
Abhorrent Siren de John Baltisberger

de John Baltisberger - Género: English
libro gratis Abhorrent Siren


Something is mutating the aquatic wildlife on the South Texas border, making the animals larger, hungrier, and more vicious. Something is mutating the people of Texas, turning them into cannibalistic monsters driven by their basest instincts to feed, nest, and reproduce. Something approaches San Antonio, shaking the earth with each step, driving the mutating power forth and poisoning everything it comes across. Something...abhorrent. An extreme horror novel from the author of War of Dictates and Blood & Mud


"Abhorrent, aberrant, and emetic, John Baltisberger's creature carnage lures you with a siren song you won't be able to resist—even as you gag and mutate." -- Ryan Harding (Genital Grinder, Pandemonium, The Night Stockers).

About the Author

John Baltisberger is an author of speculative and genre fiction that often focuses on Jewish Elements. Through his writing, he has explored themes of mysticism, faith, sin, and personal responsibility. He lives in Austin, TX with his wife and his daughter.Though mostly known for his bizarre blend of Jewish mysticism and splatter, John defies being labeled under any one genre. His work has spanned extreme horror, urban fantasy, science fiction, cosmic horror, epic verse, and he has even written a guide for mindful meditation.While relatively new to the writing community, (his first book was published in 2018) John has become known for his work in verse, having worked in both extremely short works and massive novella-length poetic epics. He continues to work to push himself to explore new avenues of expression and horror literature.

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The story itself wasn’t bad and you could tell that the author had a lot of fun writing it. There is plenty of violence, monsters, and chaos. I did feel this book could have been at least doubled and allowed to breathe a bit more than it was. It came off a bit clunky, which again was probably due to the brevity, the verbiage seemed oddly placed at times, and there are a glaring amount of typos and grammatical errors throughout. So I found myself focusing on those more often than the story itself. I’m also not a big fan of open-ended conclusions, especially with such a short book. But it’s a quick read, the writing itself isn’t terrible and the story is pretty straightforward.42 s Regina WattsAuthor 92 books193

Gave me flashbacks to the STD slideshow we got in sex ed. Great kaiju-body horror-apocalypse mash-up from John Baltisberger!18 s Horror Bookworm Reviews456 155

Horror Bookworm Reviews…

Marine and Aquatic scientists discover an unknown form of zoological amphibian near the Texas/Mexican border. This discovery of a mutating species initiates a contamination on the population of The Lone Star state and beyond. While the disease unfolds, the carnage begins. The inhuman screams echo throughout all city streets and rural suburbs as the affliction becomes all too real.

Splatterpunk nominee John Baltisberger presents his twisted intellect, painting images of biological evolutions. Using these visionary strokes of genius, John provides bio-luminescent creatures, spider predators and mammoth Kaiju monsters. This experimentation of mutated horror sweeps all angles of fictional horror for the reader. From chemically laced monstrosities to gruesome attempts of survival, this fatal pandemic infects the contaminated with a hunger for bone, flesh and blood.

Adapting unnatural ideas into a twisted mass of contorted images is an obvious strength of Baltisberger. His ingredients of bile, bone and viscera make up a recipe specifically geared towards a baked gore platter served on each and every page.

If you Barker, Lovecraft and the unpredictability of George R.R. Martin you will want to sink your cross pollinated talons into this one. Not since watching The Thing have I wanted to stand up and cheer for a unique addition to the horror community. Abhorrent Siren has all the nightmarish shocks and chaotic terror to qualify as a must read for all horror fans. Believe me…you do not want to miss out on this one. A strong five star ?? ???????? Horror Bookworm Recommendation.7 s Rayne HavokAuthor 40 books581

This is a pretty fantastic monster story. Tons of gory, bloody fun throughout. I don't think I would change a thing, great pacing and content. I think you guys should be reading this author, he's very talented. 7 s DAAuthor 8 books109

Wild, violent, disturbing and grusome. All the things I look for in a book. The descriptions of the creatures were beyond anything I could have imagined myself. This is not a book with a happy ending. 4 s Nikolas RobinsonAuthor 33 books90

Abhorrent Siren takes Baltisberger's love of kaiju and elevates it to a new level beyond what readers had witnessed from previous titles Blood & Mud and the epic poem, War of Dictates. This book is truly the love letter to the body horror and giant monster genres readers didn't even know they needed.
It's all too easy to get excited watching kaiju movies while never conceiving of the desperation and terror of those in the path of whatever horrifying monstrosity is lumbering their way. All too often, we witness those tales from the perspectives of individuals at a safe distance or the larger-scale perspective of the monsters themselves. Abhorrent Siren is not one of those stories. This book is Cloverfield rather than Pacific Rim. We are not on even footing with the creature slithering its slimy way North across Texas. We are not at any sort of remove from the horrific events taking place, at least not for long.
This is not to say that we aren't provided with some perspective from those analyzing the situation and struggling to find both an explanation and a solution. Following the scientists, as they race against both the clock and the toxic mist exuded from the monstrous axolotl, to share their findings with those who might be able to do something is fascinating and rife with harrowing experiences along the way.
As we receive intimate, first-hand experiences of the body horror happening at ground level in advance of the creature's arrival, we find ourselves equally horrified and disgusted by the transformations taking place both in mind and body. As readers, we are never allowed to forget the afflicted--while malformed and misshapen in every conceivable way--were once human beings. That constant reminder that these were once people serves to make the events all the more awful.
The author wasn't satisfied simply to write a violent, breakneck-paced monster story. As with other material from Baltisberger, there are layers of subtext and social commentary laced within his viscerally poetic imagery. Embedded within what is a captivating--sometimes alarming--tale of grotesque, splattery horror, one will find a scathing meta-commentary on the opioid epidemic plaguing America. As we witness Barbara's inability to escape the nightmare unfolding around her in her attempts to distance herself from the clinic, the commentary becomes all the more poignant.
Just wait until you reach the point in the story when Barbara comes home to Owen. It's all downhill from there in the most gloriously, gratuitously disgusting way--especially after she brings another partner back with her.2 s Dakota Dawe195 8

What do you get when you mix body horror, cannibals, and kaijus? You get Abhorrent Sirens, a book that truly captures the chaos that disasters bring with them. Parts of this book left me panicked and had my fight or flight senses kicking in. When the shit hits the fan, it does not let up. No one is safe, and no one is prepared. The best part is that out of all creatures that could have caused such a devastating catastrophe, it turns out to be an axolotl. An axolotl!!! Baltisberger somehow found a way to have one of the cutest, derpiest animals on the planet be horrifying.2 s Zachary AshfordAuthor 10 books80

A tonne of creature feature fun. Gory, action-packed, and at times disgusting, it's got elements of kaiju, influences from zombie horror, heavy body-horror tones, and even some Mist-type vibes. I raced through it.2 s Nat WhistonAuthor 31 books45

This story had everything I could ever dream of, a beautiful mix of zombie esk outbreak and giant monster mayhem. John took the cutest looking Animal I know, second of course to otters. The axolotl contorted and changed it into the stuff of nightmares; John mastered a gripping story. But there are so many subtle undertones that make it very different to your regular monster story. For starters, there's the story of Mike and how he has been struggling with raising his daughter Abby while caring for a wife addicted to painkillers. Drugs play a significant part in this story, from Barbara working at the run-down clinic to how opioids affect the area And wildlife. But it's not just drugs of an illegal nature. He also looks at the medicines that are prescribed. In a day and age where most people are medicated, the reader thinks about how experimental drugs for pain treatment can have varying side effects. It's also a survival story, how people react when put in a life or death situation.
how Barbara steals the ambulance to get away and disregards the safety of those in the way. The way that Mike shoots the cop and speeds away, putting his daughter at risk when he was shot at. It also goes into the primary drives and instincts of animals and how they connect with humans. It's a fascinating story with engaging characters Lisa, Mike, Barbara and Freddy. I love how John ingeniously weaves each story into the other to complete the structure. The ending is not something I expected; it's both shocking and thought-provoking. Plus, Mutated monsters fused genetically with salamander DNA and a massive axolotl that stomps all over the place. It's a Godzilla fan's dream come true and has so many layers that make it more than a monster horror. It makes it very physiological and a perfect story that has been well planned and executed amazingly.1 Dion Smith378 3

This is a awesome creature feature.

It is dark, disturbing and gruesome, I loved it.

It has a excellent combination of different types of creatures features movies and books, so you get a little bit of a Godzilla vibe, a little of bit of species movie vibe, a little bit of The Fly, with some of the story from the creatures prospective and some form the scientist trying to figure out what caused it, so some regular people just trying to keep themselves safe.
own-other-read1 Nicole480 18

A fun read!

This was a fun read for me. I love axolotls! Naturally my curiosity was sparked upon seeing the cover. (The author was even good natured enough to joke with me about it on FB. I gave him some flack about daring to write anything remotely perceived as negative about axies.) Before I make this whole review about how amazing they are, let's move on lol (If you've never heard of them though, take a moment to look them up. Super fascinating, adorable and amazing pets!)
I was pleasantly surprised. Despite the absurd mutant axies, there was a story there with characters you can connect with. Definitely will be reading more by this author and keeping my eye out for new titles.1 Christina Eleanor193 10

Abhorrent Siren is a creature feature that starts firing on all cylinders very quickly. Baltisberger creates a quick set up and delves into multiple characters that share their experiences as these mutations are happening…even to themselves!

Blood, guts and gore… it’s in there. Mutated humans mating…that’s in there too! The splatter and violence exhibited in this story is fantastic! It’s not over the top either. Baltisberger makes the carnage work within the story.

Mutations are occurring at an alarming rate in South Texas that are not just affecting animals of all kinds, but humans too! There are some theories to the cause in mutations but no one is certain. Can the military and scientist get a handle on these creatures? This is an easy afternoon read! Get a copy and find out!1 Sara1 review

Story line kept me interested from beginning to end unfortunately I received a copy that had a lot of spelling and grammar issues which did take away from it a bit. 1 Valentina40 4

Fast paced book, lots of gore and suspenseful, a good read (:1 Emily607 10

By John Baltisberger

This was 100% a cover buy. And I am super glad I bought it!

This was a gore filled creature feature! I loved how something as cute and small as an axolotl was made into something gruesome and terrifying.

This was a brilliant little novella and one I would recommend to any creature feature lovers! 1 Lisa Lee456 33

Abhorrent Siren is splatterpunk by nature. It is graphic and brutal but also speaks to the opioid crisis, as well as having an underlying theme about people and society that could easily get lost in the fast pace and gruesomeness.
The story has more character focus than creature focus, which might frustrate some readers, but that does not lessen the action and splatter. The character focus serves to show the evolution of the situation as well as that of the characters, while the pace reflects the building chaos. This writing style is both subtle and direct, a complex variation of older styles of using imagery that tend to be more drawn out. Baltisberger's foreshadowing, for example, leads the reader to imagine what direction the story might take but can also be misleading if the reader assumes from the direct style and ignores the parallel sublties of the phrasing as it applies to the context.
In short, the story is full of surprises. And said surprises can come across as abrupt. The story moves with a pace and complexity that can leave one mentally breathless.
But fun fact, this is the first in a series. So, to those who wanted more, there is more forthcoming.1 Gina98

This was...an interesting experience. It is also my first time reading this author. This book is yet another example of why I love extreme horror/the splatterpunk genre. Everything from the vivid descriptions to the amount of characterization each main character is given. It is a novella, so I would have loved more characterization, but it is done so well in such a short book. Lisa, Ferdinand, Mike, and Barbara were the characters that I rooted for the most.

The imagery around the siren is breathtaking, and the creature itself is intriguing. Of course, we don't learn everything about it, but what is there is written so well.

I would definitely recommend this for fans of extreme horror and splatterpunk. This is not one for the faint of heart.

1 Echo Bennett175 13

I wasn’t really a fan of this book. I love the cover art and I love the concept but it just fell flat for me and ended not just open-ended but abruptly as if the author just hit a block and gave up. There is plenty of body horror and gore however to tease those who love extreme horror. It just wasn’t for me. Perhaps if the plot had been more fleshed out and less open endedness I would have d it better. 1 Pan | Book Reviews and Recommendations 193 70

The awesome people of St Rooster Books were kind enough to send me a copy of their latest offering by John Baltisberger, 'Abhorrent Siren ', for review.

The discovery that initially excites marine and aquatic scientists, will soon prove to doom the aquatic wildlife on the South Texas border and ultimately the two legged species of the human kind.

What spreads faster than wildfire will soon mutate everything in its path. It makes animals larger, hungrier, and more vicious. It turns humans into cannibalistic monsters driven by their basest instincts to feed, nest, and reproduce.
It is poisoning life and we know it and lays the foundation for a blood-soaked, terror-filled, mutation induced carnage accross the nation.

As science and human species race to find a solution, or a shelter, the pandemic sized horror unfolds on the land and we are spectators to hell unleashed on earth.

What John Baltisberger, manages to create in this carnage filled lovesong to the monster horror genre, is the stuff of nightmares and a gem of the extreme horror literature.

With a fascinating, fast paced, impeccable, edge of your seat writing style, the reader is drawn into a world of the most hideous, blood churning mutations. There is blood, there is flesh, there is bone and viscera, literally all over, but in such a way that only amplify the horror and elevate the storytelling to new heights.

There are creatures beyond belief, all penned superbly, from the smallest creatures that crawl the earth, to two legged ex humans, to gigantic Kaiju monsters.

Baltisberger, will transport you in a situation that you cannot escape. One that you feel as past of the cast and not just a spectator.
Dear reader, you are in for a humongous treat with this one.
I don't know how this author slipped under my radar but from now on I am a devoted fan aiming to read his entire back catalog.

Intelligence in every paragraph, and scenes that would make Lovecraft, Barker and probably the whole 'The Thing' cast and crew veeeeeery proud.

This is monster horror redefined and refined. Definitely a novel to enter my top 5 for the 2nd half of 2021.

Get it at :

https://www.amazon.com/Abhorrent-Sire... April22 1 follower

Off the bat: if you're going to buy this book, I suggest looking for a physical copy. The kindle version is formatted very badly; a lot of words have no spacing between them, some for the entire sentence, which made reading difficult for some parts. This, however, had no effect on my overall opinion of the book or the rating.

In all honesty this book reads a short story that dragged on a little too long. We're introduced to way too many characters, who feel more archetypes than actual people, that end up just taking a back seat to the gore and violence. The deaths don't hit as hard as they could because we're given no time to care about them beforehand. The constant introduction and then transformation and/or mutilation of so many characters makes the ending feel abrupt and unsatisfactory. I can appreciate an open ending to a book, or even an unhappy one where humanity loses, but this one felt more the author wasn't sure what to do next, so he just stopped writing. I feel there was so much more that could have been explored in this book.This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review Nicholas GrayAuthor 8 books52

What if Cronenberg wrote an apocalyptic cosmic horror story? Wonder no more as John Baltisberger takes you on a journey you won’t soon forget!

What a great, freaking story! I loved every second of this tragic tale. The characters were flawed and yet, interesting to follow, and the Axolotl creature rampaging through the city while humans turn into cronenberg’ian creatures that could give HP Lovecraft nightmares.

This was a fantastic story that I would definitely recommend!

Five Stars! Helena22 2

interesting concept.

I d the book. It was interesting and gory. I feel it could of continued a bit more. If you a monster filled, bloody read, then this book is for you. The biggest issue I had was the format. I bought the kindle book and the format was off. It looked a rougher draft that got scanned in. L.M. KaplinAuthor 3 books114

Abhorrent Siren by John Baltisberger packs a lot of punch in under 100 pages. This book is what you would get if you take kaiju monsters and body horror, sprinkle some bizarro on top and smoked it in a joint. The action starts fast and includes plenty of gore and a couple gnarly x-rated bits involving mutants that you don’t want to miss.3 s H.V.339 16

A really fun monster book with depth. Bob Comparda284 8

My axolotls favorite horror story. Michael Louis DixonAuthor 6 books18

OMG! Body Horror apocalypse at its finest! Jordan129 2

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