
La riforma di Hunt de Jules Barnard

de Jules Barnard - Género: Italian
libro gratis La riforma di Hunt


Il donnaiolo ha trovato una degna avversaria.

A Hunt Cade piacciono le donne. Tutte le donne.

La vita è bella purché abbia la sua barca, un flusso costante di belle donne che arrivano al resort Club Tahoe e birra fredda nelle serate tra fratelli.

Finché nel programma dei bambini al Club Tahoe non arriva un nuovo piccolo ospite che ricorda a Hunt com'era crescere senza un padre. Per non parlare dell'effetto che ha su di lui la madre del bambino, Abby.

La storia che Hunt Cade aveva avuto con una donna che non avrebbe dovuto nemmeno guardare aveva quasi rovinato i rapporti con i suoi fratelli, l'unica famiglia che gli è rimasta.

Hunt dovrebbe stare alla larga da Abby... ma non è mai stato capace di rifiutarsi niente.

"A chi non piace un playboy che perde la testa e il cuore per una madre single, intelligente e dolce che lavora sodo?" ~ Red Hatter Book Blog


Hunt inarcò un sopracciglio. «Ci sono conseguenze dopo il sesso?»

«Sì, che potremmo volerlo fare di nuovo.»

Aveva lo sguardo puntato sul suo seno e stava scendendo. «Sono disposto a correre il rischio, se tu ci stai.»

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We finally get to see the youngest Cade brother settle down and find the love of a good woman (and her adorable son).audiobooks2 s Brittany448 9

This is my first Jules Bernard book and I throughly enjoyed it. Reforming Hunt is not your typical marriage of convenience book. This couple really embraces the married life and quickly find their rythem together. I really d that about this book and found it refreshing. So often we read books this and there is so much back and forth of the same will they wont they that it gets pretty boring.
This book was not that. These two characters were compatible and in it with the same goal in mind. To help Noah.
The other thing I really loved about this story is how much Hunt truly cared for and loved Abbys son Noah. The bond between the two was great to see. I love books where the authors include the kids in the story more than just an after thought. Jules does a great job with that in this story.

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.1 ??Hannah??3,161 41

This was an enjoyable read. In this one we have Hunt and Abby. Hunt was always the playboy type and every woman knew it too. However, when he meets Abby things change. It all starts with him helping Abby out to get her son's grandparents off her back. Of course by the end they are in love and they get their HEA.1 Sassy Southern Book Blog4,532 243

Hunt Cade works at Club Tahoe that his family owns and is in charge of the beach and boating activities. He has no interest in settling down and is known as a player. Yet one night at the club he is turned down by a beautiful woman. While working with the kids at Club Tahoe he begins to form a bond named Noah who seems to be getting picked on by at least one other boy.
Abby is a single mother who is trying to balance it all after the death of her boyfriend, Trevor. As hard as she is trying to keep it all together, Trevor’s parents seem to be threatening to take her son away and she knows she doesn’t have the money to fight them.
When Hunt realizes who Abby is he wants to do everything he can to keep her and her son safe. But how far is Hunt willing to go and will Anny accept everything he is offering? How dirty is Vivian willing to go to get Trevor’s son?
This was a great book and I really enjoyed it.
Hunt was a great character as he was someone with a bad rep, especially from his brothers, yet he was super caring and loved hanging out with the kids at the club. From that you could tell how big of a heart he had. I loved how he took Noah under his wing at the kids club and how much they bonded. I loved when Hunt got shot down at the bar as it showed he was human and that not everybody wanted a one night stand.
I absolutely loved Abby as there were so many parts of her that I could relate to being a single mom. The financial struggle was so real and I think I would also do anything I needed to in order to ensure that I wouldn’t lose my kids. I hated that Vivian was prepared to do whatever it took to get Noah and that completely broke my heart.
I loved what Hunt proposed to Abby in order to help protect Noah from Vivian. He was extremely dedicated and ready to do whatever he could for them both. I hated how his brother Levi really didn’t believe in him and it did frustrate me.
The end shocked me with the actions that stemmed from Vivian’s decision and how far it ended up going. I was so mad at her and then a little frustrated with Abby for running and blaming Hunt for everything.
The end made me jump for joy and I loved how all it took for Hunt was the right person which is what all of us are truly looking for!
By Rebecca Vicki539 14

After reading the Men of Lake Tahoe series, and getting an introduction to the Cade brothers, I was excited to jump into the spin off Cade Brothers series, and Hunts story did not disappoint.

As the youngest of the brothers, Hunt is the wild one, more interested in the ladies than he is in running Club Tahoe with his brothers, but one thing he takes very seriously is the campers that come for the day. But his playboy ways take a sharp detour when he realizes the single mother of one of his very favorite campers is in a constant fight to keep custody of her son from little Noah's rich grandparents. Something about Abby and Noah speaks to a part of Hunt that he's long since buried, and he takes it upon himself to rescue them both.

What neither Abby or Hunt realize when they enter into this arrangement is the constant pull that would form between them, or how comfortably they fit into one another's lives. Hunt has spent the past ten years keeping himself free from any emotional entanglements, and now he's finding himself pulled into this young family, and loving every second of it.

Abby has struggled to make ends meet and provide for her son ever since his father died, and she finds it very hard to trust someone else to have her best interests at heart. But she settles smoothly into life with Hunt Cade, and dreads the day they have to part ways.

Hunt and Abby are a perfect match - he provides the security she needs, and the partner she never had with Noah's father. And Abby provides everything Hunt never knew he wanted. A family, and a woman that he wants to come home to night after night.

If they can get past their own fears, and the obstacles continuously thrown in their way by Noah's grandparents, they may just be able to turn their temporary alliance into a long term love.first-reads Sunny Shelly Reads2,073 53

There is always one woman who knocks a player off his feet, and for Hunt Cade, that is single mom Abby. From the moment he meets her, he’s drawn to her, and that’s before he realizes that she’s the mom of his favorite little camper at his family resort’s daycare. Hunt sees a lot of his younger self in little Noah, and without even realizing it, is going out of his way to protect Abby and her son.

When Abby finds herself facing Noah’s grandparents in a potential custody battle, Hunt suggests a marriage of convenience to throw them off. He wants to prove to his older brothers that he can be responsible, and Abby needs a savior. As what usually happens, Hunt ends up falling for Abby, but an incident with Noah at daycare may be more than she can forgive him for.

I generally enjoyed this story, but felt that the “incident” was blown way out of proportion by Abby. Hunt had nothing to do with what happened, and rather than speak with her husband about it, she ran away. Of course things all come together in the end with a great HEA, but it bothered me that Abby jumped to so many wrong conclusions when Hunt had been nothing but supportive and helpful.

This is the last book in the Cade Brothers series, but is the only one I’ve read. It is a standalone, and the other brothers and their women are involved in Hunt’s story, but aside from not knowing some background between Hunt and Levi, I didn’t feel that I was missing pieces of the bigger picture.

I received an advanced copy and voluntarily left a review.bad-boy-romance fake-relationship marriage-of-covenience ...more Monica (The Accidental Romance Blogger) Barbosa558 23

Hunter Cade is the ultimate player. In, fact, if this were a historical romance, he'd be totally considered a perfect "rake". Life is good: he has his boat, a long line of women swooning over him, his niece he adores, and Club Tahoe's children's program. When a new little boy enters the program and reminds him of himself, growing up without a father, Hunt is more than happy to give the little one attention and they become fast friends. The most unexpected meet-cute happens: Hunt was for the very first time rejected by a woman (who was wearing Crocks in a bar!!) and the woman is none other than little Noah's mom. When he figures out why she rejected him, he tries to help him... by marrying her! WTF!!

This was definitely my favorite in the series. You knew from the his previous appearances that there was a lot more to Hunt than the irresponsible fuckboy his older brothers think he is. When Noah and Abby come into his life, you know he will move heaven and earth to protect them. 

I loved how they never bothered to ignore that they would be happier making this marriage of convenience into a real one. Hunt's interactions with his baby niece were indications that ge would indeed be a great dad and do anything for Noah, who already stolen his heart when they met at the club's kid's program. 

Although there's some conflict caused by Noah's paternal grandparents, this is pretty angst free. Fun read! 

Narration: Zachary Webber plays the alpha with a fluffy heart no one. Susannah Jones kicks butt in this one too!  Viper Spaulding2,983 23

I absolutely loved this beautiful romance!

Hunt is the consummate player, a man who loves all women and refuses to commit to just one. Until he meets Abby, a young mother who is the only woman not falling at his feet. And the only woman who needs him for much more than his personal attention skills.

Abby is doing the best she can to take care of herself and her young son after his father, her boyfriend, died and left her with nothing but his selfish parents, who are anxious to take the boy off her hands. Hunt is the father-figure her son, Noah, never had, and these two build quite a strong bond as they spend their days together at Club Kids, the childcare program run by Hunt at his family's Club Tahoe resort. When Hunt realizes what Abby is up against, he offers to help her fight Noah's grandparents, even though everyone - including Hunt - doubts his ability to follow through and be the man Abby and Noah need him to be.

There's so much emotional depth to this story, and it's exquisitely drawn out as both Abby and Hunt figure out how to define their relationship and how to make it work. I read this in one sitting, ignoring everything else I was supposed to be doing, as I just couldn't put it down until I got to the very satisfying HEA. I've read all the earlier books in this series, and this one is the perfect conclusion for the entire Cade family. I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this book. Rebecca Austin3,098 3

This was a great book and I really enjoyed it.

Hunt was a great character as he was someone with a bad rep, especially from his brothers, yet he was super caring and loved hanging out with the kids at the club. From that you could tell how big of a heart he had. I loved how he took Noah under his wing at the kids club and how much they bonded. I loved when Hunt got shot down at the bar as it showed he was human and that not everybody wanted a one night stand.

I absolutely loved Abby as there were so many parts of her that I could relate to being a single mom. The financial struggle was so real and I think I would also do anything I needed to in order to ensure that I wouldn’t lose my kids. I hated that Vivian was prepared to do whatever it took to get Noah and that completely broke my heart.

I loved what Hunt proposed to Abby in order to help protect Noah from Vivian. He was extremely dedicated and ready to do whatever he could for them both. I hated how his brother Levi really didn’t believe in him and it did frustrate me.

The end shocked me with the actions that stemmed from Vivian’s decision and how far it ended up going. I was so mad at her and then a little frustrated with Abby for running and blaming Hunt for everything.

The end made me jump for joy and I loved how all it took for Hunt was the right person which is what all of us are truly looking for!
review-sassy Sharon Moritz-rosenthal2,160 23

I received a review copy before release for an honest review.

This is the last book in the series and it is book 4. It mostly stands alone though I have read all 4 books in the series. This Hunter/Hunt's book and he is the baby in the family. He is also the black sheep/screw up and is a manwhore. In other books he also was the one that cheated with his brother's girlfriend, Lisa.

He meets a brand new character, Abby at a bar one night and hits on her but she tells him she is not interested. Abby is a single mom and her son Noah is very close to Hunt as he helps out in the Kid's Club where he goes for daycare.

When Abby is threatened with losing her son, Hunt comes to the rescue and they end up in a convenience marriage. This is their story of how a marriage of convenience becomes a forever love.
It is a well written story and I LOVED Hunt. He is sweet and kind and he takes a big risk with his heart. Abby seemed at times very wishy washy and kind of mean to Hunt. I loved her in the beginning and at the end but the middle I did not love her actions. I felt Hunt deserved a stronger woman who stood by his side and defended him rather than one who runs at the hint of trouble.
It was wonderful to see Hunt find his happiness and it was a great way for the series to end.
Kristy Halseth454 2

I received this as an Advanced Reading Copy.

For some reason, I thought I had finished this series. So I was surprised when this title popped up and realized it was the Cade Brother's series. It fell a bit flat in comparison to the rest. As if maybe the author was tired of the series.

While the characters were okay and made a certain amount of sense, the over-all story did not. Everything happened too fast to make sense. If there were more linking scenes between events it would make sense. This book is supposedly over 200 pages. I wonder if electronic pages are shorter because I read this in about an hour and a half.

Abby makes a huge decision that affects her son after only meeting Hunt a couple of times. Even Hunt coming up with this plan would make more sense if they knew each other a bit longer. Even then, most of their relationship decisions seem too abrupt with little foundation. There is an attempt to show time passing with some home remodeling, but very little is shown happening between the characters during that time. The story would be greatly improved by improving the time flow and events that happen in it. Then the characters' relationships would make more sense. Kelly563

Hunt works at Club Tahoe, his family resort, as a boating activity guide who also helps with the childcare there. Hunt is different than his brothers as he has not found a woman to settle down with and doesn't want to. While working at Club Tahoe he gets to know a little boy and becomes attached to the child. The little boy, Noah, is being raised by his single mom, Abby, who is doing the best she can. Noah's dad died when he was a baby and his grandmother struggled with losing her son and now doesn't want to lose her grandson too. The only problem is that Noah's grandmother goes too far with trying to keep Noah. One of the problems with Noah's grandparents push Abby and Hunt together and they will soon find out they can't fight chemistry, no matter how hard they try. Hunt has always looked up to pirates and taking care of women and this translates to helping Abby with Noah. This was a new author to me and even though it's the fourth book in the Cade Brother series you don't have to read the other books to understand. This can be read as a standalone and while it had a little bit of drama it still will make you smile. Courtney-ReadonReader2,052 2

This book was a cute read about Hunt Cade, his reputation, his family, and finding himself wanting to help single mom Abby. Hunt comes from a rich family that owns a casino and he have this reputation for not wanting to settle down and commit to anyone just a long line of one-night stands. I felt bad for him because deep down Hunt is an amazing guy, he works hard at the kid camp, great with kids, is loyal to his family, protective, caring, and wants to help people but his brothers treat him a child and never take him seriously. Abby is a hardworking single mom to a sweet boy, but the boy’s grandparents treat her awfully and constantly look for ways they can take Noah away from her. She struggles with everyday life, trying to support her kid, work, and still be a great on hands mother. Hunt sees this and he has an attachment already to Noah, so he offers a way to help them all. Not to give too much away I just adored Hunt, there were times he could be impulsive but everything he ever did was to help someone. A great quick read. Elizabeth Kemper405 1 follower

Proving Hunt Worthy

Hunter Cade is the youngest of five brothers. They've inherited the luxurious Club Tahoe Resort. Despite their reservations they've assumed management and are making a go of it. Each brother has a specialty area. Hunter manages the boating facilities and beach area. Hes also known as a player with women. But he's also the mastermind behind the new, very successful Club Kids program at the resort. Through a series of, seemingly unrelated events, Hunter becomes acquainted with single mom, Abby. Her son, Noah, attends Club Kids. When Hunter finds Abby is being harassed by Noah's late dad's parents, he becomes very protective. Although there are stumbling blocks along the way, Hunter sets out to prove he is responsible and willing to commit. His brothers, their significant others and even Abby are skeptical. But Hunter has grown emotionally. It becomes clear he wants his happy ever after. And he pulls out all the stops to get it. This is a very satisfying conclusion to a well written series. Patti1,760 8

A marriage of convenience evolves into one of the sweetest forever loves for Hunt, Abby and Noah that you will simply enjoy. The Cade brothers series is always an absorbing read. They are such a fun and fascinating group of brothers that you feel their struggles and their triumphs.
This book about Hunt, the youngest Cade, is a roller coaster of emotions and anxiety. Abby will do anything for her five year old son, even marry a man she barely knows especially with Noah's grandparents keeping a close eye on the all of Abby's motherly ways. Hunt takes on the task to help them by marrying Abby. Little do they know but, their hearts are leading the way and that blurs the lines that make up their agreement. With emotions all over the place you keep hoping for that well deserved happy ending for this ready made family. I thoroughly enjoyed this book!

I voluntarily reviewed this after receiving a free copy.arcs Kari Hansen10.1k 84

Hunt is determined to remain single as the one time he developed feelings for a woman he made a questionable choice and it nearly destroyed his relationship with his brothers. Since then he has worked hard to show his brothers he is no longer that man but it hasn’t been easy.

Abby is a single mother to her son Noah and her sole focus is on keeping him safe and giving him the best life that she can.

Noah is attending the daycare at Lake Tahoe and Hunt is drawn to him as he knows what Noah is going through. From their first meeting Noah is attracted to Abby despite the fact that she doesn’t have the time or energy for a man in her life. When he realizes that Noah and Abby need his help there is nothing he won’t do to keep them safe and convince her that they belong together.

Full of drama and emotion this is a story about two people that are brought together by their love for Noah but that isn’t all that holds them together.
Britt Chaotic Creatives1,414 95

Who doesn’t love a playboy that loses his heart to a smart, sweet and hard working single mom and her adorable little boy? I’m certainly not that kind of monster. I was eating this story up! A fantastic mix of swoon, sweet, and drama Reforming Hunt is one heck of a good read that kept me up well past my bed time. It’s one of those books that you start reading and before you know it you’ve lost all track of time and read every page in one sitting.
Hunt was working that sexy sweet angle so well throughout the whole story. You could see just how much he loved Abby and her son before he even realized it himself. The same could be said for Abby. These two may have been hiding from the depths of their own feelings for a bit but their actions spoke louder than any words could and I was eating it up! Laure2,362 5

Abby is a single mom, a licensed vocational nurse, with a young son and is trying to keep her head above water. Hunt Cade and his brothers own Club Tahoe, and the daycare center connected to the resort, he is known as a ladies man and is content with his life. Abby's son is enrolled at the daycare, but when she wants to take her son from the daycare program, Hunt will go to unusual lengths to help her keep Noah, whom he has come to care for, in the daycare, and her home.

Sexy, and sweet, romance with a happily ever after. Abby and Hunt are well written, fascinating and appealing characters that enter into an unconventional relationship, but quickly realize that the have fallen deeply in love. Wonderful book!

I am voluntarily leaving an honest and non-incentivized review of this ARC. JudyAnnLovesBooks1,734 69

Reforming Hunt was my first book by Jules Barnard and I loved it. There’s no way you can resist sexy as AF, playboy extraordinaire Hunt Cade. A bad boy with a soft, sweet side that comes out when he’s around women and children. Having lost his mother as an infant and subsequently his father who buried himself in work he grew up wanting to avoid commitment but determined to make the lives of the people in his life better. Abby is a single mom who’s forced to work more than one person should and to rely on the parents of her dead fiancé, who not have her best interest at heart. In order to protect her, Hunt, the consumate bachelor agrees to marry her to keep both her and her son safe. Their marriage of convenience turns into a marriage with feelings and more. A cute little love story that will make you smile. KS1,241 3

Last Cade brother...sad to see the end to this series.

So this series has been a lot of fun to read and I've d all the Cade brothers...loved a couple of them. I was looking forward to and enjoyed Hunt's story. This story does standalone, so even at Book #4, you aren't lost to start with this one.

Hunt is a bit of a "screw-up" at least in his brothers' estimation and cheating with your brother's girlfriend is probably not the best way to dispute that fact. But that's in the past and Hunt's grown up now and he tries really hard to do the right thing in this one.

There was a little more drama than I expected which pulled me away at times, but overall it is an enjoyable read and tied the series together very well. The epilogue was sweet and romantic. And Noah was a delight!!

I voluntarily requested and read an advance reader copy. Renee Entress5,260 74

4 Stars

This book has laughs, steam, forgiveness, healing, secrets, and second chances.

Before reading this story please read the below books first
Tempting Levi (Cade Brothers, #1)
Daring Wes (Cade Brothers #2)
Seducing Bran (Cade Brothers, #3)

This is Abby and Hunt's story. Hunt s all kinds of woman and with his resort he has no trouble finding woman to be with. But when he meets Abby, he knows she is different. The last time he had a woman that was Abby he almost lost his brothers. He is trying hard to resist as they are the only family, he has left but the pull just might be too strong. Abby needs help and Hunt is willing to step up, but will he really be able to protect her? Or will he just cause more problems by trying to help?

I connected with the characters and look forward to the next in this series.

I recommend this book.
arc read-2019 series Melena2,823 71

Reforming Hunt is the fourth book in the Case Brothers series, but it is a standalone so you can jump in with this one if you .

Hunt is a bit of a playboy who enjoys spending time with women he meets through Club Tahoe which his family owns. There's something different about Abby, though. She is a single mother to Noah, a young boy who Hunt sees himself in.

The author did a great job creating interesting characters and building up their connection and relationship. It was especially nice to see Hunt come into his own after some mistakes in his past affected his relationship with his brothers.

The plot is a nice mix of romance and drama without being overly angsty. Noah also adds a lot of sweet moments to the book too.

Thank you to the author for providing an ARC for an honest review. Sara B251 2

Abby and Hunt

I really enjoyed this series this is last book. Abby is a struggling single mother whose son is at the club that hunt work at . She runs into Hunt at a bar the day before but doesn’t realize it’s him. She basically tells him she’s not looking because she has a lot going on.
Hunt is a lover of women he s to please them but doesn’t want to settle down. This comes from his past and also a little of him not thinking he is good enough for more then a couple nights. He doesn’t ever want to hurt he did the one time he did think he was. But that ends when he meets sweet sexy Abby and her son Noah. This is a very sweet and passionate book. I enjoyed this book so much I bought the Audible which is also very good. The narrators Zachary Weber and Susanna Jones did an amazing job . Sharon Jones1,759 12

Reviewed on behalf of 3 Degrees of Fiction book blog.
Well starting off with the last book in a series wasn’t probably the smartest things I have done. But I guess I just did that and I can definitely say that this book reads as a stand-alone. But with the four older Cade brothers popping up throughout the story I really do want to read their books now as well.
Hunt and Abby’s romance is a bit of a whirlwind. It seemed that it no time they went from their first meeting to being married. There are reasons as to why this happens and it makes perfect sense but I fear I will give away too many spoilers if I say more.
I also enjoyed how well Noah was written. I take my hat off to any author that can write a child character and make them an integral part of the story. Nutnut1(Lornajean Ford)1,026 2

I recieved this ARC for an honest review.

This is the last brother in the Cade series. Hunt is the man whose irresponsible younger brother. That's what every sees. He relationship with his elder brother Levi is already strained.

So when he meets Abby she's not interested and then inadvertently meets her son. Hunt backs away but her son has worked his way in to Hunts heart so when he learns they are both in trouble he jumps in feet first to help. Unfortunately he may be the screw up he's brothers think he is. 

This was a great  story I didn't care for Hunt in the first book tempting Levi. However this book you begin to understand him more. A really good read and a fab way to finish the series. Sissy's Romance Book Review 8,780 16

Reforming Hunt by Jules Barnard is book 4 in the Cade Brothers Series. This is the story of Abby and Hunt. I haven't yet read the previous books, so for me this was a standalone book. Hunt is a playboy who doesn't want to risk anything further after a past incident that almost tore him and his family. Hunt just has fun and works at his family business with is the Club Tahoe resort. When he starts to interact with a child named Noah who lost his father and who is being picked on, he starts to remember his own loss. But then he fully meets Noah's mother and he is of course finding that he could loose more of himself in her. Abby has her own issue trying to keep her son and unsure about risking her heart on a playboy.
Enjoyed their story and hope to read more for this author.

2019-read 5-star arc-author-publisher ...more Nicole3,719 47

I enjoyed this one a lot. Though Hunt gives off a playboy vibe and carefree attitude there is more to him then meets the eye. Abby and Noah bring out a whole new side to him. Hunt is so good with the kids that come to the Club Tahoe's children program. My heart goes out to Abby because her story is one that hits you in the heart. Plus life is dealing her blow after blow. She needs a turn in luck. There were parts that made me laugh and then parts that warmed my heart. One of those was the end. It ended so perfectly I couldn't have asked for anything better. There were some parts that made me gasp with some unexpected twists. This a book that easily hooks you and you look up to see time has flown while enjoying this one. romantic-comedy Michelle Graves1,784 2

Hunt has ALOT of baggage cause of childhood and what happened 2 his mom but there comes a x in a person's life that they decide 2 try and make a mense and do whatever it takes to change their life 4 the better. Even though at 1st, he was just wanting 2 hit on someone it turned out that fate brought a overwhelming feeling that needed 2 follow where it leads 2. Even though Levi was being a dick it was cause of him wanting 2 protect and b a father figure but never realized that he grew up and he now needed a bro more than a father. But they will work it out. The letters from their father always makes me cry!! I hope that there will b more on this cause of his baby that's coming in the future and c what happens 4 the rest of the Bros in their future. I loved it. Heather227 1 follower

Hunt Cade is the youngest of the Lake Tahoe Cade brothers. To his four brothers, their wives/girlfriends, and the general public, Hunt has always been seen as the eternal "ladies man". Even Hunt has resigned himself to life of the forever bachelor, that is until Abby walks into his life. Abby's indifference to Hunt suddenly stirs something inside of him. And to add fuel to his ever growing desire to claim Abby as his own, he stumbles on the fact that she is also the mother of his favorite Kid's Club member, Noah. Can Abby's love reform Hunt or will she be left in wake? This book truly was great from beginning to end. Readers will not be disappointed with the phenomenal happily ever after. I can't wait to go back and read the other books in the Cade Bros Series. Cassie2,522 88

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