
Gene Harvest: A LitRPG Adventure de Joshua Rettew

de Joshua Rettew - Género: English
libro gratis Gene Harvest: A LitRPG Adventure


Joshua Rettew Publisher: Portal Books, Year: 2024

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Great book1 gordon musgrave525 11

Only 8%

Are you f.. cking kidding me. After reading that in two sentences I knew it would keep coming up the more I read so I quit reading the book. I do not have to read a book I dis!!! 1 Daniel J135 2

Reader beware

There were a few things that could have been better but I'll address the elephants in the room.

+The MC was wierd. Yes. But sometimes wierd can be a good change of pace. Not a deal breaker for me.

+The has a strange/bad sense of humor. Same as the first. As long as it's not unbearable and the story's decent I'm good to go.

+The MC is weak willed and foolish/stupid. Um... very much so yes. On the surface it's not THAT bad. It can easily be filed under the wierd MC category. What doesn't make sense is he was warned/told by "Dave" that there's basically no way out of this without fighting/killing people. He ignores it.
A man shows up with murder possie and says 'hey, I was a corrupt politician before (and still am) in a world of cops and beuracracy.' Our MC hears that 'he's the the best thing since sliced bread and tottally qualified to run everyones life in this new apocolyptic situation.' (I took some liberties but you get the point.)
The only way I could make sense of the MC's thinking is that he has serious self-esteem issues. He ultimately made the right choice and I figured he could grow. He then actively avoids a chance to let this guy show his true colors AND let the MC have the upper hand when he does.
I have to take some breaths but, hey, he's a genetiscist not a tactitian. Then it bites him. I get to thinking and check the ... it get's worse and he continues his farce. The bible has many righteous men who kill. Refusing to kill in this situation osn't morality. It's cowardace. If it was a moral stance he wouldn't have tied his fate to others and he would shamelessly face death without fighting back. Not going to accomplosh much for "Dave" but it WOULD be a stance. Again, he's just a coward. He's unwilling to face the truth even in his own head.

So I gave up. Dropped the book. It was an interesting premise, if peculiar. The MC was a wierdo but had potential if he grew and developed. There was plenty of room for relationships to develop, characters to be explpred, and bases to be built! I do have to say: I LOVED that the system stepped in when an admin got out of hand. It even compensated for the slight and inbalance. SO many stories could learn from that. Too often the damage is ignored and we're told to just be cool with it. , if there's no recompense then why won't it be attempted again? No acknowledgement that authority being abused already necesitates recompense let alone the actual damages. Otherwise it's not an unbiased system.

All in all, nice try author-san but maybe next time. Joseph EllisAuthor 1 book9

Gene Harvest is a fun reintroduction for me into the world of LITRPG. I won't go into too much detail about my background because that's hardly what this is for, but my first LITRPG book was Warden and I hadn't picked one up since, though I intended to. It was the anime Shield Hero that brought me back to the genre and scrolling through audible, this cover caught my eye. I mean, how could it not? Plus, GENE HARVEST? Metal as fuck.

So I bought it and my GOD did it deliver. For the first time in a long time I found myself actually wanting to come back to a book. This seriously helped drag me out of the slump that some bad 40k books got me into.

First off, I just love the system. I've always wanted to write LITRPG but never been able to wrap my head around it. But the system is just wonderful lmao. Also DAVE. I don't care what anyone says, the intro was golden and genuinely had me laughing. Maybe the audio made it better, idk, but it had me rolling.


Right, there's a lot I could gush about with this book and rightfully so, but seeing as I'm writing this whilst I have the flu and a searing headache, I'll wrap up shortly.

One of my main and only gripes with the book really is that it feels a little TOO much the Benny show. What I mean by that is characters Sam, Arlo, and the... I won't even attempt to spell the lizard people's names, fell by the wayside for the stat blocks. I want the stats dgmw, it's why I'm reading the genre. But it felt they didn't get the characterisation they deserved! They needed some more moments imo.

Rena... I think that's how you spell her name (the curse of audible), was definitely a favourite though.

All in all I can't wait for the next installment. David KetelsenAuthor 1 book13

I received a free copy of Gene Harvest from Portal Books. I'm very glad they sent it 'cause I think they have another winner here. The author, Joshua Rettew, uses his life experience in the bio research field to imbue his main character, Benny White, with technical knowledge and skills that elevates his ability to survive in the brutal world of Game of Souls. White's rare Splicer Class is a novel approach I've not seen before in Gamelit. But that's just the start of a very peculiar skill progression that's strongly influenced by outside forces as Benny is the focus of a behind the scenes conflict between demigods, AI, and the powers behind the game.

There's a lot of fighting in this book as the main characters have little time to level up before their world cycles forward. Monsters are quite a challenge but the other people in the game are just as cutthroat. It's a heady mix. In this first book there's only limited backstory on the main characters, action takes precedence, but Rettew sets in place a number of very interesting characters that are just begging for a more detailed history. The next book should be quite entertaining. Gene Harvest has so much action that its 700+ pages just fly by. Martin McKenzieAuthor 2 books2

It's true what they say...

Two heads are better than one, and, well, Benny isn't quite so limited to that.

My thoughts -

We have here a fantastic take on the genre from a fresh author, and one that has me excited for the next installment.

To avoid spoilers I'll just list what I d -

MC, Benny - Well written, rational, and with a class that stands far alone from a few of the more boilerplate that we've come to love.

Pacing - Great, and the waves dynamic lends itself well to this.

Meat - Well, who doesn't love a flesh golem?

Progression - Splicer gives me real 'Predator' vibes a la Rimuru Tempest, so I hope that's explanation enough.

All in all, Mr Rettew needs to hurry up with number two.

Hey look, that rhymed.


Fantastic first book.. love the various characters!

I have to say I think this is the most enjoyable book I've read in a couple years. Benny is an extremely likable person with a good moral viewpoint on the world and he just wants to help people. I should say he wants to help the right people. The ones worth saving.

The author wrote this book beautifully and each of the characters is vivid and easy to imagine. Benny's abilities are unique among all of the books I've ever read, and he continually seems to gather a team of highly likable people around him. I am fairly excited for the sequel. I'm also pretty excited to see what further evolutions his golem "Meat" goes through, as he seems to become more and more a real person as he levels up. Adam Roberts253 2

An interesting, odd, and offbeat adventure

I almost feel the author thought to himself, “what would happen if I just made everyone in the book just a little off. Or maybe a lot off?” And then ran with it. They’re fun, and the progression is very cool, the characters are just a little funky. There’s also a lot going on that doesn’t get a lot of explanation yet, but I assume will get more in book 2.

Benny drives me crazy a little bit with his feelings and his guilt over things. But he is also reacting in a way that’s probably very realistic which is a nice change of pace while also being a little annoying haha. A solid book, and one I look forward to seeing a follow up to. Roberto Flores2,188 47

Nope, just nope.

This has two major issues. The first is that a sentient system, our one being controlled, is so over powered that anyone getting through the book is completely unbelievable. Unless hard rules are in place, which this lacks, everything comes off as heavy handed railroading. The second issue is a main character meant to be a foolish Dudley DoRight. This only works with a certain level of competency, which the main character does not have, otherwise it just comes off as moronic. I see what this was going for, it was a big swing and a miss. Skylar LeBlanc12 1 follower

Amazing book

At first I wasn’t sure if I would this book, but after reading a couple chapters it hooked me. I love the humor at times but also the weight that is thrust on Benny’s shoulders, whether he asked for it or not. There’s character growth and meaningful relationships that grow between characters. The magic system is pretty cool as well. Definitely worth a read. 5/5 stars. Kirk Granger27

Well worth the credits!

A really good variation of the apocalypse system! MC is great newb but not a dumbass. great storyline arc with an MC who isn't blundering around stupidly but not ridiculously OP at start. The power builds well. I can't wait for the rest of the series. Great book Taylor Pye10 4

What a great book!

If you’re looking for a new series that’s well written, fun, violent, and has extremely likable characters, look no further than Gene Harvest. What an awesome book 1! Can’t wait for the next book to come out. Easily one of the better books in the genre this year. Superb. Brie Huddleston32

Loved it

Very good read. Enjoyable characters and entertaining dialog. I can't wait for the next book in the series. I hope the author has a long career, I really want to keep reading their work Matt6

amazing character and such a fun first book!

I can’t wait for the second book! The characters were fun and humor great. I wish it was more descriptive at times but the set up and power scaling sounds great! It’s even edited and ready to read un many lit-rpg books! Samih3

Amazing! Truly amazing!

This might genuinely be one of the best books I've ever read. Everything was amazing, from the characters to the system, to even the tension. The epilogue only cemented how great the book was because it had me cackling. Aaron Eichler419

Who is Benny White?

Getting thrown into the deep end and having to learn to swim. I loved the use of the Hydra and that Benny made friends and enemies. But what happened to him, only time will tell. Ken26

Read it on a lark.

Was looking for a new book to read and wasn't finding anything. As Amazon had suggested a few times I decided to give it a try. Kayden Anderson88

Interesting story with a main character who thinks, none of the "murder is fine" though it can be pressed a little hard, I have a much larger issue with random psychopaths as MCs in these books. Sarah218 3


A different take on the system growth and apocalyptic world ending ,well worth reading new author for me but will be looking forward to there next books Dantegideon1,874 12

This was fun, if a little bit dopey. Akshay11

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