
Code of the Forest de Jon Buchan

de Jon Buchan - Género: English
libro gratis Code of the Forest


When Wade McNabb, publisher of the Georgetown Pilot, exposes high-level political corruption surrounding a chemical plant on the South Carolina coast, a powerful senator, steeped in the ancient code of the state's insider politics, threatens to bring down McNabb and his newspaper. Wade turns for help to Kate Stewart, a young lawyer who has left a large law firm for a fresh start on her own in Georgetown. These two fiercely independent souls form a wary alliance for the legal battle that follows. It's a fight that shows them the power of connections—good and bad—to change their lives forever.

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Set along the coast of Georgetown, South Carolina, a battle rages between local environmentalists and the corrupt politicians over whether or not to allow a chemical plant to be built. Wade McNabb, publisher of the newspaper, has never trusted lawyers, but he knows he needs to set those feelings aside in order to expose the dishonesty in the courtroom. Kate Stewart is a female lawyer trying to make her way in the men’s world of politics. Even though she was once burned by the media, she must move forward and trust Wade McNabb, or else her career won’t survive.

The South is where time tends to stand still and the state of South Carolina is no exception. This book demonstrates the delicate beauty that makes up Georgetown County. While it also reveals the crooked side of the judicial system, where it is more of whom you know rather than what you can prove. Buchan’s first novel develops at a fast pace and is an enticing read. Extremely well written, readers will be turned into instant fans.


This review was written for My Sister’s Books Bookstore.
This review was originally posted on Ariesgrl Book Reviews.my-sisters-books written-review2 s Susan Pearson11 2

It's an intriguing book, set mainly in Georgetown, SC. The characters are well developed, as is the plot. For anyone interested in the "good ole boy" politics of the south, it's a must! If you're familiar with the south, you will find lots of references to people and places - you know - or think you know. Definitely a page turner.Code of the Forest2 s MaryAnn1,240 3

Beautifully crafted story of love and loss, truth and lies, the good old boy network, and more. Buchan does an outstanding job of character development and tells a great story start to finish!southern-fiction2 s F H85

Thoroughly captures the flavor and character of the South. Shades of John Grisham, John Hart, David Balducci - another Southern attorney who can transfer his keen eye and ear to spinning a tale with universal appeal. Original and timely subject matter that explores legal and moral compasses. Set in a charming coastal town where everyone know everyone and their business, the local newspaper owner/editor/publisher and a new-in-town crackerjack attorney unite to expose behind-the-scenes deals that will have a huge impact on the community for many years and threaten on so many levels. This is the first book by this author - I do hope it won't be his last! 1 Ann 293

d this book very much, perhaps because it takes place in one of my favorite places, Georgetown, SC. I would call it Southern atmospheric, legal/newspaper procedural. The author, as a former newsman and attorney, knows what he is talking about. 1 Sloane Mayberry464 4

Reads a Grisham. Lots of cool SC details. Buchan works with Bill. I would rec to folks who Grisham. 1 HeatherAuthor 3 books67

Interesting legal stories & environmental conflict and I d the characters, especially Kate and Wade.1 D'Anne79

This one will make you shudder at how the judicial system works behind the scenes, and how people can look right past one another and never see them or consider them. There are so many characters you want to root for in this book, and Buchan does a great job of presenting each of them as fully developed people, not props. Ross Lenhart94

Code of the Forest was a page turner. A novel about the lowcountry of South Carolina specifically Georgetown, my first home as a child ~ just a stone's throw down the road from my current home here in Pawleys Island. It is obvious that Jon Buchan knows Georgetown. It is also obvious that he also knows South Carolina. He was born and raised in Mullins not too far from here, but left us for schooling at Woodbury Forest, a school I know well, and Princeton, a school that I could never get into. An attorney himself, Buchan intertwines journalism with the law in a fight of wrong vs. right, progressivism vs. backward-thinking, and a lady attorney in league with a second generation newspaperman vs. the SC good old boy establishment. Its all there in a fascinating tale involving politics, the environment, constitutional rights, a little beach music, just a touch of love, and the underpinnings of South Carolina's rather unique culture. Buchan corrals it all into an enjoyable and interesting read. I only hope that he gives us more. Patty55 2

An interesting read, set in my hometown of Georgetown,SC. The writing about the political machinations was good but the characters were a little thin and hard to really get interested in. I expected some touches of the Georgetown I know and didn't get them except in the views of the water and the mention of Sunset Lodge. It seemed unrealistic that no one seemed to leave Georgetown to drive to Charleston, Columbia, Pawleys or Myrtle Beach. I seem to run up and down Hwy. 17 all the time when I'm home! I'm glad I read it but some stronger local flavor would have made it a stronger story, in my opinion. Merrette29

Code of the Forest keeps the reader entertained with descriptive references of the beautiful low country in South Carolina and the good ol' boys of politics who rival in it. Certain to captivate with Kate Stewart, an environmental lawyer, and Wade McNabb, publisher at Georgetown Pilot, at the helm. Leading the plot through romance and codes only understood by those with a southern drawl and a campaign fund this novel is great read for all. Patsy153 4

Just an OK read for me. Everyone is right about it being a John Grisham read. And if you've read one JG you've read them all. Same cast of characters just with different names and the beautiful girl's hair color gets always changed. You will guess the ending on this one long before you get there, but it moves fast enough to keep you interested. Marla194 1 follower

I really enjoyed this book because it's written literally in my backyard! The story takes place in and around Georgetown, SC and the author uses MANY local names and sights. So I really enjoyed the descriptions of everything local. The story line was a bit simple, but fine. Predictable ending. Kim Cornelson66

Wonderful book set in lowcountry South Carolina that explores issues of insider politics and the First Amendment with a legal showdown that sheds light behind the state justice system. The author, who is a former journalist and now practices First Amendment law in Charlotte, evokes a wonderful sense of place and character. Lytton28

Ok book with awkward spots. It does prove the old rule that when newspaper reporters attempt novels they don't write dialog well.fiction Heather Badger1 review1 follower

What a great book - keeps you engaged until the very end.

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