
The Duchess and the Dreamer de Jenny Frame

de Jenny Frame - Género: English
libro gratis The Duchess and the Dreamer


Clementine Fitzroy, Duchess of Rosebrook, doesn't trust dreamers. After her grandmother and famous social reformer blew the family fortune on her dream of creating a new kind of community, the family land was sold off and their coffers drained. Clementine grew up watching her mother struggle and now lives in the small gatehouse behind her former family home.

Evan Fox has a dream that could change the world and save the planet. As CEO of her family toy company, she creates fuel for the imagination. When the Rosebrook estate comes up for sale, Evan jumps at the chance to make her vision of a utopian eco community come to life.

Clementine is wary of the good-looking newcomer, but Evan is determined to win over the beautiful duchess and prove that sometimes dreams really do come true.

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Opposites attract is the main theme of this entertaining book!

I Jenny Frame, I've always enjoyed her books and this one wasn't different. Yes, it still is a butch/femme character themed read as most of this author's books. But, that never bothered me to be honest.

Now I've had a major Reader's Block since Covid. I've started so many books and couldn't finish them! So let's just say, this book might have unblocked this "situation" I am in :) This however does not necessarily mean that I am giving this a 5 star rating. On the contrary, my rating is actually a 3.5 rounded up to 4. However I needed to mention that my rating might be affected by my block, and in other days, this might have even scored higher!

One of the characters was actually the reason why I enjoyed this book! don't u just love it when a character changes your mood and makes you smile? well this is the case with Evan who's the CEO of a Fox Toys, she's a dreamer, full of life and energy and such a likable person! I would actually love to meet her in person :) She falls for the duchess who's the complete opposite of her, yet I loved their interaction! There was chemistry, and the slow burn was just perfect for me!

I recommend this book to anyone who wants an entertaining book, without drama, a likable character and some good sex scenes. I must say I was a bit annoyed at the beginning because I couldn't believe the insta love part, but this was completely erased as the story went and I enjoyed the characters and the set-up.

"I was given and ARC for an honest review." 29 s pipsqueak588 436

Welcoming positivity.
I’ve read a few of Frame’s books and they all have a certain charm. She has a fanbase who loves her fairytale- universes and gentle-butches and I’m drawn to them because they are a form of escapism from the heteronormative world we live in, always LGBT-friendly. She doesn’t go too far with the angst such that the stories are heartwarming but there's friction to create sparks. And I her gentle-butches who are rich and powerful but always kind.
Evan Fox is one of those gentle-butches. She’s the owner of a multinational toy company, rich enough to rebuild a declining Rosebrook village and kind enough to do it for all the right reasons. Evan is such an interesting character that I’m not sure I have the right words to describe her fully. She’s extremely positive, child- and a dandy. She’s also a dreamer, but un most dreamers, she makes them a reality. She is a firm believer of true love and holds on to her father’s words that the feeling of falling in love with the right person is  being hit on the head with a banjo. When she does experience those feelings with Clementine, the grumpy Duchess of Rosebrook, she’s determined to make Clem Mrs Fox. Evan is a bit pushy when it comes to Clem, but I think Evan still respects Clem enough to give her space most of the time. As a duchess in title with no land or money, Clem is the exact opposite of Evan. She radiates negativity, although reasons for this are linked to her family background. I kinda the idea that Evan wears Clem's pessimism out slowly and that Clem balances Evan out by being grounded.

Frame is bold for making Evan and Clem characters with extreme personalities, because Evan in particular, comes across as annoying at times. I mean, I love the positivity but maybe not her child- antics that come in really large doses. Perhaps Frame knows her fans enough to think she can pull this off, and considering how highly rated this book is by many, I think she did manage that.

This book is not for people who want a realistic love story. It just isn’t that. It’s a "saving the damsel in distress" story and it's a heartwarming fairytale.25 s CLo730 84

I love Frame's books. I know some may hate the stereotype but I love the butch/femme characters. When I saw this book I jumped at the chance to read it. I thought this might have some tie in to the Axedale series but it does not which is okay by me (however I really do love that series). This one is a mix of Courting the Countess and Unexpected.
The story is pretty simple. Evan has a ton of money and buys a run down village which was at one time owned by the duchess Clem. Evan is the dreamer; Clem is for lack of a better word the realist. The chemistry is actually pretty good between the two characters and the story is good to a point too. I will say that the ending was rushed and would have d more time and story after the sad part. It felt rushed and forced and it it just didnt fit.
Regardless, I see another three book series and I cant wait to see who will be next. Will it be Archie, or maybe Ash, or maybe Ash and Archie together. I kinda see that relationship happening. Anyway, fans 9f Frame will enjoy this book and new comers I think will enjoy it too. An easy 4 stars for me.age-gap boss-employee butch-femme ...more15 s Luce521

4 Stars for Jenny Frame’s The Duchess and the Dreamer.

This the first in Jenny Frame’s new village series (via Frame on Twitter) – Rosebrook. I’m assuming it will follow the pattern of her other series be it the Royal Romance with Princess of Wales and her entourage, or a Countess of Axedale and its villagers, or Wolfgang County wolf shapeshifters and their pack. Frame has a definite pattern for most of her romances. A Butch/Femme romance with the butch in a leadership role. Don’t get me wrong, I really enjoy reading Frame’s books and series. The first book deals with the romance between the leader of the country, pack or village with a commoner. The sequels follow the friends of these leaders find their romantic partners. She is off to a good start for this new series.

The royal leader in this book is the Duchess Clementine Fitzroy of Rosebrook, the third highest ranking dukedom in Britain. In contrast to Frame’s other books, Clem is powerless and penniless. Her title is useless because Clementine’s grandmother, Isadora lost everything with her grand schemes of social reforms. Clem still feels the duty to help and care for the people of her village, but she has no means. She lives in the small gate house outside her former family home, driving a beat-up car and barely making ends meet as a freelance architect. In contrast there is the newest owner of Rosebrook, Evan Fox, the “dandy” butch is the Dreamer. She is the CEO of her family’s large toy company. She is enthusiastic, hyper, and an idealist who hero worships Isadora and is determined to succeed where Isadora could not. Needless to say, Duchess Clementine isn’t convinced that Evan’s grand schemes will succeed. She is worried if Evan fails, she will abandon Rosebrook and they will be worse off than before.

Frame was able to make both these two opposites very likable and their romance believable. Frame walks a fine line with Evan. Her energy, personality and sometimes her plans are over the top but yet she is always coming from a good place, is kind, has good instincts and most importantly she listens to Clem, her advisors and parents. She didn’t grow her company on dreams alone. Clementine was brought up with a glass half empty attitude and not helped that she felt “trapped in a role with no meaning, land or money to take care of her people”. The two of them learn to work together, become friends and more than just friends despite their different personalities and setbacks.

I enjoyed this book and I’m looking forward to sequels. I thought of who the next couple might be, but it seems too obvious.

An advanced reading copy was sent to me by the publisher, Bold Strokes Books through Netgalley for my honest review. 4-stars family job-ceo-executive-owner ...more14 s Pam Holzner691 51


Pretty good but I had a hard time believing Evan was a real person. She seemed almost a caricature. The duchess was better and more layered. I d their back and forth. And instead of a medical emergency we have the little village flooding and everyone staying at the Duchess's former house. An audio version would probably have made this better but I don't know if it would boost it to the next level. There was a bit too much sex but it was easy to skip ahead. I don't think I d this as much as her more "royal" offerings.romance12 s Elske486 42

3.5 stars
As usual with Jenny Frame this was a well written romance between a handsome butch and a strong femme. I d both characters even though I found Evan and her jumping excitement a bit exhausting sometimes. That feeling is is a tribute to the craftsmanship of Frame because she was able to depict Evan’s character that well. The idea of rebuilding an old village in an eco-friendly new one where old inhabitants and newcomers can live together and make the world a little bit better works well for this romance. I Frame’s books, but this is not one of her best in my opinion. It was a little too superficial and fast for that. But it still was an enjoyable read and made me look forward to the next one in this new series. I’d to read more about Clementine and Evan and their village. 10 s Heinerway763 95

I love Jenny Frame's books, but I nave to admit that I didn't enjoy this book as much as I thought. Perhaps due to the twenty mentions of a banjo hitting Evan's head. Twenty!!! Anyway, this was an entertaining story, with two great main characters, Clem and Evan.bold-strokes-books butch-femme small-town ...more10 s Karen610 16

Clementine Fitzroy is the duchess of Rosebrook and has had a really tough life. She might be the duchess but because of her grandmother Isadora, they are broke. They had to sell off pretty much everything, so she might have a title, but that is it. She now spends her time visiting her mother who has dementia and lives in a nursing home and doing contract work as an architect. She barely has her head above water. Evan Fox is the CEO of Fox Toys. Un Clementine, her glass is always half full. She is positive, thoughtful, energetic and a dreamer. She is also waiting for the love of her life because she wants what her parents have. She also dreams of creating a green community and when Rosebrook comes up for sale she purchases it.

I found The Duchess and the Dreamer to be really good. Jenny Frame does a good job telling the story of two people who are completely opposite who spend time together out of necessity fall in love with each other. It really is dreamy. For those that just love slow burns you will really this one. If you have read my before you know that I prefer a romance that gets there quicker. This is one of the few slower burns that I really enjoyed. There is chemistry here, not a ton of drama (mainly because it burns so slow) and when they finally meet in the bedroom, the sex scenes are really good. This is only the 3rd Frame book I have read and I continue to be impressed. As a bonus if you a good butch-femme romance this will be up your alley too.

I rate this one 4.25 stars

This Arc was provided by netgalley and the publisher for an honest review.2020-published arc butch-femme9 s XR1,775 99

This was a good read even though the characters got a tad annoying. They were definitely on opposite sides of the spectrum but at times it felt too exaggerated. I love small villages or town stories though, where the community rallies together so this was nice.This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review20208 s Mildred DigbyAuthor 7 books52

This was a really fun, gentle read with a feel-good storyline.

Evan is the quintessential gentle-butch who rocks a suit and is charming and gentlemanly all at once. She brings energy and positivity—and uncertainty and chaos to Clementine, who is suffering from the loss of her family’s fortune and struggles to take care of the villagers she sees as her responsibility as well as her aging mother. At first their relationship is rocky, although secretly they are both instantly attracted to each other.

Frame weaves an easy-to-read tale, which flip-flops between Even and Clementine’s POV. It’s written so well that I never got confused about whose head we are in. Evan’s narrative is infused with energy, random ideas and passion, while Clementine’s is more subtle and subdued.

The setting is so vivid, it’s almost a character in itself! I really enjoyed this book, and recommend it to anyone who enjoys butch-femme, gentleman fashion, environmental issues, and of course a few hot bedroom scenes.

This seems to be the start of a series so maybe we’ll get to find out more about Archie and Ash in the future!

My rating: 5 Stars

I received this novel from NetGalley and am voluntarily leaving an honest review.butch-femme royalty slowburn6 s Bee Sherrard502 14

Evan Fox is a dreamer. It also doesn’t hurt that she has the money to try to turn her dreams into something tangible. Everyone has a hard time keeping up with her thought process but it helps that her father is a dreamer too, along with her mother who works hard keeping the air and water clean throughout the world. Keeping up with Evan can be tiring but luckly she has some great people around her. So none thought it strange when she got the chance to buy the Rosebrook estate. She just didn’t think the hardest part of making her dream community would be trying to convince the former owner.
Clementine Fitzroy would be still living in her former home but for the fact that her grandmother was also a dreamer. Evan she envisioned a self sustaining community but she lost her wealth and home to some crooks who were more than happy to come between her and her money. So that’s why Clem found herself living in the gate house situated at the end of the lane leading to her former home. Clem worked hard but never seemed to get ahead, mainly because every extra penny she had went to paying for the care her mother needed.
Now along comes another dreamer, a very cute sexy dreamer but still a dreamer. Ms Frame knows how to tell a story. This book is no different. A well written book that once you start you will have a hard time putting down. Very, very nice read.
ARC via NetGalley/ Bold Stroke Books

5 s Les Rêveur461 140

Another great romance from the pen of Jenny Frame!

When I pick up a Jenny Frame book two things are certain… Firstly, I know I am going to fall in love with the characters because she always writes kind, loving and realistic characters that an ice queen would love. Secondly, she writes fantastic butch/femme characters that make me get the feels.

I loved Evan with her positive attitude about life and getting the girl. The positive attitude of Evan really balanced the Duchess with the opposite attitude. These two together where the perfect balance, a simpatico as it were.

I love that this book is going to become a series… Can’t wait for book two.

HOT! Jenny frame teeters on the precipice of erotica with every sex scene she writes and this was no exception. Evan and Clementine set the sheets on fire especially in one particular scene that left me very hot under the collar.

It’s Jenny Frame so it’s guaranteed my recommendation but in case you need it confirmed:

Go buy this book and fall in love with a great 21st Century romance. 4 s TheAvidReader98 4

First off I am a femme that is completely in love with the butch women that Jenny Frame writes about. I'm into all women butch/ studs/stems/chapsticks/ lip gloss/ lipstick/ femme whatever...

But I am now dreaming of my own dapper butch with money and dapper/ preppy dress style Evan. And, as soon as I deem it safe to travel I am heading to England (or anywhere really, I'm not picky lol) to find my rich princess charming. That's my new American dream.

Anyway, this book was awesome! I don't understand English royal hierarchy, but Duchess Clementine being broke af really took me aback. I didn't think that was possible and now I'm wondering if they're broke Dukes and duchesses out there. I d Clem even when she was cold towards Evan. I understand her completely. Being the sole bread winner of a broke title and caring for her old mother with dementia and paying for a nursing home etc. It's a bit much especially since the villagers still view her as their Duchess (which she is broke or not).

Evan is my dream princess charming I'm uncomfortable describing her to y'all, I'll do my best. She's handsome, filled with positive energy and it rubs off on people, has child excitement for things she is passionate about (I could use less of the child part but it's this character and it suits her), into toys (me too, but the adult kind), CEO of a children's toy company, is a trillionaire (though I cannot confirm this but she is very rich), ambitious, a dreamer, down to earth and trusts her instincts, environmentalist, vegan (some of you that, I'm not vegan), wants to live in the country, dresses very dapper and again handsome. Literally just wrote a description of... Anyway I digress, she's awesome.

And the story: these two characters meet after Evan buys Clems ancestral home and village- yeah she bought a whole village, swoon. Clem is obviously not happy and that's where our story takes place. There was a couple in this book that the next book can be about and I hope to visit this village again.

Sigh! This book was sweet. I'll definitely read it again.4 s MJSam477 37

ARC received via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

If you’ve read a Jenny Frame book before, then you know going in what you’ll find. This is no different in that the MCs are butch/femme, and as with two of her past series, this features British aristocracy.

The mains here are Evan Fox, who runs a large toy manufacturing business and also has multiple side businesses, one of which is to take over an English village and make it eco friendly and a safe haven for minorities (the dreamer). The other MC is Clementine, a duchess whose family fortune was lost thanks to the larger than life dreams of her grandmother, leaving her living in the gardeners cottage on the edge of what was once her family estate and her village. Clem is also responsible for caring for her mother who has dementia, and is bitter and closed off from her many losses/struggles.

Evan has long admired Clem’s grandmother, Isadora, and is ecstatic to find out that the family estate and I guess the village are up for sale, she buys them and moves in to enact her utopian plan. The village doesn’t have much in the way of locals, and Clem and some of the farmers want nothing to do with Evan’s plans. Evan, however, is a big ball of positivity and soon starts to win everyone over. It doesn’t hurt that Clem also finds her attractive. For Evan’s part, it’s pretty much love at first sight after meeting Clem, so she’s even more determined to win her over.

Evan’s dream seems a pipe dream to be honest, but it was fun reading about all the different things they were going to do and watching the villagers slowly get on board. And the ideology behind it sets up a setting where LGBTQIA people will feature, which removes one of the biggest obstacles to a series set in such a setting.

I could have lived without the endless repetition about Clem being a duchess, Evan being a ‘dapper dandy’, and the word ‘collywobbles’ has probably never featured so much in a book as it does here. The romance itself is pretty sweet though and the characters are fairly engaging. Some of the secondary characters were interesting, and I assume will be fleshed out further in the coming books, it’s not hard to work out who will feature in those.

Overall, it’s a nice, sweet romance. Frame fans will enjoy this. 4 stars. age-gap butch-femme family-issues ...more3 s Char DafoeAuthor 16 books162

Every time. Every single time Frame writes a book she never fails to create the perfect butch character. Not once have I gotten bored with her beloved butches, and Evan Fox was no different. She was coined a 'dandy' in this story making her all the more appealing, charming and down-right adorable. Evan had the energy of a toddler with the mind of a brilliant creator that showed with her multi-billionaire toy company. I could go on and on about all the qualities I loved about Evan from her playful energy, her heart of gold, especially towards children and the environment, and her constant sunny, up-beat positive attitude and outlook on life. Nothing got her down and when it did, she always managed to pull herself up and look for a different angle to approach the problem instead of wallowing and sulking.

Clementine Fitzroy was the opposite of Evan. She was miserable with no hope for the future which put a constant fear in her heart. She felt it was her duty to stand by the last remaining residents living in the village even if she had no legal power anymore. At times my heart went out to Clem because of all the burdens weighing heavily on her shoulders, and I also sympathized where Clem's mother was concerned. Being a grandchild to an ailing grandparent with Alzheimer's, myself, I felt Clem's pain toward her own mother. I understood her anger and hesitance toward new-comer Evan who wanted to change the village. I even felt bad for Evan, the sunny, positive gent, at times, because she tried hard to win over Clementine and failed miserably. I had no fear, though, because I knew Frame wouldn't let me down and give me what I wanted in the end.

I read this in less than twenty-four hours, because, well, duh, it's Jenny Frame. All her stories are page turners that always, always include the cherry on top! I am ecstatic that there's more coming in this brand new series, and I have an inkling of an idea as to who may be the star of the next installment. And if I'm correct, I most certainly approve ;)butch-femme erotica family ...more3 s Kexx1,948 71

I really rate Jenny Frame - she has yet to let me down. Of course all her female characters are too good to be true but that is the charm of her books and we always hope we'll meet one- though the almost male heirs are always nasty (I wonder if that's a story from JF's personal life?) Greatly recommended.boss carer family ...more4 s Karen807 8

This was cute. I d the bits of humor and silliness in it. I loved Evan, her dapper butch look and her positive attitude. Clementine, the duchess with no money but a huge sense of responsibility, seemed both overwhelmed and depressed because of her responsibility to the people in her village. When both women had pretty much the same reaction, but with different funny colloquialisms for it, upon seeing each other for the first time I thought this might actually be a romcom. But although there are humorous scenes, it isn’t.

Evan and Clem are such opposites that there had to be clashes between them. Somehow, Evan, and maybe the work that she gave Clem by hiring her, brought out the best in Clementine. The other characters are there mainly to give depth to the two main characters, or so it seemed to me. Nevertheless, I enjoyed it.
3 s LesReview92 26

I was given this ARC by NetGalley and Bold Stroke Books for an honest review. Many Thanks!
Jenny Frame always writes such the sweetest love stories and this book is one of them.
Clementine Fitzroy is the Dutchess of Rosebrook..but that’s it, she only holds the title in name only. Due to the misguided dreams of her Grandmother the family lost everything, which includes the home and all the lands.
Evan Fox is a romantic soul and dreamer. Being a CEO of a successful toy company she always has her head in the clouds and when she hears Rosebrook Estate is up for sale she has to have it. She fell in love with Rosebrook while vacationing there as a child. She also believed in the dreams of Clementine Fitzroy’s Grandmother in making a Utopian village. Clementine lives in the real world and does not have time for dreams, her Grandmother ruined that for her. She has no money and the money she has goes to the care of her mother who is a nursing home.
The moment Evan sees Clementine she knows she’s the woman for her and will do whatever she can to make these dreams into reality.
4.5 stars3 s Kitty McIntoshAuthor 10 books50

‘The Duchess and the Dreamer’ by Jenny Frame is a lovely read. The story revolves around what happens when an optimistic dreamer meets an impoverished duchess and tries to make her see the positive side of life again. Evan Fox is bouncy and happy and sees great possibilities everywhere she goes. When she moves to a small English village with hopes of transforming it into an eco-friendly haven for LGBT people and anyone who shares her goals, she just has to get the local aristocracy on side. Clementine, Duchess of Rosebrook, now living in the gatehouse at the end of Evan’s drive, is not going to be a pushover.

I took to Evan straight away. Her infectious enthusiasm was endearing and seeing her feelings for Clem grow was sweet. I loved what she was trying to do for the village. It was admirable. Clem may have come across as a bit of an ice queen, but once we got to know her life story, it was entirely understandable. The community spirit aspect was very appealing too. I d getting to know the villagers and those in Evan’s company trying to make a difference. I enjoyed it.

I was given this ARC for review.british-culture butch butch-femme ...more2 s Alex329 20

This was my fault, I haven’t really d some of the last books I read from this author but I wanted to try again and it just wasn’t for me. I rolled my eyes every other paragraph. The banjo, the grandma, the foxy nickname, all grated on my nerves. And the rich, single philanthropist (that acts a kid all the time) coming to swept the countess of her feet felt in a Mexican telenovela.

I couldn’t get why Clementine felt any kind of attraction towards Evan. I know Evan was perfect at everything, but didn’t get the attraction, the chemistry, nothing made me believe those had to end together.

But go in, read it, don’t trust my opinion on this, I just couldn’t stand the descriptions and the actions and that dapper dandy lines.i-wont-be-reading-it-again instant-love lesbian-romance2 s Dide1,361 48

3.5 star rating
I appreciate the story more for its reigniting hope and the whole royal culture education. Less for its romance although that side was alright.

Story is about a royal with no money and a load of responsibilities. On the other side, is a dandy rich dreamer commoner. Perhaps fate had a hand in making both hopefuls strike a match2 s Nicole31 1 follower

Loved the story, so we'll written! And the MCs are so awesome, how can you not fall in love with Evan???2 s Aleana630 18

I received an ARC copy of this book from the Publisher via Netgalley and voluntarily leaving my review.

Clementine is the Dutchess of Rosebrook in name only because of her grandmother Isadora dreams of better community that she lost the family fortune. Clementine watch her mother struggles growing up now she struggles to take care of her mother who in a nursing home and trying to make a living for herself. She doesn’t have time for dreamers when she stop dreaming for herself.

Evan is CEO of her family toy company she always dreams of better planet and when she learns the Rosebrook estate is for sale she believes she can finally put her dream of a utopian community to life and to honor the one who inspires her to do it Clementine grandmother.

When Evan meets Clementine she knows she found her wife because she finally felt what her father talk about when he met her mother now if only she can get Clementine to admit she feels something too. Clementine doesn’t know what to make of Evan she knows one thing she doesn’t want to feel anything for her but as she spend more time with Evan her walls start to go down and she starts to wonder can yours dream do come true.

This was great read, I really enjoy it.2 s Hsinju ChenAuthor 2 books238

Duchess of Rosebrook Clementine Fitzroy lost her ability to dream when her grandmother lost her fortune doing just that. When toy company CEO Evan Fox purchased her old home and dreamed to renovate the whole village, Clementine was dead set on not trusting this outsider. That the ever-exuberant Evan was exactly Clementine's type and also attracted to her did not help at all.

"Realistic? Oh, that word gives me shivers. I hate that word—people say that when they’ve forgotten to dare to dream." – Evan Fox
I d this book. The romance and courting between Clementine and Evan were cute and their emotional obstacles so real. And though this was my first read of Jenny Frame's book, I would definitely read more of her works in the future, especially those involving contemporary royalties.

Throughout the story, I could see how Clementine and Evan were meant to be together. But that did not mean I was fully on board with this mutual instalove. And with Clementine as the damsel in distress and Evan being the incredible gentlewoman all the time, their relationship felt imbalanced. Still, The Duchess and the Dreamer was a very cute romance story. And that Evan's rebuilding plans were eco-friendly and inclusive to all communities was a plus to the overall plot.

Evan was too perfect and precious for this world. Her personality made this book more than worthwhile to read. Also, I now realize I need toy trains, trampolines, and mini basketball hoops in my future office. Evan brought fun and playfulness into life and I love that about her. I think while she wanted to "leave the world a little bit better than [she] found it," every reader would finish this book and dare to dream a little more than they did before. Evan had that effect on people.

"There are no problems, [...] only opportunities." – Evan Fox
The Duchess and the Dreamer is a good escapist romance where Evan's positivity and energy are infectious. It is an enjoyable story that will make you rethink passion and have a bit more fun in life. [4 May 2020]

I received an e-ARC from Bold Strokes Books via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.2020-read arc fiction ...more2 s Jasmine408 28

Clementine Fitzroy is Duchess of Rosebrook in name only. Her grandmother was a dreamer, squandering all the family money, and had to sell off all their land and property. Clementine picks up odd architecture jobs just to keep the lights on in her own home and to keep her ageing mother comfortable in an assisted living facility. Evan Fox, wealthy CEO of her family's toy franchise, purchases the Rosebrook estate and dreams of changing the village into an eco friendly queer haven. Clementine doesn't trust dreamers, certainly not ones inserting themselves into her life and changing her birthright and family home. But Evan isn't one to back down, she's determined to bring Clementine over to her side, but neither of them are prepared for the intense attraction between them and the love that grows.

I really enjoyed this book, but it wasn't my absolute favourite of Frame's. It was a little repetitive at times - calling Evan Fox a "dapper dandy" dozens of times - and a few other similar phrases. It took me out of the story a little. Overall though I loved this story and the beginning of this new series. The townspeople are such great characters, unique individuals and well fleshed out and make for a warm community that we've come to know and love in Frame's books. I adored Clementine's character, she was so classy and strong and I have so much respect for her. She's probably one of my favourite characters of Frame's. I really enjoyed the chemistry between Evan and Clementine and I loved the way their passions and strengths came together to create such a dreamy idea. I can't wait for the other books in the series, I know they'll be great.

I received an ARC via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. 2 s Jaie643 19

Bottom line: I didn't the power imbalance / sweeping in and taking care of everything dynamic.

This was my first book by Frame, and I think I'll try another one. I certainly loved the setting and modern royalty characters. I didn't this particular pairing though. The Duchess was too helpless, the Dreamer too commanding. A few times, I thought Evan crossed the consent line, when Clem doesn't want to get in the car or then stop for ice cream but is forced to do so anyway. It felt icky.

For their accomplishments and careers, I kept thinking they'd be ten years older. The timeline of the story was a little muddied. Generally, I wasn't very engaged in this story - although I'll try again with Frame!netgalley pub-bold-strokes-books read-20202 s KarenC321

Another pure delight from Jenny Frame. Her writing style is not elegant, but it is just so sweet and readable. I can almost hear her reading to me. I'm thrilled that this is the beginning of another trio of stories, this time set in the Rosebrook village, and I hope Archie and Ash are next, what with their constant bickering. Then presumably as more people move to the village we'll have others. I enjoyed the exuberance of Evan and the stoicism of Clementine. A most pleasant way to pass a few hours.2 s MaxDisaster618 66

I couldn't finish it. I really tried, but Evan grated on my nerves and I decided not to torture myself further. Otherwise it was pretty well written, but when you hate everything about one of the main protagonists there's no point in reading the romance book.

In other words: if you start reading it and Evan, continue, if she annoys you at the beginning, abandon it, it's only going to get worsewould-not-recommend2 s Best Lesfic Reviews648 108

This is a lovely angst-free insta-love followed with dedicated wooing romance. It's all good and all sweet.

Read the full review @ https://bestlesfic.blogspot.co...2 s Michele282

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