
The Beast of Rose Valley de J.P. Barnett

de J.P. Barnett - Género: English
libro gratis The Beast of Rose Valley


Something evil stalks the citizens of Rose Valley—not for the first time, but hopefully for the last.

> WINNER: Pinnacle Book Achievement Award 2019 - Best Horror Fiction
> FINALIST: Readers' Favorite Book Award 2019 - Finalist: Fiction - Paranormal
> FINALIST (Top 20): The Kindle Book Review Awards 2019 - Fiction - Horror/Suspense

"Barnett's plot is clever and irresistible, and his book is a sheer pleasure to read. Horror, thriller and mystery fans alike will find much to their liking in this intriguing story about the unknown. ...most highly recommended." ~ Jack Magnus, Readers' Favorite Book Reviews

After suffering through a horrific car accident, Jake Rollins struggles to survive in his tiny hometown of Rose Valley—a place to which he hoped never to return.

When a sheep is viciously mutilated on the ranch where Jake is recovering, he's...

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** Edited as review is now live on Kendall Reviews! **

I’m a true sucker for creature features and the synopsis for this one regarding a creature that has stalked Rose Valley a number of times of the years sounded right up my alley.

Barnett is a new to me author but his writing style was great and found his ideas straight forward and he was able to get me to connect to the story immediately which is always a huge bonus for me.

The book takes off on page one as we are introduced to Jake and Shandi, a local farmhand and the town’s reporter as Barnett shares with us the grisly discovery of some livestock. From there more of the small town folk are introduced and as is typical in such small towns, we learn most of the characters have long, interconnected backgrounds from high school and onward to present day.

As the killings continue and sightings occur, Barnett does a great job building up tension and teasing a possibly cryptozoological connection. By bringing in a Cryptozoologist character, while a bit over the top, was a great touch and really made this a page-turner for me. Throw in a secretive research facility that’s been in the area for a century and you can see where a reader can really get sucked in.

One thing I found distinctive for me that increased my enjoyment was the visible creature throughout. In many books, there is a long build-up and then finally a climactic moment where the big reveal happens. Not in this book and that worked wonderfully.

The book wasn’t without faults – for me personally, it was a lot of the romantic moments/internal drama moments. I didn’t connect with the characters often getting randomly jealous or feeling scorned over small things, little random things that drove me crazy. I think without these bits the story would have been elevated. Not sure if it was an attempt at making the book more YA or what, but I wished for far less of those moments.

Overall I had a lot of fun with this book. It was a page-turner and I was sucked in quickly, wanting to know just what was going to happen and what exactly the creature was.

From the title, you can see that the book is part of an ongoing series. The two characters that you ultimately find out will continue on really didn’t trigger me into wanting to read more about their adventures. This may be different for other readers, but for me personally, they were minor parts in the overall narrative and didn’t make me want to find out what was up next for them.

If you are looking for a fun, fast-paced creature feature set in a small town, you really can’t go wrong with this one.4 s Lisa804 12

I’m not sure where to start. Words do not do it justice. I loved this book. So much so that after buying the paperback, I bought the audiobook. I loved the whole mystery behind the beast. I had so many emotions reading this. I felt compassion at times for the beast, scared at others. Especially driving to work at night on a deserted road in the country surrounded by woods. The hero and heroine were great. All the characters were. I loved the story behind the beast and was sad about how he came together. But it was also an interesting take on the making of it. The sheriff, Cam, was one of my favorites. The author really knows how to tell a story and keep your interest. I d the romance parts. They were just right with not too much to distract from the main story. If you are a reader who wants the main story with no romance, you would still love this. My favorite part was how the school changed their mascot from Jaguars to The Beasts.

The narrator was ok but I wasn’t crazy about her male voices. Her voice just wasn’t deep enough or didn’t have the right pitch. But it wasn’t bad enough that it took me out of the story. 4 s †Reviews of a FearStreetZombie†395 64

I don't usually read books this but I have to admit, I was really impressed with this book.
It was fast paced and really grabbed my attention.

I did have a few issues but not many. I felt there were to many characters, while I get they all have important parts, there were just times where there were so many that I didn't know who was who. Also, when the action happened, I feel it was rushed and kinda jumpy. I got the idea of what was going on but there were times I was wondering what happened from point A to point B. But it was still good! Don't get me wrong.

I've never read a book this before. I honestly thought this dude was a werewolf or something but nope. Lol And the person I thought it was, I was wrong... Kinda. Lol It def keeps you questioning. I really loved the ending though. It was the perfect kind of ending for me and all my answers got answered.

The characters were all great. Even if it was hard to remember who was who. Lol There were only 4 I disd and one of those I REALLY REALLY hate. He should have been shot imo. Won't say who, but I' sure you will know when you read it. Lol3 s Jessi Jenkins3 7

It took me sometime to “get into” the book. But once the character development was over and the action started going it was really good! Highly recommend especially for those conspiracy theorists out there 3 s Alicia Smock68 4

For readers and fans of monster legends and folklore, prepare yourselves for a new writer and his series to captivate your attention. New author J.P. Barnett has just recently published the first in his new Lorestalker Series that promises to give stories to readers fascinated by the legendary folktales of old. The Beast of Rose Valley is the first of Barnett’s series as well as his debut novel and offers a fast-paced suspenseful tale about a monster terrorizing a small town and what the small town must do to save themselves.

Rose Valley, Texas is a small town where everyone knows everyone and consists of a community where everyone is born, raised, and lives their full lives there. A few community members dared to venture out into the world, only to find themselves back where their lives began. Jake Rollins barely managed to survive a terrible car accident and is under the care of a well-schooled doctor and colleague in Rose Valley. On top of caring for his health, he has been present to the aftermath of some strange incidents that have been occurring around town. It may not seem a large concern, considering the deaths that have occurred are namely livestock, but when said livestock’s remains are found turned inside out, of course concern is going to spread. The respected sheriff of Rose Valley tries to keep the multiple mutilations under wraps, but Jake knows something is going on and only with the help of a local reporter and familiar colleague, Shandi Mason, can he uncover what is terrorizing their small town. Little do they know that their terror is an unimaginable nightmare that leaves them with a near impossible decision to make: to kill the terror and save the town… or to save the terror itself.

It seems to be rare to find an intriguing monster story nowadays. Barnett has changed that and has offered the first in a series of stories that will give readers an enjoyable read about monsters and, in the future, perhaps some well-known folklore, as well. To start, allow readers to focus on Barnett’s writing style. Short, sweet, and to the point, Barnett tackles has the ability to tackle a story quickly. He gives just the right amount of detail to hint at the monster, but does not prolong the inevitable introduction of it to the readers. He picks and chooses what he describes which equals an excellent amount of detail for the readers: not too much and not too little. Barnett’s strength, however, lies within his dialog and character development. Both go hand in hand as, through his dialog, Barnett develops his characters and makes them stronger.

Now we come to the next aspect of Barnett’s writing skills: storytelling. The Beast of Rose Valley is a cleverly concocted folktale of an unheard of monster. The story itself can be a bit predictable at times; however, it offers an enticing and intriguing new story. While Barnett meant for his series to be more a part of the horror/ thriller/ suspense genre, the first in his series proves to be more thriller/ suspense. He offers just the right amount of delaying the story’s monster secret to give the readers suspense, but does not keep them hanging for too terribly long. This actually offers a nice reprieve to readers who silently yell at the author to “reveal what the threat is already!” to “I want to know what the… Oh, okay, fascinating! I want to know even more!”. What is personally nice about this particular monster is that it almost comes across as a Frankenstein’s monster sort of figure which, with the characteristics of a classic well-known monster, will most certainly captivate the attention of a broader audience.

Let us focus next on the characters that have been created for this series. Barnett is an author who focuses on minimal characters which proves to be more beneficial to stories, especially series, for it allows readers to become closer to certain characters. For The Beast of Rose Valley, readers may find themselves becoming closer to Jake and Shandi. Jake is a very relatable character: a man, with a fascination for monster tales and folklore, who grew up in a small town and wished to get away. Getting away caused a series of traumatic events that landed him back in said small town. Now, he wishes to strengthen himself after a horrific accident and, perhaps, make his life better with the addition of a new person who he has considered perhaps more-than-a-friend since he was in high school. Shandi, who shares mutual feelings with aforementioned said character, is a nosey reporter who proves to be an excellent investigator and one who doesn’t take crap from anyone. This almost instantly makes her a able character and an excellent addition to the ever-growing powerhouse female character roster of today’s fiction. For the duration of this story, readers will be rooting for these two to get together upon the story’s conclusion.

While The Beast of Rose Valley proved to be an excellent introduction to a highly anticipated new monster series, there are a few small details that could use a bit of development. The story itself is a bit predictable, yet still enjoyable. Rather than the horror/ suspense/ thriller genre it was geared towards, it was more suspense/ thriller. There weren’t too many scenes that proved to be horrifying and intense in nature, but the story itself still proved to be an excellent new “creature feature”. While the story was fast-paced, there were times when the storytelling could have slowed down. Readers may wish to know more about the monster and its backstory. Along the lines of some of the character’s backstories, some details as a whole are a bit vague, such as Jake’s car accident and other details readers will come across while reading. Perhaps, in future books, Barnett can expand on and offer more details on crucial events that involve characters and/or the story as a whole.

New author Barnett has captivated readers with the first in his new suspense/ thriller Lorestalker Series. With fast-paced storytelling and characters developed excellently through dialog, The Beast of Rose Valley is Barnett’s debut in the writing community and it proves to be a gripping new story that will captivate the attention of those who love monster legends and tall tales of folklore. This story proves to be a cleverly concocted lore and the beginning of a series with incredible potential. What other monsters of lore will be introduced to readers? Where will the monsters sprout up? Will any of these, the one in The Beast of Rose Valley, be brand new original creations? Within a series of unknown length, readers are in for a real treat as Barnett’s Lorestalker Series continues with the second book The Kraken of Cape Madre, releasing in November of this year!

**Originally published on my blog Roll Out Reviews on March 6, 2019**1 Vicky Quenault281 5

This was an enjoyable read. If I could give half stars I would rate this book 3.5 stars.
Overall well written, good pace and pretty well developed characters for the most part.
Not overly gory or scary.
It was a little simplistic and lacked any real tension.
This would be a good choice for someone that s a tamer style of monster/horror book.
I really hate the cover. If I saw it in a book store or online I wouldn’t bother reading the synopsis. Its a shame because the book is definitely worth a read.
I received a complimentary copy from VRO in return for an honest review.2 s Glen5,330 62

In a small Texas town, something is mutilating sheep...and other things.

Creature feature horror that could be bloodier, but seems a rural horror film from the 70's.horror2 s Siobhan D1,782 24

I loved the narration of Katherine Cook

This story is set in small-town Texas. Some creature is killing livestock and animals at a wildlife sanctuary, and the powers that be are trying to cover it up. So many suspenseful moments that were hard to figure out until the end. 2 s Mary Jo284 3


This was just a fun Halloween time read. A good distraction to today’s world. It was written well And enjoyable.2 s Buttercupp77501 20

There is a lot to about this novel.

The pacing was on point. The narrative kept moving along without being bogged down in unnecessary detail. At the same time, there was enough description included for the reader to easily visualise the events and setting.

The character development was also solid. While it's really only Jake who seems to evolve through the course of the novel, his growth felt organic and true to him. I found the female characters were better fleshed-out than is often the case. (I still felt there was room for more development on this front, but it's a promising start). There were several characters who, I felt, were given short shift in the telling of the story in the sense that there were hints of interesting backstories that never did appear. I suspect they were included as a way to make the characters seem more multi-dimensional, but I found them to be distracting and was left feeling frustrated by my unassuaged curiosity. I think there was a lot more to be mined from these characters so, while this is a strong element, there's certainly room for more.

I think there are a LOT of interesting stories left to be told in this town, although my suspicion is that the series will go in a very different direction.

One thing that I thought was particularly well-done was the characterization of small-town life, and the way everyone's history is widely known. This made the town itself almost a character in its own right, and it was something that I really appreciated about this novel.

There were a number of mistakes in the edition that I read that I thought were unfortunate.

This was a fairly straightforward read and I did enjoy it.

I received a copy of this book through Voracious Readers Only.horror1 Crystal's Book World ~ Crystal Cordova1,780 27

I was not sure if I would be able to read The Beast of Rose Valley. I hardly can read horror stories with the "monster" character lurking in the shadow. J.P. Barnett surpassed my expectations. You get the thriller and chills. I was holding on to the my kindle as I swiped through each page.

The characters were well developed too. There were a few moments I would lose who did what, but the author does an amazing job getting you back on track. So many suspenseful moments that were hard to figure out until the end. That is what I always love about thrillers. They have to keep me on my toes. I cannot stand it when I figure what happens next before it is unveiled. Not here. Not with this book.

The Beast of Rose Valley is a great weekend read with a nice cuddly blanket and a glass of wine!

1 Happy Booker1,394 84

The beast of rose valley is a horror thriller story about something killing Steve’s Lambs in Rose Valley. His livestock is being killed in a very suspicious way and no matter how hard he and his friend Jake try to enforce more investigation towards the matter, the officials do not follow up on it. Then Shandi, the journalist shows up and changes the dynamic of the situation in a very interesting way.

As a horror story, I believe the story was spot on. It was just as thrilling to figure out who was at play and how the situation was going to end. The storyline had twists that kept changing the dynamic for me, and that made the book thought-provoking.

The pace of the story was suitable for the genre. I believe anyone who enjoys thrillers would find this one intriguing to read. The concept was novel and the characters were well put together.

The small town certainly has been holding on to a lot of secrets. I particularly enjoyed Jakes character. His personality was a delight to read and as I read more, I looked forward to seeing how the mystery was going to reveal itself.

I also look forward to reading more from this author.

1 E.D. MartinAuthor 12 books207

A few years back, as I was wandering the country, I found myself at a cryptozoology museum in New England. The exhibits were built on some questionable "science." And I wondered, how can anyone believe this stuff?

Well, the Lorestalker series takes this and runs with it. It follows Miriam Brooks, daughter or renowned cryptozoologist Skylar Brooks, as she and her friends investigate weird phenomena around the country, from a Bigfoot- creature, to a giant kracken and skinwalkers.

Book 1, The Beast of Rose Valley, takes place in small-town Texas. Some creature is killing livestock and animals at a wildlife sanctuary, and the powers that be are trying to cover it up. What hooked me into this book, and the series as a whole, as that I figured out who was responsible about 1/3 of the way in - and then the author said, "Yep, here's what you figured out but also here's this twist." It's a great twist, something that's built on in the rest of the series so I won't spoil it, but something that makes you want to try to figure out each book as you're reading it. Throw in able, believable characters, and this is a series you won't want to put down.1 Sarah Stevens374 14

* rounded up from 3.5 stars

The Beast of Rose Valley is a fun thriller/suspense (not horror) story about an unknown cryptid-type creature roaming the area surrounding a small Texas town. While such a book could be very action-heavy and light on good characters or storytelling, Barnett manages to create some very real and relatable characters right off the bat and keep the story as much about them as it is about the Beast. The plot unfolds well under Barnett’s light touch, and there are several subtle jokes that give you a sense that you are getting a personal storytelling from the author instead of a detached narrative.

Understandably, this still does read a debut novel and there are some scenes that could have been smoother. But the polish will come with more books, and I hope to see many more from this author. leon-springs-book-group1 Joshua HairAuthor 1 book95

Mister Barnett has done an excellent job here and should be applauded for a solid, exciting, and unique first novel. Too often, I see new authors closing in from emulation to reproduction of the works that inspired them. Yes, a writer should utilize the work that spoke to them to begin with and should strive to write as well as the authors they look up to, but one must be careful to eck out their own voice. I believe Mister Barnett did just that with Beast of Rose Valley. He clearly has a love for cryptozoology and Native American tradition, which won me over immediately, yet he uses both elements to make this story his own. I, for one, am immensely excited for the second in what I hope will be a long, equally well-written series. Bravo, Mister Barnett. You've found a fan in me.1 Lauren Dare25 2

I received a free copy of this book from the author via voracious readers only for an honest review.
I really enjoyed this book. When I received this book the cover art and blurb of the book seemed a bit corny but as I read the pages I was pulled in to the storyline and the characters. We get to know each character but not with so much description that makes the story drag. We follow the townspeople of Rose Valley as a mysterious beast wrecks havoc on livestock before taking its first human victim. This book was a great, quick read and highly recommend it for those that a little thriller with a bit of horror and touch of mystery.1 Matthew Kosub1 review

This was a really fantastic book. I was really engrossed not only with the story, but with the characters themselves. The book is about 276 pages, but I couldn’t put it down and read the whole thing over about 10 hours. The plot was AMAZING and kept me guessing. Being from Texas, I really empathized with the characters and the setting. I’m really looking forward to reading more books by this author.1 Dean Palmer2

Mr. Barnett takes us on a journey to small town Texas and brings into the culture and intrigue of living where a Cryptid is discovered. His actions scenes are as fast as a Clive Cussler story, and he uses Michael Crichton ethical questioning to compel you to move from page to page as you look to understand the mystery behind what is happening in Rose Valley. Great new author. I look forward to reading more from him.1 Ann M. Shepard61 1 follower

Stay inside after dark.

I enjoyed the suspense of wondering what this could possibly be. Why so many years between appearances? What was the research facility really working on? I couldn't put this book down. This author has a way of grabbing and keeping your interest.
I am hoping for perhaps another book with some of the same characters.
I'm looking forward to seeing more from this author.1 Hollyann19 3

It’s a strange thing to read a book and recognize its DNA, from people and places in your life.

A great first book, by a new author. I’m looking forward to reading more from him and seeing his talent grow.

If you enjoy eerie creature features, this one needs to go on your list.1 Shaun Little3 1 follower

J.P. Barnett offers a slice of small town Texas life within a captivating horror/mystery and adds a great twist ending on for good measure. I hope this is the first of many good reads to come for this debut author. Can't wait for Lorestalker Book #2.1 Carin49 4

A quick, fun read to escape from my day. I really enjoyed this one.1 Rachael17

Horror isn't usually my thing but I love a well told sorry and I couldn't put this one down. The characters already feel friends. The relationships are nuanced and full of the complications we find in real life. The mystery is intriguing and the writing intelligent and smooth. Some books are interesting but I feel the writing makes me stumble. Not so with J.P. Barnett's writing. I still don't love horror and could do without gory scenes (it wasn't bad but I have an active imagination so I filed in all the messy details in my head) but I just can't wait for the next one! 1 Rachel161 1 follower

This book was a fast paced story. The characters were engaging a drew you into the story. I look forward to reading the next book in the series.1 Lauren10 1 follower

If I could I would give it 3.5 stars, it was good but not my typical cup of tea! book-clubs1 Timothy WardAuthor 12 books123

Engaging monster mystery

This is my first read by this author, and I came away very impressed. The characters keep the story centered and enjoyable and the monster mystery had plenty of surprises. I’m looking forward to the next book in this series!1 Mistie CogdillAuthor 2 books3

Fast-paced and engaging. Not my usual genre, but this book kept me hooked until the end. Loved the rich details of the tiny Texas town and the characters that inhabit it. Good read.1 CHRISTINE HARDING168 5

I loved it. It is truly a different take on the subject . Well worth reading it.1 Aditya Sundararajan89 1 follower

A fun, campy read that was surprisingly funny in places.1 Lynn Leach288

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