
An Axe To Grind de Jon R. Osborne

de Jon R. Osborne - Género: English
libro gratis An Axe To Grind


The Omega War may have ended, but neither Earth nor the galaxy are at peace. Bjorn Tovesson III, commander of Bjorn’s Berserkers has returned to Earth. Bear Town is a smoldering ruin, and the Berserkers’ reputation is in the gutter. As Bjorn tries to chart a course for the Berserkers’ future, ghosts from the past haunt him.

Meanwhile, the Information Guild and the Union Credit Exchange clash over the future of the Galactic Union’s economy. The Information Guild seeks to eliminate the red diamond standard, giving it sole control of the currency system, but the Union Credit Exchange harbors ambitions to become a guild in its own right. Both sides wage battle by weaponizing politics, piracy, and disinformation.

While Bjorn hunts the aliens responsible for murdering his father and slaughtering many of the Berserkers trapped on Earth during Peepo’s invasion, he receives an offer too good to pass up. Despite the Mercenary Guild suspending contracts, Bjorn could make the credits needed to bring his plans to fruition.

Can Bjorn put aside the past? Who will control the galaxy’s economy? The Omega War may be over, but everyone still has an axe to grind.

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Just finished this book - second in Grahame's trilogy - loved it. Couldn't put it down - thrilling and edge of seat stuff - moving in parts with a brilliant group of protagonists who you really care about. Really thought provoking reflection on society underneath all the action. Just cant wait for Redemption now - must know what happens!
Obviously Grahame is a skilled crime writer who is using sci fi to ask some big questions about the world. Brave stuff. Cant recommend it enough. 1 ZuZuBaloo70

After the battle with Muldane’s army, Haven has to come to terms with the new way of life. With more and more people coming to join the Federation the risk of predators and the depraved is ever increasing. Reaper and Sandra are determined to do whatever is needed to end the evil that resides in the nearby villages, towns and cities, especially the ones that pose a threat to everybody they love and everything they have built. However, a legend is being spread amongst the isolated communities of The Reaper and The Angel of Death. Will Reaper, Sandra and the Special Forces be able to keep the Federation safe? And what is happening down South with the new army allegedly being run by Prince Harry?

I enjoyed this book, maybe not as much as the first one, but still enough that I could happily reread it. I think what it lacked was the chaotic randomness, the newness, of the world post-apocalyptic... Plus, the drama was also lacking a bit, which I suppose given the circumstances is a good thing. The pace also seems to be a bit on the slower side.

I find an endearing quality about Reaper and how much he cares for Sandra. It doesn’t matter how old she gets, or how many people she kills, the moment he hears shooting and isn’t with her he worries about her wellbeing. He has taken her under his wing and considers her his daughter. Sandra is slowly but surely becoming a cold killer. The Angel of Death is a rather fitting name for her, especially considering the fear she brings to people who have heard the legend.

I wish there was more talk about the people in the Federation, the ones at Haven. It’s very limited. Most of the story focuses mainly on the Special Forces. I know it’s because the lives of the normal people farming, and going about their lives aren’t very exciting, but it’d be nice for some more of the people to have bigger parts in the story.

We are finally getting closer to finding out about the new government, allegedly Prince Harry and what they’re trying to do. It all sounds rather suspect and danger. I’m hoping it leads to a lot of action, a lot of danger and a huge shootout.

I thought Reaper’s idea of bringing John Steel to York, after avenging Rebecca’s death was brilliant, suicidal but brilliant. As was the plan of tricking the spies into thinking everybody was secretly against him. I was confused about how Tanya got shot in the head and was missing part of the back of her skull but at the start of the next chapter, she was doing the rounds of the villages that make up the Federation.. It then confirmed again a page later that she was dead, and had died in York.

Far too many people are dying, too many of the good guys, some bad, but plenty of good. It’s time to turn the tides and start bumping the bad guys off at a faster rate.5-stars book-2 book-in-a-series ...more Micromegas8


End of the world novel with great characters set in the U.K. Can’t wait for the next install. Hope it’s soon L1,148 37

A cracking crime novel that sweeps you away into a post-apocalyptic world of fear and uncertainty

Spinechilling suspense and tension fill you with foreboding, as you plunge into a darkly magnetic world of sinister secrecy and danger. The gory, violent yarn set within a 21st Century, contemporary context vividly comes to life on the page. The acute attention to detail and shocking twists in the deftly woven narrative, kept me glued to the pages utterly enthralled and absorbed. The storyline is one that makes you want to immerse yourself totally, and lose yourself within the thrilling saga and dynamic drama. This mightily impressive book is breathtakingly fast-paced, thoughtful and distinctive and I simply loved the lavish descriptions {i.e. Descriptions of Reaper’s armoury, guns and insight into flu viruses}. Jon Grahame has produced an astonishing action-adventure novel which will delight fans of Lee Child and other crime writers.

As intense as the bright, bold cover and remarkably impacting the extraordinary narrative certainly ‘packs a punch!’. The second in a new exciting trilogy {continuing on from Reaper} this unputdownable, engrossing read is a story that most assuredly is designed to keep its reader on the edge of their seat. Edgy and raw ‘Angel’ is a profoundly reflective, illuminating read that makes you think and turns the wheels of your mind… It is also atypically unusual due to the fact that the author goes into wonderful detail to expose the society underneath all the action. There were many elements within the complex tale that impressed me greatly, in particular the use of sci-fi into the fusion of genres.

In a world where good and evil do battle, and old-fashioned heroes are ready to dispense justice on behalf of “the greater good” there is one hero whose goodness and morality shines brightly. Refreshing originality and contemporary nuance, makes this outstanding sequel a sure-fire success and addictive read. Jon Grahame is a talented crime writer, who builds the tension and suspense to such explosive breaking points that leaves you in awe.

I cannot wait to read another tale about Jim Reaper and highly recommend this fantastic series, about the ‘Angel of Death’.
* I won a copy of this novel through a first-read giveaway on Goodreads *

Sarah-Jayne BriggsAuthor 1 book47

(I received this book for free as part of Goodreads First Reads giveaways).

(This review may contain spoilers).

I didn't realise, at first, that this book was the second in a trilogy. I found it fairly easy to understand, even though I was thrown into the action fairly quickly.

Starting the book off with the newspaper articles about the virus was a good way of setting the scene, in my opinion. It made me think of films that do the same thing.

There was something that struck me as a bit strange, though - the fact that only one person from a family ever seemed to survive. If one person had immunity to the virus, it would make sense if others they were related to did as well. (I've seen that in other apocalypse storylines that have a virus wipe out the world's population, too...)

Reaper and Sam were fairly interesting characters and I thought it was interesting how they and their group became the law-keepers. It actually provided some hope that, even with the world in such a state, there were at least some who fought to protect the innocent.

The author didn't seem to have a problem killing off characters, which I thought was quite good. In war, there are always going to be casualties.

It was interesting to see how different people reacted to the aftermath of the outbreak. I thought the author did a very good job of portraying the different attitudes and morals that had sprung up.

On the whole, I found the book to be really well-written with characters who were true heroes, but still flawed. I would definitely be interested in reading the other two books in the trilogy sometime in the future.goodreads-first-reads Jessica11 2

Firstly let me say that this is not my usual genre at all. I tend to stick to crime or mystery books but i saw the Goodreads giveaway and it sounded interesting so i entered. I subsequently won and I was not disappointed.
This book is the second in a trilogy and I had not read the first but i confess that i didn't realise there was a first until after i had finished. The author does refer back to past events but gives enough knowledge of them (without rewriting the first book) which is perfectly done.
My thoughts on the first couple of chapters was that the book had a gory side. Some of the descriptions of peoples deaths were quite graphic but i carried on and was glad i had stuck it out.
This is a very daring subject that paints humanity in a grim light and I really hope Mr Grahame's view of the world after an apocalypse is wrong but unfortunately it is probably not.
I loved the characters of Sandra and Reaper, particularly their relationship which is very touching in a world where people are all out to get each other. And the dynamics with the other people of Haven are well written.
The storyline from the liberation of Cleethorpes to the infiltration of the cult and battle at York is well written. The introduction of the military of the "New Army" from redemption was sudden and left me wanting more. (in a good way!)
I can't wait to read the third installment and of course to go back and read the first! Heather20 4

I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.

If you're a fan of dystopias, then this is definitely a book for you. Angel is a continuation of Reaper, in which 99% of humanity succumbs to super-SARS and those who remain have to work out how to survive. By the beginning of Angel, communities are beginning to establish themselves and learning how to become self-sufficient again.

Angel continues to handle a complex subject beautifully - what happens to morality in a post-apocalyptic crisis? How can you survive and what problems will you face? How does society, or what's left of it, adapt? New characters are introduced from equally varied backgrounds to those of characters from Reaper, keeping the story fresh and interesting.

Is it light? No. Is it violent? Definitely. Is it The Hunger Games? Not at all. Is it a brilliant story? Yes. I found myself surprised at how much I d it despite the amount of violence - it's entirely plausible that, in such a situation, you'd have to fight nutjobs to survive - and I particularly d that the "Special Forces" team who protect the central community was half women. I'm a sucker for badass women.

Definitely worth a read, and I can't wait for the third book in the trilogy, Redemption, to be released. Mr2

Angel by Jon Grahame I thought was a brilliant well written thriller that keep me on the edge of my seat, it's full of action with excellent descriptions, this is the second book in the series, about the post apocalypse after a super SARS virus has wiped out 98% of the population, having won the second book in the series from Goodreads I’ve misted how the community of Haven started, so in book two we start of with Reaper and Sandra trying to put and end to an oppressive gang that is running a town, they also go out scouting for other survivors of the apocalypse informing them about the community of Haven, and make allies with other communities, but that's not always easy with plenty of twist and turns and loads of trouble round every corner, there is a lot of tension and suspense in Jon Grahame's writing which makes this book not for the faint hearted I'm of to find the first book in the series and also can't wait for the third. Sarah6

Won from goodreads, read the back cover and thought this is something I would watch on television but not read. So it has been sat in a draw for 3 months. Nothing to read on the 5th of July so started it and couldn't put it down. This would make a great film, loved it. Really well written, I could really picture the various characters. If you are a Mad Max fan you will love this. Can't wait for Redemption and wished I'd read Reaper. Lili1,103 17

Following a catastrophic epidemic that wiped out 98% of the population, torturous immoral gangs roam the countryside indulging in barbaric, vile acts. In this book we meet Reaper and Sandra (Angel) who attempt to combat this massive threat to the survival of a nation. A gritty thriller, not for the faint hearted.
Pleased to receive this as a Goodreads First read because I love thrillers - however never been keen on the futuristic but on reading this one I’m hooked.
a first-reads futuristic ...more Samantha75 1 follower

I really enjoyed this book, I read it in under 2 days as I had to find out what would happen next. I thought it was a great follow up to Reaper. I really d the characters and storyline, and I can't wait to read the final book in the trilogy Redemption. Sarah321 6

Reaper and Sandra are venturing further and further afield from Haven, seeking new survivors willing to make a try of their new community and ridding the area of the predators and lowlifes who will take what they want, how they want. But as their reach spreads, so do the legends about the Reaper and his Angel of Death, bringing the curious to their doors.

Very easy reading, easy to engage with good characters and get swept up in their plans and attacks. Thoroughly enjoyable! LilyAuthor 17 books5

I won this through Good Reads First Reads.

The second book in Grahame's trilogy, Angel moves beyond the established post-apocalyptic world portrayed in Reaper and gets straight into the action. Angel provides a gripping study of the breakdown and rebuilding of society and the dichotomy of order and chaos. Skyla49 Want to read

I just found out that I won this book on goodreads giveaway. I am excited because this book sounds really interesting and I the look of the cover (which is always good). I'm excited and can't wait to read it.first-reads Dilys Myhill449

Action packed from start to finish, a very dark & brutal thriller couldn,t put it down. WON THJS ON GOODREADS GIVE-AWAY.first-reads DLS481 14

In a complete blonde moment I didn't realise this book was the second in a trilogy. Despite this I still enjoyed it and raced to the finish. Now to go find and read Reaper!
Toni27 1 follower

Great second book. Not as fast paced as the first but still enjoyable. Looking forward to the third. Have it on order John Mordaunt68

Really good. I enjoyed this story. Looking forward to the next book.e-book fiction Nicola349 2

Bjorn Tovesson is a man on amission! Well, on many missions. In the aftermath of the Earth invasion, hisberserkers are back on Earth and he gathers the remnants of the troops whichhadn’t been evacuated towards Vishall with the idea to moving most of theoperation there. If it were only that simple! Many people are competing for histime, most notably, for the readers of Bjorn, two of his ex-girlfriends, one ofwhom acting on behalf of the US Government (not the governor of Texas). AsBjorn’s Berserkers came out of the unpleasantness with the Merc Guild, rumors coursethat they were not on the side of angels… But most importantly, Bjorn has an axe to grind against 2 Besquith: the officers he holds responsible for the death ofhis father!Of course, that's the easy part of life. As Bjron works towards his objectives, he lands in the middle of a conflict of galactic proportions and the resolution of that conflict will have far-reaching consequences for the Galactic Union. The story happens after the liberation of Earth by the Hussars and the cavaliers. is very enjoyable in all respects. In particular, the confrontation between characters we all love but who are seemingly on 2 sides of a fence is very skillfully done! Good personal development for Bjorn, far-reaching consequences for the Union! Very satisfying read, can't wait for more! Daniel T.714 2

Great book

Excellent characters, tight story line what more can you ask for! Struggling with the death of his Dad and devastation of holdings on Earth Bjorn rebuilds the Bezerkers and seeks revenge. His struggle to maintain clarity during his mission and realization that that he was manipulated by the Information Guild . Great character study with the ND and supporting characters, along with excellent action. I give this a great book a strong recommendation! Thomas170 3

I love this story

This is another great story in the 4 horsemen universe! I love the personal dynamics that bring you fully into the story! A really good book, you won't be disappointed. Kenneth Sadens11

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