
Tempting Gemma 6 de Josie Litton

de Josie Litton - Género: English
libro gratis Tempting Gemma 6


Josie Litton Series: Tempting Gemma 6 Year: 2018

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Gemma is certainly opening the reader’s eye as to how Charles possibly feels about her as she endangers herself and his true nature and instincts arise. With his point of view we are allowed to see that perhaps he considers her valuable for more than a quick toss onto any nearby surface. I loved seeing this side of him and anticipate what her scheming will lead him to next. I love that sweet submissive Gemma actually has so much power in this relationship and yet she never overplays her hand. This author has managed to make me fall in love with a hero who at first and second glance really had no redeeming qualities. I can’t wait to find out what is in store for both of these characters.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Dual POV
Safe no ow/om drama
Triggers no apparent triggers
abcd alpha bdsm ...more4 s Valeen Robertson (Live Thru Books Blog)5,419 203

Woo hoo, things are getting good!!

The Marchioness of Ardsley finally starts to realize how much his wife means to him when she comes waltzing back into the manor looking all banged up. "This vision of his dear little wife lying dead under some tree--that he would then have to uproot before burning every branch, twig and leaf--struck him so violently that he could no longer breathe. Only one thought ruled his mind: He could have lost her. Just that, all the light she had brought into his life would have been extinguished." "Was she real, truly, this wife he had so unexpectedly acquired? Who had turned his home, his life and, he suspected, his heart upside down? He devotedly hoped that she was because truly he could not imagine his world without her." But, just because Charles is starting to realize he has actual feelings for his wife does not mean his carnal desire for her has lessened. If anything, it's increased. One game of strip poker later, and the man is using some new toys on her that blow her mind. And because he's so benevolent, even toys she gets to use on him, too!

But, don't go thinking that everything is all flowers and sunshine, because Gemma tells her husband more of the horrors that she and her fellow students suffered at the hands of the MM school. "Later I would begin to understand the varied ways in which people respond to cruel oppression. While it is commonplace to imagine that we will all stand up for liberty when called upon to do so, the fact is that more than a few will collaborate simply to survive." And we're privy to the info that something horrible is being planned for our couple.

I can't wait to see what Josie does with this slowly falling in love couple.

I received an ARC for an honest review.arcs erotica2 s Mary Clark796 7

Tillie and Antonio have left Ardsley Manor and now Gemma doesn’t know what to do with herself. An attempt at cooking backfires and the Ladies Beautification Committee do not require any assistance; at least not until the Fall Harvest Festival. Although disappointed, Gemma consoles herself with her painting; she realises being able to paint and draw to her heart’s content is a dream come true and she has Charles to thank for that. Charles is a natural when he poses for Gemma; not only does he give her inspiration, he invokes wickedly, lustful thoughts. Gemma wants more though; she wants Charles’ respect, trust, even his heart now that he has awakened the romantic in her, but life has taught her to be a realist. Gemma puts aside her pleasurable thoughts of the previous day to consider the hours before her. Having spent the morning working in her Studio, a diversion is what’s required. To her surprise, Gemma finds it in the form of a small white kitten trapped in the upper reaches of an ancient large oak tree on the Ardsley estate. Gemma had scaled many a tree as a child, always carefully out of sight of her parents, and recently scrambled up the Mulberry tree with no problem at all. The ancient oak tree proves to be a challenge though. When Gemma comes limping up the drive, her dress torn, her cheek bruised, twigs in her hair, Charles is outraged thinking someone has hurt her, until she tells him she fell out of a tree while rescuing a kitten. The thought that Charles could have lost her makes him panic; she had put herself at terrible risk, but has she learned her lesson. There is no doubt in Charles’ mind that he should toughen up where Gemma is concerned. Having given her pearls, diamonds and blanche redecorating, he realises what she values most is her Studio and now a kitten. Is Gemma really, truly, this wife he has so unexpectedly acquired, turning his home, life and heart upside down; he certainly hopes so because he cannot imagine his world without her. Charles will not lose her, he cannot. It is all well and good Gemma is recovering quickly, but the fact remains Charles has cause to worry. Charles suspects that Gemma is missing Tillie and there had been mention of a letter from her sister; then there was the whole business about their upcoming trip to Mary Magdalene. Charles has a feeling there is more to that trip than Gemma has let on. Without doubt she has far too much on her mind and that isn’t good for her. Something has to be done and Charles is just the man to do it. By dawn Charles had come up with what he believes is an excellent plan for dealing with his impetuous, but undeniably endearing wife, an idea that appears to intrigue Gemma, rather than alarm her. Charles really has to pay attention or he is not going to win and that is vital to his plan; he is meant to win and when he does, promptly brings out the diversion he has planned for Gemma. Charles asks Gemma if she had won the bet, what would she want. In truth Gemma wants to tell Charles more about Mary Magdalene by way of preparing him for their visit there, but with the experience of recent days she reconsiders. Fair is fair as far as Gemma is concerned and she intends to torment Charles in much the same way he has tormented her. During their interlude, Gemma regales Charles with another story about her experiences at Mary Magdalene, hoping that her strategy to win her husband to her side is working. A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book and my comments here are my honest opinion. Emma2,866 36

I am started to become more aware of what it is that Gemma truly wants from Charles. At first, she thought to create diversions for herself. Such as learning to cook, joining to choir at church or assisting the Ladies' Beautification Committee. She realized she really had no interest or inclination. When it came to Charles, she was grateful that he provided a place for her art and anything else she could possible need. But when he treated her a toy "to be taken out and played with whenever the mood struck him" she became resentful. "Resentment flared in her. She wanted so much more--his respect, his trust, even--if she dared let herself think of it--his heart."
Josie Litton. Tempting Gemma 6 (Kindle Locations 93-96). Josie Litton Books. Kindle Edition.
Gemma puts herself in danger by rescuing a kitten high up on a tree. When she was climbing down she lost her grip and fell. When Charles saw her disheveled person, he thought someone attacked her. He instantly wanted to protect her and avenge her. It appears that Charles may be falling in love with his dear wife. Not sure, but it looks that way. Later after they pleasured each other and were resting, Gemma took advantage of Charles calm state to resume her stories about her alma mater Mary Magdalene. She wanted to be careful as the reunion was coming and she wanted to be sure that she and Charles attended. After she was done with her story, Charles in contemplation, decided to look into what kind of parents Gemma had, also look into her sisters situation and then find out more about Mary Magdalene. Josie Litton has promised an exciting part 7. Gemma and Charles are in danger. Of what, I don't know. But I can't wait to read it. I received an Advanced Readers Copy of this book and am voluntarily leaving a review
Armenia877 15

Gemma gets into trouble...4.5 stars!

In this episode, we get a glimpse of the depth of feelings developing between Charles and Gemma.

Poor Gemma wants so much to be the good wife to the Marquess of Ardsley. Her attempt at cooking a dish end in a small kitchen fire, and the women in the village and the vicar think her lack of talent in the areas of need are not much use to them. Oh well, Gemma consoles herself with art to her heart’s content. And drawing horny Charles on a chaise, outdoors, only ends in a lusty bout with these two as they can’t keep their hands off each other.

When she rescues a kitten from a tree and falls, Charles panics for Gemma. When the fall nearly breaks her Charles is faced with a realization he could have lost Gemma. He’s determined to keep her safe with some ideas of his own. Right. Teach her strip poker, and try out some German-engineered naughty toys. So sexy and steamy and naughty. Though Gemma believes turnaround is fair play and she gets a toy for Charles. Yup, a cage for “Brad and the boys.” Oh, what delightful torment! Pending their visit to Mary Magdalen, Gemma tells Charles about her days of discipline at the school. Great episode, steamy and so enjoyable to read. Make sure to have a pitcher of water while reading.

Gemma and Charles are slowly starting to realize they may have actual feelings for each other, other than lust that is. Gemma is somewhat bored during her day to day and has started trying to help out in different ways throughout the house and estate. Unfortunately, none of the things she tries actually pans out for her. So she starts to focus all of her free time to painting. Charles is totally okay with being her muse and sitting for her.

After Gemma gets banged up a bit after saving a cat, Charles realizes he would do anything and go to any extreme just to see her safe. He can’t stand the thought of her being hurt or worse. The more he hears Gemma’s stories about her schooling, the more he’s determined to see to the ones who have hurt her in the past.

This was an easy and short read and I can’t wait to see what will happen next. I received this book in exchange for an honest review. Clara Atkinson1,008 53

Gemma tries her hand at cooking and sets the kitchen on fire then attempts to help The Ladies Beautification Committee but is unsuccessful. Thankfully even with those disappointments she still loves to paint and draw, especially her very muscled and naked husband Charles. Of course he would find ways to turn their time into an erotic sexual adventure. She felt a play toy which she resented, she wanted so much more she wanted his love.
The following day she wants to help her husband but afraid to ask decides to take a walk where she gets herself into a situation. I don't want to give anything more away because you need to experience the story for yourself. I will say she tells Charles more about her time at Mary Maydolene. Don't miss out on their continuing journey. Nessa1,003

If it's one thing this series has done, it's expanded my vocabulary. My Favorite so far is swived, not for what it stands for, but because it sounds interesting. My dictionary is getting quite a work out with all the words I've stopped to look up, and it hasn't them away from the story in the slightest. This episode is probably one of my favorites, for Fiona, the German toys, and all the fun adventures and discoveries the couple go on. It's interesting learning more about Gemma's parents, and make sure you read the appendices at the back to get more insight at dear old Mary Magdalene's. I'm intrigued what's going to happen next.

Please note that I did receive an ARC of this book, and the opinions expressed in this review are my own. Tiffany1,707 5

After Gemma inadvertently puts herself in danger Charles starts feeling things he's never felt before. Could it be that he's actually falling in love with his wife? I think so, but we'll have to wait and see. It is clear that is what Gemma wants, for her husband to love her and show her that love. Gemma shares more of what her life was at Mary Magdalene and Charles is opening up more as well. We are left with a cliffhanger that indicates danger is coming their way. What?!?! I'm glad I only have to wait a week to see what happens next!
*I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book. This is my honest review.* Julianne Macneil3,553 26

i read this installment as part of an arc program. This is the sixth installment of the Tempting Gemma series and sees Gemma climbing a tree to rescue a kitten. When Gemma falls from the tree, she limps home to find Charles angry she put herself in danger. Charles realizes how easy it would be for Gemma to be hurt and he wants her to learn her lesson and be more careful. Charles decides to teach Gemma a lesson, one she will enjoy fully. Gemma also tells Charles more about her time at Mary Magdalene and wishes Charles would love her. There is another cliff hanger at the end that hints at more danger. I am really enjoying this series and cant wait for the next installment. Shawnta219 6

Liking this serial with its slow seduction, dirty toys and play is very entertaining. Gemma’s hope that Charles will fall in love with her is slowly but surely coming true. In his panicked state he soon realizes that he doesn’t won’t to live without her and he is more than willing to sacrifice his own time to keep her safe. This unknown plan, supplying Charles with more facts of her time at MM appears to be working, I can’t wait to read what happens next. Silvia1,058 7

Okay, while I love this crazy story in this crazy world that Ms. Litton has created, I'm starting to get very frustrated with the serial format. I'm hungry for the rest of this story. right now! But I have to wait. I don't have any problems with multiple novels in a series where the storyline continues, but serials leave me feeling unsatisfied. I'm tired of bread crumbs!
I voluntarily reviewed an Advanced Reader Copy of this book. Donna183

Book six of Tempting Gemma just gets better and better. Gemma continues to look for her niche and to make her husband fall in love with her and to show it, she also puts herself in danger and Charles realizes he feels way more for his wife than he thought but will he tell his wife and will she be disciplined for inadvertently putting herself in danger? This cliffhanger hints at danger coming their way. Get your copy and enjoy, I did. My voluntary and honest review of an ARC! Leanne Longhurst20

Tempting Gemma 7
5 STARS *****
Have you ever picked up a book that you just can’t put down... Well Josie Litton has accomplished that with her Tempting Gemma series. Each book just gets better and better! All the twists and turns that I discover about the Marquis and Marquee just keep getting increasingly interesting. Every book ending makes me wish to jump right into the next book! Congrats to Josie Litton on her wonderful Tempting Gemma Series!This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review Elizabeth1,577

This book just gets better and better. There are flashes of humour and sadness (mainly around Mary Magdalene and Gemma's acceptance of the horrible treatment she suffered there) and of course the hot sex which is also becoming very loving sex. The development of the relationship continues and is lovely to see. Roll on number 7. Miranda405 40

I received an advanced copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

I cannot get enough of Charles and Gemma's relationship. In this episode Charles is really starting to see how much Gemma means to him. Especially after he almost loses her. A tree, a kitten, poker, toys and good ole MM. Another great episode!mobi-files Kris169 4

For the 1st time since marriage, Gemma accidentally/innocently puts herself in danger while jarring Charles with the realization that his feelings are more than he ever emagined when he originally went to “MM” and definitely more than he is willing to admit to his tempting wife.....I am loving how Charles and Gemma are growing as a couple, cannot wait to see what antics they get into next! Tanya13.9k 70

She has been misbehaving badly and he knows he needs to do something about it. What is he going to do? How will she take it? See what he is going to do
I received an advanced copy and I enjoyed it so much that I want to review Tammy9,022 44

Charles and Gemma’s story continues as they continue to grow close and Charles learns more about her past. This is a fast paced read and part of a series I do recommend reading in order. Plenty of steam and oh so entertaining. Linda Levine4,636 25

This part of the story has her opening up to him more and sharing her past. I really d that he is beginning to see her as more than just a possession but as someone that means something to him.

I am voluntarily reviewing a copy I received. Peggy293 1 follower

Gemma is determined to rescue a kitten trapped high up in a tree. Her husband is not pleased but the kitten is saved. Lori Hoffman 458 9

I love this book and the whole series it’s an awesome story with a the best storyline and it’s well written I can’t wait to read the next book Sandra Singleton6,567 30

https://www.amazon.com/review/R3W3IBI... Catherine Perkins264 5


This installment leaves the reader with a bit of a cliffhanger. Ooo, I so want to know where to get some of those toys. So jealous. Mom2three1,850 12

The serial is continuing and I'm continuing to love it! ZJT346 Read

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