
Ganivet de Jo Nesbø

de Jo Nesbø - Género: Policial
libro gratis Ganivet


No és un bon moment per a en Harry Hole: la Rakel l’ha deixat, ell treballa amb casos antics i el conegut violador i assassí Svein Finne ha sortit de la presó després de complir vint anys de condemna. En Finne, àlies «El promès», va ser el primer criminal que va arrestar en Harry quan era un jove policia. És un violador perillós i peculiar; li diuen «el promès» perquè viola les víctimes amb la intenció de deixar-les embarassades i no les mata. Ara vol continuar just allà on ho va deixar i no ha oblidat qui el va arrestar. Quan en Harry es desperta amb les mans ensangonades i sense saber què va fer la nit abans, sap que les coses només poden empitjorar.

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Knife adds another layer to the Harry Hole series!
I wasn't expecting *that* !

I can’t say much without giving spoilers, so I am going to keep this review brief.

A life-altering murder puts Harry Hole in the spotlight. With his career and credibility at stake, Harry falls into a deep dark abyss of self-destructive behavior. To clear his name, he will risk his life. But if he survives, it will be bittersweet.

I was shocked by the murder and even more shocked when the murderer was revealed. While I was surprised by the identity of the murderer, I realized there were clues galore but I was too caught up in Harry to see what was going on right before my eyes.

Knife is dark and weighty and Harry is at his lowest point, which made this hard to read at times. There isn't much action, but Harry develops and grows as a character, which I appreciated. Parts are overly detailed and could have been edited down. While I didn’t love the events of Knife, the plot allows for Harry’s character to take a new path. We will have to wait and see if we get drunk, messy Harry or a new Harry Hole in the next book.overdrive298 s Joey R.297 536

4.5 Stars —With the death of Stieg Larsson, there is only one foreign language author that I read on a regular basis, Jo Nesbo. I don’t see a lot of people reviewing Nesbo’s books, which is a shame, because they are really missing a treat. “Knife” is no exception. “Knife” stars Harry Hole, Nesbo’s go-to detective whose intelligence and ability to solve crimes is second to none. But un some recurring characters each Hole book is a standalone masterpiece which you can enjoy whether you have read any of the previous books in the series. “Knife” involves Hole doing battle with the equally brilliant Svein Finne, who is a serial rapist whose weapon of choice is a knife is equal parts mysterious and chilling. As usual all of Hole’s personal failings are intermixed into the story which keeps the book from ever becoming boring. The investigation and gathering enough evidence to arrest Finne is entertaining but the book then takes an interesting turn when someone very close to Hole is murdered and he becomes a suspect. How the author keeps all of this from collapsing into confusion and ridiculousness is absolutely amazing. The ending is genius, and once again I feel the need to tell people just how good an author Nesbo is. Now if I could just get the author to use American names for most of his characters his books would be absolutely perfect.234 s1 comment Melissa ? Dog/Wolf Lover ? Martin3,587 10.8k

I enjoyed this one! I don’t think I have read any of the others but it was fine as a stand alone. When I saw the beautiful copy I decided to start here
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