
En busca del unicornio de Juan Eslava Galan

de Juan Eslava Galan - Género: Ficcion
libro gratis En busca del unicornio


Juan, Eslava Galan Year: 2009

Comentarios de lectores del libro En busca del unicornio

Buena novela de aventuras en una época y lugar poco frecuentes. Mucho humor compartido con su dosis dramática que hace muy amena la lectura que, pese a estar medio escrita en un castellano antiguo, se lee muy fácil.

Autor del comentario: JANKLO
Es mi libro favorito. Lo he leído 4 veces, más otras tantas que lo he prestado. No me canso de hacerlo. Es delicioso de leer y sus personajes, entrañables. Usa un castellano antiguo pero perfectamente entendible. Maravilloso. Juan Eslava ha sabido combinar trama, fina ironía y descripción paisajística como sólo un maestro sabe hacer.

Autor del comentario: JUAN DE OLID
Historia de aventuras muy buena. Me sorprendió el manejo que tiene el autor del habla castellana antigua. Entretenida y de calidad.

Autor del comentario: TEKNOLYMPUS
Buena novela con una ambientación y una historia original y entretenida

Autor del comentario: MARIETAB79
Para mí, de lo mejor de este autor, que particularmente me gusta bastante. Lo volveré a leer seguro. Original historia, gran desarrollo, muy entretenida.

Autor del comentario: LUIS MALABALA
Excelente historia y mejor narración. El humor inteligente del inicio llega a provocar carcajadas que sólo cesan por el drama encerrado en las posteriores desventuras.

Autor del comentario: BONAFIDES
Divertida y entretenida. Las historias que le suceden al personaje buscando el Unicornio lo hacen un libro ameno y muy gracioso. Recomendable.

Autor del comentario: ATTON
De lo mejor de este autor, refleja una aventurera misión que un rey castellano encomienda a uno de sus vasallos, y que le hace recorrer toda África. Escrita en castellano antiguo, resulta una agradable lectura.

Autor del comentario: PAKOKO
Esperaba mucho más de este libro, después de leer la puntuación y comentarios de los compañeros, pero me ha resultado un pelín pesado y el vocabulario muy muy lento.

Autor del comentario: DIMUBA
Interesante novela histórica por la historia real que toma como fundamento. Sin embargo, hay momentos de la trama donde se pierde tensión narrativa.

Autor del comentario: CABALLER
Muy buen libro, a caballo entre la novela histórica con sus licencias y de aventuras.Con un vocabulario en castellano antiguo que te hace suponer el sinónimo en el habla actual. Episodios agridulces que hacen muy amena la lectura, así como reírte a carcajadas.

Autor del comentario: PERILLAN
No me ha acabado de convencer, el hilarismo de la novela roza el absurdo.

Autor del comentario: LA_ANTONIA
Empieza como una original y divertida novela de aventuras, pero pronto se encalla en África y se hace monótona y aburrida.

Autor del comentario: SANESTEBAN
Un libro maravilloso que he leído más de una vez: prosa excelente y argumento insuperable. Una obra maestra de la novela histórica.

Autor del comentario: MARIJO
No se como lo hacen, pero cada vez que leo un premio Planeta me llevo una decepción bestial. Por desgracia, En busca del unicornio, de Juan Eslava Galán no ha sido una excepción, si no la confirmación de la norma.Desde el punto de vista literario, la novela roza la perfección. El autor ha conseguido imitar de manera admirable, la forma y el estilo de escribir de las novelas del siglo XV. No le falta detalle: las parrafadas descriptivas, algunas muy breves e interesantes, otras eternas y superfluas. La forma de alargar o acortar a placer el tiempo narrativo, el elevado número de términos religiosos, los estereotipos sobre otras razas, etc. Pero si el como está hecha es lo mejor del libro, la historia ya es otro cantar. El libro narra el viaje de una compañía que parte de España en busca del cuerno del unicornio, para Enrique IV de Castilla. A partir de esa premisa, la trama se dispersa y divaga de lo lindo, aplastando el poco encanto que, ya de por si, tiene para mí la literatura de viajes. Así que toda la historia se enreda, acaba resultando estúpida y, por ello, aburre hasta las ovejas. El desenlace es de las pocas cosas que he podido apreciar en el libro. Y eso, por que me encanta la ironía que destila. Aunque viéndolo en perspectiva, resulta una manera patética de acabar.En suma, En busca del unicornio, es un bodrio insufrible. Tedioso e inaguantable, a duras penas lo terminas. Y eso, por que esperas que ocurra algo que merezca la pena de verdad. Aunque quizás la auténtica razón de mi desagrado, es que ya conocía la identidad del unicornio desde antes de empezar con la lectura.

Autor del comentario: REAH_29

Reseñas Varias sobre este libro

I have to re-examine my own writing every time I read a Steinbeck novel. My trite phrasing and flat descriptions look ugly stepchildren next to his princely prose.

Even this slim volume of four, lesser-known short stories is packed with some beautifully powerful writing. The scenes are spare in their breadth, but not in their ability to reach into your heart and imagination...


I just discovered that my copy was truncated! The Long Valley originally came with more than twice the number of stories. I've been abridginated! I loath abridged books. Well, it's not the books' fault. It's the publisher who's to blame! Damn them to Hades!

Okay, looks I have some more reading to do before I can do a proper review.fiction short-story41 s Cathrine ?? 692 363

I’m going to be lazy and quote Wikipedia. “The short stories were written over several years and are set in Steinbeck’s birthplace, the Salinas Valley in California [all but one]. They include the prize-winning tale The Murder [yikes!], The Chrysanthemums, the representation of lynch mob violence in The Vigilante [double yikes!!] and the classic Red Pony tales" [which was later published on its own]. I would also hi-light here the devious passive-agressive husband-gets-back-at-his-wife account in The White Quail .

I originally set out to read just one of these for a challenge, then read the entire book because it revealed a different side of Steinbeck to me. I found them surprising, fascinating, shocking, and enjoyable side reads in between my other books. What more can I ask for? As a native Californian I have loved all his novels set in this beautiful part of our state centered around a vanished way of life and this collection was a generous serving of whipped topping on that body of work.

On a side note, I sing the praises of group challenge reads. Not all turn out to my liking but I just love when I end up wallowing in books that I would not have read otherwise. What a treat! I also believe this would make a great audio book collection.classics group-challenge36 s Lisa1,066 3,311

Loved every word!nobels32 s Sandra936 280

Prove tecniche di capolavori in alcuni dei brevi racconti qui contenuti: in nuce ci sono temi e personaggi di capolavori come Furore e di grandi romanzi come Vicolo Cannery. Non fosse stato per gli strepitosi Il pony rosso, Il finimento e Johnny Orso non sarei arrivata a 4 stelle. O forse sì, Steinbeck è Steinbeck.racconti usa25 s Afaf Ammar889 617

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american-literature favorites translated-literature23 s Henry MartinAuthor 127 books155

I came to John Steinbeck's The Long Valley in the heels of his excellent novella, The Moon is Down. Not having read any of Steinbeck's writing for years, there was just something soothing about his prose that made me reach for another work of his. I must say that I was not disappointed.

The Long Valley is a collection of ten short stories, published in 1938. The stories are:

The Chrysanthemums
The White Quail
The Snake
The Raid
The Harness
The Vigilante
Johnny Bear
The Murder

At 186 pages, it provides a healthy dose of variety, and a nice sampler of what Steinbeck, as a writer, was capable of.

Those familiar with Steinbeck's writing will discover some familiar subjects and locations, especially the rolling California countryside where a lot of his work is set. Yet, while Steinbeck is undoubtedly famous for his work featuring the underdogs, and the out of luck characters he has become well know for, this collection of short stories explores a slightly darker side of his writing, one I was unaware of until now. The stories here are often dark in nature (not that Of Mice and Men was a cheerful tale by any means), and explore some darker thoughts inside the seemingly simple characters. There are stories of abuse, of murder, of revenge . . .

Steinbeck is a master of fluid prose. His narratives effortlessly flow from one character to the next, from a city setting to the farming communities settled among the hills and valleys. He visits hard-working farmers, devoted wives, immigrants, traveling hobos, and passionate gardeners. A cast of characters one would encounter without giving them much thought.

Yet, each one of them has an inner turmoil—at times subtle, and at time prominent—that adds a different dimension to each and every one of them. This dimension weaves in and out of the narrative, and can be overlooked unless the reader pays attention. Steinbeck's prose flows and flows, a smooth stream where the rocks beneath the surface are hardly perceptible yet you are fully aware of their existence if you keep your eyes open.

And these rocks, the dirty secrets and dark thoughts of the characters are what makes this collection worth reading. Un in our contemporary works where violence, instability, and inner turmoil are 'in your face' to the point of dominating the story, Steinbeck's portrayal is subtle and almost nonchalant. It requires an active participation of the reader, as do most intelligent works.

Recommended for fans of Steinbeck, and for those who appreciate fine, timeless writing.

permanent-collection21 s Faith2,004 587

I'm not a big fan of short stories, but the stories in this collection are as well crafted as Steinbeck's longer fiction. The characters, settings and plots are authentic (with the exception of a strange story about a pig, which I just didn't get). The stories deal with (among other things) the aftermath of a lynching, suppressed dreams, a husband in a literal and figurative harness, a misguided and doomed view of manhood, a brutal crime of passion and a young boy just getting to know some of the harsher sides of life. I particularly d The White Quail, The Chrysanthemums, The Murder and The Red Pony. I listened to the audio book, with excellent narration by Holter Graham, and also read the interesting annotations in the Penguin paperback version of the collection. audio overdrive20 s Carlo MascellaniAuthor 11 books283

Storie di gente dura che vive una vita dura, che trova ancora la forza di volgersi il viso all'orizzonte per lasciarsi sedurre dai sogni e in sé trova poi la forza per resistere alla disillusione ogni qualvolta il destino non consente loro di realizzarsi. piperitapitta993 389

C'è tutto il mondo a Salinas, Salinas è tutto il mondo.

Doveva pensarla proprio così John Steinbeck che ambienta gran parte della sua produzione letteraria proprio nella valle californiana in cui è nato e vissuto.
Questi racconti, dopo le parziali delusioni di La Santa Rossa, I pascoli del cielo e Al Dio sconosciuto, mi restituiscono finalmente il vero Steinbeck, quello conosciuto e immediatamente amato con Furore.
I dodici racconti e il dramma Che splendida ardi riassumono in sé tutte le tematiche alle quali Steinbeck dedicò la propria attenzione: la terra, i braccianti, il lavoro, la lotta sindacale, l'incomunicabilità e la solidarietà umana.
Alcuni, come I crisantemi e La quaglia bianca contengono appena un accenno di vita, sono uno squarcio improvviso in una realtà immobile, fissata da secoli di abitudini e consuetudini, ma pieni di colori, rigogliosi come i fiori e la vegetazione della fattorie, in cui per la prima volta la donna non è più solo procreatrice e dispensatrice di cibo nella comunità contadina, ma anche essere indipendente, capace di nutrire dei suoi propri sentimenti indipendenti e finalizzarli esclusivamente al proprio benessere; Elisa Allen e Mary Teller infatti sono due donne che non hanno più il problema di sfamare la propria famiglia, che non devono combattere per la quotidianità- così come la madre di Tom Joad - vivono un'agiatezza ed una sicurezza che consente a entrambe di dedicarsi alla cura dei propri giardini, l'una coltivando crisantemi, l'altra creando un vero e proprio giardino segreto e che finiscono per diventare una proiezione del proprio essere e riflettere nell'uno e nell'altro caso delusioni, speranze e assenze.
Alcuni altri, come La fuga, La colazione e L'assalto sembrano essere invece "prove tecniche di romanzo", o capitoli alla fine, per un motivo o per l'altro, non inclusi in storie più lunghe: il protagonista del primo, potrebbe benissimo essere un paisanos di Pian della Tortilla così, come i due braccianti del secondo, essere gli stessi due protagonisti del romanzo La battaglia o, infine, la famiglia incontrata durante La colazione essere una delle tante famiglie che la famiglia Joad incontra durante il lungo esodo di Furore dall'Oklahoma alla California.
E il biologo protagonista di La serpe - racconto la cui atmosfera piuttosto insolita per Steinbeck, con risvolti quasi pulp, mi ha ricordato i racconti di Faulkner Una rosa per Emily - non è tale e quale al Doc di Vicolo Cannery?
Insomma, sembra quasi che Steinbeck - anzi, sicuramente è così - abbia fatto mille studi preparatori, schizzi su schizzi, prove su prove, per mettere a fuoco tanti di quei personaggi che poi, con un più ampio respiro, sarebbero diventati gli indimenticabili protagonisti dei suoi romanzi.
Accennavo a Faulker prima, o meglio al Faulkner di quegli unici tre racconti da me letti finora; la stessa atmosfera sospesa, lo stesso mistero che sembra avvolgere tutto il racconto, lo stesso sovrannaturale finale che lascia sgomenti i lettori, caratterizza anche quello che secondo me è uno dei racconti più belli di questa raccolta, Johnny Orso, un storia incredibile, nel vero senso del termine: una storia che si stenta a credere reale, ma che allo stesso tempo sconvolge e fa rabbrividire; una storia con cui Steinbeck si dimostra non solo abile narratore e incommensurabile descrittore della realtà sociale che lo circonda, ma anche autore capace di spingersi ai confini del credibile con altrettanta sicurezza e capacità di ammantare le proprie storie di suspense e mistero.
Infine, una nota a parte meritano il racconto lungo Il cavallino rosso, quasi un romanzo breve per struttura lunghezza e intensità, e Che splendida ardi, terzo tentativo di dramma teatrale - il primo fu Uomini e topi - dell'autore.
Il cavallino rosso è struggente, dolorosissimo nel racchiudere in sé tutto il dramma della crescita e dell'abbandono delle sicurezze di Jody, un bambino che ancora prima di diventare un ragazzino capirà quanto sia difficile diventare uomini; lo capirà attraverso la responsabilità e la dedizione per un cavallino rosso che il padre gli affiderà e che curerà dedicandogli tutto se stesso; una figura, quella di Jody, che mi ha richiamato alla mente quella drammatica ed altrettanto intensa di un altro Jody, quello protagonista del romanzo Il cucciolo che tanti pianti mi ha fatto fare da adolescente tutte le volte che l'ho letto e del bellissimo film con Gregory Peck che ne è stato tratto; entrambi amano senza riserve il proprio cucciolo, l'uno di cavallo, l'altro di cerbiatto, ed entrambi sono costretti a crescere attraverso quell'amore che li cambierà per sempre e capire che la rinuncia fa parte di quella crescita.
Che splendida ardi, per concludere, articolato in tre atti ma non necessariamente pensato per una rappresentazione teatrale - Steinbeck scrive in una breve presentazione di aver voluto offrire al lettore una duplice possibilità di lettura dello stesso - è la storia di un grande sacrificio d'amore: un sacrificio nel quale non si muore però, come la parola potrebbe indurre a credere, ma che genera vita e che nutre l'amore stesso.
Originalissima è l'idea di ambientare i tre atti del dramma in tre situazioni ambientali completamente diverse, pur proseguendo da una all'altra con lo svolgimento della storia che conserva così un unico corpo narrativo.
Imperdibile per chi ama Steinbeck!autori-che-amo autori-usa letteratura-usa ...more18 s Lawyer384 915

Full Review to follow. This book is among my top ten favorites. Often overlooked, these short stories are masterpieces of characterization, dialogue, and sense of place. These are stories that may easily be read many times over. I have, four times. The Red PonyThe Red Pony was originally published in this volume. However, readers will find haunting tales here that will linger far longer in their memory. If you admire Steinbeck, pick up this volume you've ly not read. You will treasure it.2017 anthology california ...more18 s M.J. JohnsonAuthor 3 books226

The Long Valley was published in 1938. The majority of its stories had previously appeared in various American magazines. The stories themselves, Saint Katy the Virgin being the exception - a strangely whimsical tale set in mediaeval France - are set in Steinbeck’s birthplace, the background for so much of his writing, the Salinas Valley in California. Apparently, Steinbeck demanded that Saint Katy the Virgin be included in the collection, and although I enjoyed it, I have to admit that it does seem a bit of a puzzle alongside the rest. In all the other stories, Steinbeck does what Steinbeck can do no other: informs us about the human condition. He uses symbolism to good effect, and his descriptive imagery is admirably lean; sometimes a tale’s starkness certainly left this reader with a haunted, almost desperate feeling. However, I never feel that Steinbeck is ever being wantonly bleak. Above all, Steinbeck is telling us stories about human beings and of their relationships to others. He lets us make our own inferences. The scholars, critics and academics have it seems from the very start often been divided on their appraisal of these stories. I’m perfectly happy to let them go on arguing! This collection is eminently readable and worthwhile.14 s Jessaka952 179

A long book gladly shortened

Due to the surly characters in this book I disd most of the short stories, but John Steinbeck sure can write!

And then I came up on the story, the red pony, And I realized that I was at the end of the book for I had read the stories that followed. And the stories were the best In this book.How glad I was to put the book down.This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full reviewnobel-prize-for-literature14 s Kim426 525

Un Steinbeck's other short story collection, The Pastures of Heaven, this book lacks thematic unity. First published in 1938, many of the stories in the collection had been published previously. The stories differ widely in tone and subject matter, from the rather creepy "The Snake", to the prize-winning "The Murder", to the four stories which make up "The Red Pony".

What the stories share is their Salinas Valley location, wonderfully descriptive prose, unsentimental depiction of the beauty and terror of the natural world and a compassion for human frailty. A worthwhile read for Steinbeck completists.kindle13 s Q430

Reading this book was being in the midst of immense creativity. Steinbeck was a young writer writing these stories. They are seeds of his future. It was a huge treat and honor in a way to have the opportunity to read these early works.

Lately I’ve had an urge to read some more of Steinbeck’s writing. A couple of GR Friends read his Breakfast story. And I couldn’t find a link ( though there was one in another review) So I bought the book instead. And very glad I did. It was an unabridged Penguin ebook edition and it had interesting notes about his life and the 16 stories I included. The notes were dessert after a nice meal.

These early short stories were first published in a collection in 1938. They are an unusual and diverse group of stories all set in the Long Valley where Steinbeck was raised, wrote, and lived his life. The Long Valley goes from the mountains east of Salinas to Monterey and the ocean on the central coast of CA. Even these early stories show he is a great writer. He has a knack of making the complex simple so that it’s well understood. His details make the stories ping alive. He writes some terrific dialogue in Vigilante. He captures people and their nuances and emotions excellently and he has a fabulous understanding of the ways of people. I reading his sentences. Most of the time it seems so natural. And it is as if you are there with the characters or on the land. There is a strong sense of place in these stories. Many of his later books were also set in this area. (Long Valley, East of Eden, Canary Row, Tortilla Flats, Of Mice and Men, The Red Pony; Pastures of Heaven, Indubious Battle, and Sweet Thursday to name some.)

The 16 stories in this book are filled with interesting details and he created some unusual and terrific characters. Some stories have a deep closeness to nature. It includes the 4 short stories that later became his novella “The Red Pony. Enjoyed this collection a lot. Most stories had a surprise. Reading these I got to see how Steinbeck experimented and grew his craft. He uses material from where he lives and what’s familiar. You can really feel that in the best of these stories. These stories show us small pieces of life in the early 1930’s .

“The Chrysanthemum” is about a women who loves to garden. It’s a beautiful piece of writing in its simplicity and her love of the earth. Our gardener is kind and generous. These huge plants - 10 inch diameter - naturally sprout themselves. A tinker shows up at their farm and the book is about their meeting.

In “White Quail” a wife dreams the creation of a peaceful garden and her husband helps create it for her. He often tries to quell her fears. Once the garden grows and flourishes the wife has fears about animal night visitors hurting it. In its own way, the relationship between husband and wife is at the heart of the story.

“Flight” - On this night Emilio becomes a man. His mom had called him lazy. He would sit in the yard with his younger sister and brother practicing throwing his dads knife. His mom asks him to go to Monterey and do some errands on his own. He wears his deceased dads hat with its tooled band and green bandana. His jet black bangs are cut straight across his forehead. Off he goes. Something happens in Monterrey and he is now a wanted man. I d how Steinbeck developed the strong character of his mom and brought us close to nature, and the critters who live in the mountains and fly it’s skies.

“The Snake” starts thus:
“It was almost dark when young Dr. Phillips swung his sack to his shoulder and left the tide pool. He climbed up over the rocks and squashed along the street in his rubber boots.”

This story was a little creepy and different than the prior ones. Steinbeck offered 2 unusual characters -a biologist and a female customer who wants to buy a snake. The story was set in Canary Row in Monterey CA. This was not my cup of tea story - not because of the writing- which was well done- but because of killing animals in a lab- seahorses cats rats etc. He periodically feeds the rats to the snakes. Some of images are surprising. This biologist is also in a couple of Steinbeck’s later books; as is Canary Row.

Often in these stories, and later in his novels, Steinbeck created brilliant openings and details of the land and nature. So visual. This is one of the ways he makes the stories so alive and rich and real. And he sees the beauty of the earth and simple things in life in lovely ways. the story of a generous free “Breakfast” and a woman creating privacy to nurse her child. And generosity of 2 men offering to “put in a good word in” for our main character if he needs a job.

In the intro to the story “Raid.” we are told that “The old wooden buildings were silent and resting.” At first it felt to me an old western story! Two men -one young and one more experienced -are quietly walking down the street at night going to a meeting outside the main part of town. They can’t hear others around.

Living thru the 1930’s depression he sometimes did farm work or manual labor jobs. He was familiar with labor organizing. Labor issues showed up here and in his book “In Dubious Battle” and later in “Grapes of Wrath.”

“The Harness”- is a play on words and an in-depth look at a farmer’s character. “Peter Randall was one of the most highly respected farmers of Monterey County… He was tall and broad. He held his shoulders back as though they were braced, and he sucked in his stomach a soldier. Inasmuch as farmers are usually slouchy men, Peter gained an added respect because of his posture. “

“The Vigilante” is true to its title. Mob violence. Racism. He does an unusual take on it after the event. The crime was so visual and detailed I couldn’t get it out of my head. Even now a few days later it’s there. A lot of these stories have stayed with me over the couple of weeks I’ve read them. I’m impressed. Often these days I read books and they don’t stick over time. But his details in these stories do.

Johnny Bear- This was a sad story and off putting. Johnny Bear was a man that was dumb yet he was a mimic who remembered exactly peoples words. If you bought him a whisky at the lone bar in town, he would repeat something he had heard and intoned their authors voice spot on.

The Murder- the story is about a husband and wife on a farm. She was “a foreigner.” Had his meals ready as soon as he came in the house. Not much of a talker. At one point he decided to go into Monterey on a Saturday night and she didn’t want to go. He went by himself…. There are so many choices writers can make in situations; Steinbeck’s choices were most of the time interesting and usually not what I expected. Reading these stories was different then reading his novels. We get to see his writing skill unfold in a different way.

Saint Katy the Virgin -a farce about a pig and some monks.

Red Pony parts 1, 2,3,4

I don’t remember the Red Pony the novella well. Will reread it at some point soon to see how these 4 stories influenced the novella.

And now the book is over. I’m a little sad. Repeating : Reading this book was being in the midst of immense creativity. He was a young writer writing these stories. These stories are the seeds of his future. I’m not usually a short story person. After this enjoyable experience I am definitely more open to read other collections.12 s Dan1,198 52

The Long Valley by John Steinbeck

4.5 stars

I had the opportunity about six years ago to visit the National Steinbeck Center in Salinas. It is a lovely modern museum and as much of a paean to the Salinas Valley as Steinbeck. The place oozes with history of the artist and the area, just Steinbeck's writing. All of his books are on sale in the gift shop. It was then I decided to read all of his books. I have only six to go after having recently returned to reading Steinbeck.

There are thirteen stories in The Long Valley which was published in 1938. With the exception of The Red Pony, these are not lengthy stories and they all take place in the Salinas Valley. It is remarkable to me how quickly Steinbeck can sketch his characters. He is also the rarest of authors, those who are equally proficient at writing short stories, essays or novels.

Here are my ordered favorites in this collection. There are some five star stories here to be sure.

1. Flight - I've seen great writers who don't need plot twists to create drama. Steinbeck is one of them. This is a nearly perfect short story even though you know exactly what will happen.

2. The Harness - this is a crushing story about a man who remains under his wife's spell. Steinbeck deftly articulates the flaws that lie deep in our souls.

3. The Red Pony - a famous multi-part story. Much attention is given to those two chapters (1 and 3) which are focused on the two ponies. The writing was exquisitely detailed in these chapters but they are also a little too sentimental. I for one was most impacted by the scene in chapter 2 when the old man Gitano is asked to leave and takes the old horse Easter with him. The image of them walking in silhouette over the ridge, ostensibly to their deaths, is seared into my memory.

4. The Leader of the People - this was the epilogue to The Red Pony. It is about the boy's grandfather reliving his past when he led the first Anglo settlers into Monterey. This was also an emotional story.

5. The Raid - a short vignette of two union organizers (one old and one young) as the mob descends on them. Could have easily been a five star story if longer. The tone reminded me of The Grapes of Wrath.

6. The Murder - similar to The Harness except in this one the husband becomes jealous of his wife. The plot is a really common one but Steinbeck makes it better.5-star-overall 5-star-short-stories11 s Lesle212 77

13 shorts. Some I enjoyed more than others but not as I had hoped.
Here are a few thoughts on a few tales. You may read and decided for yourself as a Steinbeck fan.

Pepe has gone into manhood with the worst possible sceniro. He is hunted.

The Breakfast
A simple tale of satisfaction of a simple life of sharing what one has when one has nothing.

The Raid
Dick and Root are quite a pair bantering back and forth. One seems to accept the role he plays with little thought and the other seems struck by work and seems to go with his fear and anxiety.

The Murder
The old castle needs to go. Moore contemplates setting it on fire but cannot bring himself to do so. His new wife's father advises him in beating Jelka often. He finds her nonconversational and uses it as an excuse of bar and women. A man is killed and Jelka whipped.

The Red Pony
Jody is given a pony for what is to be a lesson in responsibility turns out to be nothing but harsh lessons for Jody to endure. I have read this before and find my thought has not changed about it. I find it is a tale for an adult not a youth.

Most of the tales begin in the Steinbeck way, of descriptive settings to give an understanding and clear view of what is to come in the tale of values. Their lives are not fair. They must struggle for their own self respect.

"The earth is colored unnaturally dark, metal; the fields hold no crops, only stiff stubble, and there is only thick scrub along the riverbanks."

read-in-2021 steinbeck-john10 s António Jacinto101 1 follower

Steinbeck é muito mais versátil do que eu supunha. Estes contos provam-no. O seu vocabulário é de grande rigor e nada surge sem oportunidade. Da degradação do corpo à crueldade dos seres humanos, da natureza ingénua dos homens à consistência de consciência de classe, tudo isso passa pelas suas mãos com facilidade. Erotismo, tragédia, trabalho, violência e camaradagem reúnem-se num livro maravilhoso.10 s Anthony PanegyresAuthor 17 books30

Several excellent stories, including the exceptional 'Johnny Bear'.collection fiction spec-fic9 s Frank ScozzariAuthor 42 books134

Steinbeck's great storytelling style shines in this early collection of his short stories.10 s Hodove159 169

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Still making my way through Steinbeck's books. I'm pleased that I decided to space them out throughout the year so that I can feel the potency and singularity of each volume. With these stories that immediately precede Grapes of Wrath I can truly sense Steinbeck coming into his stride. These stories worked as something of a literary apprenticeship--writing exercises that prepared his skills for the great novels to come. But they are powerful and evocative in their own right, too. Easily 5 stars. general-fiction7 s Troy Alexander222 51

Stories of Steinbeck's beloved Salinas Valley in the 1930s. I particularly loved "The Snake" and "The Chrysanthemums".1900-19507 s Chris Blocker698 170

I've read about half of this collection before in various places. And I would agree that the best stories in The Long Valley are those which have been heavily anthologized. But reading them again in the context of the whole collection was surprisingly enjoyable. Here you get a wide range of Steinbeck's tone with a single theme throughout: violence.

As with all collections, some stories were weaker than others. In particular, I wasn't a fan of “The Murder,” a story which seemingly justifies the abuse of a wife. Having never seen Steinbeck as a raging misogynist, I chalk this story up to an objective portrayal of the culture at the time. Other stories in this collection may imply I'm wrong, however. We'll leave it at that.

Certainly, Steinbeck was primarily a novelist. He wasn't a masterful short story writer, but that doesn't mean he couldn't write a short story. Obviously, he could. I enjoyed this collection despite its limitations. Steinbeck fans should definitely get around to reading this one. Others may just wish to stick with the more heavily anthologized stories (e.g. “The Chrysanthemums,” “Flight”).7 s Mercedé Khodadadi206 21

??? ???? ?? ????? ?? ????? «?? ??????» ????? ??? ???. ????? ?? ???? ??????6 s Jeff Koeppen599 42

This is a nice collection of Steinbeck short stories, and includes the novella, The Red Pony (all four parts). Most of the short stories are set in his Salinas Valley and are not feel good reading. But it's Steinbeck and you'll be wowed by his writing, vivid characters, and well painted settings. The stories and my grades are as follows:

The Chrysanthemums: a sad woman and her flowers - 5*
The White Quail: a garden-obsessed woman and her jealous husband - 4*
Flight: a lazy son is on the run - 4*
The Snake: a mysterious woman admires a scientist's rattle snake - 4*
Breakfast: a very short and quaint tale of a camp breakfast - 4*
The Raid: two guys prepare for a raid on their building - 2*
The Harness: an odd tale of a widower who wore a harness for posture - 3*
The Vigilante: post-lynching conversation in a bar about what happened - 4*
Johnny Bear: a mimic goes too far, bizarre - 5*
The Murder: an odd marriage takes an odder twist - 4*
St. Katy the Virgin: the strange tale of Katy the pig - 3*
The Red Pony: reviewed previously

I'm looking forward to reading more Steinbeck. He's one of my favorites.2019-read author-steinbeck collections-anthologies ...more6 s Celeste - Una stanza tutta per me187 156

Io, digiuna di Steinbeck, in quarantena mi approccio all'unico volume che ho in casa; racconti. Li leggo e vengo sorpresa dallo sconforto più totale: ma come, non mi piace Steinbeck? Ma come, trovo Steinbeck inconcludente, io? Io, amante delle Americhe e del sogno americano, io e Steinbeck non funzioniamo?

La verità è che la maggior parte di questi racconti sono opere minorissime, stralci di idee, soffici come il burro e inconcludenti, pure se sono di Steinbeck. Tre racconti (Il vigilante, Johnny Orso e Il pony rosso) sono strepitosi. E infatti, mi sa che poi io e Steinbeck funzioniamo eccome.americana racconti5 s Lucinda ElliotAuthor 8 books116

Great writing - shame about the women..

I almost never give less than three star ratings, and least of all for somethihg well written, but am giving this a two-and-a-half star rating as a matter of principle, because despite my admiration for the quality of Steinbeck's writing, my impression was of a dismal current of underlying misogyny in several of the stories and a disturbing amount in 'The Murder', which seems to advocate wife beating as a method of solving marital problems.

I'd to think the situation is portrayed ironically; but it doesn't come across that way to me, partly because of the questionable portrayal of women in this collection of stories generally.

I believe some argue that this shouldn't be taken to reflect any endorsement by the author, and that in 'The Murder' he is merely commenting objectively on the masochistic urges of one woman from a particular background, but even so, his manner of writing of it doesn't really portray it as a sick aberration. The 'objective' tone here does seem almost an tacit approval to me, though I'd to think it isn't. I don't think the same special pleading would be extended by critics if an author had written about a relationship exhibiting racism, say, which was also widespread in this era and which Steinbeck notoriously opposed (if there is an element of racism - against Eastern Europeans in this story, then it's convoluted). I'm disappointed that so few other readers express any unease over this story having won critical such acclaim or over Steinbeck's general unsympathetic portrayal of women.

I've always admired Steinbeck's writing style, while accepting that his view on women was questionable even for his time, and am dismayed to have come across this story again after so many years. I'd happily forgotten it's existence!6 s Aaron592 15

Short stories that give you a vignette glimpse into life in the West and always leave you wanting more. They fade out just as you want to see what happens next. Steinbeck was an incredibly gifted writer who knew how to craft a character and a scene. Lovely!favorites7 s Dvd (#)466 82

07/05/2022 (****)
Letto con piacere, lo stile di Steinbeck è anche qui inconfondibile.
Il libro contiene 12 racconti brevi o brevissimi, non tutti omogenei per qualità - come sempre capita nelle raccolte.
Splendidi, a mio parere, Johnny Orso, soprendente per l'adozione di stile e dinamiche quasi aliene all'autore, La fuga e L'omicidio, in cui invece ci si trova avvinti nelle tipiche ambientazioni e tematiche di Steinbeck (l'arida e selvaggia California degli anni Trenta, il racconto di personaggi pieni, vividi e drammaticamente piegati dalla difficile, impossibile arte di vivere).

In un modo o nell'altro, gli adulti che Steinbeck dipinge sono quasi sempre personaggi straordinari, sconfitti ma indomiti, pienamente coinvolti (e sconvolti) dal gran turbinare delle cose che gli girano intorno, aggrappati all'umana pietà e alla solidarietà fra esseri umani quali uniche ancore di salvezza nel caos cieco del mondo.

In questo Steinbeck e i suoi protagonisti si differenziano molto da quelli di un altro autore che ama ambientazioni molto simili, ossia Cormac McCarthy. Se nel primo c'è sempre una redenzione, una sostanziale vittoria degli uomini di fronte alle ingiustizie e al cinismo del destino, nel secondo tutto sparisce nel più assoluto nichilismo, nella completa sconfitta individuale. Autori grandissimi, figli - evidentemente - ognuno del loro tempo.

Un discorso a parte merita Il pony rosso, che è il racconto di gran lunga più ampio del mazzo. Diviso in quattro capitoli, mostra il percorso di formazione che vive Jody, il piccolo protagonista, portandolo attraverso vari drammi e incontri con persone notevoli dalla fanciullezza spensierata alla maturazione, allo stato di coscienza. Pagine molto intense, già nello stile dello Steinbeck più maturo. Un piccolo capolavoro che porta diritto a Furore.

Infine, alcuni racconti a parer mio mal riusciti e noiosi, forse non adatti alle corde dell'autore (lo psicanalitico La quaglia bianca e il satirico Santa Katy Vergine, in particolare).

In ogni caso, Steinbeck è davvero un gigante della narrativa del Novecento e questa umile raccolta me lo ha dimostrato una volta ancora.narrativa-americana raccolta5 s Libriletti296 64

Creo que va a estar claro (lo escribí como comentario de la novela allá por el 2012)

for x=1 to 1000
encuentro con tribu de negros
if negros=buenos
action=comer comida de los negros y recrearse con las mujeres de los negros durante tiempo indeterminado
action=salvar de algun apuro de los negros con otros negros
rand action=verse traicionados por los negros
if negros=malos
action=matar a los negros
next x

o tambien:

for x=1 to infinto
encuentro con gente varia
if gente varia =negros
action = negros se cargan a compañeros de Juan de Olid
if gente varia = no negros
action= tol mundo putea física o mentalmente al pobre Juan de Olid

END Juan de Olid50 s Alba Turunen734 239

4 Estrellas. Hacía mucho tiempo que quería leer un libro de éste escritor porque es uno de los favoritos de mi madre, y siempre me lo había recomendado; pero como suele suceder, tengo demasiados libros pendientes, y nunca sé cuándo ponerme con alguno. Por fin le llegó el turno, y ha sido gracias a un reto literario en el que debía leer un libro ganador del premio Planeta. Buscando, encontré que “En busca del unicornio” se había llevado dicho premio en 1987, por tanto me daba igual por cuál libro del autor empezar.

Antes de nada, decir que no es el tipo de literatura que leo, y no porque no lea novela histórica, que es mi favorita, si no porque tiro más por la novela romántica y la fantástica, y hacía muchos años que no leía una novela histórica a secas.

A leer la sinopsis sabía lo que me iba a encontrar más o menos. En 1471, el entonces rey de Castilla, Enrique IV el Impotente, mandó una expedición a África a encontrar al mítico unicornio y traer su cuerno, que según se decía, daba virilidad a los hombres. Así es como nos narra Juan de Olid, su protagonista, la maravillosa aventura que vivió en África, y todos los años que le costó su travesía y cumplir su misión, para encontrarse a su vuelta una Castilla muy distinta a la que dejó muchos años antes.

La novela, que no es muy larga, está narrada de un modo tan arcaico y preciosista, que bien puede el lector imaginarse que fue escrita en el siglo XV y no hace treinta años. Creo que sólo por esto hay que aplaudir el trabajo del autor, pues estoy segurísima de que no es nada fácil plasmar en una novela la forma de hablar o narrar que era común en ésa época.

Muchas veces, cuando leo novelas históricas me quejo de la falta de precisión o ambientación, bien por la narración o desconocimiento del autor, o porque simplemente le dé igual y quiera hacerlo más cercano al lector medio o moderno. Éste no ha sido el caso, es una novela tan rigurosa y bien narrada, que es sencillamente brillante, y ahí no queda todo, si no que sus personajes están tan bien plasmados, y sus pensamientos son tan comunes y acertados a los del españolito del siglo XV, que no puede ponerse ninguna pega al rigor histórico que le ha dado el autor, no describe de un modo políticamente correcto para enmascarar la sensiblería que tanto vemos actualmente, si no con la crudeza de pensamiento e ignorancia que había en ésa época.

¿Qué más puedo decir de la historia? Que es una gran aventura, pero una aventura divertida, disparatada, donde a sus personajes les ocurre de todo ¿Cómo puede no ocurrirles de todo, cuando un grupo de cuarenta españoles se adentren en las profundidades inexploradas de África buscando a un mítico animal? No puedo decir mucho más porque si no contaría la historia entera, y no es un libro largo, creo que sencillamente hay que leerlo.

Me alegro de haberle dado la oportunidad a Juan Eslava Galán, y estoy segurísima de que volveré a leer otro libro suyo.2018 medieval-españa reto-libros-libros-y-más-libros-20122 s Victor Viejo Gomez4 1 follower

Me lo he comido en dos días, escuche hablar del autor, lo encontré en una librería de segunda mano junto a otro título del mismo.
Me ha gustado mucho,100% recomendado si te mola la novela histórica con escritura ambientada. 10 s Justo Martiañez447 165

Me lo pasé muy bien con esta novela. Totalmente recomendable.9 s Ben-Ain120 20

Me ha encantado. Al principio, antes de comenzar a leerlo , fui un poco escéptico acerca de que pudiese gustarme por cómo estaba escrito. Sin embargo, tras leer las dos primeras páginas quedé tan enganchado que no he podido soltarlo prácticamente hasta terminarlo.

Don Juan Eslava Galán vuelve a conseguirlo. He leído cinco o seis libros de tipo ensayo suyos y todos sin excepción son buenísimos. Ésta era mi primera novela suya y la verdad que todas mis palabras son de alabanza para ella.
Lo recomiendo encarecidamente. 8 s Joel Ayala Alicea57 3

Muy entretenida historia, acerca de unos hechos ficticios, cimentados en parte por un suceso verídico e histórico. Lo ficticio de la novela, es la expedición encabezada por Juan de Olid al África subsahariano en busca del cuerno de un mítico unicornio, que parece ser la panacea que necesita el Rey Enrique IV de Castilla para curarse de su impotencia(esta es la parte verídica de la historia, pues a este rey del siglo XV se le conoció como Enrique el Impotente).
Escrita en un lenguaje propio de la época que describe, es esta una novela que no será del gusto de muchos, ya que carece de diálogos. Toda ella es narrada en primera persona por Juan de Olid, el emisario del rey, encomendado por este para la obtención del fantástico animal, atravesando tierra de moros y negros. Aun así, debo decir que disfruté muchísimo de esta lectura, pues aparte de relatar las aventuras y periplos de Olid y sus ballesteros, esta novela cuenta además con grandes dosis de humor y hasta de un toque de erotismo. Recomendada para lectores avezados que sepan obviar la carencia de diálogo y apreciar la novela por lo que ofrece: el deleite único que solo puede ofrecer una historia bien contada.6 s Luisseff211 4

Uno de los mejores libros que han pasado por mis manos en mi vida, interesante, didáctico, ameno. No tiene ningún bajón en ninguna parte y mantiene el interés a lo largo de todo la novela. Para mi el mejor premio planeta que he leído, y el descubrimiento de un autor que se ha convertido en uno de mis favoritos.6 s David FernándezAuthor 3 books40

Una maravilla. Narrado en castellano antiguo y con una inocencia y decoro muy especial, es capaz de transmitir los pensamientos de la época, con todas sus virtudes y defectos, para trenzar una historia llena de momentos realmente inolvidables. Bravo.5 s Olivia41 25

Una historia muy entretenida que se enmarca en la Castilla de Enrique IV, ya en pleno siglo XV. Las referencias históricas son inmejorables, con notas de humor dispersas por toda la trama. El hecho de que esté escrito en castellano antiguo hace que al principio cueste un poco sumergirse en la historia, pero al final ... el argumento te atrapa. 4 s Encarni Prados1,157 84

El libro empieza muy bien, con mucho humor incluso, pero a medida que transcurre la historia se van haciendo los acontecimientos (al menos, bajo mi percepción) cada vez más repetitivos, es una aventura que, siempre bajo mi punto de vista, se ha hecho demasiado larga y hace que pierdas el interés. Tampoco me ha gustado el final porque el protagonista merecía algo mejor.4 s Carmen2,456

"Caballo es, amigo mío, pero de una clase de caballos como nunca se ha visto por estos reinos ni creo que nunca se vea en tierra de cristianos. Su nombre es el unicornio por ese cuerno que le ves en la frente en la que reside su maravillosa virtud. Estos caballos unicornios pacen en los pastizales de África, más allá de la tierra de los moros, donde nunca llegaron cristianos fuera de los mercaderes del Preste Juan si es que tal hubo. El Rey nuestro señor quiere que tú y otro vayáis allá y le traigáis uno de estos cuernos".2019 adventure-aventura africa ...more3 s Maritza Buendía260 27

"En busca del unicornio" es una novela de ficción histórica ambientada en el siglo XV durante el reinado de Enrique IV, conocido como "El impotente" durante la época anterior al descubrimiento de América cuando los conflictos con los moros estaban en pleno auge. La historia es contada a manera de crónica en primera persona por Juan de Olid, a quien el rey le ha encomendado la misión de traerle un cuerno de unicornio para curar su impotencia y que según la leyenda vivía en las inhóspitas tierras del continente africano.

La expedición cuenta con un fraile, un traductor, una doncella virgen y un grupo de ballesteros, entre otros, de muy coloridas personalidades dispuestos a la aventura, pero sobre todo a cumplir la misión que les ha sido encomendada. La travesía del continente está llena de penalidades y estos pobres viajeros sufren las mil y una peripecia tratando de cumplir su cometido. El autor nos cuenta con desbordada imaginación, algo de humor y hasta erotismo los encuentros que tiene con numerosos grupos africanos; nos describe sus modus vivendi, sus hábitats y sus muchas cuitas con el sabor de la prosa arcaica que amerita el caso.

Cada nueva aventura es más inverosímil que la anterior y contiene elementos bárbaros y autóctonos de las culturas de entonces que a pesar de su violencia no dejan de mostrarnos también la ingenuidad, el candor y la humanidad de sus personajes. La osadía dura casi 20 años y Olid es su único sobreviviente. Viejo, agotado y manco regresa finalmente a Castilla para enfrentarse a un mundo totalmente diferente al que dejó y para enterrar los huesos del fraile y depositar un cuerno de rinoceronte en la tumba del rey que nunca se curó de su infortunada aflicción. Una novela de interesantes y locas aventuras que relata con eficacia hechos de una época de descubrimiento, barbarie y honor.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review3 s adictalectora171 29

Libro que ya había leído hace años, he releído estos días. Interesante la historia que nos cuenta, el vocabulario del castellano siglo XV cuesta un poco de leer, no es una lectura fluida por ese motivo, por lo demás buen libro.3 s InnaAuthor 2 books242

A story about a young man leaving Enrique IV's Spain to Africa in search of a unicorn a horn of which was to cure the king. He was accompanied by a monk learning in herbs, by a skilled translator, and by numerous soldiers. He came back to Spain with an illusion he reached his goal, but without his comrades. Spain he came back to eighteen years after leaving it was a different country where nobody was interested in him anymore. With his health broken, his career nonexistent, and his money and comrades gone, he left the horn by Enrique's grave as a final expression of loyalty and went away. This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review2 s Santiago F. Moreno Solana149 8

Con una prosa en un excelente castellano antiguo se narra una historia increíble que por imposible resulta curiosamente de todo punto verídica. Contada por momentos con un humor delicioso, la historia acaba de algún modo ahogada en la tristeza de la realidad enfrentada por el protagonista tras muchos años de viaje y penurias sufridas al ver todos y cada uno de sus ensueños e imagiciones tras la consecución del encargo oponerse a una realidad bien distinta a la esperada. Un libro superentretenido. Totamente recomendable.2 s Juan Carlos Santillán386 3

El desesperado recurso de un Rey impotente y supersticioso es el punto de partida para la larga travesía del protagonista.

El unicornio es muchas cosas a la vez: es la superstición, la esperanza, la fe, la vida, el sinsentido y la tarea. Pero es, primordialmente, esa criatura real y contundente que sólo los ilusos creen imaginaria.
5-estrellas hispanos reseñas2 s Mike Pinter294 6

El comienzo no me convenció pero habiendo disfrutado todos los demás libros del autor que han llegado a mis manos seguí y el viaje bien mereció la pena.
El periplo está relatado muy entretenidamente y hay cierta similitud con las historias de Amin Maalouf en que uno pasa por las páginas para descubrir qué más le puede ocurrir a los protagonistas.

Lo disfruté mucho.2 s Pedro170 9

Una sátira acerca de las vivencias siglo XV en España desde la perspectiva de un noble e ingenuo caballero al servicio del poder que espera llegar muy lejos.

Una novela de corte histórico que aborda tópicos interesantes referentes a la historia de España y nos sitúa en una ficción no tan lejana de la visceralidad del colonialismo y la inconsistencia del poder durante ese periodo.2 s Mientras Leo1,557 182

La fantasía como divertimento.
Un libro de aventuras escrito de una forma diferente y cuyo vocabulario, raro al principio, no resulta un obstáculo
http://entremontonesdelibros.blogspot...2 s Raul Mercado55 1 follower

Esta obra que la considero de corte épico es simplemente hermosa. Me transportó a muchos paisajes, lugares, aventuras, dramas, pérdidas, decepciones que me mantuvieron pegado al libro de inicio a fin. Usualmente los libros de aventuras no suelen tener valor literario. Este libro es la excepción.2 s SAMCRO56

Interesante novela de aventuras sobre la búsqueda del unicornio durante la época del rey Enrique IV de Castilla.2 s Adelais481 7

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Lo que me ha costado empezar esta lectura. Es el típico libro que queda en la estantería y lo vas dejando hasta que se enfada contigo por el bullying recibido.

Creo que el hecho del que más me voy a quejar es el que consiguió darle el Premio Planeta en 1987.
No puedo con como esta escrito. Intentando emular el habla del siglo XV en versión masterizado para que no sea imposible para el lector. Cosas como "dél", "en llegando"... me ralentiza la lectura.

Así como resumen:
25% del libro es "yacer con negras"
40% peleas o enseñar como funcionan las ballestas a los negros
Y el 35% restante es la trama desde España hasta el sur de África.1 Baltimoreads16

Quedo muy bien advertido por este manuscrito de lo muy provechoso que es el haber nacido cristiano, por Obra y Gracia de Dios Nuestro Señor, y de lo dificultoso y penoso que es el adentrarse en tierra de moros o negros, siendo el único propósito válido el ser cumplidor de la voluntad del Rey Nuestro Señor. Queden bien instruidos quienes lean estas líneas, y sepan que no por gozar de negras es un hidalgo merecedor de los peligros que entraña el encontrarlas.1 Carlos Antonio62 5

No es algo que me pase a menudo, pero apenas he podido llegar a las 80 páginas...
Al principio me pareció muy interesante que Juan Eslava emulara el castellano medieval o del año que pretendiera, pero luego se me hizo insoportable seguirlo. Sin sentido y algo aleatorio, la sintaxis se me hacía redundante y se convirtió más en un obstáculo que en un disfrute. Semanas antes había terminado el primer libro del Quijote, así que sé que el problema no lo tenía con el castellano antiguo, sino en el castellano de este escritor que tanto me gusta.
Me da pena no haberlo podido terminar y/o disfrutar como muchas de las personas que reseñan este libro, pero esta es mi crítica y valoración. 1 Carlos Magdaleno Herrero230 47

Un libro suficientemente entretenido, que en un principio tiene algo de épica humorística a lo Monty Phyton, pero que se torna hacia el final triste y melancólico, con el sufrimiento del protagonista, que no encuentra nexos de unión con el mundo que dejó al partir.1 Clara PM3 1 follower

Cuando empecé el libro y me encontré con las primeras reflexiones racistas y machistas del protagonista me surgió la duda de si de verdad el texto pecaba de anticuado (no debería, está escrito a finales de los ochenta) o se me escapaba la sutileza del autor al formular una sátira de la forma de pensar de los personajes (hijos de su tiempo, al vivir en los finales del siglo XV). Una vez terminado el libro, sigo con la misma duda, en general todos los personajes repiten estereotipos y se pierde la oportunidad de representar la visión de otras culturas como si se hace desde mi punto de vista más acertadamente en obras como "El antropologo inocente", si por el contrario la intención del autor era escribir una novela de aventuras en mi opinión se queda floja en esa parte, perdiendo ritmo y siendo repetitiva en los momentos en los que se pasa a explicar las experiencias de los protagonistas en cada una de sus paradas. Es posible y hasta probable que se me haya escapado la verdadera intención del autor, tal vez toda la novela es un alegato de hasta donde puede llegar el ser humano con una meta en mente, pero en todo caso, lamento decir que me ha parecido aburrida.1 Gwenhuiwar68 14

"Y este tiempo que digo a los más se nos hizo largo como si 5 años pasaran, pues hubimos muchos vómitos y quebrantos y fiebres de la poca costumbre que se tiene por la parte de Zamora y Cuenca y Toledo de navegar sobre la mar de los peces y por el mucho cabecear que las ondas daban a la nao."
En 1471 Juan de Olid, al servicio del Condestable de Castilla, es requerido por éste por secreto mandato real de Enrique IV: cazar un unicornio en África y traer de vuelta el cuerno para aumentar la virilidad del Rey Impotente. Le acompañan entre otros frai Jordi, Manolito de Valladolid, muy perfumado siempre, aguerridos ballesteros y Doña Josefina, que ya se sabe que sin virgen no hay unicornio que se acerque. No será empresa fácil. África no es tierra amable.

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