
Luna rossa de Jo Nesbø

de Jo Nesbø - Género: Italian
libro gratis Luna rossa


«Harry abbassò lo sguardo sulla carta di credito. Conto svuotato. Missione compiuta: bersi tutto quanto. Niente soldi, niente giorni, niente futuro. Alla pensione, sotto il materasso, c’era la vecchia Beretta comprata dal senzatetto. Aveva tre proiettili. Restava da capire se avrebbe avuto abbastanza fegato per farla finita». Un amico spacciatore di coca, uno sbirro corrotto e uno psicologo malato di cancro. È questa la squadra che Harry Hole è riuscito a mettere insieme. E chissà se ce la farà a salvarlo dal precipizio. Senza più un ruolo nella polizia, Harry è a Los Angeles al preciso scopo di ammazzarsi di alcol. Ma Lucille, una vecchia attrice che ha sottratto alla furia di un cartello della droga, gli ha offerto un posto in cui stare, un po' di amicizia e dei vestiti decenti. Nel frattempo, a Oslo, un immobiliarista sospettato di aver ucciso due ragazze lo cerca come investigatore privato. Harry rifiuta, non è più il leggendario detective di un tempo. Ma quando il cartello prende Lucille in ostaggio, il solo modo per tirar su i soldi del riscatto è riunire una squadra di reietti come lui e accettare l'incarico.

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Harry’s Alive! (Barely)

Killing Moon is book #13 in the Harry Hole series. This installment finds Harry on the verge of drinking himself to death in Los Angeles. When someone he cares for finds themself in danger, Harry shockingly discovers that he wants to live. He makes his way back to Oslo for a case involving missing girls and faces what he ran away from.

Primarily a police procedural, this novel also has a lot of drama, as drama follows Harry wherever he goes. In addition to Harry’s POV, the reader spends copious time in the killer’s mind--which is sick and twisted. His method of luring his victims is disgusting and hard to digest (literally). There are also a few other POVs written in.

This a lengthy novel--almost 500 pages, but it didn't feel long--I could have read more.

13 books in, and this series is still going strong. The side characters have become just as important as Harry, and this book features Katrine Bratt, Truls, Bellman, Mona Daa, and some other favorites. There are a few characters that I used to hate, but I have come to love them.

I wouldn’t recommend jumping into this series at this point. It’s best to start at the beginning to see not only Harry’s growth but the growth of other characters as well.

The killer’s methods seem a little far-fetched. There is also a good amount of science to wade through but nothing too complex. I am notnot sure of the validity of the science, but it was interesting to read.

Similar to most books in this series, the tone is dark. Themes involve drug abuse, sexual abuse, rape, and physical assault.

The ending is bittersweet but leaves open a world of possibilities for Harry. I am interested to see what the future holds for his character.

I received an ARC of this book from NetGalley and Knopf, Pantheon, Vintage, and Anchor in exchange for an honest review.netgalley253 s Barry383 67

I fear that my days of reading Jo Nesbo's books about the drunken, Norwegian detective, Harry Hole have come to an end. Although I have given his more recent books good ratings, they did not seem to be of the same quality as his earlier efforts.

I got about a third of the way through Killing Moon and found it boring. Nesbo seemed to ramble and became unconvincingly philosophical. There were significant chunks when I had no idea what was happening - now that could be because my gears are slipping because I am really, really old, although not quite as old as Terrence (that'll serve to test whether he really reads my ).

No need to recap a part of a bad story.

Obviously, I cannot understand where the high came from. Anyway, bye-bye, Jo and Harry.just-couldn-t-finish108 s16 comments Phrynne3,489 2,371

Ah poor Harry. In the last book he lost everything and now he has hit the bottle big time. When this book opens he is in Los Angeles of all places and a few interesting events gain his interest. Then he returns to Oslo to help a friend and forms a little band of misfits to aid him save a life and find a killer.

Do not read this book at mealtimes. There are many unsavoury moments regarding parasites, slugs and cannibalism. It goes without saying that it is a very dark book. It is also very clever and very readable. Twist follows twist follows twist, and Harry and his gang and the police get things wrong repeatedly. When the killer is finally discovered in the final pages it is a shock to everyone including the reader.

Killing Moon is a longish book but I did not notice at all. It was smart, it was tense, it was frequently a bit gross, and I enjoyed it all. It also seems open to there being another Harry Hole book in the future. I certainly hope so. 3500-2371 s4 comments Barbara1,476 5,113

In this 13th book in the 'Harry Hole' series, the retired Norwegian police detective helps search for a serial killer. The book can be read as a standalone, but familiarity with the series is a plus.


As the story opens, Norwegian former police detective Harry Hole - severely depressed after the death of his wife Rakel - is in a Los Angeles bar, trying to drink himself numb.

One of Harry's bar friends is a 72-year-old woman named Lucille, a former actress who borrowed over nine hundred thousand dollars for a movie project. The project fell through and Lucille can't pay back the lenders - mobsters who threaten to kill her. Harry wants to help, and a possible solution presents itself.

A wealthy Norwegian real estate mogul called Marcus Røed, in danger of being arrested for two murders, wants Harry to return to Oslo to hunt down the killer.

Harry agrees, with the stipulation that - if he's successful - Harry will be paid almost a million dollars. This would clear Lucille's debt.

Harry soon finds himself back in Oslo, looking into a bizarre set of crimes. Two attractive young women have been murdered: Susanne Anderson's body was found without a brain; and Bertine Bertilsen's body was found without a head.

When the police investigate, they learn both Bertine and Susanne had Marcus Røed as a sugar daddy. In addition, shortly before they disappeared, Bertine and Susanne attended a party thrown by Røed - a party where liquor and cocaine flowed freely. This makes Røed a person of interest in the homicides, and Røed hopes Harry Hole will finger someone else.

Harry can't join the official police investigation, so he forms his own unofficial detective squad. This includes Truls Berntsen - a police detective who's been suspended for alleged misconduct;

former police psychologist Ståle? Aune - who's hospitalized with pancreatic cancer;

and Øystein Eikeland - Harry's childhood friend, who drives a cab.

Luckily, Truls Berntsen can still access police files, so Harry's team can collect forensic data, DNA, fingerprints, phone records, etc.

Harry's squad regularly meets in Aune's hospital room, where they plan their investigation, go over the evidence, discuss their findings, speculate about possible perpetrators; and so on. A third murder complicates matters, and Harry's team has a hard time honing in on the killer.

The book's investigative sections alternate with observations by the killer, who calls himself Prim. Prim details the reasons for his crimes, and describes what he does in detail. Prim's methods are riveting, albeit a bit far-fetched. (Warning: Prim's procedures are not for weak stomachs.)

The grotesque killings intrigue the public, and two journalists vie to get scoops for their newspapers: Mona Daa from VG and Terry Våge from Dagbladet. Mona hates that Våge seems to have inside information, and indeed Våge would do almost anything to be first with the news.

While Harry's in Oslo, he reconnects with some old friends, including police detective Katrine Bratt (and her little son Gert);

and forensic medical officer Alexandra Sturdza.

Both ladies have a soft spot for Harry, who seems to attract women honey draws flies.

The story is filled with red herrings, surprises, and misdirection, and I give Jo Nesbo high marks for a creative plot. This is a good novel, highly recommended to fans of thrillers.

Thanks to Netgalley, Jo Nesbo, and Knopf for a copy of the manuscript.

You can follow my at https://bybarbsaffer.blogspot.com63 s Jonas219 12

It has been a long time since I’ve read Jo Nesbo’s Harry Hole series and a lot has happened since then! I absolutely loved the beginning, getting reacquainted with Harry through his relationship with Lucille, a mother- figure. Her past catches up with her and Harry must return to his in order to help her.

Nesbo knows how to create and develop characters. Markus, the main suspect, and his lawyer, Jonathan, are easy to hate. Prim is a disturbed, driven, and detail oriented killer. Nesbo develops the narrative in a way that three separate people could be Prim. The reader is kept guessing until the final pages.

I loved the cohort collected by Harry to assist him in solving the case: Stale Aune, Oystein and Truls. There meetings were one of my favorite parts of the book. Loved the return of Katrine and her team. Sung-Min Larsen and Alexandra are my favorite supporting characters.

The ending is perfect. Theresa reader is left thinking Harry Hole has begun to heal and is going to leave his former life of catching serial killers behind. But Nesbo is not done with Hole yet. The closing scene will catch you off guard and leave you wanting more. Killer ending!mystery61 s6 comments Tanja Berg1,990 473

Classic Harry! Drinking himself to death in LA, decides to postpone his demise by trying to save a has-been actress. As a result, he lands back in Oslo with the mission to prove the innocence of a millionaire suspected of being a serial killer. We follow Harry through upscale parties to homosexual clubs to the “brownest” of Oslo pubs as he hunts for the truth, interfering with police investigations. I loved every bit of this. Well, aside from cannibalism and parasites, but even this had its moments. Enjoy!murder-mystery scandinavian45 s Mª Carmen695

Un Harry Hole que me ha gustado más de lo que esperaba.

Mis impresiones.

Tengo que decir que no soy muy fan de esta serie. Antes de "Eclipse" había leído los siete primeros de los que solo me gustaron tres. Lo dejé en el séptimo y hasta hoy no había vuelto a leer ninguno. No llevaba muchas expectativas y creo que eso y no poder compararla con las anteriores ha jugado a mi favor.

Está bien escrita. Nesbo tiene oficio y se nota. El ritmo es el que caracteriza al autor, sostenido tirando a lento, cosa que no tiene por qué ser mala si se mantiene el interés. Ambientación y documentación buenas.

La trama, aunque rebuscada, está bien hilada. Me ha gustado cómo lo urde, cómo hace verosímil algo tan artificioso y cómo encaja las piezas. Todo tiene su razón de ser y todo cuadra.

Nos presenta varios posibles sospechosos, todos viables tal y como lo plantea. El jugar al despiste con el lector lo ha llevado bastante bien. Adiviné el quién desde que apareció en escena, pero fue por puro pálpito (ya es mucha negra la que llevo a la espalda), y no porque fuera previsible.

Con respecto a los personajes, Harry es más o menos tal y como lo recordaba. Intuitivo y hábil investigador, por un lado, sometido a sus adicciones y dando bandazos en lo personal por otro. En esta entrega ya no trabaja para el departamento de policía de Oslo, sino que actúa como una especie investigador privado.

El final bien, cierra todo y deja la semilla de la próxima entrega.

En conclusión. Última entrega de una serie de la que no soy entusiasta. Una trama rebuscada, pero bien hilada y el Harry Hole de siempre. Los seguidores de la serie la están valorando bien. A mí me ha gustado más de lo que esperaba. Recomendable.44 s Metodi Markov1,453 359

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Harry at Rakel’s graveside recounting things to date:

‘I’m having a bit of bother with some Mexicans. They’re going to kill me and a woman who looks my mother unless I, or the police, solve this murder case within the next three days.’ ‘I’ve got a fungal nail infection, otherwise I’m doing fine.’

Well it’s not often I read the Sunday Times number 1 fiction paperback in the same week as it goes in straight at number one. I saw the top 10 rating and remembered I had bought this in a charity shop before Xmas.

It’s the 13th in the series and I read the 12th in 2022. Nesbo seems to get better each book I read. This story of a serial killer is superb. Bleak and gory story. But Harry finally reducing his alcohol consumption is good to see.

Harry is human and makes a number of mistakes in his deductions. But he remains Harry Bosch one of my favourite detectives.
27 s The Girl with the Sagittarius Tattoo2,413 343

No, I didn't this one at all. This book was so terrible that I wonder if Jo Nesbø wrote it to punish his publishers. Or his fans.

First of all, John Lee ruins everything he narrates. Come at me haters, I don't care! His weird cadences and lilting deliveries give me the creeps, and since he will narrate anything, he's had plenty of opportunities to wreck a good story. He has ruined Sci-Fi (the Revelation Space series), Historical Fiction (the Kingsbridge series), Fantasy (the Spellmonger series), lots of random Popular Fiction (One Hundred Years of Solitude, White Fang, Cloud Atlas, among others), and dozens of non-fictions. Ugh, I can't get away from this guy!

Okay, so it's probably not surprising the rating is low but it's not entirely John Lee's fault. Killing Moon had a really weird, awful plot that never clicked with me.

We opened with Harry in southern California, getting away from it all - but mainly getting away from the memory of Rakel's death in the last novel. While checking the bottoms of Jim Beam bottles for answers, he meets a woman who's in a spot of trouble with Mexican gang members. - Aside: this storyline was stupid and unnecessary, and it made zero impact on the larger story except to create an otherwise arbitrary deadline. Why Nesbø included it is the bigger mystery here. - Meanwhile, a wealthy millionaire from back home gets hold of him. He's been accused of disappearing two women, and he wants to hire Harry to investigate and prove his innocence.

Missing women - potentially murdered, you say? That's all Harry needed to hear.

I won't go into anything further because it would spoil the weirdness for you - if you're into weird, highly implausible methods of murder, that is. Or green cocaine.

Yep, Jo jumped the shark with this one, so this is the end of my Nesbøthon. It was fun while it lasted. For my money, the best novels are The Snowman, The Leopard, and Police, but Police kicked all their asses. My runners-up are The Thirst and Knife.2-stars audiobook g-mystery ...more27 s Carlos118 102

Y finalmente he terminado la saga completa de Harry Hole. Es increíble como una se puede enganchar en algún universo (En este caso en el de Harry) e imaginarte todo como en una película o serie. En cuanto al libro en sí, tenemos más de Harry en la perdición, sin rumbo, prácticamente viviendo el día a día, pero en esta ocasión en Los Ángeles.
Si hubo algo que me gustó mucho es que personajes "secundarios" toman un rol protagónico aquí, como es el caso de Oystein o Truls. Me gusta que en los últimos 3-4 libros se empezó a dar más énfasis a otros personajes y Nesbo no solo se centró en Harry. Me alegra saber que esto al final no fue "Las aventuras de Harry y sus amigos".
En cuanto a la historia, reocmendaría no comer mientras se lee el libro, ya que éste es bastante gráfico, bestial, gráfico, literal, crudo, sin filtro. Para mí eso funciona bien, ya que hace abrir los ojos y saber todos los detalles. También me llamó la atención la cantidad de ciencia que se usa aquí. En especial el nombre del parásito, el cual no nombraré para no hacer spoilers, pero me puse a leer sobre ello y es muy interesante. Gracias por sacarme de mi ignorancia, Jo :) El libro queda abierto a una parte 14, que la verdad espero que suceda, porque no quiero que este sea el fin de todo.
La mayor razón que le pongo 4 estrellas y no 5 es que el libro es muy largo y a veces se hizo un poco pesado. También extrañé leer más sobre Oleg, ya que fue un personaje muy importante en toda la saga y aquí se le menciona un par de veces solamente. Merecía más.
Habiendo terminado este libro, me puse a ver si los lugares que se nombran en el libro son reales, y resulta que el estaurant Schroder existe y hay una mesa destinada a Harry, que es sonde siempre se sentaba cada vez que lo visitaba. También la casa de Harry existe... ambos en Google Maps. También averigué que hay un tour de Harry Hole en Oslo. Tengo una misión en esta vida; tengo que ir a Oslo!!! Iré cuando encuentre vuelos relativamente baratos.

En fin. Gracias por todo Harry, gracias por todo Jo. Gracias, gracias y más gracias.21 s Mark1,431 146

Harry Hole is back and does his own thing, intends to drink himself to death and while being serious in that intend finds himself being a knight in shining Armor. Even that does not go all that well.

In Oslo two woman have disappeared and one is found without her brain, the whole case screams for a specialist and the power that are do not see that the same way Catherine Bratt does.
Then there is a wealthy prime suspect for whom this negative publicity is not financially sound. So he wants the best there is to prove his innocence.
Luckily for him Harry Hole is in need of a serious financial incentive and so Harry flies from the city of Angels back to Oslo to do some private investigation.
His friends are happy to see him the police are less pleased. But soon they will be happy enough to have Harry Hole around.

Jo Nesbo does deliver another brilliant pageturner full of twists and surprises. Hole is the anti-hero and he is still a very interesting and complex human being and his story is still fascinating, playing his own music instead of walking with masses.
Hole will return I am sure and with Nesbo himself at the wheel it will be fun and a dazzling tale this one. There is just nothing else than a decent Harry Hole book.23 s Effie Saxioni638 112

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