
El informe pelicano de John Grisham

de John Grisham - Género: Ficcion
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John, Grisham Year: 2009

Comentarios de lectores del libro El informe pelicano

Este fue el segundo libro que leí de Grisham.Antes había leído El Jurado y me gusto mucho más que el Informe Pelícano.Igualmente este último es genial, te atrapa en seguida.Muy bueno!

Autor del comentario: MRSCHOCHI
Es un libro ágil y de fácil lectura con una buena historia y bien contada, pero no aporta nada interesante al lector. Grisham relata una historia cargada de suspenso, acción y aventuras, unidas a un intrincado secreto que alcanza niveles gubernamentales. lamentablemente es lo mismo que otorga una película (de hecho tiene su versión) y preferiría verla que perder tiempo leyéndola solo por el gusto de leer sin obtener nada mas que el gusto por la lectura, es un libro para leer en tiempo de ocio, la verdad lo recuerdo como un libro entretenido pero nada mas y lo digo con mucho desdén.

Autor del comentario: LEMAT
Para mi gusto es de los mejores trabajos de Grisham, una historia intrigante, tensa y emocionante que nunca decae.

Autor del comentario: ERIKRAUL31
Libro BUENO, con esta historia el autor consigue enganchar al lector, pues narra y define muy bien los entresijos, y así podemos comprender la jerga de los abogados y la judicial; quizá sea uno de los mejores del autor.

Autor del comentario: JESUSORO
Trama compleja y muy bien construida. Quizás pierde algo de fuerza al alargarse la historia a la mitad pero sabe mantener la intriga hasta casi el final.

Autor del comentario: CABALLER
Un gran libro te mantiene al filo todo el tiempo y tiene uno q otro giro inesperado

Autor del comentario: TANNER
Es un libro entretenido, de fácil y rápida digestión. Por contra adolece de personalidad, es demasiado plano y los personajes apenas están dibujados. No es de lo mejor de Grisham, pero al menos no aburre.

Autor del comentario: GOGETASSJ12
Es el primer libro que leo de este autor, un libro muy bien elaborado.Un libro muy completo que no aburre en ningún momento y te atrapa en toda su lectura, es de esos libros con los que pierdes la noción del tiempo.Lo recomiendo.

Autor del comentario: FDCN3390
Es el primer libro que me leo de Grisham y no me ha defraudado. De lectura fácil y sencilla, te explica una trama al más alto nivel político, en que la protagonista intenta sobrevivir día a día. Es interesante y entretenida.

Autor del comentario: KINTUX
Excelente libro de suspenso con giros inesperados que mantiene al lector en vilo durante todo el desarrollo de la trama. Muy recomendable para los amantes de este género.

Autor del comentario: TRIZSA
Intriga jurídica pasajera que el paso inevitable del tiempo ha dejado rancia y obsoleta. La verdad es que la narrativa de John Grisham se me hace más repetitiva que un gazpacho. Parece que escribe por pura obligación y sin apenas ganas. Como si cumpliera con un pesado y soporífero encargo.

Autor del comentario: LITUMA73
El informe Pelicano, es uno de esos libros que no te dejará indiferente, todo lo contrario, querrás volver a leerlo. La historia atrapa desde el principio, sencilla pero bien elaborada. Mucha acción, seguro que lo disfrutaras.

Autor del comentario: ABELHY
Suspenso e intriga resumidos en 400 paginas. De las mejores que eh leído de Grisham.

Autor del comentario: JORGE GODO
Uno de los mejores que he leído del autor.

Autor del comentario: LUCHOSOUZADIOGO
Buena novela, y buena película, aunque en mi opinión no está entre los mejores del autor.

Autor del comentario: PEIO72

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The Pelican Brief, John Grisham

Taut thriller about a young law student whose legal brief about the assassination of two Supreme Court justices causes her to be targeted by killers.

She realizes just how accurate her accusations have been when her lover and mentor is murdered.

Forced to go on the run in New Orleans, she is aided by a journalist who helps her unravel a conspiracy involving senior government figures.

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Two of the American Supreme Court are murdered on the same night! The list of potential suspects is endless, but when the brilliant (and beautiful) law student Darby Shaw shares her detailed speculative 'Pelican Brief' with her lecturer lover who shares it with his FBI connections, her entire life is blown apart... literally! Darby can't trust anyone, her people, the cops, the federal authorities, the media, because her brief pointed a finger at Washington!

Despite almost the entire male cast lusting over Darby, this a work ahead of its time with a woman lead in a mostly man's world having the smarts and instincts to stay alive and eventually maybe have her say. A gripping and compelling game of cat and mouse, that is that more absorbing because it has multiple points of view including those of the assassin and the White House. These earlier Grisham books... I can see why they made his career! An 8 out of 12 Four Star read.

2024 readthrills-spills-kills-oh-my141 s14 comments Cathie262

I worked at a law firm where part of the movie was filmed. When Julia Roberts's character goes into a law firm to ask for a particular lawyer only to find out that he no longer works there and she leaves, that is my old firm. It is an ornate marble lobby with a small stream of water in the middle of the lobby. She goes through a glass door and can either go up an escalator or up some stairs to the reception desk, which overlooks the lobby. The walls are all glass and she can see across the floor into the conference room where the receptionist goes. I had just interviewed there before I saw the movie and was having major deja vu while watching the movie.71 s Paul E183 65

This is the third time I've read this. The last was ten years ago (the first 1992). So I obviously have d it. But today it feels almost antiquated in its mentality and character attitude. I still think It's a good suspense legal thriller but with some porous character choices for 2020. Probably not for 1992. AND: For some reason I dont believe the characters "love" interest in the end. It just doesnt fit with the "Strong female character"that was created. It starts to reek of the damsel in distress stock character. I think 'Darby' would have gone off on her own. It would have made a much better character choice. More exciting and dangerous and independent, leaving any romantic connection (if so inclined) to the imagination.

A 5 star novel in 1992
A 4 star novel in 2020
;-)This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review49 s Piyangie540 588

This was a superb read. It is well plotted and developed. I really loved the character of Darby Shaw, a young, brave, brilliant minded law student. This was the first time I came across a female lead in a John Grisham Novel. The story is a quick page turner with heart racing action and suspense. I felt that I was with Darby Shaw every step of the way. I felt her pain, her anger, her frustration and shared her determination to bring on justice.

Being in the legal field myself, I always admired his ability to show the negative side of justice and the manipulative hand the politicians have over the justice system. To that end, the Pelican Brief is the best I have read. Grisham is a genius in creating such realistic characters in his books which make us readers so connected with them. His characters have always been felt so close to our hearts and Darby Shaw is no exception.

I really this story and the characters. The reading was extremely pleasant, enjoyable and satisfying. Anyone who is interested in action, suspense with a legal surrounding must surely check this out.contemporary legal-thrillers my-library42 s Karen1,810 412

This is another book I read long ago that I am now bringing my review to Goodreads.

What can I say in one or two words or more?

Gripping. Compelling. Suspenseful legal thriller.

Did you read this before the movie? I hope so. Yes, the movie with Denzel Washington and Julia Roberts was lovely (okay, probably exciting), but, the book, was by far much, much better.

This one baits you and then lures you in.

So many intricate ins and outs to it that it was hard to put down.

Can we even imagine the murders of Supreme Court justices? Why did it happen? What decision is coming before the court, that has someone so nervous that they would feel the need to eliminate/murder Supreme Court justices? Or a constitutional-law professor?

What can a Washington Post reporter discover from the lover/student of the professor who was murdered?

So much to unravel here. Worth your time, I believe.action-packed adventurous book-discussion-perfect ...more42 s Annet570 851

Read it years ago, remember I d it, entertaining read. I used to reading Grisham's books, maybe I'll try a new one soon, sort of lost track of all the books he wrote in the past years.crime wilderness-books-can-usa37 s Kiersten625 41

This book was a lot more suspenseful and entertaining than I thought it would be. I don't know why I thought it would be so boring, since John Grisham is so popular. It was incredibly suspenseful at parts. It was the first book I'd read by Grisham, so I really didn't know what was coming. I had three problems with it: 1) Although, I said, the book as a whole was really suspenseful, I thought the end was a bit anticlimatic. 2) The environmentalism was a bit heavy handed. I'm all about preserving the environment, but I don't being hit over the head by it. Darby could get a bit preachy at times. 3) I didn't think that Darby was a very good characterization. She didn't feel real. Towards the end she said something , "It's not fair; we used my brains, looks, and legs, and you get all the glory." Despite whatever Grisham's fantasies may be, women do not talk that, nor do they obsess over their legs and toenails as much as Darby did, and if they do, everyone hates them. But all in all it was a great book. 35 s Rob511 136

A stand alone by John Grisham published in 1993

John Grisham doesnÂ’t always get it right but on this occasion he most definitely did.

Darby Shaw, a young law student with a promising future ahead of her, was shocked, the rest of the legal profession, to her core when she heard of the assassination of two Supreme Court judges.
There seemed to be no rhyme or reason for the assassinationsÂ’. The local police, the FBI and the CIA are all involved in the hunt for the killer but are getting nowhere.
Darby decided to test herself by putting her considerable intellect to the task of finding an answer. What she comes up with is considered interesting but implausible. What Darby didnÂ’t know was that she had just scratched a pimple that is now turning septic.
Darby soon realised that her brief was a lot more than a hypothetical when people she loved and cared about start dying.

What follows is a classic cat and mouse thriller. The bad guys want Darby dead and Darby, alone and friendless, is running for her life.
Not sure of whom she can trust but realising that she needs help and lots of it puts her faith in Gray Grantham, a reporter from the Washington Post, who is one of the few people who really believes that Darby is in grave danger.

Surprisingly, thereÂ’s lot of lawyers but not a courtroom in sight.

This is a by the seat of your pants thriller the tension just keeps mounting and mounting.

A great 4 star read.

stand-alone-thrillers32 s Mahdi Lotfi447 112

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Come on, Director. In two hundred and twenty years, we've assassinated four Presidents, two or three candidates, a handful of civil rights leaders, couple of governors, but never a Supreme Court Justice. And now, in one night, within two hours, two are assassinated. And you're not convinced they're related? (PG 26)

That quote above is why I even read political thrillers. They tend to say things that we think but are too scared to actually think about. This was good but it also had lots of cheesy moments with the main character. Of course, she had to be a hot law student that everyone drooled over.

Overall, it was enjoyable and not overly long. Grisham shows us how the law tends to work for the rich, the laws apply differently to everyone, and the ones who try to uncover the truth end up in their own body bag. There's so much to say about politics and real journalism but that would involve my opinion no one cares about and probably writing a book instead of a book review.

No Pelicans were harmed in the novel. Actually, there were no Pelicans at all. They were just used to try and win a case by those mosquitoes with briefcases (The Bee Movie> LOL)33 s Tina Suraj23 3

My first Grisham novel and probably my last. The book was much too formulaic and a bit dull (not for an avid mystery reader and an adrenaline junkie)though at certain points it was a fast page turner. The plot was really weak. Maybe this environmental conspiracy plot was breakthrough in the 90s but in 2010, it's a tad bit overused and overdone. What made this book unbearable was Grisham characterization of Darby. She is the generic 90s heroine...extremely smart, absolutely stunning, with a spunky attitude with zero faults...making her unrelatable. And her romance with Callahan and Grantham was oh-so-predicatable. Apparently, for Grisham, damsel in distress always needs to be attached to a white knight. suspense33 s Krystal1,866 414

Disappointing for a Grisham book, but still enough to keep me hanging on.

From the get-go, I was kind of bored. It went straight into politics which is possibly my least favourite subject ever to read about so it really got me on the wrong foot.

There's a double murder to get things rolling, but beyond the murders themselves it was actually so mundane to read about. The number of agents, lawyers, politicians etc getting involved was ridiculous and there was no way I could actually keep track of who was who.

The story centres around a law student who writes a brief outlining a left-field suspect for the murders, and after word about it reaches the FBI, people start dying.

It SOUNDED it was going to be intense but there was just way too much politicking for me.

The length of time it took to tell the story was unnecessary - this would have been more effective as a novella with less names.

There were some really cool moments, though, and every time I thought I was just about done with it, something crazy happened and I was drawn back in again.

Real mixed feelings, I guess. My lasting impression was that it was too long and kinda boring in parts, but with enough drama to help me push through.crime-suspense to-re-home25 s Michael FinocchiaroAuthor 3 books5,795

I read this when it came out and I was a restless teenager. I never saw the movie. I only gave it three stars because I remember it being exciting but still considered it pulp fiction. Perhaps the topic of assassinated Supreme Court justices over environmentalism will become a more relevant topic soon and it merits a re-read? Or not. american-20th-c crime-lit made-into-movie ...more33 s Raymond374 282

I read this book when I was a freshman in high school. I was looking for a book to read for a book report in my English class and the librarian suggested that I read The Pelican Brief. I read it and the rest is history. 15 years and 36 books later, I'm still reading Grisham's books. He is my favorite author and it all started with this novel.

20 s Jonathan K (Max Outlier)685 146

One of the great Grisham stories, its engaging, evocative and fast paced. The author's expertise in the legal realm pushes the boundaries of this story. It's difficult not to enjoy his work if for no other reason than reader engagement. That said, this is on par with "The Firm" and others affording it appeal across all genres. 20 s Elyse296 20

I'll begin by saying that I used to love John Grisham's books. I read four or five, started to get a little tired of the same old plot line, and by the time I got to this book, my tenth or eleventh Grisham book, I was just thoroughly annoyed.

Grisham has good plots, that can't be denied. But the plot doesn't begin until somewhere between pages 150 and 200. And it's always a variation of the same story: a man is in trouble, a gorgeous, seductive woman needs saving, and so the man saves both himself and the woman, the bad guys get their comeuppance, and the two improbable lovebirds live happily ever after, 600 repetitive pages later.

I find John Grisham's books to be sexist. I'll just say it. I know it won't make me popular, but there it is. His female characters are all outrageously sexual, earth-shatteringly beautiful, and lusting after the main male character with a Romeo-and-Juliet intensity. The male is always the main character, he always has to protect the woman, and he's always imperfect. Cheats on his wife, alcohol addict, greedy, sleazy, or possessing some other deep character flaw. But the goddesses Grisham creates still want these men, who in turn seem to treat them as objects. The women always flirt relentlessly, seem to have a peculiar aversion to bras, and are also helpless in some way.

It's the same thing with this book. Gorgeous, unbelievably attractive law student, who also happens to be a hard-working genius, is sleeping with her fifty-something college professor. But he's not using her, he's in love with her. And she's in love with him right back. But when he kicks the bucket, she meets a thirty-something reporter who falls in love with her before he even meets her, just by seeing her picture, and guess what? She's cool with that. Goes right ahead and sleeps with him, too, because apparently that's how John Grisham thinks women act.

I'll just end this review by saying that I won't be reading any more Grisham books, and that I think he should write realistic, independent women into his future novels, and drop his offensive, sexist portrayals of women. This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review19 s Emma Jane232 83

4 stars. ????????
I was so intrigued by this plot, the story had me engaged throughout and I really enjoyed it. Highly recommend if youÂ’re a fan of John GrishamÂ’s work! 18 s Fabiola113 11

Unbelievable characters and for a thriller the novel was quite tedious. mystery thriller19 s Leo4,508 479

The plot sounded interesting but I ended up feeling rather bored by it as it didn't grab me enough. It was OK but not really my thing. But it was still well written18 s ????? ?????Author 51 books1,298

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Too stupid of me to not finish this book. I was college then. What. Was. I. Thinking.dnf17 s Phil1,920 181

This novel helped cement Grisham firmly on the NYT's bestseller lists and was quickly turned into a blockbuster movie. Published 30 years ago, does it still captivate? Well, yes and no. This is a 'big picture' thriller, with characters ranging from the head of the FBI and CIA, the POTUS, investigative journalists and law professors. The story kicks off when two Supreme Court Justices are assassinated in D.C.; one an old liberal holdover (kinda RBG) and a somewhat flaky middle aged man. Why take out two justices? That is the driving question of the novel.

While the D.C. events are happening, Grisham switches to law school in New Orleans and focuses upon a law prof-- Callahan-- and his star student/lover Darby. Callahan loved the old liberal Justice that got offed and goes on a drunk. Darby, however, is curious. Why take out these two judges? Is there perhaps some case due to go the Supreme Court that someone wants different judges to sit on? Probing that, she comes up with the Pelican Brief; a hypothesis that concerns a long-term lawsuit whose principles may be just crazy enough to off some Justices. Through a rather circumventionist route, the Brief makes its way to D.C. and even the FBI. Well, long story short, Callahan shortly thereafter eats a car bomb and Darby goes on the run...

Grisham pithy dialogue and fast pacing really moves this one along nicely, as any decent thriller should. Yes, he keeps you guessing for some time regarding the people behind the Brief, and also explores some nasty behind the door politics among the white house, the FBI and the CIA. Good stuff all around. While thrillers never tend to age well, the politics depicted here have-- money in politics, conservatives wanting to abolish abortion (yeah
Autor del comentario:

“Every man has his personal devil waiting for him somewhere.”

Jonathan Pine, is an ex-soldier working at a luxury hotel until he finds himself involved in an arms deal programme. The Night Manager is used by the government to infiltrate an organised crime faction owned and led by Richard (Dicky) Roper.

Roper is one of the most unscrupulous and villainous characters with no moral compass or backbone. Yet I loved him as a book character because he was portrayed more cunning than violent. He was more astute than your typical crime lord who relied on his heavies to compensate for the lack of brain power.

Review and s

The Plot twists are excellent, the dialogue between the characters is sharp, intelligent, and sometimes ribbing. There is so much going on that you need to stay focused - it would be easy to miss some important details. However, you will be rewarded with lots of fascinating characters and incredible twists that will keep you engrossed in the story. Overly complicated – I would say no. I love complex crime / thrillers that feel unpredictable and suspenseful.

So, yes this is a complicated story of corruption, arms trading, geo-politics, and counter intelligence all of which felt very credible to me. The plot itself is intricately woven, intense, and clever. That is until the last part of the book, and the ending, which unfortunately let the book down overall.

After feasting on a banquet through the book with all it had to offer to tickle the crime / thriller taste buds, I was left me feeling hungry and unsatisfied. What a shame because I love this author.

I have watched the film series and read the book, and I have to confess the series was better. The ending more satisfying and the tension felt more electric. However, the book itself felt more authentic and written by someone who understood this world. That in itself is ingenious although it did not compensate for the ending.

And for a powerful and impactful quote that resonated with meÂ…

“Guns have their own silence. It is the silence of the dead to come.”154 s2 comments Candi655 4,979

Not a spoiler but a warning: overly enthusiastic, slightly tacky review ahead.

“Yes, I am adept. I spy. I betray. I love when it is too late.”

I’d say better late than never, Jonathan Pine. You’ve now joined the ranks of my imaginary fictional lovers (several of whom are le Carré creations. Hello Jerry Westerby and Justin Quayle. Shout out to Charlie Ross and her handler, Joseph!) But I’m already digressing: John le Carré writes espionage not romance novels, for god’s sake. Still, he knows how to insert just the right amount of passionate intrigue in his books. Really though, he does construct such wonderfully nuanced characters – particularly his main ones. Jonathan Pine is living a self-imposed life of isolation as the night manager of a Swiss hotel. His troubled past and the ghost of a woman he felt he has betrayed haunt him. It leads to a lot of self-recrimination and self-examination.

“Look at himself how he might, he saw nothing but half-measures, failures and undignified withdrawals… In childhood he had struggled night and day to be an inadequate adult. As a special serviceman he had cloaked himself in blind obedience and, with occasional lapses, endured. As a lover, husband and adulterer, his record was quite as thin: a burst or two of wary pleasure, followed by years of abuse and craven apology.”

All of the above lends well to the fact that Jonathan makes an excellent candidate for the British intelligence agency to recruit as an undercover agent in the illegal arms and drugs trade. The settings are magnificent, sending one across the globe from places Switzerland, Cornwall, Quebec, The Bahamas and Panama. There’s a bit of glamour to this particular piece, with the billionaire Dicky Roper, “the worst man in the world”, taking the lead as the baddie. Still, it’s leagues above your run-of-the-mill spy story. In fact, no one but an insider could know the ins and outs of the intelligence world. The first time I read le Carré, I admit to nearly giving up because I couldn’t easily grasp all the spy jargon, the various agencies ( the arms of an octopus, as one character aptly describes it). What I’ve learned after several books now, however, is that I won’t necessarily get it all immediately, and that’s okay. The further along I read, the more comfortable I become with the various characters and their relationships to one another and their respective agencies. It all (or nearly all!) becomes clear by the end.

Oh, and remember how I carried on about my love affair with Jonathan? My role is all in my head. The actual titles of lover go to Sophie and later Jed. I always have fun with these, even if those love interests are a bit sexist. I still came out at the end as a bit of a drooling fool, feeling a bit emptier between the ears than normalÂ… Poor Jed. SheÂ’s a bit misunderstood, perhaps.

“I haven’t heard you express a single thought worth a damn, and most of what you say is affected bilge. Yet every time I think of something funny, I need you to laugh at it, and when I’m low, it’s you I need to cheer me up. I don’t know who you are, if you’re anyone at all… I think you’re a total mess. But that doesn’t put me off. Not at all. It makes me indignant, it makes me a fool, it makes me want to wring your neck. But that’s just part of the package.”

Brilliant writing, nicely paced plot, plenty of “gray” characters, and loads of tension made for another hugely satisfying reading adventure. If I were a nail biter, I’d have had them down to the quick by that ending. Instead, I queued up the trailer for the miniseries and watched it whenever I felt on edge (or needed my daily Tom Hiddleston fix).

“… what he needed to do from now on, if there was going to be a now on, was abandon his morbid quest for order and treat himself to a little chaos, on the grounds that while order was demonstrably no substitute for happiness, chaos might open the way to it.”book-i-own espionage favorites ...more141 s66 comments Brian741 402

“You have to bend the law from time to time, otherwise you don’t get anywhere.”

“The Night Manager” is an overwritten book, even if it is a well-written one, and that kills the enjoyment of this text. They say John le Carré writes “sophisticated spy thrillers”. Does that mean boring?
Simply put this text is dull, especially for the first 200 pages. I was barely interested. To the authorsÂ’ credit, the last 200 are much better.
The problem with “The Night Manager” is that it tries to do too much. There are too many points of focus and none is given complete attention. This text scrambles to give in depth detail about the agent in the field, the agent’s history (military and personal-this guy sleeps with every women he comes in contact with), and the political multi-national aspect of the world of spy craft and crime fighting. There are too many irons in this fire and none ever really gets hot.
As mentioned earlier the last 200 pages move along, but unfortunately, they conclude in a tepid ending that is a huge disappointment. The novel ends on a whimper that is nothing short of a cop out.
There are no more novels of John le Carré in my future. This one was enough.fiction126 s2 comments Warwick881 14.8k

A slinky international thriller about post-Cold War geopolitics, crammed full of damaged antiheroes, corrupt politicians, worn-out spies, megarich drug-runners and frustratingly vulnerable women. It opens in Zurich and rapidly expands to take in detailed sketches of Quebec, the Bahamas, Miami, the Netherlands, Central America and Cornwall – so that there is a kind of travelogue element to the action, not un the feeling in those early Bond movies where audiences partly just wanted to see someone jetting around the world.

This world is not the world of Bond, though, or indeed that of le Carré's own earlier works – it is much murkier and more chaotic. It is harder to see who the bad guys are, since so many of them seem to be doing business with the good guys: a lot of high-up people are very willing to make excuses.

‘Not bad chaps, Rex. Mustn't be too critical. Just a bit marooned. No more Thatcher. No more Russian bear to fight, no more Reds under the bed at home. One day they've got the world all carved up for them, two legs good, four bad. Next day they get up in the morning, they're sort of – well – you know—’ He finished his premise with a shrug. ‘Well, nobody s a vacuum, do they? Not even you a vacuum. Well, do you? Be honest. You hate it.’

‘By vacuum, you mean peace?’ Goodhew suggested, not wishing in the least to sound censorious.

At the other end of the chain from the dodgy-dealing senators and ministers, you have the foot-soldiers of this new criminal economy – a growing multinational population of disaffected specialists.

American veterans sickened first by war and then by peace; Russian Spetsnaz, trained to guard a country that disappeared while their backs were turned; Frenchmen who still hated de Gaulle for giving away North Africa; the Israeli boy who had known nothing but war, and the Swiss boy who had known nothing but peace; the Englishmen in search of military nobility because their generation somehow missed the fun (if only we could have had a British Vietnam!), the huddle of introspective Germans torn between the guilt of war and its allure.

Attention here is on the forces of international law enforcement – those fighting arms and drugs trafficking, specifically – who have an uneasy, even adversarial, relationship with the ‘espiocrats’ of MI6 or the CIA who, in their view, are constantly asking them to turn ‘a blind eye to some of the biggest crooks in the hemisphere for the sake of nebulous advantages elsewhere’.

The prose is typically efficient and controlled. His political understanding is very deep, his dialogue is outstanding, and lightning portraits of new characters are a joy: one man has ‘a face to play cards against and lose’, while the main female lead, Jeds (a public-school abbreviation of Jemima), is characterised by her ‘jeweled brilliance and a kind of dressed nakedness’.

I love this line, but it's also a pointer to the rather limited role of women in the book: they are too sexualised and too disposable for my liking. Of course Jeds is the kind of young, hot arm-candy that very rich criminals really do keep around, and you could say her character is perfectly justified; but for me she wasn't balanced nearly enough by the rest of the female cast for me to feel able to enjoy it. I found this very disappointing – it's such a glaring hole in an otherwise masterful grip on characterisation.

I saw an old interview with Ian McEwan in The Telegraph when I was looking this book up online, where he suggested le Carré was the most significant novelist of the second half of the twentieth century. ‘Most writers I know think le Carré is no longer a spy writer. He should have won the Booker Prize a long time ago. It’s time he won it and it’s time he accepted it. He’s in the first rank.’ I love to see sentiments that and I think it's great to see a lit-fic star talking about the qualities of a so-called genre writer. This book is more evidence of his many talents – read it quick, a TV adaptation is apparently on the way.

(Nov 2014)

It was interesting, based on the above, to see that the TV version (just finished in the UK, just about to start in the US) changed Burr from male to female. Having Olivia Colman's grumpy pregnant bureaucrat to set alongside trophy-wife Jed really did solve one of the novel's biggest problems. And I did think it worked even better as a TV series – although with that cast and director I guess it would have been hard to go far wrong.

(Mar 2016)bahamas canada cornwall ...more103 s James ThaneAuthor 9 books6,987

Jonathan Pine is the night manager at a hotel in Cairo. A beautiful woman named Sophie, who is the mistress of an Arab playboy and would-be arms dealer named Freddie Hamid, asks him to photocopy some documents for her and then to keep the copy in the hotel safe. Pine reluctantly agrees to do so and speed-reads the documents as he does.

The papers describe an arms deal that Hamid is attempting to orchestrate with a very wealthy and very bad man named Richard Roper. Pine is a patriotic Englishman and a former soldier. Thus he makes an extra copy of the documents and slips it to an official in the British Embassy with whom he goes sailing. But British intelligence obviously can't be trusted and someone gets word back to Freddie Hamid that the documents have been leaked. Hamid assumes that the leak came from Sophie and she is soon found savagely beaten to death.

Jonathan Pine, who by now has fallen in love with Sophie, blames himself for her death. He leaves Cairo and takes a position a night manager of a hotel in Switzerland. And then, six months later, Richard Roper checks into the hotel with a large party, allowing Pine a close-up look at the man Sophie once described as "the worst man in the world."

Pine decides that his life up to this point has largely been wasted, and, still blaming himself for Sophie's death, he offers his services to British Intelligence in an effort to bring Roper down. A clever plan is devised to get Pine into Roper's inner circle so that Pine can provide intelligence from within.

Pine is operating at great risk to himself, but it turns out that the greatest threat to his well-being comes probably not from Dickie Roper and his minions but from the people who are supposed to be supporting him. The book was published in 1993, when the Cold War had just ended and the world's intelligence services were in a state of flux, looking for new targets and, more importantly, for ways to ensure their own survival.

Pine and his mission get caught up in a turf war among and between intelligence agencies both in Britain and the U.S. No one wants anyone else to get the credit for an impressive accomplishment. Worse, some of these agencies have uses for a gun-runner Richard Roper and don't want to see him brought down.

The result is a book that is very compelling and at the same time very depressing. Le Carre is very convincing when he describes the battles between these competing agencies and when he suggests that the officials in these agencies are much more interested in protecting their respective turfs and advancing their own personal agendas than they are in securing anything the Greater Good. There is the strong ring of truth in this tale and one closes the book thinking that there are very few "good guys" involved here, and perhaps in the real world of intelligence as well.

This book was recently produced as an excellent six-part mini-series by the BBC, with Tom Hiddleston as Pine and Hugh Laurie as Roper. Both are excellent in the parts and the story has been updated and set in the modern day, rather than in the early 1990s. I enjoyed the book very much, but this may be one of those rare incidents in which the film adaptation is even better. Both are well worth a reader/viewer's time.78 s Sr3yas223 1,021

I was planning to read "The Honorable Schoolboy (1977)" as my third le Carré novel. But as fate would have it, I stumbled upon a TV show trailer on YouTube.

Tom Hiddleston + Hugh Laurie + le Carré ?!
Sign me up!

So before watching the show, I decided to read the novel.
? Promise to build a chap a house, he won't believe you. Threaten to burn his place down, he'll do what you tell him. Fact of life.?
The story introduces Jonathan Pine, an ex-soldier turned night manager for luxury hotels. It was at this job, Pine meet Sophie, a beautiful mistress of a dangerous man with even more dangerous business associates. Sophie is in danger and seeks Pine's help. But his miscalculation on handling that matter costs Sophie of her life. To make matters complicated, within the short period Pine and Sophie knew each other, they have fallen in love.

So when Leonard Burr, a British intelligence officer asks Pine to go undercover to take down the man responsible, he agrees without hesitation. But the 'man responsible' is Richard Onslow Roper: A smart, methodical man who always covers his tracks using legitimate enterprises. He is a salesman of death. A gun exporter and a meth pusher.

The story is told from two sides. One side covers Pine's infiltration into Roper's organization. The other side tells the story from British intelligence's POV and the problems they face from a mysterious rogue faction within the intelligence department.

The story is good. Whenever I closed the book after reading the story and thought about it, I found it very fascinating.

Why the two stars then, you ask?

It's because of the experience while I was reading the story. The story was stretched unnecessarily and the writing was way off. I was surprised because the two books of John le Carré that I've read earlier were perfect for me. What I love about his writing is how realistic it feels. No flashy spy gadgets or extreme gun plays. His stories are sharp, methodical and based on pure intelligence.

But here, everything felt flat. The title character is a regular Joe with "close observation" skills. le Carré makes sure we don't forget that by bringing that up every minute. Roper is an interesting and complicated character with some honest world views!
? When we had bows and arrows we were apes with bows and arrows. Now we're apes with multiple warheads.?
The other side of aisle features some of the colorless intelligence operatives obsessed with Roper. Their struggles only get interesting in final chapters. And even then, their story is left unfinished.

But the biggest downfall of the story was the portrayal of generic vulnerable women (Yes, plural) who always falls in love with either the bad boy or mysterious spy..... or both.
? The only crime she had omitted to mention was the theft of her own heart.?
*Cue eye roll for eternity*

The unhealthy obsession with Jed, the mistress of Roper by Pine (or was it the author himself?) explaining her slender figure, her graceful movement, her innocent eyes and what not for a billion times were over the top and predictable.

The final eight chapters are better than the rest because they focus on intelligence rather than the glamour. But at the end of the day, I didn't care whether Pine or Jed survived or not.

Personally, disappointing.2016-books-movie-tv59 s MatthewAuthor 2 books68

One of the more interesting aspects of Ian Fleming's James Bond series is the fact that, although Bond is ostensibly a spy, he really doesn't do very much spying: he doesn't invisibly infiltrate enemy lines, doesn't uncover valuable hidden information. Instead, it would be more accurate to describe him as a kind of tuxedoed one-man death squad, dispatched to periodically fuck up the life of some eccentric megalomaniac or super villain.

By comparison, the spooks in LeCarre's novels really spend their time spying: an activity which is, according to LeCarre, bureaucratic, tedious, dangerous, unrewarding, and lonely. In other words, in LeCarre's novels, being a spy is much being a police officer minus any of the redeeming aspects.

Given this job description, one of the most interesting questions about a spy is: why on earth do they do it? For LeCarre's characters, becoming a spy is less an act of heroism than one of self-abnegation, penance, or revenge, and the best of his novels focus on the forces that drive individuals to such acts.

The Night Manager is one of LeCarre's best novels, a thriller that is more interested in the unstable psyche and self-compromises of its protagonist than the plot events that are taking place around him. Of course, those events are fairly interesting in their own right, a complex tapestry of government corruption, international arms dealing, and interpersonal intrigue which suggest that in the wake of the Cold War, and in a post-national era, the lines between business and government, politics and crime, are so subtle that they no longer actually have meaning.

A smart, neatly written spy tale by a masterful nihilist at the top of his game.57 s Bettie9,989 10


Description: In the shadowy recesses of Whitehall and Washington an unholy alliance operates between the intelligence community and the secret arms trade. Jonathan Pine is ready to stand up and be counted in the fight against this ultimate heart of darkness. His mission takes him from the cliffs of west Cornwall, via northern Quebec and the Caribbean, to the jungles of post-Noriega Panama. His quarry is the worst man in the world.

John le Carré on The Night Manager on TV: they’ve totally changed my book – but it works

1/6: Hotel night manager Jonathan Pine receives a plea for help from a well-connected guest. His actions draw him into the world of Richard Roper, a businessman and arms dealer.

Even though this was written in 1993 and this BBC rendition encompasses the Egyptian spring more than a decade later, all I can say is... I loved episode one.

2/6: On the Mediterranean island of Mallorca, Roper's life of luxury and calm is shattered. Six months earlier, Burr continues her recruitment of Pine, sending him to Devon to build his cover story.

3/6: While he continues to recuperate in Roper's villa, Pine starts to dig up secrets about the other members of the household. Meanwhile, Burr and Steadman seize on an opportunity to recruit a new asset.

4/6: Roper welcomes Pine into his inner circle, leaving Corky out in the cold. Meanwhile, Burr has concerns for the safety of her source when she suspects key information has been leaked to the River House.

5/6: A suspicious Roper gathers his entourage around him in an attempt to root out the traitor, forcing Pine to play a dangerous game. In London, Burr and Steadman face mounting opposition from Whitehall.

6/6: Roper and his team return to Cairo for the deal, reuniting Pine with an old enemy. Pine risks it all to put his plan in motion. A discredited Burr makes one last stand. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b0761pkz

Jonathan Pine Tom Hiddleston
Richard Roper Hugh Laurie
Angela Burr Olivia Colman
Lance Corkoran Tom Hollander
Jed Marshall Elizabeth Debicki
Rex Mayhew Douglas Hodge
Juan Apostol Antonio de la Torre
Rob Singhal Adeel Akhtar
Sophie Alekan Aure Atika
Tabby Hovik Keuchkerian
Caroline Langbourne Natasha Little
Frisky Michael Nardone
Sandy Langbourne Alistair Petrie
Simon Ogilvey Russell Toveyadventure filthy-lucre kidnap ...more38 s Darwin8u1,638 8,815

"Every man has his personal devil waiting for him somewhere."
-- John le Carré, The Night Manager

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives.

A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of the people. Only a small "inside" group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes."

-- Major General Smedley Butler, 1935

After finishing le Carré's recent memoir The Pigeon Tunnel: Stories from My Life, I felt the need to climb a bit higher up on my le Carré mountain. Since BBC had recently dropped its 6 episode series of 'The Night Manager' and since it was one of the handful of le Carré I haven't read (I now have just four left: Our Game, The Naive and Sentimental Lover, The Tailor of Panama, and Absolute Friends). I felt this novel was a good place, as any, to re-start JlC. I loved it. It wasn't perfect, but it was a nice exploration of the guns for drug trade that went on (and hell, probably still goes on) with tacit approval of arms producing nations (see UK, US, etc). most of le Carré's oeuvre it contains bureaucratic turf battles and isolated groups and individuals fighting for ideals in a corrupted world.

The book is set in the late 80s or early 90s (it was published in 1993), so I think of this as le Carré examining the underworld we didn't exactly get to see when Oliver North was testifying/obfuscating about his role in the Iran-Contra affair. Here, as always, le Carré is focused more on the UK's involvement and private arms dealing in this book. This book has received renewed attention since the 2015 BBC adaption staring Tom Hiddleston and Hugh Laurie. The adaption moves the time frame up (lucky for the adaption, arms dealing and government complicity in this ugly economy is almost timeless) to the period right around the Arab Spring. 201636 s Jennifer476 33

Disclaimer: I only read this book because they're making a TV version, and Tom Hiddleston is going to play the protagonist.

With that out of the way, I have to say, I struggled mightily with this book.

The plot--man infiltrates criminal organization to seek revenge on the man who heads said organization—should have made for a compelling novel, but it just...didn't. In my opinion, of course.

Overall it was plodding and slow, and could never really hold my attention for very long. I could easily put it down for days, ok, months at a time.

The bureaucratic side of things was too confusing; there were far too many government figures—all of whom had little character development—to keep straight. Burr being the exception.

It took way entirely too long to get Pine infiltrated into Roper's organization. I get that they needed to set up an intricate criminal background for him, but it took too much time. I'd have rather seen him get into Roper's organization much earlier. I think it was over a third of the way in before he finally got in with him.

I also felt too much of the novel was focused on Pine's manpain in regards to women. He wanted revenge on Roper for Sophie's murder, and that's why agreed to infiltrate his organization. I get that. I do. But instead of making it out to be wanting revenge because he felt responsible/guilty for Sophie's death, as he passed on copies of documents she gave him to British intelligence, and Roper has spies everywhere, I felt the author was wanting me to believe he was in love or at least could have fallen in love with Sophie, and I just couldn't. Had more time been spent with her and Pine in the earlier parts of the book (maybe by cutting out some of the 'criminal background setup' I mentioned earlier), then perhaps. Therefore, I felt the revenge motive to be a bit...lacking.

And then there's Jed. Jed is Roper's mistress. Gorgeous. Leggy. Blonde. And, of course, Pine is going to fall for her. And for me, there were far too many passages of Pine's internal thoughts about Jed, his feelings for her, hating himself for having feelings for her, because he's not even sure he s her most of the time. Needless to say feelings the two had for each other never rang true to me.

All of the characters, Pine and Roper included, needed more fleshing out. I couldn't connect to any of them, really.

I don't know. This book just didn't work for me.

That being said, I didn't loathe the book, and there were some enjoyable parts. With some retooling and a lot of the fat trimmed, I can see where this could be adapted successfully for the small screen. Can't wait to see how it all plays out there.because-tom-hiddleston-that-s-why36 s Paul2,100 20

Apparently, John le Carré preferred the recent television adaptation of The Night Manager to his original novel. Now, this may just be a novelist trying to be nice about the folks who just paid him a lot of money to film his book but, in the case that it is true, I think I agree with him.

I didn't dis the book, by any means; I gave it four stars and that's a really good rating from me. It's just that the t.v. folks made some significant changes to the story and, while I'm not going to mention any of them for fear of being a spoiler-monger, I think all the changes were for the better.

Still, this is a solid spy thriller with a host of very human characters and well worth your time if you're a fan of the genre.books-read-in-201834 s JanetAuthor 29 books88.7k

A wonderful addition to the John le Carre collection, this a post- Cold War novel of high finance, crime in the Iran Contra era, the dirty triangle of politics, drugs and arms. A splashy high rolling criminal, Dickie Roper fatally crosses paths with Jonathan Pine, the night manager of the top hotel in Zurich. But Pine is more than he seems, and he has crossed paths with the charming, sinister Roper before, in a fatal mission in which his great love was beaten to death. Betrayal, jungle training camps, and inter-agency warfare as only Le Carre can do it.

He is one of the prose stylists I most admire, and his understanding of human nature puts him as the direct heir to Graham Greene. If he was not writing in genre, he would be considered one of our finest literary authors. The danger of reading a book the Night Manager is that you get so caught up in the story that you miss some of the best writing anywhere. Here are just a few sentences I had to write in my journal:

"Goodhew is followed by the federal prosecutor, an ambitious young man whose voice grinds a racing car engine turning over in the pit."

"A footstep in the lane snaps a broken neck."

"After dinner Goodhew had left Palfrey at the table with his wife so that he could pour out his soul to her, because there is nothing dissolute msn better than confessing themselves to virtuous women."

"The day had been sullen and damp, an evening that begain at breakfast."

So much gorgeous writing. It ends a thriller, and some of the characterizations aren't as rich as in certain other of his great novels, not as deep and gritty--yachts and estates are the major settings--nor is it as dexterously psychological as his masterpieces, but for a good three days I could do nothing but read read read.


Every rereading of a novel by a master gives more insights into their craft, and The Night Manager this time around is even more instructive in the ways Carre constructs his stories for maximum suspense. Two specific techniques I particularly noticed in my rereading worked to build tension in this deft thriller: his handling of forshadowing and his sculpting of time, particularly delay.

His foreshadowing, I see, is generally a way of increasing suspense in scenes that are otherwise interesting but not particularly suspenseful. They NEVER end the chapter, people who handle the tool inexpertly: "But little did they know of the dangers that lay ahead". It's more to throw a sense of uneasiness into a scene which otherwise wouldn't strike one as particularly suspenseful.

"Some of this freshness may have shown in Jonathan's face, for Mrs. Treathewey has always afterwards maintained that she observed a cockiness about him, what she called a twinkle." A brief jump ahead, looking backwards.

The use of delay is masterful, as when the spy-runner Rooke is waiting for an all important phone call. Carre ramps up the suspense by carrying us through all the phases of waiting--of turning off the air conditioning because it's too loud and opening the window, but finding it's too loud and closing it again, then sweating because he's got neither AC nor fresh air, and then calling the switchboard to tell them he's going to the pool, and then going down, one thing after another, as he worries about the call: "Rooke took little real interest in these things, but a man who is waiting without hope must have something to distract him, or he becomes too morbid for his health. At first he had sat in his room, keeping close to the telephone because he was afraid the clatter of the air-conditioner would drown out its ring..." etc.

This is shaping time, which is what all writers do, but you rarely see it as well done in suspense fiction at Le Carre does it.rereading28 s Left Coast Justin460 138

If I had to pick a favorite among the many excellent novels John Le Carre has written, it would probably be this one. I do not feel he betrayed his readership by abandoning Cold War plots; indeed, as the biggest threats facing society has shifted, Le Carre has bravely shifted in parallel, recognizing that money laundering, drug- and weapons dealing and unchecked erosion of individual rights have supplanted nuclear annihilation as our biggest worries.

Having picked a worthwhile theme (weapons dealing, in this case), Le Carre then generates one of his most interesting heroes yet, a Swiss-British ex-soldier who has become a hotelier. Although ostensibly the struggle here is between Pine and a billionaire dealer, a more interesting struggle is taking place within Pine himself, who must choose between safety and duty; between chivalry and lust; and between the hotelier's tradition of hospitality and bringing a lucrative client to justice.

At one point, as a woman fresh from the bath walks past him, Pine is "nearly ill with desire." How is it that LeCarre is the first author ever to describe it this way? Nailed it.

This book displays the usual brilliance of Le Carre's plotting and writing, and rewards us with his best protagonist.spies27 s4 comments Paul2,172

Jonathan Pine is the Night manager at a luxury hotel in Cairo. A conversation with a guest late one night opens his eyes to the dark underworld of the arms trade; this guest Sophie asks him to pass some documents to the Egyptian authorities, which he does, but he sends a copy onto a friend in MI6 too, even though she warned him that Roper has contact with the British security services. A short while later she is found murdered, and it dawns on Pine that he may be responsible for her death.

Six months later, Pine is now in Switzerland at a new hotel where is slightly surprised to see Roper and his cohorts appear as guests. A little while later he is approached by a man called Burr, who is ex MI6. He has set up a small unit to work against the arms dealers and he wants Pine to help with the sting against Roper. It has to be done outside as Roper has too much influence inside MI6. Pine agrees to go undercover, and starts the process developing new names and details for his story, before heading to the Bahamas. The team orchestrate a fake kidnapping of Ropers son, which Pine plays a key part in the rescue of him, and he gains Ropers confidence and is inducted into his team. Unbeknown to him, there is another spy in the Roper camp, but he is working for the Americans. This guy starts to imply that the current right hand man, Major Corkoran, is not reliable, hoping that Roper will trust more in Pine. The traps are set, but does Roper have enough influence to escape from this one?

This is another classic from le Carré. This is a dark and complicated story, which he has used to shine a light on the shady and dubious world of arms trading. It demonstrates just how much the industry is intertwined with national governments and the security services. The plot is really good too, there are all sorts of deception and betrayals going on, and he has dipped into his knowledge of tradecraft to show how someone can develop a cover. I d the ending as well; le Carré has a way of making his stories much less clear cut than other authors would do so, reflecting that life is messy, problematic and there are not easy solutions regardless of the problem. Great stuff.This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full reviewbooks-read-201627 s Quirkyreader1,600 48

I d the pacing of this novel. It was classic Le Carre. I did have one issue with it though, some of the action scenes seemed a bit muddled. So I had to re-read them to find out how the characters got from point A to point B. There was some connecting of the dots involved.

I havenÂ’t seen the mini-series and I donÂ’t know if I will. For this book had a unique story structure.

19 s Jenny1,959 62

The Night Manager is about courage, redemption and love of country. To run away from his demon and fail marriage Jonathan Pine became a night manager at the Hotel Meister Palace in Zurich. However, Jonathan Pine demon followed him. Jonathan Pine loves his country, so he agrees to become British Secret Agents to find the killer of a woman who died in the Hotel. However, unbeknown to Jonathan the investigation became complicated and would change him forever. The readers of The Night Manager will follow Jonathan Pine to see what happens.

The Night Manager and it was the first book I have read of John le Carré, and I enjoy reading it. John le Carre know how to engage his readers in his plots. I John le Carre portrayal of his characters and the way they entwine with each other. I also enjoy the twist that John le Carre put into the story of The Night Manager. John le Carre does a great job in describing the setting of The Night Manager for his readers.

The readers of The Night Manager will learn about being night manager of Hotel in Zurich. Also, The Night Manager highlights the problems of keeping problems to yourself.

I recommend this bookcrime thriller17 s Barbara K.500 115

Heads up: This review is less about the book itself, than the format of presentation. The book is vintage post-Cold War le Carré, brilliantly confronting the reader with the willingness of those in positions of power to look the other way in the face of large scale corruption that takes advantage of those least able to protect themselves.

“I know their unstinted devotion to the free-market economy, provided it's their freedom and somebody else's economy.” Enough said.

I really wish I had picked a different audio version of this book. Most of the le Carré novels I've listened to have been narrated by the always reliable Michael Jayston. The reader of the version of The Night Manager I just finished (which isn't actually even listed as an option on GR!) is David Case. He uses the same nasally, whiny, drawl for nearly all the male characters, and his female and child voices are unimpressive.

The reason I'm beginning my review with that comment is that his narration actually interfered with my enjoyment of the book. Case's voice was so annoying that I was occasionally tempted to abandon the book and try again another time with a different version. But then the dialog would cease and I would feel a sense of relief as I became caught up, as usual, with le Carré's impressive storytelling.

Because I had already seen the mini-series I couldn't help comparing it with the book. Each version has its strengths. First point to the book, which by its nature, allows more time inside Jonathan Pine's head, exploring his personal history, the events that made him the man he was at the outset of the story. The next goes to the TV series, which has the advantage of showing us Richard Roper's displays of wealth, something le Carré describes in practically Dickensian length.

Even given six hours, the series by necessity had to cut out significant portions of the book. One effect of this was to eliminate the detailed descriptions of the venality of both the "espiocrats" and Roper's circle of business partners and acquaintances. Another was that the tension of Pine's undercover status was condensed in time in the series, though it was certainly still intense.

Finally, I can't help but mention the outstanding cast of the TV series. Tom Hiddleston, Hugh Laurie, and Tom Hollander give vivid performances in the primary male roles. The role of Jed Marshall, Roper's mistress, is successfully transferred from British to American by Elizabeth Debicki. And Leonard Burr, a British spy master actually on the side of the angels, is morphed into Angela Burr, in a standout performance by Olivia Colman.

So there you are. Great story, but my personal experience of it was, on balance, more enjoyable on film than in audio. But then, without reading the book I'd miss those incomparable observations that le Carré seemingly effortlessly slips in:

"...and he remembered how, in Sophie's judgment, "the Worst Man in the World" was a moralist who gained stature in his own eyes by disregarding his perceptions."2023 le-carre-other owned ...more16 s12 comments Katie LumsdenAuthor 2 books3,283

Maybe 3.5. I really enjoyed some aspects of this - the dialogue is superbly written - but I found it took me a while to get into, and some aspects of it (the depiction of women, etc) haven't aged super well since it was written. 14 s NiamaAuthor 14 books8

THE NIGHT MANAGER is, hands down, the BEST spy novel I have ever read. If it has not or did not win a Pulitzer, Le Carre was robbed.

First of all, let me be clear: I _have_ read the best out there. I don't spend _all_ of my free time with the doings of espiocrats, as LeCarre dubs them, but I was willingly transfixed by all three tomes that make up THE BOURNE TRILOGY, and I do not have to close my eyes or be anywhere near THE BOURNE IDENTITY to viscerally remember, at the cellular level, the closing of that brilliant work.

THE NIGHT MANAGER is a different animal altogether however. Jonathan Pine, our protagonist, has not gone out for guts and glory; his military career was a deep and profound function of the almost criminal loss of his parents at young, tender ages. He knew little of his father except that he had an illustrious military career and that that career was the cause of his death. His mother dies soon after of an illness. Before he successfully reaches and negotiates adolescence, he is profoundly and completely alone. Military schools and military service parent him, orient him, yet do not require of him a lifetime commitment.

When we meet him, he is pleasantly serving as the night manager at a wealthy and quite exclusive hotel in Europe. He is not happy, he is not unhappy, he is not even waiting. He has loved one woman and lost her tragically, and he wants to avenge her, yet has had no opportunity to do so. He does not go in pursuit of one, such opportunity presents itself, and when it does, he lunges for it.

He has hated the man, a notorious and disgustingly wealthy criminal at the highest level, since the brutal beating death of this woman he loved. She haunts him, lives deeply inside his soul, spirit, and consciousness, and when service as an agent is required for the chance to send the devil on earth responsible for her death to prison, Jonathan Pine surprises even the espiocrats who hire and train him. Not even they are prepared for his quiet, solitary, deathly, committed service.

What I love most about this character is that he is not loud, boastful, an extrovert. He knows best how to remain by himself. He socializes, but never with intent; he takes nothing from his friends, nor does he give; he doesn't pry, yet if someone needed something important, he would find a way to satisfy their obvious necessity.

He goes out in pursuit of nothing, yet when opportunity walks up to him, he greets it heartily and with the ready potential for murder within the most supple palms of his hands. He does not speak loudly, nor is he happy when love insists on the heart's allegiance; he is furious with himself when a woman captures his attention, and within his own mind, curses both she and himself repeatedly when his body and mind react to her beauty.

Both Burr and all those committed to a lifetime of service within the intelligence community are dumbfounded by all they discover that Pine is capable of achieving. They think they train him, yet are surprised by what he achieves once they set him loose in the field. He is simply the best they have ever seen, and they cannot believe how forcefully and competently he rises to each and every occasion. And he does so without fanfare, bravado, just a quiet intensity and focus that astounds them all.

THE NIGHT MANAGER is also quite the literary spy novel. There were at least 50 words that _I_ needed to look up in a dictionary, and I have three degrees in literature plus one in creative writing--that includes two master's and a doctorate.

The difficulty of the vocabulary and its unapologetic Britishness I found imminently and profoundly refreshing; it was as though I had come home to the books I used to read as a teenager and young adult: challenging, masterful literature written at the highest level. Indeed, THE NIGHT MANAGER is definitely a tome for the Oxford lecture halls; the manner in which scenes are composed and play out equals Eliot, Shakespeare, or even Wideman at their most exceptional. Le Carre puts me in the mind of, say, Baldwin, in terms of the complexity and sophistication of his prose art.

I could quite easily teach an entire seminar on this one novel alone.

To say that I enjoyed reading THE NIGHT MANAGER is an understatement of three millenia. It was old home week; it was a return to literature of the highest caliber; it was discovering Sherlock Holmes all over again at 48.

It was worth every second of every minute that I suffered and watched and waited with Jonathan Pine.

Why? Because joy is our birthright, homeless or no.

Love and blessings,

Dr. Ni
http://www.blowing-up-barriers.com14 s GeraldAuthor 57 books464

I have read [Book:The Night Manager] several times and I can't help seeing Kevin Spacey in the role (even though he's not a Brit). I understood that the movie version was set some years ago--Sidney Pollack to direct and Robert Towne to do the script--then it fell through for those unspecified "creative differences." I don't know whether Kevin was being considered.

Then I heard Le Carre speak and someone asked him about the movie project. He said he was barred from discussing it because of his contract with the studio but did admit that the project ended badly. I do hope it gets resurrected.

I believe this is Le Carre's best book since the George Smiley trilogy. I don't much care for the descriptions of torture. Including that kind of material always seems to me as though the author were taking the advice of an agent who wants a big movie sale. The book would be just as powerful without it. Or is brutality just an expected element of the modern spy thriller? The popularity of Bourne would make you think so, but Le Carre's work rises to the level of the best literary fiction, whereas I don't think Ludlum's does.

I will admit, however, that the torture is organic to the plot. As any fan of Le Carre's might suspect, it's all about taking the consequences for your own betrayals. The punishment did fit the crime, however unintended or in the line of duty.

The old triangle trade was slaves for molasses for rum. The subject of this book is arms for cocaine for laundered money. You can learn a lot about the complexities of international economics in the gray market, and you'll wonder what your friendly local banker is really doing with your hard-earned deposits.

Also that boat. Dickie Roper's yacht rivals Larry Ellison's. Big enough to land a helicopter on it. The life of the "yachties" in the Caribbean reads something out of GQ or Vanity Fair. Makes delicious fantasy.

I suspect that there was someone dear in Le Carre's life named Jemima because the name figures prominently both here and in The Perfect Spy.13 s Briar's Reviews2,006 536

I really wanted to read The Night Manager by John le Carré because of the miniseries. I'm that weirdo who s to read the book first. Why not? I found it cheap on Book Outlet and I love a good spy thriller. Or maybe I don't?

This book kind of put me off spy thrillers. It was long, slow and boring. I love a good spy thriller that keeps you engaged and isn't written to the point of boredom. There was so much explanation, so much random dialogue and content it just was dull. I couldn't get into it. I kept sloshing through it hoping that it might pick up... and it didn't really until the last quarter of the book. I was bored silly! It's a real shame too because everyone I know loves John! They all talk so highly of his books (including this one). It's just not my type of book, which is totally okay.

I think this will be a great miniseries, but the book just didn't translate for me.

One out of five stars.british crime-mystery-suspense fiction ...more13 s Josie BrownAuthor 65 books566

I consider myself a John le Carre aficionado, and this is, hands down, my favorite thus far.

We anticipate that his espionage and political threads are strong and tightly drawn. However, what is the true joy of this novel is the emotional depth of le Carre's hero, Jonathan. Driven by retribution and revenge, we get a man (as opposed to an automaton) with heart and soul as well as the obligatory skills of a spy.

In THE NIGHT MANAGER, le Carre's prose is poetry, as exemplified when Jonathan, caught in an act of espionage, makes love to the anti-heroine (whom he covets, but thus far has never touched) by telling her: "I'm obsessed by you. I can't get you out of my head. I don't mean I'm in love with you. I sleep with you, I wake up with you, I can't clean my teeth without cleaning yours as well and most of the time I'm quarreling with you. There's no logic to it, there's no pleasure to it. I haven't heard you express a single thought worth a damn, and most of what you say is affected bilge. Yet every time I think of something funny, I need you to laugh at it, and when I'm low it's you I need to cheer me up. I don't know who you are, if you're anyone at all. Or whether you're here for the beer or because you're wildly in love with Roper. And I'm sure you don't know either. I think you're a total mess. but that doesn't put me off. Not at all. It makes me indignant, it makes me a fool it makes me want to wring your neck. But that's just part of the package."

Trust me, it works. And if you don't get it, then seriously, you just don't get le Carre. 12 s Roman Clodia2,615 3,549

It's fairly unusual for me to have come to a book after seeing the film/TV version as I tend to have read books first but in this case the two versions are complementary to each other and both have strengths and weaknesses. The recent BBC version is fairly faithful to the first part of the book, though it misses out a whole episode in Quebec where Pine is creating a backstory for himself. The book also pads out the relationship between Pine and Jed (English here) and allows us into his thoughts making him far less opaque than Tom Hiddleston's character. The really interesting change is in the ending which, of course, I don't want to discuss for fear of spoilers but le Carré creates something far more subtle and nuanced than the BBC, which adds to the unsettling dynamic between Pine and Roper that fuels the book at the beneath-the-plot level.

With all the forensic attention to detail that we expect from le Carré as well as moral ambiguities worthy of Graham Greene, and some stand-out characters (beautifully realised, for the most part, by the BBC series) this is a complicated tale of politics, guilt and redemption. It perhaps doesn't have the emotional intensity of the Karla trilogy or books the superlative The Constant Gardener but it is an engrossing tale that transfers beautifully to the present day.12 s Laura6,984 583

From BBC 01 Player:
Attempting to help a well-connected guest, hotel night manager Jonathan Pine is drawn into the world of arms dealer Richard Roper.

1/6: Hotel night manager Jonathan Pine receives a plea for help from a well-connected guest. His actions draw him into the world of Richard Roper, a businessman and arms dealer.

2/6: On the Mediterranean island of Mallorca, Roper's life of luxury and calm is shattered. Six months earlier, Burr continues her recruitment of Pine, sending him to Devon to build his cover story.

3/6: While he continues to recuperate in Roper's villa, Pine starts to dig up secrets about the other members of the household. Meanwhile, Burr and Steadman seize on an opportunity to recruit a new asset.

4/6: Roper welcomes Pine into his inner circle, leaving Corky out in the cold. Meanwhile, Burr has concerns for the safety of her source when she suspects key information has been leaked to the River House.

5/6: A suspicious Roper gathers his entourage around him in an attempt to root out the traitor, forcing Pine to play a dangerous game.

6/6: Roper and his team return to Cairo for the deal, reuniting Pine with an old enemy. A discredited Burr makes one last stand.

http://www.theguardian.com/books/2016...audio-books british-literature espionage ...more13 s The Escapist Reader191 13

3 out of 5 stars

Since, I finaly got the chance to write this (almost a month after finishing the book), I'll keep it as short as possible. I gave this book 3 stars because I felt it was lacking in certain areas. I will admit that, as far as plot goes, it is a very well-thought-out book and that the author knows how to set the mood, despite his elaborate writing style. However, I cannot get on board with paper cut-out female characters and two-dimensional secondary characters that exist just for the sake of existing. The use of certain stereotypes, that in my opinion came to define one character in particular, bothered me, in the sense that they weren't addressed in the entirety of the book. In conclusion, I would reccommend this if you are into political/spy thrillers and want to give le Carré a go. If you are intimidated by the length of the book, allow me to reccommend the series it was made into by the BBC, which I thoroughly enjoyed.

Happy reading!

P.S. This isn't so short after all... Oh, well!11 s Kristy87 83

This book says TV-tie in on the cover, but itÂ’s the actual text of the original book. I made sure that I wasnÂ’t reading a book based on the movie before I started it. I really dis books based on the movie. I want the actual book the original author wrote. kindle library mystery ...more16 s Belinda Vlasbaard3,326 77

4 stars - English Ebook

Quote: Jonathan’s point of vantage was a small recess between the hotel’s two elegant showcases, both of them displaying ladies’ fashions. Adèle of the Bahnhofstrasse was offering a sable stole over a female dummy whose only other protection was a gold bikini bottom and a pair of coral earrings, price on application to the concierge. The clamor against the use of animal furs these days is as vocal in Zurich as in other cities of the Western world, but the Meister Palace paid it not a blind bit of notice. The second showcase—­by César, wise of the Bahnhofstrasse—­preferred to cater for the Arab taste, with a tableau of lusciously embroidered gowns and diamanté turbans and jeweled wristwatches at sixty thousand francs a shot. Flanked by these wayside shrines to luxury, Jonathan was able to keep a crisp eye on the swing doors.

He was a compact man but tentative, with a smile of apologetic self-­protection. Even his Englishness was a well-­kept secret. He was nimble and in his prime of life. If you were a sailor you might have spotted him for another, recognized the deliberate economy of his movements, the caged placing of the feet, one hand always for the boat. He had trim curled hair and a pugilist’s thick brow. The pallor of his eyes caught you by surprise. You expected more challenge from him, heavier shadows.

And this mildness of manner within a fighter’s frame gave him a troubling intensity. You would never during your stay in the hotel confuse him with anybody else: not with Herr Strippli, the creamy-­haired front-­of-­house manager, not with one of Herr Meister’s superior young Germans, who strode through the place gods on their way to stardom somewhere else. As a hotelier Jonathan was complete. You did not wonder who his parents were or whether he listened to music or kept a wife and children or a dog. His gaze as he watched the door was steady as a marksman’s. He wore a carnation. At night he always did. -

John le Carré, the legendary author of sophisticated spy thrillers, is at the top of his game in this classic novel of a world in chaos.

With the Cold War over, a new era of espionage has begun. In the power vacuum left by the Soviet Union, arms dealers and drug smugglers have risen to immense influence and wealth.

The sinister master of them all is Richard Onslow Roper, the charming, ruthless Englishman whose operation seems untouchable.Slipping into this maze of peril is Jonathan Pine, a former British soldier whoÂ’s currently the night manager of a posh hotel in Zurich.

Having learned to hate and fear Roper more than any man on earth, Pine is willing to do whatever it takes to help the agents at Whitehall bring him down—and personal vengeance is only part of the reason why.

The author has created an excellent baddie in the wealthy arms dealer Richard Roper, who together with his henchmen.
Particularly the marvellously wicked Major Corkoran, crisscross the planet in luxury in the furtherance of their ruthless trade.

To bring him down we have Jonathan Pine, the haunted son of a soldier and night manager of a Swiss hotel.

As the story progresses it brings in the government agencies of Pure Intelligence and Enforcement. It avoids the mention of MI6 by name, instead using the term ‘The River House’. Indeed, considering how much of the plot involves the inner workings of the British government, little mention is made of explicit departmental or Cabinet roles.

A minister is involved, but of which department things remain vague. For the American input, however, there is little such ambiguity.

Prepare to be propelled into a viscerally rendered backdrop of Caribbean islands, superyachts, Egypt, drizzly Whitehall, Swiss mountains, the Cornish coastline, and Ireland during the Troubles. Pine’s motivation is a combination of his loyalty to country and his love for two beautiful women, both of whom are the lovers of wicked men. This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full reviewe-book-kindle-in-bezit in-bezit thriller10 s Tony Dutton43 7

Brilliant thriller and loved the TV series10 s Claire Strong15 2

This took me a while to get into. Let's hope the TV series keeps me awake longer than the book did!9 s Alma667

The Pelican Brief, John Grisham

Taut thriller about a young law student whose legal brief about the assassination of two Supreme Court justices causes her to be targeted by killers.

She realizes just how accurate her accusations have been when her lover and mentor is murdered.

Forced to go on the run in New Orleans, she is aided by a journalist who helps her unravel a conspiracy involving senior government figures.

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Two of the American Supreme Court are murdered on the same night! The list of potential suspects is endless, but when the brilliant (and beautiful) law student Darby Shaw shares her detailed speculative 'Pelican Brief' with her lecturer lover who shares it with his FBI connections, her entire life is blown apart... literally! Darby can't trust anyone, her people, the cops, the federal authorities, the media, because her brief pointed a finger at Washington!

Despite almost the entire male cast lusting over Darby, this a work ahead of its time with a woman lead in a mostly man's world having the smarts and instincts to stay alive and eventually maybe have her say. A gripping and compelling game of cat and mouse, that is that more absorbing because it has multiple points of view including those of the assassin and the White House. These earlier Grisham books... I can see why they made his career! An 8 out of 12 Four Star read.

2024 readthrills-spills-kills-oh-my143 s14 comments Cathie269

I worked at a law firm where part of the movie was filmed. When Julia Roberts's character goes into a law firm to ask for a particular lawyer only to find out that he no longer works there and she leaves, that is my old firm. It is an ornate marble lobby with a small stream of water in the middle of the lobby. She goes through a glass door and can either go up an escalator or up some stairs to the reception desk, which overlooks the lobby. The walls are all glass and she can see across the floor into the conference room where the receptionist goes. I had just interviewed there before I saw the movie and was having major deja vu while watching the movie.71 s Paul E186 65

This is the third time I've read this. The last was ten years ago (the first 1992). So I obviously have d it. But today it feels almost antiquated in its mentality and character attitude. I still think It's a good suspense legal thriller but with some porous character choices for 2020. Probably not for 1992. AND: For some reason I dont believe the characters "love" interest in the end. It just doesnt fit with the "Strong female character"that was created. It starts to reek of the damsel in distress stock character. I think 'Darby' would have gone off on her own. It would have made a much better character choice. More exciting and dangerous and independent, leaving any romantic connection (if so inclined) to the imagination.

A 5 star novel in 1992
A 4 star novel in 2020
;-)This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review49 s Piyangie542 619

This was a superb read. It is well plotted and developed. I really loved the character of Darby Shaw, a young, brave, brilliant minded law student. This was the first time I came across a female lead in a John Grisham Novel. The story is a quick page turner with heart racing action and suspense. I felt that I was with Darby Shaw every step of the way. I felt her pain, her anger, her frustration and shared her determination to bring on justice.

Being in the legal field myself, I always admired his ability to show the negative side of justice and the manipulative hand the politicians have over the justice system. To that end, the Pelican Brief is the best I have read. Grisham is a genius in creating such realistic characters in his books which make us readers so connected with them. His characters have always been felt so close to our hearts and Darby Shaw is no exception.

I really this story and the characters. The reading was extremely pleasant, enjoyable and satisfying. Anyone who is interested in action, suspense with a legal surrounding must surely check this out.contemporary legal-thrillers my-library42 s Karen1,946 482

This is another book I read long ago that I am now bringing my review to Goodreads.

What can I say in one or two words or more?

Gripping. Compelling. Suspenseful legal thriller.

Did you read this before the movie? I hope so. Yes, the movie with Denzel Washington and Julia Roberts was lovely (okay, probably exciting), but, the book, was by far much, much better.

This one baits you and then lures you in.

So many intricate ins and outs to it that it was hard to put down.

Can we even imagine the murders of Supreme Court justices? Why did it happen? What decision is coming before the court, that has someone so nervous that they would feel the need to eliminate/murder Supreme Court justices? Or a constitutional-law professor?

What can a Washington Post reporter discover from the lover/student of the professor who was murdered?

So much to unravel here. Worth your time, I believe.action-packed adventurous book-discussion-perfect ...more43 s Annet570 855

Read it years ago, remember I d it, entertaining read. I used to reading Grisham's books, maybe I'll try a new one soon, sort of lost track of all the books he wrote in the past years.crime wilderness-books-can-usa37 s Kiersten625 41

This book was a lot more suspenseful and entertaining than I thought it would be. I don't know why I thought it would be so boring, since John Grisham is so popular. It was incredibly suspenseful at parts. It was the first book I'd read by Grisham, so I really didn't know what was coming. I had three problems with it: 1) Although, I said, the book as a whole was really suspenseful, I thought the end was a bit anticlimatic. 2) The environmentalism was a bit heavy handed. I'm all about preserving the environment, but I don't being hit over the head by it. Darby could get a bit preachy at times. 3) I didn't think that Darby was a very good characterization. She didn't feel real. Towards the end she said something , "It's not fair; we used my brains, looks, and legs, and you get all the glory." Despite whatever Grisham's fantasies may be, women do not talk that, nor do they obsess over their legs and toenails as much as Darby did, and if they do, everyone hates them. But all in all it was a great book. 36 s Rob511 139

A stand alone by John Grisham published in 1993

John Grisham doesnÂ’t always get it right but on this occasion he most definitely did.

Darby Shaw, a young law student with a promising future ahead of her, was shocked, the rest of the legal profession, to her core when she heard of the assassination of two Supreme Court judges.
There seemed to be no rhyme or reason for the assassinationsÂ’. The local police, the FBI and the CIA are all involved in the hunt for the killer but are getting nowhere.
Darby decided to test herself by putting her considerable intellect to the task of finding an answer. What she comes up with is considered interesting but implausible. What Darby didnÂ’t know was that she had just scratched a pimple that is now turning septic.
Darby soon realised that her brief was a lot more than a hypothetical when people she loved and cared about start dying.

What follows is a classic cat and mouse thriller. The bad guys want Darby dead and Darby, alone and friendless, is running for her life.
Not sure of whom she can trust but realising that she needs help and lots of it puts her faith in Gray Grantham, a reporter from the Washington Post, who is one of the few people who really believes that Darby is in grave danger.

Surprisingly, thereÂ’s lot of lawyers but not a courtroom in sight.

This is a by the seat of your pants thriller the tension just keeps mounting and mounting.

A great 4 star read.

stand-alone-thrillers32 s Mahdi Lotfi447 116

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??? ?? ???????? ?? ?? ?? ?? ????? ???? ???? ?? ??? ????? ?? ??? ????? ??? ?? ??? ??? ???? ? FBI ?? ????? ???? ???. ???? ?????? ?? ?????? ???? ????? ???? ????? ????? ?? ???? ??? ?? ?????? ????? ?? ????? ?? ???? ?? ???? ??? ?? ??? ?????? ?????? ?? ???? ????. ? ?? ???? ???????. ??? FBI ???? ????? ?????? ?? ????? ?? ???? ?????? ?? ????? ?? ???? ??????. ?? ??? ??? ??? ??????? ????? ???, ?? ???? ???? ???? ?????? ???? ??? ?? ? ????? ?? ?? ???? ???? ????? ?? ???? ??? ?? ????? ???? ??? ???? ?????? ?? ????? ????? ????. ?? ???? ????? ?????? ?? ??? ???? ??????? ??? ??? ????? ?????? ?????. ??? ?????? ????? ?????? ??? ???? ??? ? ????? ????? ????? ??? ???? ???.
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Come on, Director. In two hundred and twenty years, we've assassinated four Presidents, two or three candidates, a handful of civil rights leaders, couple of governors, but never a Supreme Court Justice. And now, in one night, within two hours, two are assassinated. And you're not convinced they're related? (PG 26)

That quote above is why I even read political thrillers. They tend to say things that we think but are too scared to actually think about. This was good but it also had lots of cheesy moments with the main character. Of course, she had to be a hot law student that everyone drooled over.

Overall, it was enjoyable and not overly long. Grisham shows us how the law tends to work for the rich, the laws apply differently to everyone, and the ones who try to uncover the truth end up in their own body bag. There's so much to say about politics and real journalism but that would involve my opinion no one cares about and probably writing a book instead of a book review.

No Pelicans were harmed in the novel. Actually, there were no Pelicans at all. They were just used to try and win a case by those mosquitoes with briefcases (The Bee Movie> LOL)33 s Tina Suraj23 3

My first Grisham novel and probably my last. The book was much too formulaic and a bit dull (not for an avid mystery reader and an adrenaline junkie)though at certain points it was a fast page turner. The plot was really weak. Maybe this environmental conspiracy plot was breakthrough in the 90s but in 2010, it's a tad bit overused and overdone. What made this book unbearable was Grisham characterization of Darby. She is the generic 90s heroine...extremely smart, absolutely stunning, with a spunky attitude with zero faults...making her unrelatable. And her romance with Callahan and Grantham was oh-so-predicatable. Apparently, for Grisham, damsel in distress always needs to be attached to a white knight. suspense33 s Michael FinocchiaroAuthor 3 books5,856

I read this when it came out and I was a restless teenager. I never saw the movie. I only gave it three stars because I remember it being exciting but still considered it pulp fiction. Perhaps the topic of assassinated Supreme Court justices over environmentalism will become a more relevant topic soon and it merits a re-read? Or not. american-20th-c crime-lit made-into-movie ...more33 s Krystal1,929 424

Disappointing for a Grisham book, but still enough to keep me hanging on.

From the get-go, I was kind of bored. It went straight into politics which is possibly my least favourite subject ever to read about so it really got me on the wrong foot.

There's a double murder to get things rolling, but beyond the murders themselves it was actually so mundane to read about. The number of agents, lawyers, politicians etc getting involved was ridiculous and there was no way I could actually keep track of who was who.

The story centres around a law student who writes a brief outlining a left-field suspect for the murders, and after word about it reaches the FBI, people start dying.

It SOUNDED it was going to be intense but there was just way too much politicking for me.

The length of time it took to tell the story was unnecessary - this would have been more effective as a novella with less names.

There were some really cool moments, though, and every time I thought I was just about done with it, something crazy happened and I was drawn back in again.

Real mixed feelings, I guess. My lasting impression was that it was too long and kinda boring in parts, but with enough drama to help me push through.crime-suspense to-re-home24 s Elyse309 20

I'll begin by saying that I used to love John Grisham's books. I read four or five, started to get a little tired of the same old plot line, and by the time I got to this book, my tenth or eleventh Grisham book, I was just thoroughly annoyed.

Grisham has good plots, that can't be denied. But the plot doesn't begin until somewhere between pages 150 and 200. And it's always a variation of the same story: a man is in trouble, a gorgeous, seductive woman needs saving, and so the man saves both himself and the woman, the bad guys get their comeuppance, and the two improbable lovebirds live happily ever after, 600 repetitive pages later.

I find John Grisham's books to be sexist. I'll just say it. I know it won't make me popular, but there it is. His female characters are all outrageously sexual, earth-shatteringly beautiful, and lusting after the main male character with a Romeo-and-Juliet intensity. The male is always the main character, he always has to protect the woman, and he's always imperfect. Cheats on his wife, alcohol addict, greedy, sleazy, or possessing some other deep character flaw. But the goddesses Grisham creates still want these men, who in turn seem to treat them as objects. The women always flirt relentlessly, seem to have a peculiar aversion to bras, and are also helpless in some way.

It's the same thing with this book. Gorgeous, unbelievably attractive law student, who also happens to be a hard-working genius, is sleeping with her fifty-something college professor. But he's not using her, he's in love with her. And she's in love with him right back. But when he kicks the bucket, she meets a thirty-something reporter who falls in love with her before he even meets her, just by seeing her picture, and guess what? She's cool with that. Goes right ahead and sleeps with him, too, because apparently that's how John Grisham thinks women act.

I'll just end this review by saying that I won't be reading any more Grisham books, and that I think he should write realistic, independent women into his future novels, and drop his offensive, sexist portrayals of women. This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review21 s1 comment Raymond384 284

I read this book when I was a freshman in high school. I was looking for a book to read for a book report in my English class and the librarian suggested that I read The Pelican Brief. I read it and the rest is history. 15 years and 36 books later, I'm still reading Grisham's books. He is my favorite author and it all started with this novel.

20 s Jonathan K (Max Outlier)711 156

One of the great Grisham stories, its engaging, evocative and fast paced. The author's expertise in the legal realm pushes the boundaries of this story. It's difficult not to enjoy his work if for no other reason than reader engagement. That said, this is on par with "The Firm" and others affording it appeal across all genres. 20 s Emma Jane234 83

4 stars. ????????
I was so intrigued by this plot, the story had me engaged throughout and I really enjoyed it. Highly recommend if youÂ’re a fan of John GrishamÂ’s work! 18 s Fabiola118 11

Unbelievable characters and for a thriller the novel was quite tedious. mystery thriller19 s Leo4,559 485

The plot sounded interesting but I ended up feeling rather bored by it as it didn't grab me enough. It was OK but not really my thing. But it was still well written18 s ????? ?????Author 55 books1,379

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Too stupid of me to not finish this book. I was college then. What. Was. I. Thinking.dnf17 s Phil1,980 201

This novel helped cement Grisham firmly on the NYT's bestseller lists and was quickly turned into a blockbuster movie. Published 30 years ago, does it still captivate? Well, yes and no. This is a 'big picture' thriller, with characters ranging from the head of the FBI and CIA, the POTUS, investigative journalists and law professors. The story kicks off when two Supreme Court Justices are assassinated in D.C.; one an old liberal holdover (kinda RBG) and a somewhat flaky middle aged man. Why take out two justices? That is the driving question of the novel.

While the D.C. events are happening, Grisham switches to law school in New Orleans and focuses upon a law prof-- Callahan-- and his star student/lover Darby. Callahan loved the old liberal Justice that got offed and goes on a drunk. Darby, however, is curious. Why take out these two judges? Is there perhaps some case due to go the Supreme Court that someone wants different judges to sit on? Probing that, she comes up with the Pelican Brief; a hypothesis that concerns a long-term lawsuit whose principles may be just crazy enough to off some Justices. Through a rather circumventionist route, the Brief makes its way to D.C. and even the FBI. Well, long story short, Callahan shortly thereafter eats a car bomb and Darby goes on the run...

Grisham pithy dialogue and fast pacing really moves this one along nicely, as any decent thriller should. Yes, he keeps you guessing for some time regarding the people behind the Brief, and also explores some nasty behind the door politics among the white house, the FBI and the CIA. Good stuff all around. While thrillers never tend to age well, the politics depicted here have-- money in politics, conservatives wanting to abolish abortion (yeah
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