
Somewhat of a Ruse de Jess Heileman

de Jess Heileman - Género: English
libro gratis Somewhat of a Ruse


Jess Heileman Publisher: Vagabond Publishing, LLC, Year: 2024 ISBN: 2024904362,9781732985193,9781732985186

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Sometimes you just need to throw caution to the wind, abandon your TBR, ignore all the promises you made to yourself and hang the commitments.

Then you need to go and pick up a tried and true author and become blissfully happy for an afternoon.

Somewhat of a Ruse is a story about one mishap in a shadowed room and the consequences of attraction and longing left in its wake. No itÂ’s not the salacious type but it is the type full of tangible chemistry, perma-smile banter, wonderful story telling and the I love but I canÂ’t have you trope.

What I love about this book is that the flow feels natural and gives you that “in the room” feeling when you’re reading a book and you don’t even feel your reading, just experiencing it. I never truly enjoy novellas because I never feel they are long enough to establish a full and complete connection to the story and the characters but this was not the case with this book. It’s on the longer end of novella length (thank you Jess) and the story feels full and finished. And although I could have read a full length book with these characters the novella left me deeply satisfied.

This book is lighthearted and funny balanced with a sweet and tender romance and a little angst for good measure.

IÂ’ll auto read anything Jess puts out into the bookish universe. ItÂ’s always beautifully done, humorous and full of heart.13 s Julie Carpenter1,560 196

Jess Heileman has done it again!!! She wrote such a captivating story that I was so engrossed in it, I didn't come up for air until I had finished it! I didn't sleep until I finished reading it. Good thing I was on vacation. I even laughed out loud several times, then quickly looked over to make sure I hadn't woken my hubby. Hahaha! I swooned and sighed so many times. I want to go back and reread it right now just thinking about all of the scenes. *Happy Sigh*

Laura was an easy character to come to love and care for. She's got quite the job to keep her aunt happy all while being the governess to her younger cousins and suddenly being thrust into being her cousins companion for the season. Talk about nonstop work and stress in keeping everyone happy and in line.

And I have to say I just love her character and her awkward moments. Oh my heavens! I seriously did bust out loud laughing over a couple of them. *covers mouth and giggles* I'm picturing them now and just can't help myself.

And that first meeting with Oliver...all the feels and emotions. Surprise, embarrassment, shock, humor, swooning, and frustration! It was perfect!!! Now if only she had made a couple different choices then it wouldn't have been so chaotic after, but her choices in the moment made the story, so I'm glad she did what she did. Hahaha. Am I confusing you yet? I hope I've caused you to be intrigued so you'll go grab a copy and read it. Seriously, totally worth it!!!

Oliver was just wonderful! There were a few moments where I wanted to shake him and say wake up. But I can't explain why. You have to read it. Even with me feeling that way, I loved it all! He was wonderful. *Happy Sigh...again*

This book is free until the end of March 2023 over on Sweet and Swoony Romance on Facebook. It is part of a big promotion giveaway. So many wonderful books over there. But start with this one! ;-)

Content: Clean. Some kisses but nothing further.

Happy Reading!!!2022 austenesque chick-lit ...more11 s Ashlee (bookswithnopictures)1,128 95

This is my newest favorite novella ever. Jess packs all of the feels, relationship arc, supporting cast, and setting that I expect out of her in a full-length novel. But in a little baby book. It's amazing! I started reading it and stayed up far too late because I couldn't possibly sleep. Had. To. Finish.
Somewhat of a Ruse mildly reminds me of Mansfield Park. Laura is the poor niece and cousin living with her wealthier relatives. She's a mild nuisance to the family but at least their doing a good deed. She's meant to be seen and not-so-heard. Tasked with assisting her cousin, Madalene, to make a match with a Mr. Huntington, Laura has to juggle her day position as governess to her younger cousins with increasing events out in society. Sleep isn't all she's short on as Laura loses her heart to the one man she absolutely cannot have.
As much as I loved, smiled, and thoroughly enjoyed my read, I'm a bit boo-boo lipped it's over. My only cure to having no more new Jess books at present is a re-read. You can bet I'll be saying "hello" to Abigail again in my immediate future.2022-books-read forbidden-love mistaken-identity ...more8 s Sydney456 121

3.5? I enjoyed this! It was sweet and lighthearted, and the dialogue between Laura and Oliver was enjoyable to read. They had easy chemistry and I really d them together. They had plenty of sweet and swoony moments, and some funny ones too. The plot and characters felt fleshed out and well developed, so I give kudos to the author for that given the novella length!
However, for as cute as the book was, I was equally annoyed with the fact that Laura would not come clean about her meeting Oliver that first night. I just didnÂ’t how she continually lied to him, even when he asked her (several times!) if it was her that he met. If she had come clean earlier than she had, I would have rated this 4 stars, but I just got so annoyed with her lie. I mean I guess on one hand you wouldnÂ’t have a story, but I suppose that mistaken identity isnÂ’t really my thing.
Overall though, it is really cute and IÂ’m glad I read it.5 s Rachel (rachelee.reads)381 3

What I loved:
- the romance. It was perfectly sweet and swoony. And the chemistry between them was undeniable!

What I didn't :
- *SPOILER* there was just too much lying and deceit. It was such a big tangled mess, and it kept going and going. Not to mention her Aunt & Uncle kept forcing her to lie even more. It just wasn't enjoyable for me.


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