
Domino Effect (Sinclair O'Malley Book 3) de J.M. LeDuc

de J.M. LeDuc - Género: English
libro gratis Domino Effect (Sinclair O'Malley Book 3)


J.M. LeDuc Year: 2019

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Another good addition to the series. Needs much work on edits.

So...This might be the last book to the Sin series since I haven't seen anything to indicate otherwise. This would have been a perfect 5 book 2 but I saw a lot of the same editing issues from the first two books. I was able to ignore it with the second book since it was enjoyable. I couldn't anymore without saying something.

The editing really needs work. The same issues of dialogues/conversations not having the right punctuation marks such as open and close quotation marks or even having them start and finish correctly really takes away from total enjoyment of the story. This issue was found on every page and just about every paragraph. From there you also have commas, periods and lack of capitalizing of a word in a new sentence. The lack of consistency in word spelling with another one. It's spelled in one way on a page or chapter then differently on the next page or chapter. For those, I had to flip back and forth just to make sure I wasn't seeing things and the word used and its spelling was what is was.

The storyline is a good one, don't get me wrong. It was very enjoyable and I'm usually very forgiving on edits but when it's the third book, I expect to see much less issues and errors that.

Will this stop me from reading the authors work right now? Of course not. I will try again and hope for better. If it continues to be a consistent issue then I would discontinue reading the authors works. I enjoy reading a good book as the next person but not when the editing is such that it takes away from the enjoyment and relaxation of reading. ConniW414 3

Amazing characters and series!!!

This series is so much more than the blurbs will lead you to believe. If you are a fan of strong females that offer no apologies for being strong, uber intelligent, sexy and able to out fight most men as well as being a commanding presence then you will love this series. Even better, it is chock full of men that have no lack of their sense of masculinity and have nothing to prove to anyone and are team players with incredible abilities as well. This has intrigue, culture, action and so much suspense you will be glued to the cushion as you read non stop.
I'm on tenterhooks to see if another book is coming in this series because honestly this has been the perfect segue into another adventure. Paula Howard845 9

The President's daughter is missing. She and her roommate were in Key West for Spring Break. Frank Graham, FBI director, knows that Sin is needed to find these girls safe. Since she left the FBI, she has been living off the grid. Frank shows her a video of the kidnapped girls and she agrees but doesn't agree to playing by the rules.

What was just a kidnapping, turns out to be far more. Sin recruits some of her old friends to help her.
This book is action-packed from beginning to end. Sin is one of my favorite female heroines.

Sin is out for justice.....any way she can find it. Rules can't always be followed for justice to occur.
Jeff1,428 132

Going to War With Sinclair O'Malley Is A *BAD* Idea. Old friends. New Friends. And at the heart of it all, badass investigator Sinclair O'Malley showing just why she is The Pearl Angel of Death. (And seriously, we get the *actual* origin of that name in this book to boot!) The initial investigation is typical Sin, uncovering things no one else can. But when the bad guy decides to get personal, The Pearl Angel of Death gathers her army and goes to war... with pretty disastrous results for her enemies. Simply bad ass, yet again: If you think Jack Reacher is awesome... you need to meet Sinclair O'Malley. :) Very much recommended. thomas rutherford207 2

Another Great Adventure in Reading

This was my third Sinclair book to read. Nicely written but with more errors than usual using Agent Smith instead of Agent Sawyer near the end of the book and a lot of misspelled words throughout. I would love the opportunity proofread his manuscripts before they are published because his plotting, characterization and action are impeccable. Lyn101

Great read

Another great read from J.M. LeDuc. Sin goes after the bad guys with her unique flair. She won't stop until all the culprits are found. It is a great exciting read. DOUG PALMER8

Another bread by J.M. LeDuc

A page turner from start to finish. Plenty of action to keep you guessing who the guilty party turns out to be. Connie Hamby845 5

A great book

I loved this book with a kickass lady and her team of you a good book with a kickass lady beside to read this, can't wait till the next one Joshua Rollins104 1 follower

A thrilling and thought provoking read! The title (Domino Effect) says it all, the field is scattered with loaded pieces; ruthless gang members, FBI agents and an untrustworthy President.. topple one, and the all fall down!
The President’s daughter and her friend have just been kidnapped in Key West and the case is smelling fishy. It seems to be the work of a ruthless gang called the Black 6 but not everything is adding up. It’s time for ‘The Pearl Angel of Death’ to step in and solve this messy case before its to late. She’s everything an FBI agent shouldn’t be, Sin won’t stop until justice is served and the job is finished, no matter the stakes, and no matter what or who gets in her way. Michele bookloverforever8,179 39

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