
My Daughter's Lies: A totally gripping and emotional family drama de Julia Roberts

de Julia Roberts - Género: English
libro gratis My Daughter's Lies: A totally gripping and emotional family drama


Julia Roberts Publisher: Bookouture, Year: 2024 ISBN: 9781835253816

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It is Ruby’s 18th birthday party, and it is rather a glamorous event. Planned by her beloved Aunt Sadie, Ruby’s father was supposed to present a speech in Ruby’s behalf, but he asks Ruby’s mother Melissa to deliver the speech instead. Melissa heads to the podium, begins looking at the pages of the speech she had written for her husband, and she finds a note that states: “She is not who you think she is.”

Was the note about Ruby? Or was it about Melissa? In dual timeline fashion (2023 and 2004), a slow reveal of secrets and lies is uncovered. More than that, the way that it was written with more than one POV enhances the drama in this compelling story. This domestic drama by Julia Roberts had some intriguing twists, surprising me more than once.

Many thanks to Bookouture and to NetGalley for this ARC for review. This is my honest opinion.2024-april-june 2024-reads kindle ...more7 s Ink635 15

My Daughter's Lies by Julia Roberts is a deep dive into the lies told within a small family unit, the ones which they admit to and the ones they don't. Admitting to some will strengthen the bonds, others will ly sever them entirely

A note falls out of a speech at Chloe's 18th birthday party. Her mother Melissa, has agreed to do the speech in place of her husband as he really did not want to speak in front of the gathered crowd. "She is not who you think she is". Ever the professional radio presenter, Melissa carries on with the speech and celebrations, but she needs to find out who put this notein the speech for her husband Steve to see and why

Julia Roberts has written a novel that is utterly relatable and reflective of soceity, especially in times of great challenges (the chapter headers are dates in 2023 and 2004) The story is multiple POV and it works really well in respect of the storyline. The key point for me, which daughter is lying and in fact, is anybody not lying?

An outstanding narrative on the lengths people will go to to create and keep their family. Brilliant!

Thank you to Netgalley, Bookouture and Julia Roberts for this fantastci ARC. My review is left voluntarily and all opinions are my ownarc-read bookouture netgalley4 s Heidi Lynn’s BookReviews1,209 101

First, I want to thank Julia Roberts, Bookouture and NetGalley for providing me with this book so I can bring you this review.

WOWZERS!! My Daughter’s Lies by Julia Roberts is truly an emotionally filled family drama that pulls on your heart strings. It is a gripping fast paced addictive storyline.

Julia would to dedicate My Daughter’s Lies in memory of Sadie Walsh.

I absolutely LOVED the idea for Ruby’s 18th Birthday Party that her Aunt Sadie helped plan for her! Being a huge fan of musicals I would have loved to attend that party! It was such a perfect idea since she loved musicals, dancing, etc!

One thing I don’t miss about my teenage years is the high school drama especially when it came to boys! Oh this book was filled with secrets, betrayals, lies, backstabbing, feuds between friends, etc.
2 s Di632 20

One of the most popular themes in books with family drama is SECRETS. Yes, I meant to use all caps. This story is full of secrets. I think every character had one. But, the problem with secrets is that they cause people to lie, to cover up those secrets.

Two best friends have secrets. Three daughters have secrets. Two mothers have secrets. Two other friends have secrets. A husband and wife have secrets. It was all a huge melodrama. The title indicates that one of the daughters lies. But all three of the daughters lie. There's a dog in the household, I was expecting him to have a secret/lie too! Confession time for everyone by the end of the story…..everyone comes clean.

Oh my, so convoluted. As was the timeline, jumping back and forth. This caused an uneven flow to the story. None of the characters were particularly able to me. But, they were realistically flawed. By the end of the book I was able to see that,

This story was a bit over the top for me. There were a few too many coincidences. But I felt compelled to keep reading it so I am giving it 3 stars. I didn't hate this book, I just didn't love it. But, I can see from the other , that many did. I'm glad, authors put too much work into writing a book for it to be panned.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the Advance Readers Copy.
1 Heather529 5

Thanks to #NetGalley and #Bookouture for the book #MyDaughtersLies by #JuliaRoberts. This book is about your kids growing up and parents letting go. And of course, the secrets that finally come out. All the events that take place are around Ruby’s 18th birthday. I read this book in one sitting and I recommend it, especially if you have kids of your own.1 Emma379

You are celebrating your perfect daughter's birthday when you come across a shocking note... Who sent it, and more importantly, what is your daughter hiding? A brilliant thriller that keeps you turning the pages. Really enjoyed it and loved the ending.1 Farah1,002 15

Melissa is shocked to find a note tucked within her speechnotes when she gives her speech at her daughter's 18th birthday. Who has written it and what does it mean?

From the start of this book, we are treated to multiple POVs, with it becoming evident that everyone is keeping their own secrets. Do these secrets relate to the note? I couldn't help but try to put the pieces together myself as I tried to work out who it could have been. The secrets themselves were so juicy too - I love when thrillers divulge salacious scandal! With great characters, plenty of plot twists and a storyline that will keep you riveted, My Daughter's Lies is a great thriller that I highly recommend.2 s Sue15

I really did not enjoy this book until I was 75% done but completed it to find out the mystery, glad I did!1 Kelly (aka jsybookworm)161 5

This was a really good read, another author to add to my rapidly growing favourite authors list!

Melissa and Steve’s daughter, Ruby, has grown up in the blink of an eye and now they are at a party to celebrate her 18th Birthday. Steve is due to give a speech but backs out at the last minute leaving Melissa to read it. However, when she picks up the pages in readiness to read it a note falls out saying “SHE’S NOT WHO YOU THINK SHE IS” in bright red ink. Melissa gives the speech word perfect, but the note is on her mind. She is desperate to find out who wrote the note and who the “she” is who is mentioned in it. As she starts to try and figure it out secrets and lies start tumbling out about everyone close to her, she in turn, is desperate to hide a very big secret of her own. Will Melissa find out what she needs to know, and more importantly will she manage to keep her own secret hidden?!

As I said above a new author to me and one I will definitely look out for in the future. I found myself liking Melissa very quickly although I was unsure how I felt about Sadie. I didn’t Linda, Melissa’s mum, to start with as I felt she was a little hypercritical telling Melissa that she was spoiling Ruby when Linda was doing just that when Ruby visited. However, I did come round to her character by the end of the book, but I will say no more as this is a spoiler free review!! I really enjoyed hearing from the three different points of view, Melissa, Ruby, and Sadie and thought it told the story very well. I was thinking about this book even when I wasn’t reading it which, for me, is always the sign of a good book. I guessed Melissa’s secret quite early on in the story, but it didn’t ruin the plot for me as the other big secret definitely gobsmacked me as I had fallen for all the red herrings the author had put out, so great job Julia Roberts, I just love a surprise.

Overall, I really enjoyed this story, and I would recommend it for any fans of gripping and emotional family drama’s. I look forward to seeing what Julia Roberts writes next.

Thank you to NetGalley, Julia Roberts and Bookouture for my advanced reading copy. Out now. Linda McCutcheon1,107 7

"She's not who you think she is..."
"Some secrets are best left untold."

Not going to lie...HAH...nothing but whopper lies in the often intense My Daughter's Lies by red herring brilliantly misleading author Julia Roberts. This book left me emotionally drained with my brain aching when there were no more secrets to tell...I think.

Melissa is so proud of Ruby at her 18th birthday party. It took years to conceive but it never happened again. It just means Melissa and her husband give all their love to sweet Ruby. So then, why mixed up in the notes for her speech at the party, there's a hand written note with the cryptic scrawled message, "She's not who you think she is."

Is the "she" Ruby or someone else? Is the note for her, or her husband who was originally going to give the speech? Who wrote it?

I am telling you in just the first chapter I had more questions than Melissa. As more characters are introduced, Melissa's best friend Sadie, Ruby's bestie, and Melissa's mother Linda, you realize the note could be about any of them and written by anybody.

This is a mother daughter drama but it's slowly revealed that it isn't necessarily just about Melissa and Ruby. I was fooled at first but had a few things figured out before the end.

I had so much fun reading this and the author pulled me in right from the start. The one thing that touched my heart was that with all the lies and secrets it was never malicious (though the person who wrote the note did so out of an angry hurt). Mostly it was all about being protective, scared of losing the ones you love, and asking for forgiveness instead of permission after the fact. Right or wrong, a daughter's lies are only as powerful as her mother's secrets.

I received a free copy of this book from #bookouture via #NetGalley for a fair and honest review. All opinions are my own. Barbara Schultz3,457 259

Name of Book: My Daughter’s Lies
Author: Julia Roberts
Genre: Family Drama, Women’s Fiction
Publisher: Bookouture
Pub Date: May 23, 2024
My Rating: 3.6 Rounded ups
Pages: 304

Story starts with the celebration of Ruby’s eighteenth birthday.
As mom (Melissa) is getting ready to give a toast she unfolds the note where she had made comments. The note states ~
She’s not who you think she is.
When the party ends, Melissa thinks about how for eighteen years she tried to forget her mistakes, and now in one little note everything is about to fall apart. Will her secret now come out and she will lose Ruby.

Story had me curious –Okay who sent the note - also who is ‘she’? It is Ruby or Mom perhaps is it someone else?
I did enjoy this story however when I read “A Letter from Julia’ I wanted to reread it.
I always enjoy the ‘Author’s Notes as well as their Acknowledgements. In this case Ms. Roberts tells us she got this idea from an Instagram post and her creative mind developed an idea!
Ruby is perfect in her parent’s eye however Ruby just might be less than perfect– not a villain but a girl about to be an adult! So touched on not only Ruby’s relationship with Melissa but Melissa’s relationship with her mother Linda (I believe we readers loved Linda!)
Julia tells us that when she had these two reconcile she had tears in her eyes!! As she thought of her ninety-seven year old mom!
Aww I just loved THAT!!

Want to thank NetGalley and Bookouture for this early eGalley.
Publishing Release Date scheduled for May 23, 2024.
2024-gr-challenge arc netgalley ...more2 s1 comment Nisha Mathias castelino86

At first this seems a psychological thriller but it is an emotional family drama with lots of secrets. With secrets come lies, betrayal and backstabbing that threatens to destroy their perfect family.

The book opens with the family celebrating Ruby's 18th birthday. Ruby has always been a perfect daughter. As she is getting ready to propose a toast, her mother, Melissa comes across a shocking note that says 'she is not who you think she is'. Who has written the note and what does it mean?

Told in multiple PoVs and over nonlinear timelines, we come across secrets that every character has managed to hide over the years making them realistically flawed. As a mother myself, the story deeply resonated with me about how we as parents are protective of our children until we have to finally let them go.

This is my first book by the author and I loved the way Julia packed an emotional punch while also keeping me hooked to learn more about the secrets and how they played a part in the family dynamics, bringing everything and everyone together with a satisfying conclusion.

Thank you @bookouture for having me on the #booksontour and @netgalley and the author @juliagroberts for an eARC to read and review. Marlene Nelwan60 2

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