
Arcane World de John Walker

de John Walker - Género: English
libro gratis Arcane World


The Leviathan has returned successful from their mission to gather more allies but with that, they uncovered disturbing intelligence. A secret world, hidden away by the royal empire, seems to be used specifically for some type of collection—perhaps the rarest of all, the ability to rejuvenate vitality and life.

Captain Warren Miller sets them on a mission to uncover the truth behind these rumors but it comes with considerable danger. They must go deep behind enemy lines, facing threats they cannot anticipate. Avania insists on going with, adding to the risk but both of them have their reasons for wanting answers.

Meanwhile, royal assassin Prin Garinta continues her hunt for Avania, uncovering a shadowy organization that may well control the royal government. Unbeknownst to her, the king and his bride to be set out to establish their own agent so they might exercise their will beyond the throne. As they fend off the watchful eye of the intelligence advisor, they must risk much to wrest control of the government back into noble hands.

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The title of this book threw me off just a little. There is a series by B. V. Larson called “The Undying Mercenaries” and every one of those books has the title “_______ World”. So, when I first saw this title, I though, “Oh, good. Anther one of Larson’s books.”. Then I saw the author of this book and I was almost just as happy. While John Walker writes a more serious story, Larson’s is kind of ironic and humorous. I both very much.

We are back with the Leviathan, the Earth’s one and only wormhole-capable starship orbiting the Cathedral planet. Captain Miller is planning a dangerous mission to find the secret empire planet where he believe some illicit activities are on-going. This mission will require a stealth ship which is something they can obtain from General Atalis’ forces, but it will only be a large shuttle and not well protected. He plans to have Leviathan floating in space some where distant from the planet; just far enough that it can come to their rescue immediately. He does expect heavy defenses around this planet and that makes it even more necessary that they find out what the Empire is hiding.

So, a very dangerous intelligence gathering mission. Get in, get out and not disturb the population or even let them know you're around. It appears that the civilization living on the planet is very backward in technology so there’s no telling how they’ll react of a shuttle in their sky so that has to be avoided at all cost. And now the story get stupid!

Earth has a long history of fielding Special Operating Forces about ships at sea including submarines. The SOF are very capable and can do the exact intelligence mission that the Leviathan is now contemplating. But, do they have a contingent of such soldiers aboard? No, but they do have quite a group of Marines. The force that will need to land on this planet will have to be somewhat small since their shuttle can only accommodate so many. It’ll will need a good pilot which has come with the shuttle and that’s great. The other members of this landing party include two Marines, Zadok, Micky Chilton, Avania and Captain Miller! What a ridiculous combat team. Captain Miller is a starship captain and knows nothing about ground operations including stealthy movement. Avania is a Queen and the rightful heir to the thrown. If she gets killed, the whole purpose of this fight is for naught! Micky Chilton it the Commander of the Leviathan’s air group and his starfighters might be needed to protect the ship or the shuttle, so why in the world is he going? This is about the dumbest group of folks ever to go on a highly dangerous mission and it makes no sense! Well, I guess it might to a science fiction writer. This is art, right, nothing in these books have to be based on reality, right?

So off they go and all get killed; end of story, end of series!

Well, that’s realistically what should have happened. But, they do muddle through all the while getting everyone of the team shot up some why or another. It’s a very good thing that medical science has advanced so far it can cover for stupid mistakes.

Meanwhile, Prin Garinta, the Intel Agent working for Uncle Golnith, is hot on the tale of Avania. She’s got a good idea of what ship Avania is on, but she still doesn’t know for what purpose and who is supporting the exiled Queen. See is gradually becoming less sure of why she has to hunt down Avania, although she knows it’s her duty to the current King to get the job done. It’s just a matter of time before she can latch on to Avania or at least the Leviathan.

And then there’s the little issue with Phoenix Rising, the Earth-bound terrorist group who needs to be found and terminated. A computer hacker genius and a very capable FBI agent are on the trail of Phoenix. The only thing is they need to stop him before he and his group commit their next act of terror.

There’s a lot going on in this book that makes for an interesting read. I enjoyed it and am happy to say it will continue. Nothing has been resolved in this book, so I think we’ll be seeing a few more books pretty soon.1 Josh125 2


Out of the previous books, this one is my least favorite so far. I've said in my other for the previous volumes, there is good writing, good plot development, and it's overall an interesting story.

However, during this adventure we see Cpt. Warren and Queen Keith (among others) go to a mysterious planet being kept secret by the royals. It is revealed that the planet is full of humans which the royals are breeding so they can harvest them for essence. While this is a very good concept, I personally didn't its execution. It felt rushed and didn't quite go into the detail I expected. Perhaps it will be explained though the data they gathered, in the next book.

My other issue is that this mysterious planet had the same technology of the American revolution time period. While this isn't an actual issue, it's more of my personal taste and dis of stories "set" in the past.

My biggest issue with this book, and really the last few books is the Icarus rising subplot. I find this plot wholly unnecessary. This does nothing but add even more POVs to a series that already has so many.This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review Thomas James545 12

I Asked For Action....

an I got it! I could not put this one down. The adventure continues with still more actors on the stage. So many more, in fact, that it is sometimes difficult to keep trac - but not too bad. Lots of action. Lots of heroes, lots of good guys and bad guys and even in between. Great stuff! Marnie1 review

Sometimes less is more

Interesting plot but the writer assumes the readers are pretty much 4th graders. The potential for a good read is here if the author would just step back and not try to explain every single thing. The dialogue is also unreal. Cut the explanations and dialogue by about 25% and it would be a winner. The Ropers28

Warren Miller and Queen Avania take the Leviathan into harm's way.

Another thrilling installment of the liberation war series and it's as thrilling a read as the first four. You won't want to put it down. Masters297 2

Excellent book

This is an excellent series and this over upholds and expands on the original story. This story makes you want to tag along for these adventures. Already downloaded the next novel in the series. Larry Holly180 1 follower

Another good book

Another great book of this series. Interesting plot lines and further character development. I'll definitely be reading the next book of this series when it comes out. W H Nicholls212 2

Getting better and better. Another one of Johns books I really could not put down, the store gets more exciting as you read on. I cannot wait till the next one in the series comes out DAVID583 5

Great Story

Well the plot thickens and the action gets better. I could not put this one down. Good job I am retired lol. Larry McClure74 1 follower


Another great story in the continuing saga. Keep up the story line. This could go on for some time. Love it. Mick Bird755 9

Another thrilling installment of the liberation war series, recommend this series of books. William19

I started my journey in this book on August 17, 2019. Since then I already read 8 books. The story is amazing. The characters are perfect. Lots of action. The author never rush the story plot, and on every book the final was reach without any rush. I hope the author keeps giving us more of the series in the future. And I definitely will seek other book from him. ggilson41gmail.com13

Good Read a cliff hanger

The series has held my attention . Not sure all the characters were interesting. But looking forward to the next book. Lee Fenton11

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