
Tempting Gemma 7 de Josie Litton

de Josie Litton - Género: English
libro gratis Tempting Gemma 7


Josie Litton Series: Tempting Gemma 7 Year: 2018

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I am enjoying this story much more than I ever imagined I would! Gemma is truly turning out to be a wonderful heroine with a strength that has slowly grown. Perhaps hidden deliberately all this time? I love that Charles is enthralled with her and he is frequently experiencing emotions that causes his ancestor’s blood to rise up within him. To protect Gemma. To keep her as his own. It’s been quite entertaining to watch him grow right along with her.

This installment was filled with danger and suspense. I loved seeing another side to this wonderful couple as they each deal with the conflict they face. And of course the steam is still a roaring inferno but laced with more than just hormones, it is feathered with a true depth of emotion from both Charles and Gemma.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Dual POV
Safe no ow/om drama
Triggers plans to traffic h
abcd alpha fast-read ...more6 s Mary Clark796 7

Stumbling across a site devoted to role-playing, Gemma cannot wait to surprise her unsuspecting husband; what follows is a scene of marital debauchery. Charles has a meeting with the irrigation engineers in the north field, but when Gemma gets a message to meet him in the south field, she is somewhat surprised; nevertheless, she sets off down the lane on her bike reflecting on the challenge of how best to capture the colour of Charles’ eyes in her painting. Noticing that the south field is empty, Gemma is just about to head back when she hears the sound of a car. Walking towards the car, Gemma realises the man getting out is most definitely not her husband. Chased and caught by two men, Gemma is bundled into their car and driven away from Ardsley Manor. When Charles realises Gemma is missing he cannot shake the feeling that something is very wrong. Rather than question his own instincts, Charles takes command. With assistance from Cedric and Harry, his two footmen, and a lead, he sets off towards the Bristol Channel. Gemma struggles to remain calm, while it would have been easy to succumb to terror. Gemma soon realises she is being taken out to sea; if that happened, how would Charles ever find her. Rather than wait for help to arrive, Gemma decides to rescue herself. Motor boats were heading straight for the barge. Up until the moment firing began, Charles had not been absolutely certain Gemma was on the barge. Six men were firing on the approaching boats while a seventh was in the wheelhouse. In a frantic effort to help her husband, Gemma sets a fire then leaps from the barge, swimming frantically. When there is an explosion, Gemma can hear Charles’ anguished cries; he is furious, alive, desperately afraid. It was that wrenching fear she had experienced in full measure that spurred Gemma to muster the last of her strength and call to Charles. Gemma’s voice is little more than a croak but Charles hears it, pulls her out and envelopes her in a crushing embrace. Gemma found herself laughing with pure joy that Charles was alright, but he has an expression of horrified comprehension when he realises Gemma had set the fire. They had cheated death, now it was the time to celebrate life. In the aftermath of behaviour that had taken them both by surprise, not to say shocked them to the marrow, neither spoke, only exchanging warm glances and shared smiles. But the danger isn’t over yet and the two seek refuge in what turns out to be an abruptly closed-down brothel. When they are notified the danger is over, Gemma casts the carousel a wistful farewell look as Charles ushers her into their car. Unsurprisingly, given how distracted Charles has been looking after his wife, he misses a call informing him that the ringleaders were now in custody. In the course of apprehending them, certain facts had come to light that requires his Lordship’s attention. Charles steels himself for what lies ahead. To Gemma’s eyes Charles looks rather pale, yet there is about him a degree of calmness that suggests he is not entirely surprised by this turn of events. However much he might wish otherwise, he has no illusions about the characters of those he has had the misfortune to call family. Gemma had not remained in the car as Charles had asked and only caught the tail end of the conversation, but the evidence is undeniable. Gemma’s place is at her husband’s side and he will become accustomed to that in time. Charles didn’t spare as much as a final glance on those who had both forfeited his trust and support, breaking the cardinal rule of the nobility. Softly Gemma asked Charles if he remembers the first time they met. Gemma had gotten herself into trouble shortly before Charles’ arrival, having been caught reading forbidden books. There were depths to Gemma Charles could spend a life time exploring; indeed he was looking forward to it. But he sensed she was trying, in her own way, to lead him in the direction that they both needed to go. Tell me, he said, as he settled back to listen to yet another story about the cache of books in the basement and the punishment Gemma received for reading them. When Gemma perceives her point made, she hastily continues on with her story. A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book and my comments here are my honest opinion. Valeen Robertson (Live Thru Books Blog)5,419 203

This installment of Tempting Gemma has most definitely upped the bar for our couple. Gemma is gone and Charles is furiously, but stoically, determined to find her. Gemma proves once again what a truly amazing heroine she is - strong, smart, and not given to whining or complaining. If I hadn't loved her before this, I certainly do now!

Of course, this bit of suspense in their marriage is not without reason - as it finally allows Charles to come to the realization of exactly how he feels about Gemma, and how much she means to him (FINALLY!!!) "There won't be another time," the Marquess said firmly. It was a good try so far as it went but it couldn't protect him from the truth: Love had cut out his heart and put it in her hands. All he could really do was hope she would have a care for it. Have no fear, though, if you are reading this solely for the erotic content, because Gemma and Charles are still as wildly attracted to each other as ever, if not more so, and their romps are still super steamy and fun. There's just more depth now that both finally have realized how they feel about each other, even if they have yet to declare it to the other.

As Gemma finishes telling Charles how she was punished at the MM school right before he met her there, the backstory that telling reveals about Gemma just made me even more intrigued by this heroine. Set in an oddly archaic background that's actually occurring in modern day England, her interest in the equal rights movement is fascinating and telling. I absolutely cannot wait to see Gemma at her fully realized self. Hopefully her husband will be right at her side, cheering her on!

I received an ARC for an honest review.arcs erotica romantic-suspense castles10

This is my first review for the 'Tempting Gemma' series because to be honest, the first few (episodes 1-4) seem kind of dull to me...from episode 5 onwards, things got a little more interesting.

But it's odd to use the term 'dull' because it is not boring.
Just...lacking something, I'm not sure what.
Litton's writing has always been superb so expect no less from this series.
I have to admit though, it is a teeny bit frustrating for the books to be separated into so many episodes; this will make ONE awesome book but splitting it up tires me out too.

This episode though, made it worthwhile for me.
Just as the synopsis suggests, episode 7 explores the more human side of the relationship between Charles and Gemma. I find it endearing how Charles really cares for Gemma and vice versa, in their own unique ways. And Litton doesn't beat about the bush - when Charles realizes he cares for Gemma, he doesn't hide from it, far from so; he relishes in the powerlessness in which he doesn't seem to quite understand yet.

Can't wait for episode 8!

Glancing back at the few smoldering remains of the barge that were still afloat, Charles tucked his dear little wife’s head against his shoulder. She might be a holy terror but he still didn’t want her to see what Cedric and Harry were hauling into their boat.
“There won’t be another time,” the Marquess said firmly. It was a good try so far as it went but it couldn’t protect him from the truth: Love had cut out his heart and put it in her hands. All he could really do was hope she would have a care for it.

Armenia877 15

Danger and suspense

Fans of this serial will be excited over the action and drama Charles and Gemma find themselves in this episode. Both Gemma and Charles are still in their honeymoon phase, lots of opportunities for hot steamy action. After a night of role-playing and naughty orgasmic bliss, Gemma leisurely prepares for her next adventure while Charles tends to estate matters. Having received a message to meet Charles, Gemma is lured unknowingly to a dangerous situation.

Charles discovers Gemma missing, and he goes full throttle into a James Bond action figure along with his staff who have years of paramilitary training. A thrilling rescue ensues, it’s suspense and action and it’s non-stop. So proud of Gemma and her quick thinking as it gets her out of a sticky situation. She’s a strong heroine in her own right. Loved the new emotions Charles seems to be grappling with almost losing Gemma. Can it be true? Is he feeling love and not just lust? I can’t wait for the next installment of their story to discover the growing connection between them will fair in the future. Wonderful story so far, and Ms. Litton draws such wonderfully sexy scenarios. I received and voluntarily reviewed an advance reader copy of this book.
Emma2,866 36

Best episode yet. This keeps getting better and better. From page one I was totally engaged in the story. It has quite a storyline and is moderately paced. It is a quick read. The drama escalates in this episode. Gemma is kidnapped. There is plotting and danger waiting for Gemma. Charles rises to the occasion and hunts for Gemma. You will never guess who is behind it. The answer is startling to Charles. When he finds out he cannot believe it. He also finds out what they intended to do to Gemma and he became silently upset. Charles realizes he cannot live without Gemma and that his heart belongs only to her. After the ordeal and both are relaxing, Gemma imparts more of her school days to Charles. He listens intently and has decided something must be done about the Mary Magdalene school for young ladies. He is determined to investigate more when he and Gemma go to the class reunion. what an exciting episode. I highly recommend it. I received an Advanced Readers Copy of this book and am voluntarily leaving a review. Elizabeth1,577

Excitement abounds in this episode and not only is Gemma kidnapped, but she escapes by blowing up the boat as Charles arrives to save her and you won't believe who was behind the plot and what they intended to do with her. Luckily, Charles is of high standing and all is resolved most satisfactorily. The scene on the carousel is lovely and the hideout at the brothel is deliciously described. Gemma tells Charles about her punishment at Mary Magdalene for reading subversive material - a book about suffragettes - and Charles is outraged. The reunion is in the next episode and I am so looking forward to it. Leanne Longhurst20

Tempting Gemma 7
5 STARS *****
Have you ever picked up a book that you just can’t put down... Well Josie Litton has accomplished that with her Tempting Gemma series. Each book just gets better and better! All the twists and turns that I discover about the Marquis and Marquee just keep getting increasingly interesting. Every book ending makes me wish to jump right into the next book! Congrats to Josie Litton on her wonderful Tempting Gemma Series! and turns that I discover about the Marquis and Marquee just keep getting increasingly interesting. Every book ending makes me wish to jump right into the next book! Congrats to Josie Litton on her wonderful Tempting Gemma Series!This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review Tiffany1,707 5

This installment has Gemma and Charles encountering more adventures, unfortunately not all were the good kind. Gemma's actions in the threat of danger make Charles even more impressed with her. Some secrets and a twist are revealed. Amidst all that, Gemma and Charles are still able to provide us with some steamy action. With everything we're learning about dear old Mary Magdalene I can't wait to see what happens at the reunion.
*I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book. This is my honest review.* Donna183

Book seven of the Tempting Gemma series and oh so temptting to read! This series just gets better and better, after Gemma tells Charles about her time at MM and they are realizing how much they mean to each other she is kidnapped which makes Charles realize that she is his heart and will do anything and everything it takes to bring down the culprit and bring her home where she belongs. I am anticipating the next book. What can I say, I love this series! Get your copies and follow Charles and Gemma. you will be totally captivated. My voluntary and honest review of an ARC! Clara Atkinson1,008 53

Gemma and Charles' story continues with new twist and turns kidnapping attempts and family troubles. Gemma proves she's tuffer than she looks and will do whatever it takes to protect her husband. Charles is scared at the thought of losing Gemma when she is abducted. Gemma is becoming brave with her sexual needs and starts to initiate what she wants out of their relationship. It's really wonderful to see their marriage bloom into a true partnership. Tianna McPherson (Anna Lee)880 10

This story keeps getting better and better. In this part we find out that Charles' family want Gemma out of the way and will do anything to make that happen. So we see her find out a way to rescue herself but Charles is right there. He can't understand why though. Hopefully in the next boo, that will be explained and the reunion for her wil, go off without a hitch. Keep them coming Josie. I give it 5 stars. I voluntarily read and reviewed this book as an Advanced Reader's Copy Debbie Moriarty71 3

Charles returns to the Manor to find that Gemma has gone missing. Then he finds out that someone had summoned her to the fields pretrnding to be him. When he arrives thee, he finds that some one has taken off with his wife in a car! Will he be able to rescue her before she is harmed? Will she be able to fight off he attacker long enough for Charles to arrive? Read on to find out... I read this book as an ARC and this is my honest review. Julianne Macneil3,553 26

i read this installment of this serial as part of an arc program. In this seventh part, Gemma is given a message to meet Charles in another field and she sets off. When Gemma gets there, she soon realizes this is not what she thought. Gemma is kidnapped and soon finds herself aboard a boat being led away from her husband. Charles learns of the kidnapping and sets out to rescue her. This had danger and plenty of heat when Gemma and Charles were reunited. Another good one. Nessa1,003

This series continues to amaze and delight new. I'm starting to see how perfectly Gemma and Charles fit, and how utterly in love they are towards the other. This episode is fill of drama, and we see a completely different side of a few characters. If course, we also get another glimpse of good ol' MM. I can't wait to see what happens at the reunion. Robyn1,321 6

Gemma has been kidnapped. What is Charles going to do?

Charles and Gemma have been developing a more balanced relationship, then Gemma vanishes. Is Charles going to be able to get her back? Who kidnapped her?

This is another great part in Charles and Gemma's story.

I voluntarily received a copy of this ARC for review
Kris169 4

Gemma finds herself kidnapped and Charles will stop at nothing to find her and those responsible, only they are closer than you think.. I absolutely loved this twist.. and how it drew Charles and Gemma closer...This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review ZJT346

Oh my goodness! Nefarious plots are afoot. Plenty of drama and suspense in this episode, Gemma is becoming playful and frisky, and a cameo appearance by the in-laws concludes this chapter. I am becoming sad, there are only two episodes to go in this fun romp through time. Tammy9,022 44

Gemma has gone missing will Charles be able to find her? Who has taken her and what will Charles do when he learns more of what occurred at MM? Fast-paced with plenty of drama, looking forward to more. Lexy Pislaan21 4

Poor Gemma has more problems then she knows what to do with. In this part of the story Gemma learns that there are enemies a foot and Charles learns more about Gemma's old school and about his family that he wishes he didn't know. Charles learns that he has more feelings for his wife then he knew. Miranda405 40

I received a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

Things are heating up and getting more exciting (I don't mean of the Brad variety). I love where Gemma and Charles relationship is going. Even if things seem to be getting dangerous for the couple. Cannot wait to read more!favorites mobi-files Linda Levine4,636 25

This part of the story finds Charles doing everything he can to find his wife. She is pretty resourceful and it was nice to see her show she has strengths too. I continue to enjoy watching them grow closer.

I am voluntarily reviewing a copy I received.
Shawnta219 6

Another great installment. Some new interesting facts with a healthy dose of action and adventure to keep us thoroughly entertained. The reunion is within sight and I can’t wait to see what happens. Catherine Perkins264 5

Family drama

This installment gives a bit of action and intrigue. Gemma is crafty and quick witted, though more playful and fun as well. Sandra Singleton6,567 30

https://www.amazon.com/review/RL9669T... Lisa3,077 26

Received an arc in exchange for an honest review. I loved this book. Read cover to cover because I couldn’t put it down. Fun characters. Exciting plot. I definitely recommend this book. Mom2three1,850 12

There is a lot of excitement in this one. This installment is packed with so much and I couldn't put it down! Lori Hoffman 458 9

This is a great book the storyline is great and well written I can’t wait for the next book to come out to see how Gemma and Charles make out Peggy293 1 followerRead

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