
La sfida di Wes de Jules Barnard

de Jules Barnard - Género: Italian
libro gratis La sfida di Wes


Una seconda chance che non si aspettava...

Wes era nato con uno spirito competitivo. Da quando aveva imparato a camminare, ce l'aveva messa tutta per non perdere mai.

E non aveva mai perso, finché la sua ragazza lo aveva lasciato all'ultimo anno di college e la sua carriera sportiva professionale era naufragata.

Quattro anni dopo, l'ultima cosa di cui ha bisogno Wes mentre si prepara per la partita della vita, è che la sua ex-ragazza si faccia viva nel suo resort al braccio del nuovo fidanzato. Giusto, ma poteva essere la sua occasione di riconquistare ciò che aveva perso.

Perché se c'è la possibilità che Wes si sia sbagliato su Kaylee e che lei lo abbia veramente amato, forse sarà in grado di rompere quel blocco mentale e ricominciare a giocare al suo livello... e riconquistare la ragazza.

"Questo libro mi ha fatto ridere, ma è anche tenero, toccante e romantico." ~ Recensione Amazon


«Oddio, sembra che tu abbia acquisito nuove... abilità.»

«Shh, Kaylee» disse Wes a bassa voce, sensualmente, con il fiato che passava sulla carne tenera. «Non vogliamo che qualcuno ci trovi.»

Reseñas Varias sobre este libro

Pretty entertaining.....

I d Wes a lot. The premise of the story though? I had difficulty with. I had to suspend belief because I hate cheating in a book, even emotional unless I know it going in and I was prepared for what the set up was. After the first couple chapters I started to worry....but she pulled it off. You get deep into Kaylees mindset & things are resolved quickly. Once that happened the book got a whole lot more palatable.

Our h is engaged to be married. That man, just no. You’ll understand as you read. Wes, our H dated Kaylee for a long time in college & just as he was about to make it big in golf, she split. All gets explained. Pretty emotional stuff. This is not a triangle romance for anything longer than 4-5 chapters. You get to the meat of the romance soon.

I quite enjoyed the whole second half of their book. It became a good second chance romance. Really looking forward to Brans story.3 s Jooke1,118 13

3.5*audiobooks2 s Theresa873 13

His biggest challenge...

Another Lake Tahoe hit!! The Cade brothers are back again and another is ly to fall. But will he fall for real or head first into the water hazard?? Funny, frustrating, hot -- I mean there is a Magic Mike style dance for Pete's sake -- and another adventure at the resort. And now a bit about the story...

Wes and Kaylee were in love one upon a time, back in college, but then she left him, his golf game went to crap, he didn't make the pro tour and he was stuck working as the golf pro at Daddy's resort. Now he has accepted his new normal, that is until Kaylee walks into his pro shop announcing she is there to marry someone else. The sparks are flying, but she isn't single and there is lots of pain on both sides. I'm betting him may go for a swim in a water hazard for sure!!

Favorite passages:
- Wes gave her a blank stare. “Emily, don’t use convoluted female logic on me right now.”
- Not that he’d admit that to a single living soul, but he wasn’t such a caveman that he couldn’t admit it to himself. Okay, it had taken him years to admit it, but he’d gotten there eventually. Cavemen could evolve.
- And that was a big if. But none of that mattered at the moment. Suddenly his lower half seemed the smarter of the two brains, and it was in full control.1 Jackie Wright4,877 107

Jules Barnard is fast becoming one of my go to authors and this series featuring the Cade Brothers is a series I have fallen in love with, after reading book one I was really looking forward to the next brothers story and it did not disappoint, I was up most of night because there was no way I was putting it down till I had read the final line.
Wes Cade is the pro golfer at the family luxury resort, he had always hoped to make it on the professional golf tour and had often put golf before everything else including the love of his life Kylee, when she walks into the pro shop with her fiancé he suddenly realises what he had lost when he let her walk away from him back in their college days but is it too late.
This story is an emotional roller coaster, I laughed at the banter between the adults and one liners that an amazing little girl called Bella had but I also shed a tear as the story unfolded and we found out why Kylee walked out of Wes's life without an explanation. If anyone deserved second chance love it's Wes and Kylee but will the past be too much to overcome and will golf get in the way once again....
A brilliant read with plenty of humour, love and passion but this is also a book about families and loyalties, its a book I would recommend to anyone who loves second chance romance stories.
Looking forward to the next Cade brothers book.
1 Heather andrews9,520 159

Wes can sometimes be a little overeager, “can’t. I want to get right back to where we were.” He looked back and grinned. “Ever gotten naked on a golf course?” Wes can be a very handsy, affectionate man, “hi?” He grabbed her *** and carried her into the house, shutting the door with his foot. “I’ve been gone for five days and all I get is a hi?” I enjoyed this book, Wes was funny and sexy and Kaylee was just so sweet.1 Isha Coleman7,547 153

Wes has endured one loss too many and now he's back stronger than ever. He's in it to win it and that includes evening a score from his past. Kaylee is a regret he can seldom afford and a heartache he wouldn't dare repeat. Or would he? Daring Wes drags readers into temptation and leaves them kicking and screaming when the thrill ride comes to an end. first-reads1 April ?"LOS" ?2,801 57

Wes Cade wasn’t looking for love, especially not after his last girlfriend broke his heart. So the last thing he expects is to see his ex show at his resort with her new fiancé. Now he has to play nice and teach her how to golf so she can play on her honeymoon. But it quickly becomes apparent that neither Wes or Kaylee have moved on from their past and when the truth from their past is revealed Wes realizes what he let slip away. audiobooks1 Debbi268 2

I absolutely love this series set in my home away from home - Lake Tahoe. The author describes it perfectly and I certainly appreciate that!

I love the Cade Brother's adventures. There is always a bit of a mystery, comedy and plenty of awwwww moments.

Wes and Kaylee get a second chance. I loved that he was a golfer and that he lost his game when she left him.

This is definitely a must if you have read the others in the Men of Tahoe series
1 Blender439 13

Love the series! Wanted to smack Wes several times in this book but so glad he got it together by the end. 1 ??Hannah??3,161 41

I was given a copy of this to review.

I really enjoyed this book. I'm a sucker for a second chance romance. I was so glad that Kaylee left her fiance. He was such a jerk and she deserved so much better. I was happy that everything worked out for them in the end and I was especially glad that the doctor was wrong.2 s Tammy291 3

A really good story, but one problem I had was the use of the Lord's name in vane. I can look past most swearing but every time the characters used g**damn, J****C****t, or any other variety of those words, it took me right out of the story, and made me cringe. It is unnecessary, and probably one of my biggest pet peeves. 1 Bailey93

This book would be rated 2.5 if it was possible.

First I just want to say I have enjoyed many of Jules Barnard’s other books. This is not the best story by this author, and not even the best story in the collection of related books.

The hero, Wes, was easy to understand even when he was acting a jerk. You could identify when some actions were from pain or jealousy or love. And while you may not the actions he took the motivation for them was easy to see and understand. The female MC was confusing from the very beginning. I still don’t understand the logic or motivation in many of her actions/ reactions. Why did she want to have her wedding at her Ex’s resort, why did she want to have a talk with said ex to “explain the past” but wasn’t able to take his anger towards her. (As far as he knew they were happy and in love and she just up and ghosted and never talked to him again you would think she would expect some anger if she was coming to “get or give closure” .) When those first questions were “answered” it wasn’t in a way that I felt made any real sense. Then she makes more decisions that don’t make since “to protect herself” when an open and honest conversation would have saved him and her some time and pain. Honestly, the reasons and motivations that were explained behind the female characters actions seemed some thing you would expect a man to come up with to explain the actions of “those crazy women.” And it kinda pissed me off that the end came down to the Male having to “fix it” it was all his fault. I can usually understand and identify motivations in stories regardless of if I agree or would react the same way. However this book left me thinking the female character was nutty and needed some therapy on her issues before they should end up together.

In my opinion it’s only after she had finally worked through her issues that both of the characters could then be allowed to have that “ah ha” moment. Then in my opinion they both needed to do some fixing it with each other before they could finally find their happily ever afters.

All of that said, I did the continuation of the story. I d the growth that Wes, the male character went through and as always, I loved seeing and meeting all the characters both new and from her other books that live in the Lake Tahoe area. Amelia AutinAuthor 41 books56

Funny and Touching

This book was laugh-out-loud funny, but also tender and touchingly romantic. Wes is such a typical guy mentally (although exceptionally untypical in other ways), and Kaylee is the kind of woman we've all been at one time or another. Together they're dynamite.

I was taken aback at first because Kaylee is engaged to another man when the story opens, and I thought, "Oh no!" because cheating is one of my triggers, no matter how much the hero and heroine are attracted to each other. But I shouldn't have worried. Jules Barnard handled it perfectly, and both Wes and Kaylee earned bonus points from me for not acting on their attraction until Kaylee's engagement was over.

This is a reunion story, and it hit all the right notes. I loved how Kaylee slowly learns Wes has matured since they were together back in college, although he still has a way to go to earn his place in her heart and her life. And I loved reading about Wes's transformation, how he learns what really matters in his life. It's not easy (change never is), but I was rooting for him at every stage in his progress to the kind of man Kaylee needed him to be.

And Kaylee? She had to grow, too, had to accept that she'd made mistakes along the way where Wes was concerned. And she had to accept that even though she was strong enough to make it on her own, there's more to life than just surviving. Her big moment near the end was so sweet, and just the right touch.

It was also great catching up with favorite characters from previous books: Adam and Hayden from Cocky Prince, Levi and Emily from Tempting Levi, and Jaeger and Cali from Hard Wood (the book that made me a Jules Barnard fan). And of course it was fun to see little snippets of what's in store with future books for the other Cade brothers, Bran and Hunt (which will be told in Seducing Bran and Reforming Hunt).

All in all Daring Wes lived up to my expectations and then some. But it's going to be so hard waiting for the next installment!

**I received an ARC from the author in exchange for an honest review.** RebeccaAuthor 3 books5

In the second installment of the Cade Brothers series, Wes Cade is the books main focus.

The story follows Wes, a man who dreams of being a big name on the golf tournament circuit, but is currently working as the resident pro at his family resort. Wes blames his unlucky streak in golf on his ex-girlfriend of four years Kaylee Evans.

Just when Wes feels he might be getting back into the swing of things with his golf game Kaylee shows up at his pro shop with her fiancee in tow. After her fiancee suggests that Wes starts giving her lessons, the former couple has to work on finding mutual grounds.

When Wes finally feels that their relationship is heading in the right direction he finds Kaylee's fiancee is cheating on her, and not wanting the girl he loves to marry a man that he finds a way to tell her. Kaylee doesn't believe Wes at first and thinks he is just trying to ruin her chance at happiness. But once Emily (Levi's girlfriend from book one) confirms everything Kaylee has no choice but to leave the cheater behind, which leaves her life in shambles for the second time in four years.

With no job, and currently living in her parents vacation home on Lake Tahoe, Kaylee quickly excepts a job at Club Tahoe's kids program to help her find some meaning in life. Only downside of working there, is now that they are spending more time together, Wes is working harder to get back the only woman he ever loved.

Sadly for Wes, Kaylee only wants a friends with benefits relationship. But that works in his favor, not only is he with Kaylee again, he golf game is back to it's former glory and he quickly finds himself on the pro circuit.

But then Kaylee hits Wes with a huge shocker and he has to decide if he wants to be with her or follow his childhood dream.

I've probably given away too much as it is, so I suggest you read this amazing book by Jules Barnard to find out what huge shocker Kaylee hit Wes with and what choice Wes makes.

A Hidden Gem copy was received in exchange for my honest review and opinion. Liz ~ Liz's Reading Life858 31

Four years ago Wes Cade let 'the one' slip through his fingers , the reason why she left has always haunted him.

Kaylee has a secret she's kept from Wes all these years, and now she's ready to come clean before her upcoming wedding.

Feelings both thought were long gone surface but Kaylee is engaged to someone else and Wes isn't looking to rekindle anything with her.

But sometimes fate has a way of turning things upside down and take you on a journey neither ever expected.

Daring Wes is feisty, saucy, sweet, second chance romance that will leave you believing true love never dies.

Wes and Kaylee's past was everything you'd expect from young love and because of their youth they lost their way. But now older and wiser, they face their past and embrace their future. Watching them start over is endearing and intense. Even though there is still a few hurtles they must work overcome, they are a couple you can't help but root for.

And when they do finally get together.... prepare to overheat and be in need of a cold shower or two.

I love the Cade brothers and Wes is definitely a fine specimen of a man. When he commits, he does it with every fiber of his being. Kaylee has a heart of gold, even when life was throwing her curve balls, she never lost her kindness and her smile.

I loved every second of Daring Wes and hated to see it end. I loved watching Wes and Kaylee fall in love and chart a few future together.

Daring Wes is another fabulous showcase of the Cade Brothers series and I would highly recommend it to anyone who loves a second chance love story. It's fun, sassy, romantic, and completely brilliant.

So grab your club and get ready to play eighteen holes with the ever talented and deliciously handsome Wes Cade and his lucky lady love Kaylee. Monica (The Accidental Romance Blogger) Barbosa558 23

Literally picking up where book 1 left off (the epilogue in book one is told through Wes' POV), we now follow Wes and Kaylee's story. They were in love in college and when Kaylee dumps Wes unexpectedly, his golfing career tanks and he blames her for it. Now, years later, Wes is the "golf pro" at the family's luxury resort and guess who shows up to get married on the premises? Yup, Kaylee. And her douchy fiancé enlists the resort's golf pro for lessons so she can play in their honeymoon! 

But when Wes and his brothers catch Kaylee's fiancé cheating on her, he can't keep it from her. Now, with her engagement off and the wedding cancelled, Wes sees this as another chance - a chance to find out what happened, why Kaylee hurt him so much. 

Definitely an improvement from book 1, we get a more developed storyline. Even though the conflicts are solved rather quickly and we have the good ole "miscommunication plot device" for most of the book, you get invested in Kaylee and Wes. The secret she was keeping from him and the surprise little twist can be spotted from a mile away by any romance reader, though. We get the father's letter at the end and an epilogue that introduces Bran's story. 

Narration: This is an ok book again saved by the immense talent of Susannah Jones and Zachary Webber. ZW gets to play the four different brothers in a conversation at the same time and you can tell who's who. He also gets to do little Bella's voice and it's just adorable. His female voices are also unbelievably believable. So, for this, it was a good time. 

Possible triggers (spoilerish): surprise pregnancy, miscarriage and cheating (not MCs) Melanie S1,742 28

Another Cade brother succumbs to love

My thanks to Hidden Gems for the ARC of Daring Wes, and this is a voluntary and independent review. Jules Barnard's Lake Tahoe resort world is yet again the setting for a Cade brother's sexy romance. This time, it's Wes, the golf pro who runs the course and teaches at the brothers' resort. Wes dreamed of playing the professional tour all through his teens. When he met Kaylee in college, he thought his life was perfect. He had the girl and the sport he loved - until she dumped him. His golf game and his life fell apart, and haven't recovered since. Years later, Kaylee shows up in his pro shop looking for golf lessons! Her fiancé wants her to play golf on their honeymoon. Wes and Kaylee have so much unfinished business between them, and a little growing up to do too, before they can decide on future for themselves - and it isn't at all certain they'll be together. Barnard's warm and smooth narrative captures all the anger and angst, as Kaylee and Wes work through their troubles, helped by brothers and friends who know them and want the best for them, and it's a delightful story with the promised HEA Barnard does so well. My only issue was with Kaylee - who has to be the most emotionally clueless and self-involved heroine I've come to dis. She's one of these people who isn't satisfied. unless she's miserable, and every time Wes gives her what she asks for, she sabotages the good feels and pushes him away. Other readers may not share my opinion, but there it is. 4 stars for a steamy sexy second chance romance.2018 arc baby ...more April Symes5,012 439

Jules Barnard has another hit on her hands with Cade brothers , This time it is Wes and his story. Wes and Kaylee were in love years ago, in college, before a misunderstanding forced them apart. When they broke up and she left him, his golf game went downhill , he didn't make the pro tour and he was stuck working as the golf pro at Daddy's resort. Fast forward to present day and Kaylee walks into his pro shop announcing she is there to marry someone else and Wes isn't looking to rekindle anything with her. The sparks between them are still there but she isn't single and there is lots of pain on both sides. Only thing is, fate has a way of turning things upside down and inside out and then takes you on a journey neither ever expected.
Daring Wes is a beautiful story that is spicy, sweet, full of second chances and darling love romance story. This is a such a story that you want to keep tissues handy. I also loved getting to catch up with Adam and Hayden from Cocky Prince, Levi and Emily from Tempting Levi, and Jaeger and Cali from Hard Wood . I cannot wait for the next book in the Cade Brothers series.

My Rating: 4.7 stars *****
"I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book in exchange for an honest review***
all-bout-control almost-tragedy alpha-male ...more Amanda at WickedGoodReads810 17

When dealing with second chance romance it’s important to me that the characters are likable. I can enjoy a good frenemies story, but I mean, I need to connect.

Wes and Kaylee were together during College. At the time, Wes was a golfer, and that appeared to be all he had on the brain. When Kaylee went through an incredibly tough time, instead of including Wes, she shut him out. He has resented her ever since.

So flash forward several years, and Wes, along with his brothers, are running Club Tahoe, with Wes the resident Golf Pro. He has not had anyone important in his life since Kaylee up and left him, preferring to be a one and done kind of guy. So imagine his surprise one day when in walks Kaylee….and her fiancé-who want to get married…..at his Club.

In all honesty, Wes takes it a champ, IMO. Even though the attraction was obviously still there, there was so much left unresolved between the two. So, when Kaylee finally finds herself no longer engaged, Wes still tip toes around the issue and IMO handles the situation pretty admirably.

I don’t want to give too much away, but once the two hash out what happened in the past, they begin to work towards a future. And in the end, get their much needed HEA. Viper Spaulding2,983 23

The secret to a great second chance romance is to make sure that the events that split the couple in the first place are understandable, but not insurmountable. In this case, Wes fully believes that Kaylee had no good reason at all for their breakup, but once we find out what really happened her actions are completely appropriate.

These two are clearly meant for each other right from the start. I loved the way the author wrote the struggle Wes had with his feelings, not wanting to take a risk again but not being able to stay away from her either. His determination - especially at his brother's wedding - was a delight. Their chemistry is super hot, but the love they have for each other is hotter still.

I also enjoyed getting to know the other Cade brothers more, as the author gave us wonderful interactions with the brothers who are already matched as well as those whose stories have yet to be told. This is a terrific series, and this book is even better than the last. I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this book. The Mysterious Reader3,586 62

I really enjoyed (and have separately reviewed) Jules Barnard’s Tempting Levi, the first of her Cade Brothers series. Now, in the series’ second book, Daring Wes, we get a very different - but still totally yummy - brother. Uber-competitive Wes is a great leading man and his battle to regain Kaylee, and the secret he discovers about her (no, I won’t spoil things - and it both was and was not what I expected). This really is fun stuff, even for those of us who couldn’t care less about the ancient and noble game of golf (that written without any apologies to my sweetie who only seemed to be interested in this book because I told him the hero was a golfer). Frankly, but for the fact that I’m literally dictating this review to my husband (who really is a sweetie, aside from the weird golf addiction) from my hospital bed, I could go on and on with praises - the book definitely deserves it. Since I can’t do that I will simply note that the book is most definitely one to read, it is easy to highly recommend. I’m definitely looking forward to the next book in this series. Tara Peters1,416 10

Wes and Kaylee dated in college and he thought everything was great, until she left. Two years later she enters his life again and everything he thought he knew might just go up in smoke. He doesn't trust her, because of the way she left. She doesn't trust him because of the past.
When he starts teaching her how to play golf, things are tense. Things get even worse when he finds out a secret her fiancée is keeping. When he tells her what he knows, it sets Kaylee spiraling. One drunken night, Wes being protective, and truths being told will set them on a path of forgiveness or total destruction.
I really d how Wes didn't push, even though he wanted a future with Kaylee. I also d how Kaylee wasn't a pushover. As someone who understands how devastating hearing what she thought het fate was can be, I was glad that what Wes predicted came true. I especially d how Wes came to the conclusion he did. I want to read the other books in the series now. Wendy Livingstone16.8k 200

Kaylee and Wes were madly in love in college, and suddenly Kaylee left, leaving a heartbroken Wes behind. When Kaylee turns up years later with her new fiancé, the chemistry is still explosive between them. When Kaylee finds out her fiancé is cheating on her she dumps him, leaving the way for a determined Wes to win her back. However, love never runs smoothly. Secrets are exposed, as well as surprises and twists which could end their relationship for good. Will these two ever have a HEA? No spoilers; this is an absolute must read, you will not be disappointed!
This talented author never fails to write an amazing storyline, which had me hooked and intrigued throughout. Looking forward to reading more of this author’s work, and I highly recommend her work for all romance readers. Excellent as always Jules!
I voluntarily reviewed an advanced copy of this book!
Lisa2,070 13

I went into this book not thinking very highly of Kaylee as she just walked away from hers and Wes' relationship from Wes' perspective. It took a little while for her to win me over but she manages it as she lets her walls start to crumble and the truth about their past reveals itself.

Wes is focused, mainly on golf, but when he wants something he puts all of his effort in. When Kaylee left him, his golf dream fell apart as well as his heart. With Kaylee's return comes a second chance at love and his golfing career.

There was so much more to this book than first appears. It is a sweet and poignant read about second chances and discovering that dreams change over time as what is important changes. There are laugh out moments, moments that will have you reaching for the tissues and moments where you'll be doing a happy dance. Fabulous read.

***Reviewed for LBM Book Blog*** Renee Entress5,260 74

4 Stars

This book has laughs, steam, forgiveness, healing, secrets, and second chances.

Before reading this story please read the below books first
Tempting Levi (Cade Brothers, #1)

This is Kaylee and Wes's story. Wes lost his girl and his game. Now he is slowly getting his golf game under control. When Kaylee comes back into his life she has another man. But she is not happy. He knows her and he can tell. She is keeping secrets. Were things in the past not what they seem? Can he uncover her secrets and win her back? She loved him back then does she still love him? Can he have everything he once thought he would have forever? Or will she keep her man and move on without him?

I connected with the characters and look forward to the next in this series.

I recommend this book.arc read-2017 series ...more Aisling Cooper183 25

This is the first golf romance that I've read and I really enjoyed it! Wes Cade was a golfer that could have gone professional but things happen and when your head isn't in the right place then you don't get far. Wes is however the owner of a golf course that he owns with his brothers and is enjoying doing so until his ex girlfriend Kaylee comes back into the picture.

This book is an emotional rollercoaster between Wes and Kaylee I was laughing and crying and could really feel Kaylee's pain
The book showed that Wes was funny but was also a person that once his heart is set on something is determined to get it and in this case it's Kaylee. It was painful in places watching him struggle but enlightening when he started to grow and gave you a really warm feeling in your chest.

Reviewed for Amo and Sarah corner gifted for an honest review
Rhonda7 3

Another good story by Jules Barnard! I have read all of the books in the Blue/Men of Lake Tahoe series as well as Tempting Levi, the first Cade Brothers book. I have always enjoyed her characters, and the cross-over and continuity between books, even though they can all be read as stand-alone stories. Daring Wes was a fun easy read focusing on Wes and Kaylee, which brings in the other Cade Brothers, along with some of the other characters from the Men of Lake Tahoe series. While I enjoyed this story, and would recommend it, if I am being honest, this one wasn't my favorite of the two series because it seemed a little more predictable than the others (not that romance novels aren't always predictable because the conflict is always resolved by the end!). That said, I am looking forward to the next installment in the series, which appears to be about Cade Brother Bran! Valeen Robertson (Live Thru Books Blog)5,357 201

Wes and Kaylee were young and in love. Wes had a promising golf career, he had the girl he loved, then boom, it all fell apart when she left him for reasons he still doesn't know. Years later, he's working at his family's resort when she walks in with her fiancé and to Wes it's as if all the pain is back again.

Seeing these two work through all the past pain and upset was, quite frankly, a beautiful thing. Daring Wes is a wonderfully told, emotional second chance love story. Wes, oh Wes. He's a gem, definitely a typical man sometimes, but at heart a great person. I admit to starting off the story already not being thrilled with her, knowing she had left Wes without a reason, but of thankfully she turned out to be a perfect match for Wes.

I'm really liking the Cade Brothers series, can't wait for more!

I received an ARC via Hidden Gems Books.arcs second-chance sports Mary2,753 22

This is dramatic, engrossing, romantic and entertaining. Wes is sweet, charming, oblivious and focused. Kaylee is naive, stubborn, headstrong and determined. They were once in love, then she broke his heart and he turned into a player. But she's back in his life, to marry someone else, and Wes is still angry. The story behind the breakup is sad, but Kaylee really didn't give Wes a chance. Things don't go so well for Kaylee at the resort, but Wes is on the verge of getting everything he's always wanted. I can't say that I necessarily Kaylee, she's not so much a bad person as she is selfish, which is what she accuses Wes of being. Wes is a great guy, just a little too focused sometimes. I can't wait for the next book, Hunt intrigues me, and Bran is coming along.
I received a complimentary copy of this book from Hidden Gems. This is my honest and voluntary opinion of it. Kim1,070

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