
The Fifth Timekeeper de Jon McConnell, Dayna McConnell

de Jon McConnell, Dayna McConnell - Género: English
libro gratis The Fifth Timekeeper


There are rules to every game, and then there are those who enforce the rules.

Breaking one leads to penalties. Crossing the other, leads to disaster.

Finn is no stranger to the first, but now that the next round of the Time Trials is underway and he's drawn the ire of one of the Timekeepers, he's about to find out just how vindictive one of them can be.

Loyalties will be tested.

Bonds will be broken.

And by the end of the season, the Timekeeper will have blood, one way or another.

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Wow, this book is a pleasure to read for audiophiles. This author duo takes pride in the details which makes it a pleasure to read. This is not just some book that you skim through on a lazy afternoon, you find yourself truly wishing to devote time and attention to it. This is definitely a story that has texture, adding sound, emotion and imagery to a captivating storyline.

I’ve come back to add a note after my original review because I couldn’t stop thinking about this book. I review ARC copies from publishers which is how I reviewed this ahead of publishing. I have yet to enjoy a book so much that I turned around and purchased others in the series I have with this one. Without having initially read the first in the series, this book stands alone on its own two feet quite well, however I’m having a blast beginning the first. I hope that this series becomes widely known as it is far more enjoyable than some mass market stories that have come across my screen. Take a chance on it. 4 s Danielle131 1 follower

Thank you Dayna and Jon for the ARC to read and then review!

I'm in love with this world and the characters. I get so invested in them and the story that it's extremely hard to put the book down. The book is so gripping, you literally won't stop reading until it's finished. I feel this was a good sequel for the series because it sets up for a potentially jawdropping third. I can't wait for that because I have so many theories and unanswered questions I'd love to see answered.

I, do, however have just a few things that I wish had been different in this book, but those things DO NOT take away from the greatness of the writing and the amazing world.

I wish that Valerie and Edison were more involved in this book. I missed them. I also missed the group scenes with the original four. Their dynamic and chemistry was amazing in the first book. The love triangle hurt. Not going to lie. I love Finn and Everly and... That hurt. I hope the third settles things.This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review3 s Emily Harrison7 6

Read as a ready to read ARC on NetGalley- Thank you to NetGalley, Tiny Fox Press and the McConnells for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

After reading the first of this duo, I was very much looking forward as to what our quartet had to face next; including the aftermath of Mordecai's decision.

As with the first book, the characterisation was brilliant, and Philomena Vandecraft had her time to shine in this book. Her villainous and wicked ways were so well thought out in a game of emotional warfare against teenagers, and I found myself holding my breath to see what her next move was. She really was a standout. I loved that we continued to see the sibling- relationship between Valerie and Edison; and of course, no YA novel is complete without a teenage love triangle. The writers were able to capture the inability of teenagers being able to talk about their feelings- I remember it well! I'm still not entirely sure on my stance of Ryan as a character, as although she served her role as a pawn and plot device well, I couldn't warm to her as a character.

I really loved the time periods and "games" used in the book's trials. In particular, I really enjoyed the Prohibition era challenge. It made for very fun reading and it was interesting to see how the teens were able to use their problem solving skills.

In the first book, my main issue was with the pacing of the story. This was not an issue this time, however I felt the flow of the novel was a bit disjointed. The events between chapters were a bit stop-start, and lacked connection. I would have d some insight as to who got left behind in the Musical Chairs round, some more information regarding the role of "mortal compass", Mordecai's perspective of this year's games. I felt this would have made for better linking opportunities.

Nevertheless, this was an excellent sequel to the first book. The ending left a number of questions unanswered, and opened the door for a third book. I was hooked during the closing chapters and was disappointed when it ended as I wanted the action to continue. I really hope there is a 3rd book (maybe? please?), and if so, I look forward to reading it to see the fallout and aftermath of that ending.

4 Stars2 s Nicola Michelle1,360 9

I am REELING. Need a breather. This book was a flurry of emotions, suspense and action right up until the end. It’s the sort of book that builds to a crescendo, has you in a reading frenzy and then leaves you staring at the wall when you’ve finished wondering how you could possibly wait for the next one.

And ohhh do I need the next one stat!! I adored the first book in this series and the whole set up of the plot was brilliant. Going straight into the second one was a no brainier for me and it more than lived up to the brilliance of the first one. I honestly couldn’t read it fast enough and now the wait can’t finish fast enough until the next one!

It felt great to be back with Finn, Everly, Valerie and Edison as they faced another round of the time trials. Except this time, there’s a new member. How will Ryan fair in this tight knit band of four? She’s a perfect match for Finn and the unfortunate in town, enrolled into the young historians club with no idea just what she’s letting herself in for…

I think the events of this book will live rent free in my brain for a bit until I can read more. I honestly can’t wait to read the next one and see how it all unravels. If you’re thinking about reading this book, do it! You won’t regret it.

Thank you to the author and publisher for this book on NetGalley in return for my honest thoughts and review. e-book fiction2 s Books nd Bruises130 5

What a wonderfull, captivating and detailed read this was once again! Having the opportunity to not only read this in advance, but get a physical copy of it made me buzz with excitement even more. After enjoying the first book in this series last year and not being able to stop thinking about it, I was itching to get back into the trials.

The writing of this is magnificent and one of the main reasons I enjoy the series so much, the McConnels have an undeniably descriptive way of writing wich makes the story that much more deep. It’s a book you can dip in and out but also get lost in for hours at an end and I enjoy it thoroughly.

Whereas I enjoyed the time trials as more explored theme to set the plot in the first book, and was a tiny bit dissapointed not to explore them on the same level in this one, (less commited to following everything around the trials, I’m very curious how the other teams did it in their challenges for example) it was very fun to see characters develop more deeply and get new dynamics explored. Ryan was an amazing addition to the plot and by herself, while we get to see familiar feelings make a comeback from the first book from our other characters next to their development.

I enjoyed the story very much, altho in hindsight it was clear that this story was mostly the setup for the further plot of the series and I hope we will get a bit more plot on the timebending in the upcoming (?) book. Can’t wait!1 Autumn Danner210 9

This book is the second installment of the Time Trials Series and continues where the first book left off (although it could be read as a stand-alone book if you did not already read the first in the series). The members of the Historians Club are drafted into the next games as they were the victors of the previous games. But now the cohesiveness of the club is challenged by the loss of their beloved mentor, the addition of an unknown new mentor, the exclusion of a key club member (in such a small group, all members are key) and the addition of a new club member. This is a lot of change within the club, but they also have challenges facing the club as a whole as it becomes clear that there is a bias against their team . They will not only have to fight to win the games, but also fight to stay alive, The author does a great job of portraying the anxiety, fear and determination of the characters, and the interplay between them is spot-on! The challenges are exciting and energetic. The club members continue to think outside-the-box in order to affect creative outcomes. The last challenge will hook you and hold you .... because it does not end by the end of the book! There are so many cliffhangers at the end of this book that I hope the next one is out soon! This is an excellent installment to the series and I anxiously await Book 3!!1 Emily Randolph105 3

This book was just as full of craziness and twists and turns as the first book. Some outcomes, didn’t shock me, while others rocked me to my core. Certain situations left me reeling and angry, others left me in tears. The way the authors manage to bring out so many emotions within one book, amazes me. The only thing I’d change is the ratio of action to teenage romance drama. While it was nice to not just have constant “go ,go, go”energy, anyone who’s read the first book knows where certain hearts lie and who they belong with. It seemed a feeble attempt to tear this apart, although it seems that was the goal with the new character all along. Create some drama, some divide, and some mystery, and that definitely worked. Many situations weren’t exactly surprising, and many reasons behind decisions also weren’t. However there are a few questions left unanswered and a few scenarios I believe have yet to play out. I can only hope there is a third book coming and I believe it will be just as wonderful as it’s predecessors. An adventure awaits, where and why is still unknown, but I have my suspicions. This team deserves nothing but the happiest of endings, and one can only hope that they get them.

** I received this book from NetGalley for review. That being said all opinions are my own, and reflect purely how I feel about the book **fantasy netgalley1 Cait (cait.the.bookworm)116 4

This continuation of the Time Trials follows the group as they try to navigate a new season with a new mentor and a new member. Through a series of ups and downs, betrayals and lack of communication the Wharton Academy students are in a fight for their lives.
The ever scheming Vandercraft ensures that.

I enjoyed seeing how this story was carried out. While some moves I was able to predict, there was plenty that kept me on the edge of my seat. There were many moments that made me want to just lock everyone in a room and make them talk honestly and openly, everything seemed to have worked out one way or another.

I d Ryan's character, mainly because I am also a Seattle girl on the East Coast so I definitely related to her. I hope she gets a happy ending of her own one day.

I have really enjoyed this series and I am excited to see where it goes next.1 Afifah Mohd (letterfromafifah)79 1 follower

Thank you to Tiny Fox Press and NetGalley for making this sequel available to read! This review was voluntarily written by me.

In general, for me, this sequel is crazier than the first one. More mystery, more suspense, more emotional damage for me. The emotional trouble in Everly and Finn's relationship added with Ryan's presence is my least favourite part in this book (love triangle is not really my favourite trope) but it is needed to create conflict and make this story more intense. There are less Valerie and Edison’s POVs here but I thought Edison has become better and sharper and Valerie is still Valerie. For Time Trials, the games have become more dangerous especially for the team. Lastly, there are important mysteries that are yet to be solved yet thus I’m waiting for the next sequel.1 Tohru27 1 follower

"The Fifth Timekeeper" is the second part of the series "The time trials".
It again provides a good dose of time travel adventure that I can never get enough of.

Great writing, wonderfully written and very good character development.
I don't want to say much about the content, in case someone doesn't know the first part yet. But I can promise that this part picks up even more steam and I d it even better than the first.

I am looking forward to the next part!
I would have d to have the focus more on the Time Trials and hope that they will be more in the next parts. wise, I'm so waiting for a few loose ends to be tied up.1 Yvonne17

I absolutely loved this book! I picked this book up without realizing it was the second in a series but by the time I realized, I was in too deep. I was intrigued by the characters and wanted to explore the world created by the authors. I found myself wishing I had these abilities in real life (much I still wish I receive my acceptance to Hogwarts!)

The writing is easy to read, character development is extremely well done and the story line is creative and fun. I would absolutely recommend this book if you are looking to get away from the real world for a few hours.1 Becky S76 2

This is the second book in The Time Trials series and I’ve been excited to read it since finishing the first. Thank you to the authors for sending me an ARC! This is definitely a series that you want to read in order to fully understand the plot and character development. I only had great things to say about book one and I enjoyed this book even more! I loved the continued character development, the layering of the plot, and the immersion in historical events. Highly recommend this series to YA readers! 1 Paul1,831 21

This for both The Time Trials and The Fifth Timekeeper:
This is a solid set of sci-fi books that tell a compelling story with lots of great element, including time-travel, some danger, action, friendships, good pacing, and some love. It's clearly a YA novel, but may appeal to an older crowd. Hopefully this will find a large audience.

I really appreciate the free ARCs for review!!1 Aliyah1 review

The Fifth Time Keeper is that rare book that's even better than the first. My two favorite parts of the first book were the characters and the history that the authors incorporated into The Time Trials and they really outdid themselves in the sequel. I don't want to spoil anything, but what I will say is if you d the first book, The Fifth Time Keeper is a must read. And if you haven't read the first book, what are you waiting for?1 Batwoman473 3

Wow! This book was amazing!! I can’t wait for book three now! This book picks off a few months where book one leaves off. But didn’t miss very much. This book was another whole adventure and leaves with a ton of more questions. I very highly recommend it!!! 1 Aria Harlow1,443 54

A good follow on from the prebious read. equally well written with an engaging storyline and characters that I found relatable. An enjoyable read.1 Krystal Lang10 17

Loved this book. Really enjoyed the intricacies of how their timelines merge and influence one another. One of me favorite series.1 Autumn Turner23

The Fifth Timekeeper is the sequel to Dayna and Jon McConnell’s Time Trials. The Fifth timekeeper picks up after Wharton’s first Time Trials (a competition wherein students participate in a decathlon of sorts, where the students Everly, Finn, Edison, and Valerie traveled through time completing specific challenges) and senior year of high school. Professor Moskowitz is MIA, and the team is stunned to learn that they have to participate in the Time Trials AGAIN. But un last year, they know the risks, they have a rogue Timekeeper out for their blood, and know that this could very well be death sentence.

In their sequel, Dayna and Jon McConnell up the ante and offer an exhilarating novel rife with peril, and teenage angst. The authors are masters at creating believable dialogue for high school seniors, and have created relatable characters who don’t just fit in a “box”. The story has many underlying layers and surprises in store. As someone who reads a lot of books, I do have to say that this book was surprising, fresh, and unique in that it didn’t rely on predictable tropes.

From about 50% of the way until the end I was holding my breath and my heart was racing worrying over the characters. I DEVOURED this book and stayed up past 3am reading it as I just had
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