
The Heirloom de Jessie Rosen

de Jessie Rosen - Género: English
libro gratis The Heirloom


The answer to the biggest question of her life lies in someone else’s past.
Shea Anderson’s beloved Nonna had endless rules for a happy, healthy life: avoid owls, never put a hat on a bed, and never, ever accept a marriage proposal that comes with an heirloom ring. Happily ever after is hard enough without bad karma in the mix.
Naturally, panic sets in when Shea’s boyfriend, John, proposes with an heirloom ring. Yes is her answer, but Nonna’s warning sets Shea on a mission to ensure the ring contains forever energy: She will find its previous owners wherever they may be. With the help of her long-suffering big sister and a nosy journalist eager for a big story, Shea embarks on a journey that takes her from Los Angeles and New York to Italy and Portugal.
Sophisticated, cinematic, and full of lively observations, The Heirloom is a diamond-sharp read for everyone who’s ever tried to make their own...M.F

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What could be better than a “proposal” with an heirloom ring? Nothing…unless it’s a superstition of yours. John proposed to Shea with an heirloom engagement ring even though he knew she was afraid of the karma that might come from the love story behind the ring. Author Jessie Rosen came up with the most creative novel “The Heirloom” which takes Shea on a search to find the rings owner. She had to know the “ love story” behind this vintage ring. Holding onto her dreams in hopes of a happy married life, she had to seek out the rings past.

Along with her sister and a journalist who was looking for his next big story, Shea traveled from Los Angeles to NY, Italy, Portugal then Boston. On a wild goose chase through a beautiful countryside, there might be more they discover than just the history behind the ring. Shea’s Nonna had instilled her heritage and her own superstitions that held steadfast in Shea’s heart, including the energy that can come from a piece of heirloom jewelry, good or bad.

Thoroughly entertaining with a plot that had me so engaged I didn’t want to put it down. For those who have been to Italy, they will really connect with the names of hotels, places and things. A beautiful story about love, doubt, growth, family and trust, it has it all.

Thanks to Putnam Books and NetGalley for this eARC in exchange for my honest review.11 s Jess (oracle_of_madness)883 83

This is an incredible story of a journey of self-discovery. Shea is proposed to, however, it's with an heirloom ring that causes Shea to start a journey through different parts of the world to learn the original story of the ring.

I loved the way this author described the places that Shea was visiting. Everything felt so real and alive. I also love the idea of the story. Something that I found relatable while still feeling a very new idea.

Thank you, Netgalley and Publisher, for this Arc!5 s Dani30 1 follower

DNF at 65%

Thank you Netgalley for gifting me an ARC in exchange for an honest review! I was so excited for this book. It was an interesting storyline that I’ve never read before and the setting seemed it was going to be beautiful. The story follows Shea on her journey to Italy and Portugal to find the history behind her heirloom engagement ring. The writing was very easy to read making the first 40% of this book very enjoyable. The setting, as predicted, was beautiful.

About 50% into the book, the twists in the plot started occurring. I started to not where this plot was heading. I had to DNF at 65% based on multiple plot twists I don’t and where the book was heading. I will refrain from giving additional detail as to not spoil anything in the plot.

However, while the twists weren't something I could enjoy, I can see how people would this book. This book takes place in Italy and Portugal in hopes to find the history behind her heirloom engagement ring. The setting alone making this book enjoyable. While I was intrigued to find out the history behind the ring, the twists were nothing something I could enjoy and made me lose interest in rooting for the characters. If you go into this book, I would recommend to go in not taking her superstition too seriously.4 s Sarah Kruszka99 4

This is my kind of romance. It is not over the top with being mushy or unrealistic. There there was so much adventure in the book. I have never been to Italy but this book made me want to drop everything and go.

What would you do if you learned you were gifted an heirloom ring? Do you believe there is the history of each love story woven in or do you reset the ring’s story?

Shea takes an adventure to find the love story behind her engagement ring. The beauty of learning the story of others, we learn about ourselves.

I recommend picking this one up.

Thank you Net Galley for the EARC!4 s Cassie Dyson85

I mostly enjoyed this book but struggled to relate to the “superstitious” beliefs of the main character. I d the journey of learning about the heirloom even if a bit lengthy, but the burning desire for answers didn’t pique my interest much. I also was a little disappointed in the ending, I was interested to see it end differently than it did based on how some of the events unfolded throughout the story.

All in all, it was a good story with a fun journey along the way.

Thanks to NetGalley for an arc in exchange for an honest review.on-kindle4 s Sarah406 3

I enjoyed this one! I loved the travel aspect, the generational family aspect, and the relationships (romantic and not) that grew throughout the story. Super solid debut! I'll be on the lookout for more from Jessie Rosen. Thank you to NetGalley for the eARC!4 s LESLIE J (mrsj_readsbooks)577 22

Thank you to GP Putnam’s Sons and NetGalley for my complimentary eARC. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

I d The Heirloom until I didn’t. The first 40% is light and fun and full of beautiful places. At about 60% it becomes a bit tedious and therapy driven (if that makes sense).

I understand wanting to know the background of
the ring, but all the superstition on Shea’s part was a bit off putting for me. You cannot put more value in a piece a jewelry than you can on a persons love.

I was with John on this one. He understands up until a certain point and then he’s done.24netgalley3 s tawny•dawn223

I’ve been excited for this book for months. The premise sounded the perfect summer read. I was expecting picturesque ocean villages, and a little dose of self-reflection, sprinkled in with romance and pasta. Maybe a little Mama Mia meets a Carley Fortune book. Unfortunately, once the story gets going, the only thing I enjoyed was the setting. It’s mostly about grief and our MC, Shea never redeemed herself in my opinion. Her behavior goes well beyond superstitious and felt more selfish or even narcissistic. (Also, I felt she mentioned she’s from California or LA a lot. An unnecessary amount. I didn’t understand if this was a brag or ??? ) I’m really bummed this story went the way it did- it could have been great.
2.5 ??
Thank you to NetGalley and to the publisher for this advanced copy, in exchange for my unbiased review!3 s Haylie Garner99

What a fun and captivating journey of discovering the past of one Heirloom engagement ring. It brought the main character, Shea, on a self discovering journey of why she felt such a strong superstition against being proposed to by a ring that was worn in another marriage. She didn't know the backstory of the Heirloom ring that was given to her on her engagement day, which led her to look into the past of the ring. I thought her own character development was beautiful. and of course I love a good Happily Ever After.arc3 s Jaden379 5

Rounding up from a 2.5 for Goodreads. A quick read but I still found myself skimming some to get through it. It was a good idea and I loved the setting however the characters fell flat for me and it’s not a story that’ll stick with me.3 s Markie475 30

"The Heirloom" by Jessie Rosen is a charming and whimsical contemporary novel that follows Shea Anderson's quest to ensure a happily ever after after her boyfriend, John, proposes with an heirloom ring that comes with a warning from her beloved Nonna. Shea's journey takes her on a delightful adventure as she searches for the previous owners of the ring to ensure it carries "forever energy."

Nonna's quirky rules for a happy life guide Shea's actions, and the heirloom ring's potential bad karma triggers Shea's determination to uncover its history. Her mission leads her to team up with her big sister and an inquisitive journalist, embarking on a journey that spans locations Los Angeles, New York, Italy, and Portugal.

The story unfolds with sophistication and cinematic flair, blending humor, romance, and a touch of magic. As Shea encounters various characters and navigates different places, readers are treated to a vibrant tapestry of observations and experiences. The novel's sharp wit and lively narrative style make it an engaging read for anyone who enjoys stories of personal growth, self-discovery, and the quest for good luck.

Throughout "The Heirloom," Shea's character undergoes transformation and growth as she faces challenges, embraces adventure, and learns valuable lessons about love, family, and taking control of her own destiny. The novel captures the essence of hope, positivity, and the pursuit of happiness in a unique and heartwarming way.

Jessie Rosen's storytelling skillfully weaves together elements of romance, mystery, and self-exploration, making "The Heirloom" a delightful choice for readers who appreciate heartwarming tales with a sprinkle of magic and a dash of humor. The journey to ensure the ring's "forever energy" becomes a metaphor for Shea's own journey to create a meaningful and fulfilling life.

In conclusion, "The Heirloom" is a diamond-sharp read that invites readers to accompany Shea Anderson on her quest for love, luck, and a happily ever after. With its witty prose, endearing characters, and a touch of whimsy, the novel offers a delightful escape and a reminder of the beauty and adventure that life has to offer.3 s Lauren452 29

First off, I absolutely loved the concept. It's interesting thinking of how many different stories different pieces of jewelry and heirlooms and general can have.

The romance aspect of this wasn't my favorite, but this was mostly okay because Shea's relationship(s) took a backseat to the exploration of the story of the ring. However, due to the focus being so much on the ring and its story, there's a lot of exposition via dialogue at times, which may not be for everyone.

And, I've got to say, I wasn't a fan of John at the beginning- what kind of boyfriend proposes with the exact type of ring they were told explicitly not to get? His justification felt pretty flimsy to me, as this was obviously something important to Shea.

But, I did where Shea's relationship ultimately ended up.

Thanks to NetGalley for this ARC! arc ebook netgalley2 s Shannon5,544 311

A moving women's fiction story about a recently engaged woman's superstitions around heirloom wedding rings and her determination to track down the history of the new to her engagement ring she received from her fiance.

Full of family secrets, strong sisterhood bonds, a complicated love story and enviable travel around Italy and Europe. This was a really heartfelt, easy to read novel that I enjoyed immensely and it made me want to book a trip to Italy ASAP.

Great on audio narrated by Carlotta Brentan and perfect for fans of books Jo Piazza's The inheritance or Rebecca Serle's One Italian summer. Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an early digital copy in exchange for my honest review.kissing-only netgalley-arc2 s Amy Dolce49

The entire premise is unrealistic and unbelievable. 2 s ???90 22

"The Heirloom" by Jessie Rosen takes readers on an introspective journey alongside Shea, a woman at the crossroads of her life, triggered by her boyfriend's proposal. The tale centers on Shea's pursuit to uncover her authentic self after the sight of an "heirloom ring" awakens her fascination with the concept of "forever energy." Venturing forth to trace the ring's lineage and unravel its history, Shea's odyssey becomes a testament to self-discovery. Despite this promising premise, the novel's romance aspect struggles to claim the spotlight, remaining subdued throughout most of the narrative and only revealing its presence towards the conclusion, leaving readers wanting more. Through Shea's eyes, we navigate the intricate web of love, legacy, and identity, embarking on a captivating journey filled with enigmatic twists that keep the pages turning.
I really loved the exploration of self and the depths of history weaved together, crafting a tale that resonates with those who relish the intrigue of untold stories and the captivating journey of self-discovery.

Thank you, PENGUIN GROUP Putnam and NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for a honest review!arcs2 s Jessica106 5

As someone who loves antique/heirloom jewelry, I was immediately hooked by the concept. And the fact that I recently spent two weeks falling in love with Italy was enough to bump this book to the top of my to-read list.

There's no question that The Heirloom requires a bit of suspension of disbelief (lots of things had to happen in exactly the right way for Shea to pursue the history of her ring). That said, the author pulled me in quickly and had me fully invested in both the ring's history and Shea's journey to figure out her own future.

While The Heirloom isn't exactly a feminist manifesto, I appreciated the stories woven throughout about strong, dynamic women and the choices (sometimes unconventional) that they make at pivotal moments in their lives.

Now please excuse me while I start researching trips to Portugal...

Thank you to NetGalley, the publisher and the author for the ARC in exchange for my honest review!beach-reads fiction2 s Shannon AnneShirley_and_me57 3

I will be honest, I struggled with this book and stopped reading halfway through. It captivated me in the beginning with an interesting premise of finding the background of a vintage engagement ring. But it seemed the story went on and on. I felt bad for the fiancé and grew to not the main character, Shea. Shea goes off gallivanting all over Europe liking for the previous wearers of the ring while her fiancé is at home. Oh and wait…twist …another man (a journalist) goes with her. I didn’t the direction the storyline was going so I stopped reading. I think this book had a good idea but unfortunately it fell flat for me.

Thanks Netgally for an advanced copy in exchange for my honest opinion.2 s Cal | slug wife reads39 4

Thank you to Penguin Group Putnam and Netgalley for gifting me an ARC in exchange for an honest review!

How far are you willing to go to prove your superstitions are wrong (or right?)

Turns out, Shea is willing to go halfway around the world, all while blowing off her worried fiancé, alienating her sister, and getting cozy with the reporter who decided to tag along.

I enjoyed the premise of this book - a personal journey to uncover hidden histories of a recently acquired heirloom. What I didn’t love was Shea as a character. I found her inner dialogue frustrating and it impossible to connect with her as a character until the last few chapters.

The tension with Graham felt a little forced, and his character felt a flat background means for Shea to realize she had more hangups about her relationship than just the heirloom engagement ring. The kiss they share, the sneaking around in foreign cities, the conversation they have in New York about his feelings, all felt it could’ve used another draft to solidify. I d the aspect of her ideas and relationship being tested, but it felt in the end she used Graham to get there, instead of him being a person she was developing feelings for.

I d the journey of self-discovery that happened in the last 1/4 of the book - I think Shea really figured out why she was so hesitant and worked through her shit. I loved the sisterly bond that was mended and the explanation of how family trauma and grief can infiltrate your life in ways you don’t even expect.

Overall, I give this book a 3.5 star rating, with the ending bumping it up from a 2.5 or 3.1 Ashley Marie76 4

Synopsis: This is essentially a story about love in several different ways. Our main character, Shea, is proposed to with an Heirloom ring. The only problem? She told her future husband she never wanted am heirloom ring because of the bad luck that could have come from previous relationships. The story unfolds as she traverses different countries and cities to explore the history of this Heirloom ring. Who were the previous owners? What was their relationship ? 

Most of this book takes place in Italy and I absolutely loved the setting. The writing makes you feel you are there. I really enjoyed going through Shea's journey to find the history of this ring. You meet many different characters who each have their own unique personality. From her sister to her boyfriend to the tag along journalist and many many more, the story just keeps getting better. 

This story was pretty unpredictable to me and I loved that. I didn't really know what was going to happen next it where the story was going. I think the best part of this book is that the feelings in it just feel so real. Maybe traversing around the country to find the history of a ring isn't reality, but the concepts surrounding love, hard decisions, and family definitely are.

At some points there were just a few too many characters to keep track of and it took me out of the story a bit. 

I really enjoyed this book and would definitely recommend it to others! It's a quick read but it's not all feel good romance, it's a tough look at life and love, which makes it feel real.

Thank you netgalley and Penguin Group Putnan for an advanced reader's copy in exchange for my honest review.1 Sam399 15

A fun idea for a story! I think a lot of people fixate on their superstitions and it was interesting to read Shea’s absolute obsession with hers. It was fun to travel with her through multiple cities and countries to track down the history of her heirloom engagement ring. The cast of characters were all exciting and vibrant.

Two main things that took me out. One was the ending: it both fizzled out and felt abrupt. There was a mostly consistent pace as Shea zig-zagged in pursuit of her truth, and then she arrived home in LA and just got stuck. We had a time jump explained away as “I read a lot of self-help books”, then some unexpected family closure. After that, it ends. It was frustrating that this book, which felt a whirlwind for 80% of it, slid to a stop.

Second was that Shea ended up with John. I d that she learned more about herself and why she had such strong opinions on love & superstitions. But because we got an abrupt ending and then another time jump into the epilogue, we didn’t see any of the growing Shea did, so her ending up with John wasn’t satisfying.

Overall I enjoyed so much of this book but was disappointed by the ending.

Thank you to NetGalley, Jessie Rosen, and Putnam for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review. advanced-reader-copy romance1 Jessie DeLoach27 2

Anyone who knows me knows that I love pretty much anything involving Italy, so I had to read this as soon as I got the chance! Shea’s boyfriend, John, proposes with an heirloom ring triggering a series of events that spans continents trying to uncover the ring’s original owner. Shea wants to put her superstition to rest at last, but every detail she uncovers seems to only make her more unsure…

I loved the first half of this book and I found myself lost in Italy reminiscing of my own time there with my sister. The writing is picturesque and the quest is fun and entertaining. Unfortunately, it comes at John’s expense and by the halfway point I honestly felt bad for the way he was treated. This man had the patience of a saint. Shea made some questionable decisions and had to learn a lot of hard lessons on the way to her ending, but I fell back into with this book just in time for the end.

This was light on the romance and more just contemporary fiction but was worth the read!

Thank you to NetGalley, Putnam, and Jessie Rosen for the chance to read this early in exchange for an honest review!1 Lorin (paperbackbish)768 12

3.5 stars. Thank you G.P. Putnam's Sons for my free ARC of The Heirloom by Jessie Rosen — available May 7!

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