
La figlia dello straniero de Joyce Carol Oates

de Joyce Carol Oates - Género: Italian
libro gratis La figlia dello straniero


Rebecca è una donna dai molti segreti. Mentre si sposta lungo l'America tenendo stretto per mano il figlio Niley, lascia dietro di sé pezzi enormi del suo passato. Una famiglia giunta dall'Europa carica degli orrori della Seconda guerra Mondiale, un marito che trova sfogo alla durezza della vita quotidiana nella violenza sulla propria moglie, una lettera da un lontano cugino, sopravvissuto all'Olocausto, che le rivela dei suoi genitori più di quanto essi avrebbero mai voluto confessare. L'unica soluzione, per Rebecca e Niley, sembra dunque quella di partire. Partire e reinventarsi. In fondo l'America, è anche questo. Ma riuscirà quel giovane, immenso e violento paese a proteggere una madre e un figlio?

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Anduve un tiempo, hace ya unos cuantos años, entusiasmado con esta autora tras leer Qué fue de los Mulvaney y, sobre todo, Niágara. Después, la admiración se aplacó muchísimo con la lectura de Ave del paraíso y la cosa apenas levantó el vuelo con esta que ahora comento.

Aunque la parte en la que cuenta la vida en la casa del sepulturero es muy buena, está a la altura de las dos novelas que cito arriba (aunque haya algún detalle un poco chocante), el resto de la historia decae de forma lamentable.80 s Jason PettusAuthor 13 books1,357

(Reprinted from the Chicago Center for Literature and Photography [cclapcenter.com]. I am the original author of this essay, as well as the owner of CCLaP; it is not being reprinted here illegally.)

So what's the dark fear that lies in the inner heart of all erudite nerds? Namely this -- that no matter how educated, intelligent or well-read you are, there are always going to be a certain amount of very well-known authors you have never read at all, not even one single page of, and that at any moment this fact might be discovered by your fellow erudite nerds. Just take me, for example, who can count among completely unread authors such stalwarts as (deep breath, Jason, deep breath) Ernest Hemingway, John Steinbeck, William Faulkner, Norman Mailer, Augusten Burroughs, Dave Eggers, and dozens more embarrassing admissions. So needless to say that I was excited to recently come across the latest novel by Joyce Carol Oates at my local library, 2007's The Gravedigger's Daughter, because Oates is yet another of these classic "everyone has read at least one book by her" authors who I haven't read myself; and that's apparently a shame, according to my fellow book-loving geeks, given that Oates (a lit professor at Princeton) has been a multiple nominee over the years of the Pulitzer Prize, National Book Award, National Book Critics Circle Award, PEN/Faulkner Award and Orange Prize, not to mention the actual winner of an NBA (in 1970), a Stoker Award and a dozen other accolades. And this is to say nothing of The Gravedigger's Daughter in particular, which made the New York Times' "10 Most Notable Books of the Year" list last year; and of course all of this is small potatoes compared to the greatest achievement of Oates' entire career so far, making it into the Revered And Blessed Oprah's Book Club Hallowed Be Her Name Amen.

So I checked it out and sat down a couple of weeks ago to read it; and then about a week later, found myself finally giving up on it for good around page 250 or so (or roughly halfway through), after two days of literally dreading the idea of even physically picking the book up again. So what happened? Well, to answer that, maybe it would be better for me to ask you a series of questions, questions I've been starting to wonder more and more about the longer CCLaP has been open. Ready?

--Why is it that almost all novels revered by the academic community principally feature characters who are constantly in a state of being slightly miserable? And not miserable as in "interesting" miserable, but miserable as in "that whiny professor in the corner of the room who ruins every godd-mn party they're invited to" miserable?

--Why is it that almost all award-winning novels go way out of their way, deliberately out of their way, to show off what pretty language that author knows, completely removing the reader from the natural pace and rhythm of the story itself? Why can no academically revered novel simply let the reader get lost in the actual story, which is the entire point of a novel even existing?*

--Why is it that academes are so fascinated by mediocre EveryPeople living in bland surroundings, who do nothing with their unremarkable lives and yet somehow still manage to make a whole series of terrible life decisions? Why do so many people in the academic community think that this makes for fascinating literature, and why do they think we should sympathize or even care about such oblivious, socially retarded chumps?

It's the great mystery of the arts, I'm beginning to understand, as CCLaP has me reading academically-revered award-winning novels on a regular basis for the first time in my life; that the exact novels most lauded by this community are the very ones least fitting the definition of an entertaining novel, the ones that instead most call attention to themselves as "precious works of art" more fit for years of overeducated analysis instead of simple pleasure. And in this I guess the so-called "mainstream literature" community is just any community of genre fans as well, in that they are constantly in need of justifying their existence too, constantly in need of explaining why anyone should devote such time and energy doing delicate little analyses of barely readable books. It's disappointing to be sure, to realize that these revered prize lists are in actuality not a reliable way at all to simply find good books by good authors; it's a lesson about the arts I'm reminded of again by The Gravedigger's Daughter, a lesson I think I'll be paying more attention to in the future.

Out of 10: 4.8

*And since we're on the subject....Sheesh, Oates, will you please stop using exclamation marks! Over and over! In awkward places in your paragraphs! To make your point! Crazy you are driving me! Good literature this is not! Oh, and speaking of which, why Yoda all your Jewish characters talk? Slightly offensive in a hazily defined way it is! UGH, this book drove me crazy. 66 s Helene Jeppesen689 3,603

This was obviously a very beautiful book, coming from Joyce Carol Oates. It deals with Rebecca, the gravedigger's daughter, whose family moved to America just before the 2nd World War started. In many ways, this is a coming-of-age story because we get to hear about Rebecca's life from she's an infant till she's a grown woman. However, Oates' structure is beautifully puzzling as she starts the novel when Rebecca is in her twenties, on her way home from work.
This is a story about struggles and how you often repeat patterns in your life, no matter how destructive they may be. It's very clear from the beginning that Rebecca sees herself as 'The Gravedigger's Daughter' because she is living with a constant, terrifying fear of her father who was a monster.
Joyce Carol Oates writes beautifully about history and life, and some of her sentences are breath-taking. Meanwhile, I did miss some kind of resolution in the end, especially when it comes to specific characters that we hear nothing about. But other than that, this novel was stunning and it has peaked my interest to get to know Oates' works even better. 43 s RobinAuthor 7 books226

This book would have had much higher marks from me if it would have ended differently.

This is my first Joyce Carol Oates read and was for a face to face bookclub. In general I'm not drawn to "women in jepordy" stories but I'm always willing to give something new a try.

I was drawn to the character Rebecca and wanted to see her life work out for the better. And ultimately things did get better for her. She finally did re-marry although she was permenently damaged from her first husband.

The worst thing about this book is, for me it didn't seem to go anywhere. It was simply a chronical of her life. I expected the husband to show up in some climatic scene but he just simply vanished - discovered dead years ago. No phantom here.

I'm also VERY confused by the way it ended. In San Francisco after her son plays in the piano concert...did he win? Did he continue with the piano? The letters in the epilogue seemed to indicate he did continue with the piano - but why did we end here? What was the ultimate conflict/resoution of this book? Am I just not "intelligent" enough to see some deeper meaning - did it pass over my head?

Finally I was even more confused by the series of letters at the end. What a strange segue. They were desperate, pleading, from both sides two woman with only a passing shared past but somehow linked in a way that for me defied logic.

The epilogue was so divergent from the rest of the book it was as if I went into a parallel dimension.

I keep thinking there must be more "there" .... "there" but I did not see it. I'll be interesting to hear what the coversation goes at the bookclub meeting.32 s Paolo del ventoso Est218 51

Lo so, sono un po' volitivo e mi lascio prendere dall'entusiasmo facilmente: ora Joyce Carol Oates è diventata la mia scrittrice preferita a discapito della mia amata Ginzburg, ma dannazione è davvero una penna formidabile. Questo romanzo mi ha coinvolto dalla prima all'ultima pagina cambiando abilmente gli ambienti, i personaggi e perfino lo stile di scrittura con l'ultima (magnifica!) parte in forma "epistolare". Trovo sia meraviglioso il modo in cui la Oates conosca i suoi personaggi; non è una banalità, in quanto si può creare con leggerezza lasciando in evidenza solo due tre tratti caratteristici, ma i personaggi di questa scrittrice sembrano plasmati con la cera fin dentro le trombe di Eustachio, hanno una profondità tale che ti sembra di vederli e averli conosciuti, ti sembra che il loro passato non emerga piatto da appunti su un foglio di carta ma soffi turbinoso come un vortice di esperienze vere, dolorose, umane. C'è una empatia magica che fuoriesce da personaggi affatto positivi quali Jacob Schwart, Niles Tignor o il vecchio Gallagher; e allo stesso tempo c'è una incredibile forza psicologica emergente da Rebecca/Hazel, lo spessore di una persona autentica, la fierezza di una donna che si trova a combattere in un mondo che la vuole sotterrare. C'è da restare ammirati e grati per una simile potenza di prosa. Ora che ti ho trovata non ti mollo, Joyce Carol, ci puoi scommettere.americana-contemporanea grandiosi-personaggi-femminili27 s Madeline778 47.8k

I guess I d this book, but reading it once is plenty for me. It was very well-written, but I just could not handle how ungodly depressing it was. Honestly, the main character can't seem to go ten pages without getting the shit kicked out of her (literally and figuratively) by all the Mean Bad Men in her life. First there's her father, who goes apeshit when his daughter dares to enter a spelling bee (I still don't get that); then there's her husband, who chooses beating the shit out of her as an acceptable courtship ritual; and then there's the guy she meets after leaving the husband, who never really did anything to her but creeped me out none the less.
This book is basically a manual on Why Life Sucks For Everyone, and the worst part is, it doesn't even have an ending. You know those books that just stop? That's what The Gravedigger's Daughter does, and it is irritating.

Fun Fact: I read the majority of this book on a 9-hour plane ride, and by doing so discovered a fun challenge: trying to read a book about how evil and crazy men are while 27 Dresses plays on the video screen directly above your line of vision. Looking up from my book about spousal abuse and depression, I would watch Katherine Heigal prancing around onscreen with James Marsden and all I could think was, "You stupid bitch, get away from him while you still can! He will get jealous and paranoid and the next thing you know, he's kicking you in the face for asking where he was all night." 20 s Jenny1,433 5

Once again, I must diverge from the critics who loved this Joyce Carol Oates novel. Apparently I didn't learn my lesson with "We Were the Mulvaneys." I don't know where to start, so I'll just list the major problems: a bloated and disjointed narrative, overwrought prose, and a nonsensical epilogue. Good times... 15 s Elena Papadopol545 45

O poveste despre supravietuire si multa ambitie - in ciuda tuturor contextelor nefavorabile. Sunt atinse multe subiecte sensibile (rasism, violenta domestica, saracie, lipsa educatiei, alcoolism) si se pune accent si pe lejeritatea oamenilor de a pune etichete celor din jur.

Mi-a placut foarte mult stilul - dur, simplu, dar foarte intens; de asemenea, am apreciat pasajele de introspectie. Cu siguranta o sa incerc si alte romane de Joyce Carol Oates :).

"In lumea animalelor, cei slabi sunt degraba inlaturati. Asa ca tre' sa-ti ascunzi slabiciunea, Rebecca. Cu totii trebuie sa facem asta."14 s Angela Serban540 18

Nu sunt înc? hot?rât? dac? mi-a pl?cut povestea, de?i promitea la început, dar scrierea m-a convins. Este o scriere ciudat?, care reia de multe ori faptele întâmplate din diverse unghiuri, punând accent pe sentimentele ?i tr?irile personajului principal. Ini?ial, am empatizat profund cu eroina, am comp?timit-o ?i i-am dorit s?-?i g?seasc? într-un fel salvarea, dar m-a dezam?git pân? la final. Mi s-a p?rut c?, înaintând în vârst?, devine din ce în ce mai rece, mai închis? ?i mai deta?at? de via??, prea preten?ioas? cu lumea ?i cumva prea plin? de importan?a conferit? de noul nivel social. Nici m?car scrisorile de la final nu m-au convins, c?rora nu le-am în?eles rostul. Povestea îi împarte via?a în dou? jum?t??i: prima parte tragic?, plin? de drame, de lipsuri, pierderi, dezam?giri ?i am?r?ciune, ?i, a doua parte, aflat? sub o stea mult prea norocoas?, în care-?i g?se?te lini?tea ?i care-i ofer? un statut superior ?i foarte confortabil.
https://booknation.ro/recenzie-fiica-...11 s Lori954 28

A character's worst fear should be to appear in a Joyce Carol Oates novel. It's pretty well guaranteed his or her is going to suck.

Still, though, I keep picking them up. And as decently written as they may be, I'm miserable right along with everyone else. There's never a glimmer of hope, a break from the compounding gloom. As a reader, the weight lands firmly on your shoulders for the length of the book. Join us for a walk of pain.

Gravedigger's Daughter is no exception. I felt for the protagonist, I did. I was proud to watch her pull past her shameful upbringing. Glad to see her throw off the shackles of the abusive husband. Excited to observe her raise a piano prodigy.

But you know what? The whole time, I knew: None of it would make her thrive. Each advance was some new twisted purgatory, and there was no chance for a happy ending.

I was right. 2008february11 s Ksenia AnskeAuthor 10 books635

Raw and gritty and saucy and rich. And tremulous. And reflective. And melancholy. The prose of life, of American life. Of a woman, told by a woman. After this book I want to read everything Joyce Carol Oates has ever written.10 s Ms Lecturas229 15

Una gran historia de una niña marcada por su pasado. Una joven que huye de su pasado. Una mujer que anhela reencontrarse con su pasado.
Aunque la última parte se me ha hecho algo pesada, me ha parecido una buena lectura.

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