
The Love of a Libertine de Jess Michaels

de Jess Michaels - Género: English
libro gratis The Love of a Libertine


The first in The Duke's Bastards series by 10-Time USA Today Bestselling Author, Jess Michaels

When Morgan Banfield wakes up in Newgate after a night of debauchery, the last thing he wants to see is his estranged brother. But in exchange for his help, Morgan must agree to take on responsibility and try to get his life together by taking on the job of Man of Affairs for a friend.

The last thing Lizzie Margolis wants is some rogue coming onto her brother's staff. She's had enough of rakes after being ruined by one years before. But the more she gets to know Morgan, the more drawn to him she becomes. The more she begins to question what is in her own heart and how to manage her growing desire.

But as the two begin to navigate a future, Morgan's rears its ugly head. If they fight for what they could have, will they win? Or will all that stands between them become an insurmountable wall?

Length: 71,000 words
Heat Level: Move over Persephone and Hades.

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4 Promising Start to a New Spin-Off Series Stars

Elizabeth ("Lizzie" to her brother and friends) is the younger sister of Hugh Margolis, Duke of Brighthollow (the H in The Duke Who Lied, Book #8 in the 1797 Club series). As their parents passed away when Lizzie was still a child, Hugh essentially raised her and was the epitome of brotherly love and kindness, if a little overprotective. Unfortunately, he may have sheltered her a little too much as she fell for a scoundrel and fortune hunter who seduced the impressionable 16 year old such that she absconded with him to Greta Green where he vowed to become her doting husband forever, a chance he convinced her he would never get if she asked her brother for permission as he was not her social equal. Though Lizzie had a sense things were a bit off with her feelings towards this man, she convinced herself that she loved him and would be happy. En route to GG, she gave into passion as he claimed her innocence so that when her brother stormed through the door to rescue her before they reached their final destination, she was already "ruined." Her lover then showed his true colors when he gleefully informed the duke that he had consummated the relationship, and her brother could pay him off for his silence if he chose to try to shelter her from the scandal. Horrified and embarrassed that she fell for such a libertine, Lizzie vowed never to let her feelings loose again as they could only lead to further ruination. As such, she has since lived with her brother and his wife, a woman who was being swindled by the very man who saw to Lizzie's ruination until Hugh intervened and saved her from the same fate, which ultimately led to their HEA (all of the information just imparted was revealed in Hugh's book). So at the start of this story, after reliving the relevant bits above, Lizzie is now 20 and happily living a passion-free life.... or so she thinks until a new libertine makes his appearance as her brother's man of affairs.

Morgan Banfield is the bastard son of a duke, and the brother of the sitting Duke of Roseford (Robert Smithton, the H featured in Book 9 of the 1797 Club: The Duke of Desire). At present, he seems to be following in the well-trod footsteps of his sire as well as his legitimate brother, a former rake brought down by the love of a good woman that is now his duchess. Robert is concerned as he sees the path his brother is on, and while he would be a hypocrite to disapprove of the behavior he himself once overindulged in, he knows all too well that the path his sibling is on can lead to nothing good. After a particularly debauched evening, Morgan finds himself in Newgate, though he has little memory of why, but when his brother comes to bail him out, he knows there will be a catch and is immediately resentful. When Robert suggests that Morgan speak with his friend Hugh, the Duke of Brighthollow, about a position available in his staff as the man of affairs, Morgan reluctantly agrees. His relatively new relationship with his brother is tenuous at best, and he knows that he cannot continue to disappoint the new duke and be permitted to retain his allowance. When he meets with Hugh, he senses that the work would be interesting and that the duke is a good man, so he accepts. But when Morgan arrives on the property and first spots the beautiful Lizzie, the duke's beloved little sister, he is struck by her ethereal looks and her sweet demeanor and knows he is in for trouble. And when he is tasked with helping Lizzie complete their mother's dream of a garden on the estate grounds, this means more time in close proximity with the one woman he cannot resist.

Will Lizzie ever be able to trust another "libertine" again with her heart? If she does, will Morgan be willing to settle down with only one woman? Can Hugh ever release his tight reign on his sister and allow her to make her own choices? And, if all of these are even possible, what will happen when a mysterious foe from Morgan's past comes to the estate he now manages looking for revenge?

This was a very fun read with a decent amount of steam (I could have used a little more and at times, I felt that the chemistry was a bit lacking, but still solid in this area) and a fast-moving story line that I consumed very quickly! I would definitely recommend!

Plot --- 4/5
Main Characters --- 4/5
Supporting Cast --- 4/5
Steam Level* --- 3.75/5
Violence --- nothing graphic
Language --- not egregious
POV --- 3rd

*Note that steam level is not a rating so much as a how hot was it: 0/5 - clean; 1/5 - mild; 2/5 - sensual but nothing descriptive; 3/5 - now we're getting somewhere; 4/5 - yes please! ; 5/5 - they did EVERYTHING in this one, y'all

Please note that I received an advance copy from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.angsty arc damaged-hero ...more30 s Barbara Rogers1,642 184

Series: The Duke’s Bastards #1
Publication Date: 5/19/20
Number of Pages: 240

This is a wonderful start to a new series. The main characters are both so very likable and so perfect for each other. I also love that the bastards are the illegitimate offspring of the former Duke of Roseford who was a cruel and profligate man who left children everywhere. Robert Smithson, the new Duke of Roseford, featured in The Duke of Desire, has continued to support those half-brothers and sisters and wants to form a closer bond with them. This is the story of Morgan Banfield who seems to have inherited all of the wildness and penchant for trouble his father had. We also meet Selina Oliver a half-sister and there is mention of half-brother Nicholas Gillingham, so I assume we’ll get their stories in later books. So, all-in-all it is a great start to the series.

Morgan was out for a night of drinking, gambling, and wenching when he came across a man who had once been a close friend – but Morgan had wronged him. Morgan didn’t deal well with that encounter and drank and gambled more and more and more – until he awoke in Newgate gaol. As he is awakening in the filth and smell of the prison, he hears the voice of his half-brother, Robert, and groans. Robert gets him out of jail and then coerces him into working for Hugh Margolis, the Duke of Brighthollow, as his Man of Affairs. Morgan doesn’t know if he is up to the job or not but thinks he might be ready for some changes in his life.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Margolis is shy, but she’s also filled with self-doubt. She doesn’t trust her judgment – her decisions – and she certainly doesn’t trust most males, especially those who are rakes and libertines. When she learns that one is coming to work for her brother, she is beside herself. How could Hugh do that? Then, when the rogue arrives, he is her worst nightmare – he’s handsome as sin and charming as the devil. She’s drawn to him despite her best efforts. Did she not already learn that lesson? Evidently not, because the attraction only grows.

When Morgan is tasked with helping Lizzie execute her mother’s plans for the garden, they get to know each other better. As they grow together, they share the secrets of their pasts – and then Morgan’s shows up to haunt them. Will that make them realize how much they love each other – or will their future be lost before it even begins?

I thoroughly enjoyed this book and loved getting to catch up with some of the Dukes from the 1797 Club series. As mentioned above, there is Robert and Katherine (The Duke of Desire), Hugh and Amelia (The Duke Who Lied), and my very favorite, Ewan and Charlotte (The Silent Duke). However, what I really loved was the romance between Morgan and Lizzie because they complemented each other so well. Each brought their own kind of strength to the relationship and they each made the other stronger.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an Advanced Reader Copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.iblog netgalley xx-2020-read12 s Elodie’s Reading Corner2,527 135

The Love of a Libertine
The Duke's Bastards Series #1
Jess Michaels
Release date 05/19/2020
Publisher The Passionate Pen

Blurb :

When Morgan Banfield wakes up in Newgate after a night of debauchery, the last thing he wants to see is his estranged brother. But in exchange for his help, Morgan must agree to take on responsibility and try to get his life together by taking on the job of Man of Affairs for a friend.

The last thing Lizzie Margolis wants is some rogue coming onto her brother’s staff. She’s had enough of rakes after being ruined by one years before. But the more she gets to know Morgan, the more drawn to him she becomes. The more she begins to question what is in her own heart and how to manage her growing desire.

But as the two begin to navigate a future, Morgan’s rears its ugly head. If they fight for what they could have, will they win? Or will all that stands between them become an insurmountable wall?

Length: 71,000 words
Heat Level: Move over Persephone and Hades.

My review :

Will their past errors catch them up, and tear them apart...

While it is a sequel of The 1797 Club series, and I have read none of it, it is a standalone story and can be read as it. Yet I am very curious about the Dukes here the Silent Duke.

The story introduce Elizabeth on the day of her ruin when she let her young heart take the lead and followed a man only interested in her family’s wealth. From then, she retreated in her shell, and moved on the fringes of society, refusing to partake in its activities.
And while she tries to find her mark and prove herself, her family and friends still see her as a fragile broken flower, without even realizing it they shrink her many attempts at autonomy. By overprotecting her, they clip her wings.
Morgan is very determined to lose himself, guilt of his past deeds eating at him. So when his half-broken offers him a helping hand, even reluctant, he takes it. Not expecting to find a reason to be worth living and to have his past following him.
While he did not understand why everyone is so protective of his new boss’ sister, he also perceives there is more to it and her than he knows.
Their first meetings one of judging, measuring but also charming. When she doubts his actions, he proves he is honorable, when they get to know a bit more one another, they share their failing and open their heart and soul, if only they do not have to pay the price of their errors.

Mrs Jess Michaels with this first in a new series open a window on an entertaining bunch of protagonists, Morgan being the introduction to the whole of them. A delightful story.
4.5 stars

I was granted an advance copy by the author, here is my true and unbiased opinion.

https://www.facebook.com/429830134272...6 s Tracy Emro1,924 51

Lady Elizabeth Margolis made a huge mistake when she was only sixteen, she trusted her heart and body to the wrong man and paid an enormous price for it. But four years have passed and Elizabeth is still paying the price, she doesn’t believe that the love that her brother Hugh, Duke of Brighthollow and all of his friends have found is for her, she avoids socializing and is happiest at Hugh’s country estate. She found her late mother’s plans for the gardens and has made it her mission to make those plans come to life. She has convinced Hugh that she needs to return to the estate and get to work, rather than have a season. Hugh agrees, but sends her and his wife Amelia ahead, he claims to have some business and will join them in a few days. Elizabeth doesn’t think anything of it until Hugh arrives with a gorgeous man who is introduced as his new man of business.

Morgan Banfield is the illegitimate son of the late Duke of Roseford, he is a rake and has no real purpose in life. When he wakes in Newgate, he can’t really recall what he did to land in gaol, but he is sure it has to do with a former friend he wronged. He is contemplating his options when his half-brother Robert Smithton, the new Duke of Roseford bails him out. Robert brings him to his house and makes it clear that he is worried about him and suggests he take the position of man of business to Robert’s good friend Hugh. Morgan accepts the job and is actually looking forward to having an occupation and being away from the temptations in town. He too is shocked when he meets Elizabeth, who is one of the most beautiful women he has ever met and he wonders if fate has decided to torment him by teasing him with what he can never have.

The two form a friendship and Morgan is surprisingly insightful in regards to Elizabeth. Elizabeth begins to wonder if love is possible for her, but just when it seems HEA could be theirs, the demons that drove Morgan away from London find him and he will have to deal with them before he can consider a future with Elizabeth, the problem is, dealing with the past may permanently end any possibility of a future.

This was a well written, fast paced, emotional story with strong ties to the 1797 Club series. Morgan and Elizabeth are complex characters with painful pasts but together they seem to sooth each other’s hurts and the reader become invested in their HEA. The book has cameos with several previous characters, steamy love scenes, a lot of emotion and a very hard won HEA. This is the first book in the series, and while it is not necessary, but it would be helpful if you have read the previous series, just so you know who is who and have a better understanding of the characters and their motivations.

*I am voluntarily leaving a review for an eARC that was provided to me by NetGalley and the publisher.*
for-review netgalley-5 s Becky (romantic_pursuing_feels)974 1,092

Book 1 from a new series by Jess Michaels. This book is about Lizzie and Morgan. Michaels has a previous series call the 1797 club about 10 dukes. If you are familiar with the series (I haven't read any), book 8 The Duke Who Lied features Hugh and Amelia. They are in this story, as Hugh is the Lizzie's brother. This book (The Love of a Libertine) is good as a standalone because there's a recap of what happens, but The Duke Who Lied does establish Hugh and Amelia's relationship and also what happens to Lizzie before she meets her hero. Also book 9 The Duke of Desire of the 1797 series features Robert and Katherine. Morgan is Robert's half brother. This book also has appearances from other characters, including Charlotte and Ewan from The Silent Duke (again of the 1797 series). I found Ewan a very interesting character as he was born mute and uses sign language. I plan on trying this whole series at some point. So basically if you to read in order, these series definitely overlap in the same world and you'll probably want to read that one first. Sorry if that was confusing haha.

So, Morgan wakes up Newgate gaol. He has let his life spin pretty much out of control. Gambling. Fighting. Non-stop debauchery. Lost friendships. His half brother, Robert, is putting in effort to save him and change his life for the better. Robert wants to present him to a friend for the job of Man of Affairs to manage his estate.

Lizzie was utterly ruined 4 years ago. The deception was clever, her ruination complete, not only of her reputation but her sense of security, her comfort, and her heart. Since this time, she's closed into herself trying to hide away from society. She is anxious at balls, wanting to be by herself. Hugh and Amelia seem to be the only people she is comfortable around.

Morgan is a charmer and Lizzie knows as soon as she sees his devilish wink, he is a man to avoid at all costs. But she finds she can't ignore him and is drawn to his presence, despite her misgivings. He seems more of a beta hero. He is very gentle and caring with Lizzie. He doesn't push her at all and takes his time with her. Lizzie is so shy. She's lost all of confidence and her desire to interact with others, especially of the opposite sex. They slowly come together and both find healing in their new friendship.

Give this book a try if you
-slower burn romance
-a heroine overcoming trauma
-wallflower/shy heroine
-a hero that is rather charming and happy instead of grumpy and brooding
-a bad boy hero changing his life for the better
-a bit of action including a duel
-class differences - Lizzie is the sister of a duke and hero is a bastard (but a duke's bastard) with a prostitute mother
- a bearded hero! I feel this is so rare in most HR

There were a few things that made not completely in love with this book. First, I feel it took the characters forever to get enough page time together. I think it's almost 20% of the book before they even meet. Then they barely talk. They have a few very, very short interactions but most of it is spent with internal thoughts of both characters. Or interactions with other family members. Or Morgan talking to his brother. Or Lizzie talking to her brother and sister in law. It was so slow. And with such a slow start the last thing I wanted was a slow middle too. Because of the lack of interaction in the first half, I felt the second half flew into intimacy extremely fast. With the heroine's past, I wish a little more time had been spent becoming good friends first instead of dancing around each other for however long. I also thought the action bit at the end felt a little unneeded. I would have prefered more time spent on their relationship than something added that. Still the intimate scenes were really well done. And a hero self pleasuring scene? Yes please!

Thank you netgalley for the ARC. All thoughts and opinions regarding this book are my own.class-differences experienced-heroine historical-romance ...more5 s Sophie1,288 560

I received an Advance Reader Copy from the publisher via NetGalley. This in no way impacted on my view.

The Love of a Libertine is the first book in a new series by Jess Michaels, focusing on Morgan Banfield, the half sibling of Robert, Duke of Roseford. He's found himself in some difficulty, and is spiralling, and his brother wants to help. Robert's close friend, Hugh, Duke of Brighthollow, is looking for a Man of Affairs, and Morgan would be perfect for the job. When he arrives at the estate, Morgan meets Hugh's sister, Lizzie, and the sparks instantly fly. Lizzie has had her fair share of problems too. When she was 16, she was wooed by someone who claimed to love her, and want to marry her, and after a failed elopement, it was revealed that he only cared about sleeping with her, and getting her dowry. Since then, she's been even more anxious in company, and Morgan, what with his reputation, is definitely someone who she shouldn't want to be around. However, when he helps her fulfil her late mother's wishes to redesign the gardens, she can't help falling for him, and it seems to be reciprocated. But, his background comes calling, and it might just be the end of them, before they've even started.

This book was an impulse request on NetGalley, and I'm so glad I did. I haven't read any of Jess' other books, but know that some of the characters in this book (Hugh, Robert and Ewan) all have their own books in the 1797 Club series. I'm honestly not surprised she has so many books, that are well loved on GR, because I loved this book, and couldn't put it down until I was finished, because I was hooked from the first page, and needed to see if Lizzie and Morgan had a future. Both of the main characters - and the secondary cast - were fantastic, and perfect for this book. I loved Lizzie, and could really understand how she felt throughout the story, feeling used and ruined at the start, and later starting to come into her own, and realise that what happened wasn't her fault, and she deserves to be loved - and that Morgan loved her. Morgan was similar too, in that his character development was so real, and utterly believable. Because of his father and the way he was brought up as one of many bastard's, he never thought he was good enough for anything, and the fallout with his childhood friend a year ago sent him into free fall. Though Robert was a bit harsh and aloof with him, you knew he cared, and it was his wish that being given a purpose in life would help him through his demons, and Lizzie being there was an added bonus to prove he deserved love. Jess' characters were amazing, her plot fantastic, and I definitely will be on the look out for more books by this author in future!2020-new-releases-challenge 2020-releases 4-stars ...more6 s 🦉Maggie Whitworth3,041 100


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