-writing not-again15 s Cereja CultAuthor 0 books40 Want to read

HECK YEHHHHHHHHH this is what I'm talking about,,,, Can't wait to see what's up with Ethan when he grows up seeing the fey and all,,
14 s ?Rachel?2,022 884

2.5 Stars

The Lost Prince was an entertaining adventure, a story that any fan of KagawaÂ’s Fey series will enjoy.

When we last left off, Ethan Chase was the toddler/younger brother of Meghan Chase, one who also had “The Sight,” in other words, he could see faeries. He has nothing but contempt for the Fey. In his mind they took his sister and have made his everyday life a nightmare. Now at sixteen, Ethan tries to stay out of trouble but with the Fey in his life, this is impossible. He keeps every one at a distance for fear of bringing his problems onto to them as well. After getting kicked out of this last school for starting a library fire, during a Fey altercation, Ethan is plopped into the middle of the school year and has to deal with fitting in and the rumors of his delinquency that follow him. Enter Mackenzie St. James, the fearless girl-reporter that won’t take “no” for an answer. She’s determined to get to the bottom of the mysterious “bad-boy” Ethan, and what makes him tick. Unfortunately for her, this propels her straight into trouble, because wherever Ethan is, the Fey are sure to be nearby.

I must admit, I wasnÂ’t the biggest fan of KagawaÂ’s Fey series. I didnÂ’t dis the series, but I wasnÂ’t blown away by it. There are legions of fans that have a completely different opinion, so I may not be the best judge for this story. Detailed and descriptive world-building usually leaves me yawning, and Kagawa is the queen of world-building. I had fun reading this but it didnÂ’t knock my socks off. I felt both Ethan and KenzieÂ’s voices were very young, so I had a hard time connecting to either one of them. IÂ’m big on character development, and I feel these stories are more world-building and plot driven. With that said, the plot wasnÂ’t something surprising or out of the ordinary, and I guessed a couple of the twists without much thought.

I feel bad bashing on this story because I should’ve known better than to pick this up. This is clearly a case of “it’s not you, it’s me,” so please don’t discount this story because of my review. I must confess, I don’t feel this way about all of Kagawa’s writing, because I was a huge fan of her vampire story The Immortal Rules. While I’m going to call it quits with the Fey series, I will be picking up her next vampire story:

A copy of this was provided by Harlequin Teen through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you.

You can find this review and more at The Readers Den. 13 s Natalie Monroe607 3,740

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