
That Boy Trilogy de Jillian Dodd

de Jillian Dodd - Género: Italian
libro gratis That Boy Trilogy


That Boy - That Girl - That Baby

3 romanzi in 1

Autrice bestseller di USA Today

Jadyn ha due amici, ma solo uno è destinato a diventare l'amore della sua vita.

Il primo si chiama Danny. È un ragazzo d'oro, quello che ogni ragazza sogna. Stare con lui è come vivere un'avventura. Il suo sorriso è contagioso, i suoi addominali duri da morire, ed è un'indomabile testa calda, un autentico e irresistibile bad boy.

Poi c'è Phillip: è con lui che Jadyn parla tutte le sere prima di addormentarsi. È il ragazzo che sa leggere i suoi pensieri, che cerca di tenerla lontana dai guai, e quando sorride, lei non riesce mai a dirgli di no.

Uno di loro due è l'uomo della vita di Jadyn, ma capire chi non è affatto semplice. E anche quando tutto sembra ormai chiaro e lei sta per sposare quello che è stato il suo migliore amico, i dubbi la assalgono e rischia di rovinare ogni cosa mettendo in discussione ciò che sembrava una certezza. Jadyn deve decidere. È disposta a rinunciare al vero amore per sempre, o deve ascoltare il proprio cuore? Emozioni forti, lacrime incontenibili e momenti esilaranti in una trilogia che ha commosso e divertito i lettori di tutto il mondo.

La serie romantica e sensuale che ha già fatto impazzire le lettrici americane

Hanno scritto della That Boy Trilogy:

«Questo libro è incredibilmente bello! L'ho amato.»

Abbi Glines

«Consiglio vivamente questo romanzo!»

Eating, Reading, and Dreaming

«Mi è piaciuto molto. È romantico, brillante, sexy... una storia davvero da favola.»

Fanatic Reader

«Questo libro ha tutto per piacerti: l'amicizia pura, l'ironia, i dispiaceri. I personaggi sono fantastici... cresci con loro e non li lasceresti mai. Indimenticabile!»

Jillian Dodd

È autrice bestseller di «USA Today». È cresciuta in una fattoria nel Nebraska e attualmente vive in Florida. La Newton Compton ha pubblicato i primi tre capitoli della serie That Boy.

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BFF love triangle with side interests

Friends since birth and neighbors Phillip and Jadyn are connected. When new neighbor Danny moves in across the empty lot, he immediately makes friends and training buddies with both. But he is challenged to respect the others relationship.

Love, marriage, and babies soon follow with college out of the way and football still a connection. Facing misunderstandings and hook ups while planning their lives keeps things busy.2 s Andrea Monti2

* Spoilers Alert *
If I could put a -1 star I would.
One of the worst books I have ever read.
I mean how is the female character loved and wanted by eeeeeveryone. She es is the best friend, best daughter, best body, best football player, best everything. Really? She flirt with every male friend she has, but at the same time they are sooo goooods friends after. Is not awkward or something between them.
She has two goods friends. She has a crush on one of them. They flirt, they kiss, they have a relationship. They are on and of.
At the same time, the other best friend support her with everything that happened to her.
Finally she remains friends with the one she had a crush and ended up with the one who always had her back. They only have ONE date, the one at the beginning of the book, where the friend propose her. So, I left there. I finished the first book and that’s it. I don’t want to read two more books about the same characters
(Not a English speaker, sorry about grammar)
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full reviewcould-not-finishid2 s Stacy Chambers476 2

bleh, this book was absolutely a DNF for me, I could not get through the first part of the trio of books, It was WAY too much back and forth. The way that the synopsis sounded was that there was this all time great love between these two characters, but really JJ was just a child playing in an adults body; and the great love that she had for him (no I won't spoil it) was complete BS on her part until it damn near smacked her upside the face. There was just way too much turmoil and indecision on her part. If the author wrote a better leading female character this book would have been SO much better, but this girl gives daddy issues its name. I had to return this and get my money back. could-not-finish2 s Anna551 15

I LOVE Jadyn, Philip and Danny! That Boy series will give you the feels... there's lots of love, loss, humor, fun and HEA. Can't go wrong with this series!book-boyfriends my-favorites2 s Sue Moore 229 5

It was the first time I had read any of this author's books and I absolutely loved it, I cried with Haydn when her parents were killed. I thought it was So funny when she asked Danny to teach her how to kiss, altogether the friendship between the three of them was amazing.1 Camilla M.22 32

That boy: 3 e mezzo ***
That girl: 3***
That baby: 3*** e mezzo
Voto complessivo: 3*** e mezzo1 Lois Chilton205 1 follower

The Boy Series

Interesting storyline. Great characters. Maybe if I had taken some time away in between books I wouldn't feel the "negatives" l do feel.

A couple of good zigs, then zags. Several times I definitely felt I was given way more information than needed, especially when it came to sex. I realize sex is an important part of life, l just have a question as to whether it is the all encompassing importance portrayed for at least 8 years in the lives of these young people. If so, how sad.

Long read at times. Glad for good ending.

Ashley Hedden4,984 37

That Boy Series (3 Book Series) was a great series by Jillian Dodd. This box set consists of; That Boy, That Wedding, and That Baby. These books follow JJ finding love with her best friend. That Boy takes you along the ride of her finding love with one of her best friends and keeps you guessing till the end on who it is. The next two books follow them through marriage and a baby. I can’t wait to read more by Jillian Dodd. Ashley Maude-Lecholat344 2

Fun series

This series has great characters, good story lines and in general was a fun read. I was brought to tears several times and really became “friends” with this great group of friends. It was fun to read something from and area of Nebraska that I am familiar with. Book one was my favorite of the series but the ending of book three was also very good! Randee16 1 follower

One of my fave series ever! It’s so sweet and made me laugh out loud. Although Jadyn can drive me crazy with her indecisiveness, she chose wisely in the end and I love reading about her and *****’s life together and then the next series with their friends and kids. Love Jillian Dodd’s lighthearted writing style. I also loved reading the Keatyn Chronicles - another fave series. c.j. Sansone-Webb31 1 follower

Overt elite end all

Rating was earned. Enough drama and exciting changes to keep reader interested, ready to go back to read more of the story. Ki523

These two are worth it. Love the female lead.
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