
Justice Returns: A Classic Western Series With Heart de John Deacon

de John Deacon - Género: English
libro gratis Justice Returns: A Classic Western Series With Heart


To reach the future he desires, he must unlock the past he can’t remember.

Justice heads to a wild Colorado boomtown to uncover his forgotten life and track down the powerful crime boss Ruble Cochran.

But in Leadville, nothing is simple. Every answer leads to new questions, and Justice faces Cochran’s gang, including the mysterious killer known only as The Dragon.

Can Justice take down a crime syndicate, uncover his past, and find a way to marry Nora Eckert?

Justice Returns is another classic John Deacon Western with a touch of romance.


"John Deacon writes the kind of Westerns I like to read--gritty and fun with lots of heart." - Don Bentley, New York Times Bestselling author of the Matt Drake series and Tom Clancy Jack Ryan, Jr. books

About the Author

I was born six months before man landed on the moon. I was blessed to grow up in the country, where my family lived largely off the land. 
When I wasn't fishing, exploring the woods, or weeding the garden, I devoured comic books like Two-Gun Kid and The Rawhide Kid before moving on to the exciting adventure stories of Jack London and Louis L'Amour. 
Our black-and-white TV got three channels, though you could lose one and pick up another if you went outside and messed with the antenna. On its grainy screen, we watched Gunsmoke, Bonanza, and movies starring John Wayne and Clint Eastwood.

Now a husband and father, I love exploring the West and reading history and fiction alike. My favorite authors are Louis L'Amour, Elmore Leonard, C.J. Petit, and R.O. Lane.
As a writer, I hope to entertain you with fun stories of the old West. My good guys are good, my bad guys are bad, and you'll always find a touch of romance to sweeten the grit.

To know when I release new books, hit the FOLLOW button below my picture.

Reseñas Varias sobre este libro

This was another fun western novel in the Justice series. I loved the first book, but only d this one. It felt a little repetitive at times, and Justice's original family was not as likable as Nora and her son were in the first book. I rarely read or listen to sequels because they tend to be formulaic. This did follow a similar formula. Not sure I will listen to book #3, but then again, I might one day feel an old fashioned western with classic heroes and evil villains.1 Darren286 3

Hey there book lovers! It is your old pard, Ninetoes, rounding up a review of John Deacon’s Justice Returns (Silent Justice Book 2). I got my cowboy hat on, coffee in my system so let’s do this!

Spoiler alert, I am still in a Western mood. Those of you who follow this blog will probably be saying “No! Really?” Really.

Justice returns in book 2 of the Silent Justice series, and he is on the trail of his past and the men who killed his father. He ends up in Leadville, Colorado, and is on the radar of crime boss Ruble Cochran. It turns out that Cochran is on Justice’s radar as well. Along the way, Justice learns his name, and pieces of his past fall into place. He finds his brother and cousin who tell him about the Silent Justices and their mission. They are not hired killers, they are the hammer of justice. This becomes evident when a neighbor of the Bullard’s has not been heard from. Justice and his cousin go to investigate. A shootout ensues, and one of the gang is writhing on the ground. He is soon killed by Justice’s brother. The brother tells his cousin “Dragging these women through a trial to relive the horrors that were done to them is not justice. This is.” or words to that effect.

This one is another fast-paced book. It can easily be read in an evening. It took me three hours between two nights of reading to finish it. The writing is smooth, the action lightning fast, the heroes are relatable, and the bad guys are detestable.

One of the problems I had with this was that things went too well when I felt the rug should have been pulled out from under the main character. Yes, he experienced pain and is not superhuman, but in the essence of everyday life, things that should have gone to hell in a handbasket were handled with an “Aw shucks.” attitude.

All in all I give this 4 bookmarks out of 5.

Happy reading.1 1 comment david smith david is my husband and i cant get him to read a book because he is to bussy taking care of me. im pretty m.uch bed riden . hope to change20 2


I don't think I have read a book as good as this series in a long time and I r
Sad all the t
Ime.you see I'm mostly held risen negative a hard life and taking care of my brother who was during of liver falure. He was 6-6 when he died at the age of 62 that was in 2007. I went tho breast Cancer had 16 limp nodes removed and that was due to a doc who fixed me a medicine that caused the cancekr. Then in 2017 I had to have a ilistomy due to a birth defect.I was born a twin and the twin didn't develop and I got all of her intestion s . after the cancer surgery I lost all my te!wth due to the radiation. I can't afford the cost of the teeth implants. So I probably won't live to much longer. All I enjoy doing is reading.I have 3 kindle books so I can have it read to me.I have a eye problems. Thank God for some of the new technology but not all. I think Facebook and tweeter is evil to our children ,slot of bad things comes from them being on Facebook .that's one thing that should be ban to our teenager's. Thank u for hrs of e!enjoyment. Can't wait till next book. Jon SvensonAuthor 9 books100

In book two Justice goes to Leadville to find Cochran, along with some answers to his past. Had he been married? Did he have family? And so on. He finds those answers and a lot more.

Once again the editing is excellent. It's a short book and a quick read but a lot of fun along the way. Justice is who he is, and he isn't going to change for anyone. Which might cause problems for him now. Meanwhile, the bad guys have someone special in their employee who throws needles to great effect. This adds to the challenge Justice faces in hunting down Cochran.

Of course, just in NCIS, Justice wants to know the name of the person who's leading the operation. Cochran is a target for sure, but he's small fry compared to the leader. I've already picked up book three to find out what happens next.

Recommended. 5/5* action-adventure romance slice-of-life ...more Kristine2,742 34

4.5 Stars
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