
Uber Man de Jorjani, Jason Reza

de Jorjani, Jason Reza - Género: English
libro gratis Uber Man


Dr. Dana Avalon is from Gotham, the last modern metropolis on Earth in the year 2112, built by Prometheists in the late 21st century above the shattered skyscrapers of Manhattan rising out of the Atlantic Ocean.

As the leader of Prometheism, and the reincarnation of the movement’s founder, Dana realizes that the war is lost in the present. To end the reign of Traditionalist totalitarianism, the Future of Modernity must be retrieved by traveling back in time to 1980.

Dana acts as an assassin to rewrite history so that the Soviet Union can survive into the 21st century and join the United States in resisting the Olympian Imperium. In her own timeline, the USA disintegrated within half a century of the fall of the USSR, and Neo-Confucian China handed Earth over to the Nordic “Celestial Ancestors” in 2048.

Dana remembers key events in her previous incarnation as Jason Jorjani, and makes her way into Jason’s life during his childhood and adolescence, redirecting his path. Shapour Bakhtiar, Ghislaine Maxwell, and Donald Trump all feature prominently in her timeline revision.

This is a sequel to Jorjani’s novel Faustian Futurist. Some of the main characters of that book, including its protagonist, Nikolai Alexandrov, reappear here in an even more autobiographical context.

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Well.. that was an interesting novel. Perhaps somewhat Vonnegut-esque in its time skipping, fourth wall breaking devices- but mixed with something Tom Clancy geopolitical thriller tropes? Something that, but supporting Jorjani's Iranian focused, philosophically innovative inclinations.

A sequel to Faustian Futurist, that does actually end up linking with the first in the series (rather than picking up where the first left off), this one aims to really stretch the ethical acceptance of the typical reader, as time travel timelines layer one upon the other, extrapolating the speculative fates of readily named real people. Some may balk, but no issues for an immoralist such as ourself! Stoked to read the next installment!1 Michael Nguyen181 17

I weirdly d this book. It's starts off in Gotham in the future, 2100 and something. Then it jumps to the 80's, then to the 70's. There's a lot of reference to various philosophers and heady ideas, in fact the philosophical info dumps were great. I particularly loved the parts about Rene Guenon and Julius Evola. It's a very unbelieveable story but it weaves so many weird and interesting things reincarnation, time travel, astral projection, religion, philosophy, politics, architecture, art. I d the mentions of Max Ernst, Rene Magritte, Brutalism, and Art Deco. The author mentions Art Deco a lot! Assasination attempts, timeline reconfigurations, Nordic Aliens. One scene that made me so sad when Jason Jorjani died from the Nordic Alien Spaceship. Yes very fucking weird. And I it.This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review Kyle10 23

Drekalchemy-mentions conspiracy death ...more Sam Rosendahl38 2

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